

Chapter 218: One-thirds of the Real Rhode

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"... Rhode, are you okay...?"

Looking at the tightly closed door, Christie asked with a worried expression. She worriedly looked at the cold food that seemed to be untouched.

"I am also a little bit worried..."

Lize walked forward and took the food. At the same time, she felt uneasy. Ever since Rhode came back, he had locked himself up in the room and refused to meet anyone. He said that he had found some inspiration from the previous battles and needed to meditate, so he hoped that he would not be disturbed by anyone. That was why he ordered the mercenaries to rest for a few days. He also assigned Marlene to bring the magical forging table back to the stronghold. Rhode locked himself up in the study room for the entire day. No matter how many times Christie called him, he did not answer. He didn't even eat; no one knew what he was actually doing inside.

"Is it really okay, Marlene?"

"I think it is okay, you don't have to worry."

Compared to Christie and Lize, Marlene was clearly a lot calmer.

"If you suddenly think of an idea, you will rush to figure it out. I think Mr. Rhode is feeling like this right now. I have also experienced the same thing. At first, I was unable to comprehend the magic principles no matter how much I tried, but suddenly I came up with an idea. At that time, I immediately put down everything in my hands to start think and rearrange the information in my mind. When I finally understood the magic principles, it was already the morning of the third day. It was only then did I realized that I had not eaten for two whole days. I hadn't even move from my desk. However, it was still worth the effort."

"Oh my, you did not even move from your desk for two days? Anne definitely cannot withstand that." Hearing Marlene's words, Anne gasped in surprise. She was restlessly swaying on the chair back and forth while talking to Marlene.

"I want leader to play around with Anne though..."

"Stop being spoiled; don't forget—we have a very important mission. It's almost the Midsummer Festival, so we must continue getting stronger. If you have time to play around, isn't that time better spent practicing?"

"Anne just wants to rest a little..."

Feeling Marlene's glare, Anne's lips twitched and she complained. Marlene helplessly shook her head, unable to handle Anne anymore. Soon, Marlene decided to forget about this matter and walked towars Christie. She squatted down and gently said.

"Christie, I can guarantee that nothing will happen to Rhode. You must take care of your health. If you got sick, then he would definitely be very sad. You don't want him to be sad, right?"

Christie quickly shook her head. Seeing this, Marlene smiled and softly rustled her hair.

"Then go to rest now. It is already late. I will call you if something happens."

"... Okay... then... Goodnight, big sisters..." Hearing Marlene's words, Christie nodded and bowed to the three of them. After that, she went back to her own room.

"Sigh..." Lize was finally felt relieved. "Such a good girl."

"That's right." Marlene nodded, but she no longer said anything else. Although she looked calm, there was a trace of concern in the way she looked at Rhode's bedroom door because even she did not know what Rhode was actually doing.


At this moment, inside the dark room, Rhode took a deep breath. The black stone in his hands had already turned into dust and was scattered around the floor. The faint white light around his body gradually disappeared. He opened his eyes, trying to look at the numbers before him. He nodded.

Although Rhode had made a mental preparation, the effect of the Heart of Spirit still made him surprised. He had gotten was nearly hundreds of thousands of EXP points. If everything went smoothly, he could be sure that he would immediately reach Level 23! From Level 18 to Level 23, he would be able to level up 5 times straight. It was definitely something that he did not expect.

However, he actually did it.

This time his luck was quite good.

[Received 10 skill points]

[Advanced level detected, available for enhancing. Please select]


Looking at the system prompt, Rhode frowned. He stood up and withdrew his sword. The red sword was currently floating in the air, shining brightly before turning back again to normal after a few seconds.

His speed would be very fast enough if he enhanced his swordsmanship...

Thinking until here, Rhode clenched his teeth and looked at his attributes. However, beside the familiar (??) nothing could be seen. It seemed that he would not be able to see his attributes before he figured out his mixed blood.

Even so, let's just try it!

Rhode looked at the system prompt and quickly issued an order.

Select advanced enhancement.

[Please select...]

"Attributes." Rhode closed his eyes and answered.

[Please select the attribute that you wish to enhance...]

This was his last opportunity, if his guess was right, then he would be able to succeed.


After Rhode said it, he felt as if he could not breathe. He kept looking at the system prompt before him. If his guess was right, then there was hope!

[... Agility enhancement completed... Checking...]

[System checking... Attribute has reached the specified requirements. Swordsmanship unlocked: Dark Dance]


Looking at the system prompt before him, Rhode clenched his fist with excitement. Dark Dance was a legendary swordsmanship skill that had been passed down for thousands of years. It was also the swordsmanship that Rhode frequently used in the game. Although he could also use Moon Shadow and Starfall, there was still some difference between them. As a Spirit Swordsman, Rhode had always focused on speed. A melee swordsmanship skill like Starfall was not something he would usually use. If not because he did not have enough attributes and was unable to unlock Dark Dance, then he would have tried to long ago. Although the Spirit Swordsman was also a Swordsman, it was totally different from a knight in shining armor. Spirit Swordsmans were an all-in-one job. Before starting melee attacks, they needed to ensure that the attack would not affect their summoned magic. As for defense, Rhode did not have to worry about it. If he combined himself with the Centaur Knight or the Nether Tentacle, he would get as much protection as he needed, so he did not really need to add another defensive equipment. Such equipment would only be a burden for a Spirit Swordsman.

Now, Rhode was betting with his EXP points. His initial AGI shouldn't be too low, so every 3 levels he unlocked after Level 20 should give him two points to his AGI attribute value, which was why he was able to unlock Dark Dance's AGI requirements. It seemed that he had won his bet.

[Used 1 skill point. "Dark Dance Swordsmanship" unlocked, Rank E. Special skill: Dead Soul Blade]

[Used 3 skill points to level up the Dark Dance Swordsmanship 4/4, Rank D. Special skill: Storm Slaughter]

[Used 5 skill points to level up the Dark Dance Swordsmanship 5/5, Rank C. Special skill: Thousands Shadow (Passive Skill)]

Seeing this system prompt, Rhode immediately felt a chill in his spine. The dark power was flowing through his body. Soon, the information regarding those three special skills appeared on his mind.

[The blade of the dead will quietly seize the life of those who are weak.]

[The darkness will turn into storms and engulf everything that stands in the way.]

[Everything is illusory; you are not where you are.]

Very good.

Looking at those familiar skills, Rhode nodded in satisfaction. He rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to test his current strength. Dark Dance Swordsmanship had always been one of the best skills he used to maintain his fame. With this swordsmanship, he would finally be able to regain 1⁄3 of his real power and become invincible once again.

Although it still was not perfect, this was only the beginning, right?

He restrained himself from getting too excited. He took a deep breath and calmly looked at the front. The system prompt was still there. It was going to show the last information, which was also the most important step.

[Level upgrade completed. Advanced Spirit Swordsman...]

Followed by this system prompt, the summoning circle on Rhode's hand shone. It emitted a bright light and spread around his body. On the ground, a huge summoning circle appeared, shiny rapidly. It seemed to represent the Ten Strongest Spirit Deck and soon, numerous cards flew out from it. They circled and floating around Rhode, emitting colorful lights while quietly waiting to be summoned by him. This was the last step, and also the most important step for Rhode.

Soon, another system prompt appeared.

[Reward Available – Core Card]

[Please select the designated Core Card]

Looking at the system prompt, Rhode hesitated for a moment, but eventually reached out for the bright red card in front of him.

Chapter 219: Five Women for a Drama

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

When Rhode touched the bright red card, hot flames surged out like a wave. They spread around the surrounding and quickly engulfed the room. Suddenly, an explosion sounded and the flames broke out from the window. In a few seconds, the entire room had completely changed.

When the flame dispersed, Gillian appeared before Rhode.

"Master, long time no see...!"

The girl waved her hands. At the same time, she was shaking her ears and tail. Her beautiful face revealed a warm smile. Any man who saw her right now would definitely become intoxicated. However, Rhode's face was still expressionless as usual. He only waved his hand to get rid of the smoke in front of him.

Everything went smoothly.

Even if Gillian was an Elemental Lord, she was still a card. According to the rules, there was no level restriction in selecting a designated Core Card, which was why there should be no problem in selecting her. But it did not mean that everything was perfect. There were still some restrictions. Although Gillian had received the Core Card power, her rank would be suppressed to Rhode's level. Gillian could only slowly recover her strength as Rhode leveled up and enhanced his strength. Of course, she could still regain her original strength, but Rhode would need to pay the price, and even then, she could only regain her powers temporarily. Everything was still the same as before. To summon her, Rhode still had to pay a price. Fortunately, the restriction only sealed her power and not her IQ, which was enough for him.



"What's the matter? Master?"

"Do you have to create this much ruckus when you show up?"

Rhode looked at the surroundings. Everything in the study room had been blown up by the fire, including the desk and chairs. Only the ashes were left on the floor. When he asked this question, Gillian only shook her ears and innocently smiled.

"This is, of course, Master. As a Fire Elemental Lord, I should start some fireworks to match my identity when I appear, right?"

"... It also means you did it on purpose, right?"

"Of course, Master!"

Facing Rhode's cold question, she proudly replied. Gillian continuously swung her tail back and forth, as if she had accomplished an important mission and very proud of it. Seeing Gillian's reaction, Rhode was speechless. Then, he reached out his hand and pinched her ears.

"Aw! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...!!"

When Marlene and the others arrived, they only saw Gillian screaming at Rhode, who was mercilessly punishing her.

"Mr. Rho, Rhode?"

Looking at the girl who suddenly appeared in Rhode's room, Marlene and the others felt uneasy. They looked at Gillian but did not know what to say. They were familiar with her since the scene back in the Twilight Forest was very unforgettable. A Level 50 Mage was easily turned into ashes and nothing was left of him. It was the first time the three of them saw what was called absolute power. The mage who almost killed them was easily crushed by this girl as if he was nothing but an insect. From that moment on, Gillian's character as a strong and frightening being was deeply etched into their minds.

However, looking at the scene before them... Gillian was screaming, begging for forgiveness, even almost crying.

"I think you guys still remember her."

Rhode completely ignored the three people staring at him. He let go of Gillian's ear and started to introduce her to everyone.

"She's Gillian, my subordinate. From today on, she will join our Starlight mercenary group and fight alongside all of you."


Hearing this, Marlene's body hardened. The only person who clearly understood Gillian's real strength was Marlene. Marlene knew that she was an existence who could even make a Grandmaster Mage tremble. She was at least at the Legendary level. Such a strong person would actually fight alongside them? Was this a total joke?!


Before Marlene could react, Gillian happily jumped toward them and hugged Christie who had appeared and quietly looked at Gillian without anyone realizing.

"Aaa, how soft, how cute. I've always wanted to hug her. She really looks like a doll. I can't hold it anymore... Master, can I have her?"

"Certainly not."

Rhode coldly replied and tightly grabbed Gillian's collar, forcefully separated her from Christie, who just stood still because she did not know how to react. When Christie was finally separated from Gillian, she immediately ran toward Lize and hid behind her. She only showed her head while looking at Gillian in fear.

"Ah... so cute, just like a bunny..."

Looking at Christie, Gillian's eyes once again lit up. But, before she made her move, Rhode immediately stopped her from trying to create trauma in Christie's heart again.

"Lize, go and arrange a room for her."

"Ah, yes, Mr. Rhode."

When Lize heard her name, she finally nodded as if she had just awoken from a dream. However, hearing Rhode's words, Gillian's mouth in dissatisfaction.

"There's no need for that, I can just sleep together with Master! To tell you the truth, my skill in bed is MAX. Don't you want to try it?"

Hearing Gillian's words, Rhode said nothing and waved his hand. Seeing his gesture, Gillian's joyful expression disappeared, replaced with sadness and uneasiness. She tightly clenched her hands and put it on her chest while looking at Rhode with an uneasy expression.

"Master, you really don't want to? This... I..."

"This is my decision."

Although her grieved expression was enough to make people feel heartbroken, Rhode did not fall into her trap. No matter how perfect her acting was, Rhode could still see her true intentions by looking at the wagging tail behind her. She was a wild beast, after all.

"Or should I build a kennel for you?"

"There's no need. Although we're relatives, there's still a difference."

Hearing Rhode's words, the grievance on Gillian's face immediately disappeared and turned into a warm smile. She quickly jumped toward Lize and held her arm intimately.

"Then, let's go, Little Lize. I hope you can be a good housekeeper and provide me with a good room. I don't want a room that is too far from Master's; the third floor is alright. That way, it will be more convenient for me to sneak into Master's room at night. Ah, that's right, it will be better if there's no one living below. I don't want to hear any noise. Bothering people who are sleeping isn't good, isn't it?"

"Ah?? Yes... Please, come with me."

Lize had never encountered such an unusual person before. Lize was completely ordered around by Gillian, blankly following her and leaving the study. When they left, Rhode helplessly sighed and turned around toward Marlene.

"Marlene, help me look for someone to tidy up this room and rearrange the furniture."

"Alright, Mr. Rhode." Hearing Rhode's order, Marlene quickly responded. But soon, she showed a hesitant expression.

"That... that girl she..."


"No, nothing."

Seeing Rhode's eyes, Marlene hesitated for a while and decided not to ask in the end. From their previous conversations, it could be seen that they were very close and had long gone past the relationship between master and subordinate. In fact, it was also strange that a person of a Legendary level would be Rhode's subordinate. In her opinion, Gillian's identity was not as simple as Rhode's subordinate. She might also be Rhode's lover.

Marlene's guess was not illogical because even though she had followed Rhode for a long time, Rhode had never advanced with any intimate movements to any of them. He had always been polite and maintained a distance with women most of the time. It was really unimaginable seeing Rhode pinch a woman by the ear and even speak mercilessly to her. However, Rhode actually did that.

This situation was not uncommon among the nobles. Many of them worked together in their own interests, arranging marriages between their descendants Although it was very rare to see a person who held such enormous strength like Gillian, it wasn't uncommon. If Rhode's identity was just as Marlene had guessed, then it would not be weird for Rhode to have such a powerful subordinate around him.

But if that were the case, what should she do?

Thinking until here, Marlene was shocked. However, she quickly calmed down and revealed a serious expression.

"If there's nothing else, I will excuse myself then, Mr. Rhode. I need at least two days to fix up this room according to your requests. Meanwhile, I will look for someone to arrange a new room for you."

Having said that, Marlene bowed and left without hesitation.

What happened?

Seeing Marlene's figure, Rhode was surprised. It was not that he wasn't aware of the change in her mood, but he just did not know the reason why. At first, he still wanted to ask, but he actually didn't even have the chance to because she directly left.


Just when Rhode was feeling puzzled, Anne, who had been silent this entire time, suddenly sound relieved and fell onto the ground. She sneakily turned her head around toward the corridor and patted her chest.

"Huft... Finally, it ended. It really scared Anne."

"What happened, Anne?"

Until then, Rhode finally realized that Anne was being strange. Gillian's personality was quite similar to Anne's, so he thought that they would get along quite well. However, he did not expect Anne to stay silent and not even dare to breathe around Gillian. Right now, Anne didn't look like she had just seen a comrade, but rather a God of Death instead.

"Anne also did not know what happened."

Hearing Rhode's question, Anne shook her head and stood up. Her legs were slightly shaking, and she was clearly still frightened.

"When I saw Sister Gillian, it was as if Anne was being glared at by a frightening wild beast and almost eaten. Anne was really afraid and did not even dare to make a sound. It's really weird, Anne also doesn't know what actually happened... Anyway, Anne only felt really scared; it would be better if Anne did not defy Sister Gillian."


Hearing Anne's answer, Rhode frowned. However, he wasn't surprised since Anne was a half beast, and Gillian was also a beast. Considering that she had a strong aura, she naturally also exerted an absolute pressure to similar races. It was no wonder Anne could sense her strength since she was instinctively sensitive and her race was also similar to Gillian's. It was just a little bit surprising that it would be this obvious.

However, Anne's response was completely different.

"... But... Christie does not seem to be afraid of Sister Gillian..." She raised her hand timidly and said. After pausing for a while, she hesitated for a moment and continued her speech. "... And... I think Sister Gillian is very familiar. I think I have seen her appearance somewhere..."

What's going on?

Hearing until here, Rhode was getting even more confused.

It seemed that Gillian's appearance had brought them a much bigger surprise than he had expected.

Chapter 220: Using His Own Way...

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"Master, your current strength is still too far off of your plan."

Gillian held a cup of hot black tea while she sat on the sofa leisurely, moving back and forth. Was no one of the beast race able to sit in the chair obediently? Not just Anne—right now, Gillian was also swinging her body left and right like a daruma doll.

"With your current strength, it will be difficult for you to face the group of idiots sent by the Country of Light, let alone face the Four Great Generals."

"I know."

Although Gillian's words were quite sharp, Rhode did not mind. To the contrary, he was very happy. Because this was the first time he could share his plan completely ever since he transmigrated here. Since Gillian was once his subordinate, she understood what was would happen to this world. She wouldn't be like Marlene and others who thought he was just having a nightmare. In other words, even if the Country of Darkness's invasion could prove his prophecy right, it did not necessarily mean that his subordinates would worship him because the matter was simply too strange. One step out of line and it would lead to suspicion and restlessness. However, there was no pressure when he spoke with Gillian because he was able to speak freely and did not have to think much about how to explain his thoughts. He just had to say what was on his mind.

It was really relaxing to him.

"And I think we can't just rely on a few magic weapons for the Midsummer Festival. Also, do you really believe that Old Dwarf?"

The Old Dwarf Gillian mentioned was the person who currently responsible for the blacksmith shop. If he brought the forging table to the stronghold, then that blacksmith shop would turn into an ordinary shop. For Rhode, it was also a way for his Starlight mercenary group to make money. Originally, the blacksmith shop was selling weapons to make money; then, they handed over most of their income to the Keller family to get their fixed remuneration. Now that Rhode had taken over the shop, the blacksmith shop only needed to hand over half of the money to the mercenary group and the rest could be distributed among them. Rhode gave the blacksmiths a contract similar to the one he have his mercenaries; that way, they would be very enthusiastic.

Of course, there was also someone who disagreed. As the former owner of the blacksmith's shop, he was very displeased at Rhode, who was trying to take away the magical forging table without authorization and change the way they distributed the income. He even refused to sign the contract agreement. Rhode simply drove him out and went to find Old Walker, hoping that he could provide him with a respected and capable blacksmith to deal with the affairs here.

Old Walker also did not disappoint him and quickly recommended a person Rhode was familiar with. It was Barf, the dwarf who he had met when he followed the Jade Tears mercenary group deep undergound. Based on what Old Walker had said, Barf was a famous blacksmith from Deep Stone City and had taught many students. There were a lot of blacksmiths in the Paphield region who were taught by him. His dream was to have his own blacksmith shop. However, because the people on the surface had a deep prejudice against dwarves, they did not think dwarves were qualified to be leaders despite being good blacksmiths. They would be greatly respected if they were just an ordinary blacksmith, but as the owner? No way.

The continuous failure made Barf feel frustrated, which was why he decided to return underground and never mentioned the matter again. So when Old Walker heard Rhode's request, he quickly recommended Barf to manage the shop.

As a player, he was not racist like the NPCs here. He did not care whether Barf was a dwarf, goblin, or even Dark Elf as long as he could work, so he quickly accepted Old Walker's offer and told him to persuade Mr. Barf. There was nothing that couldn't be solved with money.

Rhode felt that it had been a very wise decision to recruit Old Walker. It was very easy to find who he wanted through him since he was a well-connected NPC character in Deep Stone City. As an old mercenary, Old Walker had lived here for decades, so he was very familiar with everything and everyone here. The biggest reason as to why Rhode chose him was because Old Walker was able to provide the human resources he wanted, so he did not have to waste time and look for people by himself like before.

"Although he's not trustworthy, I think he is still relatively good compared to other humans."

"I knew you would say that."

Hearing Rhode's answer, Gillian's lips twitched. Soon, she revealed a warm smile.

"I also have to admit that the dwarves' are indeed amazing at forging. Since you are interfering, do you intend to maximize his potential, Master?"

"Do you have an idea of how to?" Rhode's eyes narrowed. Gillian proudly grinned while looking at the man before her.

"Very simple. There's a type of equipment that can help you mass-produce in a short period of time and improve your own strength. You must have heard of it before, Master?..."

"You mean, a Composition Adornment?" Rhode's eyes lit up when he heard it, but he quickly shook his head. "But it was something that appeared later in the game during the Devil's War."

Composition Adornments were a type of mass production magical equipment that appeared later in the game. It was a metal armor made of ancient craftsmanship and could be shrunk and expanded. The Composition Adornment could be attached to the user's arm like a shield, so it did not occupy any space. In the battle, it could expand into full body armor in a very short time, transforming the user into a fully armed warrior. The Composition Adornment itself did not have any attributes; it would change based on the user's weapon and would be able to increase the user's strength, defense, and agility. In the Devil's War, the Composition Adornment was the basic equipment of players and NPCs. Without it, it would have been very difficult for them to fight against the Devil's Army. In the game, when a player's forging and archeology skill reached a certain level, they would learn the formula and be able to create their own, unique Composition Adornment. However, the Composition Adornment only appeared later in the game when Country of Light and Country of Darkness were destroyed. That was why Rhode did not keep it in mind.

But now, Gillian actually had a different opinion about it.

"Of course, but you should also know that there has always a process from discovery to research to large-scale production. You should also remember that the Composition Adornment wasn't national research, but rather found by the archaeologists... and now, we have a very good opportunity to find it."

Gillian smiled as she said this, and putting down a notice, she smiled.


"A group of scholars is hiring guards. They were going to the Unicorn Peak for research. Master, this is a three-star mission, and..." Having said that, Gillian narrowed her eyes fiercely. "These scholars come from Ophenia."

"The country that produced the Composition Adornment?"

Hearing Gillian's words, Rhode frowned. He took the notice and read it carefully. After that, he closed his eyes and thought for a while.

"... What do you think?"

"It may or may not be a coincidence. However, I don't think we need to worry about that. If it's as we expect, then we just have to steal it, right? Your mercenary group has a high success rate in completing missions, there should be no problem with failing once or twice, right? Or..."

Having said that, Gillian pointed a finger while revealing a charming smile.

"We can complete the mission, but deliberately undermine their research results. After all, to those four-glasses idiots, mercenaries are just a group of barbaric people who won't understand what they're saying, right?

"But the Composition Adornment is a magical equipment from an ancient era, the text..."

"Please leave it to me, Master. This is not a problem."

"If we get exposed?"

"I think this is also not a problem ..." Hearing Rhode's question, Gillian slightly laughed. "A group of weak scholars died inside a ruin to satisfy their curious minds. They did not listen to the mercenaries. That will be a reasonable alibi. With Master's ability, I believe you will be able to act according to this script perfectly."

"Very well."

When he heard this, Rhode no longer said anything. He picked up the notice on the table and put it in his pocket.

"Now, we can go and visit those commissioners... I hope they won't let me down."

Chapter 221: Potential ...Prey

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Soon, Rhode met those scholars from Ophenia in the Mercenary Association.

They were a little different from what Rhode had imagined. The robes they wore were simple and easy to move in, unlike the usual floor-length long robes that were used by old scholars, which made the wearer prone to tripping. Those scholars were wearing a wide-brimmed hat, carrying a variety of props behind them. There was an axe and shovel among other similar props, but they were not used for fighting an enemy. Instead, they were used to dig for and record information in the ruins. If not because of the frameless glasses that they wore, people might actually mistake them for adventurers.

The atmosphere of their meeting could be said to be quite good. Rhode used a cordial approach to communicate with the leader of the Ophenian scholars. He even showed his enthusiasm, which was very rare. Rhode actually did not do it on purpose; after all, in the game, Ophenia was quite popular with players just like the Munn Kingdom.

The Munn Kingdom was popular with the players because of the generous and beautiful ruler. However, the reason for Ophenian popularity was quite the opposite. The players did not really like the country, but they liked the things inside it. They were looking at Ophenia like a hungry wolf looking at a lonely fat lamb. They were truly feeling happy from the bottom of their heart.

As a small country that was part of the Country of Light Union, Openia was neither rich nor poor. Most of the people in this country were scholars who were studying about artifacts and the truth of history. They were digging and exploring the remains in all parts of the continent; then, they would bring back what they had acquired to their own country. As a small country, their military forces were not strong, but the reason they were still able to survive until now was precisely because of the knowledge and precious treasures that they acquired.

In the game, Ophenia was the country craftsmanship class players were most concerned with Ophenia had the most top production formulas and ancient knowledge in the entire Light Dragon area. Usually, craftsmanship class players would try to get these formulas. However, it was necessary to join the Ophenian forces and get a high reputation in Ophenia in order to have an access to those rare formulas.

For the players, behaving in such manner was totally a waste of time, so most of them usually chose another way, which was by looting.

It was well-known that every Ophenian scholars had their own unique formula. Although it was more favorable to complete the quest they were given and then took formulas as the reward, it was quicker and easier to kill directly and steal the formula. Most scholars had a lot of guards around, but for players, those NPCs meant nothing.

In the Dragon Soul Continent, the players often killed Ophenians and stole their formulas. However, doing so might reduce their reputation and make them unable to enter the Ophenian capital to buy materials and formulas. However, to a player from a powerful guild, they did not care about those guards who were trying to stop them from entering the city.

One of them was Rhode's Starlight mercenary guild.

In the game, he had led his subordinates to Twilight City, the capital of Ophenia, four times for looting. The first time was when he had just acquired the stronghold; he decided to launch an attack to secure his guild. At that time, Rhode took the advantage of the King's Expedition. He launched a surprise attack on Twilight City and obtained an artifact, which was a crystalline artillery design from the treasury.

The second time, Rhode attempted to loot the capital that had just been rebuilt. At that time, he stole an ancient formula to create a Gold Golem from the King's body. The third time, which was also the last loot before he took his subordinates to the Abyssal Hell, Rhode decided to go to Ophenia to strengthen his mercenary group's power. That time, he had chosen the City of Thousand Books and Rhode's harvest there was very abundant. From the Princess and Queen bodies, he had stolen the core control of an ancient, large-scale conversion array. This brought the Starlight's strength to the next level.

Looking at it now, there was a bloody history between Rhode and Ophenia... The first time, he looted the Country's treasury. The second time, he killed their King. The third time, he killed their Princess and Queen...

For poor Ophenia, as a small country, there was no way to punish Rhode's Starlight. Since they were even able to destroy the Country of Light, why would they care about a vassal state like Ophenia?

The importance of the country was not known until the Devil's War broke out. They invented the Composition Adornment and used it to block the Devil's attack. Of course, because of their hatred toward Starlight, they rejected Starlight's purchase of the Composition Adornment. At that time, many players had laughed at Starlight, saying that they deserved it. Other guilds had actually also looted Ophenia, but no one had been as merciless as Starlight. The Composition Adornment was a very important equipment for the Devil's War; at that time, they thought that Starlight would lose their members eventually and it would be a very good opportunity to suppress them... However, they did not expect that was actually the beginning of Ophenia's last tragedy.

It was totally a waste of time to revert the reputation back, so it was only natural for Rhode to decide to kill them again. This time, he brought his subordinates to surround the entirety of Ophenia. He occupied the Composition Adornment factory and stopped the production. After this incident, the people who joined Starlight kept increasing and its position did not falter just because the Ophenians had declined to cooperate with them. To the contrary, their position had become steady.

However, it was a pity that the Composition Adornment design was lost and could not be found. Or else, Rhode would not waste his time to track it down since he was able to remember it. Although many players said that Starlight was even crueler than robbers, they could not do anything about it anyway.

"Well, it's a deal then, Mr. Rhode."

The elder of Ophenia paid respect toward him. Rhode only nodded and took the coin purse.

"No problem, I already received the deposit, so of course I will serve you. Please wait for two days. I will send some people to prepare the necessary travel items. Before departure, I will ask someone to contact you. Before that, please wait here for a moment."

"Can it be faster?"

Hearing Rhode's answer, a man asked anxiously, but the elder coldly snorted, telling him to shut up.

"I will try."

Rhode lowered his head to look at the ground. He clearly knew what those Ophenians were thinking about; just like many highly educated and highly intellectual people, most of them looked down upon labor workers, let alone mercenaries who risked their lives to make money. To those Ophenians, knowledge was their weapon, and wisdom was their feet. Although they indeed accomplished considerable success in this regard, they generally lacked masculinity like many other intellectuals. Many people said that intellectual people looked down on barbaric people because they were too hot-headed. However, as a man who had conquered countless forces in the Dragon Soul Continent, he thought that the barbaric people who lived in this continent were harder to deal with than the seemingly knowledgeable people. If one invaded their territory, they would risk their lives to fight. Rhode understood this principle because he had experienced it before. But Ophenians thought their own life was the most important. As for country... Well, there were countless countries in this continent, recorded since the dawn of time. The destruction of old reigns and the birth of new nations. It was the wheel of history; the country could be rebuilt, but how about life? Even if their country had been destroyed, didn't they still live in this land?

Because of that, Ophenia had a weak offense. At first, they fiercely resisted, but when they noticed that the sacrifice was not comparable to what would be earned, they were not as firm anymore. This was the reason Rhode was able to loot their country so many times... According to his assessment, they seemed to become stupid after digging too many artifacts.

However, the reason Rhode lowered his head was not because he wanted to escape from their sights. Instead, he was trying to suppress himself from killing the people here. It was not because he was mad, but his instinct told him to do so. There were about 20 Ophenian scholars before him—that meant a lot of ancient formulas and materials.

Thinking until here, even his saliva almost flowed out.

Fortunately, he had very good self-control and made the correct correspondence and judgment. He suppressed the impulse to kill this group of fat lambs and loot them on the spot.

However, after leaving the Mercenary Association, he began to consider one thing.

This time... should I just kill all of them?

Alive or dead, it was a really difficult and painful decision to make.

Chapter 222: Lapis's Request

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

It was precisely because of this reason, Rhode decided to exclude Marlene, Lize, and Anne when he announced the participants of this mission. Although the three of them could increase the group's combat effectiveness, it would be difficult for Rhode to kill Ophenians that way. The girls were extremely clever, so they might notice that something was off. In order to prevent that kind of thing from happening, Rhode decided to exclude them from this mission. Of course, he was not going to tell them the truth; he told them that they needed to train more for the Midsummer Festival. Hearing Rhode's excuse, Marlene and the others did not feel suspicious and agreed. Of course, Randolf and Joey also did not participate in this mission for the same reason. To the contrary, he brought along Shauna, Kavos, and their subordinates. This time, he still could not bring Kavos's team because it might give them the misconception that their status had been elevated. That was why Rhode decided to split Shauna's team into two and brought half of them to the Unicorn Peak in order to balance the forces. In the Blackrock Depth, Kavos's team had gradually merged into the mercenary group, but it was still not enough. If he could not maintain the pressure, soon they would go back to their former state and all of his hard work would be in vain. The trip to the Blackrock Depth would also be a waste.

However, not everything went as Rhode has planned.

Because this time, Lapis suddenly looked for him and asked him to bring her to the Unicorn Peak.

Rhode had almost forgotten that Lapis was an alchemist. Her job was somewhat similar to an archeologist to some extent. But he did not understand why did she chose to go to Unicon Peak. If she wanted to go to ancient ruins, why didn't she say anything when they went to the Black Pine Ruins and Blackrock Depth?

However, Lapis didn't answer Rhode's question. She only said that she wanted to find something in the Unicorn Peak and that it would be helpful for her alchemy. As for the thing that she was looking for, she refused to say what it was. It was very rare to see this girl, who had always been afraid to fight, this determined. Although Rhode's question had troubled her, she still stayed resolute and refused to disclose the specific content.

This made Rhode feel somewhat curious. He knew that it was not strange for people to have their own secrets, but if Lapis acted like this, it was definitely something out of the ordinary. Perhaps, it could be her personal quest. If that was so, then it would not be a bad thing to let her come along. Lapis definitely placed second to last last in the mercenary group—even the Ophenian scholars seemed to be stronger than her. If something happened, he could use Lapis as an excuse to give up on those fellows and let them face the danger alone. After all, to mercenaries, their own comrades were also very important, right?

Even if something actually happened to those pitiful Ophenians, no one would be able to blame him.

From this point of view, it could be seen that Lapis was indeed a good excuse.

That's why Rhode decided to agree to her request. This time, the participants of the mission were Gillian, Lapis, Shauna's team, and Kavos's team. All of them would be led by Rhode. As for the stronghold's safety, Rhode left it in Marlene's care.

These few days, Gillian had also gotten friendly with the group. She was outgoing, beautiful, and welcomed by everyone. Even though as a Fire Elemental Lord, Gillian was quite proud, she actually got along well with the other mercenaries. In just a few days, Gillian's reputation almost exceeded Anne's, Marlene's, Lize's, and the other old members'.

The only thing that differed her from the other three was that she never actually fought together with them and as a mercenary, although they appreciated her beauty, they did not really think of her as a comrade. They would only acknowledge her as a comrade when she fought alongside them.

And this mission was the best opportunity for Gillian to get acknowledged by them.

Rhode's actions were fast. On the third day, the fully armed mercenaries were ready to walk toward the city gate. Not long after, they finally met the Ophenian scholars. Although the sun had just rose, the Ophenians already came prepared and seemed ready to set out. Soon, the Ophenian elder quickly greeted them.

"You finally came, Mr. Rhode."

"I hope I was not late."

Rhode looked up at the sky. He nodded and greeted back the elder. The elder quickly nodded back, then shifted his sight toward Gillian who stood beside him and was surprised. Clearly, no matter who saw Gillian, they were all attracted to her. However, the elder did not lose his composure because of this. He only looked at Gillian's ears and tail for a moment.

"Then, shall we go now?"

"Yes, of course." Rhode made a hand gesture. "Please rest assured, we will protect all of you."

"Hey, did you see it?"

When Rhode was talking to the elder, the other scholars were curiously gossiping and busily whispering from behind.

"What's with that girl? Don't you think she's a half-beast?"

"It doesn't seem so... According to the record, aren't half-beasts supposed to be just like a human? It was said that they only transform when they are stimulated by something."

"But how do you explain her ears and tail?"

"Perhaps they're just accessories? I've heard that people from some remote places practice such weird behavior..."

"But it looks real."

"Ehem! Enough talking."

When everyone was busy coming up with their own theories, a person walked forward. He stopped and quietly warned them.

"Don't forget; they are the people who will protect us. According to information from the Grandmaster, this mercenary group is very strong. We have to rely on them to complete the mission. Don't cause any troubles, understand? Don't interfere with their personal affairs and just do the things you're supposed to do."

Hearing his words, the other scholars quickly shut up. After that, they followed the mercenaries and walked out from the city.


Lapis finally felt relieved when they left the city. She uneasily looked around, but she was only able to see crowds. She should be safe here... Thinking of it, she could not help but feel relieved. She relaxed her fingers and looked up toward Rhode.

If leader knew the truth, would he be mad at me? He is such a serious person; if he knew that I was hiding something from him...



Gillian suddenly appeared behind Lapis and scared her off. She quickly pulled her cloak to cover her face. After that, she took a few steps back, anxiously looking at Gillian.

"Miss, Miss Gillian! What's the matter?"

"Nothing, it's just that you seem to be distracted, so I'm curious."

Hearing Lapis's question, Gillian playfully smiled. She came closer and gazed at her. She did not know why, when looking at Gillian she could not help but feel dizzy as if she were seeing a bottomless whirlpool that would devour her completely.

"Lapis, do you have anything in mind? Just tell me; I promise I won't tell anyone."

"I... I'm only worried that..."

Hearing Gillian's enchanting voice, Lapis answered with hesitation. However, she only said that when she suddenly regained her senses. She quickly backed down while pulling down her cloak.

"I, I, I'm sorry, Sister Gillian. It's nothing; I'm just a little bit nervous... I, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Lapis did not wait until Gillian replied and quickly went back to the crowd. Gillian looked at her as she disappeared. After that, she narrowed her eyes, and looking at the distant forest, she quickly went back to Rhode's side and smiled.


"Yes? What's the matter, Gillian?"

"What do you plan to do with that elf?" Gillian casually asked. As for her sudden inquiry, Rhode did not seem to be surprised by it; it was clear that he had long been aware of this matter.

"It depends on her." Rhode said while looking at the road ahead. "I believe this will be a good opportunity."

He closed his eyes. "No matter what you see, just pretend you didn't. Understand?"

"Of course, Master, I understand." Gillian laughed and no longer said anything.

At this moment, in the distant forest, a man wearing camouflage cloak slowly stood up, carefully observing the mercenaries in front of him through the gaps between leaves. He reached out his hand, and soon a bird flew from the air and sat on it.

Then a hoarse voice sounded.

"Inform everyone that the Oriole has appeared."

Chapter 223: Ambush in the Night

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Lunar year, the 15th of the month of fire moon.

It was the 76th day.

Today, the weather was very gloomy and everyone looked so down. Leader did not force us to continue; instead, he found a place for us to rest. Honestly, I was very nervous because I was afraid that I might arouse leader's suspicion. I really don't know how to explain it to him. That was why every time everyone was resting, I was really afraid that leader would look for me. I know that leader is a very good person in spite of his serious face. But I still didn't tell him the truth because this is our family's curse and I don't want to involve others in, including Brother Randolf. However, I'm a little bit worried about how long can I kept this secret. I'm also really scared of Sister Gillian. Every time she looks at me, I felt as if she can see through me, as if she knows my true identity and my cursed bloodline. I keep telling myself not to have such wishful thinking since many years have passed. No one should remember our existence, except for the hunters that lived in the forest.

I know it's very despicable of me. When I heard that leader was going to the Unicorn Peak, I immediately thought of an idea. I wanted to use his power to complete the thing I should have done. This might be the so-called "taking advantage of someone"; I have also regretted this decision and I feel worried and very uneasy. However, I still have to do it in the end because this was my destiny. I have already decided. When everything ends, I will tell everything to the leader. I hope that he will forgive me... I hope the holy spirit will forgive my egoism.

We have almost arrived at the Unicorn Peak.

I can already vaguely hear that they are calling me from afar, ]waiting for me, waiting for everything to come to an end.

The hunters are also getting closer and closer. I have to do it before they find me... This was Father's last wish and the dream of our entire tribe.


The cold wind blew through the tent gap. The girl couldn't help but keep trembling. She tightened her cloak and anxiously looked around. The sky was already dark, and it was relatively cold outside—even the bonfire swayed in wind. Occasionally, the sound of insects around the forest could be heard. It was already late, so the Ophenians had returned to their tents, leaving the mercenaries guarding outside. The mountain wasn't safe since it was full of bandits and wild beasts. Although Lapis was also the member of the mercenary group, she didn't have to stay have to be on nightwatch. Even though Lapis wasn't a caster like Lize and Marlene and needed rest, the potions she created, including the low-grade ones, were very useful for the mercenaries. To many of them, it was enough to save their lives whenever they were in danger. Because of this, a lot of mercenaries respected her and didn't say anything even though she wasn't on guard.

Of course, from another point of view, it was not too reassuring to let her stay on guard.

"Ah, Lapis, are you sleeping?"

Suddenly a voice sounded from outside the tent. Lapis couldn't help but be surprised at the sound of this voice. She immediately hid her diary and stood up.

"Sister Gillian?"

"Hihihi, I knew it, you haven't slept."

After hearing Lapis's reply, Gillian entered the tent. She dressed seductively as usual. It was as if the icy cold weather didn't leave any marks on her white skin. Gillian proudly raised her right hand. She was holding a wine jug and two wooden cups.

"How about it; do you want some? It's really cold here, so be careful not to catch a cold."

... What she said didn't really sound too convincing.

Looking at Gillian's shoulder, Lapis opened her mouth, trying to say something. But in the end, she said nothing. She had always been timid and not good at communicating. In the Mark White mercenary group, Lapis had no other friends beside Randolf, Anne, and some others because she had never actually interacted much. Moreover, she wasn't strong, so she had always been a hindrance to her comrades. That's why in the Mark White mercenary group, Lapis didn't have many friends; there's no one who liked her except for Randolf, Anne, and a few others.

She thought that she was going to experience the same thing when she first came to Starlight. Afterward, she found out that she was wrong. Because of Rhode, she didn't have to risk her life fighting every day. She just had to stay in her room and do what she liked. Not only that, the other mercenaries also never laughed at her or scolded her like in her previous mercenary group. To the contrary, they were very nice and showed respect toward her. She was no longer a hindrance here...

Lapis really loved her current life. She felt really reassured in Starlight. Everything there was comfortable. There were people who liked her—even loved her—and she didn't have to go on a dangerous mission to risk her life... If she could, she really hoped to stay forever.

Thinking until here, she dozed off a little. But she quickly recovered and took the wooden cups. Gillian slightly laughed while sitting before her. Then, she placed the jug in her hands on the bonfire. Soon, a fragrant smell spread around and the room was filled with the scent of wine.

"Where is the leader?" Holding a cup in her hand, Lapis curiously asked. She looked at Gillian, feeling a little bit uneasy and puzzled... She seemed to be looking for a topic.

"Master wanted to be alone for a while, so he told me to get out." Hearing Lapis's question, Gillian's mouth twitched.

"It's the truth; Master is a very ruthless person. Because the weather is very cold, I thought of warming his bed. But he actually rejected me mercilessly, and I'm really hurt by it. A man can just never understand a woman's heart, right, Lapis?"


Hearing Gillian's answer, Lapis was totally speechless. She lightly coughed, awkwardly. She had no clue how to answer Gillian's question. However, it didn't seem like Gillian cared about it either. She just skimmed the subject slightly, then reached out to pick up the jug. Lapis was looking at Gillian as she poured wine into her cup. Seeing the liquid, Lapis hesitated for a moment, then cautiously sipped it.

The hot liquid instantly dispersed the cold air around her body. She closed her eyes comfortably; she could also feel the coldness in her body being expelled. When she put down the wooden cup in her hand, Gillian's beautiful face suddenly appeared before her.

"Ms. Gillian!"

The sudden intimidation made Lapis shrink backward as she distanced herself from Gillian.

However, Gillian didn't stop, still looking at Lapis carefully.

"Well... you're a very cute child. Why do you wrap yourself this tight? Isn't it a waste of beauty? Beauty is a woman's weapon. It's only effective when shown. If you hide it, it will make a lot of people cry."

"I, I'm not used to being looked at..." Lapis said, subconsciously tightening her cloak again, just like a child rebelling against her parents. "You don't have to worry, Sister Gillian. There's nothing wrong about it. I'm accustomed to such a life. I think I don't need to change anything."

"What a pity."

Upon hearing Lapis's reply, Gillian took a step back and drank the wine in her cup in a very elegant pose. Then she turned her head again to look at the girl in front of her.

"It's really a pity; I didn't expect you to lack this much confidence. Really is such a pity; back then your perfect tribe was very proud and confident..."

"Eh?!" When Lapis heard this sentence, her body immediately became stiff.

The heat around her body seemed to have disappeared completely, replaced with extreme coldness, as if she were in an ice cave. Lapis blankly gazed at Gillian and didn't know what to say. After a while, she forced herself to smile a very awkward smile. It was even less natural than a smile carved by a rookie craftsman on a statue.

"I, I do not understand what you mean... Sister Gillian, I'm just an ordinary mercenary. I don't know what you mean by perfect tribe..."

Hearing her answer, Gillian only gazed at her silently. When Lapis became restless because of this, she laughed.

"Actually, I only said it casually. I suddenly remembered that such a legendary tribe once existed. They were very proud and confident. Personally, I think it's a very admirable trait; don't you think so, Ms. Lapis?"

"Is, is that so..."

Seeing Gillian's reaction, Lapis couldn't cope any longer. She replied carefully, not knowing what more to say. Suddenly, a sharp scream broke the silence in the camp.


Chapter 224: Druid

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

A scream broke the silent night. Lapis's body couldn't help but tremble. When she stood up, Gillian had already made her move.

Burning flame suddenly broke out from her body. It spread around them and the surging flame formed into a shield, blocking in front of them.

Followed by a cracking sound, a dozen arrows flew across the night sky, but completely disappeared before the flame shield.

This time, the other mercenaries also reacted. They quickly took out their crossbows and arrows while hiding in the shadows of the surrounding buildings. They stayed vigilant while looking at Gillian, who didn't seem to panic even the slightest. She was still leisurely standing in the center of the camp and the surging flame around her destroyed any threats that stood before her.

Although she had lost her original power, as a Fire Elemental Lord, she was still able to manipulate the flame element. She was unable to display large-scale destruction spells, but she had no problem using a simple elemental spell.

"Holy spirit above..."

Seeing the girl who was covered in flame, the mercenaries couldn't help but be shocked. Fortunately, all of them had gone through the battle in Blackrock Depth, so they were already immune toward any strange and mysterious things like this. In addition, Gillian's appearance was different from ordinary people, so when people saw her do something like this, they were not too frightened and surprised.

However, right now wasn't the best time for them to discuss her.

Gillian frowned while looking at the surrounding forest and waved her right hand. Followed by her motion, a flame appeared out of thin air and burned the trees. Soon, the fire spread wider. Under the firelight, the mercenaries could see a few shadows jump out from the trees, trying to escape.


After seeing the enemy, the mercenaries no longer hesitated. They quickly attacked the shadows that tried to escape the fire with their bow and arrows. Soon, a few arrows hit those shadows, but they were surprised to see that those shadows didn't fall. Instead, although they looked pitiful, they were still able to escape into the forest.

"Stop, don't chase after them!"

Seeing those fellows were trying to escape, some of the mercenaries couldn't hold the urge to chase them. However, they were quickly stopped by Shauna and Kavos. As their leaders, they understood that they shouldn't chase after them because they were not familiar with the area around here. Rushing to attack would only lead to disaster. When they intended to make further orders, howls from the beasts suddenly echoed from the depths of the forest.


This sudden howl made the mercenaries surprised. When Lapis heard it, her body couldn't help but tremble.

Had they caught up with them? Holy spirit above!! How are they this fast!?


As Lapis dozed off, a chirp echoed from the sky. Followed by the sound, dozens of birds appeared from the sky and attacked the mercenaries. They didn't expect that they would be attacked by so many wild beasts, so they lost their focus for a moment. They swung their swords around, trying to expel those birds. The mercenaries kept moving closer and closer to each other, using their comrades help to gain an advantage. Of course, they didn't forget about those scholars. Some of the mercenaries already protected them. They swung around the burning tree branches, trying to drive away birds and force them to leave. However, it was strange; those birds didn't seem to plan on leaving. They continued to move forward even though they were already injured by the flame.

"What's wrong with these damned things?"

Kavos waved around his burning long sword and cut a small falcon. It seemed that it hadn't yet matured. But it kept struggling to flap its wings to attack as if Kavos had killed its father or something.

"Be careful, it seems like they are being controlled."

Beside them, Shauna wiped the sweat on her forehead while commanding the mercenaries to defend. She looked at the surroundings uneasily, and after that, her expression darkened.

Where did Rhode go?

After observing carefully, it seemed that Rhode hadn't been here since the enemy attacked. Where did he go? Why wasn't he in the camp base? Did something happen to him? But where's he now? Shauna had been pondering these questions for a while, but she quickly threw aside those thoughts because they finally got rid of those birds. However, they didn't yet get the chance to breathe when a deep vibration sounded.


"No way!"

Hearing this sound, Shauna and Kavos's expressions immediately changed.

It was just as they guessed. Soon, they saw a layer of gray-black "fog" coming from the forest. But none of them actually thought of it as mist because they quickly saw through their true appearance. It was a large group of wasps!!

Holy spirit, please protect us...

Seeing the group of wasps, the mercenaries subconsciously held their breath. They were holding the burning tree branches while clenching their teeth, desperately trying to drive away the wasps that were getting near them. However, they knew deep down that their actions were meaningless.

If their enemy was a beast, then their method might somehow work, but now they were facing a group of small insects. What to do?

Soon, the mercenaries no longer had to think about that question anymore.

"A bunch of fools."

Seeing the mercenaries who were trying to block the wasps' attack, Gillian frowned. She and Lapis were also surrounded by the wasps. However, the wasps weren't able to break through Gillian's fire shield. Seeing those wasps clearly under the firelight was definitely not a fascinating scene.

"Then, let's end it here. I'm sorry, I'm not going to play with you guys anymore."

Having said that, Gillian clapped her hands.

The fire burned even more violently.

A fire dragon suddenly appeared from the fire shield and roared toward the mercenaries who were surrounded. The mighty fire dragon moved like a surging wave and quickly filled the entire camp. Soon, those wasps disappeared under the boiling air and high temperatures.


The mercenaries finally felt relieved. But when they looked around, they finally noticed something.

Where was Rhode?

The attack failed.

Hidden in the depths of the forest, a man wearing a camo cloak looked at the bright camp. He frowned as he saw the mercenaries who seemed harmless. He thought that the mercenaries would be easy to deal with. But now it seemed that he was wrong. Especially the girl with fox ears and tail—her power to manipulate fire even made him tremble. He was sure that she was not using any spell. Judging from her appearance, it seemed that the fire was a part of her, blending with her in harmony.

Why did such an existence exist in that corrupted and contaminated world?

He frowned and didn't know what to do. He originally thought that he had the upper hands, but now the situation didn't go as planned. Thinking until here he couldn't help but bite his lips. It seemed this time, he was too anxious. After seeing the Oriole, he became a little bit nervous. After this attack, the mercenaries would definitely be more prepared. It would be difficult to attack them again.

He had no other choice; now, the only thing he could do was retreat.

Thinking until here, he turned around, planning to leave. But he immediately stopped after taking a step.

At this moment, Rhode was already leisurely standing before him, watching him.

"Is your business finally done, sir? So now, can you answer my questions? Seeing your passionate hospitality toward us, I think I must also do something in return."

Rhode said expressionlessly, while gently swinging the sword in his hand.

The bright red sword's light immediately pierced the darkness.

Chapter 225: Let's Fight!

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

A man wearing a camo cloak stood up. His face was gloomy, and he subconsciously backed down a few steps, vigilantly watching Rhode, who suddenly appeared behind him. He didn't know since when Rhode had been standing behind him, so he felt a little bit uneasy. At this moment, Rhode didn't even move at all. He only looked at that man silently, as if what the man did didn't concern him at all.

Rhode looked at the enemy and slightly narrowed his eyes.


In the game, druids weren't as good as they were described in fantasy novels. In the Dragon Soul Continent, Druids were a group of an extreme fanatical environmentalists. They thought that the only way for human beings to survive was by going back to nature. Of course, there was no problem about that. However, the way that they implemented their visions were very heinous. Druids seldom wore and used clothing and props that were handcrafted by humans. They usually wore camo cloaks and used their fists and teeth to attack. They could command beasts and insects to fight for them and drove away threats that might do harm to nature.

To the people in Dragon Soul Continent, Druid were no better than bandits. Or, it was a little bit wrong to describe it that way because they were a little different. At least bandits attacked people to steal treasures and women. However, the reason Druids attacked people was only because they thought that humans defiled their nature, and they wanted humans to know the greatness of nature. They worked hard so humanity would be able to understand that nothing could defy the power of nature.

To some people, their actions were totally meaningless.

But it didn't mean that they should be underestimated.


The man suddenly echoed a roar that didn't sound like a human. He bowed down and waved out his hands forward as if it were a sharp claw. After that, he slowly retreated and began to circle around Rhode just like a wolf waiting for an opportunity to kill the prey. He twitched his nose, carefully observing the enemy before him. It could be seen that the enemy was a very young man, but his actions made him felt a little bit puzzled. Rhode wasn't panicked or afraid, not even angry or hasty. He was calm and his breath was stable. His black eyes reflected darkness deeper than the abyss.

The enemy was a little bit troublesome.

Thinking until here, the Druid clenched his teeth and roared toward Rhode.

In response, Rhode lifted up his sword.

The moment the Druid saw the sword, he squinted his eyes. There was a trace of hatred and disgust when he looked at it. Druids hated these kind of props. In their opinion, because of people's self-ignorant desire, they plundered the stone from the earth's embrace and made the stones lose their original form. What they did was an unforgivable sin. In the past, when enemies waved around that weapon, he would use his both hands to eliminate those who dared to desecrate the earth due to anger. But now... there was another thing he could do besides getting angry. Thinking until here, he quickly calmed down and walked to the side. However, Rhode didn't stop, raising his Red Tears sword and pointing it toward that man while slowly walking to the left.

Then he slowed down his movement.

At the same time, the Druid noticed that he had lost the target because Rhode had suddenly transformed into an ethereal spirit, or perhaps a shadow illusion, to make others confused as to where he was. Although his eyes were telling him that it was nothing more than an illusion, his brain immediately sent a contradictory signal.

This made the Druid felt a little bit puzzled. He stopped and clenched his teeth. The sudden intense pain made his originally confused brain became a lot clearer. He quickly calmed down and looked at Rhode carefully. But no matter what, he still couldn't grasp Rhode's location. Not only that, he also felt a surge of adrenaline. It had been a long time since he felt like that, but his body still remembered and subconsciously reacted. His heart started beating faster and faster, and the air around him also got heavier and made him unable to breathe. His muscles tightened as if it were warning him, instinctively telling him that there's a threat ahead.

It's death threat.


At this time, he finally made a move.

He roared like a wolf and then three to four wolves rushed there from the depths of the forest. They were waving their sharp claws and showed their fangs, trying to attack Rhode, who only stood still.

But Rhode suddenly moved.

The Druid thought that the scene before him was just too unbelievable. Rhode was defenseless when facing the wolves. After all, Rhode was more focused on fighting with him. He was pretty sure about that because he could feel Rhode's sharp glare. The strong, barbaric, and absolute sense of oppression made the Druid felt overwhelmed. That was why he had to attack first in order to break this suffocating pressure.

Sure enough, the atmosphere around him suddenly loosened.

However, before the Druid recover from the excitement of being alive, he soon saw an unforgettable scene.

Rhode's expression didn't change the slightest as he faced the wolves, only swinging his sword. With the Druid's talent, he was able to clearly saw the tip of Rhode's bright red sword getting sharper and sharper, followed by Rhode's movements. But he hadn't yet seen it carefully yet Rhode's figure suddenly disappeared.

No, it might be incorrect to say that he had disappeared. Because when Rhode stepped forward, he suddenly appeared behind the wild wolf and pierced his sword forward.

Unfortunately, the sword wasn't able to pierce through the wolf because the wolf had instinctively sensed the incoming danger and decided to back down. It turned its body around, trying to dodge Rhode's attack. However, it failed to escape and gradually lost its strength. It fell to the ground and was unable to get up again.

When Rhode pierced it, he didn't even look at it. To the contrary, he smoothly moved forward like the stream.

And he suddenly appeared in front of the wolf that was the farthest from him.

What on earth happened?

The Druid blankly stared at Rhode, who didn't even hesitate to split the wolf's head apart. Rhode once again disappeared when the blood spurted out from the wolf. However, the next scene couldn't help but made the Druid's heart sink. He knew everything that Rhode had done was very abnormal; he had never seen such a weird fighting style before. Before the first attack, Rhode was originally in front of the wolf, but just after he stepped forward, he suddenly appeared behind the wolf. It didn't look like the wolf was attacking him. It looked as if he was attacking the wolf.

The things that Rhode did next were even more confusing to the Druid. Not only did Rhode use a strange method to kill the first wolf, but he already appeared in front of the second wolf, which was very far from him, in a blink of an eye just after the first wolf fell into the ground. It seemed as if he has teleported. Wolves, who were the hunter of the forest, couldn't even react and turned into Rhode's prey.

What on earth did that young man just do?

Thinking until here, the Druid subconsciously felt fearful. When he saw another wolf fal to the ground as it passed by Rhode, the Druid could swear to the Holy Spirit above that Rhode hadn't even touched the wolf yet. Rhode's sword only grazed the wolf and didn't even cut it.

Is it magic?

This thought quickly flashed by him, but then he shook his head, trying to deny it. As a slave of nature, he was able to feel even the slightest magical fluctuation, but he couldn't sense anything in Rhode's movement. That's meant that that black-haired young man was relying on his own swordsmanship skill to achieve it.

But... could this kind of thing be done by a human?

If Rhode could hear the Druid's thought, then he definitely would comfort him and say, indeed, it wasn't done by a human.

The Dark Dance swordsmanship was handed down by Dark Elves who lived underground and were close to the Devil. Their fighting skill far exceeded the people who lived on the surface. The harsh, underground environment forced them to bring out their full potential. The Dark Dance was created because of it.

The Dark Elves condensated their thousand years of lives and experiences. In the game, the only skill that could reach the S-Rank was Dark Dance Swordsmanship, and its critical damage was also above A-Rank. It relied on fast speed to kill the enemy. However, it had a high requirement for AGI and only a few people could learn it. The Dark Dance swordsmanship wasn't without flaws; the fast speed was likely to increase the body's burden, and the holder also needed high flexibility to do it. Because of it, the holder was unable to wear heavy armor, or else it would be difficult to execute it.

Rhode was extremely happy at this moment.

Along the way, he had been eager to find someone to practice with. Unfortunately, the mercenaries weren't strong enough, and the Dark Dance swordsmanship was a vicious killing move. If this was in the mirage, Rhoe might try to do it. However, he didn't want to kill someone outside, so he could only be patient.

It had to be said that this feeling was indescribable, like someone who had won a lottery worth five million and wanted to show it off to everyone so they became jealous, but was also personally worried to expose the power. This example really portrayed how he felt right now.

Finally, there was someone for him to practice against.

Thinking until here, Rhode couldn't help but snort coldly. At this moment, the last wolf had also fallen to the ground and lost its life.

However, they were only appetizers; the main course was yet to come.


Whirlwind passed by.

Rhode moved back.

Rhode backed down, and his body suddenly moved to the side. When he turned around to dodge, a huge fist brushed past him and heavily hit the ground. Followed by the dull crashing noise, Rhode could feel the huge force extending down to the ground and even made his legs felt numb. Although the Druid's first attack failed, he still didn't plan to stop. He slowly stood up and looked at the young man not far from him.

Now, the Druid's camo cloak had already transformed into a golden armor. His fists were almost the size of basketballs. This was a Druid's special skill. By using soul power, they could temporarily borrow the "great gift from nature". Of course, this was only their own opinion. Through the information from the Dragon Soul Continent's researchers, these damn environmentalists were just using variations on magic spells.

This matter didn't concern Rhode at all.

"Very good!"

Rhode, who had just dodged the Druid's attack, didn't panic or became serious. Instead, he clenched his fists and shouted.

Rhode could feel that his swordsmanship had gotten even more proficient after this battle. At first, he hadn't yet familiarized himself with the Dark Dance swordsmanship. But apparently, he recovered a lot under this strong pressure.

If that's so, sorry to trouble you, but please be my sandbag.

Rhode lifted his sword. At the same time, the Druid also swung his fists and rushed toward Rhode. However, unlike the first attack, this time, he made sufficient preparation. He threw a punch while shouting, and a wave surged with a rapid current sweeping through. The force was strong enough to make the trees around the forest tumble down. However, it was still unable to hit Rhode. In fact, when he attacked Rhode, Rhode had once again dodged it using that strange skill. This made the Druid felt really puzzled because he obviously was about to hit the enemy, but at that moment Rhode moved forward. He only felt his vision become blurry, and then suddenly, his fist fell on the wall heavily and dust came out from it.

Not only that, at the same time, a bright red light flashed.

Rhode had arrived beside the Druid, quickly swinging the sword in his hand to cut the Druid's right hand! Facing this sudden attack, the Druid quickly retreated to dodge Rhode's sword. When the Druid thought that he had dodged, a feeling of pain flared from his wrist.

What happened?

The Druid instinctively moved his right hand and realized that it was numb! He looked down, but there were no injuries. His hand was still intact and there was no injury, but his hand felt dead as if it were being cut by something, leaving only the outer shell.

It's him!

The Druid lifted his head and looked forward in surprise, but there was no one there.

"What's going on? Can't you fight anymore? Really disappointing."

At this moment, Rhode's voice suddenly echoed from the Druid's right side and shocked him. He widened his eyes, fiercely glaring at the man before him.

The Druid finally understood that Rhode wasn't an opponent he could handle.

"Don't be modest. Please use your full power; otherwise you will die here, Mr. Druid."

Rhode's tone was flat like that a tour guide who showed no enthusiasm while making a presentation to the tourist. However, upon hearing it, the Druid felt chill down to his heart. He knew that he couldn't do anything anymore.

Chapter 226: Fast!

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"The situation has changed."

A man who was hiding in the depths of the forest frowned as he looked at the fiery hills from the distance. He was wearing a leopard skin robe. He leaned his body into the bushes, hiding like a wild beast ready to attack its prey.

"Brown Bear hasn't come back yet. According to our plan, he should have assembled with us here."

"Did something happen to him?"

Besides him, a naked woman, who only used shells to cover her body parts, stood up. She wore a feather cloak that drifted along in the cold night wind. It looked as if she didn't feel cold at all.

"Our friend didn't come back."

Standing on the other side was a man covered in wolf's skin. He wore a huge, dried up wolf skeleton on his head. He looked like a terrible, huge black wolf. They were one of the Druids in the forest, and Oriole was also part of them. According to their original plan, they were supposed to lure these people into the depths of the forest. After that, they would separate their forces into two. The first force would use the a familiar path and their Druid power to save their comrades while the other force took the opportunity to go to the camp and capture Oriole. But now it seemed like there were some changes. Some time had passed, but they still didn't get any sign from Brown Bear.

Did something happen to him?

The man reached out his hand to pat the wild wolves, who were crawling on the ground. Then he sniffed and frowned.

"There's the smell of blood..."

As the man said that, a roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the forest, proving his bad premonition.


"Not good!"

Hearing this sound, the three of them showed serious expressions. At the same time, the wolves also got up and rushed toward the source of this sound. Those three Druids looked worried as they glanced toward each other.

The Brown Bear was in a big trouble.

Thinking until here, the three of them quickly went into the forest.

In the dark forest, fire reflected through the leaves gaps. Mottled black spots interacted with the shadowy light, forming a hellish nightmare scenery. The three of them followed the wolf's footsteps, staggered through the forest without stop. The thorns, shrubs, even vines, and slippery moss on the ground didn't impede them from moving forward. They rushed forward through the gaps like the wind in the woods, fast and gentle.

When the three of them were about to reach their destination, the wolf howling suddenly stopped. The forest that originally echoed some noises immediately turned silent. This made the three of them subconsciously stop walking. They knew that it wasn't a good omen. As their companions, these wolves were very brave and clever. If they found the target or if they were in danger, the wolves would howl differently to inform them. But now, the howl suddenly stopped, it's as if someone had strangled their throats and didn't even give them a chance to struggle.

What should they do now? Just move on?

Seeing the dark forest before them, they felt a little bit uneasy. Before they could make any decision, the shrubs in front of them shook. They saw a sturdy man running out from there. He seemed to be in a panic; the cloak he was wearing now become tattered. He held his right hand while running.

"Brown Bear!?"

Seeing that man, the three of them shouted. Looking at the man in front them, they were surprised. Was he still the strong Brown Bear they knew? How did he turn to this? What happened? Although the three of them were curious about what happened, Brown Bear clearly didn't have time to explain. Instead, when Brown Bear saw them, he seemed very surprised and frightened. He didn't seem to care about his right hand anymore and shouted.

"Be careful, quickly run————!!"

At the same time, a subtle wind passed through.

Brown Bear no longer hesitated. He rolled to the ground and dodged the critical attack that almost hit him. But that didn't mean he escaped unscathed. Soon, Brown Bear shouted, then collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

A shadow passed through the leaves and arrived beside the Brown Bear. From afar, a dark-haired young man holding a sword appeared before them, quietly observing.

As expected, there were more.

Looking at those strangely dressed people, Rhode didn't seem to be surprised. It wasn't his first time fighting with the Druids, so he understood how they fought pretty well. In fact, since the beginning, he had been looking out for these guys from the sidelines. His judgment appeared to be correct.

The three of them were the same as that man—they looked defenseless and didn't carry any weapon. But Rhode wouldn't underestimate them just because of this. Druids didn't have to fight with any weapon because their own body was a weapon and Rhode understood that clearly.

"You bastard!"

Seeing Brown Bear fell to the round, the female Druid standing in the front could no longer bear it anymore. She loudly cursed, then stretched out her hands, jumping toward Rhode like a giant bird. Her sharp nails were aiming toward Rhode's eyes. Seeing it almost hit Rhode, the female Druid smiled.

Rhode moved his body.

The red sword moved down with Rhode, but bounced back up like a compressed spring. A dazzling bright red light shone in the dark sky and aimed toward the female Druid's shoulder.

The female Druid wasn't wary of Rhode's attack because it looked strange. She never expected someone to actually able to attack like that. She fell into a panic. Facing the sword that almost hit her, the only thing she could do was to go back into a defensive form. She held both of her arms, changing the center of gravity and dodging Rhode attack. However, at this moment, the female Druid could hear Brown Bear shouting in horror.

"Be careful! Stay away from him!"

The icy cold sword fell into the female Druid's shoulder, tearing up a bloody wound on her body. Followed by her scream, she fell to the ground trembling as she lost her balance. She was holding her shoulder. She could feel an incomparable cold on her own shoulder. In a blink of an eye, her skin turned purple as if it had gotten a frostbite!

Although her situation was very dangerous, the Brown Bear didn't have any time to care about her, because from the very start, he wasn't warning her.

The other two stopped.

They looked at Rhode, who stood not far behind the female Druid, and didn't know what to say. Unlike her, the two of them could clearly see what was happening. Facing the female Druid's attack, the black-haired man flashed forward like a leaf blown by the wind and his sword quickly pierced the female Druid's body. Soon that "dry leaf" passed through her just like that and fell to the ground.

At first, when the female Druid attacked, they thought of helping her. However, Brown Bear's warning made them stop. Now seeing this strange black-haired man before them, they could only feel a chill down their spine. Not going forward was really the right choice.

Not bad.

Rhode ignored their frightened eyes and swung down his long sword. The blood dripping down the sword immediately scattered down and fell to the ground.

As a Dark Elf swordsmanship, Dark Dance was one of the most powerful swordsmanships in the darkness; it was a killing technique that pushed speed to the limit. Thousand Shadow used the Dark Elf's unique walking skill to counteract the reactionary force in full speed to the greatest extent. It allowed the holder to make an instantaneous change in full speed from 90 degrees to 180 degrees without too much impact. As for the Dead Soul Blade, it could use condensed soul power to form a surreal soul sword. Its strongest feature was that it was impossible to dodge unless one was familiar with this technique. No one would expect that the weapon they faced was able to lengthen in a single moment. That misjudgment could be fatal in a battle. Not to mention, that while the Dead Soul Blade wouldn't do any harm to the human body, but it would deal great damage to one's soul. For vulnerable souls, this invisible blade was a deadly killer; for a tougher soul, it still affected them equally. Only those who had stronger soul power than the Dead Soul Sword's user could resist the attack.

And now, these two moves could be said to have refreshed Rhode's memory.

Next came Dark Dance's critical moves...

Rhode lifted his sword and pointed it straight ahead. As if the air had been solidified in a moment before a huge tsunami approached, everything turned into a dead silence.

Storm Slaughter, activate.