

Chapter 1250 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (1)

Mu Bingmei's words were soft as if she was recalling the past. A hint of melancholy and an inexplicable mood slowly entered the ears of everyone in the Everlasting Sect.

The woman named Wang Shanshan blinked and smiled. "Little Sister really wants to meet someone who Big Sister Mu would praise so much."

Mu Bingmei shook her head and softly said, "I'm afraid there is no chance. After he left, I have no idea where he went. After we parted, everything has changed. The chances of him coming to the Cloud Sea aren't big."

The middle-aged man from the Everlasting Sect was obviously someone with very high status, or else he wouldn't be sitting here with the sect master. After hearing this, he calmly said, "After hearing from Fellow Cultivator Mu, I'm also very curious. Is this person really as talented as Fellow Cultivator Mu says? I wonder what his name is. I hope Fellow Cultivator Mu can tell me so if I meet him one day, I won't be disrespectful."

This remark was a bit rude. Mu Bingmei frowned as she coldly looked at the middle-aged man and calmly said, "There is no need to tell you his name. It might not necessarily be lucky for you to encounter him!"

The middle-aged man laughed as he didn't mind and shook his head. "A mere Nirvana Cleanser cultivator, I hope to know his name so that if I meet him, I can give him a grand opportunity. However, since Fellow Cultivator Mu doesn't want to say it, forget it!"

The Everlasting Sect's sect master, the middle-aged man, looked calm, but he was not happy in his heart. He looked at the middle-aged man, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Wang Shanshan was clever. She smiled and dodged the topic. "Sect Master, I heard Big Sister Li also came. I wonder where she is."

With that, Wang Shanshan explained to Mu Bingmei, "Big Sister Li is one of the geniuses of our Cloud Sea. In just 1,000 years of cultivation, she has already reached the peak of the Nirvana Shatterer stage."

Even Mu Bingmei's expression changed a bit when she heard this, and she nodded.

"Fellow Cultivator Li has some relation with my Everlasting Sect's branch sect, the Origin Sect, so she is not here and is with them instead," the old man explained. He was also very confused about this.

"Origin Sect? What rank is this branch sect?" Wang Shanshan was shocked. She had never heard of this sect before.

"Elder Feng, you saw this personally, so explain it to everyone." The elder in white looked at Feng Hai.

Feng Hai's expression was a bit strange as he got up to clasped his hands at Wang Shanshan and Mu Bingmei. He looked around and found many old monsters looking at him. It looked like many people didn't know the details and had only heard about it.

In truth, it was no wonder they were puzzled. Li Qianmei was famous, and was unexpected for her to be close to a rank 5 sect. And it wasn't just mere acquaintances as she was willing to kill a rank 7 sect cultivator for them.

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After letting out a dry cough, Feng Hai let out a wry smile. "Sect Master, this old man also doesn't know the specifics. The moment Fellow Cultivator Li arrived, she ask about the rank 5 Origin Sect. At that time, Lu Yingjie from the Celestial Music Sect and Zhao Long had some private affairs with the Origin Sect. Then Fellow Cultivator Li attacked, destroying Fellow Cultivator Zhao's body and almost killing Lu Yingjie.

"All of this seems to be related to someone named 'Lu' in the Origin Sect!"

After he finished, everyone in the Everlasting Sect became curious. Wang Shanshan smiled. "Big Sister Li is a quiet person who rarely gets angry. If she attacked, there must be a reason. Elder Feng, who is this person named Lu?"

Feng Hai nodded and said, "This person named Lu is indeed mysterious. This old man secretly investigated and found that this person is of the senior generation in the Origin Sect and is a relative of Lu Yanfei. Then I check the records and indeed found that the Origin Sect has someone named Lu Zihao!

"He was crazy about alchemy and left many years ago, seeking herbs. He has been unaccounted for since then. I wonder how he met Fellow Cultivator Li and got along so well…

"Lu Yuncong also seems to be close to this person. He stepped forward for the Origin Sect and was willing to offend the Celestial Music Sect and Zhao Long. Listening to his words, it seems this Lu Zihao's understanding of dao is higher than his, and Lu Yuncong admires him greatly. There are even hints that he has enlightened Lu Yuncong before.

"Lu Yuncong said that that if Lu Zihao comes to the competition, then forget being first among the rank 5 sects, he can even be number 1 among the rank 6 sects with just himself. He also stated that Lu Zihao could kill Lu Yingjie like squashing an ant!

The reason Fellow Cultivator Li didn't hurt Lu Yingjie was because he didn't believe those words and wanted to fight Lu Zihao. Thus Fellow Cultivator Li gave him the chance."

After he finished speaking, everyone immediately became silent. The people sitting here were all people with very high status in the sect. They fancied Lu Yuncong and wanted to nurture him. However, when they heard from Feng Hai how much Lu Yuncong admired Lu Zihao, their attention shifted to this Lu Zihao.

Meanwhile, at the competition, Lu Yuncong only took six steps forward and caused the sect master of the other rank 5 sect to retreat with a pale face. Every step he took seemed to land on that person's heart and caused that person's mind to become chaotic.

This scene immediately caused everyone who was watching to become serious and begin to talk. It was obvious that Lu Yuncong's footsteps were integrated with his domain and seemed to merge with the world.

The sect master that was against Lu Yuncong wryly smiled and clasped his hands. "This old man admits defeat. You are indeed worthy of being an elite of our Everlasting Sect. This old man admires you." With that, he bowed at the grandstand and quickly left.

The rank 5 competition was about to end, and because of Li Qianmei's presence, the Origin Sect still hadn't gone up yet. Now the Origin Sect was the only one that hadn't gone up.

The elder in charge of the rank 5 competition appeared in the air. He looked at where the Origin Sect was and calmly said, "Origin Sect, enter the stage!"

The Origin Sect was still in the northern corner, and a repressive aura filled their area. Li Qianmei also sat there, looking at the sky with confusion and reminiscence as if she was thinking about something.

Lu Yanfei's face was pale as she bit her lower lip, and after a long time, she stood up. She was the person with the highest cultivation level in the Origin Sect, so she had to enter this competition.

After she stood up, she looked at the people of the Origin Sect. This included her three senior brothers and her disciple.

After letting out a sigh, she moved like a butterfly as she floated toward the platform.

"Teacher…" Xu Yun's eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Lu Yanfei go. She didn't know what the fate of the Origin Sect would be after this. Maybe they would really be disbanded…

At this moment, the people around the arena became silent and looked at the arena. The all had heard of what had happened and were all looking to see if that mysterious person from the Origin Sect would appear.

Tens of thousands of gazes gathered, and Lu Yanfei's face became even more pale. However, her eyes became even more determined as she moved faster and faster before she arrived before Lu Yuncong.

Lu Yuncong looked at Lu Yanfei with a complicated gaze.

"The Origin Sect doesn't need anyone else to compete. Just me is fine." Lu Yanfei stood on the arena as the countless gazes gathered on her. Her figure was weak, but at this moment, there was a mysterious power supporting her; it allowed her to remain calm.

"He promised me he could come… I'm sure he will come!" Lu Yanfei bit her lower lip and looked up at the sky. She faintly saw a figure giving her an encouraging smile.

The surroundings were completely silent. This competition of the rank 5 Origin Sect originally wouldn't have been given any attention. However, due to that mysterious person, it caught the attention of every cultivator.

Even the rank 6 and 7 sects had their gazes gathered on this fight.

"Fellow Cultivator, please advise me." On the arena, Lu Yanfei had a firm gaze as she bowed slightly toward Lu Yuncong.

Lu Yuncong pondered for a moment before he turned toward the Everlasting Sect's master and elders. He clasped his hands and his voice was clear, but it revealed his Nirvana Cleanser cultivation as his voice rumbled.

"Seniors of the main sect, Disciple is not willing to compete with the Origin Sect. This matter is unfair!"

On the platform Mu Bingmei was sitting on, the old man in white frowned. Feng Hai, who was in charge of the competition, had a heavy expression as he shouted, "What is unfair?! Lu Yuncong, what is the meaning of your words?"

His voice was mighty and completely suppressed Lu Yuncong's words. It was earth-shattering.

Lu Yuncong's face turned slightly pale. With his cultivation level, he was simply insignificant before old monsters like Feng Hai. However, he took a deep breath and clasped his hands. "Disciple knows someone from the Origin Sect. This person has a high cultivation level and a profound understanding of dao. If he were to come, Disciple would be inferior! If Disciple competes with the Origin Sect before he gets here, it will be unfair to the Origin Sect! Disciple Lu Yuncong came to battle him. I want to confirm the effort of my dao. If I win, I want a true victory, or to lose without regret!"

After he spoke, the surrounding cultivators were all in an uproar. The mysterious person had already become the focus of everyone, but with Lu Yuncong's words, the fame of the mysterious person rose once more. It had reached a peak.

At this moment, everyone was guessing what that mysterious person was like. What kind of ability did he have to make Lu Yuncong like this, to make Li Qianmei like this!?

"This Lu Yuncong is indeed someone worthy of Teacher's praise; he is truly a manly man." Wang Shanshan looked at Lu Yuncong's upright and extraordinary figure with interest in her eyes.

"Lu Yuncong and Lu Yanfei, the two of you, come forward!" The person who spoke wasn't Feng Hai or any of the Everlasting Sect's elders, but the old man in white, the Everlasting Sect's sect master!

He now had great interest toward this mysterious Lu Zihao!

Chapter 1251 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (2)

Lu Yuncong took a deep breath and nodded at Lu Yanfei before heading toward the grandstand without a word. Lu Yanfei pondered as she flew like a butterfly toward the stand.

Of the two, the male was graceful and magnificent. The female was weak, but determined and beautiful. At this moment, when they moved together, it had a certain visual power.

Even Mu Bingmei couldn't help but sigh. Whether it was Lu Yuncong's cultivation or words, he could be considered an elite in the Cloud Sea! Beside her, Wang Shanshan's beautiful eyes scanned Lu Yuncong.

Lu Yuncong quickly arrived on the stand. After pausing for a moment, he said, "Disciple Lu Yuncong greets Sect Master and elders." As he spoke, his gaze swept over and saw Mu Bingmei next to Wang Shanshan. He fell into a trance for a moment, as if everyone else had disappearing, leaving behind only this cold but gorgeous woman.

Lu Yuanfei was beside Lu Yuncong as she bowed respectfully and softly said, "Disciple Lu Yanfei greets Sect Master and elders."

Most of the people on the stands didn't look at Lu Yanfei, but at Lu Yuncong with looks of admiration. The middle-aged man named Zhou looked at Lu Yuncong with kindness in his eyes.

"Lu Yuncong, is the person you spoke of Origin Sect's Lu Zihao?" The old man in white's voice was calm and gave off an invisible pressure. His peak Nirvana Shatterer cultivation spread out, but from the looks of it, it was very casual and wasn't his real cultivation level.

Lu Yuncong pondered a bit and then slowly said, "Disciple doesn't know this person's name, but my guess is he should be Lu Zihao."

The old man in white calmly looked at Lu Yuncong and asked, "What is this person's cultivation level?"

"Early stage Nirvana Cleanser… But…" Lu Yuncong heistated a bit before saying, "Disciple only felt as if his cultivation was at the early stage of Nirvana Cleanser but couldn't see through him, as if he was hiding his real cultivation level."

After he spoke, the people of the Everlasting Sect looked at each other. The old man in white pondered a bit and said, "How did you meet this person? Tell us in detail!"

Lu Yuncong nodded as his eyes filled with reminiscence and he said, "He killed that damn son of mine…"

Just as he began to speak, not only were the people on the grandstand startled, everyone who was listening was also startled for a moment.

"That damn son of mine was a villain, so it was fine that he died. However, as a father, I still had to see the person who killed him, so I went to the Origin Sect… On the way, I met Fellow Cultivator Li, and we went together…"

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Lu Yuncong began to recall everything that happened when he met Wang Lin. He also included Li Qianmei's three questions and how Wang Lin had answered them. The answer of how heaven was like a circle moved everyone!

The elders of the Everlasting Sect were all shocked. The old man in white carefully pondered for a while before his eyes shined brightly.

"What a good idea about seeing heaven as a circle!! What you are seeking is still in this world, while what he seeks is already beyond the heavens and earth. This man's understanding of dao has far surpassed yours!"

Wang Shanshan's beautiful eyes moved as she listened to Lu Yuncong and softly said, "I didn't expect our Cloud Sea to have such a talent, but I have never heard of him before."

"After I had discussed dao with Brother Lu, my comprehension deepened a lot, and I admire him greatly. I came here in hopes of meeting him again, but unfortunately…" Lu Yuncong let out a sigh.

When everyone heard this, they understood why Li Qianmei had come and helped the Origin Sect.

"I didn't expect such a person to appear within the Origin Sect!" Feng Hai felt melancholy as he looked at the silent Lu Yanfei.

"Lu Yanfei, is this person really your Origin Sect's ancestor?" The person who asked was the white-robed old man who was the sect master of the Everlasting Sect.

This was the first time Lu Yanfei was questioned, but she didn't hesitate and softly said, "Yes, Uncle-Teacher wandered the world and came back to save the Origin Sect. He settled down… But after meeting Fellow Cultivator Lu, he set off once more. His whereabouts are unknown."

"Such a cultivator must wander the world to comprehend dao. His personality must make him want to avoid common matters, and only by doing so could he have such comprehension in dao." The person who spoke was the middle-aged man named Zhou. He felt rather regrettable.

"Will your uncle-teacher come here?" the old man in white asked. After he heard what Lu Yuncong said, he become even more interested. Even though this person belonged to the Origin Sect, the Origin Sect was a branch of the Everlasting Sect. In the end, this person was still a disciple of the Everlasting Sect!

"When Uncle-Teacher left, he said he would come." Although Lu Yanfei's voice was soft, her words were filled with determination.

"Good, then let's wait for him! This old man wants to see what kind of person this Lu Zihao is! You return, and the competition between your Origin Sect and Purple Dao Sect will be held off. Elder Feng, tell the rank 6 sects to start!" The old man in white smiled. He was very happy.

The competition of the rank 6 sects officially began, and thunderous rumbles echoed. However, they couldn't attract too much attention, as everyone's attention was still on the grandstands of the Everlasting Sect.

"Fellow Cultivator Mu, you also heard all of this. How does this Lu Zihao compare to that person you spoke of?" The middle-aged man named Zhou looked over and smiled.

While Mu Bingmei was listening to Lu Yuncong's words, she was silently pondering. She had a very strange feeling. It seemed… it seemed like the Lu Zihao Lu Yuncong had spoken of was very familiar.

At this moment, she didn't respond to the middle-aged man's words, but looked toward Lu Yuncong and said indifferently, "Can you tell me what this Lu Zihao looks like?"

Lu Yuncong looked at Mu Bingmei, his heart pounding. The moment he heard her words, he unabashedly revealed admiration in his eyes and nodded. "This person has white hair and likes to wear white…"

After saying those words, Lu Yuncong revealed a smile as he waved his hand and a crack to his storage space opened. A jade flew into his hand and he quickly imprinted Wang Lin's image.

Then he injected origin energy into it and the jade exploded. As the pieces scattered, a figure appeared from within!

This figure wore white and had hair white like snow. His indifferent expression revealed a hint of loneliness, but there was an unspeakable temperament that surrounded him.

The moment this image appeared, the elders of the Everlasting Sect stared at the image. Two of them stood up, looked at the image, and exclaimed, "It's him!"

Mu Bingmei's body trembled as she looked at the figure, and she immediately became excited. But she quickly suppressed it, then it was replaced by an inexplicable sadness.

Just like how a lonely person met a loved one in a foreign land. She bit her lower lip and was stunned.

Lu Yanfei was also filled with confusion as she looked at the figure. She felt bitterness in her heart.

Lu Yuncong was startled. Before he could speak, a ray of light suddenly flew over from the northern platform. This ray of light caused a thunderous rumble and carried with it a hundred years of killing intent. It was earth-shattering as it swept across the sky, and Li Qianmei appeared before the grandstand where the Everlasting Sect elders were sitting. Her gaze locked onto the two Everlasting Sect elders who had stood up.

"The two of you have seen him?" Li Qianmei's voice was calm, but there was a bit of trembling in her voice that she didn't even notice. Looking at the figure before her, there was an obsession in her heart. For this obsession, she didn't hesitate risking the punishment of the Demon Sect to come here to the Everlasting Sect just to see that figure again.

One hundred years wasn't long, but also not short. Even Li Qianmei didn't know what that inexplicable feeling was. Only that during the hundred years of fighting, every time she left the battlefield tired and injured, his figure would appear.

Li Qianmei's appearance caused Wang Shanshan to stand up. She was about to speak when she noticed that Li Qianmei's state wasn't right, and a thought appeared in her mind.

This was the first time Mu Bingmei had laid eyes on Li Qianmei. Li Qianmei's beauty and calmness caused a hint of bitterness to arise in her heart. She bit her lower lip and remained silent.

The sect master of the Everlasting Sect frowned and looked at the two elders that had stood up.

One of the elders was still shocked. He took a deep breath and said, "I didn't know he was Lu Zihao! Although, what Lu Yuncong said was still somewhat wrong! How can this person be a Nirvana Cleanser cultivator? I took my disciples to the Chaos Beast Fog Realm to train and saw this person easily killing rank 11 fire centipedes and also seriously injuring a rank 12 beast. If not for the fact that he was injured, I'm afraid not even I would be a match for him!"

After he spoke, all the elders of the Everlasting Sect were shocked. If someone else said it, they might not have believed it, but Elder Wu Tian, who was always calm and steady, had much more credibility.

"So Elder Wu has seen this person. This old man hasn't seen his face, but I have seen his figure. Earlier, this old man received reports from the rank 6 and rank 7 region. Someone charged from the rank 5 region through the rank 6 region. His speed was shocking and was at the level of a peak Nirvana Shatterer or first Heaven's Blight cultivator. He passed by countless continents, but no one dared to stop him at all!

"He charged through the rank 6 region and broke the formation into the rank 7 region. One of the branch sects had three Nirvana Shatterer cultivators who tried to stop him. This person used the War Spirit Print! The War Spirit Print destroyed several wild continents, and many were forced to move their continents so he could pass! He charged all the way into the rank 8 region!" After he spoke, everyone was even more shocked!

Chapter 1252 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (3)

Hearing all of this, Mu Bingmei's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but smile wryly in her heart. No matter where he went, he would always do some shocking things.

Li Qianmei also listened to this carefully. She bit her lower lip, but her eyes were bright. She smiled and looked at the sky. She felt very happy.

Lu Yanfei's mind went blank, and after a long time, the joy in her heart suppressed the shock. She understood that Wang Lin hadn't forgotten his promise from 100 years ago. He had charged his way through the rank 6, 7, and 8 regions to come here!

Even Wang Shanshan revealed a strange gaze as various scenes she thought up appeared in her mind. A person in white rushing through space. She was just very confused about why he would know the War Spirit Print.

Lu Yuncong revealed a wry smile. He didn't think that Brother Lu would have set off such a big wave before even arriving. This had nothing to do with him, it was due to what the two elders of the Everlasting Sect had said.

The entire grandstand was silent, and the old man in white let out a deep breath. He had to believe it! At this moment, he no longer looked at this mysterious person like a junior, but someone of the same generation!

"Lu… Lu Yanfei, you don't need to go back. Wait here. I presume that by the time the rank 6 sect competition is over, your uncle-teacher will be here." The Everlasting Sect's sect master let out a dry cough. He looked at Lu Yanfei with a look of admiration toward a junior.

Li Qianmei didn't leave, but sat down due to Wang Shanshan's invitation. The moment she sat down, Mu Bingmei's lightning-like gaze swept over.

The two women met for a moment with Wang Shanshan in between. Wang Shanshan was in the middle and introduced them when she suddenly shivered. She leaned slightly backward so there was now no obstacle between their gazes.

Mu Bingmei looked at Li Qianmei for a long time before she withdrew her gaze and said in a soft but cold voice, "Lady Li is indeed a genius; your cultivation is extraordinary."

Li Qianmei was a bit confused as to why this strange, beautiful woman was looking at her. When she with her gaze, Li Qianmei softly said, "In terms of beauty, I really can't match Fellow Cultivator Mu."

The people of the Everlasting Sect became even more excited for the competition. However, what they were waiting from was the person the two elders had talked about.

The competition between the two rank 6 sects was no longer interesting, but one person stood up just like Lu Yuncong in the past!

This person was Yuan Fei, the head disciple of the Giant Spirit Sect. He was always in closed door cultivation and had left the sect many years ago, returning only 200 years ago. He had missed two competitions as a result. He was middle-aged and was at the early stage of Nirvana Shatterer. He was extremely vicious; people that fought with him would often be seriously injured.

This person was number one among the juniors of his rank 6 sect. If not for the fact that he was always away, the Celestial Music Sect wouldn't have gotten its top spot and Lu Yingjie wouldn't have become famous.

He represented the juniors of his sect. Even Lu Yingjie was weary and silently sneered, but he didn't appear. This allowed Yuan Fei's fame to soar!

At this moment, he stood on the platform and looked at the grandstand. His gaze fell on Mu Bingmei and company. He didn't hide the desire in his eyes at all.

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"I wonder how I compare to the cultivator that Fellow Cultivator Li spoke of!" His voice echoed like thunder.

Li Qianmei's expression was calm as she looked at Yuan Fei on the arena and only said one word.


Yuan Fei silently pondered for a bit before smiling as if he didn't care. His gaze landed on Lu Yuncong and he coldly said, "Lu Yuncong, I wasn't here for the last competition. Do you still want to challenge me?"

Lu Yuncong's eyes revealed a cold gaze, and after a long time he said, "If Brother Lu of the Origin Sect doesn't come, I shall fight you!"

Time slowly passed. The rank 6 sects' competition was nearing its end, but the Lu Zihao everyone was waiting for still hadn't come.

The rank 7 sects' competition was about to begin. In the past, the rank 4, 5, and 6 competitions were only the preview, while the rank 7 sects' competition was the main event. However, right now the rank 5 sects' competition wasn't over yet. If it continued like this, it would be a bit inappropriate.

There were still many people watching, including many people from outside the sect, which made it even more inappropriate for the rank 5 sects' matter to be dragged out.

Feng Hai hesitated and looked at the sect master. The old man pondered a bit and then looked at Lu Yanfei and Lu Yuncong. As the sect master, he had to consider all sides. The competition was a great event, and it would be inappropriate for the rank 5 sects' competition to keep dragging on.

"We waited. If Lu Zihao comes late, he can't say anything." The old man's eyes lit up and he said, "Lu Yuncong, Lu Yanfei, the two of you, enter the arena and finish the rank 5 sects' competition!"

The moment he spoke, he caught the attention of all the surrounding cultivators. Lu Yuncong pondered for a moment before looking at the old man. He clasped his hands at Lu Yanfei and flew toward the arena.

Lu Yanfei bit her lower lip. She knew that Wang Lin was most likely on the way, but right now she had to fight.

Letting out a sigh, Lu Yanfei flew like a butterfly toward the arena. She landed on the arena, and her gaze became even more determined.

"Even if he doesn't come, I must continue on with this battle!"

This was a private matter of the Everlasting Sect, so Li Qianmei didn't have a reason to interfere. She silently watched Lu Yanfei's figure. However, if the Origin Sect was to be disbanded, she made up her mind to take everyone in the Origin Sect back to the Heaven Breaking Sect.

The moment Lu Yuncong and Lu Yanfei arrived on the arena, everyone became quiet and looked over. Due to one person from the Origin Sect, they had caught everyone's attention. For the first time, such a small sect was remembered by the countless cultivators here.

All of this was because of the person who hadn't arrived yet!

Not everyone's gazes contained good intent. Like Lu Yingjie from the Celestial Music Sect. He stared at Lu Yuncong and Lu Yanfei with a venomous gaze.

"That ridiculous person, weren't you all certain he could come? I want to see if that person is as truly as amazing as you all say!" Lu Yingjie clenched his fist.

Even further away, in the place where the Mountain Seeking Sect was, it was covered in a gloomy atmosphere. Zhao Long had lost his body and only had his origin soul. He floated next to the sect master and head elder, but his venomous gaze was far stronger than Lu Yingjie's.

"Brother Zhao can rest assured; I'll not let this matter go! If he doesn't come, he is lucky, but if he does, I'll kill him on the spot!

"Even if Li Qianmei tries to stop me, she is only herself; she doesn't represent the Heaven Breaking Sect! We won't offend her, but that mysterious person named Lu must die!"

What happened on the grandstand was too far away, so no one aside from the people of the Everlasting Sect knew. They had only seen a vague image but didn't get a clear look.

There was also Yuan Fei from the rank 6 sect. He stared at the two people in the arena and sneered. He hoped that the mysterious person would come. He wanted to see for himself what was so special about that person!

Lu Yanfei stood there calmly as a lonely feeling appeared in her heart. She didn't care about the countless gazes on her, but the person she had waited 100 years for still hadn't appeared.

She raised her head and looked at the sky. There were tears in her eyes, but they didn't fall. She turned toward Lu Yuncong and softly said, "Fellow Cultivator Lu, please advise me."

Lu Yuncong also withdrew his gaze from the sky as if he was waiting. He looked at Lu Yanfei and said, "I won't hold back in this battle. You should be careful!"

Lu Yanfei let out a tragic smile but gave a determined gaze, which made her strangely beautiful. She gently nodded and took a few steps back. Her hands formed a seal and her origin energy began to move.

This origin energy formed a vortex in the air and caused a thunderous rumble. However, at this moment, this vortex became crazy, as if a strange force had appeared from the void and stirred up the vortex!

At this moment, the sky changed colors. For some reason, the vortex continued to grow. It broke out from Lu Yanfei's control and flew into the sky!

Lu Yanfei was completely startled, but her body immediately began to tremble and she looked up!

Not only her, at this moment, Lu Yuncong also felt his body shake and his origin soul tremble. It was as if an indescribable pressure was coming from the distance. This pressure was earth-shattering, and once it shrouded the area, it made it impossible for him to resist.

He was familiar with this aura, very familiar!

He suddenly raised his head and stared into the sky!

At this moment, aside from those two people, the nearly 100,000 cultivators felt this pressure. The thunder in the sky rumbled endlessly. This earth-shattering sound set off an echo that replaced everything.

Silver snakes covered the sky; there were simply too many of them. It was as if all the thunder had gathered at this place and replaced the sky!

The thunder rumbled as the wind blew and the sky changed colors. The thunder formed a net in the sky and then descended!

A white figure slowly appeared in the endless, rumbling thunder! His white hair flowed in the rumbling thunder and made the entire world into a thunder hell!

The thunder suddenly let out a roar that seemed to come from ancient times. This roar could shock the minds of cultivators and make them terrified!

The thunder and clouds surged to welcome only one person!

"He came!"

Chapter 1253 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (4)

"He came…" Lu Yuncong stared at the sky, at the endless thunder, and at the white figure behind the endless thunder. His mind trembled.

Li Qianmei suddenly stood up and stared at the sky. She immediately saw the figure behind the thunder and stared at the figure that separated from her 100 years ago. Now she looked at the same figure 100 years later walking on thunder. She bit her lower lip and became even more calm, as if it should always have been like this. He had walked on heavenly thunder right into her heart.

Mu Bingmei's expression was complicated, with a hint of an inexplicable mood as she silently looked at the familiar figure in the thunder. A lot of memories flashed before her eyes. Unexplainable bitterness, unspeakable sorrow, but there was also a hint of warmth. For a moment, she lowered her head.

The flow of tears in Lu Yanfei's eyes became even stronger and two streams of tears flowed out as the figure closed in. All of her grievances surged out as her tears.

Wang Lin had crossed the Cloud Sea and arrived wearing thunder!

At this moment, not only the people familiar with Wang Lin were like this. All the surrounding cultivators, including the people of the Everlasting Sect, were shocked.

Feng Hai suddenly stood up and his pupils shrank as he stared at the white figure in the air. He could clearly feel that the origin energy in the air was not something an ordinary Nirvana Shatterer cultivator could have. This kind of origin energy could only be obtained after one had deep understanding in their own law, something only peak Nirvana Shatterer cultivators could have!

Not only him, but the old man with red hair also took a deep breath and his mind shook. His law and domain were also related to thunder. At this moment, he could clearly feel himself losing control of his origin soul. His origin soul that had half-turned into thunder felt the need to worship. It was as if he wasn't looking at a cultivator, but at heavenly thunder that had existed since the beginning of time!

The middle-aged man named Zhou stared at Wang Lin inside the thunder, and his eyes were like lightning. His mind trembled and he was terrified. What terrified him was that he hadn't noticed Wang Lin arriving at all; it wasn't until the thunder echoed across the sky that he noticed this person arrive.

This kind of spell that could hide one's aura shock the middle-aged man named Zhou. He wasn't thinking about spells, but the fact that this person's cultivation level was just far above his own!

The old man that took his disciples to the Chaos Beast Fog Realm was the most calm right now as he was the only person that had seen Wang Lin before. He let out a sigh. "When I met Brother Lu back then, I didn't think we were in the same sect. My name is Mu Jiangping. Greetings, Fellow Cultivator!"

The old man who saw Wang Lin's figure had a serious expression. Before, he didn't believe what he had heard, but now he was convinced. This person had the power to sweep through the rank 6 and 7 regions!

The sect master of the Everlasting Sect's eyes lit up. He was the person with the highest cultivation level here. Although he wasn't the strongest in the Everlasting Sect, he was at the first Heaven's Blight!

It was because he had reached this rare state that he could see something no one else could see. He stared at the spot between Wang Lin's eyebrows, and although there was nothing there, he could clearly feel the power of law there!

What terrified him was that this law didn't seem to belong to the heavens. It seemed to exist out of the heavens' control, a new law!

Under this law, even he felt a sense of awe, especially when he felt the domain of the person before him. This domain seemed to be very ethereal, and he found it difficult to see what it was in a short period of time!

This was what terrified him the most. He wasn't confident in winning a life and death battle against this kind of cultivator!

"This person is indeed injured, but his injuries don't seem too serious… It seems he had his own concerns for coming late."

Lu Yingjie stared dumbfoundedly at the white figure inside the thunder. A terrifying feeling suddenly appeared inside him and completely submerged him.

His body trembled. This was due to terror and fear, especially when he thought about how he had offended the Origin Sect, teased Lu Yanfei, and said that he was going to battle this person. His scalp went numb and his vision blurred.

Even his fellow Celestial Music Sect members were all terrified.

"He… He… He unexpectedly is so powerful. When Lu Yuncong said he could kill me like an ant, he was telling the truth!" Lu Yingjie was a mess; his face pale and his mind were a mess.

Not only him, the Mountain Seeking Sect also quieted down. Zhao Long stared at the figure in the sky, and his expression changed drastically. His pupils shrank, and at this moment, his mind was blank.

The sect master and head elder of the Mountain Seeking Sect were completely pale. The moment they saw Wang Lin, they immediately recognized him as the person that had forced them to move their continent and respectfully send him off.

"It… It's… It's him!!!" The two of them looked at each other and saw the terror in each other's eyes.

The surrounding almost 100,000 cultivators were all people from the rank 6 and 7 regions. They had all heard a little about the heaven-shattering scene that occured in the rank 6 and 7 region. Even if they hadn't seen it themselves, they knew it well from the people around them.

There were also some old monsters that had personally seen Wang Lin's figure. Now that they got a closer look, an uproar spread everywhere!

"It's him!! He charged through the rank 6 region. No one dared to even attempt to stop him!"

"I heard from the ancestor of my sect that this person used one spell to break the barrier to the rank 7 region. Even Ancestor was shocked by this!"

"This old man personally saw this person use the War Spirit Print, forcing many sects to move their continents to make way for him!"

"Rumor has it that three Nirvana Shatterer cultivators tried to stop him, but they were all forced to retreat with serious injuries!"

"It wasn't three. My senior brother saw seven Nirvana Shatterer cultivators attack at the same time. But this person used one spell to kill four and injured three! Even a wild continent collapsed under his spell!"

An uproar started, but a thunderous rumble across the sky suddenly caused everyone to quiet down. The rumbling thunder in the sky all gathered inside Wang Lin's body until not a trace of it remained.

A person wearing white with white hair flowing in the air descended from the sky. He landed next to Lu Yanfei on the arena.

Wang Lin looked at the fragile Lu Yanfei with an apologetic look and softly said, "I'm late."

Lu Yanfei could no longer hold the tears in her eyes as she looked at Wang Lin and shook a hear head. She revealed a happy smile and softly said, "You're not late. As long as you can come, it's never late."

"You go back. With me here, no one can move the Origin Sect! In this competition, whether it is the rank 5, 6, or 7 sects, I'll make the Origin Sect number one!" Wang Lin waved his sleeves and a gentle wind flew Lu Yanfei back toward where the Origin Sect members were.

Wang Lin looked over at the Everlasting Sect and clasped his hands at the old man who spoke. However, he was startled when he saw Li Qianmei and… Mu Bingmei.

He withdrew his gaze after a moment of shock and looked at Lu Yuncong, who had a complicated expression and a bitter smile.

"Brother Lu's cultivation… is very different from 100 years ago. My Purple Dao Sect lost this rank 5 sect competition!" Lu Yuncong clasped his hands with a bitter smile. If Wang Lin's cultivation was only a bit stronger than his, he'd have the heart to battle. However, his mind was already a mess just from standing here, and what was even more terrifying was that he felt like his dao heart was going to collapse. It was as if the person before him was a vortex that was sucking in all dao intent. If he was just a bit unfocused, he felt like all his dao would be sucked away.

Wang Lin faintly smiled, but his expression became cold and he softly said, "Brother Lu, I have one thing I'd like to ask! Lu Yanfei is injured. Who did it?"

Lu Yuncong didn't hesitate to point at the Celestial Music Sect and say, "The Celestial Music Sect's Lu Yingjie!" Then he pointed toward the Mountain Seeking Sect.

"The Mountain Seeking Sect's Zhao Long! They had lustful thoughts about Lady Lu!"

Wang Lin nodded and looked toward the Celestial Music Sect. There was a flash of coldness as he stepped into the air and charged toward the Celestial Music Sect.

In the Celestial Music Sect's area, Lu Yingjie's expression changed greatly and he retreated. His teacher and the elders of the sect all had serious expressions. His teacher grabbed him and they unexpectedly charged toward the area where the Everlasting Sect was.

The Celestial Music Sect's sect master stepped forth and blocked Wang Lin. He had a respectful expression on his face and was about to explain.

However, Wang Lin wasn't even going to listen. Seeing the person blocking his path, he waved his hand and a gust of wind roared. The wind contained thunder, and it collided with the Celestial Music Sect's sect master.

There was an earth-shaking rumble that shocked the world as the Celestial Music Sect's sect master coughed out blood and his body collapsed. His origin soul flew out, and his eyes were filled with terror.

Wang Lin didn't even pause. He walked toward the old man pulling Lu Yingjie. He wasn't fast, but every step would made the origin soul of those walking tremble.

All the cultivators on the surrounding platforms became silent!

"Main sect, help!" Lu Yingjie's teacher's forehead was covered in sweat and his eyes were filled with terror as he screamed at the people of the Everlasting Sect.

Feng Hai hesitated for a bit and clasped his hands to speak. "Fellow Cultivator Lu, please…"

However, Wang Lin waved his hand and interrupted him!

"He humiliated my Origin Sect, so he must die. Anyone that tries to save him will suffer the same fate!" Wang Lin slowly said and then raised his right hand. He had come to the Everlasting Sect to become a deterrent for the Origin Sect and push them up!

At this moment, with one finger, the world trembled and the Heavenly Fate Finger appeared. Ripples echoed across the sky as a giant finger appeared and gave off a monstrous pressure. Everyone gasped as they stared in a daze at the giant finger that occupied the world!

The finger howled as it descended, instantly landing on Lu Yingjie and his teacher with a bang. The earth trembled and it felt like even the cultivation planet shook!

Blood splattered everywhere. Lu Yingjie and his teacher's bodies shattered and their origin souls collapsed. Wind blew by and spread the smell of blood.

"Kill Lu Yingjie as easy as crushing an ant." The words that Lu Yuncong said a few days ago were like the cold winter's wind!

Wang Lin turned around and looked toward where the Mountain Seeking Sect was. He took a step toward them!

Chapter 1254 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (5)

The Heavenly Finger didn't use celestial spiritual energy as this spell wasn't a celestial spell. It was something Wang Lin could use when he fused with the All-Seer's soul for a moment.

What it consumed was the All-Seer's soul, and even more so Wang Lin's origin energy. If not for the that fact his cultivation level had increased, he wouldn't have been able to use it so easily.

However, the might of this Heavenly Fate Finger was far weaker than when the All-Seer used it. After all, there was a huge gap in their cultivation levels, and the method of using the spell was very different.

Wang Lin had used the Heavenly Finger right away because he wanted to shock everyone. He was still injured, so he had to show that his spells were powerful and unpredictable. Only then could he achieve his goals at the Everlasting Sect.

Unless it was the last resort, he wouldn't casually call out the mosquito beasts. They were his hidden ace!

The earth still trembled and the shockwave echoed. The sound of wind still echoed in everyone ears. The smell of blood was still reminding the almost 100,000 cultivators of that shocking scene.

Wang Lin destroyed the body of the Everlasting Sect's branch sect master and killed the branch sect's great elder and head disciple. All of this happened in the Everlasting Sect, and when the Everlasting Sect's Elder Feng Hai tried to speak, Wang Lin unceremoniously said one line.

"Anyone who try to save them will suffer the same penalty!"

There were people who had the power and status to do this, but very few had the guts to do it!

Wang Lin's clean attack had completely shocked everyone here.

Lu Yanfei lowered her head and looked calm, but there was a feeling of warmth around her heart.

Mu Bingmei had a complicated expression, and the bitterness in her heart increased. She thought about the Alliance Star System, about the Brilliant Void Realm being destroyed, and about Tuo Sen's strength. Her situation was similar to Lu Yanfei's.

However, Lu Yanfei had him standing behind her, while herself… in her helplessness, she could only silently be strong and endure it all.

Li Qianmei's expression was calm as she silently looked at Wang Lin. There was a smile on her face just like 100 years ago.

Wang Shanshan frowned as she thought of the finger and seemed to be thinking of something.

The old monsters of the Everlasting Sect had high cultivation levels and were all very cunning. At this moment, it was impossible to tell their mood, but their gazes toward Wang Lin seemed a bit cold.

Only the Everlasting Sect's sect master was different because he was the only person who could see through Wang Lin's cultivation. He revealed no expression at Wang Lin killing the people of the Celestial Music Sect, as if he didn't even see it.

Wang Lin turned around. His expression was calm, but his killing intent spread out. He looked at the Mountain Seeking Sect in the distance and slowly walked over.

The surroundings were completely silent. Nearly 100,000 gazes were gathered on Wang Lin. All of those gazes didn't make Wang Lin feel unwell at all.

He wasn't fast, but every step he took caused the hearts of the people of the Mountain Seeking Sect to skip a beat. They felt like they were facing a fierce beast from ancient times that had opened its mouth and was going to devour them.

The sect master of the Mountain Seeking Sect was completely pale. Although he was a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator, but he didn't have the courage to face Wang Lin. When he thought about how this person was the same person that forced his sect to move their continent, his scalp went numb and he didn't dare to have any thought of resisting at all.

"In the rank 7 region, the Mountain Seeking Sect is only a small sect. It is not wise for a mere elder to go against such a person!" His eyes lit up and he looked at the head elder. The head elder had profound cultivation; he was at the mid stage of Nirvana Shatterer.

Even the head elder almost lost his wits when he realized that Wang Lin was the terrifying person who had charged through the rank 7 region. He personally saw Wang Lin use the War Spirit Print and knew he was no match. He noticed the sect master's gaze, and they immediately understood but hesitated.

However, this hesitation collapsed as Wang Lin stepped forward. The tragedy that was the Celestial Music Sect was before them. The sect master clenched his teeth and dodged to the side. At the same time, the head elder also moved to the side.

The moment the two of them dodged, the people of the Mountain Seeking Sect all scattered to the sides. The people before them also opened a path. At this moment, there was no one around Zhao Long. His origin soul trembled as he stared at Wang Lin.

"You, come out." Wang Lin stopped and pointed at Zhao Long's origin soul.

"This old man is going all out!!" Zhao Long's eyes were red and his mind trembled as if his whole body was becoming cold. Although he had a lot of people around him, he felt like he had been abandoned by the world. In this vast world, he was the only one left!

As he roared, Zhao Long charged out like crazy, staring at Wang Lin. An invisible fire began to burn. Being forced into a corner, he decided to burn his origin soul in exchange for power.

Zhao Long charged like crazy, and an aura of sadness surrounded the area. As he charged, his cultivation level increased like crazy from early stage Nirvana Shatterer to mid stage Nirvana Shatterer. From afar, his body was like a burning meteor that was flying toward Wang Lin.

As he moved forward, the feeling of madness became even stronger. In the end, even the light from the sky became dim, until Zhao Long's burning origin soul became a bright light that attracted the attention of all the surrounding cultivators.

"If you want me to die, you have to pay the price!!" At the last moment of his life, Zhao Long let out a roar that shook the heavens and earth. Even the minds of the surrounding cultivators trembled.

Even the people of the Everlasting Sect were moved!

It was not common for someone to be able to force a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator to burn their origin soul and choose self-destruction! However, this was happening before everyone.

The burning origin soul that was going to explode would release a crazy amount of destructive power. Even cultivators with higher cultivation levels would subconsciously choose to avoid it, but Wang Lin didn't dodge, and instead, his eyes lit up.

Feng Hai's expression was gloomy. He was an elder of the Everlasting Sect and was responsible for the competition. Wang Lin had just killed the people of the Celestial Music Sect while disregarding his words! If that was it, it would've been fine, but now this person was going to kill people of the rank 7 region!

The sects in the rank 7 region were very precious to their members. Other people would not care about if Zhao Long lived or die. They didn't have to care if Zhao Long's reputation plummeted, but he, Feng Hai, cared because he was from the Mountain Seeking Sect before becoming an elder of the Everlasting Sect.

If Li Qianmei killed someone, it would be fine because Li Qianmei had the Heaven Breaking Sect behind her, and he couldn't say anything about it. However, right now it was different!

"Fellow Cultivator, please give this old man some face and do not attack anyone from the Mountain Seeking Sect." Feng Hai's words were gloomy as he revealed a cold aura and charged at Wang Lin.

Just at this instant, Zhao Long's burning origin soul closed in on Wang Lin like a meteor. Wang Lin's expression was calm as a monstrous killing intent exploded from his body.

This killing intent was very strong, the moment it appeared it caused the sky to change color. It was as if countless ghosts were crying in the sky causing the surrounding area to be enveloped in endless coldness.

This killing intent appeared suddenly and exploded. Under this impact, Feng Hai's expression changed greatly and he stopped. He had a feeling that if he were to take another step, he would enter the range of Wang Lin's spell, and what awaited him would be merciless slaughter. Just at this moment, Wang Lin moved.

Facing that crazy, burning origin soul Wang Lin, stepped forward. His body turned and his right foot lashed out. His right foot immediately collided with the burning origin soul.

His white hair flowed and white robe fluttered! There was no spell, and he didn't dodge, nor did he use any fancy technique. He used the most basic, most direct, and most memorable attack!

A heaven-shaking rumble echoed like crazy. Wang Lin's right foot didn't stop and landed on Zhao Long's origin soul. Even though Zhao Long had burned his origin soul, he couldn't resist absolute power. Even though he was burning his origin soul, he still had to die!

The rumble continued as the meteor collapsed into specks of light. Wang Lin withdrew his leg and looked extremely calm. His cold gaze swept past the surrounding cultivators before landing on Feng Hai.

"Fellow Cultivator, your words were too late."

Feng Hai's expression was gloomy as he stared at Wang Lin. He didn't speak for a long time and walked back toward the Everlasting Sect's stand.

The surroundings were dead quiet, but after the brief moment of silence, an uproar spread across the platforms. From the few short moments since Wang Lin appeared, he had killed people from the Celestial Music Sect and the Mountain Seeking sect's Zhao Long. All of this made the shock even more intense.

His spell was shocking, but his body was even more amazing!

The eyes of the old man in white shined brightly. The Celestial Music Sect and Mountain Seeking Sect were simply insignificant compared to a powerful cultivator like this.

Wang Lin turned around and looked at the surrounding cultivators. His voice was bland, but everyone could hear it clearly.

"I represent the Origin Sect to challenge all rank 6 and 7 sects. Who dares to come first?" Wang Lin's voice was like a cold wind that caused everyone to become silent once more.

Lu Yuncong took a deep breath as he suppressed the shock in his heart. He looked at Yuan Fei among the cultivators and revealed a smile that wasn't a smile.

Yuan Fei's face was deathly pale as he stared at Wang Lin in the arena. He pondered for a moment and still didn't dare to step forward.

A calm voice slowly echoed across the sky. "I'm the rank 7 Green Cloud Sect's Yun Shan. I wish to spar with Fellow Cultivator Lu."

Chapter 1255 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (6)

The rank 7 Green Cloud Sect was ranked third among the rank 7 sects last time. This sect's spells focused on change and were unpredictable. Their sect was very large, with more than 7,000 people, and over the countless years, they had produced many powerful cultivators.

These powerful cultivators were often chosen by the Everlasting Sect to be groomed.

That calm voice came from a middle-aged man wearing a robe. He looked calm and his skin was slightly yellow, as if he was seriously ill. After he spoke, he jumped off the platform. It looked as if there were invisible clouds under his feet as he gradually approached the arena.

This man, Yun Shan, was very famous in the rank 7 region. Normally, he would stay in closed door cultivation and not wander around the outside. He had only come out because it was the main sect's competition. His cultivation level was high; he released a late stage Nirvana Shatterer aura.

Rumor had it that he was one of the three that were going to represent the Everlasting Sect in the competition between the rank 8 sects. The Everlasting Sect had paid him a lot of attention in the last 1,000 years. Large amounts of pills, magic treasures, and even spells were sent over to help him. Even one of the seven grand elders of the Everlasting Sect had gone to teach him for 1,000 years.

It could be said that he was someone who the Everlasting Sect had put a lot of effort into raising in order to win the competition between the rank 8 sects!

As he stepped forward, the surrounding people began to talk.

Although Yun Shan didn't look old, he had cultivated for thousands of years. He was calm as he arrived before Wang Lin and clasped his hands. "Fellow Cultivator Lu, please advise me!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes shined brightly and his late stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivation erupted. A vortex formed with him as the center and swept outwards. From afar, you could vaguely see a giant vortex that was slowly rotating.

The shadows of nine red tigers suddenly appeared in the vortex, and their roars were heaven-shaking.

"Tiger Soul Nine Transformation!" There were those who were knowledgeable, and their eyes became serious.

On the grandstand where the Everlasting Sect was, Feng Hai had a gloomy expression as he looked at Wang Lin. He was very cunning, and unless forced into a corner, he wouldn't fight someone he wasn't confident in winning against. He was going to take this chance to see what was the limit of the person that had killed Zhao Long!

The rest of the Everlasting Sect elders all though of Yun Shan as their peer. They knew that if not for the fact that he was assigned to be one of the three people competing against the other rank 8 sects, he would have already become an elder of the Everlasting Sect.

The sect master of the Everlasting Sect narrowed his eyes and revealed a look of admiration. He knew that Yun Shan wasn't the strongest of the three people chosen, but just his late stage Nirvana Shatterer cultivation was enough to display the Everlasting Sect's strength.

In the previous several great competitions among the rank 8 sects, the Everlasting Sect had been near the bottom. This time, the old man believed that even if they couldn't win, they wouldn't be at a bottom.

Yun Shan's eyes revealed battle intent as his hands formed a seal and pointed forward. At this moment, the nine red tiger souls formed by the vortex immediately roared and charged out. In the sky, they grew to more than 1,000 feet tall and charged at Wang Lin from nine different directions.


It seemed as if the world had become red along with the appearance of these nine tigers.

Wang Lin's expression was neutral and he wasn't bothered at all. The key to achieving his goal at the Everlasting Sect was to be fast. Only then could he shock everyone and make the Origin Sect famous.

If he dragged it out for too long and his suppressed injuries became worse, it would not be worth it.

The moment the nine tigers arrived, Wang Lin took a step and his domain changed. The space around him began to distort as if it was impossible to distinguish true from false. At the same time, Wang Lin waved his hand and a blue fire appeared, forming a vortex.

"Activate!" Wang Lin roared, and the fire vortex around him began to rotate in reverse and spread out. It immediately collided with the nine incoming tigers.

A thunderous rumble echoed and violent ripples spread out. The nine tigers were surrounded by the blue fire, and three of them immediately collapsing, creating a heaven-shaking shockwave.

Wang Lin charged out from the fire toward Yuan Shan. At the same time, he pointed at the sky and shouted, "Fire of the heavens and earth!"

After he spoke, all the cultivators that cultivated fire were shocked. They all clearly felt that the fire element inside their bodies had become crazy and were about to go out of control. It was as if the fire wanted to charge out of their bodies as if someone was summoning them!

The cultivators that cultivated fire felt like their bodies were burning. Monstrous fire appeared and gathered toward Wang Lin's right hand!

Among the people of the Everlasting Sect, one of the elder's expression changed greatly. He cultivated fire, and at this moment, his hands quickly formed seals before pointing several times at his own chest. Only then did he stabilize the fire origin in his body.

It was as if at this moment, Wang Lin had incarnated into the first fire that appeared in the world and became the ruler of fire. All fire in the world had to listen to his command.

Rays of fire flew out from the crowd and gathered toward Wang Lin. All of this happened in almost an instant. As Wang Lin charged forward, fire gathered from all directions to form a fireball. The fireball immediately merged with Wang Lin's right hand.

Yun Shan's expression changed and he immediately retreated. His hand reached at the void to open his storage space, and he was about to take out treasures to resist.

However, how could Wang Lin let him take out treasures? Nirvana Shatterer cultivators all had a few very powerful treasures. If these treasures were taken out, this battle wouldn't end in a short period of time.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as his left hand pointed at Yun Shan and he muttered, "Stop!"

With one word, Yun Shan's body stopped for a moment. The moment he stopped, Wang Lin turned into a sea of fire and closed in. His right hand, which had the fireball fused within, pointed three times at Yun Shan's chest as Wang Lin passed by.

Each time he pointed, there was a thunderous rumble. Yun Shan's body trembled, and he was surrounded by a sea of fire. He then coughed out blood and a powerful force threw his body backwards.

If that was it, it wouldn't show Wang Lin's spell. Although he had stopped, his right hand mercilessly reached out!

With this, endless fire appeared from the void and filled the sky. It made it feel like this had become a world of fire.

The moment the endless fire appeared, it charged toward Yun Shan's body, and thunderous rumbles echoed. In the end, blood mist exploded from Yun Shan's body, but his body didn't collapse. A milky white light came from inside his body and offset the fire.

Yun Shan's face was pale when landed on the platform 10,000 feet away. The moment he landed, crackling sounds echoed and countless cracks appeared on the platform before it shattered.

His body retreated once more. He didn't stop until he had retreated 1,000 more feet. He coughed out another mouthful of blood that landed on the ground. It was a shocking sight!

"Thank you, Fellow Cultivator, for holding back." Yun Shan pondered for a bit before clasping his hands at Wang Lin and leaving.

The surroundings were completely silent. Wang Lin's expression was calm, as if that battle meant nothing to him. He indeed had held back, or else that last attack would've destroyed his opponent's body.

However, the cost of this attack was enormous. Wang Lin had forced himself to use his full power, so his injuries had become worse. However, outsiders couldn't see this at all.

The surrounding cultivators all stood up and stared at Wang Lin when Yun Shan lost. Their eyes were filled with respect.

The elders of the Everlasting Sect were all terrified. Although they had heard of Wang Lin's strength, it was only talk. Even if they believed it, it wasn't as shocking as seeing it in person.

When Wang Lin killed the people of the Celestial Music Sect and Zhao Long, he was bullying the weak. Although his spell was shocking, the elders of the Everlasting Sect knew that they could do it as well, so they didn't care too much.

However, this was completely different!

Yun Shan's cultivation level wasn't much different than theirs. They felt bitter when they realized that if they traded places with Yun Shan… they would still lose!

More importantly, Lu Zihao looked extremely calm, as if it was nothing. This caused their hearts to shake for a moment.

Feng Hai silently pondered as he looked at Wang Lin, and his eyes lit up.

The elder that cultivated fire looked at Wang Lin with a hint of fear in his eyes. He had the most profound feeling, and at that last moment, he felt that if Wang Lin wanted it, his fire would have left his body for Wang Lin to use! He had battled many people, but this was the first time he had encountered such a strange thing.

Wang Lin's gaze was calm as he looked the sky and slowly said, "Today I want to battle. Who will accompany me!?"

"Rank 7 Purple Pine Valley's Du Lin will battle Fellow Cultivator Lu!"

"I'm the rank 7 Heaven Yin Sect's Yin Yue. Please advise me!"

A man and a woman's voice came out at the same time. One came from the south and one came from the east toward the arena. However, when they saw each other, they couldn't help but pause for a moment.

Wang Lin withdrew his gaze from the sky and calmly said, "Both of you, come together!" His right hand rose into the air and pressed down on the platform. The platform that occupied a small portion of the planet trembled, and even the entire cultivation planet seemed to tremble. An ancient aura seemed to be pulled out from the planet by Wang Lin! Wang Lin's body became a blur inside his aura.

"The power to extract the soul of a planet!" a cultivator immediately exclaimed, his voice filled with terror!

Chapter 1256 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (7)

Not everyone among the cultivators around knew what Wang Lin's action meant. They only felt Wang Lin's hand grasp at the ground and cause it to tremble.

They only felt this tremble, but in truth, the earth didn't move. What moved was their hearts!

It was as if at this moment, everyone's minds were pulled out by Wang Lin and dragged into the earth. Then they were once more pulled out from the earth!

Their visions blurred as if the world was filled with an ancient aura. This aura was so dense, it would be enough to suffocate you!

All of this seemed like a hallucination, but real enough to be terrifying. It was as if Wang Lin's hand was a vortex that could instantly suck in the origin energy of the world, the soul of the planet, and the minds of all the surrounding cultivators.

Whether they resisted or not, whether they agreed to or not, they were all sucked away by force!

Many people didn't know about the spell to extract the planet's soul, but all of them had an inexplicable feeling that they had fused with the planet and that their souls were pulled out by Wang Lin!

The movement shook the heavens and earth, and the calmness sealed the star and extract the soul!

"It's planet soul extraction!" Only a few people in the rank 7 region knew of this spell. The cultivator that exclaimed was one of them, and he suddenly stood up. His eyes were filled with disbelief!

Not only him, all the old monsters and cultivators that knew about this spell were shocked. They didn't dare to believe what they were seeing was real!

"Rumor says that cultivation planets have souls. If one's cultivation reaches a certain level and their comprehension of the heavens is high, they can extra the soul of a cultivation planet to use as a spell!"

"There were rumors of this before the Wind Celestial Realm collapsed, but there was no way to prove the existence of this spell. This Lu Zihao… he… really can use it. This kind of origin energy and ancient aura match the ancient records. There is no mistake, this is planet soul extraction!"

Wang Lin's expression was calm. As two people flew over Wang Lin's right hand seemed to have grabbed hold of the entire cultivation planet and suddenly lifted it!

In an instant, the earth released a silent rumble. The reason it was silent was because it couldn't be heard but could clearly be felt. The earth, this cultivation planet, was trembling!

The ancient aura became dense like crazy, as if the cultivation planet was awakening from its countless years of slumber for the first time. This was not a gentle awakening, but a forceful awakening. It was as if the ancient aura that had condensed for countless years was going to be pulled out with the soul.

Everything in the world had a soul, even trees and grass, so a cultivation planet naturally had a soul as well. However, the soul of a cultivation planet would take countless years to form and was very powerful. It contained the ancientness of the world and also a hint of the heavens' law.

Although planet soul extraction sounds simple, very few people can actually achieve it!

At this moment, this cultivation planet was no longer a planet, but a spirit. What he was extracting was the soul of this spirit! As Wang Lin lifted his right hand, a milky white gas came out from all over the cultivation planet. The white mist charged like crazy toward the platform, toward Wang Lin, toward his right hand!

At this instant, all the cultivators saw an illusion that all the grass on the planet was withering, becoming yellow, and eventually disappearing into ashes.

All the mountains on this cultivation planet became grey, and no more spiritual energy was left as it was all sucked away! Even the water in the rivers became cloudy until they dried up, revealing the bottom of the rivers.

Even the sea that occupied 20% of the cultivation planet seemed to boil and set off monstrous waves. The rumbling of the waves seemed to have transmitted all the way here for everyone to hear.

What was even more shocking was that the ancient aura seemed to represent time. As it gathered, the soul of the planet was stirred violently into this white mist that suddenly erupted from the earth!

The white gas charged out from the platform below him and gathered in his right hand. The surrounding cultivators were all dumbfounded when they felt the soul of this cultivation planet get pulled out by this youth in white!

It was as if as long as he willed it, he could completely pull out the soul. At that moment, there would be no spiritual energy left and this planet would become a ruin!

It was even likely that this planet would collapse!

This made their minds tremble and go blank. Even the people of the Everlasting Sect all stood up, and their eyes were filled with terror.

Even Feng Hai subconsciously gasped, and for the first time, he looked at Wang Lin with fear. However, soon he sneered. Wang Lin had publicly killed Zhao Long and made the Mountain Seeking Sect lose face, so he had to pay a price. Feng Hai wasn't the only person who had left the Mountain Seeking Sect; there was one more before him. That person was very powerful but had an eccentric character. He no longer bothered with worldly matters and didn't secretly help the Mountain Seeking Sect either. However, he was the first generation sect master of the Mountain Seeking Sect, and he was now a high elder of the Everlasting Sect!

If Wang Lin hadn't kill Zhao Long in the Everlasting Sect, it would have been fine, but he had killed Zhao Long here and forced the Mountain Seeking Sect to back down. This would likely provoke the anger of this high elder.

The expression of the Everlasting Sect's sect master changed. As he stared at Wang Lin, his eyes shined brightly.

If they were like this, then there was no need to talk about Du Lin and Yin Yue, who had come to battle Wang Lin. The man and woman both stopped, shock filled their eyes, and their expressions changed greatly!

Wang Lin's expression was calm as his right hand rose up like lightning. The white mist was pulled like threads, then they surrounded his right hand to form a fist-sized ball of white light!

The ancient aura within this ball of light seemed like it could cause the world to decay and make all cultivators insignificant before it. However, now this terrifying ball was floating in Wang Lin's right hand. The way he casually held it made the surrounding cultivators gasp.

This was the first time Wang Lin had extracted a planet's soul! But to be more accurate, it was the second time!

The first time was when the scattered devil had taken over his body and battled in Allheaven! The second time was when Wang Lin had extracted the planet's soul to help transform planet Suzaku, but at that time, he didn't master it; he had only gained some shallow understanding.

However, right now, this third time could be considered the second time. Because Wang Lin's domain had grown, his cultivation level had increased, and his star of law had formed, they allowed him to almost perfectly extract the planet's soul to use in battle!

It was a bit of a pity to use the spell made by the planet's soul to just battle one person. This was why Wang Lin had told Du Lin and Yin Yue to attack together!

His right hand held the soul of the cultivation planet as if he was holding the planet itself. Wang Lin's expression was calm as he waved his right hand. The ball of light shot toward Du Lin and Yin Yue.

The ball of light wasn't big, only the size of a fist. It also wasn't fast. With Du Lin and Yin Yue's cultivation levels, they could have dodged it countless times. However, right now they felt as if they had no place to dodge!

This feeling was absolute. Although this ball of light was small, it was made of the soul of a planet, and it represented the entire planet. They had the illusion that the cultivation planet below them had come to life and was attacking them!

Although it sounds like this took long, it was very fast. When the ball of light closed in, it exploded when it was few hundred feet away from Du Lin and Yin Yue. This time, the earth trembled for real and a powerful force shot at the two.

It was at this moment that the sea in the west side began to boil and quickly turned into water vapor. The water vapor dissipated like crazy as if it was being sucked away. Large amounts of dark clouds appeared in the sky and rain began to fall. It wasn't just one part, but the entire cultivation planet was enveloped in rain.

Thunder and lighting whistled; it was heaven-shaking. Du Lin's body was knocked back and he coughed out blood. After withstanding the attack of the entire planet, his body almost collapsed. If it wasn't for the fact that Wang Lin had no killing intent, he would have without a doubt died!

Yin Yue's body also trembled, and she coughed out blood that turned into a blood mist that was quickly washed away by the rain. Her body was hit by a powerful impact and knocked back. Her face was pale and her hair scattered. The rain completely soaked her.

The surroundings were strangely silent, with only the sound of rain falling and the occasional thunder.

At this instant, everyone's gazes gathered on the white figure in the rain. The raindrops would immediately be pushed five feet away from his body when they approached him, and not a single drop fell on him!

"This… This is the planet soul extraction spell?!" Every old monster that knew of the spell was shaking. The scene just now was engraved for an eternity in their minds!

Due to pills and fierce beasts, there were far more powerful cultivators in the Cloud Sea Star System than the other three star systems. However, because of the pills and the Wind Celestial Realm being blocked, they couldn't get access to the spells left by the celestials. The cultivators of the Cloud Sea were far behind the other three star systems in terms of spell comprehension!

The planet soul extraction spell was a powerful spell, but in the Cloud Sea, it was only a legend… It wasn't that no one had mastered it, but far too few had.

After reaching the second step, one's spells would be related to their domain and understanding of the heavens. The cultivators of the Cloud Sea relied on pills, so compared to the cultivators of the other three star systems, who had to comprehend their domains by struggling against the world, they were far too weak.

Chapter 1257 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect (8)

"Thank you, Fellow Cultivator Lu, for showing mercy!" Du Lin's face was pale as he clasped his hands. Blood flowed down the corner of his mouth and he quickly left in the rain. His back looked very bleak.

As the head elder of the rank 7 Purple Pine Valley and one of the focuses of the main sect, a large amount of pills had been delivered to him. Even powerful cultivators had gone to teach him dao, and he thought he already was standing at the top. But today, his opponent hadn't even gone all out. Just one spell that extracted the planet's soul had made him lose!

In truth, when he saw Wang Lin pull out the planet's soul, he knew he would lose. However, he thought he could resist for a moment or two. But the truth was cruel, and it was his complete loss.

This kind of metal blow made he him feel very bitter. He returned to the Purple Pine Valley's section in the rain and silently sat there.

Yin Yue was also pale as she bit her lower lip and clasped her hands at Wang Lin before turning away. She was also bleak in the rain.

Mu Bingmei stared at all of this, stunned. She originally thought she understood Wang Lin's cultivation the most, but now she found that her understanding of him was truly insignificant.

"100 years… I didn't think he would become this strong!" Mu Bingmei's gaze fell on Wang Lin, and at this moment, she felt him become unfamiliar. That white hair and white robe made the bitterness in her heart even stronger.

No one here knew Wang Lin's past like her; she even knew half of Wang Lin's life. The small cultivator that had his family killed and was forced to escape from the country of Zhao. The cultivator that had caused rivers of blood to flow in the country of Zhao.

This was the man that had gradually become famous on planet Suzaku, until he almost became the next ruler of the planet. Now he was strong enough to make the stars tremble with a stomp of his feet!

Li Qianmei also didn't think that Wang Lin would shock her her after 100 years. Killing the two people from the Celestial Music Sect, killing Zhao Long, easily beating Yun Shan, and finally using the planet soul extraction spell to beat Du Lin and Yin Yue!

As for Wang Shanshan, she also sucked in a breath of cold air. She had a clear understanding of planet soul extraction and had seen her teacher use it. Her teacher said that there were no more than three people in the Cloud Sea that could do this!

Above the planet's soul was the void soul. This void meant the soul of the star system. The spell to pull out the soul of a star system was a spell of the third step. Her teacher had said that among the second step cultivators, there was a legend from ancient times.

This legend spoke of the four great spells a second step cultivator could learn from comprehending the heavens. Two of the four were planet soul extraction and Spatial Bending!

These spells didn't need to be learn but could be comprehended based on one's luck. However, there were far too few people who could comprehend them.

推しレーサーからはじめるボートレース3人の「ゴルフ大好き」ボートレーサーが集結!普段はストイックな彼らの"素顔"を探ります.BOAT RACE振興会

The silence continued after Du Lin and Yin Yue left. It was as if no one was willing to break this eternal silence.

The elders of the Everlasting Sect all looked at Wang Lin with respect. They couldn't see through Wang Lin's cultivation or his spells. Whether it was the Heavenly Fate Finger, the heavenly fire, or the most shocking planet soul extraction, they were all shocking. The elders couldn't help but be in awe of Wang Lin.

They didn't know that what spells Wang Lin had, but they had a feeling that the spells he had shown weren't his limit. There were still too many secrets and shocking surprises hiding within him.

"Does anyone else from the rank 7 region dare to spar with me?" Wang Lin waved his right hand and the ancient aura slowly dissipated. It was as if the soul was being given back to the cultivation planet.

The earth trembled slightly and gradually returned to normal. It was as if everything that had happened was only an illusion and never happened.

However, the rain and flashing thunder clearly reminded everyone of how real and terrifying it was.

Wang Lin's words didn't break the silence. It was as if his voice was the root of the silence. As his words echoed in the rain, this silence became even more intense.

Absolute silence would often cause an invisible pressure. At this moment, the source of the pressure was Wang Lin. He stood there upright, and his white robe made this pressure even stronger.

No one dared to stand out, and they all stared at the platform, at the man in the rain that felt like the heavens. At this moment, Wang Lin's appearance and demeanor were all engraved deeply in their hearts. It was something they could never forget.

In this silence, the eyes of the Everlasting Sect's sect master lit up as he stared at Wang Lin and slowly said, "Fellow Cultivator Lu injured the three disciples that were meant to participate in the competition between the rank 8 sects. You will have to give his old man an explanation!"

His gaze seemed to become two rays of sword energy and shot at Wang Lin. His gaze seemed to caused the thunder in the sky not dare to approach the platform, and even the rain seemed to stop in the air.

It was as if the world had stopped moving!

All of this was because of the old man's gaze! Just his gaze could produce such a heaven-shaking effect. This was not something a Nirvana Shatterer cultivator could do; only someone who had experienced the Heaven's Blight could!

Wang Lin had the strongest feeling. He was being locked on by the gaze, and he felt as if everything in the world belonged to the other person. The gaze was like the arrival of the heavens' might.

Thunder naturally had to dodge and rain had to stop in the face of the heavens' might. Even Wang Lin's mind rumbled.

The injuries that were being suppressed in his body showed signs of erupting, but Wang Lin's expression remained neutral. His eyes lit up and his gaze collided with the old man's.

Just at this instant, a thunderous rumble echoed across the world. A powerful pressure spread out like crazy when their gazes meet.

The cultivators around the platform all felt the howling wind. They felt like lonely boats in the raging sea. They all activated the origin energy in their bodies as it felt like they would drown if they didn't do this.

Li Qianmei's eyes became cold and killing intent erupted from her body. She was going to enter this pressure to help Wang Lin. However, the moment her aura appeared, the old man raised his hand and waved. An powerful pressure pushed the killing intent back and suppressed it to within seven inches of her body!

Mu Bingmei's eyes became cold and the origin energy in her body moved, revealing her Nirvana Shatterer cultivation. Her hands formed a seal and she was about to attack, but she immediately felt an irresistible force suppressing her, making it impossible to use her cultivation.

The Everlasting Sect's sect master's powerful cultivation was revealed to the world. To be able to become the sect master of a rank 8 sect meant that his cultivation wasn't normal!

Mu Bingmei's face became pale. She could feel the killing intent inside the sect master's pressure. Although this was likely fake, being concerned made her mind a mess. She didn't have time to think, so her hand formed a strange seal. It was a spell that was passed down from generations of Brilliant Void Saintesses.

The moment this seal appeared, an illusionary glass bottle appeared around her body and knocked away the force suppressing her. Her body rushed out, but her face became even more pale.

If she wasn't injured, she could have used this inherited spell perfectly. However, her body was destroyed and her origin soul was damaged, and using this spell had made her injuries worse.

This scene shocked the old man in white. At this moment, Li Qianmei also released a shocking aura. A monstrous killing intent was released; it was as if a demon had appeared and torn the suppression force away. Li Qianmei broke free of the old man's pressure and charged out.

There was a jade before her. This was the jade that the mysterious person in the Demon Sect had given her!

All of this happened in a flash. The moment Li Qianmei and Mu Bingmei rushed out, Wang Lin lifted his right foot and took a step forward. At this moment, he merged with the world and seemed to become one with the cultivation planet. An ancient aura filled his body.

"There is no need for you all to act." As he walked forward, he waved his hand and a powerful yet gentle energy surrounded Li Qianmei and Mu Bingmei, causing the two to stop.

"Heaven's Blight cultivator, I have already battled one before!" At this moment, a golden light erupted form Wang Lin's body. It was like a sun, gentle, but it also had the power to tear the night apart. The moment it scattered, the thunder that was avoiding this area gathered once more and the rain that had stopped fell once again. It was as if the world had begun to move again at this moment.

A sound of shock came from the old man in white. The moment he stood up, the rain collapsed into white gas that shot into the air.

"I can participate in the competition between the rank 8 sects, but you also have to give me an explanation for the Origin Sect!" Wang Lin immediately saw through the old man's intent. The killing intent was just fake!

The eyes of the old man in white shined and he smiled. Just as he was about to speak, his expression changed and he looked into the distance.

A thunderous rumble echoed as a ray of light came from the distance. This ray of light contained an aura without emotion as a low voice came from the sky.

"Do you dare to take one of my spells?"

"High Elder!" Everyone in the Everlasting Sect stood up and clasped their hands. Their expressions were very respectful.

Wang Lin raised his head. The golden light from his body was like the sun rising from the sea; it was dazzling. As he looked at the approaching light, even his eyes were golden.

Chapter 1258 - Rebuking the Everlasting Sect, Sundered Night

"Why would I not dare?"

Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly. Their light suddenly replaced all light in the world. This caused the entire world to be enveloped in a golden light. Even the rain in the sky seemed to become golden.

It was as if Wang Lin's figure had become the rising sun. The golden light he released shot out like swords that were filled with the law of origin!

As the emotionless voice echoed, a white-haired old man arrived in the ray of light. His old face was filled with wrinkles and his gaze made it seem like he understood the heavens. As he closed in, the heavens and earth changed colors, the winds split the clouds, and it felt like the entire world was under his control.

A red halo faintly appeared around the old man's skin. As he moved forward, everyone who saw this was shocked!

Only those who perfectly passed the first Heaven's Blight would have a halo of law protecting them. This halo also represented someone with shocking power!

His figure was very fast, so much so that it was almost impossible to keep track of him. The ray of light flew across the sky, and in the next breath, he was 1,000 feet above Wang Lin. He was like a deity as he coldly looked down at Wang Lin.

"You do have guts!" The old man's words were calm as he raised his right hand and mercilessly slammed down!

This slam caused the heavens to shake. All the raindrops collapsed into water vapor. As they dissipated, red light came out and formed a giant net!

This net covered the world and contained endless power of law that could shock the origin soul. This was a net made of law!

This old man was no longer a deity. He had turned into a fisherman that was scattering the net. There was a boundary in this world, and that net seemed to be the boundary!

The old man was in the sky and became the fisherman. Wang Lin on the ground became the fish, and the earth became the sea. The giant net became a cage made of law that wanted to capture the fish!

This scene shocked Wang Lin's mind. It was very similar to his own dao comprehension back then. In a way, it confirmed the fruit of his dao from back then!

The moment the net of law closed in, Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he charged into the air. In the other person's eyes, Wang Lin was the fish, and he couldn't escape the net! He would eventually be picked up by the net and be trapped in the cage of law!

However, Wang Lin was a heaven-defying cultivator. What he defied was the heavens, so how could he do nothing? When he comprehended this back then, he saw the fish continue to struggle to escape the net.

Today, Wang Lin became the fish under the spell of the white-haired old man. He was also going to struggle, struggle against the net of law, the white-haired old man, and the heavens!

The net of law quickly descended and surrounded everything. It gave one the feeling that there was no place to hide, as if the entire world was under this net!

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The golden light from Wang Lin's body became brighter and brighter. The earth seemed to become the ocean, and he was the gradually rising sun!

The first spell Wang Lin created, Sundered Night! Sundered Night contained the law of origin. He had comprehended this while watching the sun rise when he was still at the Nirvana Cleanser stage. However, Sundered Night was too powerful, and the origin energy required to use it was beyond Wang Lin's limit.

He could only use it a specific time without using any origin energy.

However, now Wang Lin's domain had changed to true and false, he had devoured the dao fruit, he had created the star of law, and most importantly, the comprehension of his second spell allowed him to use Sundered Night without waiting for that specific moment!

Although its power wouldn't be at its highest and it couldn't last for too long, it was much better than only being able to use it at a specific moment!

More importantly, the reason Wang Lin was willing to use it and waste all his origin energy to cast Sundered Night was because he didn't have to worry about his life!

He had a mosquito herd!

This was his ace and his life-saving spell. It was because of this that he didn't hesitate to help the Origin Sect rise up in the Everlasting Sect!

At this moment, the net of law closed in, and Wang Lin laughed. His hands moved and the earth rumbled. The illusionary sea appeared. Although it wasn't real, there were still waves surging.

The world was shrouded by darkness with only the red net of law slowly descending.

This strange scene caused the old man's expression to change and his eyes to narrow. He withdrew any feeling of contempt and became very serious.

When he attacked, he didn't intend to kill; it was meant as a test and a threat. He had naturally seen how strong Wang Lin was, and this kind of person had to become part of the Everlasting Sect and couldn't be arrogant. He was attacking to teach Wang Lin a lesson, teach him that the world was large and that the Everlasting Sect shouldn't be provoked!

However, when he saw Wang Lin use Sundered Night, he took a deep breath. He had already thrown out the intent to teach Wang Lin a lesson and had revealed a hint of battle intent!

"What strange law! This child's spell is indeed amazing!"

The cultivators in the stands were shrouded in darkness. They were all confused as a force they didn't understand enveloped them, making their minds tremble.

Even the elders of the Everlasting Sect were like this as well!

They didn't know that back in the Demon Spirit Land, Wang Lin had used Sundered Night to kill Master Void and forced the grey-robed All-Seer to retreat. Two of the All-Seer's late stage Nirvana Shatterer avatars had died!

They also didn't know that Sundered Night was recognized as an extremely powerful spell after the battle in the Demon Spirit Land!

The waves surged under the darkness of the night. Everything was dark; even the net of law seemed to merge with the darkness, fusing together into one. The net landed on the sea, and the waves raged as if the sea was struggling.

The net of law penetrated the sea and quickly descended toward Wang Lin.

However, just as the net of law neared Wang Lin, the waves of the illusionary sea surged. A golden light emerged from the sea and slowly pushed back the darkness of the night.

As the golden light grew stronger and stronger, even more golden light pierced through the sea. Soon, a rising sun appeared on the surface of the sea!

The moment the sun appeared, the world was shrouded in golden light. The darkness of the night seemed to be torn apart by the law of origin. A rumble echoed as the darkness was forced back like crazy.

When more than half of the sun had risen above the sea and appeared in the sky, a low voice echoed.

"Sundered Night!"

The moment these two words sounded, a blurry figure appeared inside the sun. This figure was Wang Lin!

The cultivators whose minds had merged with the darkness felt pain in their origin souls. It was as if their bodies were being torn apart like the darkness!

The expression of the old man in white that also merged with the darkness changed greatly and he quickly retreated. At the same time, his hands formed seals and the red halo around him flashed like crazy as it resisted the power of Sundered Night.

A thunderous rumble echoed as the old man retreated.

The golden light released a powerful glow in an instant. All the darkness in the world collapsed and rapidly dissipated.

Just at this instant, the net of law descended on the sun Wang Lin was in. It seemed like it wanted to stop the sun from rising. The moment it was going to trap Wang Lin, he mercilessly push his hands out. The golden light around him surged and shot out like swords that contained the law of origin!

The Sundered Night born from the sea contained the law of origin. There was no force that could stop the sun from rising, not even the net of law!

As Wang Lin pushed forward, he erupted with the full force of Sundered Night. The golden light rushed out. It could tear apart all the barriers of the heavens and earth, including this… fisherman's net made of law!

A thunderous rumble echoed as the net of law trembled. Cracking sounds echoed and then it collapsed. It dissipated into the void along with the darkness!

The fisherman had cast the net to catch the fish, but the fish had struggled and broken free from the net!

However, Wang Lin was a fish but also not a fish. If he was a fish, he would have returned to the ocean after breaking free from the net. However, he was a heaven-defying cultivator, so he was not willing to leave. Instead, he wanted to… retaliate!

The golden light surrounded him and he stepped out when the net of law was broken. He coldly stared at the retreating white-haired old man that was resisting the power of Sundered Night.

"Do you dare to receive my spell?" Wang Lin's voice was mighty, and it descended like the heavens' might!

These words were shockingly similar to what the old man had said, but now the situation was reversed because it was Wang Lin who said it! If it was before, people might've thought that Wang Lin was being arrogant. However, now, after he used Sundered Night, everyone was still trapped in the darkness. Even the elders of the Everlasting Sect felt like they were being torn apart along with the night.

At this moment, these same words contained a shocking aura. Everyone's breaths seemed to stop!