
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Day 14

Laying on the ground withing my burrow I ponder about what had happened for this last 2 weeks.

I died and became monster. Pain has became something normal for me to feel. Having a Human sized ant as a friend. And last but not least having multiple near death situations.

Yes, Near death situations..... Why does it feel so scary thinking about it?

Ah right! That archer girl from that hero's party did have some kind of skill that sounds like it detects danger, I wonder if I can get that skill.

Skill store!

Again my mind was flooded by a tsunami of information. Its not as painfull as before thanks to [Pain Resistance] but well pain is still pain.

Lets see.... HOLY SHIT!!?

In my mind I can see my points.... Its n-number i-is 106!!!

Thats freaking huge!! Killing that deer only gave me 23 points and some of the undead gives me like 0,2 points, however that thing gave me 48 points!!?

Thats more than double the deer!

Oh well, that would just mean i can spend some of it for new skills fu fu fu!

With my eyes sparkling with excitement I browse deep withing the endless sea of information.

Hmmm, should I get that skill that the girl had? Was it [Danger Sense] or something?

Oh? Whats this?

[Holy Magic]

[Magic acquired through the power of faith. Creatures having this magic are scarce for it requires a trial to be passed in order to obtain it. Creatures having this magic are immune to Holy Magic]

That sounds pretty good for the current floor I'm in. Lets see whaf it co-


Thats half the points I have right now! Though it would be good for my current situation but still thats insane!

I'll pick that later but first lets see if i can find that skill... Ah, there it is.

[Danger Sense]

[Creates a mind radar of all the dangerous hazard and creatures. Leveling up the skill will increase the range of the radar]

That would be pretty good to get though the point cost is.... 20.

Thats almost as high as the cost of [Brave]. Though I would also have enough to buy that other skill.

Hmmm.... What should I get.....

Pondering about what I should I get I heard a screaming noise coming from outside my burrow. It was then followed by sounds of shattering glass. And this-

Dear god what is this smell!!

I pop my head out of the wall to see a guy wearing suit of somekind with a tophat on his head. Judging by his body shape its a guy.

Infront of him were a horde of zombies, is he going to fight them all by himself?

Maybe he has something like holy or light magic?

He then grabs a bunch of vials from his suit and open their lids. He then splash the vials contents horizontally infront of him. Green fluid came out and all of it splash down onto the ground. Green flames then burns up violently from the liquid creating a wall of bright green flames.

"Brilliant!!! My experiments went perfectly!!!" Man.

He then takes a huge backstep making him perfectly infront of me and my burrow.

"Now for my finishing move!!!" Man.

He throws his other vial from his other hand into the flaming hazard. A zombie can be seen going past the green flame having many of its limbs burned by the flames.

The vial he threw hit the zombie at exploded, Holy shit what are you Batman!?

"Marvelous!! My Explode-O vial experiment is also a success!!!" Man.

This guy is pretty..... Eccentric. He gleefully smiled when he saw that zombies blew up to pieces.

"Aaaaargghhhh" Zombie.

"Wait what!!" Man.

Wait, does this guy thinks that just by putting a fire and exploding one zombie would mean he won?

"How can this be!!! You all should ran away cowered in fear after witnessing my successful feat!!" Man.

Umm no? Their dead hollow head is pretty much brainless. Are you an idiot or something?

"No matter! I shall show you true fear!!!" Man.

He then pulls out another vial. He opens the lid and black gas begin to come out of it. He spreads the gas around making not visible to the eye.

At least that is what should have happen but instead it looks like all the gas just instantly went up to the ceiling.

"Impossible!! The gas should have weigh down to the ground why does go up!!"

What is this guy's motive anyways? Burning the zombies and exploding zombies or are you just here to look like an idiot?

"I guess I have no choice but to use my secret weapon!!!" Man.

He face his palm forward and from that palm green light can be seen burning up from it.

"Ghost Flame!!" Man.

Something that could only be describe as a green fireball came out. But the shape was not that of a ball but of a skull. Soon after a loud scream can be heard coming from it.

So that is where that scream came from!

Its scream is very frightening to be honest, its as if hearing that ghost of a woman with long black hair scream.

The flame pass through the zombies and..... Nothing happened.

Was something suppose to happen or was that thing only for show?

"Blast!! Why won't they feel fear!" Man.

Ok this guy is a complete idiot. He then runs away through the corners. On the way his head fell off and...

"My hat!!" Man.

He's not a guy..... He's a SKELETON!!!

"Good thing it didn't got dirty. I say my good bye's to you my fellow undeads!!" Skeleton.

He then left the corridor, leaving me with all this zombies. Oh, well he brought me my breakfast I'll be thankful for that.

I pounce out of the hole activate light step. I run through the horde while also slashing everything insight.

I think those are enough, the rest can go.

I jump above the whole horde and use flash, burning half of them to ashes. I land and jump above the horde and did it again.

Welp, i guess its time to ea-

I look behind me saw that same Skeleton taking a zombie corpse out of the zombie pile i spared as my breakfast.


I run at him at full speed. And of course he notice me running at him.

"Please! Demoness let me have a single corpse for my research!!" Skeleton.

Demoness? What-uh just don't steal from me!

I shook my head telling him no. He then put back the corpse he was dragging back to the pile. Huh, usually people would just run away but you actually bring it back.

"Then can we perhaps do with a trade(~‾▿‾)~" Skeleton.

What the hell do you even have that would make me want to trade. Actually that Explode-O vial he has would be usefull but I'm pretty sure he ran out.

I should probably buy that skill if I ever need to speak. It only cost about 6 points.

[The Skill [Telepathy] Acquired]

Alright now I can talk to him.

[What kinda thing do you even have for trade?]

"My oh my! Did you just through my mind?" Skeleton.

[Um, yes?]

"Well, If possible Demoness what would you say we make a trade by you giving me creature corpses while in exchange i would provide you with some of my inventions!!!" Skeleton.


"YES!!! My mighty, spectacular, magical, sup-"

[Yeah, i get it]

To be honest his so called inventions are very very and I mean very terrible. The only good invention I've seen from him thats good are probably his wall of green flame and his Explode-O vial.

Other than that I doubt he has anything good.

"So what do you say Demoness?" Skeleton.

[Can you stop calling me that. And no I'm not interested in your inventions]

I turn my back against him and off i go to my zombie pi-


He was prostrating behind me while also grabbing my foot. What are you doing!?

[Let go of me!]

"Pleaseeee!! Let me have one, Just one!! I promise to pay you back with something spectacular, So please!!" Skeleton.

This is just plain shameless!


"Please?" Skeleton.


"Pleaseeeeee?" Skeleton.


"*Sigh* I understand... I shall not take your corpses" Skeleton.

He walkback to the corridor with a posture that could only be called as being sad and depressed. Now I'm having mix feelings about this.

Though do I even need all of this corpses?

I don't want to get a tittle telling me I'm a glutton or greedy, though if I let this be I'll probably get that tittle.

Haaa..... I guess he can have one.

[Fine, you can have one]

His posture that was symbolizing sadness instantly turn into happiness. He walked back to me at full speed.

"Really!?" Skeleton.


"Oh, I am highly grateful Demoness" Skeleton.

[I told you not to call me that! Just call me Lilac]

"Thank you Lilac!! I, Sol Van Heim am thankful for your generosity!" Sol.

[Can I just call you Sol?]

"Certainly!" Sol.