

Chapter 127: Red Lotus Feast (3)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Lize spread out her hands.

A white holy light condensed in her hands and flowed in a way she had never experienced before.

Currently, the holy power that used to flow like a clear spring was showing a fierce side it had never showed before. The power was surging forward from Lize's hand like a wild horse that was struggling to get out of its shackles. Right now, Lize was biting her lips firmly, trying to control the power for her own use. However, it wasn't easy; as a Cleric, she had always been biased toward supporting power rather than offensive power, so she was naturally lacking in experience. It was just like a man who usually drove a classic car, but was suddenly given an F1 car—it was impossible for him to be good at driving it.

But Lize was still resisting. Sometimes she could even feel that it was not her who was manipulating the spell, but rather the spell that was manipulating her. It was just like a greedy beast that sucked on her strength for its own use. She felt her body begin to get tired and even her strength somewhat subsided. But she still resisted. She didn't want the nightmare to become a reality; no matter what, she wouldn't accept that kind of future! As long as she was still here, then she would never allow herself to be powerless and just watch her comrades die one by one just like before!

This is my mercenary group; I will protect it no matter what!

The power was getting stronger and the resistance more violent.

Lize still persevered and she slowly moved her hands to hold the power. She secretly mumbled the ancient spell and the dragon language could be heard. The language was strangling the power that was out of order forcefully, making it to listen to her order. Lize looked up towards the sky.

Countless golden beams burst out from her hands. They spun around and aimed toward different directions. A dazzling light shrouded everyone for a moment, even the sun in the sky had temporarily lost its color

"Holy Verdict!?"

Looking at the scene before him, the black-cloaked mage's expression changed. Although mages and clerics could both be classified as a caster, the energy that they controlled was different. While cleric attack spells didn't vary in complexity like a mage's spell, in terms of penetrating power, it was even more terrifying than mage's. He was confident on blocking Marlene's magic by using his own magic, but when facing Lize's spiritual power, he couldn't help but get serious and carefully deal with it.

The black-cloaked mage quickly reacted. He lifted his left hand and thunderbolts appeared from his fingers, expanding and connecting to form a net. It was aiming toward the golden beam.

Soon, two sides collided.

The continuous golden beam hit the thunder wall and a burst of explosions sounded. With the flashing thunderbolts and explosion, the entire sky looked as if it was torn. It was a very frightening scene.

After casting the spell, Lize fell to the ground. The offensive spell was far beyond her ability, depleting almost all of the energy in her body. If not because the half-angel blood that ran through her veins, she might have been unconscious already.

Anne hurriedly held onto Lize's body and brought her to Marlene's side. At the same time, a thunderbolt struck down from the sky. Fortunately, Anne had long been prepared. She quickly pulled Lize back and placed the shield in front to protect the three of them. At the same time, the stone hard surface quickly covered her skin, and in a blink of an eye it completely wrapped around her and turned her into a perfect statue.


The thunderbolt hit the fine gold shield heavily. A huge force shook her body, but she still clenched her teeth and persevered. But it was not without any sacrifice. The stone-hard surface that had covered her skin before had been completely shattered to withstand that impact. If she did it again, most likely she would not be able to hold it anymore.

At this moment, a hand patted her shoulder

"You did well, Anne."

Anne turned her head in surprise, then she realized that Rhode has come to her side. He looked pitiful, but his expression remained calm as usual.

"Leave it to me."

Hearing Rhode's words, Anne didn't refute. She quickly retreated to take care of Lize and Marlene. From the distance, it could be seen that the mercenaries could no longer hold on anymore. They began to act on the defensive, and there was someone who turned around and shouted toward them, but what they said couldn't be heard clearly. Another pungent smell spread out, meaning that the mercenaries had already started using the next four gas precipitation potions.

Rhode looked toward the sky and the smoke gradually disappeared. The black-cloaked mage and the Wind Snake Lord once again appeared.

Rhode frowned.

Honestly, Rhode didn't want to use his trump card unless it was necessary, because first, it costs EXP points, and second, his information regarding the card wasn't clear. He didn't want to use a power he didn't fully understand, but it seemed that he had to do it now.

Rhode made this decision after realizing the black-cloaked mage's true strength when he failed in his surprise attack. Indeed, a Level 50 Mage really was hard to deal with. Although the contracted mage's offensive powers weren't as strong as an elemental or arcane mage's, it also depended on the opponent. If Rhode was on the same level as him, then he definitely would have already beaten him, but the gap between them forced Rhode to change his mind. This battle was just like a battle between Level 80 Cleric and Level 10 Warrior. Even if the cleric didn't use any skills, a stick would be enough to kill that fully armed warrior. This was the difference between them. Since Rhode couldn't make up for the gap, it meant that the battle had ended.

This is the only way.

Thinking until here, Rhode extended his hand and soon, a red card slowly rotated and emerged in his hand.

Following the appearance of the red card, the surrounding temperature gradually began to rise...

A sword light flashed.

The Wind Snake screamed as it turn to ashes in the flames. Hiller put down the sword in his hand and took a few steps back to take a breath. He subconsciously turned around, but he had not yet received Rhode's signal. What happened? Did Rhode encounter any trouble? Or... Thinking until here, Hiller shook his head. It's meaningless to think about that now. The only thing I can do is to lead my men to counterattack.

Hiller reached to take out the precipitation potion. He didn't know why, but the Wind Snakes had begun to adapt to their current environment. In the beginning, only a few lucky ones could break through, but now their number kept increasing and it could be seen that they were not stupid. After they noticed that the melee attack was ineffective, they began to spray out their venom from afar. It was really troublesome...

A burning, hot wind blew through from behind.

Hiller couldn't help but tremble when the air passed him; he could even feel as if he was leaning back against a stove.

After that, the flame that burned on his blade began to weaken.

What happened?

Looking at the blade in his hand, Hiller was surprised. This elemental weapon had been following him for so many years and he had never seen such thing happen before. This blade was made of a complete fire element; as long as there was a fire element in the air, it would never be destroyed. But what's going on now?

What happened?

Hiller wasn't the only one thinking about this question; at this moment, the black-cloaked mage who was floating in the air also thought the exact same thing.

The smokes from the explosions dissipated, and the black-cloaked mage easily saw the bugs who were standing below him. Clearly, they no longer had any more tricks up their sleeves. Although he still couldn't figure out how that strange young man could float in the air, apparently the young man didn't expect the Wind Snake Lord to have the ability to expel lower level wind elements. This Wind Snake Lord was something that he obtained through difficulty and couldn't be compared to the previous two wastrels.

Well, it's game over.

The black-cloaked mage raised his right hand and pointed to the crowd. Energy began to condense between his fingers; as long as he wanted it, the energy would turn into a strong thunderbolt and completely destroy the bugs in front of him.

Just then, he saw the black-haired young man also raised his right hand, and a hot wind suddenly flashed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the black-cloaked mage was surprised that he couldn't cast the spell that he had prepared to do so!

It was as if it had been sealed by something and couldn't be launched.

What happened?

Is it the young man who sealed his spell? How could this be?

The black-cloaked mage began to sweat out, and he looked at Rhode with puzzled expression. It was impossible; that young man definitely couldn't have such a power. If he could really seal the mage's spells, then the mage would probably be dead by now. What is he trying to do?

The black-cloaked mage carefully observed him curiously. After that, he finally noticed.

Red-colored force was rotating in the air with Rhode as its center. It was just like a red smoke condensed into a whirlwind and moving closer to the center.

There was no powerful magic.

There was also no terrifying roar.

But the black-cloaked mage didn't know why he felt such fear; it was as if he was standing beneath a cliff while watching boulders fall down. He couldn't even move, as if there was a big hand somewhere that firmly grasped his body. It was useless no matter how much he struggled.

At the same time, Rhode tightly grabbed the card in his hand.

Following his movement, the red smoke started to draw in and assemble together.

A bright red lotus flame rose to the sky.

Chapter 128: Red Lotus Feast (4)

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

At that moment, it was as if the world had lost its color.

Everyone in the battlefield couldn't help but turn around to look at the red flame pillar that rose to the sky and penetrated the clouds. The violent Wind Snakes were trembling and retreating back, not daring to come near.

The flame pillar appeared and disappeared so quickly that everyone felt as if a light had briefly flashed. In the next moment, the huge flame pillar disappeared without a trace, and it was replaced by a person who floated above Rhode.

It was a girl.

Or, to be exact, it was an existence enough to make everyone stunned and hold their breath.

She had flawless, porcelain white skin, a small nose, pink lips that gently tilted up, a smile with a touch of temptation, and two large, sparkling eyes gave people a playful and cute feeling. Her pale, pink hair was tied back in a ponytail with a blue bow that reached down to her foot. The outer red robe and inner white robe went down from her shoulder. Her slender neck, lovely doll-like shoulder, and plump, round chest showed off her cleavage. Just looking at her was enough to make men feel excited.

The sides of the robe were completely cut off from the waist, boldly exposed her beautiful, slender legs. The black stocking and knee-length skirt were really eye-catching.

She was like a contradiction between innocence and seduction. She looked as if she didn't know anything about the world, but she actually revealed her allure. Any men who saw her couldn't help but want to be on top of her and ravage her body to fulfill their unparalleled pleasure and their desire to conquer.

However, the brown, fluffy ears and tail on her body exposed her identity as not being human.

"Master finally summoned me; do you know how long I've been waiting?"

When everyone had not yet recovered from her sudden appearance, she chuckled and rushed down. She affectionately hugged Rhode from behind.

"Master, shouldn't you summon me at the start? If you did so, there'd be no way for that trash to toss you around like this. Please rest assured; since I have come, I won't let this trash hurt you anymore! Please wait and enjoy how I deal with this group of trash! I will let these guys know the result of annoying Master. They will taste eternal pain in the Red Lotus Flame. Fufufu..."

After saying this, she chuckled and didn't wait for Rhode to react, flying up to the black-cloaked mage's side. The smile on her face was enough to seduce a man, but the words that came out from her mouth were completely different from her expression.

"So, are you ready to atone for your rude behaviour, incompetent trash? Such a low creature like you actually dares to hurt my beloved master. I think it's time to let you know just how painful the anger of the Red Lotus Flame is..."

"You, what are you!"

The black-cloaked man was terrified, trembling as if the person who stood before him wasn't a girl, but a very terrifying beast, The light that reflected from her eyes as she glared at him made the black-cloaked mage feel scared. After he reacted, he quickly backed down and lifted his right hand in anger.

"Finish her! Wind Snake Lord, hear my command! Attack!"


Unexpectedly, the Wind Snake Lord that he originally contracted and was supposed to listen to his order shivered and curled up. The violence from before had disappeared and was replaced by fear. Facing such a strong opponent, it was the instinctive reaction of the weak.

"Attack, I command you to attack!"

Seeing the Wind Snake Lord anomaly, the black-cloaked mage couldn't help but be surprised for a moment. But he still didn't give up and slowly backed down while continuing to use the power of his contract and forced the Wind Snake to obey his command.


The girl narrowed her eyes and looked at the black-cloaked mage like she was watching a boring drama.

"Low class is low, even lower than an animal... However, this might be the interesting part of a human. Well, I grant you the qualification to fight me and use your meaningless power to make a final struggle. Perhaps this will be more interesting, no?"

She lightly laughed and quickly backed down. After that, the pressure that enveloped the black-cloaked mage and Wind Snake Lord disappeared.


After noticing that the pressure on his body was reduced, the black-cloaked mage immediately issued an order. He didn't know whether it was because his will had completely controlled the Wind Snake, or if it was a instinctive resistance when facing death, but after hearing the black-cloaked mage's order, the Wind Snake Lord opened its mouth and rushed toward the girl. Under its call, the Wind Snakes that were responsible for attacking the mercenaries immediately changed direction. Since the effect of the precipitation potion had disappeared, they once again overwhelmed the situation, enveloped the sky, screamed from all directions and rushed toward the girl.

They opened their mouths, exposing their sharp fangs, screaming one after another. Not only the Wind Snake Lord, but even the Wind Snake group was in fear. It was their biological instinct to resist the strong! This was their final struggle!

After a while, thousands of Wind Snakes crossed the mercenaries' defense line and escaped from the dangerous, precipitated area. They rushed toward the girl who was floating in the sky. At this moment, the black-cloaked mage began to chant his spell. Followed by a roar, dark clouds began to rotate rapidly and lightning kept flashing, showing off its powerful force.

"Holy soul bless..."

The scene before them couldn't help but affect everyone's emotion. Lize subconsciously covered her mouth; it was just like the nightmare she had last night—the Wind Snakes would tear them into pieces. Marlene couldn't help but tremble, though not because she was afraid. It was because of the powerful magic in the surrounding.

"This, how's this possible, such a powerful force..."

Rhode stood on the ground and frowned, carefully observing the girl who floated in the air. Although he completely believed in the Commander Level Lord's strength, her performance didn't look reliable. But at the same time, Rhode was also curious. How would she eliminate those guys?

"Ah... really boring." Facing this group of terrifying Wind Snakes, the girl boredly yawned. After that, she flipped her left hand and pulled a piece of paper from nowhere, grabbing it with her right hand. A pen suddenly appeared. The girl looked down began to concentrate on writing on the paper.

"Since trash can fight to this extent, I won't play with you guys anymore... Just die."

Saying until here, the pen in her hand fell on the paper.

At this moment, suddenly a few strange things happened.

Three beautiful magic runes appeared and wrapped around her, constantly rotating. However, this time, the Wind Snake group also reached her.

In the next moment, everyone witnessed an unforgettable scene.


Countless fireballs were fired out from the magic runes and aimed toward all direction. The sky was filled with red flames, spreading around like a storm and swallowing all the Wind Snakes around it.

Facing this attack, the Wind Snakes could only scream and flap their wings, trying to turn around to escape this terrible hell. But the fireballs didn't wait until they moved, smashing into the Wind Snakes and turning them into ashes.

In just one round, almost half of the Wind Snakes were completely engulfed in the Red Lotus Flame. The rest of them no longer planned on continuing the attack; the only thing they could do was to leave this terrible hell.

However, a cry stopped their movement.

Perhaps because it was aware that its death was coming, the Wind Snake Lord fluttered its wings, screamed, and rushed over. The whirlwind beside it turned into a violent tornado shield. The tornado shield rushed to cover up the sky full of fireballs. It was its pride as a Lord; it had to die in the battle with the enemy!

However, facing the Wind Snake Lord's counterattack, the girl who was writing something on the paper just glanced at it and once again turned her head.

"Such a desperate struggle."

At this time, the runes changed once again.

The runes that were firing out fireballs from before suddenly fired out a light beam. It was aiming toward the distance, forming into fireballs, and then exploding. It was a very beautiful scene. From afar, it looked like glittering fireworks in the sky. Sometimes, the mercenaries on the ground even looked happy and relaxed, almost forgetting that they were in the middle of a battlefield.

But the Wind Snakes didn't have much leisure. Every fireball explosion would only bring more fire. Facing such a crazy attack, the only thing they could do was to hide and escape. The wind barrier on the Wind Snake gradually weakened. The fireballs continuously exploded; it was just a matter of time before the Wind Snake Lord's wind barrier would collapse. Although it tried very hard to set off a storm, under such a splendid attack, there was no way for it to set off even the slightest wind.

To end this, the girl only wrote a sentence.

"Let's stop here."

The fireballs stopped.

The previously hot temperature dropped back to normal.

"Just die!"

At this moment, the black-cloaked mage was finally ready for his attack. Followed by his shouts, thick clouds gradually covered the sky, and a huge thunderbolt flashed down toward the girl.

It was a success!

Looking at the girl who looked defenseless, the black-cloaked mage felt joyful. This was his most powerful spell; the power could even destroy half a city. As a contracted mage, the black-cloaked mage knew his weakness, so he modified this spell to be fiercer and more violent. Facing such a powerful spell, even a Grand Mage needed to get serious, but the opponent actually dared look down on him. This time, she was dead!

However, the next scene left him completely stunned.

The thunderbolt indeed flashed down, but it didn't hit the target. The girl didn't dodge it, or even try to escape from it. The thunderbolt just stopped beside her.

That's right, it was as if the time had stopped. It just stopped beside her. Such powerful attack like a fierce beast had now become a obedient lamb without any resistance.

"How's that possible?"

The black-cloaked mage panicked and looked back down. The scene before him didn't make any sense.

How did she do it?

How did she do it?

It's impossible, no one could take control of that spell so easily. No one...

Thinking until here, the black cloaked mage seemed to be realize something. He turned around and looked at her ears and tail.

"I-it can't be..."

"A trash with only this kind of strength shouldn't even bother to annoy Master."

The girl didn't even lift her head and just waved her hand. After that, the thunderbolt suddenly turned its direction and aimed toward the black-cloaked mage.


Facing the incoming thunderbolt, the black cloaked mage who was in despair desperately flew back. But it was still too late.

The thunderbolt pierced through his body, and followed by the incoming flame, everything was completely devoured.

After a moment, there was nothing left beside the girl.

There were only pieces of dust that fell to the ground like a snow.

That was all that was left.

Everything was over.

Chapter 129: A Woman's Secret

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

It was too frightening.

Looking at the sky full of snow-like dust, Rhode couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine. Although he knew that a Commander Level Lord was very strong, this overwhelming power still made him surprised. Although he had never fought similar opponents before, the Spirit Swordsman would usually take advantage of numbers, speed, and outbreak. That's why he was better in a fast-paced battle. Rhode had only seen this kind of magnificent battle scene, and that had left a deep impression of a very OP boss battle.

Now, he finally experienced seeing such a powerful force again.

Beside him, Lize, Marlene, and Anne could only stare at the sky. They were at a loss. Even Rhode, who had experienced countless battles couldn't help but feel surprised at the scene before him, not to mention these "newbies" who had never seen a Commander Level Lord battle.


At this moment, followed by a laughing sound, the girl leisurely passed through the sky, accompanied by the glimpse of red line streaking behind her and came toward Rhode. Both of her hands were placed behind her back, and she stood straight and proudly looked at Rhode.

"How is it, Master? Are you satisfied with what I did?"

"Not bad."

Rhode only nodded when facing this summoned spirit. At the same time, he curiously observed her. He didn't know why he felt that this girl was a little bit different from his other summoned spirits. Compared to Celia, she was more aggressive and uncontrollable. The summoned spirits that Rhode had previously summoned all of had their own conscious, but they only move according to Rhode's command. Just take the tragic self-explosion of the hound: at first, it wasn't willing to follow Rhode's command to die and was just like any person that was being threatened by a gun from behind to go onto the battlefield. Now, it actually very actively sacrificed itself once summoned; it seemed like long term brainwashing under high pressure was really effective.

But they acted completely different from the girl. They accepted Rhode's command unconditionally; but for the girl, Rhode was suddenly unsure if she would do the same.

In the game, he never had the experience of summoning a Commander Level Lord. Frankly, there was also no other player who did. Even though there were cases where a summoned spirit betrayed a contracted mage because the summoner's level and soul power weren't sufficient, it was still quite stable for spirit swordsman.

After hearing Rhode's answer, the girl smiled wider.

"Then, can I ask for a reward?"


Rhode hadn't yet reacted when she suddenly extended her hand and held Rhode's shoulder. After that, her soft body tightly pressed toward Rhode.

In the next moment, Rhode could feel a cold, gentle, and seductive touch on his lips. Her soft tongue easily penetrated inside and wrapped around Rhode's tongue. The sweet fragrance on her body suddenly got stronger and Rhode could feel a burning hot saliva flowing from her mouth and spreading into his entire body. This made his whole body feel hot at that moment.

After awhile, she finally let him go. She smiled at Rhode, sticking out her tongue to lick her lips.

At this moment, the other three girls beside Rhode were completely frozen.

Marlene was staring at both of them. Her face was flushed. Lize was also surprised, her mouth was wide open, but she didn't know what to say. Anne covered her eyes with her hands, but she secretly peeked at this scene from a gap between her fingers.

"What does this mean?"

Rhode rubbed his lips and felt confused. It wasn't that he had no kissing experience, but it was his first time being forcefully snatched. His body was still burning hot, as if he still could feel the soft body that was pressed against his. In this kind of situation, a man with low self-control might have already rushed toward her right now.

Fortunately, Rhode's expression only changed and frowned while he looked at her.

After seeing Rhode's expression, she showed a grateful expression and smiled. She placed her finger on her lips and playfully smiled.

"This is my reward, and this is to celebrate our reunion. Master, it's been a long time."


After hearing this word, Rhode was stunned. He frowned and carefully looked at the girl before him and once again confirmed that he had never seen the girl before.

"I've never seen you before."


Hearing Rhode's reply, she only lifted both of her hands and made an 'x' gesture in front of him.

"That answer is wrong. Master, as a man, after seeing such a beautiful girl like me, you should at least pretend or something. Answering me shortly like that really hurt me. Just now, my affection toward you has begun to drop like a stock; if you don't take any measure, it will be too late already."

"Ah? Really, then..."

Facing her jokes, Rhode seemed to want to say something, but afterward, he suddenly stopped and raised his head in surprise.


Seeing his surprised look, the girl once again exposed a proud smile.

"Haven't I said it clearly? This is my reunion with Master. Finally, we can meet each other in real world."

Saying until here, she once again lifted her finger and placed in on her lips.

"I know what Master is thinking, but right now I still cannot answer that question. Although I'm your summoned spirit, I still have the authority to stay silent, right?"

"Not answering, it means... you know what's happening?"

After glancing towards the people beside him, Rhode lowered his voice.

"That's right."

Facing Rhode's question, the girl firmly nodded.

"However, Master doesn't have to know these things... Master just has to do what he wants to do. There's no difference between usual. And..."

Saying until here, the girl paused.

"... Wait until the time comes, and I will definitely tell Master about this. But before that, please be patient, okay? An impatient man isn't well-loved by women."

Hearing this words, Rhode clenched his hand, then quickly let it go.

"Then, at least tell me your name, Miss."


The girl proudly lifted her head while wagging her fluffy red tail.

"My name is Gillian. I used to be Master's most loyal companion. I hope Master won't forget about this, then..."

Saying until here, Gillian stopped, After that, she looked at the other three girls who stood behind Rhode, then winked at Rhode.

"I don't have much time. I hope next time I can spend the time more leisurely. It seems like the days you spent here are not bad; you've found three women in such a short time. Although they're not as good as me, they still look qualified to fulfill Master's desire. Yes.. but I suggest you should quickly have a taste of them. Woman are just like dessert; they will expire if you neglect it for too long. Of course, if they like to be neglected, I have no comment."

"...I will remember."

Facing Gillian's sly smile, Rhode helplessly pressed his forehead. Facing this summoned spirit that always said unexpected things made Rhode's head hurt.

"Very well, then please accept this."

After getting Rhode's reply, Gillian satisfiedly smiled. After that, she spread out her hands and handed out a letter to Rhode.


Rhode curiously took the letter. The letter was folded and sealed from the outside with a heart shaped wax seal that looked extremely eye-catching.

"This is a love letter. The interaction between a man and woman should start gradually. Although I want to write more, but I don't have enough time and could only make use the time from before to write something. I can guarantee that the content is filled with all my heart. It just that, Master, I'm incapable, so please look after me. I look forward to your response the next time we meet."


Holding the love letter on his hand, Rhode was completely speechless. It wasn't like he hadn't seen the way Gillian fought from before; it was just that he thought that it was her unusual way of fighting. In the end, she actually wrote a love letter for him?

The black-cloaked mage and Wind Serpent Lord's death were really to unjustified...

"Time is running out, so I'll stop here."

Gillian once again spread out red air to the surroundings. She smiled and lifted her hands, and then she looked towards the three girls beside Rhode.

"Then, I'll leave now everyone. I hope you guys can be Master's right hand. See you again!"

"Ah...okay...see you..."


Hearing until here, Rhode almost spat out blood. Facing Gillian's goodbye, those three girls only stood frozen and waved their hands. After that, Gillian's laughing sound completely disappeared and she turned back into a red card that silently floated in the sky, which disappeared after a moment.


The surrounding turned silent. After a while, Anne finally recovered, curiously looking up at Rhode who pressed his hand against his forehead, who wasn't standing far from her. She didn't know what was he thinking about.



"What did that girl mean?"


Chapter 130: An Unusual Situation

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

Rhode of course wasn't stupid enough to explain Gillian's last words since he still didn't want to die yet. Now, Rhode finally found out a very important piece of information. It was something Gillian had told him from before. Rhode noticed that she wasn't so simple because from the way she talk and the words she used, it seemed like she wasn't a part of this world. Or else, she wouldn't use words that only people from his world would understand.

Not only that, from Gillian's words, she also seemed to know the game system Rhode used. Rhode was certain that the strange summoned spirit didn't just know that. She said that he finally reunited with her in this world. That meant that, in the game, he had met her before?

Rhode still couldn't understand it.

As a spirit swordsman, Rhode was naturally familiar with his own summoned spirits. When talking about fire elemental creatures, the summoned spirit that he liked the most was the Heavenly Phoenix. However, Gillian didn't seem to have flying unit summoned spirit characteristics, and she also didn't look like the Efreet or Lava Lizard kind of monster. In any case, he thought about all of the fire spirits that he used before, but none matched with Gillian's characteristics. Although other spirit swordsmen had also summoned female fire spirits before, from the picture they have shared online, they looked completely like elemental creatures and none had Gillian's beast characteristic.

Usually, every summoned spirit was unique, and the spirits that were summoned by Spirit Swordsmen also varied. From the flying unit fire spirits, there were Fire Birds, Fire Eagles, Fire Serpents, and others. That was why, to a Spirit Swordsman, their every summon was a gamble because they never knew if the spirit they summoned was actually the one they wanted. For example, a Spirit Swordsman could want a flying unit creature, but actually get a water unit or earth unit spirit. Even if he was a little bit lucky and got a flying unit fire spirit, its race still had to be identified. The huge difference between a Fire Bird and a Phoenix couldn't be easily bridged.

Because of that, there was no way for a Spirit Swordsman in their entire lives to summon the same spirit twice.

The same goes for the spirits that Rhode had summoned previously; none were spirits Rhode had used before. Their attributes might be similar, but they were still completely different. The same with Gillian; Rhode could be sure that he never owned such a strong spirit before, r else there was no way he didn't have any impression toward it.

However, the fact that she knew him also didn't seem to be a lie... or it could be said this kind of lie was meaningless. Rhode was very confident about his memories. If he had seen it, then he definitely had seen it. If he had never seen it, then he had definitely never seen it. He wasn't like some men, who will lost themselves after being bewitched by a beautiful girl. They couldn't even answer how much is 1+1 was; how could they remember whether they met her or not? But since the beautiful girl said so, they definitely had met before.

And from the previous conversation, Rhode could be sure that Gillian knew that he wasn't the type that could be seduced easily. If she said such a blatant lie, then it meant that she was underestimating his intelligence.


Rhode shook his head. Since he couldn't figure it out, it was useless to think about it anymore. She was in his hand; he could just ask her later.

Of course, this didn't mean that he had nothing to do.

Or it could be said that he was at a huge loss.

Although summoning a Commander Level Lord indeed easily solved all his problem, he couldn't help sighing after looking at his status. There really was no free meal in any world.

The EXP points gained from killing a Master Level Lord and Level 50 Mage could level him up to Level 20 or even more. But what made him feel unhappy was that he got nothing beside the EXP points from killing those few Wind Serpents earlier. This meant that the biggest EXP points were all being eaten by Gillian!

She didn't even leave a little to him!

Not only that, Rhode couldn't even take any loots. Whether it was the black-cloaked mage or the Wind Serpents, they all turned into dust in the battle from before; there wasn't even the tiniest bit of nail left, not to mention loots.

But, facing this kind of situation, Rhode could only helplessly accept the fact. The only thing he wanted was to keep living. As for EXP points and such, it was good if he had it, but if he didn't, then there was no other choice. Since no matter what, it was enough as long as they lived.

After resting for a while, everyone continued their journey.

As a leader of a large mercenary group, Hiller smartly didn't ask Rhode any questions regarding the previous battle. All of them saw the magnificent scene from before, and as mercenaries that faced the Wind Serpents, they of course knew just how strong they were. Hiller knew that every person had their own secrets, and since Rhode didn't plan to say, he also wouldn't ask. No matter what, Rhode saved them, and that was already enough. Not only that, he also told his subordinates not to continue investigating the matter regarding the Starlight mercenary group. This action of Hiller's also left a good impression on Rhode.

The next journey went very smoothly.

Originally, Rhode planned to kill the remaining members of the Jade Tears mercenary group, but before he could, Old Walker hurriedly reported that the Jade Tears mercenary group members were all wiped out.

According to Old Walker, he had followed Rhode's original plan to observe their movement. However, fireballs suddenly fell from the sky and the entire mercenary group was wiped out in that flame. This scene made Old Walker feel a chill down to his spine; he hid behind and looked as those mercenaries died tragically and didn't know what he should do. After the fire dissipated, he walked closer to investigate, but everything already turned into ashes and there was nothing left.

Rhode, of course, knew what happened. Now he finally knew where those fireballs went.

From this, it could be clearly seen that a Commander Level Lord card deck was indeed different from other cards. Other cards were only conscious once they were summoned, and in the remaining time they usually just slept inside the card. However, Gillian was different; she knew what was happening outside. Or else, there was no way she would do such a thing. It had to be said that there was a thousand miles of distance between the battlefield where Rhode was and the place the Jade Tears mercenary group was located.

However, from this matter, Rhode started to understand Gillian's personality. Her appearance looked innocent and harmless, but her actions were unambiguous, decisive, and well thought out. Of course... her personality still gave him quite some headache.

After summoning her, the remaining summoning time became zero. According to the system prompt, this card was currently in a cooldown period. If Rhode wanted to summon Gillian again, he had to wait until the cooldown period ended.

Or sacrifice his EXP points to summon it.

But after looking at the cooldown period, his entire face almost turned green.

Three months!

This card need to cool down for three months!

Not only that, Rhode just found out that the cooldown period would carry over if he was forced to summon it during the cooldown period. Not only did he have to sacrifice his EXP points to summon it, even after summoning it, the cooldown period would become six months from three months. If he continuously summoned her three times, the card would be sealed for one year.

After seeing the system prompt, Rhode somehow felt that he had fallen into a trap. It really was such a disappointment that he never saw this kind of summoned spirit before. However, considering her terrifying power as a Fire Element Commander Level Lord and his level, which was only about 15 or 16, Rhode could only helplessly shrug his shoulder and accept this fate. Originally, he planned to select her as part of his core card deck, but now it seemed that he wouldn't be able to. There were complicated requirements to create a core card deck; not only did he have to get the summoned spirit's approval, he would also need a large number of expensive magic materials to unlock the core card position. Rhode wanted to wait until he reached Level 20, since there was an opportunity to select a summoned spirit as the core card deck for free, but he needed to wait for some time in order to do this. After all, there was no way for him to select a summoned spirit that he couldn't summon as the core card. Although it was also okay to force summon it once he reached level 20, but after falling into this card's "trap," Rhode became very clear that things weren't as easy as he had thought. If at that time he did so, there might be other trouble that would await him.

That was why it was better for him to wait patiently and make the decision after seeing the situation afterwards.

When Rhode arrived back at Deep Stone City, the entire city was shaken.

The news regarding the Burning Blade mercenary group's attack had already spread out, and the entire Mercenary Association was in shock. It had to be said that the Mercenary Association was badly battered because of continuous problems that happened recently. Originally, they still hoped that the three top mercenary groups could help them to stabilize the situation. Unfortunately, the Burning Blade mercenary group was suddenly attacked and they received very heavy casualties. For a while, everyone was worried. The Burning Blade mercenary group was the strongest mercenary group in Paphield area, but they actually also got attacked. So who would be spared?

The Old President and Sereck quickly investigated the situation with Rhode and Hiller. Both of them also explained the situation that happened. However, Rhode didn't talk about the relationship between the black-cloaked mage and the Jade Tears mercenary group, only ambiguously saying that the black-cloaked mage controlled a very strong Wind Serpent Lord and might be connected to the trade passage attack that happened recently.

This point was enough to catch the Old President's attention. Although Rhode had no evidence (since everything was burned by Gillian), Hiller's support gave his words a little more credibility. After all, unlike Rhode, Hiller had been in Paphield area for so many years and during his time here, he had built up a good reputation. Since he also said so, it would definitely right. The Old President told them with serious expression that he would report to the administrative officer and leave this matter to him.

At this moment, in a luxurious room in Deep Stone City, there was a different scene.


An exquisite teapot was thrown to the floor, its fragments scattering on the floor. The entire room was in a mess, but the person that stood on the center of the room didn't care about that matter.

"How did this happen!"

Frank's expression was gloomy, and his fist heavily hit the desk. Not far from him, a mercenary silently stood there. He was one of the small group members that entered the Twilight Forest. He was responsible for contacting the black-cloaked mage and was the only survivor of this incident.

"Burning Blade wasn't destroyed, Starlight still exists, but our people all died? How could this happen?!"

"E-everything that I told you is the truth, Master!"

After hearing Frank's shouts, the mercenary hurriedly explained.

"We indeed have delivered your words, and that person also agreed to our request, but after that he never came back. Not only that, everyone also died, and according to the information from the Burning Blade, it seemed that person also..."


Frank's fist once again hit the desk, the extreme pain making his expression somewhat distorted. However, he wasn't thinking about that right now. His body was trembling and fear was spread all over his body.

He messed up!

He messed up everything!!

Originally, he wanted to use this opportunity to destroy these two strong opponents, but he never thought that everything was occur completely beyond his expectations. How could this happen? According to his investigation, the strength of the two mercenary groups strength definitely rendered them unable to confront a Level 3 middle circle mage! How could they block his attack and kill him?

Thinking until here, Frank shivered.

He could already imagine his end.

Unauthorized commands that led them to suffer such a heavy loss, Frank was certain that once this matter reached the Hawk Nest's ear, he would definitely die!

What should he do? What should he do to change all of this?

The current Frank had fallen into coldness and despair.

Chapter 131: The Tip of an Iceberg

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

As a royal mage, Amund had lost count just how many times he had entered this glorious palace.

The smooth marble floor was clean enough to see even his own reflection. Hid surroundings were decorated with a luxurious crystal chandelier. The bright and soft lights gave off a warm and comfortable feeling. A hint of aroma spread around, bringing a warm and peaceful atmosphere. The thick wooden door from behind slowly closed and echoed a deep sound. However, Amund didn't show the slightest nervous expression. He smiled, then tidied up his red robe while walking toward the young maiden who was lying on the velvet sofa and slightly bowed his head.

"Your Highness."

"Hello, Amund." Lydia lazily lied down with her eyes half closed while looking at the elderly in front of her and smiled. "I hope you don't blame me for calling you here when you're busy."

"Not at all, Your Highness."

Amund lifted his head and gently looked at her.

"As someone who has been serving the royal family for generations, I certainly won't refuse your invitation."

"Very well. If I had delayed an important schedule, I would feel very uneasy." The girl said while slowly sitting up.

White, flawless, perfect skin that wasn't supposed to exist in this word was revealed under the chiffon. Six wings also slowly appeared behind her back, giving off a holy atmosphere to this palace. Looking at her expression, Amund only shook his head and wryly smiled. He was already accustomed to her easygoingness. Before she succeeded in her position as the Grand Duke and was still his student, Amund had also reminded her several times to pay more attention to her demeanor. But she clearly had a different opinion about that.

"Sir Amund, my beauty has blended in together with the beauty of this world. It's a sin to hide this kind of beauty. Since I never do anything wrong, then shouldn't I show myself in dignity? Since my existence can make the world a more beautiful place, why should I refuse to show off myself?"

If others said these words, then they would really sounds extremely arrogant, but hearing if from her mouth, it sounded just natural. She was always full of confidence and proud, not allowing anyone to change her views.

Of course, the outside world didn't have a good evaluation toward her. Loose, cruel, and such words were the most common adjectives to describe her, but even so, she still followed her own path and didn't care about such rumors. Perhaps it was because of that she was able to succeed.

"Then, what's the matter for you to summon me here?"

"It's like this." She sat on the sofa and grinned, both of her hands placed on her cheeks while looking at the white-bearded old mage before her. "The thing that I've asked you to do; the situation has changed."


Hearing until here, Amund was a little surprised, but he didn't question her immediately. He was looking at Lydia and waiting for her to say something. He knew clearly that Lydia was a thoughtful person. Although she usually looked relaxed, if people took her as a simple-minded and relaxed person, they usually would die miserably.

Amund still remembered one of the events that took place when Lydia was 12 years old and she had just succeeded in her position as a Grand Duke for two years. Her reign was still unstable, and the old general suddenly resigned because of an illness, leading to the vacancy of the holder of the country's military power. For many people, it was the best chance for them to gain that power. If one could grasp military power, it meant that one was likely to become the shadow ruler of the entire Munn Kingdom. After all, Lydia was still a 12-year-old girl at that time, and no one believed that a 12-year-old girl could lead a country well especially in military and political aspects. Of course, at that time, there were a lot of people who wanted to control her so they could gain the power and the ability to bring the most beautiful girls on the entire continent into one room. No one would miss that kind of opportunity.

In the end, the position was placed on the two East and West border Military Commanders. At that time, many people thought that it was the western Military Commander who would likely obtain this position because he defeated numerous of outer race that had tried to invade the country. On the other hand, the eastern Military Commander never did anything. Because of that many people thought that the western Military Commander was certainly to get this position due to his many actions.

However, the result was completely beyond their expectation. When they were called back to be officially appoint the General, Lydia, who had been staying silent suddenly made a shocking decision. Not only did she appoint the eastern Military Commander as the General, at the same time, she also put the western Military Commander into prison under the accusation of harming the royal family.

After this thing happened, everyone was in an uproar. Many people simply did not expect that the situation would change 180 degrees. There were people who thought that it was unjustified, people who protested, and people who opposed it. They thought that although this girl was young, but her thirst toward power was extremely heavy. She was worried that the western Military Commander might make her position unstable, which was why she made a move first. However, Lydia remained silent even after hearing these protests—until a month later.

A month later, the result of the trial made everyone shocked. The reason that the Western Military Commander had so much military power over the years was because he was deliberately provoking the outer races army from time to time and then killed them in order to gain military power. But because of this, the danger from the outer races had been eliminated. However, because of the continuous war, the inhabitants of the western Border were living in poverty. Although the war was fought by the military, the inhabitants were also affected. On the contrary, the eastern Border region had always been peaceful. The inhabitants there lived in harmony with people outside the Kingdom. Since there was no such thing as war, naturally there was no way for the eastern Military Commander to earn any military merit. Precisely because of this reason, the eastern Military Commander was always at the bottom of any honor rolls.

Until then, Lydia, who had been travelling all around to enjoy the scenery outside, finally showed up.

At the same time, the result of the trial was issued. All the officers in the entire western border close to the western Military commander was apprehended, and those who had previously accused Lydia for being unjust were also included. In just 10 days, a total of 580 people—including nobles and military officers—were arrested and all executed.

When they were sentenced to death, the successors to their positions had already been decided.

From that day onward, no one dare to look down on this violent girl who like to enjoy beautiful things.

Naturally, Amund knew about the Munn Kingdom's current situation. Precisely because of this, Lydia had personally appointed him to take care of this matter. However, now she suddenly said things were like that... Was it because there was change in the situation?

"You guessed right, Amund."

As if Lydia had guessed his thought, she smiled and replied.

"From the information I got, the danger has already been eliminated."


Hearing until here, the Old Mage was surprised for a moment and then frowned.

"Do you mean..."

"This is the report that I received this morning."

Lydia said then stretched out her hand and handed an exquisite, flower-patterned letter to him. After that, she took a cup of the black tea that circulated a sweet fragrance from her desk. Then, she narrowed her eyes and sipped it.

The old mage bowed, then opened the letter. He carefully began to read the information on it. Although his expression didn't change, the sudden sharpness in his eyes showed his surprised reaction. Then, he put down the letter in his hand and looked at her once more.

"What do you think, Amund?"

"If this is a joke, then please let me laugh at it." The old mage wryly smiled then shook his head, but his expression didn't seem to be that of one smiling.

"If this is a fact... then I can only say that it's too unbelievable."

"Unknown things are the most fantastic things in this world."

Facing the old mage's awe, Lydia only showed her enjoyment.

"When you opened a door, you will never know what's hidden inside. This is the most interesting part. I love unknown things like this the most. It will make me nervous and happy, which, to me, is a must. Originally I thought that my cute little subordinates would take care of this matter, but I never thought that they actually gave me such a pleasant surprise."


The old mage wasn't as optimistic as Lydia. He rubbed his long beard with serious expression.

"Forgive me for being direct, Your Highness. However, I didn't think that an ordinary mercenary group would be able to defeat a Level 3 inner circle mage. Even if it were me, I would still need to use some effort to do it. I think there's something behind this..."

"I understand what you mean, Amund." Lydia stretched out her hand and stopped his words.

"This is the reason why I called you here... I believe that the report from my cute little subordinates is correct, and they also brought some evidence for us. I think you also noticed that there's a person... central to this matter."

"The young man called Rhode Alander?" Hearing until here, the old mage thought for a while and quickly asked.

"That's right; according to the report, it's not the first time he saved mercenary groups from the Paphield area and destroyed their plans. In addition, he also wiped out the Jade Tears mercenary group. If we put everything together, I don't think it's accidental. According to this report, this man only arrived in Deep Stone City for a month, but the plan that the Country of Light has made with a whole year of effort has been completely destroyed. I think it's quite a blow to that old man from Association who's very impatient."

Saying until here, Lydia stopped talking then smiled.

"About his identity... is it true?"

"I have asked the Eastern Plain regarding this matter, but they kept their silence as usual. However, this isn't important; the most important thing is that this young man seems to know their plan and trying to destroy it. I don't care about where he came from. Since he was able to bring me such a great pleasure, then I think he won't be our enemy."

"Then, you mean..."

Saying until here, the old mage already somewhat guessed the reason she called him here.

"I hope you can go to Deep Stone City together with me to investigate this young man in secret. It's better to see him up close. After all, this man is willing to help our Munn Kingdom. As the ruler, I think I need to pay my respect to him. And..."

Saying until here, Lydia clapped her hands and showed a very beautiful smile full of desire.

"I heard that he's a very beautiful person. If that's the truth, then it would be a pity if I cannot add him to my collection, right?"

Chapter 132: Waiting at Ease, While the Enemy is Exhausted

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

"Achoo!" Rhode rubbed his nose.

"Are you okay, leader? Are you sick?"

Although she was sitting in the chair, Anne wasn't relaxed for even a second. She kept moving left and right while curiously looking at Rhode, who was sitting behind the desk.

"Do you need Anne's help?"

"There's no need; I think it's because there's someone who's having me in their thoughts... It definitely wasn't something good."

Rhode shrugged his shoulder and easily brought up this topic.

Although everyone managed to escape from that damned mage, it didn't mean that no one was injured. As a human, Marlene received a very heavy injury. Perhaps it was because the duel between the black-cloaked mage from before. Not long after the battle ended, she collapsed to the ground. According to Lize, she was hurt because of the shock caused by the magic power. Because of that, after they went back to the Deep Stone City, Marlene always stayed on her room to rest and rarely get up from her bed.

After they went back to the Deep Stone City, Lize, who's half angel, and Anne, who's half beast, were also injured. However, their mixed blood helped them to recover quickly. As expected, there was no end to comparisons, only misery... Fortunately, Marlene was still in a deep sleep, or else there was no way to tell what kind of reaction she might have made.

Shauna and the other mercenaries also received heavy injuries, but they were all flesh wounds and not considered serious, so Rhode didn't really care about it. The only pleasant surprise he received after the battle with the Wind Serpent was noticing the improved skill of Randolf and the others. It seemed that that bunch of people needed to face danger first to be able to improve.

Rhode, who had been fighting constantly, also felt a little bit tired. Although he was a mercenary group leader, he definitely wasn't the leader of the Mercenary Association's reinforcement group. He had saved many mercenary groups and he was almost fed up. He couldn't just keep honing his combat skills, right? Occasionally practicing skills in life would also prove to be very interesting, right?

The Jade Tears mercenary group no longer had any movements after that incident. Rhode already asked Old Walker to investigate it. Although that old man was old, he was unlike normal old men in being able to resist loneliness. Whenever he had time, he always visited the tavern to drink and hang out, which was why it was better for him to make use of it. At least, it was better than letting him crawling on the table while having a nice dream.

However, there was no news from the Mercenary Association lately. Every mercenary group was busy on recruiting and resting. Rhode knew that this wasn't the end, but rather a new beginning. If they didn't gather enough members by the time assessments came, then their upcoming days wouldn't be too good.

Because of the Mercenary Association's prohibition, the tavern that had always been crowded had become a lot more relaxed. The Mercenary Association didn't allow mercenary groups to recruit outside help. People who usually hung out around the tavern and wished to join a mercenary group finally found a ray of hope: to become a regular. To a mercenary group that had been driven to the corner, right now, the significance of the quantity of members was far greater than the quality. As long as one could kill a chicken, they could already became a full-fledged mercenary.

It was chaos.

Rhode lifted his head to look at the window. The dark clouds looked repressed and there were also some changes in the top area. It seemed like there was a problem between nobles recently, but it wasn't something he should ponder. Right now, he was thinking about the next problem that might occur.

It was an accidental gain for him to meet the black-cloaked mage and finished him off, but also because of that, the Country of Light's plan had also been destroyed. As least, in Paphield area, their plan had also failed. However, because of his understanding toward the pig members of the Association who only knew how to eat, sleep, and talk sh*t, Rhode was sure that they wouldn't just let this go. There was definitely a new challenge awaiting him.

When that time came, what should he do?

Rhode frowned and lightly knocked the desk. This time, the matter was quite serious. Starlight most likely had been seen eyes by the Country of Light. If he couldn't think of any way, then it would definitely be troublesome.

Rhode thought that it's impossible for the Country of Light to take a large action now. This incident definitely had caught the Golden City's attention. Grand Duke Lydia had never been a person that could be provoked; even if the Country of Light dared to look for more trouble, at the very least, they would consider whether their decision might affect their future plan. Since Rhode clearly knew the reason that the Country of Light was making a move on the Munn Kingdom wasn't as simple as giving them a lesson for being too arrogant. Politics were all about interest; the same with war. No one would do free labor if there was no interest. Although the people from Country of Light kept talking about freedom, liberalism, and power, if they couldn't see the real gold and silver, then they wouldn't actually care whether those words should be spread throughout the world or not.

However, that didn't mean that there was no way.

In fact, when he gathered people to join him, Rhode had already thought of the same thing. But because of this sudden incident, his plan was postponed. When everything turned back to normal, Rhode would once again add it into his schedule.

He was planning to increase the group's soft power.

To a mercenary group, hard power meant the number of people and their combat power. Having both of these was already enough for a mercenary group. However, to a player, it wasn't enough. They needed soft power and support. There were a lot of things that need to be improved in this area. For example, potions, money, equipment, and information. All of those fell into soft power category.

In this continent, the mercenary group that was created by NPCs didn't have to think about this issue since they were more accustomed to selling the equipments they had gotten in an adventure. Once they received the payment, they would buy the things they wanted. But to a player, this was definitely not a good way to deal with it. A player's mercenary group had a clear role for every person. There was someone responsible for forging and repair, someone for collecting materials and make potions, and someone for selling goods and exchanging it for profits. In this way, they could reduce the waste and shorten the time required, also bringing in profits to the mercenary group. Because the mercenary group would have a lot of expenses once it expanded, if they couldn't prepare it in advance, then when that time came, things would be hard.

This was how the mercenary guild survived. After mercenary groups leveled up into mercenary guilds, the increased size and structure no longer made them able to reap the profits in the way they did before. At this kind of time, the leader of the mercenary guild must make a decision: either choose a strong Trade Association to fund the guild or choose a powerful noble for backing.

To use a modern metaphor to describe it, the nobles and merchants were buying their shares in the mercenary guild to obtain authority. Through their funding, the mercenary guild would be able to operate normally, but they also had to obey the order of whoever was funding them. After all, mercenary guilds were considered strong combat forces. If this kind of force wasn't linked to formal channels or the location they were in, then it would be dangerous for the manager of the territory.

Rhode didn't want his mercenary group to become a plaything for others once it became a guild. He didn't have any interest in getting involved in the struggle between money and power. To those merchants and nobles, having authority in mercenary guild wasn't a simple matter; it was like owning a private army. Naturally, if a battle occured, they would inevitably sacrifice their mercenary guild to make sure they won.

Even if the sacrifice was human lives, who' would care?

So becoming economically independent was very important to Rhode. Unlike those NPCs, Rhode was more familiar with various missions and commissions. That was why he could assure his win as soon as possible. If so, he could use his spare time to increase the mercenary group's soft power. Being independent economically was very important.

Knock knock knock!

The door sounded. Rhode turned around and saw Lapis pulling her cloak tightly and nervously entered the room. To her, this was already considered a courageous move. Before, she even had to go in together with her brother.

"Are-are you looking for me, leader?"

The girl said in low voice, both of her hands twisting the cloak hem uneasily. Anne curiously looked at her as though she was considering something.

"That's right."

Rhode nodded and gestured for her to sit down. The poor girl walked toward the chair with some hesitation. She was holding the chair and slowly sat down, as if she was going to be sold at the black market soon.

"It's like this."

Rhode decided to ignore Lapis's nervousness in the name of her self-protection. He had tried to comfort her before, and told her to not be scared. In the end, she quickly jumped away like a rabbit whose tail had been stepped on and ran away as if she had seen a wolf. From that moment on, Rhode had given up on this stupid idea.

"I think that you know that you aren't strong enough to take risks and fight."


Facing Rhode's words, Lapis lowered her head silently and kept holding onto her cloak tightly. After that, she loosened up, then tightly held onto it once again.

"That's why I plan to give you a new job."

Rhode opened his hand and handed a piece of paper to Lapis.


The girl curiously look up to read the content, her expression showing a little doubt.

"As you can see, this is a recipe for lower level potion."

Rhode shrugged.

"Your next job is to create a potion according to the content above it. What do you think of this job?"

Chapter 133: Change

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

The angel's wings were fluttering and slowly landed in the beautiful garden. She hurriedly lifted up her head and looked at the surroundings, before helplessly sighing, then stomped her feet on the ground.

"Celt, are you here?"

"What's up, Grandia?"

A white-robed girl walked out of the garden. She was holding a white wand in her hand while curiously looking at the messenger who was hovering above the ground.

"Has Her Highness Lydia come here? I'm looking for her. The Country of Light has sent their messenger here, hoping to negotiate the matter about the increasing trade flows. I wanted to report this to Her Highness first, but in the end I couldn't find her. She only left a message 'don't look for me' in the study room... but this kind of thing doesn't count, right!"

"Ah, so it's like that..."

After hearing it, the girl frowned and thought for a while, before exposing a gentle smile.

"But I think you shouldn't have to worry about it. I heard that yesterday evening, Her Highness and Grand Mage Amund left the Golden City... I think her habit of collecting has broken out once again"


Hearing until here, the angel maiden pressed her forehead and wryly smiled.

People who were close to Lydia knew about this habit of her. Her Highness like to collect beautiful things. Not only flowers, artwork, or animals, humans were also included. However, the way she "judged" beauty was different compared to other people. Her Highness didn't just like beautiful appearances. She was more fascinated by those with a dazzling craft, clever mind, or bright soul and strong will. Once she found this kind of prey, she would definitely use any means to bring that person beside her to become her subordinates. It was her way of saying "since I'm the ruler of this Kingdom, every beautiful thing in here should belong to me."

In fact, two-thirds of Lydia's closest subordinates were all "captured" by her because of this reason.

"Her Highness always does whatever she wants; that's why people like us are suffering."

She took a deep breath. Then, the angel spread her wings and once again flew into the sky.

"There are still two more years; Her Highness's coming-of-age ceremony has almost come. I hope she can find a man and get married, then maybe she would even be a little more restrained... I really do not get it; there are a lot of outstanding men around her, but how come there isn't a single one who confessed to her?"

Hearing the angel girl complain, the woman only laughed and used her finger to point at her.

"Isn't it because you kept scaring them away?"

"I never did such a thing!"

Hearing until here, the beautiful angel flushed red, then quickly frowned and refuted her words.

"We're only guarding her Highness. If they were really serious about Her Highness, then they should be able to pass this kind of challenge easily! If they don't even have this kind of courage, how can they make Her Highness happy? We won't allow the incident that happened with the predecessor to happen once again!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, but the angel girl quickly noticed that she had made a slip of the tongue, then closed her mouth and bitterly smiled.

"Since Her Highness isn't here, then I won't waste more time... Her Highness also knows about this matter and doesn't seem to forget about it, rather wanting to avoid it deliberately... In that case, we also won't look for trouble. I'll report this matter to Miss Milla and ask her to deal with this. After all, this is not the first time she's done that."

After saying that in a hurry, as if she was hiding something, the angel girl spread out her wings. She turned into bright light and disappeared in the blue sky.

The white-robed girl looked at the angel figure that quickly disappeared. After awhile, she turned back and went inside the garden, looking at the girl who was hiding behind the bushes.

Rhode wiped his hands and looked at the room before him.

Originally, this room was an empty room, but he asked for this room to be modified after he gave an order to Lapis. He also bought some tools and materials for alchemy. He wanted to create an alchemical room. At first, he wanted to use the game's system, since there was also an automated alchemical room in the mercenary group system. Unfortunately, Rhode's mercenary group's level was still too low at Level 1. Although it had changed from "Unknown" to "Small Reputation," there didn't seem to be any difference.

It was more convenient to make it using the system, but Rhode didn't mind using his own money to create one. In just one day, the potion room was completed.

Unexpectedly, Lapis also seemed to agree with Rhode's suggestion. After all, she didn't really have any combat strength, and also seemed uninterested in battle. She always prefered peace over war. This point could be seen from her instinctive reaction when she was attacked; she didn't show any resistance and could only go with the flow. Rhode really suspected that if there was a man who pushed her down in bed, Lapis wouldn't be able to do anything beside crying or shouting.

But if it were Marlene or Anne instead, then that man would definitely be in trouble...

Since it was her innate characteristic, Rhode couldn't force her to change it. That's why Rhode could only seek a second option and brought out the best in her through alchemy. At least no matter the result, Lapis's performance could be considered unique in this field. That's why it was better for him to at least try and see what happened. If she could do it, then it was definitely best, but if she couldn't, Rhode would consider making her dress in maid outfit and learn how to clean and make tea...

Even so, Rhode still had somewhat confidence in her. From the potion that she created in Twilight Forest, Rhode could see that her alchemical skill wasn't bad. The reason that she always failed before was because her broad knowledge affected her way of thinking. She knew the effect of those magic herbs and materials, which was why she was always hesitant and then failed. However, the materials that were used to make precipitation potion were things that she had never seen before. In addition, she also didn't understand the recipe Rhode had given her. When she didn't have anything on her mind and created the potion, both the effect and duration of the potion were not bad at all.

As the saying goes, the half-filled bottle will spill, while the full bottle remains still. The current Lapis was also like this; her brain was too full of knowledge of the three different subjects in alchemy. Thus, when she did any one thing, her brain subconsciously also thought about the steps in the other two subjects. It was just like trying to use chemistry to solve math problems, or use english ABCs to solve physics. Naturally, the result wouldn't be good.

Since Rhode couldn't fill her bottle up, the least Rhode could do was to keep it empty to make sure it wouldn't spill. That was why he decide to train Lapis into a skilled worker and not researcher. She didn't have to know the characteristic or the effect of the materials. She only had to follow the steps and complete it well. As for the other things, she didn't have to think about it.

Randolf and the others also agreed to Rhode's suggestion. He was also worried about his sister, knowing that she was not the type that could adventure outside. Although she was forced to become a ranger, her performance was useless. This problem gave Randolf enough headache, and since Rhode was willing to have her do a job with no danger, he naturally agreed to it.

Rhode also wasn't stingy about their pay. Every month, they would give 10 percent of the total profits from adventuring as Lapis's rewards. That was not a small sum of money. Numerous mercenaries only got 15 percent or 20 percent of profits every mission. If there were more members, then the percentage would be smaller. However, Lapis only had to sit in the house and do her work. She could already get so much money, which could be considered quite good already.

However, it didn't mean that Lapis would be relaxed.

At this moment, Lapis crawled toward the table, focusing on making the potion according to the recipe that Rhode had given. It was the same as the element precipitation potion from before; these potion recipes were also uncommon. But it was made through a method that Lapis wasn't familiar with, so it prevented her from thinking it was too complicated. She just had to follow the recipe's steps and make it.

The potion recipe that Rhode gave her wasn't the type that could often be seen in the market. In the Dragon Soul Continent, players had to explore these recipe since the recipe in the system needed a lot of materials and the success rate wasn't too high. To cautious and stingy players, it was definitely not the best choice. Therefore, many players would choose to study recipes and find ways to get the most out of it by using the least amount of material.

Of course, these kinds of improved potions were usually strictly kept by large guilds that were managed by players. As the No.1 Guild Leader in the Dragon Soul Continent, he was of course familiar with them.

After making sure that Lapis was okay, Rhode left the potion room and entered the hall. Then, he saw Anne and Lize's figures.

Right now, both of them didn't seem to be communicating with each other. One of them was sitting in the chair while turning left and right, and another one was quietly staring outside the window peacefully. Randolf and others were currently training in the garden to familiarize themselves with the skills that Rhode had taught them. The sound of colliding weapons echoed throughout the windows, giving off the feeling of harmony and serenity.

How long will this moment last?

Looking at artistic scene before him, Rhode's mind couldn't help but drift.

After a year, wars will enveloped this continent. When that time comes, will they still able to enjoy this kind of life?

Thinking until here, Rhode couldn't help but bitterly smile.

What was the point thinking of this now?

Wasn't he is trying his best to make sure that day wouldn't happen? To make sure that he wouldn't run away pitifully, spending the rest of his days in battle? The reason he was trying his best now was to let this kind of life continue and prolong the time until the chaos arrived Of course, it would be better if that day wouldn't come.


At this moment, the door slowly opened and Old Walker, who smelled of alcohol, walked in. He looked around the hall and quickly came beside Rhode while ignoring Anne and Lize's glances and in a serious tone, he said, "Kid, the Jade Tears mercenary group has begun to make their move."

Chapter 134: Underground

Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios

As a mineral city, the Deep Stone City had many different kinds of mines. Part of them were located in the Deep Stone City's lower area. It was dark there and without light; even the soldiers who maintained law and order in the city rarely went there. Only miners and those who didn't have the money to buy a house above lived there. They had no choice but to live in this endless darkness, rely on the sewage water that flowed from the top area, and inhabit the same place as both animals and plants.

In this other world, there was no light.

"Are you sure it's here?" After going down, Rhode could feel unfriendly gazes from the surrounding darkness. He ignored the eyes of those people, pulling up his cloak to hide his appearance.

"I'm sure, kid." Old Walker rubbed his nose with a serious expression.

"According to the information I got from the Mercenary Association, these two days, the Jade Tears mercenary group often went here. Not only that, but guess what? Every time those people came here, their strength suddenly increased! In the tavern, I encountered a kid. He was just trash in his previous mercenary group, but now he actually has strength equivalent to an ordinary mercenary! It's simply a joke!"

"Was it him who told you this?" Hearing until here, Rhode frowned.

"Of course not." Old Walker shook his head.

"This kid came to the tavern to show off his strength. I asked him how he did, but he didn't tell me. Even if I bought five bottles of rum to make that kid drunk and tell me the answer, I still don't think he would have told me. Walker, me, I'm no idiot. Since I couldn't get the answer from him, I directly asked my old buddy in the tavern. Guess what? After that woman got my 2 gold coins, she secretly told me where did he got it. That's why I've always said that women were troublesome, and it would be better not to offend any of them. But since it's not us, I don't really care. After I got this clue, I asked my old friend to help me find information regarding this matter. After that, I found out that a lot of Jade Tears mercenary group members came to the mine below. Every time, they always came secretively. No one knew what they were going to do, but the people here have their own rules. Since the Jade Tears didn't bother them, they also wouldn't trouble the Jade Tears. Everyone acts like nothing happened.

"Did Mercenary Association know about this matter?"

"There's no way those old folks would know about it."

Hearing Rhode's question, Old Walker twitched his mouth. "Kid, you have to know that we are mercenaries and not miners. Even if we were given the money, we still wouldn't come to this dark and eerie place."

"What about mercenaries? Are they amazing or what? You old thing!"

At this time, a loud sound echoed.

Rhode turned around and saw a dwarf wearing armor walk forward. His hand was holding a torch while he glared at Old Walker while straightening his beard.

"It seems that you have forgotten about the things that happened before. The stone is up there; I don't mind giving you one more lesson about the underground rules."

"Enough, Barf. I didn't come here to hear you complain." Old Walker walked forward and smiled. He patted the dwarf's shoulder, then slipped a gold coin into his hand.

"If I had time, I'd treat you a glass of wine, but I am quite busy now, you see..."

"Drink wine?"

Hearing this, the dwarf angrily glared at Old Walker for a moment. After that, he held his beard as if he were moved by this suggestion, but in the end, he still shook his head hesitantly.

"Just forget about it. I'm not used to living above. The sturdy cave here is my home. The stone is above; if I didn't tie the iron ball to my leg, I'm afraid I would also go up there some day! Enough! Enough blabber, aren't you guys in hurry? Follow me!"

Saying until here, after the dwarf received the gold goin, he turned around and walked toward the direction where he came from. Rhode and Old Walker glanced at each other, then followed behind him, ready to enter the cave.

"Be careful here. Here isn't a place where people like you can come and go easily." While walking, the dwarf didn't forget to remind the both of them.

"Have to know, the caves here have been dug since the time of my great great great great grandfather. No one knows how many caves are here! Even us, the people who are born, live, and die here only knew the mostly used caves. As for the others, we are also unclear. That's why, without anyone leading, it's best not to wander around carelessly. There are many people who have died here because they lost their way!"

This time, Rhode didn't ignore the dwarf's words. In fact, he also clearly knew this matter.

In the game, the Deep Stone City cave was considered a death end for many players. Before, there were a lot of players who lost their way and couldn't return. Just how complex was this place? There was a player who wanted to find out the truth. He brought hundreds of directional signs called magic symbols and food supplies when he entered the underground. In the end, he couldn't find the dead end even after walking for three whole days and nights. Have to know, three days and nights in real life was about ten or more days in the game.

There were only two choice for players who lost their way here: the first one was to use the teleportation crystal to go back to town, and the second one was to die in the hand of an underground monster, and respawn.

However, in reality, there was no crystal teleportation and Rhode also didn't want to try to respawn here since it seemed impossible.

This was one of the reasons why Rhode rejected Anne and Lize's request to tag along. He was quite familiar with this place, so even if he lost his way, he still could find a way back if he didn't wander too far. But if he brought two people who were completely unfamiliar with this place, if he ever lost one of them, Rhode couldn't guarantee that he would be able to find her.

In addition, Rhode thought that they weren't suitable to do this kind of thing. The reason Rhode came here was to "knock down the enemy as much as possible," according to the players' saying.

What did it mean to knock down the enemy as much as possible?

Of course, it meant to completely killing all of the enemy.

In the game, killing a player would lead to EXP points and equipment being deducted. If it was accumulated, then the damage resulted would heavily affect even a big guild. However, here, Rhode didn't have to bother killing them until they reached the starting level. Just one death and everything would be finished.

The Jade Tears mercenary group lost half of its members in the Twilight Forest. Right now, it hasn't recovered yet, but if he didn't grasp this opportunity to completely destroy them, he would feel really sorry for himself.

He didn't have the hobby of feeding a tiger that would later harm him. He didn't want to keep guard against an enemy when his mercenary group was still developing. Especially mercenary groups like the Jade Tears, who had publicity become his enemy.

Even if Rhode could do it, Lize definitely couldn't. Anne also didn't look like that kind of person, and Marlene was still resting. It wasn't just because she was feeling unwell; even if she wasn't injured, Rhode still wouldn't ask for her help. Such a proud girl definitely wouldn't like this kind of method.

That's why it was better for him to do it himself.

The dwarf kept mumbling while bringing them deep inside the cave. Soon, they reached the end. Then, the dwarf pointed toward the cave beside them, made a prohibition gesture, and extinguished the torch in his hand.

"Alright, I think those guys will come here after a while. From here, you guys can already see them. However, I hope the two of you won't make any ruckus. We aren't like the people up there who love to fight."

Rhode didn't care about the dwarf's words. He only walked to the corner and hid himself in the dark. With the help of the dim light in the cave, he looked at the deserted mines.

As expected, in about ten minutes, people wearing black robes appeared before him.

From their equipment, it could be seen that they were indeed mercenaries. An ordinary miner wouldn't brought that much equipment to this kind of place. These people were wearing black cloaks to hide their appearance. Under the lead of the person who walked in front of them, they slowly entered the cave while vigilantly looking at their surroundings.

What made Rhode feel weird was that they didn't make any sound while walking. It was really too strange; they brought that much equipment, but their footsteps were still as light as a cat's. It was clearly not normal.

Thinking until here, Rhode carefully observed these people. At this moment, one of them seemed to have noticed Rhode's gaze and looked toward Rhode's direction.

However, he couldn't find anything. After curiously looking at his direction, that person only coldly snorted and walked forward to follow his comrades.

Only Rhode noticed that when that black-robed man turned around, there was a trace of red light in his eyes.

The three of them silently hid behind the cave. After a while, the dwarf once again lit the torch.

"Alright, as you both have seen, it's these guys."

"Do you know where they went?"

"It's not difficult to find out." Hearing Rhode's question, the dwarf proudly answered.

"To the people underground, the footprints that you surface people leave are as obvious as camel poop. However, the place they went is extremely weird. They seemed to have found a passage that leads deep inside the cave. Frankly, that place has been deserted for decades; even I have never gone there. However, these people easily come and go from that place. It's indeed really strange."

Hearing until here, Rhode only stayed silent. After that, he took a deep breath, turned around, and said, "I will check the situation; you guys can go back now."

"Hey, kid, are you sure you're okay going alone?" Hearing until here, Old Walker showed a worried expression. "Do you want Barf to accompany you? Or maybe I can be some help for you."

"It's okay; there's no need."

Rhode politely declined Old Walker's request. As player who once fought the guild who tried to kill him in this underground cave, he was experienced in tracking footsteps and could be compared to the dwarf who was born here and lived here.

"Just leave it to me, Old Walker. You have something more important to do... I hope you can go back to the stronghold and tell Shauna to increase the security and send somebody else to keep an eye on the Jade Tears mercenary group's movement. I think those guys will most likely do something out of desperation. If they attack us, you must immediately asked for Sereck's help. I help them so many times; it's time for them to repay us."

"Alright, I got it." After hearing Rhode's words, Old Walked hesitated for a while. After that, he nodded and agreed. "But, kid, you must be careful, it's not safe here."

"Just rest assured."

Perhaps because it was dark here, Old Walker couldn't clearly see that Rhode was smiling, but he could hear the coldness in Rhode's tone.

"I guarantee that I won't leave any trouble behind."