
Chapter 1

"Where am I ... What am I ... Urgh ?!"

I felt an excruciating pain in my head. "It seems that I can't remember anything." I muttered.

"Anyway, where am I ?" I looked at my surrounding. It seemed to me that I was in a cave. Red rocks, stalagmites and darkness enveloped the area. I was surprised that I could even see in the dark. More importantly, I saw many child-like creatures.

The creatures were small in stature and had ugly face. They had red skin and two little horns sprouted from their forehead. They also had long thin tail with an arrow-head tip. Imp was the first word that I thought in my mind. How I knew this word, I had no idea.

I tried to feel my forehead and I also found two little horns. I felt as it was natural for me to have that. [I see... So I am also an Imp, which means I am ugly too?!] I screamed in my mind.

"Uh?" It seemed that the imps were starting to wake up and just liked me, they also had no recollections or memories and were confused. Suddenly, the floor trembled and ground-shattering footsteps were heard.

I turned my head to the direction, where the sound was coming from and there I saw a huge figure towering like a mountain. Bulging muscles and scar on his face showed battle-seasoned warrior. He suddenly emitted pressure that fell upon me. I was gasping for air and I tried to breathe . Finally, before I passed out, he stopped giving me pressure and I could finally breathe again. The other imps didn't fare any better than me albeit I thought much worse. [Yep, I am really small and weak.]

Different from me and the other imps, he had a two gigantic horns sprouted from his head, two sharp canine teeth sticking out from his mouth. Black sclera with red iris and magma coloured skin and barbarian-like hair. Everytime he walked, footprints and a small trace of fire were left behind.

"So this is the new batch huh... How many will survive?" I heard him muttered. Then he roared with a booming thundering voice.

"WELCOME TO HELL, MAGGOTS!!! is what I would like to say, but you are all worse than a hell maggot. Even a hell maggot knew how to survive and its favorite food is you lot. I am Olgur, a baron ranked demon general under count ranked demon Andromalius, the ruler of this area. Be grateful, that you will serve Count Andromalius and be useful for his endeavor."

What he said shocked me that we were in hell and there were many ranks and words that I didn't know at all. I knew that I needed this informations if I wanted to survive in hell or to even know, what the hell happened to me and who was the one or what made me lose my memory.

"And why do we must serve under another demon?" shouted one of the imps. [Seriously after the pressure, there is still an idiotic imp that thinks he can do anything?! Are you trying to get us killed?] I could see that this imp was a little bigger and the color of his skin was a bit darker than the other imps. Many other imps also started to shout and complain but I saw that the general grinned maniacally.

"Because of this!" said the general. He snapped his finger and the imps that complained started to burn and exploded into ashes, leaving the bigger imp that shouted first, alive around the ashes of the fallen imps. The bigger imp was afraid and I could see that his body was shaking in fear. "I spare you because I sense that you have more potential than the other imps and can be useful for the Count but this is the only warning. This is Hell where the strong rules and devours the weak. The weak has no right to say anything and only needs to follow and obey. If you are not satisfied, then fight and grow in the battlefield and maybe you can challenge me." said the general.

The imps gulped and were lucky that they didn't say anything. "I am too lazy to explain anymore and I am only tasked to see how many imps were produced. Inpuji will explain all of it and I suggest you listen to him and don't kill him." laughed Olgur. Olgur then walked back to where he came from and an elderly imp with wrinkles and long white beard and holding a bone cane appeared that I assumed to be Inpuji.

"I am Inpuji. First, let's go out shall we? I am old and I need a breath of fresh air. Follow me and do be careful of the magma." He started to walk in the same direction of the general and we followed him. After much time passed following him, I could finally see light that illuminated the cave. [Let's see Hell, shall we]

I could see outside of the cave, magma being discharged and flowing, making it liked a river. Strangely, I didn't feel hot. I could see red sky and black clouds and occasionally heard thunder. The caves entrance was apparently located at the slope of the mountain. Bones of many unidentified creatures littered around the ground. [Perhaps I can make a weapon from those bones?] My thoughts were interrupted when Inpuji stopped and sat on a small boulder.

"Okay then, Let's start with something simple. Look at me and try to say [Inspect]. You can also think the word [Inspect] in your mind." I tried to think Inspect.


Level 70 - Inpuji - Beginner Sage

Species: Elder Imp (Rare)


"Hopefully, you can see my status. I'll explain it one time. First thing is level. When you reached level 100, you can evolve into a higher rank demon and when you evolved, the level is resetted back to level 1. There is also chance to evolve into another species as long as the hidden condition is fulfilled. Next is my name and besides the name that is called "Titles". My species is Elder Imp and that is a rare species and I am too weak to even be called a baron ranked demon. Now try to say [Status]." said Inpuji. I said in my mind. [Status]

Level 1 - No Name - No Title

Species: Normal Imp (Common)




Shadow Claw

I was surprised that I had 2 skills. "You should see your status and skills. Don't worry if you have no skills. It is normal. Now then, do be careful of what or who you are inspecting. More intelligent or higher ranked demons hate to be inspected and probably will all kill you with a flick of a finger." Inpuji suggested.

Then he continued to talk. "Just like what Olgur has said, this is hell and you are in an area under the control of Count Andromalius. Your resting place is this cave and currently you only need to prepare for the war that will come soon and fight under the Count's banner. If you are hungry, look for your own food and don't be stupid to lose your life. And next ... ?"

The bigger imp suddenly interrupted Inpuji. "You talk too much geezer! I am hungry. Where is the food, old man!" asked the imp. "Okay okay you can go further down this rocky road and try to forage for food. There are worms and tiny insects that you can eat. Be careful though, there are also hell maggots and hell rabbits and don't go to far. The area near the cave is protected by a barrier courtesy of the Count's other general. Baron ranked demon should not be able to break into this barrier and higher ranked demons have other better things to do." replied Inpuji.

"You should have said that at the beginning! Hmph... You heard what the general said, I got potential and I am recruting followers. If you want to follow me, Come!" shouted the big imp, as he was walking down the road. A group of imps followed after him and a few of the imps made a small group and began to go also, leaving me and 2 imps.

"That were 78 imps kukuku, how many of you will stay alive later." chuckled Inpuji. Inpuji turned towards us 3 imps and said, "Only 3 imps are smart enough to hear my explanation huh... You 3 maybe have the potential to be a spellcaster species later when you evolve. That is if you survive." grinned Inpuji.

"Now where was I... Ah yes. If you are smart enough, you should want to know, what the war is, no?" asked Inpuji. Truthfully, that was what I wanted to really ask. Why should we go to war and what happened to us later in the war or other important things.

"The war is ..."

Still 1-2 Chapters for info dump... Writing for fun... Would like to know your thoughts... continue or not... do comment...

“ “ Dialogue

[ ] inner thought and description / Status

< > Sound Effects

DMakotocreators' thoughts