
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Day 18

I wake up more refreshed than ever, why is that I wonder?

Is it because I ate humans yesterday or is it just because I'm sleeping on a bed this time?

Oh well, there's something more important than thinking about what I feel now, and that is Evolution.

If I remember righ I got something like an Evolution path. I know this because of the system telling me I acquired a new Evolution path available.

The problem is how big it is. Having more more path for evolution would mean me getting more stronger every time I evolve. But if I were to pick a path where there isn't any more evolution that would mean I'm being that specific monster.

So I need to pick one where it has the most Evolution. I hope none of them ends in something like a slime or something.

Speaking of which... System lady why didn't you say [Evolution is now possible] like always when I reach max level?


And as always you ignore me. Ah whatever what are my Evolution choices?

[Possible Evolution]


[Lesser Demon]






Thats a lot, is it because I obtain the Wrathfull title?

All of the evolution looks like it would turn me into a actual demon rather than just a monster. Lets see what each of them offer me...

[Lesser Demon]

[The first stage of a Demon. This creature can be naturally born in hell or through an Evolution of a Creature. It is not yet fully develop as a creature making it offer many Evolution paths]

That sounds good. Minus the part that it actually called a demon but if it offers more evolution paths I'll take it.


[One of the paths the Lesser Demon can take. A creature evolving into this will gain the title [Sinner]. This creature is mainly the extermination target of C-rank Adventurer parties. It has almost as many Evolution paths as the Lesser Demon]

So its basically its main evolution path. It sounds pretty powerful but I don't really like the Sinner title. But the good thing is that it has also as many Evolution paths as lesser demon so i guess its good.


[A path that can only be accessable by obtaining the title [Wrathful]. This creature is constantly in an enraged state that it will do so until it dies. It cannot feel pain but instead it feels anger. Its body is roughly made of sharpblades piercing throughout its body acting as an offensive sheild. Its hands are blades that can cut through iron like butter]

Thats plain out terrible. First of all I would lose my dexterity and basically be out of control because of my rage, and I doubt I would even be able to sleep because it. And I'll also going to need to deal with the extreme changes in my body. So Its a no for that.

By the way why are all this so detailed in description? Usually its short and kinda vague, or maybe its me.


[A creature that could only be called gorish in everyway possible. It possess the body of a lion with its mouth being on its stomach. Its capable to travel at high speed despite its unbalanced shape. Its told that this creature's species is possible to kill an entire village alone]

Nope, I'm not being that.


[A creature that lives of the agony of others. It was one of the species of the Beast of Hell's army Generals. Evolving or being born into this creature would mean being a servant to the Beast of Hell itself. Not much is known about this species]

Well that just summarize up my choices. Its either I instantly become a Demon or weaker version of it.

Though I can pick Demon now however then I would just miss out on some evolution paths from the Lesser Demon paths. Even if I pick Lesser Demon I can still evolve into a fully fledge demon later on so I guess  lesser demon is the greatest choice in my opinion.

I select Lesser Demon and my body begins to warm up. But oddly the feeling of me evolving isn't as pleasant as it usually do.

Instead of my body being just warm I can feel it burning, it burns and it hurts.

I fell down to the ground feeling tremendous pain coming from all the parts my body. Its as if someone is putting hot Iron in my face but the that pain is spreaded out everywhere.

I can feel my horns throbbing. Its getting sharper and bigger and relocating its self from the upper back of my head to the right and left sides of my head facing forwards.

My shoulders growing smaller and instead of having bones protecting it on the out side it became smooth but but harder to cut or hurt. The bones that were protecting them fell off.

The bones protecting my chest falls off from my shoulders and new bones begin form a new on my chest with the colour of dark grey.

[The Skill [Sin Magic] Acquired]

[The Skill [Fire Magic] Acquired]

[The Skill [Mana Regeneration] Acquired]

The pain stopped and I stop changing. Holy.... Shit... I was not expecting that.

Why the hell does it hurt so much!!? What happen to the plesant feeling I get when evolving!

I look around my body and see how much has change. My skin is a bit whitish gray and it looks smaller however things can't be say the said the same about how thick it is.

The bones that covered my chest is harder and was more lighter than before, actually I feel as if I'm using light step right now.

My claws were now sharper and they look like the blade of a karambit.

The changes really surprise me. To be honest I though that I would be red like how demons usually look in games and pictures.

And I thought I would look really gorish in terms the appearance of my body but surprisingly its not, and of course I'm still a board.

I wonder what my face looks like. I pull out the broadsword I stored in [Storage Rift] and look from the blades reflection.

My face still look the same like before but change of the shape and location of my horns. I know have sharp but thin horn pointing forwards. It looks like the horns of the Baron of hell in doom but thinner.

Ah right, I also got some new skills. I got [Sin Magic], [Fire Magic], and [Mana Regeneration].

I'm guessing [Sin magic] is the opposite of [Holy Magic] while the others doesn't really need an explaination. [Mana Regeneration] is going to help a lot since I use a lot of magic to help me when fighting.

Lets see what I can do with this two...

[Sin Magic Lv1: Harm]

Harm? So I can just harm things?

[Fire Magic Lv1: Fire]

Ok so I can create fire. Well I was expecting like Fire ball or something but its ok I guess.