
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Day 9

I feel warm... But the cold was still there creeping through my shoulders.

Am I dead?

I guess I am the first real human being or i was that died 2 times in a row.

Ugh, i shouldn't have gone through one of those goddamn tunnels!!

If only i hadn't gone into one of those tunnels.... I could've live longer perhaps.

[Mana fully Recharged]

Wait, What?

[Mana fully Recharged]

No, no, why is my mana fully recharged even though I'm dead.

[The Title [Retard] > [Super Retard] Acquired]

Hey, for the last time I am NOT reatrded!!!


Wait, how are you even talking to me?

And why did i even got that title I mean I'm dead, right?

"You know, rather than asking all of those questions in your head why don't you just wake up?" ??

Wh-who are you!?

"Ah sorry for being rude. Ahem, my name is Neo Malice" Neo.

Are you the voice that has been giving me this Titles!!

"Me? Oh no, no, no that is not me" Neo.

So you're that voice that hurt my head 2 days ago!

"That is also not me. Well lets just say I am a new addition to your voice group" Neo.

Get out of my head!!!

"No need to be rude here. I am just dropping by your mind to say hello" Neo.

Suddenly I hear someone snapping his finger then infront of me 2 vertical blue coloured flames appeared.

"Now then let me tell you this before you wake up alright?" Neo.

What is it and who are you exactly.

"Details can wait. First, let me just say that the voice from 2 days earlier was the voice of the person whom reincarnate you"

"Second, when you wake up try not freak out"

"And...Good bye!" Neo.

The one who reincar- WAIT I STILL HA-

The blue flames infront of me then disappeared. Who was that guy?

Suddenly the surface below me started to crack.

W-what is?

It all shattered making me fall to an endless white void of nothingness.


"Hey other me. I finished watching the Kopish" Neo 2.

"Oh, great! I already know about that but alright" Neo 1.


I quickly wake up, openning my eyes and getting up from the ground. I was sweating very much that I can feel my hands wet from my own sweat.

Who.... Was that guy?

Speaking of which where am I?

The place I was in looked like an Igloo from inside. There was a campfire in the middle of the room and small fishes impaled to a stick roasting beside it.

Where am I?

I began to look around the place and found a hole in the wall beside where i woke up. I went in the hole.

The hole was apparently a tunnel going up, this tunnel is pretty well dug up. The surface of the tunnel was smooth, though its hard climb up since its made out of thick ice.

I used my claws as mountain climbing pickaxes and climb up.


Ow! What did i-

The moment I look above me i see the head of an giant ant.

As quickly as possible i retreat back down from the tunnel.

I exited the hole and readied my claws for battle.

Crawling out from the hole a big black Ant stares at me right in the eyes, at least I think so.

[Calm down, Its not like I'm going to kill you or anything!] Ant.

Did you just talk?

[Did you just understand me?] Ant.


[...] Ant.

Well, this is awkward.


Moments later.

So to sum it up.... This ant, Rusdy saved me.

At the time when I past out of exhaustion on the Snowy hill that shadow that I saw was him.

Its odd... Being saved by an ant an insect in that matter, Hell he can even speak through my mind!

Sitting and resting my body on the wall I look at Rusdy eating his roasted fish near the campfire.

*Stomach Grumbling*

After my tummy grumbled its cries of hunger Rusdy looked at me. Somehow I know that he's making a worried face.

[Do you want some?] Rusdy.

He then offered me one of his roasted fish by picking one of the fish with his mandibles at giving at me.

I haven't eaten for 2 days, and I'm already way more hungrier than my old normal human self.

I picked up the fish.

His antennas then move upwards as if Surprised. Is there something wrong with this fish or is it just me?

I took a bite and the delight of eating cooked fish that I stole from the trio cross my mind but this its 3X times better than that!

I quickly chomp down the roasted fish down my stomach, satisfied.

[I-uh, ummm] Rusdy.

His insect face literally showing signs of both surprise and confusion. Wait was the fish poisoned!?

[No, its not poisoned. Its just... I never have seen any monster other than me wanting to eat it] Rusdy.

Is the fish cursed or have some kind of bad omen or something?

[We that fish is actually made out of the flesh of fallen undeads] Rusdy.

So you're telling me I ate a zombie!?

[A what?] Rusdy.

Forget that am I gonna turn into an undead too then!?

[N-no...] Rusdy.

O-oh ok.

The atmosphere then went awkwardly silent after that.





I can't take this anymore!! I need to get a topic or something..... Oh how about.

So... Speaking of which, how are you talking to me?

[I have a skill called [Telephaty] it makes me able to read and speak through other creatures minds] Rusdy.

So you're talking through my mind right now?

[Yes, but I can only access the part you're revealing to me right now] Rusdy.

What do you mean about me revealing it to you?

[Well, there are 2 types of thoughts you can have while you're thinking]

[1 being the "Open thought" that you're doing right now and 2 being the "Close Thought" that only you can access, at least that's as far as I know of] Rusdy.

Thats one handy skill he has there. At least now I know that not all monsters are brutes that are trying to kill me.

Speaking of which I'm also a brute myself now that I think about it, my actions for the past 8 days were very.... Very gruesome in a way.

[So are you going to stay or-]

I can?

[Well its not that you can't Its just well no one really ever stays here for more than a minute] Rusdy.

Are there others like me?

[Not exactly like "you" to be precise but creatures that fall down from this floor's ceiling] Rusdy.

Why do I feel like thats a normal thing for him here.