

Chapter 1082: Each of Their Own Ulterior Motives

It was just an ordinary and humble little pub.

The fishermen bawled, shoving the wooden door open and making their way into the pub. They waved their arms, approached the counter with a series of vulgar laughter, and reached their hands out to smack the plump buttocks of the average-looking waitresses donned in low-cut maid dresses. They lifted the mugs, draining the alcohol in one gulp and conversed loudly with other customers in the pub, sharing stories of how one incidentally witnessed a young farmer lady stepping out of the bath to the recent harvests from the ocean. All sorts of rumors and strange stories filled the pub, as well as the smell of sweat, alcohol, and food. It was crowded for everyone except for a particular customer seated in the corner.

He looked to be in his thirties, clad in a straight, neat, red shirt that didn't match this pub in the countryside. The ring inlaid with a huge, bright, precious gem on his slender, pianist-like finger was enough to blind one in the eye. Along with a neatly-trimmed goatee, his dark, soft long hair was combed back nicely. His suave, confident face mesmerized one so much that one would even be willing to devote oneself to him at all costs. The man sat quietly in the corner, raising the silver cup and savoring the fine wine leisurely. There were a dozen pitch-black cards laid out before him on the table like the set up of a fortune teller. He smiled, gazing at the cards in silence. But what surprised one was that no one seemed to realize his existence; not even the farmer standing 5 meters away from him, bragging about how he had a relationship with the widow next door and.

Until the arrival of someone else.

The man pushed the door open quietly, but no one seemed to notice his presence, not even the smiley waitresses who gazed blankly at him and flitted across their eyes like a shadowy ghost. No one paid attention to his presence or gave way. However, that shadowy figure effortlessly slipped through the gaps of the crowd and not even the spilled alcohol from the waving mugs in midair was able to splash onto him. He arrived before the man seated at the corner, extending his arm to drag the chair out for a seat. He turned to the waitress and snapped his fingers and shortly after, a waitress went up to him with a blank stare.

"One roasted chicken, a piece of white bread, a plate of fruit salad, a pot of wild berry wine, and two lamb steaks. I want the steaks fresh with more sauce. Also, give me one grilled fish and remember to remove the bones. Put more spices into the roasted chicken and don't overcook it."

Rhode ordered, flicking his fingers and a gold coin flew out of his hand and landed into the deep cleavage of the waitress in the low-cut dress. The waitress stared at him shyly before turning around and leaving. Rhode rubbed his hands, gazed at the man playing a fortune-telling game by himself, and nodded at him.

"Apologies for being late."

"No, it's fine, Your Majesty Rhode. I was the one who came early and now..." The man replied, retrieving a golden pocket watch and opening it with a kacha. "... it is just the right time. You don't need to apologize."

"Alright then, I shall take back my apology."

Rhode nodded in response before leaning back on the chair leisurely. Unlike the man seated opposite him and clad in neat, straight attire, even though Rhode also wore a black attire, he seemed much more loose and relaxed: his collar button wasn't fastened securely and the coat draped over his shoulders unceremoniously. But even so, Rhode was completely dressed like a successful person in modern society. It was as though how one found it unimaginable that one who wore gold-rimmed glasses, branded apparel, and owned a luxury car would have a meal in a filthy food court. But surprisingly, although both of them had a seemingly huge presence in this small pub, the surrounding fishermen and farmers didn't seem to notice them at all. They didn't even take a single glance at them.

And apparently, Rhode didn't come here to experience the life of a basic, ordinary civilian either.

"Nice to meet you, Your Majesty Asmodeus."

Gazing at the man before him with a smile, Rhode nodded and narrowed his eyes. This man was the ruler of the Ninth Floor of Hell, the king of hell who ruled all demons, Asmodeus. Or more specifically, his incarnation. As the most cautious and insidious demon king, Asmodeus never showed up before anyone personally, not even before the Creator Dragons. Moreover, this place wasn't his comfy, little home, but the main plane of existence. Judging from the amount of energy this demon king was willing to expend by sending his incarnation here, it went to show how important this meeting was.

"I suppose you've already heard from Celestina about the purpose of our meeting. It's simple; I need your help to ensure that I won't be attacked or affected by any factors while I set up the node in the Ninth Floor of Hell. I'm sure you're aware of this part of the plan, right?"

"Of course, Your Majesty Rhode."

Laying down the wine cup, Asmodeus revealed a gracious and warm smile like the spring breeze.

"I have to admit that you've got guts. Over the years, no one has ever come up with this idea, and the same goes for the worthless trash under my command. Even though cautiousness is a must, being overcautious will never achieve big things. And the same goes for my enemies. It won't be enough to work for the sake of an ambitious goal. Without practical action, it will be meaningless, isn't it?"

"Alright then, let's get to the details."

Rhode neglected Asmodeus's words. The reason was simple. He knew how powerful this ruler of the Ninth Floor of Hell was. If Rhode were taken to the ditch by him, he would have no hope of climbing back up. That was why Rhode didn't respond and continued the discussion in his pace instead. For the sake of this meeting, Rhode racked his brains and specifically indicated to have this meeting on the main plane instead of holding it in the Ninth Floor of Hell. He knew that anyone who negotiated with demons and devils in hell would die a terrible death. This was due to the reason that in the Ninth Floor of Hell, the power of the word 'contract' was omnipresent. If one were to agree to terms without thinking through, one's soul would be seized by the Ninth Floor of Hell. In the past, there was once a mage who attempted to seal a deal with a Succubus in hell. He was confident and upon relying on his wisdom, the Succubus was too easy to convince. However, this unfortunate mage totally neglected the mighty power of the contract in hell. As soon as he stupidly agreed to help the Succubus, she smiled and raised a condition.

"Kill all the demons on this plane of existence within 10 minutes."

Of course, the pitiful mage couldn't accomplish it. As a result, he was deemed as the living specimen of Baator Hell for violating a contract. As for whether the mage became the Succubus's vessel to cultivate soul larva or was reborn in hell to live his new life, no one knew.

In view of this, Rhode would never talk business with Asmodeus in hell. Even though the laws of Baator Hell couldn't restrain him as a Creator Dragon, who knew what kind of traps were hidden in there? After all, it was what the demons were most adept at, wasn't it?

"It's simple, Your Majesty Rhode. My demon armies have to deal with the aggressive devils and Chaos, so we don't have extra forces to protect your so-called node. Besides, if I recall correctly, Chaos will also be capable of learning your plan and when you set up the node, Chaos will likely launch attacks on us. As of now, we lost Casselly, while the Gray Ruins are also occupied by the enemies. This is a huge challenge for us."

Asmodeus spoke, spreading his arms apart and smiling at Rhode like 'a landlord who didn't have surplus food to give at this time of the year'. But to hell with it if Rhode were to believe him. Even so, Rhode had to use this chance to reach the basis of an agreement with Asmodeus. Even if it was only the basis, it was enough for him. Demons were pretty good in terms of credibility, with the prerequisite of not being cheated by them, that was.

"So what do you want us to do for you?"

Rhode said and at the same time, the waitress brought over a tray filled with food and laid them all over the table. Rhode reached out for the roasted chicken drumstick and ripped it from its body. Under the slightly charred skin, the somewhat, overly-strong scent of spices assailed his nostrils. But he didn't mind that at all. He took the steaming white bread and dipped it into the unappealing sauce.

"It's simple, Your Majesty Rhode. The Gray Ruins and Casselly are very important places to us. We don't have enough forces to occupy several front lines at once. Therefore, we need your help to secure one of the battlefronts until...."

"Sure. I suppose we don't have much time to waste, Your Majesty Asmodeus."

The corners of Rhode's mouth perked up into an elegant smile. Then, he clapped the bread crumbs off his hands and reached for the wine that had a rather fine color.

"Alright then, Your Majesty Rhode. Please state your conditions..."

Chapter 1083: Hell

Baator Hell.

If there was one word to describe this place, 'hell' would be the most suitable and appropriate because this place was indeed hellish. This was the battlefield between demons and devils, where the chaos of war broke out in every inch of the land. Peace in this place was as precious as oases in deserts. If one were just a fool who accidentally entered hell and stumbled onto the bloody field, then congratulations; one had already entered the worst and most unimaginable part of the nightmare.

"Actually, I kinda like bloodbaths. At least I get to kill to my heart's content..."

Mini Bubble Gum gazed at the maroon sky and landed below it. If it weren't for the black line separating the sky and land, perhaps one would think that this place was filled with postmodern art graffiti—something that was simply smeared by red paint.

"Yeah, to our hearts' content."

Upon hearing Mini Bubble Gum's words, Rhode nodded in agreement. Indeed, apart from getting extremely rare magical equipment and items on the main plane, bloodbaths were also what got players in full swing. If one were fortunate, one could purchase creatures or items at considerable prices that one couldn't buy on the main plane. There was once a player who bought a 'loli' angel, which made many players green with envy because not anyone could purchase one. But despite that, it wasn't easy to survive in hell and abyss due to the unique laws of Baator Hell towards the 'contract' that was previously mentioned. Many players were tricked by demons and of course, they wouldn't turn into food for the demons' soul larva in the game. But after their death, their souls would only remain in hell and they couldn't return to the main plane. Just this point alone was enough to devastate many players.

Unless they were fortunate enough to meet angels who upheld 'justice' or 'Astral Apostles' who came to hell and could carry out a transcendence ceremony for their souls, they could only cry for the rest of their lives in hell. What was that saying again? 'One chose to visit hell instead of heaven with its doors open'. Since one was that foolish to choose to go to hell, it would go without saying that one would suffer the consequences of the naive and stupid decision.

Of course, this 'cruel' setting of the game caused extreme dissatisfaction in a lot of players. But despite that, the gaming company remains unmoved. In the past, Rhode felt strange as to why the gaming company created that many strange settings in the Dragon Soul Continent that were enough to make players 'rage-quit'. But he finally understood the reason now. It was simple; the ones who created the game made it solely to simulate the Dragon Soul Continent and hoped to find solutions to the problems they faced. That was why they naturally had to set the background of the game harsher and mote realistic. And no matter the amount of complaints from players, they couldn't possibly modify them. After all, their original intention of creating this game was to test and not serve the players.

"Now, let's confirm our destination," Rhode said, shifting his gaze away from the dry plain to behind him where Celestina, Celia, Gracier, Madaras, Shira, and Karin stood in silence. Apart from his holy sword spirits, there were four others following the team: Canary, Mini Bubble Gum, Lesa, and... Cassidy.

This time, Rhode didn't bring Anne along, which was rare. No matter how Anne threw a tantrum, Rhode remained unmoved. Besides, for safety, he had gotten Marlene to keep a close eye on Anne and stop her from slipping away. If they were heading to other places, Rhode wouldn't mind letting Anne explore them. But in hell, the place of eternal evil and deprivation, didn't suit an innocent and naive young lady like Anne at all. Rhode also wasn't sure if Anne's personality would turn dark after getting involved in a bloody war here, so he wasn't willing to risk it. Apart from this reason, Anne's passionate personality was also a fuse for trouble in hell too. She might even be kidnapped and sold by some demons without knowing it.

Knowing the dangers of hell, Rhode was well prepared this time and brought along everyone who had the ability to resist the power of hell. Canary and Mini Bubble Gum had been involved in bloody wars with him here, so they understood the various situations perfectly. According to Celestina, the holy sword spirits had also contributed in these battles in order to resist devils a with chaotic nature. Before they 'grew up', they had spent some time training in hell, so it also wasn't a problem for them to be here. As for Lesa, the strength of Order she gained from Rhode was sufficient to defend against the contamination of hell. On the other hand, it would be a joke if the Contrast Deity Warden, Cassidy, couldn't handle the power of hell.

Most importantly, all of them were actually beings 'derived' from Rhode's system. Judging from this aspect, their spirits 'belonged' to Rhode. And as a Creator Dragon, of course he was able to break through the limit of Order in hell. Therefore, if the demons were to set traps for them, he could still unleash his power, break through the Order of hell, and bring the rest back to the main plane safely. This was the other reason why he didn't bring Anne and others. He didn't want to see any of his subordinates' spirits still wailing in hell after the others had successfully returned to the main plane... After all, he had spent more than a day or two in hell in the past to know its dangers.

"Our goal is simple: we'll rest in the Steel Fortress, find the River Styx, and get to Casselly through it. Then, we will enter the Rift Plain, exterminate those damn devils in Desolate Town and retreat just like what we did in the past. Do you understand? Don't act on your own or care about any unimportant matter."

Coquette Aesthetic: How To Replicate Lana Del Rey's Style?ad

In the end, Rhode and Asmodeus came to an agreement. Rhode would assist the demons in attacking Desolate Town from the back, eliminating the devils, and returning its jurisdiction to the demons. This way, the demons would own the topmost station above the Bottomless Abyss. But Rhode was also smart and cunning as he didn't promise Asmodeus to help them occupy Desolate Town. Instead, he clearly indicated that he only had to eliminate the devils in Desolate Town and his job would be done as per the agreement. If Rhode killed all the devils and Asmodeus didn't have enough forces to reoccupy the place, it wouldn't be Rhode's problem at all. This was also an insurance that Rhode came up with. After all, if he agreed to assist Asmodeus in occupying Desolate Town and the 'process' required centuries, wouldn't he be spending centuries in that damn place? Rhode wasn't that foolish.

The most important thing in negotiating with demons was to confirm what he could offer and not what he could help with.

The reason was simple as to why Rhode chose the Rift Plain as his destination. After defeating Grazite, Grazite's subordinates sunk into complete chaos. Devils were born to adore chaos. Previously, with Grazite around, they didn't dare to wreak havoc. But now that Grazite was eliminated, the unrestrained devils suddenly broke loose and slaughtered one another for more power. As the most important town in the Rift Plain, Desolate Town was of utmost importance. In Asmodeus's eyes, as soon as he occupied the town, he could cut off one of the routes the abyss used to attack demons from. Then, as soon as he built another fortress there, he could retaliate against the abyss real soon. Rhode understood why Asmodeus needed his help. That was because from a certain degree, the abyss was somewhat similar to a land of Chaos. Only Creator Dragons could use dragon soul powers to turn Chaos into Order and apparently, it was impossible that the Creator Dragons were too idle to join the bloody war in hell at any time. This was why even though Asmodeus couldn't make bricks without straws with this decision, it was an entirely different matter now that Rhode was here.

"Got it, Leader. It will be enough as long as there's a war for me to fight in."

After hearing Rhode's words, Mini Bubble Gum raised her arms in excitement. On the other hand, Celestina heard their conversation and gazed at Mini Bubble Gum and Rhode in astonishment.

"Master, have you guys been in a bloody battle before?"

"Of course." Perhaps dissatisfied with Celestina's dubious tone, Mini Bubble Gum curled her lips and said. "Back then, we cleared over 800 floors in the abyss with Leader... Tsk, Grazite was nothing and even Mecanthus scrambled away from us. As a matter of fact, the devils seemed powerful, but they weren't worthy of a mention at all!"


After hearing Mini Bubble Gum's words, Celestina exchanged doubtful glances with Celia standing beside her. Even though they didn't feel like Mini Bubble Gum was saying the truth, it didn't seem like there was a need for her to lie either. What exactly... was going on? Rhode observed their interactions and didn't seem to intend to explain to them. Instead, he turned and gazed at the looming, massive fortress.

"Alright, let's move out."

Chapter 1084: Steel Fortress

Even though Asmodeus could send Rhode's group directly to the front line, the latter refused his kind offer. The demons' kind intentions were mostly poisoned candy, where one would more than likely suffer from. That was why Rhode would rather spend more energy in heading toward Desolate Town by himself than to accept Asmodeus's 'offer'.

When they arrived at the city wall of the Steel Fortress, they quickly garnered a lot of attention. But it wasn't due to the group of excellent beauties surrounding him, who stood out like diamonds in a crown and oases in deserts. Instead, it was due to the fact that there was a battle angel among them too. Unsure if Celia was doing it for the sake of expressing her identity, but she expanded her pure, white wings. On the contrary, Celestina folded her wings, tucked her tail, and displayed a seemingly harmless look. After all, it didn't matter if the owner wore a casual outfit at home. But when there were guests, the owner had to dress up appropriately at the very least, wasn't it? This was a matter of manners.

The entrance of the fortress was like the snap-opened mouth of a gigantic monster with demons, half-elves, and humans lining up in a long queue. They were mostly covered in filth and some were even stained with blood that was left unwashed. All of them were waiting patiently, yearning for a chance to enter the fortress. It was relatively easy for demons to gain entry. But for the other races, they weren't as fortunate as them. They had to make use of money, language, and things to gain the likings of the demon guards in order to ensure entry into the fortress without losing an arm or leg and enjoy the momentary peace, instead of submerging in the ditches, waiting to be fed on by wild beasts.

It was due to this reason that they were enraged when they saw Rhode's group heading to the entrance without following the rules and queuing up accordingly.

After all, no matter in which era, cutting queues were always rude and the same went for getting in through the back.

"Hey, wait."

As Rhode's group was about to enter the fortress, one of the demon guards by the entrance extended its arm that was as thick as Celia's slender waist and stopped them by flourishing the flame spear. It narrowed its scarlet eyes, scanned the unwelcome visitors, and specially paused at the pair of white wings behind Celia for a few moments.

"Don't you outsiders know the rules? This is the Steel Fortress; you need to queue up to enter."

The demon guard scoffed and stared at Rhode who led the group of young ladies. At the same time, it brandished the flame spear at them and sent a wave of blazing heat above their heads. No matter from which angle, this threat seemed rather effective. But it was a pity that the demon guard picked on the wrong group as none of them revealed any terrified expressions. Even Cassidy, who had male-phobia, knitted her brows at the demon guard as though she was gazing at a stray dog on the street. Cassidy was a Deity Warden, after all. Even if she had male-phobia, there weren't many beings in this world that were worthy to be seen as a 'man' in her eyes.

"Hey, you country bumpkins..."

Upon feeling provoked, the demon guard widened its mouth to reveal its sharp, filthy canines. Along with this action, its muscles that seemingly had its skin stripped trembled. Not only that, but its long, scorpion-like tail also raised up into an offensive stance.

"If you don't..."

"Get out of my way, you lowly scum!"

Celestina interrupted harshly before the demon guard finished its sentence. She glared fiercely and the high-and-mighty demon guard was taken aback quickly. It turned toward the young lady who was near it, shivered in fear, and stood at attention quickly. Even though it didn't know who this human-like young lady was, her pure, spoken demon language clearly showed that she wasn't one who played a small role it could handle. Almost in an instance, the demon guard turned its body aside respectfully as though making way for its God humbly. On the other hand, Rhode didn't say a word. He simply led the rest of the group into the fortress.

But it was a pity that in this world, there were many people who just couldn't accept seeing one walk on the red, VIP carpet.

"Hey, hey! That's unfair! Why can they enter just like that! Damn it! Don't they need to queue up?"

One of the half-elves in the queue raised his arms furiously, swinging his fists and yelling at the top of his lungs. Perhaps he was only looking to vent his frustrations from standing under the blazing sun of hell for so long with no progress at all. To make things worse, a group of latecomers had actually received special treatment from the demon guards. But at the next moment, a black steel whip appeared in midair and lashed at him like a venomous viper, slicing his head off. The unfortunate half-elf's body twitched, before crumbling to the ground in a loud 'bam'. The two little demons queuing behind him cheered in excitement. They pounced on the corpse, seized valuables from its pockets, and feasted on this rare delicacy of a body.

"Shut your mouth, you lowly trash."

Celestina withdrew the whip and stared at the long queue that fell into an odd silence. The demon guards didn't object to this young lady killing on the street either. Rules were used to constrain the chess pieces and not the chess player. Compared to the queen who could roam everywhere on the board, what rights did a pawn, who could only take one step forward, had?

"What a waste of time. Punish yourself."

Upon witnessing the others entering the fortress, Celestina put away the steel whip fumingly, before glaring at the demon who stopped them earlier and catching up with the rest. The demon guard who attempted to stop Rhode's group earlier gazed blankly at Celestina's back. Then, it gnashed its teeth, flipped around the flame spear, and punctured its brain, before collapsing to the ground lifelessly.

No one expressed any opinion. If this happened in the main plane, death would be the biggest punishment to one. But here, real death was a type of luxury. Demons who died would lose the power and body that they cultivated and evolved for centuries or even millenniums. They would once again return to being a larva from the start and it would take a few more centuries or millenniums for them to return to their current state again... with the prerequisite that they didn't die beforehand.

Compared to the chaotic battlefield, the inside of Steel Fortress appeared much neater. Even though Rhode's group attracted a lot of attention on the streets, none of the demons stopped them. Judging from the fact that they entered the fortress despite being conspicuous proved that they were tough to deal with. Some powerful demons had even retreated in the face of Rhode's dragon's prestige. Fortunately for Rhode, this was the demons' city. If it were the devils, perhaps they would endlessly dig their own graves like moths flying into the flame even if Rhode showed up in his dragon form.

"What should we do next, Leader?"

Mini Bubble Gum was beyond excited. She rubbed her hands together as she eyed the enormous steel structure, as well as demons of various body shapes roaming the streets. As for the others, they played the role of plane travelers perfectly, speaking and doing things appropriately, while quietly following at the back of the group.

"Simple, we'll first find a place to rest. Then, we'll look for the River Styx and travel down by boat. After entering Casselly, we will change our transport method to reach the Rift Plain. But before that, we need a map or... a guide."

Rhode said and turned to Celestina.

"You're not familiar with this place, right?"

"Of course not, my palace isn't located in such a filthy and run-down place."

Upon hearing Rhode's question, Celestina curled her lips and replied.

"Why don't we look for the commander here? Didn't Asmodeus agree to help us? Why don't we just look for them and head on the journey together instead? Those demons are battling all the time, so surely they will head to the Rift Plain, right?"

"I don't trust that fellow. Besides, I don't want to be dragged into a bloody war without any preparation. Asmodeus has indeed prepared an army in Casselly for us. But frankly, I would rather see if I can hire mercenaries here than to spend my days on the same boat as those troublemakers."

Rhode said and all of a sudden, an alluring fragrance assailed his nostrils. Then, a shadowy figure approached him as though she were dancing and stopped Rhode's group.

"Oh, hi there, travelers from the main plane. It seems like you're in need of some help? If it is possible, I'm willing to help you resolve your issues. I wonder if you're interested?"

Chapter 1085: Meeting an Old Friend in a Foreign Place

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

After taking a closer look at the person, Rhode was taken aback. He heaved a sigh of relief because this beautiful young lady who was wrapped up in a black cloak and wore a large hat was none other than the planes merchant he once met in Highland City, Stefania. She sized up the young ladies behind him with curious gazes. After hearing Rhode's words, Stefania shifted her gaze to him and revealed an amusing smile.

"Me too. I'm surprised to see you in the Ninth Floor of Hell, Your Majesty Rhode..."

"Where's Emily?"

Rhode didn't continue the conversation. Instead, he looked around Stefania quickly and didn't spot the young lady with fiery red hair. Stefania also seemed to realize what was on his mind and revealed a sly smile.

"Oh, Emily isn't here. No matter what, this is the Ninth Floor of Hell, after all. As a human, it isn't convenient for her to stay here for long." Stefania replied, winking playfully at him with an 'you-know-it' expression and Rhode understood what she meant.

"But come to think of it, what are you doing here?"

Even though plane merchants were known to roam about, Rhode couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked. After all, this was the Ninth Floor of Hell, just like Stefania mentioned, where even merchants rarely dropped by because it wasn't easy discussing business with demons. It was totally possible for a merchant to sacrifice his life if any mishaps were to happen. The merchants who came to do business with demons were either strong enough or stupid enough. Based on Rhode's understanding of Stefania, she shouldn't belong to the latter.

"Wherever there are adorable ladies, that is where I'll be."

Stefania answered with a smile, holding her palms together and directing her gaze at the young ladies behind Rhode.

"Actually there is nothing for me to hide. I will occasionally take a stroll in hell, just to see my luck in finding any adorable girls that demons happen to capture and are trafficking, and bring them back to my harem. But I didn't manage to find anything good these two days as it seems like none of them are interesting to me. On the other hand, I'm so envious of you, Your Majesty Rhode. In the blink of an eye, you're surrounded by so many beautiful and adorable young ladies. This makes me so jealous."

"... Forget it, we'll talk about this in future. Come to think of it, you said you can help us?"

Even though discussing this topic with a harem collector gave Rhode a sense of like-mindedness, he changed the topic decisively upon sensing the gaze of daggers on his back. It didn't matter much since Stefania was a woman. But if he kept on talking about it, he didn't know what the young ladies would do to him in the future. Of course, deep down in his heart, he somewhat 'admired' Stefania. She was actually willing to risk her life and come to the Ninth Floor of Hell just to expand her harem... this was true love, it seemed.

Anyway, he knew that he definitely wouldn't take it as far as her. Of course, most importantly, if he had done so, perhaps he would have trouble arising within his harem. Maybe if he had time on some other days, he could discuss with this plane merchant about dominating the harem? Yes, this seemed like a decent choice.

"Of course, meeting an old friend in a foreign place is always delightful, isn't it? Since you used to be my customer, I'm willing to give you a 15 percent discount. I heard from your conversation that you're heading to the Rift Plain through the River Styx? That is an extremely dangerous route, especially to the boatmen. Yugoloths aren't trustworthy at all. If you believe me, I can help to arrange your trip. Of course... it comes with a price."

"Alright, I'll leave it to you."

After pondering for a few seconds, Rhode nodded and accepted Stefania's suggestion. Just like this half-demon-plane-merchant said, meeting an old friend in a foreign place was indeed delightful. Besides, in all fairness, Stefania was competent as a plane merchant. Rhode hadn't forgotten about the broken rescue cabin he bought from her. Even though it was defective, he eventually succeeded in summoning Karin, one of the holy sword spirits. Without Karin, Rhode wouldn't have created three magic warships in such a short period of time. Judging from this aspect, he was pretty grateful toward this plane merchant. Even though she was a half-demon, at least she was credible enough and didn't have a criminal record of 'cheating'. If she were any other demons in hell, perhaps it would turn out entirely different...

"Alright then, please come with me."

As soon as they got into business, Stefania restored the standard smile of a merchant, before gesturing to Rhode politely. Rhode nodded in response and followed her. But at this moment, he suddenly came to a halt, narrowed his eyes, and swept glances to the surroundings. He paused his gaze at the shadowy corner inside one of the small alleys.

"What's wrong, Leader?"

Upon realizing his strange behavior, Mini Bubble Gum followed his gaze curiously and asked.


Rhode looked away and answered plainly. Then, he continued to follow the plane merchant.

After Rhode's group was out of sight, the shadowy figure hidden in the alley turned around and left sneakily. He ran down the alley, avoiding the demons' surveillance and lurking in the dark corner beside the flowing sewage water. Up until this moment, he let out a long sigh, before pulling down his filthy hood to reveal a miserable, ice-cold, and scar-filled face that was full of vengeance, murderous intent, and tyranny. His long, bright golden hair had turned pale and yellowish. His suave face was covered in all sorts of scars. He clutched the cloak in his hands and shuttled down the dark alley like a fast-moving ghost as he arrived at a run-down, wooden house. He pushed the seemingly useless, tattered wooden door and entered.

Upon hearing the sound of the opening wooden door, a skinny young lady curled up on the floor lifted her head.

"... Andre?"

"Yes, it's me, Cheryl."

Upon hearing her voice, the twisted and furious expression on Andre's face dwindled a little. He gazed at the young elf lady, his heart surging with strong sorrow and anger from the bottom. But at the next moment, the anger turned into a strange, dark smile.

"Are you alright, Andre?"

The young elf lady asked, her eyes remaining closed. Even though she didn't witness his expression, her sharp senses as an elf made her detect an ominous aura exuding from Andre. After hearing her question, Andre let out a snort and said, "Have a guess, who do you think I saw?"


"That's right, I saw the Void Dragon! Hahaha! This is the best opportunity. I didn't expect him to be here! Isn't this our best opportunity, Cheryl?!"

"V-Void Dragon? You're saying that he..."

The young elf lady shuddered upon hearing the name as though she just recalled the hounding of a nightmare. But shortly after, she had a bad feeling.

"Andre, what do you intend to do?"

"Isn't that simple? I want revenge, Cheryl," Andre said. His expression turned grim.

"I will never forget that day. Have you forgotten, Cheryl? The day he destroyed the entirety of Casabianca!"

To Andre, that was the eternal pain in his heart. He could never, ever forget the day the enormous magic warships descended from above, bombarded the city with golden rain, and submerged the city in a sea of flames. Even though he tried to rescue the civilians, he could only watch helplessly as they died in despair. At that moment, Andre almost went insane, but Cheryl was there to stop him and forcefully cast a teleportation spell on themselves, leading them far away from that terrifying place. But they didn't expect the Hell's Gate to be opened at the same time by Celestina, and they were sucked into the spatial crack. When they came about, they found themselves in hell.

That was a nightmarish experience to Andre and Cheryl. If the demons didn't take a fancy to Andre's swordsmanship and Cheryl's magic spells, perhaps they would have turned them into their slaves by now. But even so, they had a rough time here. In the earlier battle against the devils, Cheryl's eyes were hurt and lost vision. Andre searched for ways to treat her injuries in the Steel Fortress and was surprised to see Rhode there.

"Could you have mistaken someone for him..."

"No, Cheryl! I'm sure it is him!"

Clenching his fists, Andre spoke indignantly. Then, he revealed an odd smile.

"This is a good opportunity for us, don't you think so? Cheryl?"

"You're saying that..."

"The demons of hell will surely be interested in this man and those around him, so I can make a deal with the demons and get them to treat your eyes. Perhaps we can also reach an agreement to leave this damn place too!"

"Is this a smart choice, Andre?"

But after hearing his words, Cheryl was still hesitant. Before she said anything, she felt Andre's hands holding her shoulders.

"Of course, Cheryl. So I need your help... you will help me, right?"

For some unknown reason, the young elf lady sensed a strong and inexplicable sense of uncertainty in his words.

Chapter 1086: The Guide to River Styx

If a merchant wanted to close a business deal, the merchant would need to know what the customer needed the most. It was apparent that Stefania understood this logic. She didn't arrange for Rhode's group to settle down anywhere too close to demons, stenches, corpses, and bustling venues where fights often broke out. Instead, she brought them to a relatively quiet tower. Of course, it wasn't some high-end club and they still witnessed several corpses punctured by razor-sharp stakes and blood flowing all over the land at the bottom of the city walls. But this was much better than being harassed and stared at by demons endlessly. Even though demons followed rules in the fortress to a certain extent, those who broke the rules weren't in the minority. If not, there wouldn't exist so many torture instruments for the demons, wasn't it?

"If you insist on heading to Casselly yourself, I won't demand any further."

Stefania sat by the table and gazed at Rhode with a helpless, forced smile.

"But I have to warn you that traveling there by yourselves will be much more dangerous than you think. No-no-no, it isn't only about the River Styx itself, but also the boats traveling on it. Perhaps you may also face demon or devil fleets. If you face the former, it will still be manageable. Your Majesty Rhode, with you around, you can display a certain degree of aggression and the demon fleets with a clear destination will not find trouble with you. As for the devils, we can never be too sure about them. They don't care who you are, where you are heading to, or remember the goal of fighting. Maybe as soon as they meet you, their chaotic and uncontrollable nature will turn you into their target. Of course, all of you are powerful enough to destroy the devil fleets. But if the Styxians were to treat you as threats or think that they would gain more than they lose, perhaps they may also decisively leave you to your own survival. I have to remind you that on the River Styx, not even the Creator Gods can threaten the Styxians. They are the only ones who know which teleportation door leads to where. So if they decide to ditch you, they won't give you the time to consider your options."

"But if we choose to travel with demons, the troubles will not lessen."

After listening to Stefania, Rhode shook his head. As of now, their agreement was stuck at which method they should deploy to reach Casselly before entering the Rift Plain. Stefania suggested that she could contact the demon lord who was currently gathering forces to head into the Rift Plain. After offering a 'fair' price, both sides should be able to reach an agreement. As for the credibility of the Styxians, she apparently wasn't too hopeful.

Even though Rhode agreed with some parts of her view, he wasn't too interested in her former suggestion. No matter what, it was really risky to travel with the demon army even though they had a clear destination in mind. Who could guarantee that they wouldn't head to the Gray Ruins midway?

"It seems like we can only hire the Styx Brigade then."

Stefania knitted her brows after Rhode refused to give in. After a few moments of pondering, she left out a helpless sigh.

"This may require some time, but the Styx Brigade is definitely trustworthy. Besides, the Yugoloths... at least they are more trustworthy than Styxians. It seems like this isn't your first time traveling in another plane, Your Majesty Rhode. As long as you're careful, there shouldn't be any problem. But in terms of price..."

"Money isn't an issue."

Rhode replied and tossed a bag of coins and gems on the table. Borrowing the scarlet sunlight through the window, one could clearly see the radiance reflected off the platinum coins and gems. Just this bag alone was enough for one to purchase a city on the main plane. Upon seeing the bag, Stefania revealed a forced smile. Merchants would rather deal with careful buyers than rich buyers. After all, careful buyers were only mindful of the price, but rich buyers had more to worry about. Rich buyers didn't care how much they needed to spend. Instead, they expected their goods to be up to their likings. In the multiverse, there was nothing more subjective than the 'intention'.

"Alright, I got it."

In the end, Stefania accepted the bag and stood to her feet.

"It is tough to look for the Styx Brigade in this world, but it isn't impossible. Please wait and have some rest for now."

"... Rhode, can she be trusted?"

Until the plane merchant vanished before them, Canary knitted her brows and asked. No wonder Canary behaved this carefully because in hell, 'trust' was more precious than platinum. There were many times when the so-called 'trust' was nothing more than a premise used to build 'betrayal'.

"At the very least, she is more trustworthy than Asmodeus. Besides, I personally think that she's competent as a plane merchant."

Not only that, but Stefania's appearance was also above average and could be said to be remarkably beautiful. Moreover, she was a half-demon. If it weren't for her talent and wisdom, perhaps she would have already become one's pampered pet and wouldn't be roaming about freely.

But the rest didn't seem mindful of her. Lesa sat by the side, clenching her fists and closing her eyes as though she was praying. On the other hand, Gracier and Madaras had already returned to their card form and were seemingly disinterested in the outside world. Cassidy sat with Celia in the distance, sizing up Rhode attentively and speaking to Celia about something. It was apparent that they knew each other a long time ago.

Only Mini Bubble Gum and Celestina admired the scenery boringly. In an instant, everyone found a rare, unprecedented peace and harmony in hell.

But since this was rare, it meant that the harsh reality would soon take over. And in fact, that was what happened.


All of a sudden, a loud noise broke the silence in the room. Rhode knitted his brows slightly, while Canary turned toward the window. At this moment, even Lesa who had shut her eyes and was praying opened her eyes and revealed an uncomfortable look on her face. On the other hand, Cassidy and Celia were seemingly unaffected by it. They gazed toward the source of the noise, before turning around and continuing with their conversation. It was apparent that they weren't interested in what was happening inside the demons' fortress.

But it was a pity that not everyone reacted the same as them.

"Oh-oh-oh, what happened?"

Mini Bubble Gum and Celestina quickly moved to the other windowsill and looked around curiously. The situation as though there was a car accident by the apartment building's entrance and the two young ladies opened the window to check it out. Sigh, this was the deep-rooted bad habit of humans to be habitual onlookers of everything...

"What's wrong, Bubble?"

"Nothing much. Just some demons having a row."

"How embarrassing."

Compared to the excited Mini Bubble Gum, Celestina was apparently less delighted. She gazed at the gathering demons with a grim expression. But shortly after, she revealed a surprised expression. At the same time, Mini Bubble Gum also seemed to notice something.

"Hmm? That's..."

"Oh? Heh, heh. Interesting. I shall go and check it out!"

At the next moment, Mini Bubble Gum transformed into a ray of light and disappeared from the window. Looking at this scene, neither Rhode nor Canary tried to stop her. Instead, they simply let her be because they knew that no matter what happened out there, as long as Mini Bubble Gum intervened, everything would vanish without trace within five minutes. They were extremely confident in Mini Bubble Gum's personality, as well as her strength of absolute destruction.


As expected, in a thunderous boom and within just two minutes, a pure, white light column burst into the air and the irritable noise from earlier vanished completely. Celestina curled her lips in dissatisfaction and looked away from the window. If one were to go to the window now, one would see that the dense gathering place from before had been wiped out to expose a clean and tidy plaza. There was nothing left on the plaza, be it corpses or building wreckages.

Shortly after, Mini Bubble Gum's running footsteps were heard from the corridor and she burst through the door quickly.

"Hey, Leader, check this out!"

Perhaps after hearing the commotion from Mini Bubble Gum, everyone lifted their heads and turned toward her. Upon sensing the gazes directed onto her, Mini Bubble Gum displayed a prideful smile. Then, she extended her arms and pulled over a ragged elf from her back.


Gazing at the young elf lady, Rhode narrowed his eyes. Mini Bubble Gum spoke with a chuckle. "I saw her being bullied by the demons, so I saved her on the way back."

Mini Bubble Gum said, puffing her chest out at the same time like a student reporting to the teacher that she had helped an old woman cross the road and was waiting for a compliment. Rhode sized up the young elf lady and after a few moments, he smiled.

"I didn't expect for us to meet here, Miss Cheryl."

Chapter 1087: Styx Brigade


The young elf lady curled up instinctively upon hearing Rhode's voice, lifting her head in uncertainty toward him. For some unknown reason, Cheryl felt familiar with this voice and this left her in lingering fear. She thought that Rhode didn't know who she was, but most people in the Country of Light knew who he was. To her surprise, not only did Rhode recognize her immediately, but he also called out her name. This baffled her and she didn't know how to respond. On the other hand, Mini Bubble Gum turned around curiously, shifting her gaze between Rhode and the young elf lady.

"Leader, you know her?"

"She's from the Country of Light. I met her a few times." Rhode didn't explain further. In fact, what he said was the truth and their meetings happened in the Munn Kingdom... Back then, if his movement speed with the sword was much quicker, perhaps this elf mage wouldn't be alive now. Considering their current location, perhaps it would have been the best choice to kill her back then?

"What happened to your eyes?"

Rhode gazed at the young elf lady who kept her eyes closed, where there were clear, purulent and heavy scars. But Rhode couldn't recall her having such injuries back then. And now, she closed her eyes tightly and seemed like she was gravely injured.

"I-I... hurt myself by accident... during the bloodbath..."

"Wow... you actually survived the bloodbath."

Mini Bubble Gum said and sized up the young elf lady curiously. Judging from her extremely delicate state, Mini Bubble Gum couldn't imagine her surviving a bloodbath as it definitely wasn't easy. Shortly after, Mini Bubble Gum nodded as though she understood something and soliloquized.

"Hmm... but it isn't actually surprising for one in the Peak Master Stage to survive."


Upon hearing Mini Bubble Gum's words, a chill ran down Cheryl's spine. Before coming here, she spent a lot of effort to conceal her strength. However, she totally didn't expect Mini Bubble Gum to see through her in a single glance. This terrified her. Of course, she wasn't aware that these people were veterans in battles. Right now, they weren't located on the main plane, so even if one were harassed by demons in the Steel Fortress, one would lack the strength even to truss a chicken. Such people couldn't possibly survive for so long.

In an instant, the atmosphere turned heavy. Cheryl took two steps back worriedly, unsure of what to say. Canary and Mini Bubble Gum scanned her curiously, while Lesa continued to close her eyes and pray. On the other hand, Rhode and Celestina admired the scenery outside the window that wasn't considered pretty. There were no changes to Cassidy and Celia at all. As soon as Stefania arrived, she broke the awkward silence in the room.

"Your Majesty Rhode, I've just contacted them and we can move out right away... Hmm? Who is this young lady?"

The River Styx.

It was the only presence that could be weighed up as a 'river' in this dried, bloody hell. However, it wasn't as simple as just a 'river'. Rumor had it that the River Styx carried along lost souls and sent them to where they should go. It was the only channel connecting the Ninth Floor of Hell and abyss. Be it demons or devils, they would board the boat and sail down the river as long as they wanted to start a war.

Then, they would go through the teleportation vortex that would bring them to their destination. Of course, the River Styx wasn't as calm as it seemed (even though it didn't appear calm at all). If anyone were to fall into the river and drank the ice-cold, bone-piercing water, one would lose all memories and turn into a zombie-like being. One's body and soul would become empty as though a reset computer. Be it demons, devils, or anything, there were no exceptions.

But among players, the water of the River Styx was highly popular because players were there for the fun of the game, after all. They couldn't possibly turn into idiots by simply falling into rivers (if not, such games would have already been balanced by then). Instead, after drinking the water of River Styx, their levels, memories, skills, classes, and others would start all over again from zero. Even though this seemed like grievous news for most players, some players who intended to start over with a new character used the river water as a tool to reset everything. This was because even though drinking the river water would reset everything to zero, their attributes wouldn't change. Some players had also purposely searched for items that could permanently increase one's attributes, before drinking the river water to restart from zero. Whenever there was demand, there was supply. Most players wouldn't specially make the trip down to hell just to reset to zero. Therefore, players who were capable or strong enough to make trips back and forth between hell and main plane became the best merchants for this business. Besides, the river water didn't require processing or digging. As long as one filled up the bottle with it, it would be a great business without needing any capital.

And now, Rhode's group stood by the river and gazed at the small ferry flowing down the stream in the distance.

In fact, the small ferry wasn't actually that small. Even though it wasn't comparable to the cruise ships in Rhode's world that could carry thousands of people, it was still slightly larger than most fishing boats. A skinny and eroded human-corpse-like creature wrapped in a tattered mantle held a long pole and sailed forward on the ferry that seemed to be made from a combination of bones and human flesh. The ferry moved steadily like a sled smoothly sliding across the icy surface. Shortly after, the ferryman noticed Rhode's group by the river and rowed harder using the long pole. The small ferry quickly, yet silently arrived before them.

"Oh-oh-oh, what's this that I'm seeing?"

Before the ferryman said anything, one of the demons on the ferry gazed at the group with an excited smile.

"These lowly..."

"Shut up."

The ferryman interrupted the demon's provocation harshly. He clutched the pole and stood in a slanting position. Under the filthy, ugly hood, Rhode's group sensed a dark, sinister, and ice-cold stare.

"Greetings, dear ferryman."

As Rhode's spokesperson, Stefania casually stepped forward and greeted him with a friendly smile. After all, she had to get things done after getting paid by Rhode.

"You are the ones who requested to board the ferry?"

The ferryman let out a cough upon hearing Stefania's greetings. Then, Stefania nodded with a smile.

"That's right, ferryman. My companions and I are heading to the Rift Plain, which is why we need your help. If you can bring us to the Rift Plain through Casselly in the shortest time possible, we will give you a huge, generous remuneration for your efforts..." Stefania said as she extended her hand to reach out for a bright soul gem from the bag of coins. The top-quality purity of the gem instantly caused an uproar in the group of demons on the ferry.

"Your reward sure is generous."

The ferryman seemed impressed, but the tone of his voice didn't waver at all as though it were just a piece of rock that Stefania laid out before it.

"But my apologies. There isn't enough space on the ferry. I can only take in four more passengers."

"Heh, heh..."

The group of demons on the ferry giggled complacently. They whispered into each other's ears, before turning to the group and bursting into laughter.

"It's fine, there is lots of space here. Those women won't take up much space anyway, since they can sit on us... hahahahaha..."

No one responded to the demons' teases, but Cheryl curled up in uncertainty. Rhode didn't even look at them once. If one took notice, one would discover that Rhode had moved his fingers slightly, where two cards flashed abruptly and disappeared into thin air.

At the same time, the irritable laughter came to an end.

In the blink of an eye, two petite figures in white cloaks flitted across the air like ghosts. Their razor-sharp blades penetrated the demons' hearts and tore apart their throats mercilessly. In an instant, before a dozen of demons seated on the ferry reacted, their flame of life extinguished completely without any warning. Shortly after, an ice-cold storm rose abruptly, flinging their massive corpses into the river. The seemingly crowded ferry suddenly became empty.

At this moment, Canary laid down her palm, while Gracier and Madaras who had sneaked onto the ferry let out a string of crisp, bell-like giggles, before hiding into the shadows. Upon witnessing this scene, Stefania smiled and turned to the ferryman.

"Now, it seems like you've sufficient space for us?"

"... Of course."

The ferryman standing by the bow laid down his defensive arm gradually, swirling his ugly eyes that glinted in yellow radiance, and let out an ear-piercing laughter.

"Welcome aboard my ferry, everyone. I guarantee to provide you the best and most comfortable service."

Chapter 1088: Shadows of Casselly

Fallon stretched out his arm and grabbed a handful of squirming soul larvae, feeding them into his mouth. The soft and smooth sensation on his tongue tingled. This vampire with a scarlet complexion closed his mouth, his razor-sharp teeth tearing and grinding the struggling soul larvae. Upon tasting their delicious fluid and the flesh that went down his throat and into his body, Fallon narrowed his eyes in joy, gazing at the human knelt before him. In Fallon's eyes, this human was no different from other slaves: foolish, naive, and ignorant. As a demon, Fallon could never imagine why those idiots from the main plane would come to hell, in search of their so-called 'self-value'. Or perhaps, such a thing did exist in their world?

However, this human brought him a piece of interesting intelligence. According to him, a ruler who possessed high authority and powerful strength had arrived in hell with his subordinates and had an unclear motive... Yes, this was amusing to him. Fallon had faced plenty of scoundrels who challenged his authority bravely. But those people were different. They possessed power that even he had to back off from. Of course, he knew he didn't do it out of fear. Or perhaps, it should be said that he was the only one who knew why he didn't send out guards to take down those people who wreaked havoc in his fortress and hang them to death on the city wall with others.

Was he too incapable or simply afraid? Or perhaps both?

But now, Fallon suddenly had a change of mind. He gazed at this tiny, humble human in curiosity, sensing a burning vengeance and rage deep in his heart. This made him somewhat interested in this human. In the long years of bloodbath, Fallon needed something to spice up this boring life of his. As of now, squashing devils into mince meat wasn't fun for him anymore.

"That is indeed interesting, but I can't possibly just send out men to track the so-called prey you mentioned."

Fallon smiled, releasing breaths of sulfur from his nostrils.

"Besides, according to an earlier report, they have left the fortress, went down the River Styx, and no one knows where they are heading to..."

"I have a way to track them, Sir Fallon."

Andre lowered his head, gazing at the ground.

"I have planted a spy in their group and I know they are heading to Casselly next. Sir Fallon, as long as you give an order, I will hunt them down like a hound and let them have a taste of true agony!"

"How interesting..."

After hearing Andre's commitment, Fallon narrowed his eyes. He let out a snort, stood to his feet, and went up to Andre in large strides. Upon feeling the blazing heat and awful stench, Andre gnashed his teeth, held down the fear in his heart, and remained unmoved as he continued to kneel down before Fallon. The tall and mighty demon lowered his head and scanned the minute ant by his feet. After a few silent moments, he clapped his palms together and footsteps were quickly heard, followed by a string of crisp, melodious laughter that echoed in the dark, shadowy room. Andre lifted his head curiously, before widening his eyes in bafflement. Standing before him was a chuckling Succubus. Her pitch-black wings were as though the expensive fur of a wealthy woman that wrapped her slender, curvy body. Upon noticing Andre's gaze, the Succubus winked at him and smiled alluringly. Andre couldn't help but shudder and lower his head quickly. At this moment, Fallon's deep, thunderous voice boomed and after hearing his answer, Andre revealed a fanatical smile.

My gamble worked.


The River Styx was as peaceful as ever. Or perhaps, at least for now.

Rhode sat on the side of the ferry, watching the river flow calmly before him. It seemed like the river was neither too deep nor wide and resembled a slightly murky stream. Occasionally, he vaguely saw some reefs underneath the water. However, he knew that they were only for show. If any idiot were to jump onto them, there would only be one consequence: one would immediately turn into food for the hunters lurking at the bottom of the river.

The ferryman continued to row the ferry using the long pole as though he was able to find the supporting point of the river in every movement, using the strength of the river to sail forward. This seemed rather interesting to Rhode because the River Styx had no depth. In other words, it might be bottomless like the Mariana Trench, where ordinary people couldn't possibly sail forward using the strength of the river. Of course, based on this point, these ferrymen were truly capable.

At this thought, Rhode lifted his head and gazed at the ferryman at the bow of the ferry. Upon detecting his gaze, the ferryman was slightly startled.

Be careful, I don't have much patience.

Without the need of spiritual communication, the ferryman easily read the meaning behind Rhode's gaze. This left him feeling somewhat worried, but he continued to grasp the long pole and rowed the ferry with force. Along with his movement, the small ferry suddenly changed direction and sailed aside gradually. At a glance, this seemed to be a prior indication of them being stranded because there were only shallow, dried trees and hard boulders around them. But at the next moment, everyone's vision turned black as though they were passing through a curtain. Then, their vision suddenly became well-lit.

The land and large boulders from before had vanished entirely, only to be replaced by a spacious river that flowed in the cosmos. The group clearly witnessed a bright, red planet as though they were on a spaceship headed for Mars—it was a dreamy scene. At a single glance, three dry and fiery planets with each of their own distinguishing features could be seen floating and linking up into a circle in the massive cosmos. The River Styx that flowed quietly like a stream had turned into a rapid, forward-surging river. Despite that, the ferry above it was sailing as calmly as ever.

"The endless prison, Casselly," Stefania said, heaving a subtle sigh. She stared at this world connected by the bright, red planet with melancholic eyes. "This is the prison of all things. Apart from the ferrymen of the River Styx, no one can leave this place. It imprisons criminals of all races, including demons. This is the best execution ground for them to serve their sentences. They who are sentenced shall stay here forever to battle against devils until the final moment of their lives."

Upon hearing Stefania's lament, Rhode didn't say a word as he gazed at her curiously. After closing the business deal, this plane merchant didn't leave immediately. Instead, she followed them and boarded the ferry together. Rhode had no objections, but felt somewhat dubious of her decision. After all, what she was doing seemed to be beyond the scope of a plane merchant already.

And at this moment, Stefania suddenly lifted her head, looked ahead, and knitted her brows slightly.

"My apologies, Your Majesty. It seems like we have some troubles ahead."

Without the need of her reminder, Rhode had also witnessed the 'massive' fleet ahead of them which consisted of thousands of ships in various sizes that seemed like a complete mess. But it was due to this showing that Rhode knew that they were considered bothersome enemies. Such a messy fleet was as though floating trash on the river, which could only mean that they belonged to the devils. What made matters worse was that the devil fleet was sailing toward their ferry. Considering the fast-flowing waters of River Styx, the devil fleet that was going against the river flow was actually moving faster than Rhode's ferry. This was totally illogical and unscientific...

"Hey, customers, it seems like we're in trouble."

The ferryman said, but judging from the tone in his voice, he seemed to be rejoicing in their misfortune. He gazed ahead and continued to control the ferry as though to 'try' and avoid contact ahead. But only he knew whether he was serious or only putting on a show.

"Unfortunately, it seems like we're blocking the sailing path of the devil fleet. Dear customers, I suggest we head another direction and take the long way. But... I suppose you wouldn't want to start a battle with those guys on the River Styx, right?"

"Why not?"

Out of the ferryman's surprise, not only were his 'passengers' not flustered and pale, but the most timid Cassidy also stood up and gazed at the dense devil fleet in disdain. It was as though they were nothing more than weeds in her eyes. Only the elf lady's expression met the ferryman's expectations. But it was a pity that he didn't receive his anticipated response.

"I think it's a good idea to attack them now. What do you think, Leader?"

Mini Bubble Gum answered the ferryman, scuttling toward Rhode and asked. Upon hearing her words, Rhode didn't say anything. Instead, he extended his arms and two daggers appeared in his hands, emanating dazzling, spiritual blade rays. Looking at this scene, the ferryman changed his expression for the first time.

"You must be crazy! You can't... damn it... you're asking for death if you do that!"

However, Rhode didn't respond to the ferryman's snarl. Instead, he turned toward him and waved his right hand.

Along with his action, a blinding brilliance erupted.

Chapter 1089: Confrontation

To the beings in the underworld, there were three questions that had no value in discussions.

When will a bloodbath erupt?


Where will a bloodbath start?


Who will join a bloodbath?


After one realized the meaning of these three answers, one would understand that be it a confrontation in a small, dark alley or random riverside, it would eventually turn into a war involving millions of creatures. Everywhere in this place was always a part of a bloodbath and due to this reason, when Rhode raised his weapon, there was no point in using exaggerated language to warn him that this would trigger a war.

Because war had already begun.

Rhode stretched his arms out and the blades in his hands emanated a blinding radiance. They erupted, forming a long and narrow shape 'X' that struck at the devil fleet. Right behind this cross-shaped blade rays, the tide rolled over quickly as though it were sucked in by a powerful force. In the blink of an eye, the tide rose into a huge wave of several meters tall like an enormous monster widening its mouth and was about to devour the devil fleet ahead. The violent waves overthrew the ships and the devils onboard were thrown into the water. But no one cared about their predicament. Since the devils had swallowed a whole stomach of river water, there was actually not much difference from them writing their names on the book of death.


The bright, dazzling radiance erupted, causing the waves in the River Styx to rage. The river flow suddenly turned the opposite direction due to the massive impact, shaking the ferry that Rhode's group boarded. Shortly after, the radiance dissipated and perhaps due to this, the devils gained sight of their enemies. They soared to midair, pressing forward together like a thick, dark cloud. At the same time, thousands of fireballs appeared densely in midair, blasting toward Rhode's group. But despite that, the fireballs were completely ineffective because Canary had raised her arms and cast a scarlet, plastic film-like barrier that enfolded the entire ferry. The instant the menacing fireballs struck the red barrier, they became as though raindrops falling into a pool of water, vanishing to nowhere. Apart from the ripples they caused, they served no other purposes. On the other hand, the fireballs that missed the barrier and plunged into the river caused a series of explosions and an eruption of mists. The strong waves in the river swayed the drifting ferry uncontrollably. But perhaps due to the high-level spell from Canary, the ferry continued to stay afloat stubbornly and didn't capsize at all.

"Damn it, damn it!" At the same time, the calm ferryman finally lost his cool and became exasperated. He clutched the long pole and his maroon eyes glinted in anger. He widened his mouth and revealed a terrifying and malevolent expression. If an ordinary person were to see his face, perhaps he or she would have fainted. "You guys sure are troublemakers! And you even dragged me into it! I'm warning you now. If my ferry and I are to get hurt even a little, I will abandon all of you! Even if you eliminate the thousands of devils, you shall stay lost in this endless River Styx!"

"If it weren't for someone who tried to show his dignity by controlling everything and purposely bringing us near a 'transportation channel', would we even need to face these annoying devils?"

Stefania was not as prepared for battle as everyone else. She chuckled, resting her cheeks on her hands and sitting in the middle of the ferry. Her bright eyes glinted wittily as she gazed at the ferryman.

"Now you know that we're entirely different from the country bumpkins that are everywhere in this underworld, right, Mr. Ferryman? What a pity for your wishful thinking. But you still have a chance to correct your mistake."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Merchant."

The ferryman turned over, unsure if he was feigning ignorance.

"I guarantee this is only a coincidence. They are not demons; they are damn devils who never ensure strict obedience. Who knows if they will suddenly go berserk and try to show us their 'prestige'? I'm not afraid to tell you that even if all the young ladies on this ferry, including yourself, are sold, it won't be enough to compensate for the loss of my ferry. Even if I disregard all of you, I still have to look after my ferry, isn't it?"

Even though the ferryman said that, he continued to row the ferry away with the long pole, carefully drawing a distance away from the devils. Since there was still hope, he wouldn't give up his customers so easily. Yugoloths were neither demons nor devils. They would neither follow their hearts' desires nor be forced to obey some established rules. Instead, they were like humans, roaming flexibly among Order and Chaos. As long as it was profitable, there was nothing they wouldn't do.

"Oh-oh-oh, how reminiscent."

Mini Bubble Gum stood by the bow of the ferry and gazed at the devils advancing rapidly toward them in the distance. Not only did the number of dense, thick dark clouds not scare the young lady, but she also revealed an exhilarating expression. She raised her right arm and along with her movement, a gigantic, white light column erupted and blasted forward.


The recoil from this powerful attack caused the swaying ferry to shake and slide backward. The ferryman quickly held down the pole to stop it from capsizing, at the same time looking at the young lady in exasperation. It was apparent that Mini Bubble Gum had totally disregarded the threatening words of the ferryman.

The blinding radiance merged into the dense, dark cloud. Then, a thunderous power exploded, sending rays of dazzling light out of the dark mass of devils. Before the devils that were enveloped in the radiance reacted, they lit up on fire instantly like moths flying into the flame, burning into ashes completely.

There were tens of thousands of devils, but they weren't worthy of a mention in the eyes of Rhode's group. No matter how many ants there were and even if they had an advantage in numbers, they couldn't make up for the difference in strength, not to mention that they were facing one of the five Creator Dragons. And the true Creator Dragon, that was.

Just two attacks were enough to eliminate one-fifth of the devils. But even so, the devils didn't seem to be retreating. Perhaps they completely disregarded what Rhode's group had done and only cared that not only did these uninvited visitors block their path, but they also launched attacks at them.

At this moment, it was Cassidy's turn.

The timid and cautious Deity Warden stood up. She knitted her brows and gazed at the snarling devils in dissatisfaction. The devils flapped their wings and descended from above, stretching out their claws and revealing their razor-sharp teeth. The number of devils was enough to bury them alive. But Cassidy wasn't afraid at all. She extended one finger and drew a horizontal line in midair.

The devils' attack came to an abrupt end. Then, they started 'crashing' at the high altitude.

That's right, 'crashing'. Along in Cassidy's movements, this moment was as though the direction of gravity had switched around. Not only did the devils not get any closer to their targets after forcefully flapping their wings, but they also crashed to the ground (or perhaps sky) like airplanes that went out of control. In the blink of an eye, the brazen devils approaching the ferry instantly turned into little stars that vanished in the endless horizon like what Rhode often read in comics. As for whether they could survive, it wasn't within Cassidy's consideration.


Witnessing this scene, Rhode couldn't help but blow a whistle and feel really glad that he only fought against Cassidy's soul fragment back then. If he fought this form of hers back then, this 'reversal of gravity' would surely give him a hard time.

In an instant, a huge chunk of devils were eliminated. 30,000 to 50,000 devils were crushed to powder by the combined attacks from Rhode, Mini Bubble Gum, and Cassidy. If they were in the main plane, they would have already reached the end of a war. But in a bloodbath like this, it was only the beginning. A number like 10,000 to 20,000 was merely cannon fodder to both sides at the start of the war. The casualty count for both sides in a bloodbath would begin from at least the hundreds of millions. The battles in the main plane were incomparable to those here. The sacrifice they put in was nothing more than nourishment to this piece of land.

"This is meaningless!"

The ferryman growled and as though proving his words, a string of flashes appeared from the edge of the devil fleet in the distance. That was the devils' summoning and teleportation spells to call forth bored and idle devils to join this bloodbath on the River Styx. In the blink of an eye, the emptied space was refilled and the number of devils increased yet again.

"We can't clash with the devils here. No matter how powerful you are, you can never eliminate the endless source of devils. I'm warning you. There is a time limit for the teleportation in the River Styx. If we're unable to reach our destination before the time limit, I will need to take the longer route to complete our deal! Even though the teleportation vortex is just ahead, I can only bring you to Gray Ruins if we can't eliminate the devils quickly. I will say this beforehand! This isn't a scheme of mine!"

After hearing the ferryman's words, Rhode's expression remained unchanged. He wielded the daggers, squinted at the devils in the distance, and then the corners of his lips perked up slightly. Then, he ordered.

"Alright then, in that case, we don't have much time to waste. Please advance."

"Are you crazy?"

Upon hearing Rhode's words, the ferryman widened his eyes in bafflement.

"There are a few millions of devils ahead and you want me to sacrifice my precious ferry?!"

"Indeed, it may be tough if we do it ourselves. But don't worry, we're not fighting alone."

Rhode said, turning around and gazing at Celestina who had closed her eyes silently.

"How's it, Celestina?"

Celestina opened her eyes to his question. Her scarlet eyes glinted in a flash.

"Don't worry, Master. They're already here."


As though responding to Celestina, the peaceful River Styx behind them suddenly surged and in a massive, loud boom, a tall, majestic ship appeared before their eyes.

Chapter 1090: Break a Siege

As the massive ship emerged from the water, the other participants of the bloodbath finally took the stage.

"Slaughter those damn devils!"

The abyssal demons snarled and flourished their weapons. As the dazzling brilliance shone, hundreds of thousands of warships showed up in midair. The rushing river tumbled forward as the warships picked up speed and launched their attacks on the devils. A string of fireballs streaked across the air, blasting at the devil fleet in the distance. Shortly after, the flames blazed in the explosions, scattering scorching heat to the surroundings. The blinding flashes and deep explosions signified the start of a war and a whole new phase.

Rhode's ferry was caught among the demon fleet. The ferry was so tiny in comparison that it had no advantage over the tall and mighty ships. But despite that, almost all the demon ships kept a safe distance from the ferry as no demons were foolish enough to stay in the way of the people who could effortlessly eradicate so many devils at once because that would be no different from seeking death. With the arrival of the demons, the firepower assumed by Rhode's group was dispersed quickly. Shortly after, the ferryman rowed the tiny ferry in the flow of the river.

"This is only the start! Start your engines and fire your cannons! Music on! Go all out! Kill anyone who stops me!"

Mini Bubble Gum raised her fist and along with her movement, a massive, circular magical ritual appeared with her in the middle. At the next moment, countless, white, glaring rays of light shone forward like a string of cannon shots blasting at the devils' messy formation. But that wasn't the end because at the same time, the rest also got into action.

Lesa raised the staff high up in midair. This young lady donned a white gown and triangular hat and waved her staff casually. Along with her movement, a dazzling, blue light in the air turned into a circle that expanded abruptly, slashing through the devils' solid shell like a razor-sharp blade. In the blink of an eye, everything in the path of the light circle was sliced in half. It didn't matter if the devils used weapons or spells to strengthen their defense or how indestructible their shell was as they were split entirely in the illusory circle. It was no exception for the steel ships that the devils built. At a glance, wreckages of sliced-up ships could be seen sinking into the river. The devils who were just summoned and hadn't even figured out the bearing of the enemies were flustered after being struck by another wave of attacks. Meanwhile, the ferry continued to advance forward.

Celestina and Celia didn't attack. They quietly stood on both sides of the ferry to stop any ambushes. Cheryl and Stefania remain seated. The former's eyes were healed by Mini Bubble Gum earlier on and now, Cheryl was widening her eyes and witnessing this unimaginable scene.

Cheryl had been involved in a bloodbath and due to this reason, she knew how difficult it was to deal with devils. There were a few times she thought she wouldn't make it back alive. If it weren't for the ridiculous and disorderly nature of the devils that gave her a certain chance, perhaps she wouldn't have escaped and be here now. In a bloodbath, deserter and dead often had the same meaning. Before receiving an order to retreat, one who fell back would most likely be pounced on by the devils. One would then use one's life to experience the punishment for going against the rules.

That was like a nightmare to Cheryl to be surrounded by demons, launching attacks involuntarily, and even chanting spells became oddly tough. Besides, devils were immune to flames and this led to the ineffectiveness of a mage's most powerful spell. Moreover, she had to always be on the lookout and not sink into the 'human' wave attack. After all, in a bloodbath, there was no lack of enemies.

In fact, Cheryl turned ashen as soon as she witnessed the devils. She couldn't imagine how she actually survived the encirclement of these devils before. But she didn't expect these terrifying devils to be as weak as fragile goblins who scourged villages in these people's eyes! In only a few moments, the devils were completely eliminated without having a chance to retaliate. In fact, up until this point, none of the devils had even managed to hurt them. Even though the scarlet barrier cast by Canary wasn't as perfect as the defensive shield mastered by a cleric like Mini Bubble Gum, the devils' attacks completely failed to shatter this plastic film-like barrier. Judging from this point, it could be seen just how powerful Canary was as a young mage.

Andre was thinking of becoming enemies with these people?

Cheryl lowered her head and gazed in uncertainty at the deck. She bit her lip as her heart pounded constantly. Previously, she thought that this wasn't a good idea and now, she was certain of it. They weren't capable of going against these people who had effortlessly destroyed and thrashed the devils' front line. If Andre were here to witness this scene, perhaps he would give up his thought...

"What's going through your mind, adorable little elf lady?"

At this moment, a crisp, playful voice sounded in Cheryl's ears. She looked up and saw Stefania's beautiful, smiley face. Cheryl didn't know who she was and only vaguely knew that she was a merchant who helped Rhode out. But Cheryl also wasn't sure why this merchant was willing to head into the Rift Plain with them. And now, her relaxed expression was as though she neglected the fact that they were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of devils. It was also as though they weren't facing terrifying enemies, but were simply chilling in the wild. But for some unknown reason, as soon as Cheryl looked into Stefania's eyes, she curled up instinctively as though a scorching flame was burning her body.

Upon seeing her reaction, Stefania smiled, extending a finger and shaking it.

"Don't worry, His Majesty Rhode is really powerful. In his eyes, those devils are no threat at all. We can just enjoy the show from here. Sigh, these devils are so lucky to have His Majesty Rhode attacking them himself."

Stefania said, lifting her head.

Under the ferryman's control, the ferry arrived before the devils' front. At a glance, the shipwrecks were sinking gradually and devil corpses filled the water surface. Almost at the same time, the demons following closely behind Rhode collided heavily into the sluice-like wreckages in the River Styx.


In the powerful clash, both sides started a new battle. Demons and devils fought at close quarters, ripping and tearing through one another fanatically. Billows of dark green smoke with a deadly stench dispersed, enfolding everything within them. Dazzling flares erupted constantly, engulfing everything along with strong gales. In an instant, the River Styx turned into a bloody battlefield.

Blade rays flashed.

Rhode streaked across the air with his twin daggers. The ground trembled and the middle of the River Styx started cracking in with his movements. Like in myths and legends where one led one's family and divided the ocean to escape capture from the king, a deep, long separation was formed in the River Styx from the middle. The roaring river water pushed away the shipwrecks that were blocking their path. Blade rays whizzed and shone, turning into strong gales that shredded everything in their path into powder. Before the devils that pounced forward were able to show their strength, they were instantly shattered into bits as though they were simply made of clay and didn't have bodies of flesh. As Rhode's blade rays ran across them, they turned into powder and were devoured entirely by the white, shimmering blade lights. None of their remains were left behind.

This instantaneous and powerful force left the River Styx trembling constantly as though it were trying to avoid the massive strength. Using this chance, the ferryman rowed the ferry ahead and overcame the sinking wreckage easily like a feather drifting on the water.

"I'm trying my best!"

The startled ferryman turned to Rhode quickly. The latter stood quietly at the side of the ferry, pointing down the twin daggers leisurely as though nothing were happening. However, the ferryman knew that the radiance emanating from the daggers had eliminated beings equivalent to three Flame Monarchs! Yes, Flame Monarchs, who were no pushovers in the abyss! And yet, they were defeated so quickly!

Maybe I have really gotten myself some bothersome customers.

At this thought, the ferryman felt a shiver down his spine. He clutched the long pole and rowed forward with force.

The ferry passed through the front line and a huge amount of devils appeared before them once again.

"Everyone, there is only one chance. We have wasted too much time! If we can't arrive at the next teleportation point within five minutes, we will have no choice but to go the long way!"

The ferryman took a breath of cold air and yelled. After witnessing the powerful and ridiculous strength of these people, he no longer dared to retaliate against them. Instead, he had no choice but to prepare himself, so as to avoid being killed by these temperamental people. A ferryman who was killed by his own customers would surely be the funniest joke in his trade.

Upon hearing his words, Rhode didn't have any reaction. He lifted his head and gazed ahead. Right there, the densely packed devils had completely blotted out the sky.

"In that case, what are we waiting for?" he said. "Attack!"

Chapter 1091: Attacked

The refreshing wind of the night blew against Erin, causing her to narrow her eyes and hum as she flew ahead.

Erin was in high spirits right now. Even though there were some difficulties and challenges in the earlier negotiations, both sides had completed the matters concerning compensation and transaction, which also meant that the war that was likely to happen was stopped. This let Erin heave a sigh of relief. But what made her happier was that through this experience, her big brother seemed to have learned to slow things down and be less stubborn. Although she didn't know what triggered this behavior in him, it was still good news for her.

However, she was also curious as to what Rhode had done to make her big brother give in, which was really rare to see. After Erin returned to the Void Territory, she would surely ask Rhode about it. Perhaps she might even find some of her big brother's weaknesses. Maybe this moon princess had completely forgotten the standpoint that she should have.

But even though she was immersed in thoughts, she didn't neglect the rumors and flashes of light that came from the darkness.


The moon princess flapped her wings gently and dodged the ambush of a dazzling light ray from the side. She turned around elegantly in a perfect motion and her massive dragon body silently flitted across the night sky in a trail of afterimages. Then, she lashed out her large tail at the empty sky and in a loud, earth-shattering boom, three to five ghost-like, shadowy figures emerged and dodged her attack desperately. But this wasn't the end because shortly after, a blistering dragon breath from above readily devoured the shadows. Erin stretched her neck in satisfaction before letting out a proud snort.

As the moon princess, her battle sense was extraordinarily sharp. Back then, Mini Bubble Gum and Canary, two of the top players, were almost defeated by her. Based on this fact, if one were to treat this moon princess as a powerful, yet inexperienced girl in battle from a wealthy family, there would only be one consequence.



Erin cocked her head curiously, narrowing her eyes while staring ahead. She realized that the shadowy figures had shuttled out of her dragon breath. It seemed like they weren't hurt at all and this made her rather curious. She had never seen anyone surviving her dragon breath unscathed. It seemed like these people were somewhat powerful and mysterious.

"Who are you? Why are you here for me?"

At this moment, Erin finally got a clear look at her ambushers. They appeared to be humans, but their bodies were wrapped in a layer of weird substance that resembled blazing, shadowy flames. The shadowy flames seemed to be really weak and it was obvious that her dragon breath wasn't totally ineffective on them. However, they didn't respond to her questions. Instead, they each held a strange weapon made of black steel that was two meters in length. They also didn't seem obliged to answer her questions. Shortly after, they pointed the mysterious, steel weapon at her. Erin instinctively felt like something bad was about to happen. Even though she didn't know what those weapons were, since those unwelcome visitors came here to deal with her and had specially prepared equipment and spells that could resist her dragon breath, they must have really understood her well in this case!

No matter what, I can't give them time to prepare their attacks!

This thought flashed across her mind for a split second and the dark space around her rippled and erupted. In an instant, the entire space shook and she expanded her wings comfortably, soaring into the sky and hiding in some hidden space as though she had vanished completely. Looking at this scene, the strange humans grimaced and lifted their weapons quickly. Then, several lightning-like, green brilliances erupted from their weapons, enveloping the sky instantly. As the green lightning bolts struck, the sky that should have been in eternal darkness suddenly flashed in contrasting white radiance, revealing Erin's hideout.

But this time, Erin was no longer as relaxed as before. Instead, she hovered in midair calmly. Her golden eyes stared in attention and rage.

"Chaos Beings? I didn't expect you guys to be here."

In the next moment, the roaring dragon breath ripped through and overwhelmed the lightning bolts.

After confirming their identities, Erin held back no more. In an instant, dazzling, white dragon breath enfolded the sky. The mystical lightning bolts shattered like fragile spiderwebs in the face of the raging dragon breath of flames and were completely devoured. This time, the ambushers finally revealed terrified expressions. They chose to retreat in a fluster, but Erin was much quicker than them. She dove from above and the ambushers were appalled to find her massive body arriving before them. She slashed her razor-sharp claws that broke the sound barrier and relentlessly penetrated one of the ambushers. As the other ambushers escaped, she turned around abruptly, swung her enormous tail across the air, and struck two of the ambushers heavily.


Not anyone could defend against this all-out attack from a Night Wyvern. In the loud, blood-curdling screeches, two of the ambushers shattered like eggs flung to the wall. But after taking a closer look, one would see that they actually didn't have blood or flesh. Instead, they released a kind of strange, gasoline-like liquid in all directions, before volatilizing and disappearing completely after a few seconds. But Erin wasn't bothered at all. She followed through with the momentum and turned around to pounce on the remaining three ambushers who slipped through the net. Then, she breathed yet another dragon breath from her mouth and it enfolded two out of three of them. This time, these two unfortunate fellows weren't as lucky as before. As flashes erupted in the flames of the dragon breath, they vanished completely in midair and disappeared without a trace.

And at this moment, Erin turned to the last ambusher and pounced on him abruptly.

Upon realizing her fast attack, the ambusher revealed a terrified expression. He clutched the long, pole-like weapon and shortly after, a mysterious radiance emanated from it. It quickly took shape into a net-like presence intertwined with green lines. The net expanded quickly in the blink of an eye, transforming into a large gate-like structure. Upon witnessing this mystical gate, Erin was baffled. She flapped her wings to stop her movements abruptly. But she didn't expect the enormous gate to pull her in with a powerful force of attraction!

This is bad!

Upon realizing this, Erin opened her mouth wide and released another powerful dragon breath that turned into a flamethrower, blasting at the gate. But what surprised her was that her dragon breath wasn't able to penetrate and destroy the gate. Instead, it vanished entirely in its darkness.

This isn't the power of Chaos. This is...

The gate trembled and violent airflows erupted, pulling in everything from the surroundings. Erin had run out of ideas and could only watch helplessly as the gate opened like a monster widening its mouth. At the next moment, she was devoured completely and nowhere to be seen.

The roaring airflows vanished instantly.

The fierce battle in the sky from a few moments ago vanished, with peace restoring its place. No one realized what just happened or saw the gloomy, desperate figure escaping from this place and vanishing into the dark night sky.


Erin crashed heavily to the ground and rolled several times before coming to a halt. The spatial torrents left her head spinning. Even though she didn't know what happened exactly, she knew that she had fallen into their trap, which wasn't good news for her at all.

Oh my... I didn't expect to be messed up so badly by Chaos Beings... Hmmm?

Erin lifted her head and gazed curiously at the scene before her. She was taken aback.

At a glance, she witnessed the endless starry sky. She wasn't totally unfamiliar with this scene because this was a common view in Rhode's Void Territory. But now, she was certain that she definitely wasn't in the Void Territory. The spread of land before her was pale in color, filled with potholes of various sizes. There was almost no oxygen in the air, but to a dependent of the Dark Dragon, the need to breathe was no longer an issue to her. What caught her attention were the strange houses on this vast, mysterious land. They were semicircular and oval in shape, standing upright from the ground. Not only that, but Erin also discovered similar, wrecked houses underneath her feet with only broken walls remaining, emanating a bright, magical brilliance. To Erin, this was a spectacular view. The steel buildings were marked on one side by a peculiar flag with red and white stripes and a dozen stars. Erin had never seen such a flag in her life.

Where am I?

Erin cocked her head and at this moment, she heard an ear-piercing alarm. Shortly after, she witnessed several strange-looking creatures resembling steel birds flying out from the steel buildings in the near distance.

What are they?

Erin squinted at them. There were humans riding on the steel birds. It seemed to her that the steel birds were some sort of mage equipment.


The enemies arrived beside her, surrounding her completely. However, they communicated in a language she couldn't recognize at all. The bizarre steel birds got into formation as though they had received an order and all of a sudden, a weird, cone-like object emerged from below them. Erin instinctively folded her wings to defend herself.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a series of explosions, Erin expanded her wings and soared into the sky abruptly. Even though these mysterious fireballs were more powerful than fireballs cast from spells, they couldn't hurt a dependent of the Dark Dragon like her at all. But it was also due to this reason that she recognized their identity.

"It seems like this is the nest of the Chaos Beings. Alright then, in that case, I shall destroy this place!"