

Chapter 243 - Teng One

Teng One didn't dodge or block. He just allowed attacks to hit him. However, not even Wang Lin could last long while using all these powerful attacks, especially the Ji Realm, which damaged his own Nascent Soul every time he used it.

Wang Lin's body disappeared and reappeared 100 meters away. He took out a jade bottle and dumped all of its contents into his mouth to recover his spiritual energy.

But at the same time, the skinny man raised his head and moved once again.

Wang Lin's sense of danger rang in his head as he quickly dodged to the side. Once again, he barely got out of the way as the skinny man reappeared and attacked.

His forehead was filled with sweat as he quickly digested the pills he had just consumed to recover the spiritual energy in his body. He slapped his bag of holding and took out the ancient sword sheath. He then took out a flying sword and pushed it into the sword sheath.

Suddenly, the sword energy rushed out from the sword sheath, forming a giant sword, which landed on Teng One.

The skinny man became dumbfounded again as he allowed the sword energy to crash into his body. His body finally wasn't able to withstand all the damage and began to collapse.

But just as his whole body was about to collapse, he suddenly seemed to have realized something. He struggled to make his almost collapsed left hand form a seal and said a word that sounded like bones rubbing together. "Condense!"

Suddenly, the body that was about to collapse shined gold and returned to perfect condition.

Wang Lin took a deep breath as he stared at the person, unable to say a word.

The skinny man's eyes lit up as he stared at Wang Lin with a powerful urge to battle. His hand formed a fist and turned into a blur as he punched toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he immediately backed up. But he quickly found that all of the surrounding spiritual power seemed to have been sucked away by a mysterious power. It even seemed to create an imprisoning power. Wang Lin soon felt his speed decrease drastically under this power.

At that moment, Wang Lin's heart quickly calmed down. He hurriedly took out the bronze mirror and pointed it at Teng One, but the green light released by the bronze mirror had no effect on him. Teng One's fist hit the bronze mirror. The mirror cracked and released flashes of light.

Thanks to that light, the imprisonment surrounding him weakened and he quickly moved out of the area. At the same time, his heart ached as he shouted, "Explode!"

A large number of cracks suddenly appeared on the Ancient Bronze Mirror, and then it exploded.

This explosion created a huge gust of wind that swept across the area. After the gust of wind passed, Teng One coughed out a mouthful of golden blood. The moment the blood came out of his mouth, his body looked a lot weaker. He had a panicked expression on his face as he chased after the blood, trying to swallow it.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He didn't hesitate in the slightest as he charged forward instead of backing up. There was something strange about that blood.

When Teng One saw Wang Lin rushing over, he flew even faster and reached out his hands. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he reached out as well. Under the force of both sides, the golden blood split into two halves, each half floating toward one of them.

After Teng One got hold of the golden blood, he quickly swallowed it. Then, he stared at Wang Lin and quickly charged at him.

Wang Lin grabbed the golden blood and ran off without a word.

The two flew very quickly, one after the other. Wang Lin didn't run in a straight line, but circled the area around the mud pit. He had always felt that Teng One was very strange. When he saw the golden blood, he finally realized something.

Although he didn't know what this golden blood was, the memories of the Ancient God had something similar.

In truth, this golden blood wasn't anything special. It was just similar to the blood of an Ancient God, or more accurately, it contained a bit of the blood of an Ancient God.

Aside from the time he reformed his body, none of Teng One's attacks released any spiritual energy fluctuations at all. His attacks were purely physical.

This method no longer belonged to a cultivator. This person was like a puppet that only knew how to use brute force.

Teng One was also filled with confusion when it came to Wang Lin's techniques, but under this confusion, there seemed to be a hint of understanding. This person must have cultivated a very strange technique and became like this under the influence of that technique.

There were simply too many cultivation methods in the cultivation world for Wang Lin to know them all, but what he guessed was very accurate. The method Teng One cultivated was very similar to the way the Ancient Gods trained their bodies.

This method didn't belong to Zhao, but to the messenger in Heaven's Tower.

After cultivating this method, one's divine sense and soul fuse with the body, which was why Wang Lin's Ji Realm lost its 1 hit kill ability.

Wang Lin stared at the golden blood in his hand as his eyes lit up. This person's cultivation method wasn't that of a puppet, but an imitation of the Ancient Gods'.

A cold light flashed across Wang Lin's eyes as he slapped his bag of holding and summoned a dark mist. The dark mist turned into two puppets. These were two of the Nascent Soul puppets he got from old man Ji Mo.

Wang Lin flicked his right finger and two drops of blood landed on the puppets. Suddenly, the puppets' eyes glowed red as they charged toward Teng One.

The puppets attacked with their hands and feet, trying to stop Teng One.

Teng One's eyes emitted a ghostly light. He formed a fist and punched one of the puppets. The puppet shook and shattered into pieces.

Although his companion was killed, the remaining puppet was unafraid as it continued to attack.

Wang Lin took this chance and suddenly stopped. He threw the golden blood into the air. His hand formed a complex seal as he chanted in a complex language.

At that moment, even the most educated man would have trouble understanding what Wang Lin was saying, because Wang Lin was speaking in the language of the Ancient Gods to use a technique.

In truth, Wang Lin had a lot of techniques that belonged to the Ancient Gods in his memories, but without the inheritance of power, it was impossible for him to use any of them.

The technique he was using now was one of the few that didn't require the inheritance of power. It only required some blood of the Ancient God. After Wang Lin saw the blood, he made the decision to use this technique.

As Wang Lin's chant continued, the golden blood began to boil and emit white gas. As more and more white gas escaped, the golden blood condensed into a strange symbol.

The moment the symbol appeared, the sky darkened and all of the clouds disappeared as a beam of golden light descended. As the golden light descended, a huge figure composed purely of spiritual energy appeared.

This figure was simply large, its head reaching into the sky. As its body solidified, it used a massive amount of spiritual energy from the spirit veins within Zhao. From that day on, 3/5th of the spirit veins became useless.

Large amounts of spiritual energy gathered.

The remaining 2/5th of the spirit veins gradually lost spiritual energy as well, but the amount of blood used was simply too small, so the giant wasn't able to take physical form and only remained in an illusionary state.

Wang Lin's forehead was filled with sweat. Using this technique proved to be a huge burden on his body as the purple star on his forehead rapidly flickered. At the same time, Wang Lin struggled to point his right hand at Teng One, who saw that something was wrong and escaped.

Suddenly, the figure nodded and swung his hand toward Teng One, who was running away. The giant hand hit Teng One. Without any time to react, Teng One mysteriously disappeared.

In Wang Lin's divine sense, the light representing Teng One dimmed.

Shortly after, a drop of golden blood appeared where Teng One disappeared. Wang Lin reached out and the drop of blood flew toward him.

At the same time, that giant figure bowed toward Wang Lin, walked into the sunset, and disappeared. The strange symbol formed by the golden blood also disappeared.

At that moment, all of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhao noticed this disturbance.

Punnan Zi, who was currently flying, suddenly stopped and his expression changed greatly. He quickly spread out his divine sense to check.

At the same time, at Heaven's Tower in the center of Zhao, a fat man opened his eyes mid cultivation as he stared at Wang Lin's direction with a look of disbelief.

"This… this is the Giant Demon clan's Heaven Opening Technique!!"

As for Wang Lin, he carefully put the drop of golden blood into his bag of holding and immediately sat down cross legged. He took out bottles of jade and emptied them into his mouth as he quickly activated the Ancient God's tactic to digest them. The remaining puppet stood there, confused, next to Wang Lin, but if anything were to come close, it would attack.

After one day, Wang Lin opened his eyes and took a deep breath. If it wasn't for the fact that he had all of those pills, then after using the Ancient God's technique, it would take him at least half a month to recover.

He stood up, looked at the puppet, and saw that it had taken some damage. According to the jade, the puppet would be able to repair itself, so Wang Lin made a seal and pressed it on the puppet's forehead and it turned into smoke, which returned to Wang Lin's bag of holding. Wang Lin looked toward where Teng One died with a complex look. The Teng family was far more powerful than he had thought. If he couldn't successfully use the Ancient God's technique according to his original plan, then he would have to use his final resort.

The divine retribution lightning was something he really didn't want to use because if he used it now, then there was a high chance that his revenge would be stopped short.

This sliver of divine retribution lightning was something Wang Lin had prepared to deal with the messenger inside Heaven's Tower.

Chapter 244 - Exterminating Teng (1)

Not only didn't Wang Lin have to use the divine retribution lightning, he gained a drop of the Ancient God's blood. Although this drop of blood wasn't very pure and would disappear after one use, it was still enough to save his life once.

Wang Lin waved his hand and the restriction flag returned to him. He looked at the flag and decided that once the matter with the Teng family is over, he will have to find a place that can withstand the divine retribution lightning and place the last restriction on the flag. Then, it will reach the first level of completion and its power will increase greatly. It will no longer be like today, where it had almost no effect on the enemy.

This was the first time that Wang Lin felt like he simply had too few magic treasures.

The explosion of the bronze mirror made him lose another of what little magic treasures he had.

At this point, the only magic treasure he really used was the restriction flag and that sword sheath. As for the flying sword, it was now too weak and needed to be refined again.

Beyond these three, there were a few others, but they only would be effective in certain circumstances, such as the beast trap that would only be useful when going against powerful beasts.

And there was also that mysterious scroll. Although Wang Lin had not used it yet, he could feel a sensation from the scroll every time he took it out. He felt like there was a powerful life form inside it and that he should not casually open the it.

Of course, he still had other magic treasures, but they were too weak.

Wang Lin pondered for a little, then took out three bags of holding. The sense of danger from the lack of magic treasures made it so that he couldn't help but take a look at these three bags.

Through this battle, Wang Lin realized that the Ji Realm wasn't invincible. There were things in this world that could resist or even counter it. Of course, if he could cultivate the Ji Realm to its peak, then it was not an issue, but cultivating the Ji Realm was simply too hard.

As a result, magic treasures became very important. He didn't want to place all of his hope on his Ji Realm, because if his Ji Realm ever becomes ineffective, then all will be for nothing.

Staring at the three bags of holding, Wang Lin took a deep breath. He waved the restriction flag and it surrounded the area in black smoke. Then, he pointed at his brow and the two devils came out to guard him.

After hesitating a bit, he didn't call out the puppet. The puppet had suffered damaged in the battle with Teng One and was no longer fit to guard.

After doing all that, Wang Lin became serious and picked up a bag of holding. This bag of holding belonged to Ancient Emperor.

The word "Lan" was embroidered on the bag.

Wang Lin pondered a little, then the spiritual energy in his body surged. The avatar that was acting as his Nascent Soul opened its eyes and slivers of spiritual pressure emitted from his body as his right hand slowly moved toward the bag.

The moment his hand touched the bag, a powerful force resisted him. His heart sank as he realized that Ancient Emperor wasn't dead.

He took a deep breath and pressed his hand on the bag. With each press, a sliver of Ancient Emperor's divine sense was removed, but it is very slow and at the same time, the backlash Wang Lin felt increased.

After half an hour, Wang Lin's forehead was filled with sweat. He took a deep breath and took out a few pills to help stabilize his body. He clenched his teeth, activated his Ji Realm in his right hand, and pressed it on the bag along with his spiritual energy.

This time, the speed increased greatly, but Wang Lin's spiritual energy consumption increased too. After he consumed several bottles of pills, a white light suddenly peered out from the bag of holding and dissipated.

Wang Lin relaxed and revealed an excited expression. He quickly scanned the bag with his divine sense, but he soon revealed a weird expression.

There were very few things inside the Ancient Emperor's bag of holding. Aside from two top quality spirit stones, there was only an ancient sword sheath.

Wang Lin took out the sword sheath. He looked at the sword sheath for a long time, then his brow tightened. This sword sheath looked exactly like the one he had, only the symbol was different.

After hesitating for a bit, Wang Lin took out his own sword sheath. Just as he was about to compare the two sword sheaths, the symbol on both sheaths began to glow.

After a long time, the light slowly disappeared. Wang Lin stared at the sword sheaths. In his heart, he felt that there was some secret about the sword sheaths.

He looking at them for a while, then put away the two sword sheaths. He then slapped Ancient Emperor's bag of holding and it turned into dust.

Wang Lin sighed. After putting so much effort into opening up the bag of holding to only receive this strange thing, he wasn't sure if he should rejoice or feel helpless.

He hesitated for a while and looked at the other two bags of holding. One of them belonged to the mysterious mummy in the battle temple of Hou Fen.

The other contained more than ten magic treasures. These belonged to those ancient cultivators from the land of the ancient gods. However, they were too powerful. Wang Lin tried all he could and he only managed to take control of the bronze mirror.

However, the bronze mirror didn't seem that powerful, which confused him.

He picked up this bag of holding and scanned it with his divine sense. The protective barrier on these magic treasures were still active and they were not something Wang Lin could break through.

Wang Lin felt like he was looking at a mountain of treasures, but he couldn't get them no matter what.

After letting out a sigh, Wang Lin took out a bag of holding and scanned it with his divine sense. He felt a resistance, so Wang Lin clenched his teeth and used all of his spiritual energy and Ji Realm to wipe the divine sense off the bag.

But the moment his spiritual energy touched the bag, his body shook and he felt his own consciousness move far away. He saw a familiar area before him as an evil looking young man flew at a speed that Wang Lin couldn't believe was possible.

The youth suddenly stopped. He raised his head and his eyes turned cold as he said, "You won't be able to run away!"

Wang Lin's thoughts turned into a mess. He hesitated for a bit and his eyes turned cold. Although he couldn't see through the youth's cultivation level, based on that speed, the evil looking youth's cultivation level was far above his.

Wang Lin especially noticed that the land the youth was flying over was the Sea of Devils. Clearly, the evil looking youth was that mummy in Hou Fen. Since Wang Lin took his bag of holding, he was here to get it back.

If the person didn't reveal killing intent, then Wang Lin wouldn't mind giving back the bag of holding. However, since that person released a powerful killing intent, that meant that even if Wang Lin gave back the bag of holding, he wouldn't be forgiven.

As a result, Wang Lin's heart couldn't help but sink. He hesitated for a while and immediately increased the power of his spiritual energy and Ji Realm to wipe away the divine sense.

Time slowly passed. Although the divine sense on the bag of holding slowly disappeared, at this speed, it would take a few hundred years to completely remove it.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. His eyes lit up as he came up with an idea, but it was not the time to put that plan to action yet. He knew that he was short on time and immediately stood up. He looked toward the direction of Teng Family City as his eyes grew cold. He muttered, "Teng Huayuan, I'm coming!"

In these past few days, almost every one of the Teng family members had arrived at Teng Family City. They thought that it was the only safe place.

Teng Huayuan looked at all of his Teng family members gathered here and became even more gloomy. He knew that Wang Lin must already be on the way here.

The entire Teng Family City was in a state of panic. After the Teng family members entered Teng Family City, they immediately found the reason why the Teng ancestor hadn't gone out to kill that person.

It was not that he didn't want to leave, but the area 10,000 kilometers around the Teng family city was surrounded by a restriction that allowed people to enter, but not leave.

As a result, panic spread throughout the city. At the same time, rumors of the mysterious killer spread through the Teng family.

Almost every one of the Teng family members were speculating about what kind of grudge this mysterious person had with the Teng family that made him want to exterminate the entire family.

Various versions of the story spread between the Teng family members. There were even some versions that were very close to the truth.

Although Teng Huayuan tried to stop the rumors, under this state of panic, it was not something that people could stop. Gradually, the fear among the Teng family became even worse.

This sunny and cloudless day was the 9th day after the killing of the Teng family began.

In the entire country of Zhao, any location that had been occupied by Teng family members had no more Teng family members . They had all either been killed or had fled to Teng Family City.

This was the day that the Teng family will be wiped out. Even hundreds of years from now, when people of Zhao talk about this day, they will shiver.

This day was the day that the entire balance of power in Zhao changed. It was also the day that a river of blood flowed in Zhao.

On this day, the blood from Teng Family City was enough to cover the earth.

Also, this day was also the day that everyone in Zhao heard the name "Wang Lin," the white haired cultivator that caused everyone's hearts to turn cold.

At the same time, it was also when Wang Lin's name replaced Punnan Zi's as the number one cultivator in Zhao and when the older generation fell.

Early morning, tens of thousands of kilometers from Teng Family City, Wang Lin was flying on the mosquito beast. Although the bodies behind him had started to rot, under the effect of his technique, the heads remained in perfect condition.

This was because Wang Lin had made the promise to build a tower out of the Teng family members' heads.

Chapter 245 - Exterminating Teng (2)

Wang Lin wasn't very fast. He looked toward Teng Family City with eyes filled with killing intent and regret. 400 years ago, he was forced by Teng Huayuan to self destruct and nearly died.

On this day, 400 years later, he has returned with a monstrous killing intent.

He had waited 400 years for this day.

Wang Lin jumped down from the mosquito beast 10,000 kilometers from Teng Family City. He coldly looked at Teng Family City. Then, he slowly took the dragon banner and laid each body on the ground.

If it was a full body, he would cut the head off. He did this quickly. His actions were clean and merciless.

Gradually, a number of heads piled up before him. They all had various expressions, but the one thing in common was the unwillingness and fear on each face.

As the heads piled up, the hatred in the air grew. Cold wind started to blow and even the sky seemed to have darkened a bit.

A large tower made out of human heads gradually grew. This was a tower made out of only Teng family members' heads. Anyone who saw this would shiver.

Wang Lin put the last head at the top of the tower. He waved his hand and the tower followed behind him as he slowly walked into the restriction that covered the 10,000 kilometer radius of Teng Family City.

"Teng Huayuan, I, Wang Lin, am here. Today, no one will be left alive! I won't stop until I die!" A voice filled with hate transmitted toward Teng Family City.

Before that moment, the Teng family had a never before been in silence, but the silence was soon replaced by screams of fear.

At almost the exact same time, some of the experts of the Teng family noticed the giant tower made of heads.

Gradually, more and more people saw the tower and the fear instantly spread.

Teng Huayaun stood on top of the inner wall with a gloomy face. At his side were four people. These were the last four remaining Nascent Soul cultivators of the Teng family.

The four disappeared under the order of Teng Huayuan. When they reappeared, they were already 1000 feet away from Wang Lin. They quickly took out their magic treasures and used them against Wang Lin.

How could Wang Lin's vengeance be stopped by just the four of them? Although Wang Lin looked calm, there was a sliver of madness in his heart. Today, he will vent these past 400 years of anger. Today, will become a madman, a bloodthirsty madman!

Almost without any hesitation, the moment the four Nascent Soul cultivators appeared, Wang Lin's Ji Realm moved. Thanks to a series of red lightning bolts, the four Nascent Soul cultivators let out miserable screams before they could even use their magic treasures. The Ji Realm formed a cage and trapped the four Nascent Soul cultivators.

At the same time, Wang Lin rushed into the cage. His hand moved like a knife and cut off that person's head. He then kicked the head toward the tower.

The tower of heads gained another head.

Blood spouted out like a fountain and spread all over the ground.

Wang Lin suddenly turned. A flying sword had appeared in his hand. The attack of the flying sword made another head fall to the ground.

The tower of heads gained another head.

This all happened very quickly. In almost an instant, two of the four had died. The other two were trapped inside the cage, unable to resist. Filled with intense hatred, Wang Lin shouted, "Kill!" The Ji Realm cage closed in and cut through the remaining two Nascent Soul cultivators.

Blood rained down along with chunks of meat.

However, under Wang Lin's control, their heads remained intact.

The tower of heads gained another two heads.

After killing the four people, Wang Lin stood straight up as he looked toward Teng Huayuan with a cruel smile.

When he saw that smile, Teng Huayuan's heart became very cold. Four Nascent Soul cultivators were so easily killed. What level of cultivation had this Wang Lin reached?

Teng Huayuan's scalp tingled. His previous assumption was incorrect. The restriction around the city wasn't set by someone else, but by this fiend.

"Teng Huayuan, I'm here!" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with hatred, but his actions were very calm. He even smiled.

As he was speaking, his right hand reached out and turned into a giant hand. He swept the hand across the city and grabbed more than a dozen people while they screamed in fear. Among these people were males and female, cultivators and mortals.

The moment Wang Lin's words came out, he squeezed with his hand and all of their bodies exploded, leaving only their heads intact. Blood dripped all over Teng Family City. One drop even landed on Teng Huayaun's face, causing him to tremble.

The tower of heads gained another 19 heads.

"Wang Lin!" A huge killing intent emitted from Teng Huayuan. He waved his hand. Suddenly, a golden flag appeared in his grasp. With a swing, the flag released a gas. The gas turned into a giant skull. The skull let out a roar and charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm as he slapped his bag of holding and took out a soul flag. He shook the flag and thousands of screaming souls floated out.

"Teng Huayuan, back then, you threatened me with the souls of my family. Today, I will repay you in the same way. You can devour as many of them as you like. It will be a great loss, but I won't be heartbroken over it." Wang Lin's voice was dull, but as he was speaking, he waved his right hand and over 100 Teng family members floated into the air.

No matter how much they struggled, it was futile. This time, Teng Huayuan let out a roar as he waved his hand and a strange gust of wind flew out, trying to cut off Wang Lin's technique.

Wang Lin sneered. His Ji Realm shot out. The moment it hit, the strange wind dissipated.

Wang Lin clenched his right hand and over 100 people exploded. Blood rained from the sky.

This time, none of the Teng family members were able to withstand this kind of tension. No one knew who did it first, but everyone scattered on their flying swords in all directions.

Wang Lin let out a cruel smile. He pointed his finger into the air and the thousands of souls of the Teng family charged toward the escaping Teng family members to devour them.

Teng Huayuan's body moved. He clenched his teeth and waved his flag. The golden skull turned into over 1000 skulls and charged toward those souls.

Teng Huayuan's heart was bleeding. This was no different than killing his family members himself.

Wang Lin's body disappeared and reappeared next to an escaping Teng family member. This was a youth. He was only at the 3rd layer of Qi Condensation. Only 3 days ago, he felt proud to be named Teng, but now, he only wished he had nothing to do with the Teng family.

However, he never had a chance. The last thing he saw was the white haired youth that struck fear into his heart. A cold hand reached out to his neck and snapped it.

After killing one person, Wang Lin disappeared and reappeared next to another Teng family member. Although this person was a very enchanting girl, to Wang Lin, she was only a dead person. Wang Lin wouldn't show any mercy just because she was a girl, because the Teng family couldn't live in same world as the Wang family!

After crushing her neck, Wang Lin disappeared again.

Teng Huayuan let out a roar and charged forward. However, he was a bit slower than Wang Lin, so every time he tried to intercept Wang Lin, he only saw the Teng family losing another member.

This situation of watching your family members die one by one while being unable to do anything was about to drive Teng Huayuan mad. At that moment, he suddenly saw Wang Lin appear next to a young boy. This was the 7th generation grandson who he personally saw growing up.

"NO!!!" Teng Huayuan's eyes were red and he charged forward.

Wang Lin coldly looked at Teng Huayuan, who was charging over, as he pressed his hand on the boy's forehead. The boy looked at Wang Lin with hatred as Wang Lin sent spiritual energy into his hand, causing the boy to explode into a bloody mess.

"In your next life, don't be named Teng!" After Wang Lin was finished killing, he disappeared again.

Teng Huayuan stared dumbfoundedly at the bloody mess that was his grandson. Then, he let out a painful roar. "Wang Lin!"

Wang Lin's body reappeared 1000 feet away. He said, "Does it hurt? Back then, when you killed my family, my heart also hurt." With that, he randomly slapped the air with his right hand and a Teng family member who was running away in panic turned into mush.

Teng Huayuan ferociously roared, "I killed your entire family because you killed my grandson, Teng Li!"

"Nonsense. Is only your Teng family allowed kill people? Can't others resist?" Wang Lin let out a cold laugh. He slapped his bag of holding and more than ten flying swords came out. Once again, dozens more died before Teng Huayuan.

Teng Huayuan clenched his fist. He waved the flag and all of the golden skulls flew toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and the restriction flag appeared in his hand. With a wave, black smoke appeared and completely trapped the golden skulls. Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he asked, "Teng Huayuan, how did you find my hometown?"

Teng Huayuan's expression changed as he stared at Wang Lin with deep hatred and said, "You will never know!"

Wang Lin's face sank. He waved his hand and more than ten restrictions flew out. More than 100 Teng family members screamed as they died.

"Are you going to talk?"

Chapter 246 - Exterminating Teng (End)

Teng Huayuan slapped his bag of holding and a giant sword flew out. The sword looked very ancient. He bit the tip of his tongue and spat out fresh blood. His entire body looked weaker afterwards, but the large sword started glowing and flew towards Wang Lin like lightning.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The moment the giant sword flew out, his Ji Realm moved. A series of red lightning bolts shot out and surrounded the sword in an instant. After a series of cracking sounds, the giant sword slowly broke down. In the end, the Ji Realm was used up and the giant sword turned to dust.

Wang Lin reached for his bag of holding and took out several Nascent Souls that he ha gotten from Teng family members. He consumed them to quickly recover the used up energy.

Teng Huayuan stared dumbfoundedly at where the sword disappeared. His entire person suddenly became older.

Wang Lin formed a seal with his right hand. He pressed it on his forehead and the Devil Xu Liguo and the third devil quickly flew out. Under Wang Lin's command, they let out excited roars and charged toward the Teng family members.

In the blink of an eye, several more people screamed miserably as they died. Every scream caused Teng Huayuan's body to tremble.

"Are you going to talk?" Wang Lin's voice was as cold as ice.

Teng Huayuan took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Wang Lin's face had no expression. He didn't even look at Teng Huayuan as his hands formed seals and he sent out a restriction. The restriction that surrounded Teng Family City slowly shrank.

The people that made it to the edge of the restriction looked at it in despair. When they saw the walls closing in, the Teng family members split into two groups . One group completely gave up while the eyes of the people in the other group grew red and they charged toward Wang Lin with their magic treasures like moths to a flame.

More and more Teng family members charged toward Wang Lin. However, whenever they got within 1000 feet of Wang Lin, they would be hit by a restriction. Their bodies would explode, creating a rain of blood that fell to the ground.

His family's miserable screams entered Teng Huayuan's ears. His body trembled violently and his heart was filled with grief. He wanted to resist, but not even the magic treasure gifted by the higher rank cultivation country was of any use.

Teng Huayuan's appearance became even older. He no longer had the majestic complexion he once had. The only thing left was an old man who couldn't do anything as he watched his family die.

"I'll… speak!"

Teng Huayuan revealed a deep hatred in his eyes as he looked at Wang Lin and said, word for word, "Since my Teng family has met with such disaster, then no one else should think of getting away either! Back then, it was the Piao Miao Sect's Gao Qiming who used his heaven calculation skill to help me find the Wang family. It was him! Go find him! He is the first Ancestor of the Piao Miao Sect. His word is law at the Piao Miao Sect."

"Gao Qiming!" Wang Lin stared at Teng Huayuan. It didn't matter if Teng Huayuan was lying or not. Wang Lin remembered this name.

Looking at Teng Huayuan, Wang Lin's gaze suddenly shifted into the distance. His eyes were filled with killing intent. He waved his hand and the restriction that was slowly shrinking suddenly started to close in a lot faster. It went from 10,000 kilometers away to only few kilometers away in an instant. During the process, the people that died weren't even able to let out screams.

At the same time, the heads flew one by one due to the effect of some mysterious force and landed on the tower of heads. The tower was now so tall, it touched the sky.

At this point, everyone in the Teng family, besides Teng Huayuan, had died.

On the ground, the blood flowed like a river. The thick stench of blood was in the air…

While staring dumbfoundedly at the scene before him, Teng Huayuan suddenly started to laugh. His laugh was filled with sorrow as two streams of blood flowed down his cheeks.

Wang Lin calmly looked at Teng Huayuan. After a long time, Teng Huayuan took a deep breath. He raised his head toward Wang Lin. His voice was filled with a sense of indignation as he said, "Good, good. From now on, the grudge between your Wang family and my Teng family is gone. I killed your entire family and you killed my family. It is karma, it really is. Wang Lin, you can kill me now!"

Wang Lin raised his right hand. His finger radiated a golden light. He moved the spiritual energy in his body to gather at his finger tip.

But just at that moment, a loud roar came from the distance. "Stop!"

Hearing this voice, Teng Huayuan immediately recognized that it was Punnan Zi. He became excited and knew that he might have a chance to live today. His gaze toward Wang Lin was now filled with killing intent.

His urge to live suddenly kicked in. If he had a sliver of a chance to live, then he wouldn't allow himself to be killed so easily. What grudge between the two families was gone? He only said it because he thought that he was going to die for sure.

If he survives today, he will have to find a way to reach the Spirit Severing stage no matter the cost so that he could kill Wang Lin as cruelly as possible to get revenge.

However, he thought too highly of Punnan Zi and underestimated Wang Lin. Wang Lin's divine sense was as powerful as a Spirit Severing cultivator's divine sense. How could he not notice Punnan Zi from far away and let Punnan Zi stop him?

The moment Punnan Zi appeared, Wang Lin flicked the golden light on his finger onto Teng Huayuan's forehead and killed him.

It was indeed as Teng Huayuan said; the grudge between the Teng family and Wang family was gone. The Teng family was now completely wiped out from this world.

Punnan Zi's figure suddenly appeared before him. He looked at all of the blood on the ground, at the body of Teng Huayuan, whose face had just gained a hint of an urge to live, and finally at the tower of heads. He couldn't help but shiver.

He barely hesitated to formed a seal with his hand. Beams of green and red light shot out from his bag of holding.

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he stared at Punnan Zi and said, "You're late."

Punnan Zi looked at Wang Lin. He was stunned. After carefully looking at Wang Lin, he said, "You… you are a disciple of the Heng Yue Sect!"

Wang Lin looked at Punnan Zi and without a word, his Ji Realm shot out. However, just as the red lightning bolt arrived before Punnan Zi, the green and red lights formed a shield before him. The moment the Ji Realm landed, the two lights shone brightly. Ultimately, the two lights managed to block the Ji Realm, but their lights dimmed greatly.

Punnan Zi's expression changed greatly. Without wasting a moment, he bit the tip of his tongue and spat blood onto the green and red lights.

Punnan Zi pointed at Wang Lin and shouted, "Go!"

Suddenly, the green and red lights darted forward. The space around them tore as they moved. Wang Lin's right hand pointed and all of the restrictions in the restriction flags came out in the shape of dragons to stop the advancement of the green and red lights.

But the quality of the green and red lights was extremely high. The restrictions were only able to slow it down a bit, not stop it.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his Ji Realm appeared again. Its target wasn't the green and red lights. It was Punnan Zi.

Punnan Zi's expression changed greatly. Just as Punnan Zi was facing a life and death situation, a giant hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the Ji Realm lightning. The hand lightly squeezed and the red lightning bolt was destroyed, but at the same time, the giant hand shook and let out a soft grunt.

Soon, a middle aged man wearing luxurious clothes over a somewhat fat belly appeared before Punnan Zi. He looked at Wang Lin and was startled, but soon revealed a look of ecstasy and said, "So it was you!" With that, he waved his right hand and the green and red lights quickly returned and flew around him.

After the middle aged man appeared, Punnan Zi relaxed a bit. He bowed and said, "Greetings, lord messenger."

Although Punnan Zi relaxed a lot, his scalp was still tingling. He didn't know what kind of magic treasure that red lightning was, but when it closed in, he felt like he could die instantly. That sense of danger was something that he had only felt from the foreign battleground before.

He didn't have any doubt that if the lord messenger hadn't appeared, he would've been a corpse right now. He looked at Wang Lin. Aside from a deep sense of fear, there was also a sense of regret.

The middle aged man stared at Wang Lin and slowly said, "I can't believe you didn't die and in just a short 400 years reached such a high cultivation level. Very good! Hand over the Heaven Defying bead and I'll spare your life! I'll let you become the number one person in Zhao. How's that sound?"

Wang Lin's expression was calm. This person's appearance was within his calculations. He felt this person's presence when he was 10,000 kilometers away. This person was the messenger from Heaven's Tower, someone from a rank 4 country. Wang Lin guessed that his cultivation level was Spirit Severing.

If he wasn't Spirit Severing then how could he so easily destroy the Ji Realm lightning?

This person knowing that Wang Lin had the heaven defying bead was also something that he had considered in his plan for revenge. So when he was in Zhao, he kept the entire country covered in his divine sense. That way, with his Spirit Severing level divine sense, no one would be able to identify him.

And no one could lock onto him with their divine sense. That was why this messenger never came out to find him during his killing spree.

In fact, the middle aged man had felt a headache in these past few days because no matter how much he scanned Zhao with his divine sense, he couldn't find the person that was killing all of the Teng family members.

Unless that person's divine sense was more powerful than Wang Lin's, it was impossible to sense him. It has to be said although his cultivation level hadn't increased in the past 400 years, only in the early stage of Spirit Severing, no one in Zhao could surpass him.

He never could have guessed that although Wang Lin's cultivation level was only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, Wang Lin's divine sense was as powerful as a late stage Spirit Severing cultivator's divine sense. Even if that messenger from the Giant Demon sect came in person, he also wouldn't be able to find Wang Lin.

This kind of thing was extremely rare in the cultivation world. After all, Wang Lin was the only soul devourer walking around as a human.

Also, there was that strange, red lightning. Although the middle aged man made it look like he easily withstood the attack, in truth, the red lightning entered his body and damaged his soul. The damage wasn't very large, but it still made him afraid.

After seeing the messenger appear, Wang Lin's eyes lit up and without a word he took out a drop of blood.

A drop of golden colored blood.

A drop of golden colored blood that was emitting the pressure of the ancient god.

Wang Lin's eyes glowed with killing intent as he said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time!" His right hand lightly pointed at the golden drop of blood. The blood suddenly started to boil. It turned into a golden symbol and flew into the sky.

Chapter 247 - The Evil Looking Young Man

At that moment, a series of rumbles came from the sky and rays of golden light descended.

The golden giant appeared under the rays of the golden light. When he appeared, the entirety of Zhao seemed to tremble. The heavens and earth were completely covered by this golden light. All of the mortals, all of the cultivators, all of the trees, and all of the animals were covered in this golden light.

Although Wang Lin's expression was normal, the spiritual energy in his body rapidly depleted. The moment the giant appeared, Wang Lin struggled to point at the middle aged man.

The giant nodded. Its gaze swept toward where Wang Lin pointed and he gently waved his hand.

The middle aged man's expression suddenly changed as he felt a strong sense of danger, causing him to grab Punnan Zi, who was dumbfoundedly staring at the sky, and placed him in front of himself.

Punnan Zi's body turned to dust along with the middle age man's right hand.

The middle aged man let out a painful groan. His face was pale as he quickly retreated. At the same time, he reached into his bag of holding with his left hand and took out a jade. Without any hesitation, he crushed the jade. White light flooded out of the jade, surrounding him, and then he disappeared from the spot.

The moment the middle aged man disappeared, the giant also dissipated. Wang Lin's body trembled. He quickly took out pills from his bag of holding. He spread out his divine sense to look for traces of the middle aged man.

After a long time, Wang Lin frowned. That middle aged man's presence had disappeared from Zhao.

Thinking back to the jade that the middle aged man crushed, Wang Lin began to analyze what had happened. That jade must've contained some sort of transfer array that would allow him to move long distances.

"The magic treasures of a rank 4 cultivation country are really beyond my imagination," Wang Lin muttered to himself. He then took a deep breath.

In truth, his guess was very accurate. What the middle aged man used was an escape jade given to all core disciples of his sect. As long as they were within a certain range, they could return to the sect in an instant.

The messenger was really terrified of Wang Lin. According to his knowledge, Wang Lin's technique was the Giant Demon Sect's technique. The power of this technique was terrifying. Not even he was sure if he could block it.

He had already seen the technique twice in Zhao, so he believed that Wang Lin could use it a 3rd time. For this kind of enemy, even though Wang Lin was only at the Nascent Soul stage, he still didn't dare to mess with. That's why he didn't have any hesitation to use Punnan Zi as a shield to give him enough time to escape.

Wang Lin sat cross legged on the ground to recover his spiritual energy. After a long time, he stood up, waved his right hand, and picked up the tower made of Teng family members' heads.

At a village at the foot of the Heng Yue Mountain, all of the villagers fell to the ground asleep after a strange wind blew by.

Shortly after, a tower of heads appeared before the Wang family's house. Under the tower, Wang Lin knelt to the ground and kowtowed as tears flowed down his cheeks.

He just stared at his home like this until night came. Then Wang Lin sighed, hit the tower with his hand, and the tower of heads turned to dust.

"I have avenged our family. Mom, dad, your son is going to walk his own path now…" Wang Lin silently stood up and left the village.

After he left, all of the villagers woke up. After they noticed that it was already dark, they all knelt to the ground, praying to the immortals to protect them.

Wang Lin flew in the air. The mosquito beast had already been put away. He arrived at a valley. This is where he died before.

Looking at the valley, Wang Lin took a deep breath then stared at the sky.

He thought of many things as the scene from 400 years ago replayed over and over in his mind and wouldn't go away.

Now that the Teng family was destroyed, he no longer had any weight on his shoulders. His mentality suddenly underwent a change. Wang Lin understood that he was no longer a mortal and had already walked onto the path of a cultivator. This road was tough and full of danger, but he had to be determined to keep walking down this road.

400 of years experience showed him that power was the only means to protect himself.

The dream he had as a child to become an immortal intensified infinitely at that moment.

And there was also Situ Nan. Only after his cultivation level has reached the Soul Transformation stage can Situ Nan can leave the heaven defying bead.

And there was also the vast universe from the ancient god's memories, along with the countless powerful life forms that shocked Wang Lin greatly.

Wang Lin stood up as he looked into the distance. His eyes were filled with a fantastic light.

At that moment, Wang Lin's mentality changed. He was once a kid that wanted to get revenge for his parents' murder. Now that his revenge was complete, he would now pursuit the peak of cultivation and become a true immortal.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. His body moved and he jumped off the cliff. He arrived at the spot where he died before and suddenly disappeared from there.

Piao Miao Sect. Gao Qiming sat inside his own chamber with a bronze mirror before him. His expression was extremely ugly. 200 years ago, he foresaw that he was going to suffer a great disaster. However, that disaster was very uncertain, so he couldn't get exact details with only his cultivation level.

As time passed, the impending sense of doom became even stronger. When the Teng family members started to die, he was suddenly able to calculate his remaining lifespan. He only had 10 days left. If he didn't die in 10 days, then the disaster would affect the entire Piao Miao Sect.

Today was the 10th day. Gao Qiming had always believed in the heaven's way because that was his cultivation path. He knew that he must die today, otherwise the Piao Miao sect would be in danger.

That was why he had already started planning for his death a few days ago. At this moment, he had no more regrets. He took a deep breath, looked at his surroundings with regret, and hit his forehead with his palm.

Blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth, his vision became blurry, and the light in his eyes faded. At that moment, he suddenly saw a scene from 400 years ago. It was when Teng Huayuan asked him to find the location of the family of a Foundation Establishment disciple.

He gained a hint of understanding, then he closed his eyes and died.

Wang Lin looked at Zhao from next to the ancient transfer array. He then opened up the array and disappeared from Zhao.

Ten days later, an evil looking youth appeared next to the transfer array. He looked at the transfer array and walked into it without any hesitation.

In a valley millions of miles away from Zhao, Wang Lin's figure slowly appeared. The moment he appeared, he spread out his divine sense, then carefully checked out his map.

Then he quickly moved, seeking the next transfer array. Wang Lin knew that the owner of the bag of holding was closing in from behind. If he didn't lose him then he couldn't cultivate in peace.

Therefore, his goal was the ancient transfer arrays. He had quite a bit of top quality spirit stones, so he could use them several times.

Half a month later, Wang Lin arrived at an ancient transfer array. After he checked it out, he stood in the middle of it, took out a top quality spirit stone, and placed it on the array. But at that moment, a dark cloud suddenly appeared. The cloud gathered and formed the figure of the evil looking youth. The youth stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's heart sank. The youth's speed was several times faster than what he originally thought. Wang Lin also wasn't able to determine this person's cultivation level with his divine sense. He felt an extreme sense of danger.

If one relied solely on the top quality spirit stone to start the array, then it would take 10 breaths of time to transfer them. However, in this crisis, Wang Lin desperately poured his spiritual energy into the transfer array to speed up the activation.

In the end, in the same moment the evil looking youth arrived, rings of light floated up from the transfer array and Wang Lin's body disappeared.

The evil looking youth let out a roar. His hand formed a seal. The moment Wang Lin disappeared, he charged into the rings of light. After using an unknown technique, he caused the transfer array to activate again and disappeared among the rings of light.

Wang Lin felt a sense of extreme danger during the transfer process. He could clearly feel that a divine sense that was powerful beyond his imagination swept toward him like a tornado. Wang Lin felt terrified in his heart. Just as the divine sense swept toward him, his Ji Realm formed a never seen before thick red lightning bolt that charged toward the youth.

The impact of the Ji Realm made the divine sense pause for a bit. At that moment, a light appeared in the other end and Wang Lin quickly charged toward it.

After he came out, he violently coughed out several mouthfuls of blood. The Nascent Soul formed by his avatar shrunk and seemed to be ready to collapse at any moment. But Wang Lin didn't pause as he quickly moved. He disappeared and reappeared 100 meters away. However, he didn't continue to run, but took out a red thread from his bag of holding.

Wang Lin knew that no matter how hard he tries to escape, he won't be able to escape from that person's speed. Also, his Nascent Soul had taken too much damage. If he kept running, that person wouldn't even have to act. He would die from his Nascent Soul collapsing.

This was the most powerful weapon he currently possessed.

The moment he took out the divine retribution lightning, he also took out a bottle of pills and dumped them into his mouth.

The evil looking youth appeared 10 feet away from Wang Lin. As he stared at the thread in Wang Lin's hand, his expression became unsettled.

Chapter 248 - The Cultivation Planet Crystal

The evil looking young man looked at Wang Lin and slowly said, "Divine retribution. I can't believe that a waste of a planet like this could have such a magical treasure."

Wang Lin stared at the person. Only after that person looked at the divine retribution and revealed a look of fear did he relax a bit.

If the youth was indifferent toward the divine retribution, then the only thing he could do hide was inside the heaven defying bead's space, and that was not a good idea.

The evil looking young man was also feeling very frustrated. He never thought that he would meet the power of divine retribution here. If he was at full power, it would not a big deal. He would be confident that he could destroy this sliver of divine retribution.

But right now he had only recovered 30% of his strength. He was merely an early stage Soul Transformation level cultivator. As a result, although he could defend against the divine retribution, he would certainly be injured. If his cultivation falls below Soul Transformation, he won't be able to leave and will have to find another place to heal up again.

All of this worrying was because the minimum cultivation level required to use the Star Disc was Soul Transformation.

However, these are not the main reasons. The main reason was that inside the transfer array, he felt a power that made his skin crawl. This was a power he was very familiar with.

The evil looking young man let out a snort. He no longer looked at the divine retribution and looked toward Wang Lin. "Junior, hand over the bag of holding and I'll let this matter go," he said.

"Is this what senior wants?" Wang Lin's gaze was serious as he stared at the person and took out a bag of holding.

The evil looking young man's gaze quickly shifted to the bag and he said, "That is correct. Toss it over here."

Wang Lin hesitated a bit. The youth was simply too fast. Even if he were to ask him to go far away or to wait until he himself was far away, it would all be pointless. If this person really wanted to kill him, it would be very easy.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin decisively threw out the bag of holding.

The evil looking young man caught the bag of holding. After scanning it with his divine sense, his expression softened. He looked at Wang Lin. His face showed no expression, neither anger nor happiness.

Wang Lin stared at the young man. He placed the divine retribution lightning before him and said, "Senior, junior has already returned the bag of holding, so I'll take my leave." With that, he carefully backed up.

The evil looking young man looked at Wang Lin. His eyes suddenly started glowing. Two beams of colorful light suddenly shot out from his eyes toward Wang Lin at an unimaginable speed.

Wang Lin had remained cautious this whole time, so when he saw that the youth acted, his Ji Realm shot out without any hesitation and collided with the colorful light. Shortly after, Wang Lin coughed out a mouthful of blood as the red lightning formed by the Ji Realm collapsed under the colorful light.

While Wang Lin retreated, he took out the restriction flag. The last restriction appeared in his hand and was about to land on the restriction flag.

The evil looking young man's expression changed greatly and he shouted, "Stop! Little friend, don't be rash!" With that, he backed up and stared at the restriction flag with fear.

He bitterly smiled. A sliver of divine retribution would only lower his cultivation level, not kill him. At most, it would force him to go into closed door cultivation for a few thousand years.

But after he saw the restriction flag, he understood why this junior would have a sliver of divine retribution. Although he didn't know what the restriction flag was, he could immediately tell that it was a magic treasure that could bring out divine retribution.

He had a few of those weapons himself, so he knew of its power. If he let his kid continue then he would not come out of it with something as simple as needing to take more time to recover. He might forever lose the chance to recover his cultivation.

Wang Lin still had some blood at the corner of his mouth as he looked at the evil looking young man. Right now, with just one thought, the last restriction would land on the restriction flag. If he gave up the flag and then used the sliver of divine retribution as a guide, he was confident that he could direct part of the divine retribution's power onto the evil looking young man.

Wang Lin stared at the young man and said, "I have already returned the bag of holding and didn't touch it at all. Why did senior go back on his word?"

The evil looking young man pondered for a while then asked, "Was the red lightning you just used the Ji Realm?" His tone was uncertain.

Wang Lin's expression remained normal, but his heart was in turmoil as he silently stared at the young man.

The evil looking youth stared at Wang Lin and said, "I should be correct. What you used just now was the Ji Realm!" Right now, the youth's feelings were very complicated. Wang Lin had brought him one surprise after another.

At this almost waste of a planet, not only did this kid have a sliver of divine retribution and a magic treasure to call the divine retribution, but he also had the Ji Realm.

It was this Ji Realm that caused his killing intent to completely disappear.

The evil looking young man took a deep breath and revealed a strange expression.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. After a moment of silence, he said, "If senior doesn't have anything else then junior will take his leave." With that, he carefully backed up.

If the youth were to move at all, he would activate the divine retribution without any hesitation.

The evil looking young man hesitated for a while and asked, "Do you not want your Ji Realm to break through the bottleneck?"

Wang Lin's body stopped moving and he stared at the youth.

The evil looking young man hesitated once more. He sighed and said, "Forget it. Kid, you better listen. The Ji Realm is a very extreme power. Breaking through the bottleneck is very difficult, but it's not impossible."

Wang Lin's expression remained unimpressed as he silently looked at the person.

The evil looking young man revealed a look of appreciation and his eyes suddenly lit up as colorful light slowly appeared. The light turned into a ball of light and floated in his hand.

Wang Lin's caution reached its extreme as he stared at the colorful light.

The evil looking young man looked at the colorful light with a complex expression. After a long time, he sighed and said, "Check the light with your divine sense."

Wang Lin pondered for a little before scanning the light with his divine sense. His expression immediately became strange. He paused then asked, "This is…" Inside the colorful light, he detected a sliver of Ji Ream. This discovery shook his heart.

The evil looking young man took a deep breath and slowly said, "You found it? This colorful light on my home planet is called the five colored Ji Realm. This was originally not mine. It was gifted to me by a friend as he was dying."

Wang Lin took a deep breath. His eyes trembled as he looked at the colorful light.

The evil looking young man waved his hand and the colorful light disappeared. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "The Ji Realm is divided into many different kinds. As for how many there are, no one really knows. Cultivators with Ji Realm are rare in the cultivation union, so I am unable to see what property your Ji Realm contains. But I know that no matter what type of Ji Ream it is, they all have a bottleneck, and those bottlenecks are extremely difficult to break through."

"I know of a method that allows the Ji Realm to break through the bottleneck: the Cultivation Planet Crystal. This crystal is given to every rank 6 cultivation country when it gets approved by the cultivation union. The old monsters of the cultivation union use their heaven defying powers to form the crystal. It is a rank 6 cultivation country's national treasure.

If a Ji Realm cultivator obtains it and refines it, there is a chance of breaking through that Ji Realm bottleneck."

Wang Lin's expression was kind of ugly. A rank 6 cultivation country's national treasure was not something he could obtain.

The evil looking young man looked at Wang Lin. He then slapped his bag of holding and took out a black disc. He casually hit the disc with his right hand and the disc suddenly grew larger while releasing a gentle light.

"If you manage to obtain the Cultivation Planet Crystal and obtain the qualification to leave this waste of a planet, you can come and find me at the Five Elements Planet. My name is Na Duo." With that, he rose up in the air and disappeared into the flying disc. Shortly after, the disc began to spin rapidly, causing a hole to appear in the sky. Through the hole, Wang Lin could see the endless void filled with bright stars.

The disc moved and entered the hole. The hole rapidly shrunk and disappeared without a trace.

Wang Lin considered himself very lucky that this person didn't pursue the matter about the bag of holding. Whether it was the restriction flag or the sliver of divine retribution, both were his ultimate weapons, especially the sliver of divine retribution. These were things that he didn't want to use if he didn't have to.

He looked at where the hole disappeared and a powerful urge appeared in his heart. When he was young, he dreamed of flying in the sky, but now he wished to fly among the stars.

He took a deep breath and turned around to leave.

The Cultivation Country Crystal of a rank 6 cultivation country was not something he could obtain at the moment. Whether what the evil looking young man said was true or not, it was still a clue. If he ever reaches a cultivation level high enough to obtain it then he wouldn't mind trying it out.

The only thing he needed to worry about now was how to reach the Spirit Severing stage.

Producing a Spirit Severing cultivator is the requirement for a rank 3 cultivation country to reach rank 4. It is very difficult. It has to be said that on the entire planet, there are countless rank 3 cultivation countries, but less than 20 rank 4 cultivation countries.

This data clearly displays the difficulty of reaching the Spirit Severing stage.

If he wants to reach the Spirit Severing stage, the spiritual energy and environment of a rank 3 cultivation country isn't enough. Wang Lin's goal is to find a rank 4 cultivation country and reach the Spirit Severing stage there.

He took out the map. After looking at it for a while, he set his sights on the Five Sects Union. This rank 4 cultivation country was the closest one to his current location.

Half a month later, the border of the Five Sect Union appeared before Wang Lin. At the border, there was a light screen blocking the path. This was the difference between a rank 3 and rank 4 cultivation country. This light blocked outsiders from entering.

Wang Lin arrived before the light screen. After looking at it for a bit, he sent out a restriction. The restriction landed on the light screen and an opening appeared.

Without a word, Wang Lin went inside.

Chapter 249 - Turning Mortal

After Wang Lin entered the rank 4 country, he no longer flew, but walked like a mortal. He looked around at this foreign place and signed.

No cultivation method can help one break through from the Nascent Soul stage to the Spirit Severing stage. Even pills are useless unless one can find rank 6 or higher pills.

In order to reach the Spirit Severing stage, one must study the heavens and gain their own Dao. That is the only way.

Wang Lin didn't join any sect once he entered the rank 4 country because he knew about this. Afterall, joining a sect won't help him much with reaching the Spirit Severing stage anyway.

If he wanted to join a sect and become its core member, it would take too much time. Time he didn't want to waste.

From his 400 years of experience in cultivating and his experience with other Spirit Severing cultivators, he understood that an understanding of the heavens was very important for reaching the Spirit Severing stage.

Wang Lin had walked the path of blood for a long time and all that killing had nothing to do with understanding the heavens. He had a feeling that if he were to continue down this path, he would never be able to reach the Spirit Severing stage.

In reality, Wang Lin's real cultivation level wasn't Nascent Soul. His main body's Ji Realm prevented his main body from reaching the Nascent Soul stage, so it was only his avatar that reached the Nascent Soul stage.

Walking on the road, Wang Lin's body gradually changed as his main body went inside and fell into a deep sleep while his avatar came out.

Wang Lin had come to an understanding about his Ji Realm, so he won't insist on trying to break through the bottleneck of his Ji Realm. He will also no longer rely on the Ji Realm so much. From now on, it will just be another magic treasure to him.

His current magic treasures were too weak to damage Spirit Severing cultivators. In order for this magic treasure to rise up in strength, he will need some very rare heavenly treasures, like a rank 6 cultivation country's Cultivation Planet Crystal.

After giving up on the Ji Realm, Wang Lin decided to use his avatar to walk the path of a cultivator. If one day his avatar reaches the Soul Transformation stage, he might have a chance of obtaining the crystal. Then, once he refines it, he might have a chance to break through with his Ji Realm.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and took the Ji Realm out of his consciousness. He understood that the most important thing for him to do was to gain an understanding of the heavens, but he had spent most of his life on the path of killing, and this path was incomplete. If he wanted to understand the heavens then he must start from the beginning and become a mortal.

If one wants to turn into an immortal, one must turn into a mortal first.

Before he knew it, Wang Lin's mentality changed and he gained a hint of understanding. However, that hint went by like lightning and Wang Lin wasn't able to capture it.

He pondered for a while then smiled. His cultivation disappeared like melting snow. After a while, he looked no different than a mortal.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light as he grabbed a willow leaf. He put it in his mouth to savor the green taste as he walked along the road.

This rank 4 cultivation country was very large, several times larger than Zhao. There were a lot of cultivators and the amount of mortals had also reached an incredible number.

While Wang Lin was walking, he saw people passing by. All of them were carrying some sort of baggage, unlike him, so he attracted a lot of attention.

Wang Lin pondered for a little. He went to the side of the road and gathered some thin twigs and made a basket for himself. He then gathered various leaves and herbs to fill the basket.

Wang Lin had only walked on the road for a few hours and had already seen many martial artists from the mortal world pass by on horses. None of them paid any mind to Wang Lin.

Every time horses passed by, they would kick up a cloud of dust, however, Wang Lin didn't mind. He dusted the dirt off his clothes and continued walking. But this time, he only walked a bit before a voice behind him shouted, "Make way!"

At the same time, a powerful wind came from behind him. Wang Lin quickly dodged to the side and saw a black horse almost touching his body as it passed by.

Shortly after, several more horses passed by.

One of them was about to bump into Wang Lin when the rider suddenly pull hard on the reins. The horse let out a loud noise. Its front legs rose up and it moved to the side.

Only after taking a few more steps forward did the horse stop. The man riding the horse stared at Wang Lin. He picked up his whip and swung it toward Wang Lin's head while shouting, "Where did this blind person come from? Do you not have eyes?"

Wang Lin frowned. However, just as the whip was coming, a middle aged man came from the side, grabbed the whip, and shouted, "Zhang San, what are you doing?"

The man snorted. He put away the whip, shot Wang Lin a vicious stare, and left.

The middle aged man didn't look the man as he turned toward Wang Lin and said, "Sorry, little brother, for scaring you. I still have an important matter to attend to, so please forgive me."

Wang Lin shook his head and said, "No problem." With that, he dusted the dirt off his clothes.

The middle aged man revealed a surprised expression. From his point of view, Wang Lin was only a normal person with no signs of a being a martial artist, but Wang Lin's courage was far above an ordinary person's.

The middle aged man carefully looked at Wang Lin. He smiled and said, "I'm Lu Xing. This road only heads toward the capital. I wonder what little brother is heading toward the capital for?" With that, he saw the basket on Wang Lin's back and asked with a strange expression, "Is little brother a traveling doctor?"

Wang Lin didn't make any excuse and nodded.

The middle aged man smiled. He clasped his hands and jumped on his horse. Suddenly, the horse let out a cry, but instead of going forward, he went back.

Wang Lin turned around and saw that 100 meters behind him, a carriage slowly moved forward.

Half an hour later, the carriage slowly appeared behind Wang Lin. There were more than 100 people on horses guarding the carriage. All of their eyes were shining, their heads straight. It was clear that they were all expert martial artists.

Lu Xing was on the side of the carriage. He was close to the carriage, talking to someone inside.

This road was not wide, so after seeing the carriage, Wang Lin stood on the side of the road.

As the carriage passed by him, four people on horses appeared in front of him to block him from the carriage.

Lu Xing turned to look at Wang Lin and his eyes lit up. He moved his horse next to Wang Lin, then clasped his hands and said, "Little brother, do you have any medication for the Evil Wind condition?"

Wang Lin knew that the other mistook him for a doctor. With his temper, he normally wouldn't bother with this, but he suddenly had some insight. In order to reach the Spirit Severing stage, he must be able to understand the heavens. Maybe this was a chance to enter the mortal world.

Thinking about it, Wang Lin asked, "Is there someone sick?"

The middle aged man hesitated for a bit and said, "A servant girl is sick and we are still far from the city. The doctors around here tried giving her some medication, but none of them worked."

Wang Lin glanced at the carriage and said, "Let me see the patient."

Lu Xing wryly smiled and said, "Little brother, do you have medication that can help? If you don't have any, then there is no need to see the patient."

Just at that moment, an old voice came from the carriage. It said, "Lu Xing, this person has traveled a lot, so he might have a cure."

Lu Xing quickly replied. He jumped down from the horse and said, "I'm going to have to trouble you, little brother."

Wang Lin followed Lu Xing to the carriage and was about to go up when the old man inside coughed. Lu Xing quickly stopped Wang Lin and said, "Little brother, just look from here. There is no need to go inside."

Wang Lin frowned. Thanks to his divine sense, he already knew that there were three people inside the carriage. Aside from the old man, there were two beautiful ladies. It was very clear that they were a master and her servant.

The person who was sick was not the servant, but the master. With his divine sense, Wang Lin could clearly see that the lady wasn't sick due to evil wind entering her body, but from some green gas inside her body. She had clearly been poisoned.

Wang Lin said, "Stick our hand out."

The lady inside the carriage hesitated for a bit before extending her hand. Wang Lin held her hand for a bit before letting go and reaching into his basket. He took out a leaf and ran his spiritual energy through it once.

He handed the leaf to Lu Xing and said, "Have her eat it raw and she will be cured by tomorrow."

Lu Xing looked at the leaf in his hand with a strange expression. No matter how he looked at it, it was only the leaf of a willow tree. Lu Xing bitterly smiled as he thought that he was wrong about this young man. Clearly, this young man was not a doctor, but a madman.

Otherwise, who would use willow leaves as medication? If this leaf really was medication then anyone can grab a bunch from the side of the road.

He was about to throw away the leaf when the curtain on the carriage suddenly lifted. An old man filled with wrinkles came out and grabbed the leaf. After looking at it for a long time, his expression changed as he said, "A hundred year old willow leaf!"

He took a deep breath. His eyes were filled with disbelief as he looked at Wang Lin and respectfully asked, "Is there any trick to using this leaf?"

Wang Lin faintly smiled and said, "Eating it raw is fine."

The old man quickly nodded. He made a expression toward Lu Xing and returned to the carriage.

Lu Xing looked at Wang Lin with a strange expression. He couldn't help but wryly smile and said, "Little brother, since you're going to the capital too, how about you travel with us?"

Wang Lin smiled and said, "I need a horse."

After Lu Xing heard this, he immediately said, "Sun Laoer, hand over your horse."

A 20 or so year old youth bitterly smiled. He got off the horse and brought it over. After muttering a few words, he turned around and left.

Chapter 250 - Condensing Evil

Wang Lin examined the horse. It looked very heroic and its eyes were filled with intelligence. When Wang Lin rubbed the horse, its eyes narrowed as it let out a very comfortable expression.

This startled Lu Xing. This was the first time he had seen a horse show an expression like this.

Wang Lin's left hand pressed against the horse and he easily jumped onto its back.

Lu Xing quickly followed behind as he chatted with Wang Lin and kept looking back at the carriage.

Wang Lin looked around at all of the mortals surrounding him as he rode. A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time appeared in his heart. At that moment, the spiritual energy in his body started to move on its own and all of the surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be attracted to him.

If there were any powerful cultivators around, they would be shocked because there was a thick layer of red mist aura surrounding Wang Lin. This aura was very powerful; however, it was not leaking outward, but condensed around Wang Lin.

Not to mention mortals, even most cultivators wouldn't be able to see this red mist aura. This was the murderous aura that Wang Lin had gained from his 400 years of killing. After being part of him for such a long time, it gradually changed into a hostility aura. Eventually, as he killed even more and underwent a change, it became an evil aura that would cause any cultivator's skin to crawl.

When this evil aura can be used freely, it can be used like a powerful technique. Also, if a bit of it is used when refining a magic treasure, it would make the treasure much more powerful.

The spring wind blew past Wang Lin and he unconsciously took a deep breath. His eyes radiated an unnoticeable light. He could clearly feel that his spiritual energy was undergoing a change. Although this change was very small, it contained a very mysterious power.

The evil aura around Wang Lin loosened a bit. A sliver of it entered his body and fused with his spiritual energy.

Gradually, as the carriage slowly moved forward, more and more spiritual energy gathered around Wang Lin. Under the dense spiritual energy, all of the horses suddenly became very lively.

Even those mortal martial artists' eyes lit up. They didn't know why, but there was something that was causing their bodies to feel warm and comfortable.

After a long time, the spiritual energy in Wang Lin's body settled down and the spiritual energy around the area dissipated. The martial artists' heads suddenly became clear as they talked among themselves about what they had just experienced.

As the group kept moving forward, night eventually fell. A circle of carriages was formed on the side of the road.

Some of the servant girls came down from the carriages and started to prepare dinner. Some of them threw a few looks at Wang Lin and talked among themselves.

It was not hard to understand why all of the female servants were looking at Wang Lin. Right now, he had an unspeakable charm. Although his looks were normal, he had a very special aura about him.

Wang Lin sat leaning against a big tree as he looked at the slowly darkening sky. He was experiencing a kind of peace of mind that he had never experienced in the past 400 years.

This was from the ancient god's inheritance of memory. Back when Tu Si wasn't able to travel among the stars, he often looked at the sky like this.

This peace of mind caused the spiritual energy in Wang Lin's body to resurface again, but the current Wang Lin didn't pay attention to the spiritual energy and, for the first time, he noticed the red mist aura around him.

The red substance slowly dissipated with his mind at peace. He knew that if he kept this up then the red substance will disappear after several years.

Wang Lin had noticed this red substance before, but this was the first time he'd seen it. He knew this was caused by his 400 years of killing. Although he knew that allowing this red substance to dissipate would help him enter the Spirit Severing stage, he still felt that it was a bit of a waste.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. After thinking about it, he started to make the red substance around him boil and slowly condense. However, after shrinking it to 1/10th of its original size, Wang Lin could no longer condense it any farther, no matter how hard the tried.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Just as he was about to try again, he raised his head and looked toward the female servants. He saw a servant girl wearing red walking toward him with smoked meat and wine.

A wave of fragrance flowed toward Wang Lin as the girl came closer. She put down the meat and wine as she curiously looked at Wang Lin for a while and said, "Thank you."

This girl was the servant girl that was sitting with the young lady in the carriage earlier. He picked up the wine, scanned it with his divine sense, then took a sip.

A hot and spicy taste suddenly entered his body. In these 400 years, this was one of only a few times that Wang Lin had drank any wine. Back before he entered the path of cultivation, his father would only take out wine when his Fourth Uncle visited.

Whenever that happened, Wang Lin would secretly drink a bit, then giggle toward his father and fourth uncle with a red face.

With a hint of sadness, Wang Lin took another big gulp.

The girl opened her mouth wanting to say something, but then someone called her. The girl responded. Her pretty eyes looked at Wang Lin before she turned around and left.

Because Wang Lin was a cultivator, he didn't need to eat, so mortals' food held no attraction to him. That smoked meat was left where it was, but this wine reminded him of something, so he continued to drink until it was all gone.

In the middle of the night, the martial artists set up fire pits. Bursts of laughter came from the men grouped around them. As Wang Lin listened to their laughter, he couldn't help but faintly smile.

Some of the martial artists became very brave after drinking a bit and went to flirt with the servant girls for some private time.

Seeing these mortals, Wang Lin unconsciously thought of Li Muwan.

At that moment, Lu Xing arrived next to Wang Lin with two jugs of wine. After passing over a jug to Wang Lin, he sat down next to him and said, "Little brother, your medication was indeed effective. My lady is already better. Here, a toast to you!"

With that, he tilted the jug and filled his cup, but then he saw that Wang Lin didn't even use a cup and drank a large gulp directly from the jag. He let out a laugh. After drinking the wine in the cup, he copied Wang Lin and drank a large gulp from the jag.

"Didn't you say that it was the servant girl who was sick? How come it is the young lady now?" Wang Lin faintly smiled as he looked at Lu Xing.

Lu Xing's old face turned red. He felt very embarrassed as he slapped his leg and said, "Little brother, this is my fault. How about this, once we arrive at the capital city, if you have any problems, you can come to the Southern Heaven store to find me. As long as I am capable, I won't hesitate to help."

Wang Lin let out a smile. He no longer talked. He only slowly savored the taste of the wine.

Lu Xing looked at the empty jug on the ground, then looked at the almost empty jug in Wang Lin's hand. He smiled and said, "Little brother has very good tolerance for wine. It's lonely here. How about we go over to the fire and compete with my fellow brothers?"

Wang Lin reflexively wanted to reject, but, after pondering for a bit, he nodded.

Wang Lin followed Lu Xing to the fire. There were a lot of martial artists there. They were all laughing as they talked about fun events they had encountered. Lu Xing went up and kicked the person who was talking and jokingly scolded, "Wang Laowu, I have heard you talk about Qing Fen Lao's little peach many times. I guess she served you well. When we get back, I'm going to check if you're just bragging."

The person named Wang moved over to make two spots for Lu Xing and Wang Lin as he said, "Since you take care of business so fast, I'll cover the bill. I'll still have time to go after you."

The moment that was said, everyone around started laughing and Lu Xing jokingly scolded a bit before sitting down with Wang Lin. Wang Lin casually looked at the mortals around him. He was feeling a lot of regret. Although these people's lives were short and just a breath from him was enough to kill them many times over, their happiness was something he didn't have.

Tonight, Wang Lin drank a lot of wine. Although he didn't talk much, the others around him got familiar with him and laughed and drank with him. Later, some brave and bold servant girls joined them as well, including the servant girl who gave him food. However, she only sat next to Wang Lin. Her gleaming gaze often landed on him, but no one knew what she was thinking.

It wasn't until midnight that everyone fell asleep from being drunk and the servant girls all returned to sleep in the carriages.

Aside from few that were standing guard in the distance, everyone was asleep. The camp was completely silent, aside from a few popping sounds from the fire. This sound not only didn't disturb anyone's sleep, but helped them sleep even better.

Wang Lin stood up and walked to a large tree before sitting down. Sitting while leaning against a tree, he felt waves of calmness. Earlier, only for a while, he forgot that he was a cultivator and thought that he was a mortal like everyone else.

He closed his eyes and checked his body. To his surprise, his cultivation level had broken through the early stage of Nascent Soul into the mid stage. Although he was already at the peak of the early stage and could break through at any time, he didn't think it would be this fast.

However, the red substance around his body had dissipated a little. He had a feeling that if he just lets this red substance dissipate, he will regret it in the future. His divine sense entered the red substance once more to condense it.