
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Day 11.2

Walking down the Snowy plains to the exit of this floor I found myself wondering about what that guy just said to me in my dream.

"Well I would not call it a monster but more of a being that had form parts of this worlds itself. And also keep in mind that every time you kill another one of its pets you are getting closer to death's door"

I hope that he was lying but I have a feeling that he's not. And whats up with that monster he was talking about.

Being able to beat god itself moreover there are 24 of them in total if I remember correctly.

I hope i didn't anger that one of them, I don't want to die.

[Hey, Its kind of late but whats your name?] Rusdy.


[Your name?]

Oh, my name is.....

Wait.... What is my name?

I know I had a name when I was still human, What was it?

I ponder about what my name in my mind but none came to mind. Wait I have friends when I was human maybe remembering them might-

None.... I can't remember anyone, not even my family. What is this?

[So what is it?] Rusdy.

I.... Don't have one.

[that so? Then would you mind if I name you then] Rusdy

His antennas were dangling happily on his head, does he really want to name me that badly?

[How about Haripo?] Rusdy.

Definitely No.

[Yola?] Rusdy.


[Hmmmmmm..... Then what about Lilac?] Rusdy.

Thats actually.... Pretty good.

[Then how about it, can I call you Lilac from now on?] Rusdy.

I guess you can.

[Creature Name added]

I guess my name is Lilac from now on then.

Ah right I've been meaning to ask you but.... Whats up with your tittles?

[Well.... Its complicated] Rusdy.

Why's that?

[I was an outcast. I was the only one diffrent from my colony. My brothers and sisters when born have a marking in their abdomen showing that they were a part of the colony, and I didn't]

[Because of that I wasn't treated like the others instead they treated me like I was from another colony, A prisoner, a slave you name it]

[I was given food and water to an extent but they were only spoils. I had thought that my life would be stuck like that until I die but someone or something came to my aid]

[It was none other than The Beast of Winter. My whole colony have been hunting the Beasts pets for a long time and in return it bring them damnation. My whole colony all froze to death in a single second, all but me] Rusdy.

Why did it spare you?

[I don't know why it spared me but on the next day i got this title. I don't know why it gave it to me but if i have to say this title is both a Blessing and a curse] Rusdy.

What do you mean by it being a blessing and a curse?

[This title gives me the permission to kill any of its pets. I don't know why but it doesn't react to me killing its pets but not to others that doesn't have the title. But the curse is I'm stuck with it, whereever it goes i go, whatever it wants I do]

[And it even protects me if I ever get in trouble] Rusdy.

That sound both great and terrible in the same time. Getting protection from something that can beat a god is like someone getting protected by a top pro player in game.

Rusdy would totally survive almost about anything if what he's saying is true, but things can't be said the same for me since I did kill like 3 of its pets.


After a long walk later we arrived at a large door with a snowflake carving on it. once I open this door I'm out then.

[I guess this is where I say good bye] Rusdy.

Yes I guess it is.

[You're the first monster that actually stayed, too bad you're leaving now] Rusdy.

Hey, its not like were not going to see each other again. Plus you help others like me right?

Maybe next time there could also be ones to stay for a while like me.

[Yeah, maybe you're right. See you next time when you fall from the sky!] Rusdy.

See you!


Where could have the Hero gone to?

I've deployed a search company through out the kingdom but none have found any whereabouts on the hero.

I must quickly find the hero because a old calamity has came back, Turi The Bringer of Destruction is back.

Legends said that she had killed many gods ever since her arrival 750 years ago. My ancestors have even written a book containing all the deeds that being had done upon this world.

From killing gods to subduing 7 of The Ancient 24 Beast The ones who can destroy the gods at anytime they want!

Within the book it is recorded that Turi had vanished without a trace 500 years ago.

She was assumed to be dead by old age however that does not seem to be the case.

The Angel of Death Izral had warn us about Her arrival more so she is still as young and healthy as she use to be.

But what scares me the most is that she was but a mere servant of a greater being. And That being's name is-


Hmm, I might be wrong but I don't recognize this place.


After exiting through the large door I found myself in an area made of stone bricks. This is more Labryinth like but it is not and I mean not the 13th floor!

The area was also full of undead and the sorts, hell I even found a giant zombie rat that looks like one from DarkSouls.

Wait, is this perhaps the 15th floor?

I never went below the 13th floor other than the 16th I just got out from. Yeah, maybe this is the 15th floor, a floor filled to the brim with undead.

I hope the undead here isn't as powerfull as the skeletons from DarkSouls.