

Chapter 183 - The Sudden Change

The third trial wasn't the real Nirvana, but a rift in space. It was just the space in the rift that was huge.

Wang Lin slowly traveled through the third trial. As he moved forward, he would grab at the seemingly empty space around him, and every grab would net him another wandering soul to consume.

Wang Lin hadn't felt the sensation of consuming souls for a long time. He calculated that it had been dozens of years since he had left the foreign battleground.

However, due to the power of the law of the world, he still remembered his time in the foreign battleground like it was yesterday.

Xu Ligou and the second devil followed behind Wang Lin, alarmed and scared the whole time. They didn't dare let out a single breath as they saw ancestors who were many times stronger than them being consumed without being able to put up a fight. They felt utterly powerless.

Although Wang Lin's enormous soul was compressed back then for a sliver of Ji Realm knowledge, his ability to devour souls still remained, and as a result, he was a master of souls.

As Wang Lin walked, he sent his Divine Sense out in all directions. Since this realm was like Nirvana, and contained wandering souls, then it must also contain soul devourers.

Wang Lin wasn't sure if soul devourers could devour each other. Unless it was the last resort, soul devourers wouldn't attack each other, but would instead solve their problem in a symbiotic way.

After flying around for a long time, Wang Lin had devoured many souls, but no soul devourers had contacted him yet. He pondered for a while, then raised both his hands, and the nearby floating rocks started to move toward him.

Soon, the rocks crashed into each other to form a large rocky mountain. Wang Lin jumped onto the top of the mountain, then he flicked his right hand, causing a blue flame to rise from it.

Wang Lin's eyes flickered. He put his right hand on the rocky mountain and the blue flame fused into the mountain. The mountain that had many large cracks in between the rocks was quickly surrounded by a blue light that emitted cold air. All the gaps in the rocky mountain were sealed by ice and it was bound together tightly.

Wang Lin removed his right hand from the mountain and the blue flame was absorbed back into his body. He took a deep breath. His Eyes of Divine Consciousness blinked continuously, and his right hand moved quickly. After a while, an illusionary circle appeared and he shot it toward the mountain he had just created.

When the illusionary circle landed on the mountain, the entire mountain flashed brightly, but quickly returned to normal. Wang Lin took another deep breath. His right hand moved and illusionary circles appeared one by one in front of him and fused into the mountain.

Soon, the mountain quickly turned into a miniature version of the restriction mountain.

Wang Lin almost fell over when he took a small step. He slowly started to enter the mountain until he was in the center. He then formed another illusionary circle and pressed against the stone wall.

The whole mountain shook, and it slowly shrank at a speed visible to the human eye, until it was the same size as the other rocks floating by. Anyone who looked at it now wouldn't be able to distinguish it from the other rocks that were floating in the vicinity.

With Wang Lin's body fortified inside the mountain, he left a small piece of his soul in his body using his Ji Realm Divine Consciousness and the rest of his soul exited his body. This part of his soul immediately formed an illusionary body.

Now that Wang Lin's soul was no longer in his body, it was no longer restricted by his physical form. His Divine Sense scattered in all directions. From a distance, you would see layers of Wang Lin's Divine Sense being sent out, causing all the nearby wandering souls to appear from the nothingness, faces pale with fear.

Shortly after, all the wandering souls received their orders. As Wang Lin's Divine Sense spread out further, even more wandering souls felt Wang Lin's presence. Their faces paled and they started to scatter.

Immediately after Wang Lin's soul left his body, he returned to his soul devourer form. He quickly swept through the nothingness, and all the wandering souls he passed by would greet him with respect.

Gradually, Wang Lin felt the presence of another very large soul. It was another soul devourer, however, this soul was in a very strange state, as if it were sleeping.

The large soul didn't respond to Wang Lin's Divine Sense at all. Wang Lin faltered a little. He ignored the soul devourer and kept expanding his divine sense to bring more wandering souls under his control.

At that moment, Duanmu sat on another rock somewhere in the third trial with a bitter look on his face. Next to him was Wang Qingyue with a cool look on his face.

Duanmu and Wang Qingyue crossed the tunnel of nothingness together and arrived at the golden land of the first trial. In the first trial, they relied on Wang Qingyue's Five Element Escape Technique, which allowed them to calmly pass the first trial and proceed to the restriction mountain.

The fact that Duanmu was able to pass the restriction mountain would surprise everyone that knew him.

A thousand years ago, he received a treasure from the treasure pagoda. It was a piece of jade with a single crack on it. Based on his understanding, this piece of jade only had one use left.

Later on, he did a lot of research and found out that the purpose of this jade was to break all restrictions. As a result, Duanmu's resolve to go back to the Land of the Ancient Gods was reignited.

He knew that his cultivation was lower than the others. Back then, it was due to his luck and caution that he was able to preserve his life. He knew his limits very well and had decided to never coe back again, but when he found out about the use of the piece of jade, it moved his heart.

Still, he was very cautious and hesitant because he couldn't even pass the first trial without mastering the Five Element Escape Technique.

Duanmu pondered this for a long time and gave up on learning the Five Element technique. In order for him to learn it, he would have to devote all his time, and even if he did learn it, he wasn't guaranteed to pass the first trial. There were also attacks by large monsters to consider.

He vividly remembered one of his experiences in the ice world.

Thus, Duanmu seeked out his friend Wang Qingyue to travel with him. Wang Qingyue was a master of the Five Element Escape Technique, and after Duanmu told him that the first trial required the Five Element Escape Technique, he decided to give it a try. After all, if what Duanmu said was true, the temptation was too great.

In order to convince Wang Qingyue, Duanmu took out his piece of jade. After seeing the jade, Wang Qingyue immediately recognized that it was a long lost ancient weapon, causing the doubt in his heart to disappear.

However, he was very cautious and didn't immediately agree. He wanted to wait until the Land of the Ancient god opened, then make the decision.

Duanmu didn't mind. He had already made up his mind. If Wang Qingyue didn't want to go, then he would trade this jade to the Six Desire Devil Lord for some magic treasures.

However, he still had to prepare in case Wang Qingyue decided to go. He could pass the first and second trial without any issue, however, the third trial was the problem. Afterall, it was the third trial that had forced them to use an inherited treasure to make a tunnel for them to escape a thousand years ago.

As for the weird creatures in the third trial, if it was only one or two, he wouldn't be afraid. If it was eight to ten, as long as he paid a little attention, he wasn't worried. Even if it were hundreds, relying on his cultivation, he could still survive. But if they numbered in the thousands, even if he was a god, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

Those creatures were very bizarre. They were immune to almost all spells. Only the true fire in one's body could force them to retreat. However, if there was a lot of them, there was no way to keep track of them all. If they were to land on someone's body, they would suck away that person's spiritual energy, and if too many landed on them, then the only road left was death.

As a result, he went searching for magic treasures that protected the soul. However, these types of magic treasures were simply too rare. Even though he managed to gather some, he still wasn't sure about the third trial.

It wasn't until he traveled to Nandou city and heard someone someone talk about the Death Spell that he suddenly remembered that he had heard of the Death Spell before. The Death Spell was a spell that specialized in attacking the soul. It was an evil spell. He was very excited, because if there was a way to get a person with this ability to help, then there was a chance of passing through the third trial.

He then began to search, until he found Wang Lin. The trip was originally very calm. Duanmu believed that as long as they worked together, the first three realms wouldn't be an issue, especially after he learned of the candidate that the Six Desire Devil Lord had picked to pass the third trial. Duanmu was sure that as long as there was no internal fighting, reaching the Land of the Ancient God was only a matter of time.

Although the Land of the Ancient God had four realms, from the inherited treasure, they found out that the fourth realm was just a teleportation array that teleported someone to the body of the Ancient God.

The teleportation array teleported everyone based on the time it took to pass the first three realms. The less time it took, the closer one was teleported to the Ancient God's body. It was even possible to be teleported directly into the Ancient God's meridian. Once inside the meridian, not only would there be condensed dry Linq Qi Beads, there would also be the residue of numerous drugs. According to the inherited treasure, Soul Transformation pill residue would be among the drug residue.

To the ancient god, it might just be residue, but to them, it would count as real Soul Transformation pill.

Unfortunately, his plans were destroyed by a giant dragon inside the tunnel that caused everyone to scatter, especially Wang Lin, who charged into the dragon's mouth. After that, a red dragon appeared. That series of events surprised Duanmu, and caused him to panic. In the crisis, he had to give up looking for Wang Lin, and quickly escaped with Wang Qingyue.

In fact, he was the fastest person to get past the first and second trials and reach the third trial. However, in the third trial, he had a bitter look on his face.

Without Wang Lin's Death Spell, even though he was able to keep himself alive with the treasures he had gathered over the past thousand years, going deeper to find the entrance to the fourth realm was impossible.

As a result, although he and Wang Qingyue were the first to enter the third trial, they were stuck here, unable to proceed.

At that moment, Six Desire Devil Lord was also flying around the third trial, looking for the exit to the fourth realm. Whenever a wandering soul attacked him, he would wave his hand and a blue light would flash from the youth's body. The wandering souls would give up on Six Desire Devil Lord and jump on the youth.

However, after the wandering souls enter the youth's body, they would disappear without a trace. On the surface, there was no change to the youth's body.

Six Desire Devil Lord relied on this method as he traveled. Although there were a few scares, there had been no real danger. The worst time was when he encountered the group containing thousands of wandering souls, but with a wave of his hand, the youth's body flashed and all the wandering souls immediately flew to the youth instead.

He looked at the body he was holding and let out a cold smile. Although he fell into that junior's trap and was hit by the lightning that caused his whole cultivation level to permanently drop one stage, down to the early stage of Soul Formation, with this treasure that he had spent a thousand years preparing, he was bound to enter the fourth realm this time.

After thinking about it, his heart pounded, blood surged, and his eyes were feverish. What is losing a stage of cultivation base compared to acquiring a Soul Transformation pill from the Ancient God's body? After obtaining a Soul Transformation pill, he could become a YingBian stage expert. At that point, let alone the Sea of Devil, even in the Vermilion Bird star system, as long as he didn't offend the Vermilion Bird Empire, he could do as he wished.

After these thoughts, he increased his speed as he searched around. The inherited treasure from the Land of the Ancient Gods was in his hands. Originally, it was his master who had it and gathered people to search this Land of the Ancient Gods.

His master died in the third trial and passed the inherited treasure to him. His master planned to use this treasure to open a tunnel to leave this place, but at the most critical moment, caught the eye of a creature that was much stronger and different from the other creatures around, ending in his master's death.

Six Desire Devil Lord was horrified after witnessing his master's death, and quickly fled into a tunnel to escape.

At this time, there was another person in the third trial, Ancient Emperor. He sat crossed legged on top of a rock with four flags spinning around him and a pagoda the size of his face on top of his head, emitting lights of harmony.

In the area outside of the light of the the pagoda, if one looked carefully, they could see countless wandering souls crowded around the edge of the light, greedily looking at the Ancient Emperor.

However, there wasn't a single wandering soul willing to enter the light of the pagoda.

Ancient Emperor had a bitter look on his face. When he had left the second trial, he was chased by a streak of purple lightning. Relying on his life saving treasure, he was able to survive, but the treasure broke and his cultivation dropped down to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

After he entered the third trial, he didn't dare to enter too deep. He made a base on a rock in the outer area, trying to recover his cultivation base back to the Soul Formation stage. With his current Nascent Soul stage cultivation, if he was in the first or second trial, he could protect himself, but here, in the extremely dangerous third trial, there was just no way for him to survive.

What made Ancient Emperor truly bitter was that the whirlpool to the third trial was motionless at first, then it suddenly teleported him to a very unfavorable location.

He was teleported to the middle of the third trial. If he didn't immediately create this pagoda, he would have been swarmed by the wandering souls.

At that point, he was out of options. He could only keep the light of the pagoda going, completely trapping himself there.

Thinking about this, his face was full of hate. He blamed the mysterious person for causing all of this. His hate toward him was enormous.

He was, however, still confused about the identity of the mysterious person. According to his analysis, it should be that kid Wang Lin, but he refused to believe that he was forced into this pathetic state by someone of a younger generation.

Speaking of Wang Lin, he was currently spreading out his Divine Sense, until he swept the entire third trial. Besides him, there was only one other soul devourer, and the number of souls was much less than the Foreign Battleground. It only looked like there were a lot because the area was much smaller.

In addition, Wang Lin had already found the entrance to the fourth realm. It wasn't in the center, but to the northwest.There was a large amount of wandering souls around the entrance, almost accounting for one-fourth of all the souls in the realm.

Meanwhile, all the wandering souls under his control had been sending him messages using a special method. They had followed his instructions and found Six Devil Desire Lord and Ancient Emperor.

What surprised Wang Lin was that the wandering souls also found Duanmu and Wang Qingyue.

Wang Lin pondered a little, then sent his Divine Sense toward the Ancient Emperor. According to a wandering soul, Ancient Emperor currently had the lowest cultivation base and was stuck at his current location.

After a short period of time, Wang Lin's soul appeared at the end of the light of the pagoda above Ancient Emperor's head after following the wandering souls under his control. He looked at the pale faced Ancient Emperor and began to ponder.

Wang Lin devoured the souls here and his soul grew very large. Although it was not the same level as before, in terms of quality, it was far beyond what it originally was. After all, his soul wasn't normal, but a Ji Realm Soul.

When he arrived, Ancient Emperor's eyes blinked and stared coldly in Wang Lin's direction. Although he could only see the dark void, he could clearly feel a soul that was very different from the other souls around.

The moment that soul arrived, all the other wandering souls scattered. If he looked closely at the shadows, he could see their faces paled with fear.

After seeing this, Ancient Emperor's heart skipped a beat. He quickly consumed a pill to make sure he had enough spiritual energy to maintain the light from the pagoda.

Wang Lin stared at Ancient Emperor inside the light. He sent out a message through his divine sense and ten wandering souls suddenly came forward. Although their faces were full of fear, they still charged into the light. The moment they touched the light, they were met with a strong resistance. They weren't even able to get within five feet from Ancient Emperor before a green smoke would appear on their bodies, forcing them to retreat.

However, the light from the pagoda dimmed.

Wang Lin's soul sent out another message. This time, all the wandering souls nearby, more than ten thousand, condensed into shadows, and stared at the pagoda.

Ancient Emperor's heart skipped a beat. That was bad. He quickly made a gesture with his hand and sent waves of light into the pagoda. With every wave of light, his face paled a bit more. After the last wave of light, his face was white as chalk and his cultivation base dropped to the mid stage of Nascent Soul.

At the same time, all the wandering souls coordinated into waves and started to assault the light. However, all the wandering souls started to smoke and were only able to get within ten feet of Ancient Emperor. The distance to Ancient Emperor was still great.

Ancient Emperor let out a depressed laugh. He had already tried his best. The amount of wandering souls was just too great for him to resist. Even those seniors from a thousand years ago were all consumed by these wandering souls. How could he, who had damaged his cultivation to his degree, hope to survive? He was afraid that he would run out of Linq Qi and be unable to keep the pagoda going, then be swarmed by the wandering souls.

From beginning to end, Wang Lin didn't make a move. He knew that if they were outside, Ancient Emperor would be able to kill him with the twitch of a finger. But here, he was a soul devourer, and could manipulate wandering souls. Their roles had reversed.

Of course, if he were to directly attack now, he wasn't a match for Ancient Emperor. Even though he was a soul devourer, he was still too weak.

However, it was just that as the ability of a soul devourer was to devour souls, the ability of these wandering soul was to devour life force. Even if one's cultivation base was high, if too many wandering souls attached on to them, they couldn't resist.

If one knew wandering souls well enough, they would know that if just one of them appeared in the mortal world, it could cause a catastrophe. Of course, it would need to be a complete wandering soul, far stronger than the likes of the devil Xu Ligou.

The third trial of the Land of the Ancient Gods, in reality, was a death trap. Only a few had successfully passed this realm. The Land of the Ancient Gods has existed for countless years, and Six Desire Devil Lord's master wasn't the first to enter the third trial. Many had entered before, but like him, they all died in the third trial.

The wandering souls there couldn't be easily destroyed, and they existed in large numbers. Even if the soul was consumed, as long as there was a speck of the soul left, it could be resurrected. It was an endless cycle.

The reason why Wang Lin was so at home here was due to his experience and some special encounters he had while he was in the foreign battleground. With those under his belt, he could act like he was the boss here.

If not for his body having been destroyed by Teng Huayaun, if not for Situ Nan willing to put his Nascent Soul into deep slumber to keep Wang Lin's soul from being destroyed, if not for him accidently entering the crack into the foreign battleground, if not for him to starting to devour souls until he became a soul devourer… if any one of those of things didn't happen, and Wang Lin could still have reached the third trial, he wouldn't have the status of a king here like he does now.

All of the paled faced wandering souls were just food to Wang Lin, but without this food, in the mind of Ancient Emperor, he was simply a smart Core Formation junior. If it wasn't for the various circumstances restricting all the people here, all they had to do was raise a finger to kill Wang Lin.

It's just that in this world, there were too many unexpected matters, like under special circumstances an ant could kill an elephant, and while straws are light, they could still crush a camel. Some things in this world just don't have a proper explanation.

One can only say that things change, and there is nothing that's forever. Just like how Hunchback Meng, who was supposed to have died in the first trial, appeared in the third trial with power similar to the Ancient God Tu Si, and how he died back in the first trial just couldn't be explained. Starting in the third trial of the Land of the Ancient Gods, things just became more confusing and weird.

Chapter 184 - The Blood Sea of the Demon God

In the tranquil space that was connected to the third trial of the Land of the Ancient Gods, a speck of white light suddenly appeared. The light brightened and enlarged until it formed an oval-shaped tear in space.

From the rift came a hand with long fingernails and full of bone thorn. The hand looked cold and had extremely sharp fingernails that were painted black. It was covered in pustules, and sticking out of every pustule was a bone thorn.

After the weird looking hands came through the rift, they grabbed hold of the rift and mercilessly tore it apart. The small rift was no longer a small oval, it became at least 10 feet tall. Waves of red and black immediately came through the tear in space and a huge figure came through the rift. The figure had an obvious hump on its back, making it look like a hunchback.

He was more than ten feet tall and his body was just like his hands, covered in pustules. Some were even broken and were leaking out a pungent black liquid. There was a bone thorn in each of the pustules. If you looked at this person aside from where the joints were, he was covered in bone thorn.

There were some shredded pieces of cloth hanging on the bone thorns. If you looked at this person's ugly face, you could see that it greatly resembled Hunchback Meng, but his size was many times greater.

On his head were two spiral shaped horns with blue lightning arcing between them. He currently looked like a demon from hell. He dragged himself through the rift and then pinched with this right hand. The rift instantly shrank until it was just a speck of light again. It shook violently before disappearing without a trace.

The demon looked into the void and muttered to himself, "The master has already ordered that no one be allowed to enter the fourth realm. Everyone here must die!" Finished speaking, he was about to start flying, but stopped when he sniffed with his nose high and looked south east. He said, "That's weird, why do I feel there is an extremely disgusting smell over there? Makes me want to just go there and kill whoever is producing it."

At that moment, a wandering soul suddenly appeared, but when they saw this demon they just ignored him and passed by. The demon also ignored the wandering soul, staring at the direction of that disgusting smell. His body disappeared as he flew toward that smell.

The direction where the demon was heading toward was where Wang Lin and Ancient Emperor were. Wang Lin calmly looked at Ancient Emperor, who was trapped in the light. The light from the pagoda had shrunk from 30 feet to only 15 feet.

After Wang Lin became a soul devourer, he had lost all the emotions a mortal would have. He was cold and heartless. When he was about to order the wandering souls to assault again, he felt through a wandering soul he controlled that a violent fluctuation of the soul was coming toward him from the northwest.

Shortly after, the wandering soul under his control used a special technique to transmit what it was seeing to Wang Lin.

"This…This is… Hunchback Meng!" Wang Lin was surprised, while Hunchback Meng had changed a lot, Wang Lin could still tell that this demon was indeed him.

Wang Lin retracted his divine sense to prevent an attack on him through it and sent a message to Ancient Emperor through divine sense.

"Hand over the inheritance treasure…"

Ancient Emperor was stunned. Even when he came here a thousand years ago, he had never seen any of these creatures communicate with divine sense. But he quickly reacted and replied with his divine sense, "Se…Seniors, I don't know what inheritance treasure you are talking about."

After Ancient Emperor finished talking, he was bitter in his heart. After becoming a Soul Formation expert, he hadn't had to call anyone senior. When he said that word, he felt bitter.

Suddenly he said, "Senior, if you are looking for the inheritance treasure of the Land of the Ancient Gods, then you have came looking for the wrong person. It is in the possession of someone called Six Desire Devil Lord."

Wang Lin pondered a little, and felt the strong fluctuation of soul coming closer. Wang Lin used the wandering souls under his control to get a good grasp of the distance between them. While Wang Lin was talking to Ancient Emperor, he was controlling the wandering souls to block its path.

However, Hunchback Weng's body was very strange, and no matter how many wandering souls attacked it, they weren't able to inflict even a tiny bit of damage. This surprised Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't believe Ancient Emperor when he said that the inheritance treasure was not with him, but with Six Desire Devil Lord. Even if what he said was true, the likes of Ancient Emperor and the others wouldn't so carelessly enter the Land of the Ancient Gods, or else they'd be at the complete mercy of the Six Desire Devil Lord. After all, he held the key to entering and exiting this place.

In regards to the inheritance treasure, Wang Lin first heard it from Duanmu and the others, but they weren't willing to keep talking about it. It wasn't until later that Wang Lin figured it out.

Ancient Emperor was willing to fight the Six Desire Devil Lord in the second trial. He must have his secrets. Wang Lin ordered the surrounding wandering souls to begin the assault again.

Ancient Emperor gritted his teeth as he sent another message with his divine sense. "This old man doesn't have the inheritance treasures, but when I came here years ago, I received a fragment of the inheritance treasure. This fragment contains a spell that would create a passage out of here, however, it can only be used at the exit whirlpool in each realm to be teleported out of the Land of the Ancient Gods, or else I wouldn't be stuck here. As for the fragment, I destroyed it after I learned the technique."

What Ancient Emperor said was true. A thousand years ago he was one of the stronger experts, so he naturally saw the inheritance treasure and learned of the method it used to leave this place. That was how he was able to escape this place a thousand years ago and why he still dared to come back.

There weren't many that received this spell back then; however, the reason why almost no one was able to escape was because of the limitation to use this spell. One must be at an exit whirlpool for it to work.

Many of the people who passed the first and second trials didn't even think about exiting the Land of the Ancient Gods, because they didn't want to waste all their effort. As a result, they gave up the chance to use the exit whirlpool in the second trial, but the third trial was vast, and finding the exit was like finding a needle in a haystack. Also, because of the fear of all the wandering souls, no one dared to spread their divine sense out too far, making the search for the exit even harder.

This spell must specifically be used at an exit whirlpool. If it was used at an entry whirlpool, there would be no effect. Back at the exit of the second trial, Ancient Emperor didn't have enough time to use the spell on the exit whirlpool there, and was forced into the third trial.

"If you just take me to the exit of the third trial I'll teach you the spell in exchange!" Ancient Emperor looked calm, but in his heart, he was secretly trying to figure out why this person wanted this. Although he didn't know why, he had to give a response, or the wandering souls would keep attacking. At that point, the only road left was death.

Wang Lin didn't respond anymore. He sent out his divine sense and, once again, all the surrounding wandering souls started to attack. Wang Lin carefully calculated. Based on the information from the wandering souls, Hunchback Meng should arrive here in the time that it takes for two incense sticks to burn.

The attacks of the wandering souls grew more intense under Wang Lin's command. To help speed things up, Wang Lin spread out his divine sense to call more wandering souls to join the attack.

Ancient Emperor's face paled. He guessed that what he said before wasn't what this person wanted to hear. He gritted his teeth and swallowed a few more pills to keep the light going.

But the attacks from the wandering souls were endless. At the most critical moment, Ancient Emperor sent out another message with his divine sense.

"I'll give you the spell! Please tell these strange creatures to stop attacking…" Ancient Emperor quickly took out a piece of jade and placed it on his forehead for a while. Then he held it tightly in his hand while looking at his surroundings.

After enough time for one incense stick to burn passed, Wang Lin sent out his divine sense and all the wandering souls stopped their attacks. Ancient Emperor relaxed a bit. He hesitated a little, and gritted his teeth. He then sent the jade outside the range of the light.

The moment the piece of jade flew out, Wang Lin immediately picked it up with his soul. He scanned the piece of jade and found that it contained very detailed instructions for the spell.

Ancient Emperor became very nervous after throwing out the piece of jade. He was afraid that after this person received the piece of jade, they still wouldn't let him go.

Wang Lin silently pondered a little, then all the surrounding wandering souls pounced toward Ancient Emperor and resumed their attack. Ancient Emperor displayed a depressed smile. He revealed a poisonous expression and started to use up his own spiritual energy like crazy to maintain the light of the pagoda.

But the amount of wandering souls attacking was simply too great. Soon, the pagoda started to shake. Then, with a bang, a rift appeared on the pagoda, splitting it in two.

At that moment, Ancient Emperor's body suddenly moved and disappeared without a trace. Ten feet away, Ancient Emperor let out a miserable cry and revealed himself. Countless wandering souls pounced on him and started to quickly consume him.

At the same time, a wandering soul came out from Ancient Emperor's body, carrying a bag of holding. Wang Lin took the bag after the wandering soul delivered it to him and hastily left.

This time, he didn't go look for the other people, but went back to where his body was hiding.

In the empty space, Ancient Emperor's body was shrinking, his face ashen. His Nascent Soul kept spitting out Origin Fire to prevent the wandering souls from devouring him, however, he was only able to stall for time and not drive them away.

Even if his life saving magic treasure wasn't broken or if his cultivation was still at the mid stage of Soul Formation, he still couldn't deal with so many wandering souls trying to devour him.

Soon after Wang Lin left, Hunchback Meng arrived. His body was moving like a shooting star. He glanced at Ancient Emperor and his brow wrinkled. The disgusting smell was no longer here. When he was about to follow it, he suddenly stopped and he looked at Ancient Emperor. A thought darted through his mind.

He reached out and grabbed Ancient Emperor's shriveled up body in his hands, then shook Ancient Emperor until all the wandering souls were ejected out of his body.

After all the wandering souls were removed from Ancient Emperor's body, with a cold smile on his face, the demon tore a hole through space and threw Ancient Emperor inside.

After the rift appeared, one could clearly see the other side was a blood red world. The ground was covered in a thick layer of blood, and even the the sky was also blood red, like a piece of blue cloth soaked in blood.

On the blood covered ground sat numerous cultivators who all looked like the current Hunchback Meng. They were all very large and had between one and four horns on their head.

In this land of blood, there were many stone pillars, and on top of each stone pillar sat a cultivator. Looking into the distance, there were many stone pillars of varying sizes, but the most prominent one was a stone pillar that looked like it was entering the heavens. On top of that pillar sat a red haired cultivator. Although his face couldn't be seen clearly, an aura of arrogance and pride could be felt from him.

When Ancient Emperor was thrown in there, his Nascent Soul wasn't completely devoured by the wandering souls yet, so his body immediately started to recover. When he opened his eyes, his face immediately changed.

"Red Fire Devil Lord … Unbeatable Southern Madman… Sky Devil Magician … you are … you all didn't die?" Ancient Emperor's face paled as his sight locked on to the few that entered the Land of the Ancient Gods with him a thousand years ago among all the demons.

Red Fire Devil Lord was killed in the second trial. Ancient Emperor personally saw his body destroyed by the purple lightning. Red Fire Devil Lord's Nascent Soul didn't even have time to escape.

There was also Unbeatable Southern Madman, who was swarmed by tens of thousands of those strange creatures and died in less time than it takes for half an incense stick to burn.

As for Sky Devil Magician, who was the master of Six Desire Devil Lord, Ancient Emperor followed him closely a thousand years ago. He personally saw him create a tunnel using the inheritance treasure to leave before he was attacked by a very unusual Divine Sense and died instantly.

Having seen all these people who were suppose to be dead here, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Suddenly, he turned his head, and he saw a demon that looked like Hunchback Meng through the rift.

"Hunchback Meng!" Ancient Emperor's pupils shrank. The rift closed in that moment. Ancient Emperor was very cautious. While this place was full of cultivators, it was very clear that all these people were ones who had died in the Land of the Ancient Gods in all those years.

A hoarse voice floated in from the distance. "Welcome to the Blood Sea of the Demon God …"

Wang Lin's speed was very high. After a short while, he could cross this third trial. But halfway through, he stopped and noticed the change of Ancient Emperor's location through his connection with the wandering souls. He saw Hunchback Meng open the rift and Ancient Emperor being tossed in. Even the red light that came out from the rift was seen by Wang Lin through the wandering souls.

Wang Lin pondered a little. While he possessed the jade piece with the spell to leave here, he didn't know if Ancient Emperor tempered with it or not. To be safe, he was going to seek out Duanmu, Wang Qingyue, and Six Desire Devil Lord and ask them about the method to leave in the same manner.

But the appearance of Hunchback Meng and the red light from the rift caused Wang Lin to have a terrible feeling. He gave up looking for the likes of Duanmu and Wang Qingyue and decided to retreat to where his body was hidden.

On the way back, he was keeping track of Hunchback Meng's location with the wandering souls. He noticed that Hunchback Meng wasn't going toward him, but toward Duanmu and Wang Qingyue. Wang Lin increased his speed and quickly returned to his body. When the devil Xu Liguo and the second devil noticed Wang Lin's return, they immediately flew out from the rock.

Wang Lin quickly used his divine consciousness and returned into this physical body. After a short while, his eyes opened. During this trip, his soul had increased greatly.

He moved his body and went outside the rock. Without any hesitation, he headed toward the location of the fourth realm.

Wang Lin's face was gloomy. The appearance of Hunchback Meng disrupted his plans, and it gave him sense of horror. More importantly, Hunchback Meng was immune to the attacks of the wandering souls.

That was the main reason why Wang Lin decided to leave the third trial as soon as possible. Wang Lin knew that in terms of cultivation, he was simply far too weak compared to these old timers. If it wasn't for the fact that this place contained a lot of wandering souls, he wouldn't be able to compete with them at all. He wouldn't even have the qualifications to chat with them.

Now that the wandering souls were useless against Hunchback Meng, Wang Lin had lost his only advantage. If they were to meet, the only road for him was death. Hunchback Meng would only have to wave his hand to make Wang Lin disappear like smoke.

Wang Lin understood his own limits very well. Although this whole time he had the upper hand, in reality, he knew that the reason for this was he was able to borrow outside force to help.

If Hunchback Meng was surrounded by the storm like back then, he wouldn't even have as much of a chance as a drowning dog.

But now the external force was gone and both of them had the same starting point. No matter how brave Wang Lin was, he had no choice but to leave immediately.

Wang Lin was never a foolish person. Once he made his decision, he hurriedly flew toward the exit of the third trial.

Along the way, he didn't even bother to devour any more wandering souls. He quickly rushed forward.

If Wang Lin was to give up his physical body and travel with just his soul, his speed would be many times greater than it was now, that's why he left his body to travel the third trial earlier.

When he took just half a step out, Wang Lin suddenly stopped.He jerked his head toward the direction of Duanmu and Wang Qingyue. His face turned very dark as he witnessed a horrifying sight through the wandering souls.

Duanmu and Wang Qingyue didn't last long under the attack of Hunchback Meng. He teared a rift and out of it came a giant demon hand that took both Duanmu and Wang Qingyue without them being able to resist.

The demon's head was full of bone thorns. It had an evil aura around it that caused people to tremble in fear.

Wang Lin's face showed his uncertainty. He retrieved the devil Xu Liguo and the second devil. Then he took a large gulp of spiritual energy liquid and used all his Linq Qi to quickly leave.

He could already feel that the demon-like Hunchback Meng was already pursuing him at an extreme speed.

Wang Lin traveled quickly the whole way. His face was sullen as he was calculating. If they both travel at the current speed, he should be able to arrive at the whirlpool to the fourth realm before Hunchback Meng caught up.

Just then, the demon-like Hunchback Meng used some strange method Wang Ling didn't know of. Hunchback Meng covered his body in a blood red light and his speed increased by several times. As the distance between them got shorter, Hunchback Meng's speed not only didn't decrease, but increased.

Wang Lin's heart sunk when he realized that if it continued this way, Hunchback Meng would catch up to him in less time than it takes for one stick of incense to burn.

It was going to take him at least the time it takes for two sticks of incense to burn to reach the exit. Wang Lin swept the surroundings with this divine sense, using the the wandering souls around to quickly scan the area. His eyes were glued in one direction as he was thinking of a very bold move.

He hesitated a little, then without hesitation, he slightly changed this direction and quickly fled that way.

Six Desire Devil Lord was very frustrated. In the third trial, he didn't dare to spread his divine sense too far, so he still hadn't found the exit. After all these years, he had determined that the exit is to the northwest.

In fact, he found out that the exit was there two years ago, but the number of wandering souls there was simply too many for him to handle, even with his magical treasure. So he had spent the past 2 years slowly luring some away to slowly whittle down their numbers before proceeding forward.

The speed would be very slow, but it would guarantee his success. It was only a matter of time before he entered the fourth realm portal and was teleported to the Ancient God's body.

He had just lured a large number of wandering souls and was about to destroy them all using the youth's body when his expression changed. While he didn't dare to spread out his divine sense too far, he still knew of everything that happened within 1000 feet.

Six Desire Devil Lord noticed a youth coming toward the 1000 feet range. He was immediately stunned when he saw the person and then grinned shouting, "He delivered himself to me!"

Wang Lin coldly stared at Six Desire Devil Lord. Instead of slowing down, he sped up. Immediately, a large number of wandering souls appeared around Wang Lin. They stayed around him like bodyguards.

When Six Desire Devi Lord was about to act, he suddenly stopped. He frowned as he stared at the wandering souls around Wang Lin, causing a sense of horror in his heart. These strange creatures that forced him to be very wary and cautious were not only not harming this junior, but also protecting him. This shocked him greatly.

He didn't dare to act rashly, but coolly stared at Wang Lin. He would like to see what this damned junior would do. Wang Lin stopped at the edge of the 1000 feet radius of Six Desire Devil Lord The reason Wang Lin had all those wandering souls around him was to warn Six Desire Devil Lord not to act rashly.

The message Wang Lin sent was successful and Six Desire Devil Lord didn't act carelessly. Wang Lin let out a sigh of relief. Although Wang Lin didn't fear Six Desire Devil Lord with all the wandering souls around, Six Desire Devil Lord had a very strange magical treasure. If they started a fight, it was bound to take time, and Hunchback Meng was closing in fast.

Wang Lin looked at Six Desire Devil Lord while making an awkward expression. He was secretly calculating the time in silence. Six Desire Devil Lord narrowed his eyes. He didn't have Wang Lin's ability to control wandering souls, so he didn't know of the demon that was headed toward him. When he saw Wang Lin's hesitated expression, while he had his doubts, he let out cold smile.

If it wasn't for there being so many wandering souls around Wang Lin, he would have acted already. But right now, he didn't want to make the matter complicated, so he coldly snorted, "This time I'll let you go, I give you to the count of three to scram, scram as far away as possible."

Wang Lin secretly counted a few breaths and revealed a strange smile. He muttered "Now is the time!" He immediately looked at Six Desire Devil Lord and said "Thank you!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately charged northwest, into the crowd of wandering souls.

Six Desire Devil Lord frowned. As he was reflecting on the situation, his face suddenly paled. He saw a blood red meteor charging at him. In the blink of an eye, it was already about 1000 feet from Six Desire Devil Lord. Hunchback Meng's large demonic figure was revealed.

"You…You are the Hunchback Meng? You…you ate a Soul Transformation pill?" Six Desire Devil Lord's pupils shrank. He noticed from the pressure released from Hunchback Meng that he was already at the late stage of Soul Formation, and was only one step away from Soul Transformation.

The only way to reach this level of cultivation was to consume a Soul Transformation pill!

However, Six Desire Devil Lord immediately moved the youth's body in front of him and turned it horizontal. Staring at Hunchback Meng he said, "It's not caused by a Soul Transformation pill. What did you eat to transform like this?!"

Hunchback Meng stared at Six Desire Devil Lord with his large eyes. The person in front of him felt very familiar. In fact, it was not the first time he had felt this. When he saw Ancient Emperor, Duanmu, and Wang Qingyue, they all gave him a very familiar feeling. However, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remember anything at all.

He quickly threw that sensation to the back of his head. He let out a cruel smile and said, "My name is not Hunchback Meng, it's Demon God Tu Si!"

As he was talking, he swiped his bone thorn covered right hand at the empty space and created a large rift. As the rift suddenly appeared, waves of red light came out of it. Soon after, a ten foot tall scarlet red figure appeared from the rift.

"I leave this person to you. I'm going to go after the next one!" Hunchback Meng flew away when he finished talking.

Six Desire Devil Lord gawked at the person in front of him. He muttered to himself, "Master…"

Chapter 185 - Master of the Blood Sea

The person that stood there was over ten feet tall. He emitted a strong killing intent and wore purple armor with extremely sharp bone thorn sticking out from various places.

His black hair flowed behind his head without wind. His face was very handsome and sharp. He looked like a devil, especially with his ruthless expression.

His eyes glowed red and stared at Six Desire Devil Lord. After pondering a while, he slowly said, "Yi Er, you still remember your teacher. Very good. But my name is now Demon God Ti Su."

After Six Desire Devil Lord heard those two words, he was shaken in his heart and couldn't believe his eyes. If it was just someone who looked like his master, he would not be so shaken, but this person called him by a nickname only a few knew. Besides his master, Sky Devil Magician, who else could it be?

Six Desire Devil Lord took a deep breath. His face was full of uncertainty as he stared at the person in front of him and said, "You…you, are you a human or a demon? Why were you turned into a demon like Hunchback Meng? Also, a thousand years ago did you…"

Sky Devil Magician closed his eyes, but quickly reopened them and said, "What you wanted to say was that I should have died a thousand years ago, then ask how did I revive, correct?"

Six Desire Devil Lord was secretly very alarmed. With the appearance of Hunchback Meng and his dead master's resurrection, he felt that this place was simply too weird. He felt a sense of horror in his heart as he knew that there must be some big secret here.

His doubt that the Land of the Ancient Gods was not as simple as just him reaching the body of the Ancient God and receiving all the treasure within grew.

That doubt began a thousand years ago, when his master received the inheritance treasure from the Land of the Ancient Gods and became like a new person.

That point had always puzzled him throughout the years, but now, like a bolt of lightning, a very bold speculation appeared in his head.

"I am not possessed!" Sky Devil Magician said, while he slowly looked at the direction Hunchback Meng went.

Six Desire Devil Lord was surprised within, but his face was calm as he stared at his master and slowly retreated.

Sky Devil Lord said, without even looking at Six Desire Devil Lord, "Retreat ten more steps and I'll be forced to act!"

Six Desire Devil Lord stopped and whispered, "Master, what is all this about? Even if you want to kill this disciple, you have to at least tell me what all this is about."

Sky Devil Magician turned and looked at Six Desire Devil Lord. He pondered a little and said, "Fine , there is no harm in telling you. This…"

Before he finished speaking, Six Desire Devil Lord made the youth's body in his hand explode with a bang. Even though the youth had been dead for a while, his blood hadn't dried out yet and it seemed as if he had only just died.

As the body exploded, a mist of blood suddenly scattered and instantly warped around Six Desire Devil Lord. His whole body looked like it had fused into the mist of blood and disappeared as he charged toward the exit of the third trial.

"Blood Desire Escape…Very good. As expected of my disciple. When things don't look good, he escapes." Sky Devil Magician said with a smile of approval on his face as he looked at the direction Six Desire Devil Lord went.

All of Six Desire Devil Lord's techniques were personally taught by him. The cultivation method he taught was the Mysterious Sky Devil Cultivation Method. People have six innate desires. The cultivation method trained one to controls one's own desire, then to use it to influence others' desires for one's own purpose.

Compared to the death curse technique, it was only slightly less vicious. The most important part of the Mysterious Sky Devil Cultivation Method was to control one's desires. If one could fully control four desires, they would reach the Soul Formation stage, and if one could control all six desires, they would reach the Soul Transformation stage.

Six Desire Devil Lord had already gained control over five of his innate desires. The last one, that he hadn't gained control of yet, was obsession. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't gain control of that desire. His only obsession was his own cultivation. Since the first day he had started cultivating, he made a promise to himself that he would reach the Soul Transformation stage.

This had always been his dream and life goal. Sky Devil Magician once predicted that this obsession would become Six Desire Devil Lord's greatest obstacle, and it had come true.

This Blood Desire Escape technique was from the Mysterious Sky Devil Cultivation Method that was used as a last resort. By sacrificing one's training over one's control over one of the desires, it would give them an unimaginable boost in speed.

Six Devil Desire Lord had always been a very decisive person. The moment he saw his master, he felt a sense of horror. He decided to bite the bullet and escape with his life.

At that moment Wang Lin was moving quickly to the northwest, toward the exit of the third trial. All the wandering souls in the way automatically moved aside, making a path for him.

His body was moving so fast, it was almost a blur. He was getting closer and closer to the exit. As for the life and death of Six Desire Devil Lord, Wang Lin didn't have time to care. They hardly knew each other. Whether or not Six Desire Devil Lord's death helped him escape was all that mattered.

However, what made him disappointed was that, through the wandering souls, he saw the moment that Six Desire Devil Lord met his master.

And that Hunchback Meng only paused for a moment before continuing to chase him.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and drank another mouthful of Liquid spiritual energy. He waved his right hand and a cold blue fire appeared. He slammed his bag of holding and the poisonous black sword came out, emitting cold pressure.

Wang Lin's body became unsteady for a moment as he shot the blue fire and the poisonous black sword backwards, then continued charging forward. The blue fire and the poisonous black sword split apart and charged toward Hunchback Meng from two different directions.

As Hunchback Meng chased, he secretly concluded that this was the person that gave off that disgusting smell that he couldn't stand. He was very confused on this matter, and acted on impulse with the urge to catch up and rip that person apart to appease his anger.

But Hunchback Meng, in his heart, actually admired this person. He could tell that they were only at the mid stage of Core Formation and that this person was very crafty. If he started chasing after them, they would immediately escape as fast as possible.

What really stunned Hunchback Meng was that all the wandering souls here didn't have any aggression toward this person. Even though this person heedlessly charged through the third trial, they wouldn't attack him.

This caused his heart to feel very strange. The only reason he wasn't getting attacked was because his master gave him a magic treasure that devoured souls.

But how was the other person doing the same? Hunchback Meng was very confused. He took a deep breath. Then he took a step and quickly rushed forward.

However, shortly after he started moving, he immediately felt the blue flame charging at him. He sneered and charged forward even faster.

He didn't even bother to dodge and just slammed into it. The blue flame flickered a few times before it exploded into countless ice flame flowers and dissipated.

Hunchback Meng sneered and was about to accelerate when his face suddenly changed. Although the ice flame was slowly dissipating, he looked at his chest and noticed that it was blue. There was a layer of ice on his chest.

The ice quickly started to spread across Hunchback Meng's body.

Hunchback Meng stopped. He looked down and put his right hand on the ice, causing it to crack and stop spreading.

At that moment, he noticed a flash in the distance. Following the flash, a weirdly shaped black sword instantly arrived next to Hunchback Meng's shoulder. The flying sword's shape was very odd. There were many tiny blue thorns on the short blade, indicating it contained very poisonous toxins.

The moment Hunchback Meng saw the sword, his heart was shaken. He felt a very strong sense of familiarity from the word, as if it were something very important to him.

For only a short moment, Hunchback Meng lost concentration, and the sword stabbed into his right shoulder. A ping sound could be heart as the sword made contact. Although the sword's speed was very fast, it was only barely able to pierce Hunchback Meng's skin.

But even though it only barely broke the skin, the toxin in the sword started to invade Hunchback Meng's body. Hunchback Meng didn't even bother with the toxin and grabbed the sword. He had a strong feeling that the sword was originally his.

With Hunchback Meng's cultivation, catching a flying sword was like child's play. As he reached out with his hand to grab the sword, layers of Qi wrapped around the sword, forming a whirlpool that made it unable to escape.

Wang Lin was almost at the exit when his face suddenly changed. He noticed the danger that the flying sword was facing. He didn't stop, but both his hands moved rapidly, forming signs, until he finally spat out a mouthful of golden Qi.

At the same time, the flying sword trapped in the whirlpool of Qi felt it and the blue toxin on the sword intensified.

As Hunchback Meng reached to grab the sword, the whirlpool loosened and the sword made a popping sound as eight thorns came off the sword and charged at Hunchback Meng at extreme speeds.

If one were to analyze the toxin on the sword, they would find that it really couldn't compare to the toxin on the thorns. When Wang Lin made this flying sword, he paid a lot of attention to the 99 thorns.

Almost all the toxins were stored on the thorns, and as a result, the amount of toxin the eight thorns contained was very high.

If it was used against anyone else, it would be very effective. But Hunchback Meng was a poison cultivator. The main toxin in the thorns was Wang Ding Poison. This poison was originally Hunchback Meng's treasure, so the toxin wasn't able to harm Hunchback Meng.

Earlier, when the sword pierced Hunchback Meng's shoulder, it only took a moment for him to absorb the toxin.

But even if the toxin on the thorns was harmless, the force of the thorns was still like eight flying swords. If it was anyone else, their palm would be pierced, but Hunchback Meng's demon like body already reached an imaginable level of hardness. As the thorns hit his palm, they split in half under the impact.

Although the thorns were broken, they did slow down the hand that was reaching toward the sword. At that moment, the flying sword escaped. Hunchback Meng was only able to grab the edge of the sword before it disappeared from his hand.

But Hunchback Meng's cultivation was very strong. Just by touching it, he was able to make the sword's color dull and caused a crack to appear on the blade.

The flying sword quickly disappeared without a trace as it escaped to more than 1000 feet away from Hunchback Meng.

Hunchback Meng's face darkened. Staring at the direction the flying sword disappeared to, he waved his right hand and tore open a rift.

A very overbearing Divine Sense came out of the rift and swept the nearby area, then proceeded to cover the entire third trial. However, it carefully went around the place that the soul devourer was sleeping

"What is it?" The Divine Sense sent out a cold message.

Hunchback Meng immediately kneeled down when the Divine Sense came out and said, "Master, there is a cultivator who is too close to the exit. I request help."

"Okay." The Divine Sense replied.

Hunchback Meng immediately charged toward Wang Lin after he heard the reply. He was assured that with the help of the messenger, there was no way this mid stage Core Formation kid could make it to the exit.

The messenger's Divine Sense quickly scanned the third trial and found Wang Lin and Six Desire Devil Lord. He first focused his Divine Sense on Six Desire Devil Lord, who was covered in a ray of blood colored light that increased Six Desire Devil Lord's speed greatly. However, the deeper Six Desire Devil Lord went, the more wandering souls there were. It was more than his treasure could handle.

As a result, he was hit by many wandering souls on the way. He relied on his spiritual energy to fight against the wandering souls rampaging within his body.

The moment the Divine Sense appeared, Six Desire Devil Lord was greatly shaken. After finally getting rid of the wandering souls, that abnormal Divine Sense appeared. He knew that the person's cultivation must be abnormal to send out such a powerful Divine Sense.

After the Divine Sense scanned Six Desire Devil Lord, it sent out a wave of power that caused the blood red light to fade little by little until it disappeared, revealing Six Desire Devil Lord's horror filled face.

"I can't act with the soul devourer around. I can only help you block him(Six Desire Devil Lord) once." After finishing the act, the powerful Divine Sense sent the message to Sky Devil Magician, who was indifferently chasing after Six Desire Devil Lord.

Sky Devil Magician's face was calm. He nodded his head and immediately accelerated forward.

Six Desire Devil Lord groaned and gritted his teeth. Without hesitation, he gave up another desire to active the Blood Desire Escape Technique again. This time, his body could barely handle the technique, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. The wandering souls in his body started to eat away at him. He give off a wry smile and charged forward.

The Divine Sense scanned Six Desire Devil Lord again, but didn't act this time. After one look, he left. He arrived at the exit to the third trial and saw Wang Lin 1000 feet from the exit.

The Divine Sense sent out a wave targeting Wang Lin. Wang Lin noticed the Divine Sense the moment it appeared. Although it was very powerful, Wang Lin felt a bit strange. He felt like there was something wrong with this Divine Sense.

As the Divine Sense attacked Wang Lin, he suddenly realized what was wrong. This Divine Sense didn't belong to a cultivator, but to a wandering soul who was about to become a soul devourer.

This was the first time Wang Lin met such a large wandering soul, however, a wandering soul was still a wandering soul. Until it become a soul devourer, no matter how large it was, it still below a soul devourer. That was still a large gap the wandering soul had to cross.

That large wandering soul dared to attack Wang Lin, who was a soul devourer. From Wang Lin's point of view, this large wandering soul was basically a super immortal pill. If Wang Lin could devour him, his soul could not only recover to what it originally was, but even surpass it to an unimaginable degree.

At that moment, the wandering soul's attack hit Wang Lin, causing him to be stunned. This surprised the wandering soul greatly.

"Soul devourer! You…You are a soul devourer!" The wandering soul exclaimed. Although there was a hint of surprise in his voice, there was also a sense of excitement.

Wang Lin had some doubts in his heart, but he started to devour the wandering soul that entered his body. The wandering soul immediately withdrew his Divine Sense, but a part of him had already been devoured by Wang Lin.

Wang Lin licked his lips. He could clearly feel that his Ji Realm Soul was rapidly increasing, but he felt a bit of regret. If he could have devoured the whole soul, his own soul could have increased much more.

After the large soul escaped, it used a complicated method to open a rift and disappear from the third trial.

At that moment, in the Blood Sea of the Demon God, a rift appeared in the sky as the large soul appeared through it. He quickly went to the tallest pillar that reached the heavens. As he got near it, his soul took the form of a young man. He kneeled in the air with a weak look on his face, but his expression was full of excitement.

"My lord, in the third trial I saw a … soul devourer!"

On top of the pillar sat a man with red hair. He was looking down, so his hair covered his face. However, a sense of arrogance was constantly radiating from his body.

The moment he heard the voice of the wandering soul, his body suddenly trembled and he raised his head. It revealed a bloody face. The moment he raised his head, a dense mist of blood appeared in the Blood Sea.

Meanwhile, all the cultivators on the pillars, and even the ones sitting on the blood soaked ground, immediately looked at him with a look of ecstasy on their faces.

"Soul devourer…Are you sure?" The man's voice was low, but filled with overwhelming majesty.

The long haired man formed by the soul said, " Master, I am sure that that person is a soul devourer. That person is near the exit of the third trial. If you want to catch him, you must go now!"

"Soul devourer…" The red haired man's eyes revealed a dull look. He waved his hand, and a rift thousands of feet long appeared.

"Demon God Ti Su, all of you, go catch and that soul devourer and bring him back!" The red haired man said, then looked down again and became silent.

After he finished speaking, all the cultivators in the Blood Sea leaped off their pillars or the ground and disappeared into the rift.

The large soul also followed them through the rift. The entire blood sea was suddenly empty. Only the red haired man remained. He used his red hand and gently wrote a row of small words on the ground.

"I've been sealed in the Blood Sea of the Demon God for tens of thousands of years. Today, I heard of a soul devourer appearing again. My heart is very excited…"

Next to that row of small words, there were several rows of handwritten words.

"Entering the third trial, I immediately realized that this place was a rift connected to the World of Decay. After searching, I found the entrance to the World of Decay, but didn't enter.

"This Land of the Ancient God has been exaggerated by the rumors. Aside from the third trial being a bit fun, the other realms were very disappointing. I originally wanted to leave, but since I'm here, I might as well check it out, or else I would have just wasted my time."

"The fourth realm is just a transfer array. The transfer array transfers the person based on the speed they passed the three realm. It is very intricate. After spending a long time studying it, I can now use it to enter any part of the body of the Ancient God."

"How is this the Land of the Ancient Gods? It is clearly a Land of the Demon Gods."

"The Ancient God Tu Si… this person really is a cultivator of great wisdom. I greatly admire him… to have come up with this method."

"I never thought I would be trapped at a place for thousands of years…"

Chapter 186 - Beyond the Qi Sea

Wang Lin quickly charged toward the exit. After a short amount of time, he arrived within 30 feet of the exit whirlpool.

But as he arrived, directly above the exit of the third trial, a rift thousands of feet long opened. It released a blood red glow.

Wang Lin was shocked, but his face remained calm. He immediately used the technique that Ancient Emperor had given him on the whirlpool. The moment the rift appeared, he still charged toward the whirlpool. Purple lightning appeared, dragging him into the whirlpool.

The moment he entered the whirlpool, Wang Lin clearly saw large demons coming out of the rift, all revealing looks of ecstasy in their eyes as they looked at Wang Lin in the whirlpool. They all charged toward him.

Wang Lin's heart skipped a beat. Any one of the demons in the group could destroy Wang Lin with the wave of a hand. With that thought in mind, Wang Lin disappeared into the whirlpool.

All the demons followed him without any hesitation.

After Wang Lin came out of the whirlpool, he quickly started to escape without pausing. The area was a square plaza with dozens of pillars that reached the sky.

In the middle of the pillars was a circular transfer array that was glowing a demonic red light. If one looked closely, they could see that the transfer array was formed by something that looked like blood vessels. Surrounding it were tubes that connected to the transfer array. They looked like they were fueling the array with some dark red liquid.

The demon-like red light was emitted by the liquid being supplied into the array.

The moment Wang Lin appeared, he scanned the whole area with his divine sense without hesitation. He found out that there were no whirlpool in this area, only the transfer array.

Without saying a word, he rushed next to the transfer array, but didn't charge into it. After giving it a look, he took out his poison sword from his bag of holding and broke off 10 thorns.

The poison sword disappeared back into his bag of holding. He moved his hands to form illusionary circles, then he placed restrictions on the 10 thorns.

After he finished, he pointed his finger at his brow and spit out a mouthful of golden Qi. The golden Qi turned to threads as it entered the thorns.

The thorns' whole body shook and scattered as they started to spin with the illusionary circles.

Shortly after, Wang Lin stepped into the transfer array without any hesitation. The moment his body entered the transfer array, a ray of red light shot out from the side and covered the entire transfer array.

[TL Note: The array is saying this]

"The time it took to pass the third trial was over the expected limit, but you were able to receive qualification in the second trial. Location: outside the Qi Sea."

Within the fluctuating rays of blood red light, Wang Lin's body started to distort until it disappeared without a trace. The blood red light started to disperse, until everything returned to normal.

At that moment, the illusionary circles Wang Lin had left behind scattered in all directions and created restrictions that surrounded the entire transfer array. Following the sudden movement of the illusionary circles, the thorns quickly flew at the transfer array, pierced into the blood vessels, and spread their toxin into them.

After an instant, the entire array no longer emitted a red light, but a black light, however, that black light didn't last long and slowly turned red again.

At the same time, at the entrance of the fourth realm, many demons from the Blood Sea appeared and quickly arrived next to the transfer array.

One of the demon cultivators looked at the array once and said, "The array has been destroyed. It will take three hours to recover."

"It doesn't matter. The body is very large. The soul devourer won't be able to enter the Sea of Knowledge. As long as he doesn't enter the Sea of Knowledge, he won't be able to leave."

"In three hours, we will split up for the search. This time, we must capture him alive."

Wang Lin felt like his soul and his body were separated. Soon after, he clearly noticed his body was surrounded by an invisible force that pulled him toward a whirlpool. That whole time, he felt like his body disappear and only his divine sense remained.

He didn't know how long it had been. Suddenly, the force around his body disappeared as he slowly regained control of his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw a blue world.

This was a very strange place. The sky was blue and so was the ground. It could be said that this world had no ground, only sky, because the ground was really just another sky.

Wang Lin was stunned for a moment, then recovered his calmness. The moment before he was transferred here, he remembered that the voice said that he would be transferred to the edge of the Qi Sea.

With that sentence, Wang Lin knew that this was the fourth realm. Only, the fourth realm didn't have any obstacles, it was only used as a transfer location.

Wang Lin thought that he had already entered the body of the Ancient God, just outside the Qi Sea.

He pondered for a little and sighed. He never thought that among all the cultivators that tried, he would be the first to enter the Land of the Ancient God.

Before the third trial, Wang Lin still had some hope to enter the Land of the Ancient God, but now, he felt that this place wasn't a place filled with treasure and immortal pills like Duanmu had said.

Especially at the third trial exit, when all those demons like Hunchback Meng appeared, caused Wang Lin to feel like there was a large rock weighing down his heart. Wang Lin had a feeling that he had entered a place he wasn't supposed to enter.

Especially the naked ecstasy in the eyes of those demons as they looked at Wang Lin. He was very smart, and after analyzing it once, he realized it must've had something to do with what that large soul who was almost a Soul Devour said.

"Before, only Hunchback Meng and one other appeared, but as I was about to leave, so many suddenly appeared. They must be after me. It seems to have something to do with that large soul realizing my identity of a soul devourer."

As Wang Lin was thinking, his body never stopped moving forward. He felt that those demons wouldn't give up so easily, and may suddenly appear in front of him.

What Wang Lin needed to do now was to quickly leave this strange Land of the Ancient God.

Wang Lin slammed his bag of holding and a piece of jade appeared. He concentrated a little on the piece of jade, then his expression became unsettled. He put away the piece of jade and quickly formed illusionary circles with his hand.

The piece of jade contained sets of hand signs one must form to create a tunnel to leave here, as stated by Ancient Emperor. There were over 400 signs to make before one could form a tunnel.

Wang Lin felt a bit weird after forming the first set. He continued to form the set until the 34th set, where he stopped and his face paled.

This 34th set looked like the other sets, but in reality, it used spiritual energy without the person knowing. That caused his spiritual energy to fluctuate.

Wang Lin pondered a little and moved on to the 35th set. He quickly formed all the sets in the piece of jade one by one.

When he finished the last set, he pressed his hand forward and a whirlpool appeared, emitting a dark air. However, the instant the whirlpool appeared, it collapsed in front of Wang Lin and disappeared.

As he continued to form the sets, the spiritual energy in his body started to strongly fluctuate. It wasn't until the whirlpool disappeared that his spiritual energy calmed down again.

Wang Lin's eyes trembled as he stared at the whirlpool that had appeared.

Wang Lin whispered, "Such a poisonous technique!" He sneered. The whirlpool formed by this technique spun counter clockwise, while all the exit whirlpools spun clockwise.

If one didn't look closely, they wouldn't notice the difference. As for if using this technique to form the counter clockwise whirlpool would create an exit to leave the place, Wang Lin wasn't sure. But he was sure that if two whirlpools met, there would be dire consequences.

Of course, there was also a chance that the exit was created by the collision of the two whirlpools, however, when Wang Lin was using the technique, he noticed that from the 34th set and onwards, the spiritual energy in his body started to fluctuate. The more sets he formed, the more it fluctuated, until it reached its limit at the last set.

If Wang Lin didn't already notice that it was only his spiritual energy fluctuating and that it was harmless, he would have immediately stopped forming the sets. However, now that he saw the whirlpool, his eyes suddenly turn cold.

He wasn't sure if this technique could help him leave this place, but he knew that the moment the two whirlpools collided, his spiritual energy would go out of control. It might even explode in his body and spread to his core, splitting his core in half.

Wang Lin was able to realize this because every time he entered a whirlpool, he could feel his spiritual energy get excited and act violently for an instant. Even though it was just for an instant, if it happened in between two whirlpools with the opposite spin, the aftereffect on Wang Lin's body was something he couldn't even imagine.

Chapter 187 - The Ancient God's Inheritance (part 1)

It was silent. The technique had been verified, but it was not necessary to leave this place yet. First, Wang Lin wanted to see if was possible to enter the heaven defying bead's space.

If he could enter the heaven defying bead's space, then his chance of escape would increase a lot. He moved his hand from his brow. His expression was calm, but there was hint of surprise in his eyes.

There were no restrictions in the heaven defying bead's space. It could be entered at any time.

Wang Lin let out a breath of relief. He waved his right hand and took out Ancient Emperor's bag of holding. With a scan of his divine sense, a resisting force came from the bag.

The bag of holding's divine sense blocked out Wang Lin's divine sense. This meant that Ancient Emperor was still alive, but Wang Lin wasn't sure about the situation himself. Back then, Hunchback Meng's bag of holding had lost its divine sense, but Hunchback Meng still seemed to be alive.

Now Wang Lin had two bag of holdings he couldn't open. One of them was Ancient Emperor's, and the other was the one he found in a cave at the Shinto War Shrine from a mysterious skeleton.

Both bags of holding still held the divine sense of the previous master. With that there, Wang Lin couldn't access the bags. Wang Lin wasn't in a rush, he touch the bag of holding and surrounded it with his own divine sense to prevent Ancient Emperor from sensing it.

After he finished this, he took a deep breath and darted like an arrow into the distance. His target was the Ancient God's Sea of Knowledge.

He did, after all, received a piece of jade to make a restriction flag, and the material required to make it was within the Sea of Knowledge.

After running quickly through this space that had no difference between earth and sky, Wang Lin still couldn't see the edge of the sky.

He remembered that Duanmu and the others had said that the body of an Ancient God was very large. A mature Ancient God was larger than the entire Suzaku star. Even just traveling between two blood vessels, the distance was unimaginable.

Although the area was large, there was no life or any restrictions, just silence. Wang Lin didn't make any stops and continued forward.

In the Ancient God's body, there weren't any restrictions on one's divine sense, just like the outside world. Wang Lin's soul received a lot of nourishment in the third realm, especially that large soul that was almost a soul devourer, that allowed Wang Lin's soul to grow by leaps and bounds.

When he spread his divine sense, it could stretch for thousands of miles. As a result, he kept track of his surroundings with his divine sense while he flew forward. After a long time, Wang Lin stopped with a shocked expression as he stared into the distance. The Linq Qi in his body started to become violent, as if there were some mysterious force pulling it, causing his spiritual energy to be in an excited state.

Shortly after, with his divine sense, he detected dark blue Qi waves rolling in from the distance. The Qi waves were thousands of feet tall with lengths that couldn't even be estimated. The Qi wave was really far, but the earth shattering roar they produced could still be heard.

After a few seconds, the Qi came a lot closer, causing spiritual energy to fluctuate even more violently. Without a word, Wang Lin turned and flew away from it. Those Qi waves were too strange, and Wang Lin was very alarmed by their appearance.

What made Wang Lin's heart sink was that he was losing control of the spiritual energy in his body. When the spiritual energy shook violently, his speed slowed down by a lot.

The Qi Wave came even closer. The roar made it sound like it was right behind Wang Lin. Wang Lin was surprised, but his eyes remained calm. He knew he wouldn't be able to escape the Qi wave in time, so he pointed his right hand to his brow, and the heaven defying bead came out. Wang Lin's body quickly started to fade before disappearing completely.

After about ten breaths, the Qi wave roared past where Wang Lin disappeared, and disappeared into the distance. After a few moments, Wang Lin's image gradually started to appear, until he became real again. He stared at the Qi wave that passed by for a long time, mulling over what he had just witnessed.

After staring for a while, he continued to fly forward.

Six Desire Devil Lord appeared within a thousand feet of the third realm's exit. The blood red light faded around him, revealing a bitter and skinny face. In his hand, he held a skeleton that was missing an arm.

There were gold spots on the skeleton, releasing tiny rays of golden light.

Most the flesh in his body was lost in the struggle against the wandering souls. His Nascent Soul was on the verge of collapse. There were countless wandering souls in his body. When they attacked, Six Desire Devil Lord's stamina dropped quite a bit.

Now, he didn't even have the energy to active the Blood Desire Escape technique anymore. He could only quietly wait for the wandering souls to consume him, or for his master to catch him.

In his heart, he really hoped that his master could catch up before the wandering souls consumed him, even if it meant turning into a demon. He'd rather preserve his life.

Unfortunately, this desire of his would be very difficult to achieve, because at that moment, his Nascent Soul's last line of defense collapsed in an instant from the wandering soul's attack, exposing his Zifu soul.

The wandering souls revealed greedy expressions and piled forward. Six Desire Devil Lord was helpless right now, but the skeleton in his released a golden light.

Large amounts of golden light came from the skeleton and surrounded Six Desire Devil Lord. nascent soulImmediately, the wandering souls that were pouncing at him started to scream, and quickly left his body to escape from the golden light.

Six Desire Devil Lord gawked at what had just happened in front of him. After the wandering souls left, he quickly took control of his body again. He revealed an excited expression as he stared at the skeleton in his hand. He felt like he had just escaped certain death.

But soon after, he was very suspicious, but right now was not the time to ponder over it.

All the wandering souls in his surrounding started backing off, as if they feared the golden light. Six Desire Devil Lord was a decisive man. The moment he realized this, he put away the suspicious feelings in his heart and headed toward the exit of the third realm.

The huge rift near the exit had already closed. Without the obstruction of the wandering souls, he almost immediately arrived at the exit and stepped into the whirlpool.

He felt extremely relieved in that moment. The third realm was too scary. If he could escape from here, he vowed to never return.

When he came here the for first time a thousand years ago, although he had also reached the third realm, it wasn't this strange. His master's revival, Hunchback Meng turning into a demon, and the series of events created a fog of confusion in his heart. This fog only spread out and caused him to be very nervous.

He was inside the whirlpool. The moment the purple lightning came down, he waved his hands and executed a series of hand techniques. After he finished, his Nascent Soul had shrunk by a large amount.

The color in his eyes dulled a lot. That technique landed on the skeleton in his hand. The golden light shined brighter as the bones started to crack, before bursting into dust and starting to spread in all directions.

Amidst the cloud of ashes were countless specks of golden light. Six Desire Devil Lord waved both his hands, making the ashes scatter as the golden specks came together to form a shiny golden arm bone.

However, on this arm bone, there were only four and half fingers. Half of the ring finger was missing.

The moment the arm bone appeared, countless purple streaks of lightning in the whirlpool stopped where they were, completely motionless. Six Desire Devil Lord didn't even look as he took the almost complete arm and spit out a mouthful of spiritual energy.

The spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by the arm. Afterward, the Six Desire Devil Lord started forming set of hand seals with the arm. If Wang Lin was here, he would realize that this was the same sets of hand seals he got from Ancient Emperor, but instead of only 400 or so sets, there were over 1000 sets.

These thousand plus hand seals were all performed by this arm. Soon, a whirlpool suddenly appeared before him. Six Desire Devil Lord's eyes lit up. The reason he dared to come here was because he felt he already fully understood this arm bone, and that with it, he would be able to leave like a thousand year ago.

The arm bone was the inheritance treasure Wang Lin was looking for. After a thousand years, Six Desire Devil Lord felt he finally cracked the mysteries of the arm bone.

He worried that it would be stolen, or something unexpected might happen, so he painstakingly infused the inheritance treasure into a disciple. No one would have even dreamed that the inheritance treasure wasn't in his bag of holding, but in the youth following him.

Thanks to the connection he had with the bone, he could use it at any time, so it was safe.

Also, the arm bone was an inheritance treasure from the Land of the Ancient God, so there were no limits placed on it. Thus, his disciple was able to enter the Land of the Ancient God without any problems.

After forming the last hand seal, he decided that he would never come back to this strange place again. But right as he was feeling confident and stepped into the whirlpool, it suddenly collapsed right before him and dissipated.

Six Desire Devil Lord was stunned for a while, but at the same time, the purple lightning that was frozen in midair came down and hit him, causing him to disappear from the exit of the third realm.

After he disappeared, Sky Devil Magician appeared. He revealed a strange smile and said, "My good disciple, you must succeed so you don't waste your master's effort of opening the secret of the arm to save you from the wandering souls and stopping you from leaving."

Wang Lin's whole body was like lightning. He quickly flew through the area outside of the Ancient God's Qi Sea, however, his direction had changed. Instead of moving forward, he now went up.

He didn't know how long he had been flying. His surroundings were exactly the same as before. If it weren't for his divine sense, he would have thought that he was flying in place.

During this time, he met more than 10 Qi waves. He avoided them all by going into the heaven defying bead's space. Gradually, he noticed some clues. No matter how he looked at them, the Qi waves were formed by spiritual energy.

Wang Lin already had an answer in his heart, but he refused to believe it. This Qi wave clearly came from the Qi Sea's spiritual energy whirlpool. If only the whirlpool could produce such strong Qi Waves, wouldn't the entire Qi Sea already have achieved an unimaginable level of Qi?

If this Ancient God was dead, why did his spiritual energy still circulate? In addition, Wang Lin noticed that as he flew forward, waves of fluctuation, that caused his mood to change, came from all sides. These waves, however, caused Wang Lin no real harm. It was only a little, but they increased Wang Lin's vigilance. He checked the location of his own Qi sea for reference. Above the Qi sea was the Progenitor Point, and within it was the Zifu Sea of Knowledge.

While Wang Lin flew, he was secretly calculating in his heart, but the information was too little. It felt like there was always mist in his eyes, preventing him from seeing the truth. The whole Land of the Ancient God had a strange atmosphere.

While Wang Lin was flying, he suddenly stopped. Without a word, he pointed at his brow and disappeared into the heaven defying bead's space. At the same time, a flash of white light appeared nearby. As the white light faded, Six Desire Devil Lord appeared.

His face was sullen. He looked at the golden arm in his hand, then looked at this surroundings. He was stunned for a moment. A thought flashed in his head. He looked at his surroundings again and his expression suddenly changed, revealing a look of ecstasy.

"This…this Ancient God is clearly dead, but this place still has such strong desire fluctuations?" Six Desire Devil Lord's eyes became brighter and brighter. He could feel the fluctuations coming in from all sides.

These fluctuations to him were clearly all types of desires. A thought flew through his mind. He formed a seal with his right hand, casting a spell into the air. A thin snake-like black Qi appeared before him and flew away, heading into the distance.

Six Desire Devil Lord's eyes shined. He opened his mouth and sucked air in. The black light instantly turned around and was sucked in as well. Six Desire Devil Lord's face once again revealed a look of ecstasy. He could clearly feel that from absorbing just that trace of desire, his soul had recovered from all the damage he took from the wandering souls.

Six Desire Devil Lord, without saying a word, scanned the area with his divine sense and found nothing abnormal. He immediately opened his arms, both arms forming different seals, while he sat cross legged. He shouted, "Fear Desire, come!"

The moment those words left his mouth, as he formed seals with his hands, black Qi materialized all round him. All of the black Qi charged toward Six Desire Devil Lord.

Gradually, more and more of the black Qi accumulated, until it covered a very large area around Six Desire Devil Lord's body. His body was like a blackhole, endlessly absorbing the black Qi.

His expression became more and more confident. He revealed a hint of surprise on his face. He could clearly feel that the Fear Desire in the Ancient God's body was larger than he could have imagined, far above his expectation.

Time slowly passed. From 100,000 feet away, Sky Devil Magician revealed an excited expression as he looked at the direction of Six Desire Devil Lord. He mutter to himself. "Absorb, my good disciple, keep absorbing. For my master's plan, you must put on a good performance!"

He let out a strange smile. Both of his hands crossed each other, causing a blue light to quickly spread in all directions, instantly covering everything within a mile. After he finished, a thought flashed through his head. His smile grew wider. He thought, "Good disciple. Back then, your teacher's calculation was correct. Your crazy nature would be a wall that blocks your cultivation path. But looking at it now, this crazy nature of yours will be what helps this old man's plan ultimately succeed."

Time slowly passed. The endless black fog covered an area with a one mile radius by now. If it wasn't for Sky Devil Magician's preventing it, the black fog would continue to spread.

After an unknown amount of time, the block fog faded. Six Desire Devil Lord revealed a crazed light. His cultivation had reached an incredible level.

"Greed Desire, come!" He shouted another sentence. Not long after, red mist suddenly appeared until it covered a one mile radius around him.

Afterwards, Rash Desire, Pleasure Desire, Jealous Desire, Obsession Desire, and the likes were all devoured by Six Desire Devil Lord. What his master, Sky Devil Magician said was correct; his greatest weakness was his desire to raise his cultivation. If given the chance of increasing his cultivation, he absolutely wouldn't give it up.

Even until now, he had never thought of stopping, but continued to endlessly absorb all the desires. When Obsession desire was absorbed by him, his body released horrendous smell.

The six desires in the Ancient God's body were scattered due to some change in the Ancient God's soul before death. Six Desire Devil Lord now had absorbed part of the Ancient God's desire and reached a level in Mysterious Sky Devil Cultivation Method that exceeded the creator, Sky Devil Magician's, expectations of what the ultimate level was.

At that moment, Sky Devil Magician's displayed a smile. Even his normally gloomy face couldn't help but laugh. He quickly rushed toward Six Desire Devil Lord.

"My good disciple, your task has been completed. It looks like this old man didn't adopt you in vain. This time, you have really showed your gratitude!"