

Chapter 267 - Killing People

Zhou Wutai looked at the ball of snow in his hand. He hesitated for a moment, then bitterly smiled. "Isn't it always for self interest? The country of Xue Yu is one of the few countries that lack natural resources, but are mysteriously climbing up in strength. In order to gain even more resources and become stronger, they started this war."

Wang Lin chuckled. He drank a gulp from his gourd and said, "Brother Zhou, I won't be seeing you to the door."

Zhou Wutai's face sank as he stared at Wang Lin and said, "If brother Wang joins the Four Sect Alliance, I'll grant you any request that is within my power. Brother Wang, won't you consider it some more?"

Wang Lin raised his head and looked at Zhou Wutai. After a long time, Zhou Wutai frowned and said, "Brother Wang, what is the meaning of this?"

Wang Lin calmly said, "Brother Zhou, don't treat me like a three year old. Planet Suzaku is large. Why is Xue Yu invading here instead of somewhere else? Since brother Zhou doesn't want to say more, then I won't keep asking."

Zhou Wutai pondered for a while, then let out a loud laugh. He looked at Wang Lin, not embarrassed at all, and said, "Please don't blame me, Brother Wang. This matter is just simply too important. So naturally, I'm not willing to lightly reveal it." With that, he stopped talking, clearly waiting for Wang Lin's response. If Wang Lin agreed, he would tell the truth.

Wang Lin began to hesitate, as he wasn't interested in getting mixed up with the invasion of the Xue Yu cultivators. This was, after all, a battle between two rank 4 cultivation countries. Also, he didn't have a deep relationship with the Four Sect Alliance, so he was very likely to become a sacrificial pawn if things were to go bad.

After a long time, Wang Lin calmly said, "I have to take some time to consider this. I'll give you a reply before the invasion begins."

Zhou Wutai also didn't expect Wang Lin to immediately agree, but seeing that Wang Lin didn't even raise any conditions, he was 80% sure Wang Lin wouldn't agree.

With this in mind, he stood up, took a deep breath, clasped his hands, and said, "Since it's like this, then I'll wait for Brother Wang's answer." With that, he took out a piece of jade from his bag of holding and continued, "If brother Wang has a reply, please use this jade to tell me."

With that, he clasped his hands again and left.

Wang Lin's expression was still the same. There was no change at all.

Zhou Wutai picked up his rain cloak, but suddenly paused when he was at the door. He didn't turn around, but slowly said, "Brother Wang, have you heard of the Wind, Rain, Thunder, and Lightning Celestial Doors? Planet Suzaku is close to the Rain Celestial Door…"

Wang Lin's eyes suddenly lit up. There were mentions of the four Celestial Doors in the memories of the Ancient God. The rumor was that these four Celestial Doors have existed since ancient times. Their origins were unknown.

But there was one thing for certain and that was that these four Celestial Door lead to the Ancient Celestial Realm.

After Zhou Wutai finished speaking, he walked out. He placed the rain cloak on and disappeared into the distance.

The snow outside became even stronger as the wind raged in the sky.

After Zhou Wutai had walked a certain distance, four shadows suddenly appeared next to him. After the four of them started following behind Zhou Wutai, their divine senses were all directed at Wang Lin's shop.

One of them said, with a cold tone, "Fellow cultivator Zhou, the order given by the Four Sect Alliance is to kill any suspicious cultivators that entered the country within the last 200 years. Why didn't you act?"

Zhou Wutai didn't turn around and sneered. "With just your four's cultivation, even if I were to help, do you think we could kill him? If he really wanted to wrong us, who could stop him?"

Another black-clothed person calmly said, "Not necessarily. Even though the four of us are only at the late stage of Nascent Soul, if we were to use a formation, unless he is at the Soul Formation stage, he would die."

Zhou Wutai sneered. He waved his sleeves and said, "If you guys want to go, then go. I won't stop you. But that person has a carving of the three uncle masters, so there must be something more to him. I'm not looking for death."

The four black-clothed people pondered a bit. They looked at each other, then walked toward Wang Lin's shop without a word.

The smile on Zhou Wutai's face became even colder. He stopped and turned around as he wanted to see how these four arrogant guys would be able to beat someone who was almost at the Soul Formation stage.

They thought that if Wang Lin wanted to run, there was no guaranteed way for the four of them to stop him from escaping. As a result, their thought was: there is no reason to cause problems for yourself in the future.

As the four of them quickly moved toward Wang Lin's shop, their killing intent immediately increased.

Wang Lin sat inside the shop as he looked at the jug of wine in his hand and let out a sigh. He really didn't want his years of turning into a mortal to be ruined by killing people, but Wang Lin was still Wang Lin. His 400 years of killing had merely been restrained by him and had not disappeared.

The four of them didn't know that if they were to continue, they would awaken a monster, a fiend that hadn't killed in decades.

But it seemed the four of them were already resolute. The four of them turned into black smoke, which was very noticeable on the snow-covered ground.

Wang Lin secretly sighed. His eyes revealed a cold light that hadn't appeared in more than 30 years. This cold light often appeared during his 400 years of killing.

Every time it appeared, it meant that someone was going to die!

And this time was no exception!

Wang Lin's left hand held the wine jug and he took a drink. He stood up and took a step, putting him at the door already as the four black-clothed men approached.

The cold light in Wang Lin's eyes deepened as he turned from an old man back into a fiend. At this moment, the snow raged even harder, but when comparing the killing intent in the snow to Wang Lin's killing intent, it was like comparing a pit of fire to the sun.

A cold sword doesn't easily exit its sheath!

As the four black-clothed men closed in, they all formed strange seals with their hands. At the same time, a low roar came from them as four sword lights, green, red, blue, and purple, shot out and formed a net. The net surrounded Wang Lin.

Wang Lin took a large gulp of wine and pointed his finger to the air. The passing of time domain from the carving of the blue-clothed elder suddenly began to spread out, causing the four sword lights to pause.

During this delay, Wang Lin's body moved in a strange way and quickly escaped the sword net. When he appeared again, he was already in front of one of the black-clothed men.

But when it does, then it will kill!

His right hand moved in a way that looked really slow, but was in reality lightning-fast. He pointed at the black clothed man's head. After a cracking sound, he coughed out a mouthful of blood and immediately died. His Nascent Soul came out and tried to run with a terrified look on its face.

Wang Lin didn't even look at him as he turned around and let out a silent roar. During this roar, black smoke appeared above his head. His soul devourer form rushed out and immediately devoured the Nascent Soul trying to escape.

The falling snow didn't dare to approach Wang Lin. Every snowflake moved away from him. It was as if none of them dared to mess with this fiend.

This black clothed man originally wouldn't have died, but he shouldn't have acted against a 400-year-old fiend. If he knew ahead of time, he would have regretted this decision.

The remaining three were all terrified. They all slapped their bags of holding to take out their most powerful treasures. One of them, holding an umbrella, saw Wang Lin's head turn toward him. Those cold eyes filled with killing intent made him feel cold for the first time as a cultivator.

What was the surrounding snow compared to this? The snow couldn't even compare to 1/10,000th of the coldness from those eyes.

He subconsciously bit his tongue and spat out blood. The blood landed on his treasure umbrella. Suddenly, the umbrella opened and a golden snake rushed toward Wang Lin as if it wanted to devour him whole.

The remaining two also sent out their treasures. They didn't know that a cold sword doesn't easily leave its sheath, but once it does, it will kill someone and then continue to kill.

Wang Lin's eyes showed a hint of mockery. He didn't even look at the golden snake. Instead, he slapped his bag of holding and a small flag appeared in his hand. Suddenly, the flag covered the area in black smoke. Dozens of dragons formed by the smoke came out and smashed the golden snake into pieces.

At this moment, the snow in the area began to move even further away, as it didn't dare to close in. At the same time, Wang Lin gently moved forward. He quickly arrived before the black clothed person with the umbrella. His right hand already held the man's throat and, using a bit of strength, the man's neck broke and he died.

Wang Lin gently sighed. "I have killed countless Nascent Soul cultivators. You are not the first." His right hand suddenly entered the man's abdomen and pulled out a terrified Nascent Soul. The Nascent Soul was about to escape, but it suddenly began to scream.

It screamed because Wang Lin swallowed it whole.

At this moment, the remaining two lost all will to fight as they took out their best escaping treasures and ran like stray dogs.

But it was too late to escape.

A cold sword doesn't easily exit its sheath. When it does, it will kill and continue to kill. Every ten steps, it will kill someone.

Chapter 268 - Rain Cauldron

Of the two that remained, one of them ran toward Zhou Wutai. The other ran in the opposite direction.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold as he looked at Zhou Wutai and casually stepped forward. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps… ten steps.

Every ten steps, he will kill someone!

Wang Lin only used ten steps to catch up to the black-clothed man. His eyes revealed a strange light as he sighed. "You ruined my mood, so you must die." With that, he casually flicked his right hand, making the Ji Realm shoot out and enter the cultivator's body.

The man didn't even have time to let out a sound as he plummeted down from the sky. When he landed, he just happened to land in the pile of snow outside of Da Niu's ironworks shop.

His Nascent Soul didn't have time to escape. It was destroyed by the Ji Realm.

Although Wang Lin's Ji Realm won't kill Soul Formation cultivators before he obtains the planet treasure of Suzaku, it was more than enough for Nascent Soul cultivators.

After killing three people, he turned around and looked at Zhou Wutai.

Although Zhou Wutai's expression was normal, his back was completely drenched in sweat. Seeing Wang Lin's eyes, he didn't hesitate to raise his right hand to stop the black-clothed man from running his way.

The black-clothed man panicked and shouted, "What are you doing, Zhou Wutai?!"

Zhou Wutai looked indifferently at the man. He let out a faint smile and whispered, "The four of you angered Brother Wang. How could I let you leave?" With that, his left hand formed a strange seal. A strange, purple light appeared in his hand. At this moment, the difference between a late stage Nascent Soul cultivator and a pseudo Soul Formation cultivator was very clear.

Zhou Wutai's cultivation was only one step below Wang Lin's. He had one foot in the Soul Formation realm as well, and he had gained some of his domain. When the purple light appeared, the black-clothed man felt like he had returned to his youth, back when he had just joined the sect and met his master.

Although he knew that this was all fake, the feeling was extremely real. An overwhelming feeling spread across his body. By the time he regained his senses, Zhou Wutai's right hand was already on his forehead. With a bit of spiritual energy, the black-clothed man coughed out blood and fell to the ground, dead.

As for his Nascent Soul, it was in Zhou Wutai's grasp. He crushed it before Wang Lin's eyes. He was using his actions to tell Wang Lin that he had no hand in all of this. It was also to tell Wang Lin that no one will know about this and that he won't have to kill anyone else.

The way Wang Lin cleanly killed the three of them had caused the proud Zou Wutai to become completely dumbfounded. If there was only one of them, he too could easily kill them. If there were two, he could barely win.

However, if there were three, then at most he could only reach a stalemate. If there were four, he could only run. But Wang Lin could casually kill three of them. How could Zhou Wutai not be shocked?

Wang Lin's body slowly floated down from the sky. The moment he landed in the snow, his figure immediately shrank. He went from a fiend, to a mortal, to a mortal at the end of his days.

He cleaned up his clothes and took a drink from his gourd before throwing it at Zhou Wutai. The current him has no different from a mortal.

Zhou Wutai caught the gourd and looked at Wang Lin's shop with dread in his eyes. He decided that he had to make Wang Lin a friend, not an enemy.

He waved his large sleeves and the four bodies of the black-clothed men turned to dust. After that, he quickly moved and left Wang Lin's street.

A very short amount of time had passed since Wang Lin had left the shop and came back. He also purposefully controlled himself so that none of the mortals around would notice anything that had happened.

At this point, he returned to his shop and sat next to the stove. At this moment, he really looked like an old man as he raised his hands to get warmth from the stove.

He quietly sat inside the shop as he quickly searched through the Ancient God's memory for memories of the four Celestial Doors. After a long time, the information became more clear in his mind.

Just at this moment, the sound of snow falling outside calmed down and the door was pushed open. The smell of roasted chicken came in from outside.

At the same time, the dirty old man that hadn't appeared for a long time came in, shaking. After he entered the room, he kicked the door back with this right foot and closed it. He quickly arrived before the stove next to Wang Lin and cursed, "Middle of the night and some brats are fighting outside! And one of them even fell on me! I finally found a good spot to sleep in, too. I'm really unlucky."

Wang Lin smiled. He waved his hand and another gourd of wine appeared. He gave it to the old man.

The old man accepted it and let out a mischievous smile as he took out half of a roasted chicken from under his clothes. "It seems you're smart enough, kid. Here, I'll split this roasted chicken with you."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wang Lin and the appreciation in his eyes deepened as he said, "Not bad, young man. Your cultivation level has increased again. It seems the Soul Formation stage is not far away. You can't forget the wood carving you promised me, or else, no matter where you go, I'll find you."

Wang Lin faintly smiled and said, "Of course. I won't forget the promise to senior."

The old man tore off a chicken leg and took a bite. "Young man, the Four Sect Alliance is very chaotic right now. You better hurry up and reach the Soul Formation stage. Otherwise, with your cultivation level, you won't get anything good out of it."

Wang Lin's heart moved as he looked at the old man and asked, "Does senior know what is happening with the Four Sect Alliance?"

The old man proudly raised his chin and looked at Wang Lin as he said, "There is nothing in this cultivation world this old man doesn't know. It is only that a small cultivator of the Four Sect Alliance somehow managed to steal a Rain Cauldron from a cultivator of Xue Yu, so they are here to steal it back. It's only a small matter."

"Rain Cauldron…" Wang Lin pondered for a bit. He suddenly remembered the talk with the large-eared cultivator, Zhou Wutai. There was mention of the Rain Door.

The old man quickly ate the chicken leg, then began to eat the chicken neck as he said, "Speaking of this Rain Cauldron, in truth, there is more than one. I don't know exactly how many there are, but if one possess one, then once the Celestial Door opens, they can enter. Therefore, it would cause conflict, but, no matter how hard they fight over it, it is pointless as once the rank 5 and 6 countries take notice, it will still end up in their hands."

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then slowly said, "The rumor is that the four Celestial Doors lead to the Celestial Realm, so it is no wonder they fight over it."

The old man let out a mischievous smile and said, "What is it, young man? Are you moved? But sadly, all the of Celestials from ancient times are gone. The current Celestial Realm is empty."

Wang Lin was startled. There was no mention of this inside Tusi's memory. He paused for a bit before asking, "They all died?"

After the old man finished eating the chicken's neck, he tore off a large piece of breast meat. He ate as he said, "Of course they are all dead. Why else do you think Soul Transformation and above cultivators are still around? Because there have nowhere to go."

Wang Lin's heart shook. He already knew that the ancient cultivation world died in a disaster and that that was how the Cultivation Union formed. However, he didn't think that all of the celestials had also died.

The old man noticed Wang Lin's shock and was very proud. He finished eating the chicken, let out a burp, and took a drink of wine. He casually wiped his hand on his clothes and said, "Heh, shocking isn't it? All of the ancient gods are dead, and so are all of the ancient Celestials. There aren't many ancient cultivators left, which is why the Cultivation Union appeared and developed once again."

Wang Lin became silent as he digested the secret the old man had told him. After a long time, he frowned and asked, "If that is the truth, then why do the four Celestial Doors still exist?"

The old man laughed and said, "The ancient Celestials are gone, but the Celestial Realm is still there. However, it is filled with danger. In fact, the Celestial Realm has shattered into pieces. The four Celestial Doors simply connect to different sections of the Celestial Realm. But, nevertheless, there are many good things left in there. The most important is the Celestial Qi."

"Celestial Qi?" Wang Lin's expression changed

The old man regrettably licked his lips and said, "Yeah. That thing is much more delicious than roasted chicken.

Wang Lin bitterly laughed.

The old man licked his lip and said, "When breaking through from the Soul Formation stage to the Soul Transformation stage, unless you have the rare Soul Transformation Pill, then you have to absorb enough of that Celestial Qi to break through."

"In ancient times, once one reached the Soul Formation, they would naturally ascend to the Celestial Realm. Once there, they had to absorb enough Celestial Qi. There was no other way."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. He faintly smiled and said, "That means that this Rain Cauldron is really worth fighting for, especially for those Soul Formation cultivators. Whether it is to raise their own cultivators' level, or for their country's rank to increase, it is a must-have. Will the other three types of Cauldrons also appear?"

The old man picked up the jug of wine, took a drink, then said, "These four types of Cauldrons appear every once in a long time. They are created from the heavens, so those who obtain it have great luck. The four Celestial Doors cover all of the cultivation planets, so depending on which door they are close to, that type of Cauldron will appear."

Chapter 269 - The Heaven's Dao Are Ruthless

The old man looked at Wang Lin and casually said, "Like planet Suzaku, all of the surrounding planets will form Rain Dings as well after a certain amount of time."

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he slowly asked, "When do the Celestial Doors open?"

The old man laughed and asked, "What? Are you tempted? In truth, with your cultivation level, although it will be dangerous, as long as you're careful, you don't have to worry too much. After all, the stronger your cultivation is, the greater the restriction placed on you is."

Wang Lin raised his head and asked the old man, "Why is it like that?"

The old man picked up the gourd and drank the last bit of wine. He licked his lips and said, "The ancient celestial realm has already shattered and only exists in fragments, so the laws of heaven and earth are chaotic inside. This is key because if spiritual energy fluctuations of late stage Soul Formation or later cultivators appear, then that fragment will collapse. Of course, depending on the size of the fragment, some can support stronger spiritual energy fluctuations. Thus, as long as the person entering doesn't want to commit suicide, then they would keep their power at the Soul Formation level."

As Wang Lin pondered a bit, a dozen thoughts entered his head. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "Senior came to visit junior this late at night. I'm afraid you aren't here just to talk to me about this."

The old man let out a mischievous laugh and said, "Young man, this old man came to tell you that I am leaving. Before I leave, I want you to make me a carving of myself so I can give it to Xiao Cui from the Pink Pavilion so that when she thinks of me, she will have something to remind her. Alas, someone as handsome as me, who only appears in legends, has countless people thinking of me." With that, he revealed a very regretful expression, but within that expression, there was a lot of pride. He kept looking toward Wang Lin, obviously waiting for Wang Lin to praise him.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. After a long time, he picked up a piece of wood and, using his finger as a knife, began to carve.

However, just as he made a rough outline, the old man let out a dissatisfied snort and said, "No clothes!"

Wang Lin's finger paused. He let out a bitter smile. After pondering for a while, he wiped the carving with his right hand and began carving again. This time, his finger didn't stop; it moved like the wind. Soon, a skinny old man who looked almost like a monkey was carved out.

Aside from the violent domain, the wood carving looked exactly like the old man himself. It was very lifelike, as if it were alive. Even the wrinkles on his face were clearly detailed.

The old man quickly grabbed the carving and carefully examined it. The more he looked at it, the tighter his brow furrowed, until he finally looked at Wang Lin and said, "What is this? It doesn't look like me! It doesn't look like me at all! Is this how you see this old man? What you carved here is a monkey, a monkey! Do you understand?"

With that, the old man threw the carving to the side and said to Wang Lin, word for word, "It doesn't look like me!"

At this moment, the old man was filled with a serious look that had never appeared in his eyes before. There was even a hint of madness in those eyes.

Wang Lin noticed the sudden change and the the spiritual energy in the area began to move in a certain way. Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger emerging.

Wang Lin always had guesses about the old man's cultivation level, but at this moment, his estimate of the old man's cultivation level raised again.

He looked at the old man as he picked up another piece of wood. This time, his hand moved like the wind. He used only half the time to make the carving this time.

The person in the carving was very handsome and romantic, especially the piercing eyes. It would not be wrong to call this person one of the most handsome men in existence. Only, this looked way too different from the old man. Anyone who wasn't blind would be able to tell that this wasn't the same person as the old man.

The moment the wood carving was completed, it was taken by the old man. He stared at the wood carving and his eyes shined as he laughed, "Not bad, this is the real me. You carved really well. Okay, young man, I'll let you borrow that straw hat for a while."

The old man dreamily looked at the wood carving. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. After putting it away, he looked at Wang Lin with a pleased looked and said, "From now on, just carve them like this. I have to be honest, although the carving you have now is a bit different from what this old man looks like, it is okay to ignore it. What is most important is that this carving looks exactly like me when I was younger."

As the old man spoke, he stood up to leave. As he got to the door, he suddenly stopped and said, "There are still 999 more carvings left. Don't forget about them once you reach the Soul Formation stage. Don't forget, or no matter where you go, this old man will find you."

After sending off the strange old man, Wang Lin picked up the carving from before. He let out a smile and casually placed it on a shelf.

Wang Lin don't intend to get mixed into the matter with the Celestial Doors. If he could reach the Soul Formation stage, he would take a trip to there then, but thinking about it now was too early.

As for the battle between the Four Sect Alliance and Xue Yu, Wang Lin pondered a bit and decided to not participate. These type of things' influence range was too wide. If anything went wrong, there would be serious consequences.

Therefore, Wang Lin's life calmed down again. As for the snow in the Four Sect Alliance, it began to slow down after a month. It was very common to see the flashes of light from magic treasures in the sky. It was as if there were cultivators repairing something up there.

Wang Lin observed for a while and noticed that they were setting up formations. The formations were set in the sky to stop the snow from falling.

At the same time, besides setting up the formations, massive amounts of cultivators from all sects and families came to clean up the snow on the ground.

Spiritual energy seemed to have little effect against the snow. The snow seemed to be very sensitive to spiritual energy. Thus, these cultivators began to use physical strength to clear it out.

Since the cultivators had moved, the mortals followed suit. The mortal king of the country seemed to have already received orders from the cultivators, so large amounts of mortal troops began to clear out the snow.

Because the Four Sect Alliance was very large, not only was the army clearing out snow, even the citizens were being forced to help.

Da Niu was one of them.

Even old men who were at the end of their years were no exception, but under the orders the king, who had been paying his respects to him, no one bothered Wang Lin.

This whole operation lasted several months. Da Niu had already been sent to the south. The entire capital, no, all of the cities in the Four Sect Alliance were a lot emptier. Unless someone had an important position, almost everyone was out clearing snow.

During this operation, not even women and children were spared. When Da Niu was picked up, Wang Lin gave him a wood carving to keep close to himself as a gift for these past 30 plus years.

As for Da Niu's wife, Wang Lin also gave her a small wood carving.

The effect of these wood carvings was to spread warmth to prevent the body from being frozen.

In the battle that was originally supposed to be between cultivators, the mortals of the Four Sect Alliance became the first to suffer. These mortals didn't even know what was causing this snow, but to save their families from it, they willingly entered this ruthless snow.

Throughout the Four Sect Alliance, there were mountains of snows piled up and with the help of some powerful cultivators, these mountain kept growing.

There was no harvest from the fields, as all of it had been covered by the snow.

Every day there were countless mortals that froze to death, and every day there were houses crushed by the snow.

This was a disaster.

Wang Lin woke up one morning and walked out of his shop. The street had been cleared of snow, but there were still snowflakes on the ground. Although the snowfall had weakened, it still existed.

A few days ago, the large-eared cultivator, Zhou Wutai, sent another Jade. There was no invitation to the Four Sect Alliance, but news of what the Four Sect Alliance was doing and one piece of heaven-splitting news.

Thanks to the entire population of the country clearing snow, the snow covering the ground had lessened, only now there were very tall mountains of snow.

In addition to this, almost all of the cultivators in the Four Sect Alliance had been invited to help with the battle to come.

However, Zhou Wutai also brought up his own worries. Normally, Xue Yu wouldn't rain snow for months. They normally only let it snow for 10 days. They would come after those 10 days were up.

Normally, during large battles, cultivators would avoid affecting the mortal world. This was a rule set by the country Suzaku.

But as of today, four months had passed and the snow in the sky had not lessened. It had only been hidden by the formations.

This type of phenomenon only had one interpretation, and it was: Xue Yu was planning on wiping out the Four Sect Alliance by starting a war to wipe out the entire country.

On the planet Suzaku, war to wipe out a country was rare, as the country Suzaku was around to interfere, but it wasn't something that hadn't happened before.

In the ancient record of the Four Sect Alliance, it was recorded that there were a total of four wars that wiped out a country. Three were rank 4 cultivation countries and one was a rank 5 cultivation country.

But without exception, all wars that wiped out a country had Suzaku's hand in it. That is to say that Xue Yue used various methods to make Suzaku agree to allow Xue Yu to start this war.

Chapter 270 - The Lovely Lady Blessed By The Heavens

Wang Lin pondered for a bit about Zhou Wutai's worries. Although the Four Sect Alliance didn't have much to do with him, he did live on this street for over 30 years.

He was currently standing outside the shop and looking at the snow as he let out a sigh.

The last thing Zhou Wutai mentioned on the jade was that in order to check if Xue Yue was really going to start a country-ending war, the Four Sect Alliance sent out cultivators to gather information. They sent out a total of three groups; one to the nearby rank 4 countries who were allies, the other to the rank 5 cultivation country they belonged to for reinforcements, and finally, the last group went to Suzaku to discover the truth.

As of the day the jade was sent out, only the group to Suzaku hadn't returned.

Only, the response caused everyone in the Four Sect Alliance to become silent.

All of the allied rank 4 cultivation countries welcomed the Four Sect Alliance and treated them with respect, but none of them would talk about the war; they only dodged the subject. There were even some that just avoided meeting them completely. Finally, another country, which had a very good relationship with them, told them that the rank 5 cultivation countries had sent down orders to not enter this affair.

As for the group that entered the rank 5 cultivation country, their faces were even darker when they returned. The rank 5 cultivation country told them that there was no need to give them the Rain Caldron, as they won't help.

Finally, this group of cultivators spent a great deal of effort to get a piece of information from a Soul Transformation cultivator in the rank 5 cultivation country that shocked them all.

There was a woman in Xue Yu whose talent was so stunning that it even caught Suzaku's eyes. She had only cultivated for 100 years and had already reached the late stage of Soul Formation. She had been named the number one genius on planet Suzaku in the last 10,000 years.

If that was it, it wouldn't be much, but this girl hadn't consumed any pills in these 100 years, so that made her even more eye catching.

For this matter, Suzaku sent out cultivators to investigate this. After confirming it was true, Suzaku officially invited her to join them.

This kind of thing was not uncommon. Many of the extremely talented youths would be invited to join Suzaku during their most brilliant moments.

But when these people join Suzaku, their status was very low, but for her, Suzaku was determined and gave her a very high position.

The reason why Suzaku was doing this was to try and cross that gap that they had been trying to cross for countless years: become a rank 7 cultivation country. However, in order become a rank 7 cultivation country, not only would they need a cultivator to achieve the needed cultivation level, they also needed to meet a series of requirements. It was very difficult.

At this moment, Suzaku hadn't even met the first requirement, so they paid a great deal of attention to the talented younger generation.

And this woman from Xue Yu's talent was already incredible. As a result, Suzaku made a lot of preparations.

The only request she had was to make Xue Yu a rank 5 cultivation country and to allow them to move out of that barren wasteland into another location on planet Suzaku.

By coincidence, a Rain Caldron had appeared in the Four Sect Alliance and it just happened to be from a cultivator from Xue Yu, so this war was started.

The Four Sect Alliance caught Xue Yu's eyes due to the battle for the Rain Caldron and became the new location for Xue Yu's invasion.

As for why did the Rain Caldron appear in the Four Sect Alliance and why it appeared in the king's hand, the Four Sect Alliance believed it was a scheme.

Only now, whether it was a scheme or not won't change reality.

After this information was brought back by the cultivators, it shocked everyone.

After Wang Lin had read everything in the jade Zhou Wutai gave him, his heart was a bit heavy. He didn't think that in a simple battle for the Rain Caldron, there was something this deep hidden inside.

He felt very regretful as he looked at the empty street and empty shops. A few months ago, there were many people walking on the street, and all of the shops would open up early and be very busy. But due to the war between the two cultivation countries, the mortals were hit hard.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. At this moment, he felt very regretful. Mortals were lower than ants in the cultivators' eyes, but many of them forgot that they were also mortals once.

Wang Lin didn't have any method of preventing this and he didn't want to get involved. The Heaven's Daos were ruthless and after experiencing the life and death domain, his mentality had changed. He looked at the street and gently said, "It is time to leave… after finishing the last step, it will be time to leave…"

With that, he shook his head. He turned around and gently closed the shop's door.

After that, with his hands behind his back and wearing a thick coat, he walked into the distance. Slowly, his figure faded in the snow.

Wang Lin's body looked slow while moving in the air, but in fact, he was moving very quickly. As he flew, he saw countless cultivators and everyone that passed him had gloomy looks on their faces. It was as if the snow was a giant rock on top of their hearts.

Even the ones that knew each other didn't talk at all. At most, they would nod at each other when they passed by one another.

Wang Lin flew the entire way and after a while, he arrived at the eastern part of the Four Sect Alliance. Before, this was a thick forest, but now, it was covered in snow.

The pile of snow looked like a giant mountain range next to the area that had been cleared out.

Waves of cold came from this snow. There was a sense of desperation.

Wang Lin silently floated in the air. He looked down on the snow field and pondered for a long time. Finally, he let out a sigh. Both of his hands formed a seal that created a strange wind that blew across the field, creating a wind that sounded like people crying.

At this moment, it felt as if the heavens and earth were filled with this sad cry… The snow continued to fall and the wind continued to blow, just like the endless heavens.

Only this snow was very strange. Even though the wind was strong, not much snow moved. Luckily, Wang Lin's objective wasn't to clear out this forest.

Wang Lin didn't reveal any panic on his face. He quietly stood in the air, his eyes calm.

Gradually, a small whirlpool appeared in the snow-covered forest and the snow began to slowly move to the side.

Wang Lin had been standing in the air for a long time. Some of the cultivators that flew by were taking notice of him.

Eventually, the swirl in the snow grew even larger, until it formed a giant hole in the snow. In the hole, there were countless tree branches.

Wang Lin took one look. His hand formed a seal and he went down into the swirl. Inside the swirl were large trees and branches. These were materials for his carvings.

More than 30 years ago, he got all of his wood here; however, he had used most of it up, and there wasn't enough for his final carving. This was why he didn't mind coming so far.

The carving he was making this time required trees at least 100 years old. Of course, if there were any 1000 year old trees, the effect would be even better.

Unfortunately, trying to find that kind of wood in this snow was like searching for a needle in the sea.

In the swirl, Wang Lin spread out his divine sense to find the branches he needed. After getting all the ones he could, he came out of the swirl and used the same technique on the snow nearby.

Gradually, as 100 meter swirls appeared in the snow, the amount of wood in Wang Lin's bag of holding increased. This continued for seven days.

In these seven days, this entire area had been cleared out. After getting enough wood, Wang Lin took another look at this place, then left.

In these seven days, his actions had been noticed by the cultivators passing by and word spread across the Four Sect Alliance. People were sent to check it out, but once they noticed Wang Lin's cultivation level, they became very respectful.

Eventually, Zhou Wutai heard of this and immediately suppressed the news. He personally brought people there. They didn't talk, only silently helped.

Otherwise, there is no way for Wang Lin to gather enough wood in seven days, or clear out the area.

Before Wang Lin left, Zhou Wutai didn't try to invite him into the Four Sect Alliance again. He clasped his hands with a bitter smile and left.

Zhou Wutai knew that the Four Sect Alliance was at the end of its days. Bringing someone in now would only be dragging them down. Even he himself had been considering his own escape.

Wang Lin nodded at Zhou Wutai and left.

He didn't stop at all, but charged toward his shop in the capital. When he was outside the capital, his body disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already inside the shop.

He took a deep breath and looked at his surroundings. He sat down on his chair, waved his left hand, and took out a piece of wood that still had snow on it. He formed a blade with the middle and index fingers of his right hand and began to carve.

This was a carving that Wang Lin had been preparing for for a long time. This time, he wasn't just carving one, but many.

Before he leaves, his road of turning into a mortal was coming to an end. He hoped to use these last carvings to reach the Soul Formation stage.

Even if he eventually failed, then at least his mentality would progress by one step, placing him even closer to the Soul Formation stage or at a point where he only needed to pick a domain before stepping into the Soul Formation stage.

What he decided to carve was every single person he had killed, from when he started cultivating, to when he started to turn into a mortal

Every single person!

Chapter 271 - 10 Years To Soul Formation

The first person that Wang Lin had killed was his master, Sun Dazhu!

As his hand moved, wood shavings fell to the floor. Not long after, Sun Dazhu's moment of death, that look of fear and despair, was perfectly captured in the carving.

Wang Lin's heart was completely calm as he stared at Sun Dazhu's carving. If Sun Dazhu wasn't so greedy for Wang Lin's gourd, then he wouldn't have died. That was karma. Where there is life, there is also death.

The second carving was that of a middle-aged man. This person's eyes contained a hint of blood, his lips were very thin, and his face looked very mean. At this point, there was a flying sword in his hand. This sword looked very sharp. Killing intent leaked out of this carving.

He was Zhang Hu's master and old man Jimo's disciple, the second person Wang Lin had killed.

That day, that person decided to kill Wang Lin, but became the second person Wang Lin had ever killed.

After looking at the wood carving, he put it to the side and took out another piece of wood.

The third was a young man. It was Teng Li, who hunted Wang Lin down back then. Thinking about Teng Li, Wang Lin's heart rippled, but soon calmed down once more.

Scenes of his fight with Teng Li echoed in his head. After a long time, his right finger turned into a knife and he worked on the piece of wood. Half an hour later, Teng Li's carving was complete.

This person looked very handsome, but there was a look of extreme pride on his face. His right hand formed a seal, his gaze was dark, hiding a deep sense of greed, and the corner of his mouth hid a faint smile.

But this smile was something of the past and had been lost in history. Along with the smile, the entire Teng Family bloodline was also lost.

One by one, wood carvings were finished by Wang Lin and were placed to the side. Gradually, the ground became covered in wood carvings.

The killing intent in the room gradually became denser. Every time a carving was finished, the room would become a bit more packed…

If a cultivator were to pass by, they would clearly see that besides the snow, there was also a layer of ice on top of Wang Lin's roof.

Wang Lin didn't even bother with it at all. He was absorbed in his memories as he carved every single person he had killed.

Gradually, Wang Lin forgot that he was carving and dove deep into his memories. 400 years of memories appeared in his mind and he watched it all as if it was someone else's.

From the boy at the beginning, to the youth at the Heng Yue Sect, to not being talented enough, to finding the heaven defying bead, to Situ Nan teaching him, to the Heng Yue Sect being kicked out of their mountain.

Then he left the Heng Yue Sect and cultivated on his own. After that, he found Zhang Hu, killed Zhang Hu's master, and entered Teng Family City, but Teng Li came out of nowhere.

Because of that, he split up with Zhang Hu. Even now, he didn't know if Zhang Hu lived or was killed.

Teng Li, who hunted him, ended up dying by his hand and thus began the road of conflict. The Corpse Sect, then Jue Ming Valley, and the moment that completely changed his life.

The death of his parents. Teng Huayuan's smile, his body being destroyed, and Situ Nan helping his soul escape to the foreign battleground.

This led to 400 years of killing. In order to raise his cultivation level so he could go back and get revenge, he became a heartless, unfeeling, and cold blooded person.

Hou Fen, the Sea of Devils, and the land of the ancient god. Scenes from all these places flashed before his eyes. Ten thousand devil killing order. Other than the slaughter of the Teng family, that was the time he killed the most.

As for inside the land of the ancient god, Wang Lin's memories of Hunchback Meng and them were deep and hard to forget.

The many years inside the land of the ancient god was a big change for him. Both his body and mind underwent great changes.

There were also many dangers inside. If he wasn't careful, he wouldn't have been able to come out.

Soon after, he formed his Nascent Soul in Chu and once again met Li Muwan. After he successfully reached the Nascent Soul stage, he could finally begin his revenge.

Anyone with the Teng family bloodline within Zhao died by Wang Lin's hands, resolving this grudge.

Wang Lin's hand still hadn't stopped moving once as he carved the people in his memories. His hand moved faster and faster until you could only see a blur.

The images appeared in his mind faster and faster. Gradually, he saw the 30 years he had spent turning into a mortal. Birth and death, scenes of life slowly imprinted into Wang Lin's mind.

Much later, he no longer had any memories in his mind. There were only two words now: "Life" and "Death".

Life and death, the changes that occur in the heavens' reincarnation. Wang Lin understood the meaning of death in his 400 years of killing, and in his 30 years of turning into a mortal, he came to understand life.

Although he failed when tried to comprehend the heavens' reincarnation cycle before, it left a deep impression on him. It was as if he had poked through a piece of paper and it allowed him to gain this insight

But insight does not mean comprehension.

It can only be said that Wang Lin's state of mind had reached a point where he could control his cultivation. There was one phrase that was said a lot in the ancient cultivation world:

What you see as mountain, is a mountain, and what you see as water, is water.

Wang Lin was currently at this stage.

When he opened his eyes, there were countless carvings inside his shop. There was an evil light in Wang Lin's eyes. This light was very similar to Ta Sen's from the land of the ancient god.

He calmly looked at all of the carvings before him and slowly raised his hands. Suddenly, all of the wood carvings began to tremble and gathered toward his hands. Gradually, more and more carvings flew to him, but at this moment, a black vortex appeared between his hands. Even though the wood carvings went in one by one, the size of the black vortex didn't change at all.

One by one, the wood carvings flew into the black vortex. After the last one entered, Wang Lin calmly looked at the black vortex. At this moment, the bag of holding on his waist opened up and three balls of killing intent flew out.

The three balls of killing intent entered the black vortex. When the last one entered, Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light and his hand began to move.

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The black vortex quickly changed shapes under Wang Lin's control. Finally, it turned into a square and gradually became solid. Slowly, the black vortex disappeared and a black stamp appeared before Wang Lin.

The stamp was the size of Wang Lin's palm and had the carving of a person on it, but this person didn't have a face or features, only a figure. This black stamp contained Wang Lin's 400 years of killing. It was the physical form of death.

Wang Lin's right hand pressed down on top of the black stamp. A sense of being submerged in blood suddenly appeared in his heart. Then he took a deep breath and the stamp gradually entered his Nascent Soul.

Wang Lin pondered for a little while looking at the shop he had lived in for 30 years with a lingering expression. He waved his hand and all of the carvings inside the shop disappeared.

Then he opened the door of the shop and walked into the snowy night.

Wang Lin slowly walked on the street as the snowstorm got even worse.

His figure when he walked out from the shop was still that of an old man at the end of his days, but as he walked toward the end of the street, his back gradually straightened. The wrinkles on his face slowly disappeared, and by the time he arrived at the end of the street, he had successfully changed from a mortal to a cultivator.

Although he hadn't reached the Soul Formation stage yet, he was even closer to it now. After learning of the Life and Death Domain and comprehending the heavens, Wang Lin's body had a strong desire to fly up.

It was as if there were some mysterious power in the sky that was pulling him toward it.

This feeling meant that he was about to reach the Soul Formation stage. The him now didn't need to search for a domain or comprehend the heavens, he only needed to find a place to quietly go into closed door cultivation for 10 years in and he would be able to reach the Soul Formation stage.

Wang Lin stood at the end of the road and carefully looked at the empty street. He had lived on this old street for more than 30 years. He engraved every detail, even each blade of grass, of this street into his mind. A hint of sadness appeared in his heart.

After looking for a long time, he memorized this sight. He let out a sigh and disappeared into the night.

In a town 10,000 kilometers to the north, there was a large amount of mortals. There were simple houses spread across the area and inside them lived a lot of people.

They were all brought here to help clean up the snow. Da Niu lived inside one of these houses.

There were 30 more people living inside the house with him, making the already not-so-large house feel every cramped. Da Niu stared soullessly at the ceiling.

He missed his son, his wife, and most of all, Wang Lin.

Everything disappeared in the face of this snow.

Before this snow, he was someone who had spare time and a shopkeeper who had a few people working under him. His son entered an immortals' sect and became an immortal.

On that street, he could be said to be doing very well.

He and his wife had always loved each other. Life was filled with joy. He even intended to stop uncle Wang from carving in a few years and serve him for the last few years of his life.

In his mind, the death of his parents made him think of uncle Wang, who watched him grow up, as his own elder. But this snow changed everything.

He didn't know how his wife was doing right now. When he heard a few months ago that even women were being taken to clear snow, he was very nervous. His wife's body had never been that good. Could her body withstand the cold snow…

Chapter 272 - Zhang Daniu

Whenever he saw someone freeze to death, the pain he would feel was if someone stabbed his heart. It was not that he cared about them, but because a sense of dread and worry for his wife arose very time.

He was worried that his wife would leave him if she couldn't withstand these harsh conditions.

In addition to his wife, he was also worried about Wang Lin. In his mind, uncle Wang was already old. Will his body be okay in this cold?

He had already lost his parents. He didn't want uncle Wang to leave him too.

Da Niu's son, Ceng Xiaoniu, had just joined the White Cloud Sect and was only at the Qi Condensation stage. Although his status was much higher than mortals', with his level, he was useless in this war.

As a result, although he tried to look for his parents, the Four Sect Alliance was too large. Almost all of the mortals had been moved to clear snow and were spread across the country.

Unless he had an extremely high cultivation level, there was no way for him to find his parents.

Da Niu had forgotten how long this snow had been falling for. Every day, he would wake up to find someone near him frozen to death.

At the same time, he also noticed the mysterious power of the small carving around his neck. Every time he felt cold, a warmth would come from the carving and spread across his body. No matter how cold it became, he could safely live through it.

After realizing the power of the carving, Da Niu suddenly felt like he didn't know Wang Lin as well anymore, as if he had never seen through that old man.

But because of the existence of the wood carvings, he felt more relaxed about his wife. As long as his wife didn't remove the wood carving, she also wouldn't be frozen to death.

However, as time passed, he looked at the endless snow and his heart began to despair again.

The snow in the sky lessened, but still continued to fall endlessly.

During these days, a lot of mortals secretly escaped. They wanted to escape to the nearby countries. Even if they had to give up everything, at least they still had some hope.

It was said that the adjacent countries didn't have any clouds. It was like normal spring in those countries; everything was normal and the sun was shining.

In the morning, Da Niu was the first one to wake up. He got up from his bed. Behind him slept the second son of a shopkeeper from the same street as him. This young man was a hard worker who often worked together with Da Niu.

He was a simple child. Da Niu gave him a push, but he suddenly froze. He placed his hand over the boy's nose and bitterly smiled. "He is dead…" he whispered.

When he pushed the boy, he already noticed that something was off. Two streams of tears came out of Da Niu's eyes and a 40 something year old man began to weep.

He missed his home, missed his wife, missed his son, missed Uncle Wang, missed his shop, and missed the warmth of his home.

At this point, someone else got up and stared at Da Niu. Then he immediately noticed that throughout the night, five people had frozen to death in this room.

Everyone began to ponder. After a long time, a shout came from outside the house, "Everyone, come out, now! If anyone goofs off, they will be thrown into the snow to freeze to death."

Someone let out a sigh and everyone slowly walked out. Their eyes were all out of focus and their faces were yellow. These last few months of clearing snow had really taken a toll on them. At the beginning, there was enough food, but now there was less and less. It was at the point where they couldn't keep the labor up anymore.

Da Niu was still crying on the ground. A middle aged man who was very friendly with him pulled him up and said, "Da Niu, let's go. As long as we are alive, there is still hope."

Da Niu was pulled up by him. He looked at the boy who lied there unmoving and tears flowed out again.

After he left the room, the cold wind hit him, causing him to shiver, but warmth soon came from the little carving around his neck.

He rubbed his chest and looked at the people walking out from the door. He clenched his teeth and made a decision. He was going to find his wife and leave this country. Once this snow is over, he will come back.

Late at night, when everyone had fallen asleep, he secretly left the house. The cold wind caused him to shiver, but he still went out into the snow.

There were human troops surrounding the area, but they couldn't just ignore people escaping. In this area, at least they could live. If they were to leave, then they would likely die.

They stopped people at first, but after a while, they gave up. After all, if someone wants to die, you can't really stop them.

Da Niu slowly trekked through the snow in the dark. The world was large, but he felt like there was no place where he belonged. The wind was even stronger late at night. He suddenly stopped as he ran into something. He was shocked to find that what tripped him was a body.

This body had died not long ago, so it was only covered by a thin layer of snow. When Da Niu fell, his face came very close to the face of the dead body.

His breath even landed on the body's face.

After being startled for a while, he let out a shout and backed up. However, as he backed up, he tripped again. He felt cold as he looked around and saw countless bodies.

Da Niu was a mortal. His longing for his wife and son, the death of the kid, and all of the dead bodies caused him to break down.

He squatted down in the snow and began to cry.

After a long time, Da Niu suddenly felt his body warm up as a warm hand patted his head.

"Da Niu, don't be afraid."

Da Niu turned his head and looked at the youth that appeared behind him. This youth looked much younger than him, but the youth's eyes emanated an ancient light.

Da Niu was no stranger to this person. In fact, it was the uncle Wang he longed for.

But this person's current appearance was completely different from the old man he knew. Da Niu looked at Wang Lin and suddenly remembered the first time he opened Wang Lin's shop's door and saw his face.

The Wang Lin from then looked exactly like the one now.

"Uncle Wang…" Da Niu whispered. He pondered for a while. He felt like the uncle that watched him grow up was not a normal person. He pondered for a while, then asked, "You… you are an immortal?"

Wang Lin looked at the surroundings. Finally, he looked at Da Niu, nodded, and smiled. "It's okay. Uncle Wang is here, so there is no need to be afraid. Let us go find your wife."

Da Niu felt like he was in a dream. In his mind, the image he associated Wang Lin with rapidly changed between an old man and a young man. His expression was unsettled. Even a hint of panic was visible.

Wang Lin let out a sigh and pointed his finger at Da Niu's head. Da Niu felt an irresistible urge to sleep, then he fell asleep.

Wang Lin waved his right hand. A gentle light surrounded Da Niu and Wang Lin flew away with him.

30,000 kilometers away, in another house filled with mortals that were clearing snow, Wang Lin found Da Niu's wife. When Wang Lin gave them the carvings, he left a piece of his divine sense inside them so he could save them in a time of danger.

This relationship was a seed he planted with Da Niu 30 years, and he had to save them to harvest the fruit.

Wang Lin quickly moved while carrying the couple and arrived at the border. There were two lightscreens blocking the way. One was from the Four Sect Alliance and one was from the other side.

Wang Lin put down the couple and placed his hand on the light. His spiritual energy was injected into the lightscreen and a tunnel that people could pass through opened up.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He pointed his hand to the couple's heads. After leaving behind a small package, he turned around and disappeared.

After a while, Da Niu opened his eyes. He felt like he had just seen a dream of his uncle Wang. The image of his Uncle Wang for some reason changed to be the same as the uncle Wang he knew when he was a boy.

He let out a sigh, then suddenly looked at the woman next to him and let out a scream. He quickly moved up and shook her. The woman woke up and also stared at Da Niu. After a while, the two of them hugged each other and began to cry.

Da Niu's wife asked after crying for a while, "Da Niu, why am I here? I remember that when I fell asleep, I was still inside the house."

Da Niu pondered for a while and looked into the sky. After a long time, he let out a sigh. He knew that what happened wasn't a dream. It was reality. He didn't say anything, he just hugged his wife before turning his eyes toward the tunnel and the package on the ground.

After opening the package, he found a lot of gold. He and his wife both kowtowed toward the capital as he whispered, "Uncle Wang… thank you…"

He picked up the package and dragged his wife through the tunnel. Shortly after Da Niu left the Four Sect Alliance, Wang Lin appeared at the spot where they kowtowed. As he looked at the disappearing figures of Da Niu and his wife, his eyes watered up.

With his divine sense, he already noticed that there was a small town not far from here. They only needed to follow the official road to get there. Da Niu spent the rest of his life there. Even until the moment he died, he couldn't forget uncle Wang, who watched him grow up. Only, he never had a chance to see Wang Lin again.

Chapter 273 - Xue Yu Descends

Wang Lin stood in place for a long time as he watched Da Niu and his wife leave. More than 30 years ago, Da Niu was only a kid, but in the blank of an eye, he was already middle-aged.

Just like the life and death domain, it was hard for things in this world to escape life and death.

Wang Lin let out a smile as he pointed at the lightscreen again. With a flash, the tunnel in the lightscreen closed. Wang Lin raised his head and looked around. He wasn't in a rush to leave the Four Sect Alliance because he still had one more goal he hadn't achieved yet.

That was to obtain the Rain Caldron!

This Rain Caldron was a disaster for the Four Sect Alliance, but also a treasure because it was something Soul Formation cultivators needed to be able to reach the Soul Transformation stage.

To Wang Lin, this Rain Caldron was something he needed for his future. Wang Lin could feel that the spiritual energy around him wasn't as clean as before.

It was as if the spiritual energy was filled with dirt. It was not that there was any change to the spiritual energy in recent years, but because Wang Lin's cultivation level had increased, he could detect this problem.

This spiritual energy is harmless to cultivators under the Soul Formation stage because they aren't able to notice the impurities it contains.

But after one reaches the Soul Formation stage and wishes to proceed further, this spiritual energy is deadly. As for the spirit water from the heaven defying bead, maybe it's because the five elements aren't complete, but its purity is still a bit lacking.

However, the five elements are simply too hard to obtain. Aside from the water element, he would need a desolate beast like the one he got for the fire element to fill even one of them up.

The other few missing elements also required the soul of their matching desolate beast, which was why Wang Lin hadn't managed to fill them in the past 400 years.

Wang Lin had to enter the celestial door to get celestial Qi, so he set his sights on the Rain Caldron.

Right now was obviously not the right time to try to take the Rain Caldron. The correct time was when Xue Yu's invasion commences.

Thinking of this, Wang Lin's eyes were filled with calmness as he found a large snow mountain and sank into it.

As his body sank into the snow, he took out his restriction flag and surrounded himself. Wang Lin soon disappeared inside the mountain of snow.

Wang Lin didn't know when Xue Yu would come, so he had to hurry and prepare himself to reach the Soul Formation stage to increase his chances of obtaining the Rain Caldron.

In the blink of an eye, one year had passed. It was either because the formations in the sky were having an effect or the cultivators of Xue Yu were going to arrive soon, but the snow had gradually lessened.

The entire Four Sect Alliance was covered in snow. In this past year, a large number of mortals had died. Although the corpses weren't in plain sight, every step was filled with snow and dead bodies. The mortal world of the Four Sect Alliance had turned into a grave.

Actually, the Four Sect Alliance had split into two factions. One wanted to hide and wait things out while the other wanted to fight until the end. After all, Xue Yu was a rank 4 cultivation country as well.

One this day, a large amount of cold aura escaped from the rifts in the sky, and a girl walked out from one of the rifts at the center of the Four Sect Alliance.

This girl was wearing a white dress like an ice queen. She was not beautiful, but the coldness on her face seemed to be even colder than all of the snow.

She walked out of the rift, then glanced at the ground before raising her right hand and casually pointing at the sky. Suddenly, countless rifts appeared in the sky and quickly expanded.

Waves of cracking sounds, like mirrors breaking, quickly spread across the entire Four Sect Alliance. At the same time, the formations that were blocking the snow broke into pieces and fell down into the four corners of the Four Sect Alliance.

Shortly after, countless cultivators wearing white robes walked out of the rift. There was one thing in common between all of them: the coldness on their faces. That coldness spread to every corner of the Four Sect Alliance.

A wave of killing intent covered the Four Sect Alliance.

At the same time, none of the countless cultivators from the Four Sect Alliance appeared, allowing all of the cultivators of Xue Yue to walk out one by one.

Slowly, more and more Xue Yu cultivators appeared. None of them uttered a word. Their gazes were all on the white-clothed girl.

Even the ones far away have their gazes set on the girl.

The girl's eyes were cold as she pointed at the ground. This simple action caused all of the cultivators from Xue Yu to descend from the sky as a beam of white light.

Once a few moved, it caused a chain reaction. All of the Xue Yu cultivators descended.

But as they descended from the sky, four rays of light shot into the sky from the west, south, east, and north.

Cyan, red, purple, and white pillars of light that looked like they could hold up the sky appeared. At the top of the pillars, giant figures slowly condensed. When the figures finally formed, they revealed themselves to be ancient barbarians wearing leather armor.

If one looked closely at the giant barbarians, they would see a cultivator inside the chest of each one. Although it was not possible to see what cultivation level they were at, it couldn't be low.

The giant ancient barbarians walked out from the pillars one by one and charged toward the cultivators of Xue Yu.

There was a large amount of these barbarians. Every step they took seemed to cause the earth and heavens to tremble.

As these ancient barbarians charged out, an angry roar came from the White Cloud to the east.

A huge, black rock floated in the air. On this rock was an old man held down with nine chains.

This old man's face was yellow and very skinny. His body was filled with an aura of death and there was almost no clothes covering him besides a few scraps of fabric.

His hair was scattered all over as he looked at the Xue Yu cultivators in the sky with his dim eyes and licked his lips.

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His tongue was very long. When it came out, it made him look like a demon. This sight would shock anyone.

Shortly after, a roar came from the Water Ink Sect from the south. A giant, bronze caldron slowly floated into the sky from the back mountain of the Water Ink Sect. There were countless spells carved on the top of this bronze caldron. A primitive aura spread out from it as well.

An old man wearing a red gown sat on top of the bronze caldron and calmly looked at the sky.

The Green Wood Sect to the east also didn't dare to break the trend. As the roars came from the east and south, a giant pool of black sludge rose into the air from the Green Wood Sect. The sludge was bubbling, and every now and then, a face full of suffering would appear on the surface.

The moment this black sludge appeared, even the snow around it seemed to tremble.

The next moment, a weak-looking young man from the Black Soul Sect appeared in the north accompanied by neat and orderly shouts of young men. The young man looked very pale, as if he had just survived a serious illness.

As his body floated in the air, he waved his right hand to call something forth. Suddenly, a large amount of black gas floated out from the Black Soul Sect.

The black gas wove together to form a black ink brush. The moment the brush appeared, the sky changed colors. Even the old man on the caldron and the old man chained to the black rock noticed and were shocked.

This very ordinary looking ink brush slowly floated into the young man's hand. The moment the brush landed in his hand, a healthy, red color appeared on his face.

How could the Four Sect Alliance not have made any preparations in the past few years? In truth, they had all been waiting. In this country-destroying disaster, they were taking out the final resorts of their sects and retaliating.

After all, a majority of the cultivators in the Four Sect Alliance grew up on this land. Although their opinions were divided at the news of Xue Ye invading, in the end, they banded together to fight the invaders.

Because they didn't want to become homeless dogs, and they didn't want to be people who couldn't even protect their home.

Humans need a home, and cultivators are humans too.

This was a battle to the death.

Unless one side can easily wipe out the other side, then it will be a battle to the death until the very end.

The girl wearing white floated in the air. Her gaze was cold as she whispered, "Erase them! This will be the new country for us Xue Yu cultivators!"

The moment those words came out, all of the Xue Yu cultivators let out a unified roar. The roar grew as people joined in, and at the peak, the girl formed a seal and a five-colored light appeared.

The moment the five colored light appeared, it formed five girls that looked exactly like her, but those weren't her avatars.

At this moment, Wang Lin was hiding under a mountain of snow inside the Four Sect Alliance. His divine sense had already covered the area. When he noticed the five girls appearing, the heaven defying bead in his divine sense suddenly trembled.

At this moment, there were many divine senses in the sky, so no one paid attention to his.

Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes under the mountain of snow. A strange light emanated from his eyes. He muttered to himself, "Spirits of the Five Elements."

Back then, after the heaven defying bead devoured only one fire spirit, the fire element was fully charged. At this moment, when Wang Lin saw the five element spirits, his heart moved. But he quickly threw away the idea as he didn't know if she was the genius of Xue Yu that Zhou Wutai talked about or not.

But even if she wasn't, she was still at the mid stage of Soul Formation. She was far from someone he could deal with right now.

Chapter 274 - Underground Ice Sculpture

The moment the five elemental spirits appeared, the old man chained to the black rock let out a creepy laugh. He suddenly flew into the air, dragging the black rock with him.

The water spirit suddenly turned. Without causing any fluctuations of spiritual energy, it turned into a pool of clear water and moved toward the old man.

At the same time, three more elemental spirits chose one of the four sects and flew over to them. Only the fire spirit turned into a large blue flame and flew toward the giant barbarians.

Shortly after, each of the Xue Yu cultivators picked one of the four sects and started fighting.

Waves of cold came from the snow and ice on the ground. When the cultivators of the Four Sect Alliance touched the snow, they would feel cold, but to the Xue Yu cultivators, it was the best weapon. This cold energy would even help the Xue Yu cultivators recover spiritual energy to some degree.

The entire sky of the Four Sect Alliance was covered in flashes of magical treasures. The locations of the Water Ink Sect, White Cloud Sect, Green Wood Sect, and Dark Soul Sect were the locations of the final battles.

Some of the mortals who were lucky enough to survive hid in their houses. They had no idea what was going on and had never seen so many cultivators in their life.

The surrounding countries all sent out powerful cultivators and surrounded the Four Sect Alliance. They had no intention to join the battle, they just wanted to make sure no cultivator could leave the Four Sect Alliance, whether it was the cultivators of the Four Sect Alliance or Xue Yu.

They would only leave once there was a winner.

The giant barbarians ran around the battlefield and swung their giant arms. Every time they swung, they would hit several Xue Yu cultivators. There was a total of 99 giant barbarians.

They fought with the Xue Yu cultivators within the area of the four sects.

Although each of the giant barbarians were very powerful and even contained hints of their own domains, they were very afraid of the fire created by the fire spirit.

One of the giants had just blown two Xue Yu cultivators into dust, but was immediately surrounded by the fire. Its entire body immediately released white smoke, and in a matter of a few breaths, the giant was gone. Even the cultivator inside couldn't escape from being burnt to ashes.

But the strange thing was that although the fire was very hot, it had no effect on the snow on the ground.

After the giant formation in the sky was broken, an even stronger snowstorm came out of the rifts. The snow became even thicker.

The white-clothed woman wasn't the only one who had brought a powerful magic treasure. Other Xue Yu cultivators who had prepared powerful magic treasures also appeared.

At the battle against the White Cloud Sect, a white-haired old woman waved her sleeves and chanted some complicated spell. Suddenly, a powerful wind came from a rift and all of the snow within 100 square feet floated into the air.

Under the effect the powerful wind, the snow glistened and turned into ice. Shortly after, the old woman's eyes lit up and she slapped her forehead. Her Nascent Soul left her body and entered a giant block of ice.

The moment the old woman's Nascent Soul entered the ice, the ice trembled and transformed into an ice giant.

The giant's eyes lit up and smashed its hands into the ground, causing large amounts of snow to fly into the air.

More snow flew into the air, moving as if something was controlling it, and took the shape of a long spear for the ice giant to use.

Then, some of the surrounding Xue Yu cultivators did the same thing and many ice giants appeared on the battlefield.

Some of the low level Four Sects Alliance cultivators finally realized why Xue Yu needed to pour so much snow on the countries they were fighting. A large amount of the Xue Yu cultivators' techniques and spells required snow.

The same scene happened in the other three sects. These large ice giants controlled by cultivators' Nascent Souls fought with the cultivators of the Four Sect Alliance. Suddenly, the battle became a mess.

Only the white-clothed woman stood still in the air as she looked at the battles with a cold gaze.

It was the metal elemental spirit that was fighting against the old man on top of the bronze cauldron. The old man placed his hand on top of the cauldron and symbols that moved as if they were alive appeared in the sky. The symbols moved under the control of the old man and began fighting with the metal elemental spirit.

The wood elemental spirit fought with the giant pool of sludge from the Green Wood Sect.

Countless black snakes extended from the sludge. Any Xue Yu cultivator that was touched by the black snake died.

Even the wood elemental spirit was having a hard time.

The most strange person had to be the young man from the Black Soul Sect. The earth elemental spirit was fighting him and having a really tough time. The young was completely motionless, only his hand would move along with the ink brush.

But with every stroke, the earth elemental spirit would escape with a look of dread in its eyes. Finally, the young man closed his eyes.

If one looked closely, they would see that the young man wasn't moving. The brush was moving on its own.

At this point, it was only the start of the battle, so most of the Soul Formation cultivators from either side hadn't moved yet. The Soul Formation cultivators of the Four Sect Alliance were all waiting. If this was all that Xue Yu had, then the chances of the Four Sect Alliance being wiped out were not large.

It could be said that all of the Soul Formation cultivators of the Four Sect Alliance, especially the old late stage Soul Formation monsters, were staring at the woman in the sky, wondering if she was the genius that had caused all of this.

Once they confirm it, they will begin the first step of their plan. However, right now, they couldn't be sure.

Wang Lin was also waiting. He was watching the battle while hiding inside a mountain of snow. He had already seen countless cultivators die.

However, a very strange phenomenon caught Wang Lin's attention.

When cultivators from either side died, even if their bodies were blown to pieces, they would immediately freeze and sink into the snow.

If just that was the case, it wouldn't have caught Wang Lin's attention, but after taking a closer look, he noticed small fluctuations of spiritual energy as the bodies sank in.

This phenomenon caused Wang Lin to become very unsettled. He didn't know why, but seeing the bodies turn into ice and disappear into the ground made him to feel a sense of danger.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin's body sank down without a sound. He wanted to see what was the mystery behind this.

He couldn't activate his full power inside the snow, so it took him two hours to reach the ground. Once he got there, he didn't hesitate at all and went deeper with his earth escape technique.

At about 4000 feet underground, Wang Lin stopped. His face was covered with an unsettled expression and a sliver surprise. He noticed that 5000 feet underground, someone managed to dig out a cave. The cave seemed to be endless in size. Wang Lin guessed that this cave spanned throughout the entire Four Sect Alliance.

Every 1000 feet inside the cave there was an ice sculpture. Each ice sculpture was about ten feet tall and released a strange light. One other notable thing was that all of the ice sculptures were exactly the same. Their faces had ferocious expressions, and they had human hands as well as snake bodies.

Wang Lin roughly checked and found that there was a large amount of ice sculptures and that their positions seemed to hold some meaning.

All of the bodies that disappeared during the battle would appear here, but the moment they appeared, they would be absorbed by a nearby ice sculpture.

Wang Lin pondered a little. He originally didn't believe that the Four Sect alliance wouldn't notice this earlier, but he wasn't able to detect this cave at all either.

It has to be said that Wang Lin's divine sense was at the level of late stage Soul Formation cultivator's, so if even he was unable to see through it, then it was very unlikely for anyone in a rank 4 cultivation country to see through it.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He slowly backed up and returned to the surface. He raised his head to look at the sky, then pondered a little before slapping his bag of holding and taking out a voice transmission jade.

This was what Zhou Wutai had left with him many years ago. He left a few messages in the jade before throwing it and watching it disappear.

At the same time, his expression suddenly changed as he noticed a huge fire in the sky. A giant barbarian had been burnt to ashes by a flame.

Although the giant was dead, the fire didn't stop; it charged at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his body backed up. His hand formed a seal and a pillar of water appeared before him to block the flame.

He took this moment and teleported to more than 2000 feet away. His teleportation distance was much further than before.

The water pillar only blocked the fire for a moment before turning into white mist. The flame circled around the area once before flying toward the White Cloud Sect.

Wang Lin was reluctant to make himself known right now, so he didn't extinguish the flame and merely ran away. Before all of the Soul Formation cultivators from both side moved, Wang Lin wouldn't act.