

Chapter 107 - Shining Grain

In the past three months, the demonic and orthodox sects had battled each other many times. Whenever either side saw Wang Lin, they would stop fighting and would open up a path. After Wang Lin left, they would continue to battle.

After Wang Lin made an offering to his parents, he was no longer confused. He found a cliff, dug a cave, sat down inside, and began to think.

First was the spiritual energy in his body. Although his spiritual energy had the power to freeze before, it was far from the power it displayed now. This point confused Wang Lin greatly and not even Situ Nan could figure out the reason for it.

This showed that the Ji, Dao, and Shi Realms had disappeared completely from the rank 6 cultivation countries.

This spiritual power's sudden increase in strength made Wang Lin a bit more confident. He felt the spiritual energy in his body and suddenly felt very strange. It seemed there was something extra in his spiritual energy.

It was as if there was some mysterious substance inside his spiritual energy and it was because of this substance that his spiritual energy's power had increased greatly.

Before, he didn't notice this because there wasn't much of that substance inside his body, but the amount of that substance had increased.

The moment that thought came about, it began to expand uncontrollably. Wang Lin slightly frowned and concentrated on his body as he moved his spiritual energy. He started at his dantian, then through his body, then back to his dantian.

As he examined it, Wang Lin gradually found some clues. His spiritual energy was now dark blue; however, that was not the spiritual energy's true color. It was because of some dark blue threads.

This dense bulk of threads was the cause of the change in his spiritual energy. Wang Lin waved his right hand and spiritual energy came out. The spiritual energy gathered into a ball of ice and inside it were countless dark blue threads.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin reached out and grabbed the air with a serious expression. The ball of ice began to shrink. Every time it shrank, large amounts of sweat appeared on Wang Lin's forehead.

Just as the ball of ice shrunk to ? of its original size, some of the threads collapsed. Soon, more threads collapsed as if they couldn't handle the pressure.

Wang Lin frowned. He sent out another wave of spiritual energy to replace the dark blue threads as he continued to refine. As time passed, Wang Lin had sent out several waves of spiritual energy, but every time, only a small number of the dark blue threads remained.

Under the continuous injections of spiritual energy, the rate at which the dark blue threads disappeared couldn't match the speed that Wang Lin was replacing them. Finally, after several hours, the refining was complete.

Although Wang Lin was tired, his eyes were shining.

The ball of ice had shrunk to the size of a grain of rice and the color had changed from dark blue to cyan. This cyan grain of ice was composed entirely of dark blue threads. It emitted a dangerous aura.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he grabbed the grain and left the cave. He paused in the air for a while, then quickly flew toward the closest jungle. Standing outside the jungle, he waved his hand and the grain hit a nearby tree.

At the same time, there was a faint glow of cyan light and the tree turned to ice. A dark blue ripple appeared. Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed and he backed up. In almost the blink of an eye, everything in a 300 meter radius turned into a blue world.

Within the radius of 300 meters, no matter if it was trees, animals, flowers, insect, or insects that were underground; basically any living thing within a 300 meter radius died.

Even Wang Lin himself was hit by the blue light. It caused his body to become stiff, as if a wave of cold energy entered his body. It was a good thing that the energy was the same as the spiritual energy in his body. After it was absorbed by him, he recovered his mobility.

Filled with uncertainty, he looked at the center of the blast. He wasn't sure if he would still be okay if he had been at the center of that blast.

It has to be said that the cyan grain was refined by him using only the dark blue threads in his body. There was nothing else like it.

Wang Lin muttered to himself,"This cyan grain is the best magic treasure I have."

After silently standing there for a bit, he turned around and left. After he returned to the cave, he once against invested a lot of time to obtain another cyan grain.

Staring at the small grain, Wang Lin sighed and put it away. Making one already took a lot of spiritual energy. It seemed he was a bit too weak after making two.

Although the grain was very powerful, producing it took too much spiritual energy. Wang Lin wryly smiled as he took out some spiritual liquid and drank it down to recover. By the time night came, he had recovered 70-80% of his spiritual energy.

His eyes lit up and without a word, he started to refine another grain.

Three days later, three grains of rice floated before Wang Lin. His expression was very serious. Three seemed to be his limit. It wasn't that he didn't try to make a fourth one, but every time he tried, one of the earlier three would dissipate. After several experiments, Wang Lin gave up on the idea of making the fourth one.

After the three days of observation, although the grain's power was great, it was still not enough to harm Nascent Soul cultivators.

If he could throw out a dozen of these grains, he would have a chance, but no matter what, Wang Lin couldn't make the fourth grain. After pondering for a long time, Wang Lin came up with an idea. If he could fuse the three into one, then its power would increase for sure, and since he would only have one, then he should be able to make more.

Thinking about that, Wang Lin hesitated for a bit before putting up a few defensive formations with the surrounding rocks. After that, he took out some protection talismans that he had stolen, sat down, then put two grains close to each other.

Wang Lin's heart was about to come out of his throat as he prepared to escape at any moment. Slowly, the two grains touched.

Wang Lin saw an illusion. It was as if time had stopped the moment the two grains touched.

But shortly after, the two grains fused into one without any sound. The new grain had no change other than its color becoming darker.

Wang Lin was startled. After pondering for a while, he fused the new grain with the remaining grain.

When those two grains touched, there was a flash of cyan light. Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed and he used one of the few teleports he had left to disappear from the room. The moment he disappeared, the cyan light expanded and everything within a one kilometer radius turned into a world of ice.

Wang Lin appeared one kilometer away. Although he was outside the cyan light, he could still feel the cold enter through his feet.

Looking at everything before him, Wang Lin began to ponder. Although he had to waste a teleport, it was worth it. It seemed that fusing two grains was the limit. When he tried a third, it would immediately explode.

He obviously couldn't use that cave anymore. Wang Lin bitterly smiled as he found another place and dug out a huge cave.

Using a few days of time, Wang Lin replenished his supply of grains again. He easily controlled them to fuse together and was finally able to successfully create a fourth grain. This confirmed his previous hypothesis that three grains was the max, but if they fused into one, then it only counted as one.

The 3rd and 4th grains fused together. Later, Wang Lin carefully put the three grains into his bag of holding. Two of them had a darker color than one of them.

After sorting out all of the grains, more than a month had passed. It was close to the time that the Jue Ming Valley would open up.

Wang Lin sat cross legged on the ground. After cultivating for a while, he opened his eyes and spat out a green light. The small green sword hummed as it circled around Wang Lin, almost as if it had intelligence. Wang Lin raised his hand and the sword landed in his palm. He touched the sword and felt the sword's bone-piercing coldness.

The small green sword was blood refined by him, so when his spiritual energy changed, it caused the flying sword to also gain Ji attributes.

Just as he was about to use his changed spiritual energy to refine the sword, he suddenly stopped. He immediately noticed more than a hundred sword lights flying in his direction. It seemed they were all chasing one person.

Wang Lin's face became as cold as ice as he muttered, "It's that person…"

Chapter 108 - Old Friend

As he walked out of the cave, Wang Lin coldly looked around and saw 100 or so people split into five groups. They were surrounding a young man. A middle aged man walked out of the mob of people. He clasped his hands and said, "Junior brother Li Shan, your Xuan Dao Sect already has a token. Why do you need so many? If you hand it over, we won't trouble you anymore."

Among the disciples of Wu Feng Valley, a disciple snorted and said, "Li Shan, hand over the tokens or you will die for sure!"

The person they surrounded was Li Shan, someone that Wang Lin had met back in the Heng Yue Sect. He was here to represent the Xuan Dao Sect and was the only Qi Condensation disciple from the Xuan Dao Sect. The Jue Ming Valley only had an upper limit and not a lower limit on who could enter, so even a Qi Condensation disciple was allowed inside. Most sects wouldn't send a Qi Condensation disciple though.

Li Shan was able to come because he was good at making fake magic pills and he was a master of sneak attacks.

With these abilities, Punnan Zi broke the rules and let him go. Punnan Zi also gave him a magic treasure that made it so people wouldn't be able to detect him. The downside of this treasure is the more he uses it, the less effective it becomes.

Li Shan really did have some skill. Thanks to the protection of his fellow disciples, he was able to steal quite a few things during battles, including two tokens.

Adding on the token the Xuan Dao Sect already had, they now held three tokens.

The sects that lost their tokens attacked non-stop in the hopes of taking one back, which was why there were so many battles before.

But it was also because Li Shan was too greedy. After he entered the Jue Ming Valley, every time he saw someone, he would use that treasure to hide his presence and steal something. As he used it more and more, the magic treasure gradually lost its effect, and when he was stealing the 4th token, the magic treasure completely lost its effect. He was found out, but the Xuan Dao Sect disciples reacted quickly enough to save his life. The news spread out and all of the sects that had lost a token stopped fighting and rushed toward the Xuan Dao Sect's gathering place.

The Xuan Dao Sect's disciples were trapped there, so he secretly escaped using the tunnel he had dug ahead of time. However, what he didn't expect was to be found and forced to flee the moment he came out of the tunnel.

He only ran a few steps when he turned around and saw more than 100 sword lights chasing after him. He almost fell to the ground because every one of them was at the Foundation Establishment stage.

And this is how the situation played out.

Li Shan knelt down and threw two tokens on the ground without any hesitation.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet. The two sects that had lost their tokens had several people charge out, but how could the other sects just let them take the tokens back? Thus, they sent out people to stop them.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he stared at the two tokens on the ground. He moved quickly toward the tokens. Someone noticed him coming and went to stop him, but Wang Lin activated his attraction force technique and threw that person away.

Just like that, after several steps, Wang Lin was almost at the tokens.

The two groups that were fighting finally noticed Wang Lin. The people who were informed of the happenings within the Jue Ming Valley recognized Wang Lin. They all secretly complained, but stopped and didn't dare to move forward.

However, there were still some cultivators who had only heard about Wang Lin but never saw him, so they charged forward without any hesitation. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and a small, green sword suddenly appeared and began to flash. Every time the sword flashed, a cultivator would be frozen in ice and would die on the spot.

Wang Lin secretly sighed. He had noticed a few days that there was something wrong with the flying sword. Ever since his spiritual energy changed, it was harder to make the sword move as he wished; however, he just needed to concentrate more on controlling the sword and he wouldn't have any more problems.

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With the power of the Ji Realm spiritual energy, no Foundation Establishment cultivator could stand in his way. Even the magic treasures their elders had given them all fell to his Ji Realm spiritual energy.

It has to be said that for a Ji Realm cultivator, their best weapon is their Ji Realm.

Wang Lin walked another five steps. For every single step, several people died to the flying sword. Gradually, there were less and less people around him as most of them quickly backed away, not daring to move forward.

Wang Lin easily arrived before Li Shan. Li Shan was so scared that he didn't even dare to raise his head. Wang Lin's right hand reached out and grabbed the two tokens. He pondered for a while, then put the two tokens in his bag of holding. As his cold gaze swept past everyone, he said, "Hand over all of your tokens, or die!"

Li Shan, who was lying on the ground, noticed that the voice was familiar, so he worked up the courage to raise his head. Suddenly, he felt like he was struck by lightning and said, "You… Wang Lin!"

Wang Lin gazed at Li Shan. This scared Li Shan so much that he shivered and immediately shut up, but there was a storm in his heart. It has to be said that the name Wang Lin was very famous in the Xuan Dao Sect. Wang Lin, who arrived like a storm in the exchange between the Heng Yue Sect and the Xuan Dao Sect, was the goal of many core disciples of the Xuan Dao Sect.

He was also the person that Li Shan wanted to surpass the most, even in his dreams, especially after the incident with the stink bomb. Li Shan's life was hard after that event. During that time, Li Shan cursed Wang Lin on a daily bases.

But even so, he still believed that there would be a day when he would surpass Wang Lin, and after he reached the 14th layer of Qi Condensation, this thought became even more entrenched in his mind.

But now he was dumbfounded as he found out that the difference between them was like the difference between heaven and earth. It had only been a few years and Wang Lin already had the ability to easily kill Foundation Establishment cultivators. In Li Shan's eyes, Wang Lin's progress was simply too amazing.

After hearing Wang Lin's words, the people around him couldn't help but remember Wang Lin's reputation in Jue Ming Valley and how he had easily killed all those Foundation Establishment cultivators just now. Their hearts turned cold. After a long time, a white-clad youth sighed. He looked deeply at Wang Lin and asked, "Fellow cultivator, can you tell me what your cultivation level is?"

Wang Lin plainly said, "Foundation Establishment."

Chapter 109 - Untitled

The person was startled. He thought that Wang Lin wasn't willing to tell the truth, so he bitterly smiled. He slapped his bag of holding, threw out a token, turned around, and loudly said, "The Piao Miao Sect gives up their chance to enter the foreign battleground. Once the valley opens, we are leaving." With that, he lead a group of cultivators southwest and slowly disappeared.

With someone leading the way, the sects that had already lost their tokens explained their situation and even opened up every disciple's bag of holding. After that, three more sects left.

The He Huan Sect was the last sect with a token. The female disciple leading the group didn't hand over the token, but looked at the other remaining sect, Wu Feng Valley.

The leader of the Wu Feng Valley was an old man who looked like he was close to death. He was already at the pseudo Core Formation stage and would only need to go into closed door training for a few years to form his core.

He stared at Wang Lin and sneered, "Little baby, this old man has to thank you for gathering all these tokens for me. Leave behind the tokens and you can scram."

The He Huan Sect's leader's brow loosened. After taking to the members of the sect, they all slowly backed away.

Wang Lin's gaze swept past them before landing on the arrogant old man. Then, without a word, he slapped his bag of holding and a cyan grain of rice appeared in the air.

It was clear from the expression on the old man's face that he was looking down on Wang Lin. He felt that he could have killed those people as cleanly as Wang Lin did. In this eyes, Wang Lin must've been hiding his strength, but at most, it was only the peak of late stage Foundation Establishment. He believed that his cultivation level was the same as Wang Lin's. Because he was at the same cultivation level and was holding one of Wu Feng Valley's key treasures, the Heavenly Lightning Wind Fire Fan, he had no doubt that his victory was assured.

Now seeing that Wang Lin took out an unimpressive little point of light, a condescending smile appeared on his face. He shouted to his fellow disciples, "All of you, back up and watch how I destroy this arrogant brat."

With that, he waved his hand and a small, three inch fan appeared in his hand. There were many golden flame symbols on the fan, making it look very pretty.

The expressions of the other Wu Feng Valley disciples changed when they heard the old man's words and saw the fan. They unconsciously backed up. Some even backed up more than 100 feet before they relaxed a bit.

Wang Lin moved and grabbed the dumbfounded Li Shan as he quickly backed up. As he backed up, he used his attraction force technique to control the grain of rice to go toward the old man.

The old man's face was filled with disdain. He hit the fan and the fan opened. As the fan opened, a beam of golden light shot out.

Suddenly, a strange wind appeared and flew around the fan. Then, the golden flame on the fan seem to be alive, instantly heating up the area.

Just at that moment, the cyan grain hit the outer edge of the strange wind. The next instant, the golden fire surrounded the grain.

Wang Lin's expression was normal. His feet didn't stop as he thought in his head, "Explode!"

In the midst of the strange wind and golden flames, a cyan light burst forth. When the light reached its peak, it exploded with a boom and formed a ring of cyan light that began to spread like a tidal wave.

This scene was like 10,000 horses galloping. In an instant, it covered everything within more than 300 meters.

Wind was normally an intangible thing, but under the power of the Ji Realm, the wind turned into pieces of blue ice and fell to the ground. Next was the golden flame. The flame didn't even have time to go out before it was frozen. If one looked closely, it would look like the flame was still burning inside the ice.

As for Wu Feng Valley's treasure, the Heavenly Lightning Wind Fire Fan, it maintained its open form as it was covered by blue ice.

The pseudo Core Formation old man didn't even have time to react. His face was filled with disdain and pride when the ice froze him.

Behind him were 17 disciples of Wu Feng Valley. Even the ones that backed away more than 100 feet weren't able to escape. They all became ice sculptures.

Within a 300 meter radius, nothing was left alive. Anything that breathed was killed. This became a forbidden area for life.

Li Shan's mind went blank as he stared dumbfoundedly at the scene before him. His heart was shocked to the limit. He opened his mouth, but was unable to speak. His gaze toward Wang Lin became much more respectful.

The disciples of the He Huan Sect managed to escape it because they were 500 meters away, but they didn't dare to move because Wang Lin's cold gaze locked onto them.

The disciples of Wu Feng Valley turning into ice sculptures before them left the He Huan Sect disciples in a state of shock. Looking at the ten plus ice sculptures, the leading female disciple's face was pale as she took out the token without any hesitation. After she carefully put the token on the ground, Wang Lin shouted, "How many tokens are there in total?"

The female disciple's body shook. Suppressing her fear, her voice trembled as she said, "There are seven in total."

Wang Lin's expression remained the same as he secretly calculated. Wu Feng Valley didn't have a token and in his hand he had one from the Piao Miao Sect, two from the Xuan Dao Sect, and one from the He Huan sect. He had four in total. Only three more and he would have them all. But the token belonging to the corpse sect disappeared into the formation along with the late stage Foundation Establishment disciples. Excluding the one from the corpse sect, there were two more.

Before entering Jue Ming Valley, he heard from Yi Zizai that the competition in the valley was to steal the others' tokens. According to this and from Situ Nan's explanation of how to enter the foreign battleground, he gained a vague understanding of everything. He turned to the female disciple and suddenly said:

"How many slots are there to enter the foreign battleground?"

The female disciple was startled. She hesitated, but after seeing Wang Lin's cold gaze, her body shivered and she quickly said, "Three. There are only three slots." With that, she was afraid that her explanation wasn't enough and would anger Wang Lin, so she quickly added, "There are a total of 7 tokens, but if there are more than 3 tokens that are not destroyed, Zhao loses its chance to enter the foreign battleground."

Wang Lin glanced at her and the female disciple immediately became scared. She anxiously said, "Fellow… fellow cultivator, of the three remaining tokens, I know where one of them is. If you let us go, I can tell you."

Chapter 110 - Liu Mei

Wang Lin's expression was normal as he coldly said, "Speak."

The female disciple clenched her teeth and quickly said, "It is at the gathering spot of the Xuan Dao Sect. There should still be people sieging the place. We were in a rush to chase Li Shan, so we didn't bother staying there, but I'm sure they have a token."

Li Shan's expression suddenly changed, but then he let out a bitter smile because Wang Lin's gaze fell on him.

"It is in elder Liu Mei's hand…" He wanted to lie, but the moment he saw Wang Lin's gaze, he couldn't help but tell the truth. He never had this kind of feeling, even when meeting ancestor Punnan Zi.

"Elder Liu Mei?" Wang Lin pondered a little. The image of a very beautiful young woman came to his mind. He looked at Li Shan and asked, "She reached the Foundation Establishment stage?"

Li Shan nodded with envy and said, "Ancestor Punnan Zi personally helped her reach the Foundation Establishment stage."

Wang Lin pondered a little and couldn't help but think of everything that had happened back at the Heng Yue Mountain. Scenes of his parents appeared in his mind and his heart couldn't help but ache.

He reached out, grabbing the female disciple and Li Shan as he jumped into the air. The female disciple panicked and a damp spot appeared on her pants as her face turned very red.

"Tell me where the Xuan Dao Sect is." Wang Lin frowned as he held the female disciple a bit further away.

The female disciple weakly pointed to a direction and Li Shan also gave in and gave a more detailed direction. Wang Lin didn't say a word and quickly moved forward. After a short period of time, they arrived at the gathering ground of the Xuan Dao Sect under the two's guidance.

The ground was in complete disarray. It was clear that there was a harsh battle here before. After Wang Lin arrived, he waved his hand and the female disciple and Li Shan fell to the ground.

"You can leave." Wang Lin looked at the female disciple and walked toward the gathering spot of the Xuan Dao Sect.

The female disciple carefully backed up. After backing up more than 200 meters, she jumped on her flying sword and escaped as fast as she physically could.

Wang Lin's tone was plain as he said, "Li Shan, call out the people of the Xuan Dao Sect. I only want the token, not to kill people."

Li Shan's forehead was covered in sweat as he took out a jade from his bag of holding with a bitter smile. He held it against his forehead. After a while, he tossed it forward. The jade shot out like an arrow until it was out of sight.

After a while, rings of light appeared on the ground. They then became pillars of light.

Inside the pillars, there were ten people sitting cross legged on the ground. Among them was a beautiful girl that would make anyone's heart pound faster. Her expression was solemn, her hands formed the shape of a vase, and there was a duster floating above her head. This duster was like white hair as waves of white light spread out from it.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up as he looked the faces of these ten people.

The girl suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw Li Shan at first, she didn't care, but when she saw Wang Lin next to Li Shan, she was startled. After carefully looking at Wang Lin, her eyes revealed a strange light. She waved her hand and the duster landed in her hand. The pillar of light slowly dissipated.

Among the 10 people, there was 30 or so year old young man who looked at Wang Lin with a complex expression and said, "Wang… senior brother Wang, long time no see…"

This person was Liu Mei's brother, Liu Feng. Wang Lin scanned him with his divine sense and found that he had reached the early stage of Foundation Establishment too. However, his spiritual energy was unstable. It was clear that he had just entered the Foundation Establishment stage.

Wang Lin stared at them and let out a sigh as he said, "Xuan Dao Sect… forget it. Hand over your token and I won't make it hard on you guys."

One of the ten Xuan Dao Sect disciples, an old man, stood up and sighed. "What an arrogant junior, asking us to hand over our token right away. Liu Fen, do you know him?"

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Liu Feng wryly smiled and said, "Senior apprentice Ma, he… he is Wang Lin."

The old man named Ma was startled and then he sneered, "So it's you. But even if you have reached the Foundation Establishment stage, you don't have the right to be arrogant before us. Scram!" With that, he waved his hand and a huge gust of wind blew toward Wang Lin.

Wang Li didn't even dodge. Just as the gust of wind got within 5 meters of him, it turned into pieces of ice and fell to the ground. At the same time, there was a flash of green light and the old man named Ma's body shook as a giant hole appeared in his chest. Then, his entire body froze and he died.

Wang Lin had a strong feeling that after his spiritual energy changed, there was powerful killing intent in his mind. He had almost lost control of it a many times, so he just gave up on controlling it.

The sword flashed green as it circled around Wang Lin with the tip pointed at the Xuan Dao Sect. If one looked closely as the sword flew, it would pause, but Wang Lin would quickly force it to move again.

The expression of the Xuan Dao Sect disciples changed greatly and Liu Feng was dumbfounded as his heart shivered and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He had always seen Wang Lin as his goal and when he reached the Foundation Establishment stage with the help of Punnan Zi one year ago, he thought that he had surpassed Wang Lin.

But looking at it now, not only had Wang Lin already reached the Foundation Establishment stage, but his cultivation was also very strange. Senior apprentice brother Ma, who was at the mid stage of Foundation Establishment, died after one attack from Wang Lin.

What cultivation level had Wang Lin reached? The more Liu Feng thought about it, the more scared he became.

Liu Mei unexpectedly didn't reveal a surprised expression, but after looking at Wang Lin, she decisively took out the token and tossed it at him.

From beginning to end, she didn't say a word, but her eyes were always on Wang Lin.

After putting away the token, Wang Lin coldly looked at Liu Mei. He then turned around and disappeared into the distance.

After a long time, Liu Mei withdrew her gaze and sighed. Her unparalleled charm seemed to have no effect in front of Wang Lin.

After returning to his cave, Wang Lin took out the five tokens. After pondering for a bit, he crushed four of them without any hesitation and placed the remaining token in his bag of holding. He used his attraction force technique to move rocks to block the entrance of the cave. After setting up a few defensive formations, he began his closed door training.

He need to be fully prepared for the battle in two months.

Chapter 111 - Untitled

There were a total of seven tokens. Wang Lin got two from Li Shan, one from the Piao Miao Sect, one from the He Huan Sect, and one from the Xuan Dao Sect. In total, he had five.

Ignoring the one that belonged to the Corpse Sect, there was still one more remaining.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He had already found all of the sects in the Jue Ming Valley, but he still hadn't found the last token. Of course, that didn't rule out the fact that someone could have hidden one somewhere. He wasn't going to bother searching for it. After all, he already had five of the seven tokens, which was enough to secure his spot in the foreign battleground.

After he stopped wondering about the token, he started thinking about the battle in two months.

First were his cyan grains of rice. He had already recovered the one he used earlier and now had three in total once again. One was a single grain while the other two were supercharged grains from fusing two normal ones.

After carefully putting away the three grains, Wang Lin pondered a bit and started looking through his bags. He had killed quite a few people recently, so he still had a lot of stuff to go through.

After searching for a long time, Wang Lin took out a round bead. This bead was only 1/10th the size of a fist. It was very smooth, without any designs on it, and there were some cracks on the side.

After picking up the bead, he couldn't help but think of the strange man named Adai. This was the first gift Adai had given him. He looked at the bead as his eyes lit up.

After a long time, his mouth curved upwards as he let out a cold smile. He put the bead back into his bag of holding, took a deep breath, and spat out a green light.

The green flying sword floated before him, motionless.

Wang Lin felt like ever since his spiritual energy changed, there was something constantly obstructing his control of the flying sword. It was not easy as before. Although the flying sword's power had increased greatly, a flying sword he couldn't fully control was not something he would allow.

Therefore, Wang Lin decided to use this time to refine the flying sword again.

Both of his hands formed a seal as he sent out spiritual energy to surround the flying sword. Then, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out a gourd. The flying sword was his blood refined weapon, so he was willing to expend a lot of resources on it. He clenched his teeth and poured out 1/3rd of the liquid that was stored inside.

Under Wang Lin's control, the spirit liquid filled with Yin energy floated in the air and condensed to one droplet of water. The water droplet released waves of Yin energy that covered the cave in frost.

Wang Lin pointed at the water droplet and the droplet immediately moved toward the flying sword. The droplet landed on the tip of the sword and rolled down the sword's blade, all the way down to end of the hilt. Soon, the flying sword became crystal clear.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He bit his tongue and spat out blood. As he spat out the blood, he waved his hand and the blood turned to mist, which then covered the flying sword that was covered in spirit liquid.

The blood mist slowly entered the liquid. Soon, the spirit liquid that covered the flying sword was light red.

Wang Lin took a few breaths. He spat out more blood as his hand created symbols. After each symbol was made, he would toss it at the flying sword.

Gradually, more and more symbols appeared, and after a short while, all of the blood was used up. Wang Lin looked at the flying sword and without a word, he hit his chest as the spiritual energy in his body surged. He pushed his chest inwards and spat out a bit of his essence blood.

Wang Lin's face became pale, but he didn't hesitate as he drew a symbol with that blood.

As more and more symbols appeared, along with the help of the essence blood, the spiritual liquid around the flying sword was already dark red and was even turning purple.

After the last drop of blood gathered on the flying sword, Wang Lin concentrated and shouted, "Gather!"

With a hum, the flying sword shook violently and started to tremble faster and faster. Wang Lin didn't panic as he looked at the flying sword. His hand was constantly forming seals.

Shortly after, the spiritual energy surrounding the flying sword started to boil and release white smoke as if it were being baked. As more and more white smoke appeared, the amount of liquid decreased.

Eventually, all of the liquid disappeared. Looking at the flying sword, although it was still green, there were red veins on its surface and its was only half of its original size.

What surprised Wang Lin the most was that the sword's hilt was almost completely gone. Before, the sword's hilt to blade ratio was 1:5, but now the ratio was 1:15. One could basically ignore the hilt at this point.

What Wang Lin didn't know was that this flying sword that had been blood refined by him was slowly evolving.

Once this evolution reaches the final phase, the flying sword will gain the Ji Realm property and will become very powerful.

Wang Lin tested the flying sword and found that it moved several times faster than before. When he used his full power, it was so fast that he couldn't keep track of it with his eyes anymore. Adding on to the flying sword's teleportation ability, this flying sword was a very terrifying existence.

At the very least, if a Core Formation cultivator without a defensive treasure active were to be hit by the sword, whether or not they'd come out alive would be uncertain. This was the power of the Ji Realm on a magic treasure. It allowed the magic treasure to break past its boundaries and reach an extreme.

But when going against a Nascent soul cultivator, it was still not enough. After all, Wang Lin was only at the Foundation Establishment stage. Even with the Ji Realm, he was simply too weak.

The Ji Realm will only display its true power when Wang Lin breaks into the Nascent Soul stage. That is when the terror of the Ji Realm commences.

The current small, green sword was even more delicate. Slivers of blue ice appeared and disappear from the flying sword. It all looked very strange.

Wang Lin swallowed the flying sword again. His eyes lit up as he calculated the time and found that he had spent one month refining the sword. Wang Lin decided to spend the remaining month cultivating inside the heaven revolting bead. He was confident that he could break through to the mid stage of Foundation Establishment by the end of the month.

Chapter 112 - Untitled

Once he reaches the mid stage of Foundation Establishment, he will be able to use several powerful techniques, like one from the Corpse Sect that will allow him to summon ghosts to fight for him.

In order to get the soul flag from Teng Huayuan during their fight, Wang Lin was racking his brain for ideas.

After making a decision, he took out a gourd with spirit liquid, touched the bead, then entered the heaven defying bead's space.

Wang Lin hadn't cultivated inside the bead in a long time. Looking at the boundless space, there was a mass of grey gas above him. He felt a powerful pressure coming from the gas.

The area was surrounded by thin and long lights that were very dim. When Wang Lin first entered the bead, these bodies of light didn't move, but after the water element was complete, the bodies of light began to move randomly.

Wang Lin stood inside the space and tried to touch a body of light, but his hand went directly through it. It seemed that Wang Lin and these bodies of light were on different planes, so no matter how hard he tried to touch them, he never could.

Although he couldn't touch them, he could easily control them with his mind. With just a thought, the light would start to move, form a pattern, scatter, or condense. As long as Wang Lin thought it, the light would react.

Wang Lin had asked Situ Nan about the lights, but even Situ Nan wasn't sure what was going on. According to Situ Nan, this heaven defying bead was very strange. This space was only one of its functions. Aside from time manipulation, Situ Nan hadn't figured out anything else about the bead.

Situ Nan only knew that with his identity as the strongest cultivator of a rank 6 country, no one in his cultivation planet dared to mess with him before he had obtained the bead.

But after the bead came into his possession, some extremely powerful cultivators appeared and tried to kill Situ Nan. They forced him give up his body and to hide inside the heaven defying bead only to barely escape with his life.

Situ Nan had told Wang Lin before that based on his analysis, the people who were chasing him were definitely not from his planet. Situ Nan was very sure because by the time he reached his current cultivation level, he knew all of the experts on the planet, and for someone that was called the number 1 cultivator in his planet, his cultivation level was very high.

Most of the people that attacked him had the same cultivation level as him and he was sure that only one of those people had surpassed him. If it wasn't for that fact that that person acted, Situ Nan wouldn't have given up his body. It has to be said that Situ Nan had many friends. If it was only people of the same cultivation level as him, he wouldn't have to give up his body because he was the number 1 cultivator in his planet, giving him a home field advantage.

When that person acted, Situ Nan knew that it would be pointless to get people to come and help. They would die one by one because Situ Na knew that that person's cultivation level was not the same as his.

Situ Nan's heart formed an answer. That person must have came from a rank 7 cultivation country.

Thinking about this answer, the heaven defying bead became even more mysterious. Something that even a rank 7 cultivation country would fight for must be a very precious treasure.

Situ Nan told Wang Lin all of this and warned him time and time again to be careful. If anyone were to find out about this bead, then both of them will die for sure.

Situ Nan calculated that if that person really was from a rank 7 cultivation country, then it would be easy for them to send a search order to a rank 6 country. Thus, they had to be very careful.

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Wang Lin thought about all of this deeply in his heart. But ignoring the fact that this heaven defying bead might have any other functions, just the time manipulation was already heaven defying enough. To cultivators, cultivation level is life. Every time one reaches a new level of cultivation, their life span increases.

In addition to that, let's not forgot about the feeling of being above everyone once you're at the top. It has to be said that in the cultivation world, cultivating is very important. What are mortals and Qi Condensation cultivators to a Foundation Establishment cultivator? Although saying that they aren't even on the same level as dogs and pigs is a bit ugly, that is what the cultivation world is like.

Similarly, in the eyes of Nascent Soul cultivators, Core Formation and Foundation Establishment cultivators are viewed the same as mortals and Qi Condensation cultivators. And if someone is at the Soul Transformation stage, then anyone at the Spirit Severing stage and below are people they can kill as they wish.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a determined look. He had already experienced the harshness of the cultivation world. The cultivation world was much crueler than the mortal world and he must become stronger if he wished to survive.

He must become so strong that everyone fears him. Only then will he not be bullied by others.

"If my cultivation level was Spirit Severing or Soul Transformation, not to mention Teng Li, even if I killed the entire Teng family, Teng Huayuan wouldn't dare to say a word and wouldn't even dare to go find my parents. Power, everything is centered around power. Only after becoming a powerful cultivator can one determine the life and death of a person." Wang Lin's heart was in pain as his eyes turned cold.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and his divine sense spread out inside the dream space. Shortly after, both of his hands formed a seal. He then reached out and grabbed with his right hand. All of the lights gathered and formed a door.

This was a function that Situ Nan figured out after the heaven defying bead had completed its Water Element. Using the surrounding light to form a formation that allowed Wang Lin free movement in and out of the dream space.

Wang Lin stepped into the door. This place was still inside the heaven defying bead's space, but the surroundings looked different. Before Wang Lin, there was a giant over 30 feet tall that was floating in the air while sitting cross-legged. There were countless objects emitting light surrounding the giant.

Upon closer examination, the giant's figure was very plain, but there seemed to be Yin energy gathering around him. His body was not solid, especially his chest, which had a giant hole and seemed to be ready to disappear at any time. There were waves of spiritual energy fluctuations around his body.

At this point, the giant's eyes were closed, its body glowed, and it completely ignored Wang Lin.

Wang Lin stared at the giant. This wasn't his first time seeing Situ Nan's Nascent Soul. Every time he saw it, he was shocked. He thought that if his Nascent Soul was so large, how large must Situ Nan's body be?

Chapter 113 - Untitled

Situ Nan told him that during the Soul Transformation stage, the Nascent Soul transforms and becomes larger. However, the body doesn't grow at all and the Nascent Soul was only this large when it's outside of the body.

Wang Lin sat cross legged on the ground, took out the gourd, took a big gulp, and began charging toward the mid stage of Foundation Establishment. The reason he was doing this here was because Situ Nan once told Wang Lin that doing this would help him recover.

Time slowly passed and in the blink of an eye, the deadline for the trial to enter the foreign battleground was almost here. A lot of cultivators had arrived outside the Jue Ming Valley months ago. They all found the best locations to watch the Jue Ming Valley's only exit.

As more and more cultivators arrived, the area outside the Ju Ming Valley became more and more lively. Of course, if anyone with grudges met, they would start a big fight.

Due to the foreign battleground opening up every 100 years, the area within 1000 kilometers of the Ju Ming Valley had been prepared with buildings. It has to be said that the opening of the foreign battleground gathers all of the top cultivators in Zhao.

When the time for the foreign battleground to open is near, these buildings become the biggest market place in Zhao. All of the cultivators in Zhao meet in these buildings, making them very lively.

Many materials and rare magic treasures appear here.

On this day, countless cultivators gathered outside of the Jue Ming Valley. There were cultivators from all of the numerous sects in Zhao.

Aside from the very large sects, who had their own area, everyone else was clumped in groups. The remaining people were from very small families, small sects, or were independent cultivators.

These small families, small sects, and independent cultivators didn't have the right to enter the foreign battleground. They showed up hoping to get something. Every time the foreign battleground opens, a large amount of spiritual energy leaks out. Absorbing just a bit of that spiritual energy would equal to weeks of cultivation.

Seeing that the Jue Ming Valley was about to open, everyone found somewhere to wait for the opening.

At noon on this day, the sky was blue and the sun was high in the sky. The temperature was slowly rising.

It was extremely hot, but none of the cultivators outside minded as their attention was focused on the exit of the Jue Ming Valley.

Cultivators with experience all knew that the Jue Ming Valley would open exactly at noon.

If one were to look from the sky at the Jue Ming Valley, they would find that it was shaped like a gourd. The mouth of the gouard was the only entrance. On each side of the entrance were two very tall mountains, and at the entrance was an octagon formation.

The formation suddenly began to shine.

Not far from the entrance, the Nascent Soul cultivators of the demonic sects gathered. Among them was Teng Huayuan's thin figure.

His eyes were filled with excitement and killing intent as he stared at the formation at the entrance.

The formation became brighter and brighter, then eight people slowly walked out.

Teng Huayuan's eyes were filled with disappointment as his right hand took out a flag. He squeezed the flag and one of the souls on it disappeared.

Seeing the eight people walking out, the cultivators of the Jue Ming Sect started to point and talk.

"They came out. Look, they came out. Normally, the first ones to come out are the ones that have lost their token. I wonder which sect that is."

"What is this? Why are there so many people? Normally, the first sect to come out has the least amount of people."

"They came out. I see Zhou You. They are disciples of the Piao Miao Sect."

"The Piao Miao lost their token last time and now they lost it again. It seems one of the largest of the orthodox sects isn't that great. If my Fu Tian Sect went, we would probably be stronger."

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"Brother Zhang, the strongest person in your sect is only at the early stage of Core Formation. The Piao Miao Sect can send any ancestor and they will wipe out your sect. If you ask me, the Piao Miao Sect failed because the disciples of the demonic sects are too strong."

Among the top eight sects, aside from the Jie Mie Sect, whose Nascent Soul cultivator had died, which made them lose the right to participate, all of the Nascent Soul ancestors of the remaining seven sects were present.

Currently, the Piao Miao Sect's sect head, Xin Hai's, face was dark as he silently stared at the entrance.

The eight members of the Piao Miao Sect walked out with strange expressions on their faces. Seeing all of the people outside the valley and hearing their chatter, their faces turned red as they walked with their heads down toward Xin Hai.

Xin Hai tried his best to contain his anger. He had spent a lot of resources for the right to enter the foreign battleground. He sent a total of 25 disciples. Three were at the late stage and eight at the mid stage of Foundation Establishment. Although the remaining disciples were all at the early stage, he handed out a lot of magic treasures. He was dead set on qualifying this time no matter what, but looking at it now, only eight out of 25 people survived.

While Xin Hai was looking at the eight disciples, the ancestor of the Yuan Tian Sect, named Shangguan Yun, was nearby and laughed at him. He said, "Brother Xin, it's not that big of a deal to lose the battle to enter the foreign battleground. The clean up of the foreign battleground is quite dangerous. Normally, only 1 out of 10 disciples come out alive. Now you don't have to worry about your disciples anymore. It's only 100 years until the next one."

Xin Hai sneered, "Brother Shangguan, there is no need to be sarcastic here. Since I lost the bet, I won't back out on our agreement." With that, he looked at the eight disciples and gloomily asked, "Your eldest apprentice brother died?"

One of them knelt on the ground and whispered, "They all died… all of the other disciples are dead."

The remaining seven all knelt on the ground. Their faces were filled with fear.

Shangguan Yun sneered in his heart, but on his face he showed mercy as he silently shook his head.

Xin Hai's face sunk as he said, "So many people died. Good! Which sect killed them?"

The first disciple that knelt on the ground hesitated. Xin Hai waved his hand and a barrier surrounded the Piao Miao sect disciples. Shangguan Yun raised his head and sneered in his heart.

After blocking out other people's divine senses, Xin Hai motioned for the disciple to talk and the disciple quickly spilled everything. After Xin Hai finished listening, he was startled and his eyes turned cold. After a while, he coldly snorted and said, "You guys stay behind me. I have to see who he really is." With that, he waved his hand and the barrier disappeared.

Shangguan Yun, who was on the side, said, "Why isn't fellow cultivator Xu Mei here?"

Chapter 114 - Untitled

Xin Hai looked at Shangguan Yun and said, "Senior brother went to greet the messenger from Heaven's Tower. I believe he will be here soon."

At that moment, the formation lit up again. Everyone outside the valley stopped their chatting and turned to watch.Teng Huayuan clenched his fists as he gloomily stared at the formation. He had already made up his mind that the moment Wang Lin appears, he will use the curse to teleport next to him and make him suffer all the torture in the world.

The formation shined brightly and 13 people walked out.

Teng Huayuan's face became even more gloomy as he pinched another soul in the flag. He sneered in his heart. "Wang Lin, if you're really cold hearted enough to not care about your family and don't come out, then I'll admit that I underestimated you. But even if you manage to get away, once I reach the mid stage of Nascent Soul, I can increase the power of the curse to find you."

The cultivators outside of the valley began to talk again.

"The qualification battle this time is too strange. Before, the first to come out always had the most people and then the number of people decreases from there on. Why is it that the second group has more than the first group?"

"Strange. I have a feeling that the matter this time is very strange."

"What sect is it this time? If any of you know, speak quickly."

"Its the He Huan Sect. I know that slut, Wang Ying. As long as she appears within 100 feet of me, I can smell her stench…"

"That is correct. That is the He Huan Sect."

As people talked, the faces of the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the He Huan Sect, Cheng Huan and Chen Yan, darkened. They sighed as they looked at each other, then their expressions returned to normal.

The disciples of the He Huan Sect gloomily rushed toward Cheng Huan and Chen Yan with complex expressions on their faces. The leading female disciple quickly threw a voice transmission jade to the two Nascent Soul cultivators when they arrived.

Chen Yuan frowned. He placed the jade on his forehead and was startled. Then, he quickly looked at Wang Ying and asked, "Is this true?"

Wang Ying respectfully said, "Ancestor, we saw it with our own eyes."

The disciples behind her all seemed to already know the contents of the jade and all quickly nodded.

Chen Yan looked at everyone, then took the jade from Chen Yuan. After scanning the jade for a long time, she let out a cold laugh and crushed the jade into dust.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes from one of the orthodox sects looked at them. Chen Huan and Cheng Yan immediately turned and saw Xin Hai nodding at them.

Chen Huan and Chen Yan noticed Xin Hai's reaction when the Piao Miao Sect disciples came out, but couldn't guess why. However, after seeing the jade, they realized what happened.

Teng Huayuan frowned as he looked at Chen Huan, Chen Yan, and Xin Hai. He suddenly felt that something big was going to happen, but he didn't know what the problem could be. After speculating for a bit, he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he let out a cold snort and destroyed another soul in the flag.

At that moment, not only Teng Huayuan, but all of the other sects realized that something was wrong. They didn't know what the disciples could have said to make the faces of three Nascent Soul cultivators become so dark.

Even the small families, small sects, and independent cultivators noticed that something was wrong, so they all gathered together and started talking.

Just at that moment, the sky suddenly darkened and a circle of light silently appeared. The circle of light floated to the middle of the sky, then expanded to 10 meters in radius. Four people walked out of it.

The person in the front was fat like a ball with a smile on his face, but the moment he appeared, all of the Nascent Soul cultivators flew into the air and respectfully stood at his side.

This person was the messenger that was left at Zhao, Lin Yi.

Li Yin let out a laugh and said, "Everyone, I'm here to help the messengers of the higher cultivation countries open the gate to the foreign battleground. I won't mess with your right to enter, so please rest assured."

The three people behind Li Yin were Punnan Zi, the white haired cultivator from the Piao Miao Sect, and the skinny cultivator from the Tian Dao Sect.

These three accompanied Li Yin and landed in the middle of the clearing. All of the other Nascent Soul cultivators quickly followed and stood at their sides.

Xin Hai took the chance to stand next to the white haired old man and sent over some voice transmissions. This white haired old man was the Piao Miao Sect's number one expert, Xue Mei.

After he heard Xin Hai's message, he calmly nodded.

The formation lit up again and five people walked out. The moment those five appeared, a wave of cold energy spread out. The five's eyes were bloodshot. They looked around and found a corner to sit in.

"What sect are they from?" Everyone immediately started to talk again.

After a long time, no one could figure it out, so everyone started guessing what sect these five were from.

Xue Mei, who was standing beside Li Yin, suddenly laughed and said, "Lord messenger, look at these disciples of the Corpse Sect, filled with hostility. I heard that the Corpse Sect has a secret technique that allows their disciples to fuse with their corpse puppets. I guess those five are these so called human puppets."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Those five are indeed human puppets."

The skinny man from the Tian Dao Sect looked around and frowned as he said, "Why isn't fellow cultivator Ye here…"

Lin Yi shooked his head and said, "The corpse sect didn't follow the rules of keeping the token within the Jue Ming Valley, so they are disqualified. Even if he doesn't come, it doesn't matter." With that, he casually looked at crowd in the northwest and secretly thought, "The Corpse Sect… This time, several more people will finish the possession and recover their cultivation…"

Thinking about that, Lin Yi suddenly turned toward to Wu Feng Valley's Nascent Soul cultivator and said, "Wu Feng Valley also didn't keep their token and is disqualified, but they gave their token to another sect, so that sect is allowed to have two tokens because there is no limit on the amount of tokens you can have."

The Nascent Soul cultivator of Wu Feng Valley was an old man in black. His expression didn't change as he looked at Teng Huayuan.

Teng Huayuan was also silent. Even though he was a guest elder, he still paid a huge price to get the token.

The formation lit up again. Suddenly, Teng Huayuan's heart pounded as he felt the curse. He stared at the formation, waiting for Wang Lin to appear. The moment Wang Lin appears, he will immediately teleport out.

Chapter 115 - Untitled

The formation shined and one person walked out.

Teng Huayuan was about to teleport out when he suddenly stopped. Fury erupted in his heart because that person wasn't Wang Lin at all, but an early stage Foundation Establishment disciple from Wu Feng Valley.

Teng Huayuan's face was extremely gloomy. With his right hand, he crushed a dozen or so souls before he calmed down.

The moment the disciple appeared, he quickly ran to Teng Huayuan and the black robed old man. He knelt to the ground. His voice was filled with fear as he said, "Dead, they are all dead. Even senior apprentice brother Wang Peng is dead. I was far away, so I was able to escape…"

The black robed old man looked at the disciple. He suddenly hit the disciple on the head with his palm and said, "If they are dead, you shouldn't be the only one alive." With that, the disciple's head shattered like a watermelon.

A gentle wind blew and the smell of blood spread. All of the small families and sects became silent as they looked at the old man's direction. No one dared to talk about Wu Feng Valley anymore.

Suddenly, the surroundings became silent as the formation started to shine again.

This time, a very large number of people walked out. They walked out one after another, and Teng Huayuan realized that they were disciples of the Xuan Dao Sect, but he still carefully looked at them.

Suddenly, Teng Huayuan's expression changed. His face was filled with killing intent. His body suddenly moved and disappeared. He reappeared next to a Xuan Dao Sect disciple and said, "You finally came out!" With that, his hand reached toward the head of a youth that had just walked out.

The youth's eyes flashed cold. The moment Teng Huayuan's hand reached out, the youth disappeared and reappeared in the air as several people exclaimed.

"It's him! It is him who killed senior apprentice brother!"

"He stole our token! Ancestor, it was him!"

"I also saw him kill everyone from Wu Feng Valley."

All of the disciples that had come out of the valley became very excited and started to shout. Inside the valley, they were all afraid of Wang Lin and had suffered for more than three months because of him, but now that their elders were all here, they became brave.

Teng Huayuan didn't think that Wang Lin could teleport and was startled. That's why Wang Lin got away. His face was gloomy as he shouted, "Wang Lin, I want to see where you can run to!"

Just at that moment, a scream came from the He Huan Sect.

"All of the tokens that were inside the valley are in his hands. He has at least five tokens!"

The moment those words came out, all of the cultivators that were present started talking as they looked at the youth. Even Lin Yi became interested as he looked at the youth. He revealed a surprised expression as he chuckled and silently shook his head.

Teng Huayuan shouted, "Fellow cultivators, this person killed my great great grandson, so we have a personal grudge. Today, I'll kill him and I won't take any of the items on his body, but if anyone dares to obstruct me, then don't blame me for making you my enemy!"

Lin Yi suddenly laughed. "Okay, none of the cultivators of Zhao will dare to get in the way. I want to see if you, Teng Huayuan, dare to kill him."

The moment Lin Yi's words came out, everyone was stupefied. Although it was not convenient to talk about it, everyone had their own guesses on the meaning of those words.

Teng Huayuan didn't dare to be arrogant before Lin Yi, but he couldn't help but frown as he was unable to understand the meaning of Lin Yi's words.

Punnan Zi's eyes lit up as he looked at the youth in the air with a strange expression. The more he looked at the youth, the more familiar the youth seemed, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of who it was and became very confused. He thought that no matter how he looked at this youth, he was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, so why wouldn't Teng Huayuan dare to act?

Not only him, but all of the Nascent Soul cultivators were very confused.

Just at that moment, the eyes of the youth in the air turned cold. He didn't fear the people present at all as he raised his head and an enormous aura fell from the sky. It was as if the heavens were crashing down. The youth's hair and clothes were moving without wind as slivers of spiritual energy escaped from his body.

All of the surrounding cultivators, especially the experts from the top sects, were shocked. Even Teng Huayuan, who was about to teleport, suddenly stopped.

In their eyes, the youth's cultivation level had increased at a rapid rate. This was something they had never seen before in their lives.

The youth's cultivation level went from the early stage of Foundation Establishment to the mid stage, then to the late stage. It rapidly increased to early stage Core Formation, then to mid stage Core Formation, and finally late stage Core Formation.

It was not over yet. When he reached the late stage of Core Formation, an invisible ripple started from the youth and spread out. A one foot tall Nascent Soul appeared and quickly went back into the youth's body.

The surroundings were so silent, it was scary. They would have never thought that they'd see someone's cultivation level climb from early stage Foundation Establishment to early stage Nascent Soul.

And it was still not over. The youth raised his hand and his cultivation level climbed up to mid stage Nascent Soul. Only once he reached the mid stage of Nascent Soul did he finally stop.

At that moment, the youth's face was filled with an evil aura, his hair moved strangely, and he pointed at Teng Huayan and asked, "Do you dare to fight with me?"

At that moment, to everyone present, the pressure from this youth was 100% genuine pressure from an expert. Even the Nascent Soul cultivators had looks of disbelief in their eyes.

Lin Yi rubbed his fat chin. He faintly smiled as he observed the youth and secretly thought, "Which family's little brat came to play in my territory? He holds the thousand illusion bead from a rank 5 country. I believe that his backing isn't small. These thousand illusion treasures are uncommon even in Illusionary City. I remember that this bead is split into three ranks, from Nascent Soul to Soul Transformation. The stronger the bead, the higher that person's position."

Teng Huayuan's face was extremely ugly as he looked at the youth in the sky. He suddenly understood the meaning of Lin Yi's words. After he hesitated for a bit, he coldly snorted and said, "Wang Lin, I don't believe that you're at the Nascent Soul stage. How could you have entered the Jue Ming Valley? If you're below the Spirit Severing stage, it is impossible to enter!"

Chapter 116 - Untitled

Teng Huayuan didn't immediately act as he was very unsettled. In his heart, he didn't believe that Wang Lin could have reached the mid stage of Nascent Soul at all, but the scene before him said otherwise. Whether it was Wang Lin's aura, spiritual energy, or divine sense, they were all at the Nascent Soul stage. Adding on the fact that he had just teleported, Wang Lin really was at the Nascent Soul stage.

If Wang Lin was only at the early stage, then Teng Huayuan would still be willing to fight, but the cultivation level Wang Lin displayed was mid stage Nascent Soul, so Teng Huayuan couldn't help but be cautious.

Everyone present was so focused on the youth in the sky that no one noticed the formation shine again as another youth walked out and blended into the crowd. He stared at Teng Huayuan, who was in the air, then his eyes locked onto the black flag in Teng Huayuan's hand.

Teng Huayuan focused all of his attention on Wang Lin. Even though he felt a fluctuation in his curse, he still stared at Wang Lin. He waved his right hand and a soul came out of the small flag. He cursed the soul with a cold smile and put the flag back into his bag of holding.

At that moment, the sky darkened and the pressure from three months ago appeared again. The entire sky was covered by dark clouds.

Soon after, a giant pair of hands came out of the clouds and pushed them apart. A giant head appeared. This giant was the same one from three months ago.

When he appeared, the first thing he noticed was the youth in the air. He revealed a strange expression, but he muttered a bit to himself, then ignored the youth. He shouted toward the cultivators of Zhao, "Three months have passed. The passage to the foreign battleground will open!"

With that, he shot two beams of black light from his eyes. The two beams of light intertwined and formed a giant circle in the air.

The moment the circle appeared, the sky seemed to have lost all light. The circle seemed to suck away all of the surrounding light and became the only light source in the sky.

The giant waved his hand and threw out a rock. The moment the rock appeared, it exploded into pieces that transformed into strange symbols. The symbols quickly imprinted on edge the circle. All of the spiritual energy in Zhao was quickly gathering in the circle.

The spiritual energy for the first time became visible as a thick fog of spiritual energy was gathering to be absorbed by the circle.

As the circle absorbed spiritual energy, the symbols on the circle became brighter. Eventually, a thin film appeared in the circle. The film was almost transparent. One could clearly see that inside the film was an empty space filled with broken bodies, magic treasure, and materials that floated around.

Wang Lin was currently hiding among the crowd. He wasn't looking at the circle, but at Teng Huayuan's waist, because there hung his black bag of holding.

The change in the sky was outside his expectations and messed up his plan, but shortly after, his eyes lit up and he quickly calculated. Slowly, he let out a smile.

The giant suddenly cut his finger and shot out a drop of blood. The drop of blood moved like a meteor and landed on the thin film.

The thin film rapidly melted like hot water poured on snow.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he poured spiritual energy into the treasure Adai gave him and muttered, "Attack!"




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Wang Lin had carefully studied this magic treasure during those two months of closed door cultivation and found out that the person it forms could be changed. After absorbing his spiritual power, it even managed to take a sliver of the curse.

The youth in the sky quickly waved his hand and a purple dragon came out of his body. It was as if his body had turned into a giant, purple dragon. The dragon roared and sent out giant sound waves.

Teng Huayuan's expression suddenly changed greatly. He was now sure that Wang Lin was indeed at the mid stage of Nascent Soul. There was no way for Wang Lin to give off such a powerful aura otherwise.

The dragon's body moved and shot toward Teng Huayuan like lightning. The dragon showed its teeth and the smell of blood in its mouth pounded Teng Huayuan.

Teng Huayuan quickly backed up as he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out blood. The blood transformed into several large mosquitoes that charged forward to try to stop the giant dragon.

After that, Teng Huayuan quickly slapped his bag of holding and took out a seven foot long flag. The moment the flag appeared, a cold wind started blowing. Thousands of individual faces appeared on the flag. Their expressions were filled with pain as they screamed like crazy.

Teng Huayuan's right hand waved the flag and the faces inside it were thrown out. One by one, the disembodied heads charged toward the giant dragon, their eyes filled with pleads for death.

Lin Yi rubbed his chin as he looked at the flag and shook his head. "This soul flag is not enough. With only 30,000 souls, it hasn't even reached the first level of completion yet."

Punnan Zi heard it and nodded. "What lord messenger says is correct. Back when I was in the foreign battleground, I saw a soul flag with more than 1 million souls. Its power was indeed terrifying."

Lin Yi chuckled and shook his head. "That is only a partially complete soul flag from a rank 4 cultivation country. The Soul Refining Sect in the rank 5 country of Pi Lu has a soul flag as their sect treasure. It is said the number of souls inside that flag surpasses 1 billion and was gathered throughout the thousands of years of the sect's history."

Teng Huayuan waved the soul flag and 30,000 souls flew toward the giant dragon. In the blink of an eye, the souls surrounded the dragon and entered it, but then something strange happened.

The souls didn't meet any resistance as they went into the dragon. It was as if the dragon didn't exist. The souls entered on one side and exited through the other.

Chapter 117 -

The 30,000 souls went in and out of the dragon as if they were having a party. Teng Huayuan was stunned as the dragon passed through the souls and charged toward him.

Teng Huayuan's expression became very unsettled; however, he didn't have any time to think and quickly backed up. He threw out several defensive magic treasures to stop the dragon, but no matter what the magic treasures did, they couldn't stop the dragon. The dragon passed through them as if they weren't there, let out a roar, and swallowed Teng Huayuan.

Lin Yi's expression was strange. He looked at the giant, who was enjoying the show, and found that the giant's expression was also strange. The two looked at each other and then the giant laughed and looked at the dragon with a playful expression.

Teng Huayuan only felt a gentle wind as the dragon devoured him. The dragon looked very fierce, but the moment it touched him, the dragon disappeared without a trace.

It had been a long since Teng Huayuan had felt cold sweat, but at that moment, his back was covered in sweat.

"Illusion…" Teng Huayuan's face went from green to red. Finally, he couldn't hold it in and cursed out loud. This was the first time he had cursed since reaching the Core Formation stage a few hundred years ago.

He was scared to death by an illusion in front of all of the cultivators of Zhao. Teng Huayuan's anger suddenly reached its limit. He gloomily slapped his bag of holding to take out the black flag and kill Wang Lin's family members one by one right in front of him, but just at that moment, points of light appeared in the air. The light gathered and the youth appeared again.

Without a word, he waved his hand and a flash of cyan light filled with coldness shot toward Teng Huayuan.

Teng Huayuan sneered. Not only did he not back away, he went forward instead. He reached out with his hand and sarcastically said, "The first one was an illusion, but the second one might not be! Is this little trick all you have, Wang Lin?" With that, his hand grabbed the flying sword.

There was a flash of green light and the flying sword disappeared. It reappeared behind Teng Huayuan and mercilessly charged toward his back.

There was a tink sound as the sword stabbed at a piece of metal. The sword bounced back very far. From the torn piece of Teng Huayuan's clothes, one could see a golden plate of armor.

A cold light flashed across Teng Huayuan's eyes as he moved forward with a dark expression. He appeared before the youth and grabbed toward him with black lines that extended from his fingernails.

At the same time, he waved his left hand and eight blood pillars appeared. The eight pillars joined together to form a cage.

At the same time, the youth in the air not only didn't panic, but revealed a mocking expression. As Teng Huayuan's hand drew close to him, the youth's body turned into a point of light and slowly disappeared.

Two cyan grains of light, one big and one small, appeared where the youth was. The two cyan grains quickly collided with each other.

Teng Huayuan's expression suddenly changed. At that very moment, a wave of cyan light spread out and instantly covered everything in a one kilometer radius.

Everything within one kilometer became an ocean of ice.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes and thought, "Interesting, this little guy is interesting. He not only has the Illusion City's Thousand Illusion bead, he also has the Underworld Sect's Blue Ice. That flying sword is also not normal. Although it is an imitation, it is still powerful."

The giant in the sky was also startled as he looked toward the formation at Jue Ming Valley and let out a strange smile.

In the sky, the film in the circle formed by the two black dragons had almost completely melted. It was about to open.

The eight blood pillars around Teng Huayuan let out cracking sounds as they were instantly frozen over and lost their effect as a prison.

At the same time, waves of blue ice quickly climbed up Teng Huayuan's legs. He felt waves of coldness enter this body, causing it to become stiff. However, he didn't panic. This level of coldness wouldn't affect him much. He cycled spiritual energy through his body and recovered.

At the same time, Wang Lin, who was at the entrance of the Jue Ming Valley, suddenly used one of his two remaining teleports.

He appeared just as the blue light spread out. With his body's resistance to the cold, he wasn't affected and silently appeared behind Teng Huayuan.

He knew that with his strength, he had no chance in a fight against a Nascent Soul cultivator. Teng Huayuan would only have to raise his hand to kill him countless times, so Wang Lin didn't even think about getting revenge. Even though he was filled with killing intent, he suppressed it. He reached out and grabbed toward Teng Huayuan's bag of holding.

Teng Huayan noticed Wang Lin when he appeared behind him. He suddenly turned his head and saw that it was Wang Lin. He understood what was going on, but his body was still recovering from the stiffness, so his movements were slow and Wang Lin's appearance was sudden.

By the time he saw Wang Lin, Wang Lin was already on his bag of holding.

Teng Huayuan revealed a hideous expression and shouted, "Explode!"

A destructive force suddenly came out of the bag of holding when Wang Lin's hand touched it. The force entered his body and ran through his arm. The explosion started at his fingertips and rapidly spread. Wang Lin clenched teeth. The flying sword appeared, cut off his hand, and he used the force of the explosion to push himself back.

At the same time, his left hand moved and grabbed the bag of holding with his attraction technique as he quickly escaped.

When Teng Huayuan regained his mobility, he took a step forward. He instantly moved out of the area of the cyan light and chased after Wang Lin.

He caught up in the blink of an eye, reached out, and shouted, "Wang Lin, do you think that just because you have my bag of holding, you will be able to open it? Since you killed my great-great-grandson, I'm going to refine your soul into the soul flag and let you suffer torture worse than death!"

Wang Lin's right hand had completely shattered. He used his spiritual energy to freeze his arm to stop the bleeding. He didn't dare to touch Teng Huayuan's bag of holding. He was holding it with his attraction force technique.

Teng Huayuan felt very annoyed as having to deal with a Foundation Establishment junior before everyone was already a very shameful thing. If he had instantly caught or killed Wang Lin, it wouldn't have been too bad, but he was tricked into a sorry state by an illusion and then that blue ice restrained his body for a while. On top of that, even though it was only for a short period of time, Wang Lin had managed to steal his bag of holding.

He wasn't feeling any less insulted than if had been slapped in the face, and this wasn't just one slap, it was like being slapped repetitively.

What annoyed him the most was that Wang Lin clearly wouldn't be able to survive one hit, but knew how to teleport. This shocked Teng Huayuan greatly as teleporting was something only Nascent Soul cultivators could do.

In addition to all of this, what shocked Teng Huayuan the most was Wang Lin's determination and decisiveness to cut off his own right hand to stop the explosion from spreading. At this point, Teng Huayuan couldn't help but praise Wang Lin, but that praise was quickly submerged by hatred.

The more decisive Wang Lin was, the more Teng Huayuan wanted to kill him.

"Wang Lin, you can't blame anyone for killing my great-great-grandson, but you can rest assured. After I kill you, I'll go wipe out old man Jimo, who sent Teng Li after you, and his disciples to accompany you in hell." Teng Huayuan sneered in his heart and waved his hand. Suddenly, a cold wind started to blow. 30,000 souls came out and charged at Wang Lin.

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In order to prevent Wang Lin from using teleportation again, Teng Huayuan hit his own chest and his Nascent Soul appeared above his head. With a roar, his Nascent Soul shrunk greatly. A ball of blood came out of the Nascent Soul's mouth. The moment the ball of blood appeared, it began to expand until it enveloped the area.

Due to the effect of the curse, the moment the blood surrounded the area, Wang Lin found that his body was immediately immobilized. He was about to teleport away until he looked straight ahead and saw something that made his body tremble. He stared at the souls coming at him and wept two streams of blood. The souls he was looking at had expressions filled with pain and one of them was his father.

Teng Huayuan noticed Wang Lin's expression. He suddenly decided not to rush things. He eerily laughed. "Did you see it? Did you really think I would put your entire family's souls in just one soul flag? Wang Lin, you're too navie." With that, he pointed with his hand and the 30,000 souls stopped. Then, Wang Lin's father's soul separated from the group and charged toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin gritted his teeth as a stream of blood leaked out of his mouth. He watched as his father's soul entered his body. While enduring the awful pain, he started to laugh miserably. His laughter became louder and louder as he coughed out several mouthfuls of blood. He raised his head and shouted, "So this is the cultivation world. Good! Good!" He slammed his forehead and spat out a mouthful of Yin spiritual energy. He carefully wrapped it around his father's soul in a way that wouldn't freeze it.

Teng Huayuan watched Wang Lin and suddenly felt a chill in his heart, but shortly after, he felt that it was kinda funny that he would be scared of a Foundation Establishment cultivator. However, he couldn't stop the chill in his heart from intensifying. He waved his hand again and another soul came out of the cluster of 30,000 souls. This time, it was Wang Lin's mother.

Wang Lin's body shook as he let go of the bag of the holding he was holding with his attraction force technique. That bag was now useless to him.

Memories of his childhood, of before he entered the Heng Yue Sect, flooded into his mind.

"Wang Lin, see how merciful I am, to let you reunite with your parents?" As Teng Huayuan talked, he pointed with his finger and Wang Lin's mother's soul entered Wang Lin's body.

The pain in his body was nothing compared to the pain he felt in his heart. Wang Lin could feel that his heart was bleeding. He coldly stared at Teng Huayuan as he once again used his Yin spiritual energy to freeze and preserve his mother's soul.

Teng Huayuan let out an eerie smile and said, "Okay, let the games end. I know you want to use the tunnel to the foreign battleground to escape. You can give up on that idea."

With that, he reached out and Wang Lin's bag of holding flew into Teng Huayuan's hand. He crushed the bag of holding, destroying everything inside along with the tokens.

At the same time, the 30,000 souls charged into Wang Lin and began to devour his flesh and spiritual energy. Countless human faces appeared under his skin.

There were even ones that charged toward Wang Lin's parents' souls, which were surrounded by Wang Lin's ice, but Wang Lin used his body to protect them.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's left hand was devoured at a visible rate before him. After that were both of his legs. Throughout this entire time, Wang Lin didn't let out a sound as he stared coldly at Teng Huayuan. This caused the chill in Teng Huayuan's heart to become even stronger.

The giant in the sky stared at Wang Lin and excitedly thought, "Hostility aura! This is hostility aura!"

As the 30,000 souls rampaged through him, his body slowly dissipated. Teng Huayuan revealed a serious expression as he muttered to himself, "Li Er, your great-great-grandfather is getting revenge for you. Watch, it's not over yet. Once his body is destroyed, I'll take his soul…"

Wang Lin let out a miserable laugh. He couldn't feel the pain in his body. He took the chance while he could still breath to use his attraction technique to wrap around the ice that contained his parents' souls and moved them to his chest. This was the only thing he could do. Even if he were to die, he wanted to die with his parents.

He didn't regret coming out of the Jue Ming Valley. He knew that if he were to hide, he would only be able to temporarily escape, but even if there was a sliver of hope, he wouldn't give up on it. Coming out gave him a sliver of hope in stealing back his parents' souls. If he had stayed inside, he wouldn't have even that tiny sliver.

His body was locked within this blood prison. He had already tried to teleport away, but found that he was unable to. Right now, there was only hatred in Wang Lin's heart.

"Father, Mother, Tie Zhu is unfilial. If there is another life after this, I hope I'm not your son because I… am unworthy… without me, you guys wouldn't have to suffer…" Wang Lin wept blood as he closed his eyes…

Just then, an ancient voice came from Wang Lin's chest. Shortly after, Wang Lin's body exploded. The 30,000 souls escaped Wang Lin's body in a panic as a beam of light grabbed Wang Lin's parents' souls, broke through the blood prison, and entered the foreign battleground.

The film that was more than 80 to 90% melted suddenly collapsed under the impact of the ray of light.

The giant's and Lin Yi's expressions suddenly changed when they saw that ray of light. Lin Yi shouted, "It's…" Just as he started, he immediately shut his mouth and jumped toward the foreign battleground. However, the moment he touched the circle formed by the two black dragons, he was bounced back.

Chapter 118 - Foreign Battleground

The giant revealed a look of greed and laughed. "Good, good! The credit for this is going to be mine! Today's harvest is pretty good. First, I got to see the hostility aura and then I saw the bead. Lin Yi, if you dare to fight with me, I'll kill you!" With that, the giant came out of the cloud. His body was more than 100 feet tall. It gave off an aura that suppressed people.

Cracking sounds came from his body as he shrank to the size of a normal person. There was a mark of a hammer on his forehead.

Lin Yi shouted, "Tch! What do you mean!?"

The giant stared at Lin Yi and walked into the circle. After entering, he waved his hand and the circle turned back into two dragons. The portal disappeared without a trace. The sky immediately lit up again and the clouds disappeared.

Lin Yi's expression was very ugly as he coldly looked at the still dumbfounded Teng Huayuan. He let out a cold laugh and then disappeared into the horizon.

Every cultivator outside the Jue Ming Valley remembered the youth that dared to fight with a Nascent Soul cultivator. The Foundation Establishment cultivator named Wang Lin was carved into everyone's hearts.

Zhao's right to enter the foreign battleground was ruthlessly taken away. It didn't matter if there were any remaining tokens because the lord messenger that came to open the tunnel had already left to chase something. Why would he still remember something as small as this?

Lin Yi was filled with anger as he watched the item the cultivation union was looking for taken being away before his eyes. This feeling made him want to cough up blood.

Especially when he thought about how the bead had always been in Zhao and how he was the overseer of Zhao. If this got out, it would be too embarrassing.

Teng Huayuan's face was sullen because he didn't know if Wang Lin had died or not. He believed Wang Lin to be dead, but he couldn't get rid of this feeling of terror in his heart.

The people outside the Jue Ming Valley gradually left and the story of Wang Lin spread with them. Eventually, every cultivator in Zhao knew of Wang Lin.

Punnan Zi took the disciples back to the Xuan Dao Sect. There was a female disciple behind him. That was Liu Mei. She watched everything and felt bitterness in her heart.

She didn't know why, but she had a sliver of affection for Wang Lin. This sliver of affection not only didn't disappear with time, but would resurface in her heart in the dead of night.

Wang Zhuo and Wang Hao also came to know about what had happened outside of the Jue Ming Valley. The hatred they had toward Wang Lin for the destruction he brought gradually disappeared.

The two of them knew that they didn't have the guts to fight against Nascent Soul cultivators. But this didn't mean that the two of them had given up on revenge. Wang Zhuo and Wang Hao were set on killing Teng Huayuan. It was their lifelong goal.

After Punnan Zi came back, he learned of the Wang family's tragedy. Under Liu Mei's plea, he accepted Wang Hao as a disciple.

Liu Mei knew that this was the only thing she could do to help Wang Lin, even if he will never know about it.

Teng Huayuan returned to Teng Family City with that feeling of terror and went into closed door cultivation. He swore that he wouldn't come out until he has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul.

The entire country of Zhao seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The foreign battleground was filled with rifts in space and steel wind. At this very moment, there were thousands of people from dozens of rank 3 cultivation countries here to clean up the battleground.

The highest level cultivator here was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment. With this cultivation level, they could barely take a step without being in danger, so how could they complete the task of cleaning up the battleground?

In fact, when they entered the foreign battleground, the lord messenger that opened up the tunnel gave each of them a piece of jade. This jade protected them from the steel wind and will teleport them back to their own country after 50 years.

But against the mysterious spacial rifts that could appear anywhere, these jades were powerless.

The foreign battleground is still very dangerous for these Foundation Establishment cultivators, but if they are careful and lucky, they can still make it out alive.

Generally speaking, the survival rate of the foreign battleground is 30%.

Although it is not high, considering all of the materials and magic treasures they can find while cleaning up, it is not so bad. After all, cultivation is a heaven defying thing, so the higher the risk, the better the reward.

And anyone who returns safely from the foreign battleground will have a higher status within the sect. Their cultivation level will also be higher as cultivating in the foreign battleground is far faster than back at their sects.

After all, the foreign battleground has very dense spiritual energy. That and years of constant danger forces their cultivation level to rise rapidly.

Basically, every time the cleaning is completed, there will be people who have successfully formed their core. This is why so many Foundation Establishment cultivators risk their lives to come here.

At this moment, in the foreign battleground, at the 67th northeast angle, there was a youth in white digging at a body with a knife. If one looked closely, this person was cutting at the gap of the body armor on the body. He clearly wanted to get the body armor.

The body armor was already heavily damaged and covered in burn marks… The chest portion of the armor had been completely shattered, revealing a fist-sized wound.

In addition to that, on the body of the giant, there was a very faint image of a hammer. If one didn't look closely, they wouldn't see it at all.

This youth's name was Mai Liang. He was a cultivator of the War God Temple in the country of Hou Fen. He had already been at the foreign battleground for more than 30 years, so he was very experienced.

There needs to be a little explanation here. In the foreign battleground, one doesn't age, but when they leave, they will rapidly age the years that they have been inside.

As he was digging, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately laid down. Just then, a ray of black light shot by and passed him.

The youth was stunned. He thought that he had seen a bead in the ray of black light, so he gave up on the armor and chased after the light.

He had been here for 30 years, but aside from his peers, he hadn't seen another live person; however, he had seen several magic treasures that could fly on their own.

Although no one had managed to get their hands on one, Mai Liang had heard about them. These magic treasures with their own consciousness were very powerful.

Mai Liang used his fastest speed to chase after the bead. The more he chased, the more excited he got, especially because this area was kind of desolate. In the past year he had been here, he hadn't met another peer. Thinking about that, his heart started beating even faster and he secretly thought, "My luck has finally arrived. If I could get that treasure and return to the sect, then junior apprentice sister would admire me. Then, I'll give this treasure to the sect head and have him make junior apprentice sister form a cultivation pair with me. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

Mai Liang used every ounce of his strength to chase after the bead with that fantasy in his mind.

But that bead was simply too far. Mai Liang hadn't chased very far before the gap grew. Mai Liang clenched his teeth and pulled out an item from his bag of holding. This item was a shuttle. It was red and released slivers of heat.

This was the biggest harvest he had while cleaning the foreign battleground. He normally wouldn't dare to take it out because he was afraid it would be stolen. However, right now, the treasure was about to get away. He couldn't be bothered with keeping it a secret, so he took out the shuttle and threw it forward.

The shuttle instantly grew to several times its normal size and with a hum, charged forward at a very quick speed. Mai Liang was clinging onto the shuttle from the moment it grew. He could only feel the wind hitting his body like punches. It was a long time before he could finally open his eyes and see that he had already closed quite a bit of the distance between him and the bead.

Filled with excitement, Mai Liang clinged onto the shuttle and chased after the bead. Time quickly passed. Although Mai Liang wasn't getting left behind by the bead anymore, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't overtake or catch up to the bead. He could only maintain the current distance between him and the bead.

It wasn't until three days later that Mai Liang noticed that he had entered a foreign part of the foreign battleground. He became nervous. It has to be said that besides the steel wind and spacial rifts, the most dangerous things in the foreign battleground were foreign places.

A foreign place had many dangers. A large amount of spacial rifts could suddenly appear and devour everything. Mai Liang had heard from the elder that the foreign battleground was simply too large and they were only cleaning a small portion of it. And just in that small portion, there were places that contained a lot of spacial rifts.

As he was hesitating, he suddenly noticed that rows of very dense white stripes appeared before him. Looking at the stripes, Mai Liang's expression changed as he forced the shuttle to stop and quickly back up.

He was too familiar with these white stripes. When spacial rifts appear, they first appear as these white strips. Soon, the white stripes will fuse into a large spacial rift that will devour everything.

Mai Liang's face was pale as he looked around. After realizing that there were only spacial rifts in front of him, he relaxed a bit. He wryly smiled and said, "Forget it. It's not worth dying for a treasure that I don't even know the effect of. I haven't be able to do pair cultivation with junior apprentice sister yet. I don't want to die needlessly here."

Just at that moment, a small, white stripe appeared before the ray of black light. Without any hesitation, the ray of black light went into the spacial rift.

Mai Liang sighed and cursed. "Spacial rift, you swallowed yet another treasure. In the 30 years I been here, you have swallowed so many. If not 10,000, it has been 8,000. Why can't you leave one for me?"

He had just finished cursing when he felt a chill as someone patted his shoulder.

He was instantly covered in cold sweat as he slowly turned around to see a middle aged man. The middle aged man's expression was very ugly as he asked Mai Liang, "Little guy, did you see that black light?"

The Mai Liang was able to instantly see the hammer pattern on the middle aged man's forehead. He took a deep breath because he had seen this pattern many times during his 30 years here. He had seen one just a few days ago.

He heard from some of the elders that this pattern was the symbol of the Giant Demon Clan from a rank 5 cultivation country. The members of the Giant Demon Clan were born with spiritual energy, so they had the best bodies for cultivation. They were also the only rank 5 cultivation country that contained only one sect in the entire country.

The people of the Giant Demon Clan could only freely change their bodies once they reach the Soul Transformation stage. Since this person looked like a normal person, he must be a Soul Transformation expert from the Giant Demon Sect.

Mai Liang's throat was dry. He was too scared to lie, so he quickly said, "Senior, I saw that ray of black light. It went over there and was swallowed by a spacial rift."

The middle aged man was the one who had chased after Wang Lin from Zhao. He chased it the entire way as quickly as possible, but the more he chased, the more shocked he became. That bead's speed was the same as his. It was even able to dodge all of his interceptions. Not only that, but the bead's speed gradually became even faster until it was able to lose him.

In addition to all of that, there were still the spacial rifts. Even though he wasn't afraid of spacial rifts, it would be very annoying if he were to get caught in one. With his early stage Soul Transformation cultivation, he could only prevent himself from being sucked in. He could not move around as he wished.

With the obstruction of the spacial rifts, his speed became even slower. Even with teleportation, he could only prevent himself from getting left behind.

On the way, he found Mai Liang. He was shocked to find that Mai Liang was able to travel faster than him thanks to that shuttle.

After hearing Mai Liang's story, his face was sullen and he was very angry. Although the foreign battleground was very large, it still had borders, but there were no borders inside the spacial rifts. Even if he were to go back home to get a late stage Soul Transformation cultivator to help him, it would still be like searching the ocean for a needle. There wasn't much hope.

Thinking about that, he looked at Mai Liang. He reached out, took the shuttle from Mai Liang, and shouted, "This thing is now mine!"

With that, he moved and flew back toward where he came from without even looking at Mai Liang.

After that person left, Mai Liang wiped the sweat from his forehead, let out a breath, and quickly left the area.

Mai Liang didn't know that that person was extremely famous in his rank 5 cultivation country. However, he was famous because he always had to take something or it would be a waste otherwise, like the time when he took Lin Yi's light tower.