
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Day 22

Waking up from my peaceful slumber I'm greeted by shouts. Are they seriously already fighting each other this morning? Though I don't really know if its morning or not.

I peek through the hole from his within my burrow and see 5 goblins in armor shouting.

"Kopish! Where are you!!!" Goblin 1.

"Show yourself coward!!!" Goblin 2.

What the- are they searching for me?

They continue to shout out my old species name while following them with insults such as coward, bitch, runt, and little shit.

I'll show them who's the little shit when I catch them. Ah, right I maybe I can test my [Sin Magic] on them. I haven't tried it yet so lets see what it does.

I jump of my burrow and cast flash to blind them. Their scream of being blind were cut short as I knock them out by punching them in the abdomen one by one making them fall down with dull pain.

I cast flash again cut of both of one of the goblins legs off. He scream in pain as I drag him down my burrow and cast heal on his legs. The severe wound that I gave him closed up however his legs that I cut off didn't grew back.

Now for the rest of them. I go back out and sprint at one of the goblins. She sees me and readied her rusty iron spear. I cast light arrow sending a barrage of arrows to her abdomen, The arrows pierce through in and out of her body.


She screamed in pain and agony as the arrows of light that pirce her dissapear from her body causing her to bleed. Attracted by the her screams the rest rushes to where it came from.

But by then I was already gone.

"Shit! Vita's dead!!" Goblin 2.

"Goddami-" goblin 5.

I thrust both my claws into their necks from behind and slam them both of onto the floor, Oh god! I just did the assassins creed double assassination kill!

Ok three down.... 1 more to-

Beside my neck to the left was a bronze coloured blade of a sword.

"Don't you dare move!" Goblin 3.

[Why should I?]

"You ca-"

She let her guard down I quickly cast flash, it blinded her making her close her eyes and while groaning in pain. I then slash her neck cutting her head off.

And thats the last one. Phew, that was surprisingly easy. I guess me being a lesser demon really is a great choice, though I still didn't get level up.

I grab and put each of the goblins in [Storage Rift], I won't eat them but I'll be stripping them off from their equipment in my burrow. I then walk back to the hole in the wall where my burrow is. I enter my burrow and I'm greeted by my goblin prisoner, or test subject maybe.

"You won't get away with this!! My brothers and sisters will save me!!!" Goblin 1.

I'll deal with you later. I open [Storage Rift] and pour out the corpses of the dead goblins into my burrow. The goblin that was my prisoner looked at his dead brothers and sisters and give out a horrified look on his face. I then begin to strip the dead goblins off from their equipment.

They had a spear thats made of rusted iron, a copper sword, worn out leather armors-

"Hey! The chief gave them those!!!" Goblin 1.

Gift? And when he said chief does he mean that there's like a village full of goblins in this floor?

Done with the stripping of equipment I dumb the goblin corpses and the equipment back into [Storage Rift]. Now its this guy's turn.

[Why were you goblins searching for me?]

"Y-you can talk!?" Goblin 1.

[Yes, now awnser my question]

"Why the hell should I tell you!" Goblin 1.

Ah..... This just turn into a torture interrogation. Though this is the perfect time to use [Sin Magic] and see what harm does.

I cast harm and a darkish blood red substance appear on the palm of my hand. So... Do I just touch him with this or something?

I touch the goblin's wrist and he begins screaming in pain, that scarred the hell out of me goddamit!

"PLEEEEASSE!!!! MAK- IT STOOOOP!!!!" Goblin 1.

I pull back my arm to see what damage it had done to the goblin. However his wrist was still good and unharmed whatsoever. Wait, doesn't harm suppose to harm someone?




Status: Normal

Lv: 7/20

HP: 28/28

MP: 4/4

Atk: 7

Def: 8


Spd: 10


[Clubplay Lv1] [Spearplay Lv1] [Foul Stench Lv1]


[Dumbass] [Retard] [Pawn]


Apparently this guy has one of the things that I have in common. His HP didn't seem to go down even after receiving harm though. Hmmm, maybe I need to touch him longer fpr it to work.

I grab his wrist and he begins to scream again. He's a 100% not faking that scream alright. I hold his wrist down for a few more seconds and I let go, yet I still don't see any damage to his wrist. There's no bruise, no burn, no blood, just nothing.




Status: Normal

Lv: 7/20

HP: 28/28

MP: 4/4


His HP still isn't going down by even 1 digit. When I touched him he screams in pain but he doesn't actually get hurt. So does it mean that harm only gives him pain but not hurt him?

"C-can you.... please.... stop...." Goblin 1.

I touch him and screams, I let go and he stops. Yeah.... This is.... A sadist's dream skill.

"Please!! I-I'll tell you anything! Just stop!! Please!!!!" Goblin 1.

[Then why were you searching for me?]

"T-the chief said that if we capture you w-we can turn you into a sow for our village" Goblin 1.

Sow!? If you I wasn't interrogating you right now I'll rip that tongue of yours and goddamn strangle you with it.

[Ok, where is your village]

"I'll nev-"

I grab is neck and cast harm with twice the mana output I use before. He screamed in pain and agony as he feels pain coming from his neck.

"Igh-ights on dehg far lev ov deh v-vloor" Goblin 1.

[Thank you, and now that I'm done with your interrogation...]

I lift him up and put him on my side.

You know I have a better idea than strangling him with his own tongue. What if I give him to Sol, I remember he said that he likes living test subjects~♪

"W-where are you taking me?" Goblin 1.

[To a friend a of mine]


"AHA HA!! Lilac! Are you here to donate me more corpses!?" Sol.

[Not quite, but I remember you like living ones]

I drop him to the floor like garbage, ah..... I always wanted to do that to the people I had a grudge on back on earth. Maybe being a monster isn't all that bad.

"OHO!? A living goblin! Marvelous!!! his eyes would still be fresh enough for me to use when I pluck them!!" Sol.

"W-what!? No! You're not plucking me!" Goblin 1.

[Yes he is]

"Demoness! Your donations have been helping me so much on my research! And so I shall give you these!!!" Sol.

He then handed me 3 greenish red vials.

"The red one is the Enhanced Goblin Blood. It can make almost any weapons unusable when splashed!! An invention that I had made thanks to your donations!!" Sol.

So they're basically acid urns from dark souls 2. I guess if I found my self in trouble I can use these.

"Oh and one more thing! The smell should be terrible" Sol.