
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 6, Aftermath

Deep within a forest near the Noble Vanelius' manor lies a cellar filled with books, alchemical ingredients, and potions.

Within that cellar lies a man paralyzed on his table wearing a noble suit accompanied by a man wearing a black and dark green cloak with his face masked by the cloak's cowl.

"Solas Vanelius Heimes" ???

"..." Sol.

"I have to say... For someone who blew up half of the capital's college of nobles whilst also turning all of the district's citizen into undead, you really don't look like much" ???

"..." Sol.

"No comment? Well I guess that is to be expected, since you drank the tea I gave you and all. Truly, I really don't get why your own family-"

"!!?" Sol.

"-Would hire a professional assassin such as I! To kill a some as weak and foolish like you..." Assassin.

He draws his blade out his sheathe and stabs it on the table infront of Sol's face. He then slowly drift the blade closer and closer to Sol while it grazes the table.

"Pi! Pi! Pi!"

The blade stops moving when suddenly a small white bird started to peck him on the forehead continuously, annoying the assassin.

"This! Stupid Pest!" He said as he then grabs the bird pecking him in the air.  He squishes the bird with his hands making it squirm in pain.

"!!!" Sol.

"Oh? Is this your pet? Well, Your family did say to make you pay for ruining their so called name so....." He grabs one of the bird's wings and put his blade on her wings.

"What do you say for a roasted wing!" He slices the bird's wings off, spilling blood everywhere on the ground.

"!!!!!!!!" Sol.

He then grabs the other bird's and puts his blade on top of it ready to cut it off.

"Here... We.... Gooo!!!"


The flames of my skull burst violently as I wake up from something hadn't experience in years, a dream- no, a nightmare.

I look around me to see that I am still on the ground with covered a little with piles of snow, I try to walk or get up but it doesn't seem like I am able to do so.

Hmm... Oh yes! I remember! I got disembodied by the ice spike the fourmi sent at me!

"Which would mean that I am now nothing but a skull! HAHA! I knew if an undead were to be separated from their body they wouldn't die!" I laugh joyfully as I praise my supreme intellect!

"Well I suppose I should see if there are any servant that manage to survive while protecting my home"

Since all of this snow are practically very rich mana, I should be able to do what I have always wanted to do ever since I became an undead.

"BURST!!!" I shouted.

HAHA!! As I expected! Nothing happens and I have just created a shameful memory for me to remember for all eternity!

Blast, I should have payed more attention to the wizard's teachings. The only spell that I know how to cast is Ghost Flame which in turn needed me to use my hands at the time, and since I have nothing other than my skull...

I don't know how I can even cast it.

"Hmm, this is... This is indeed quite the troublesome situation"

If I remember correctly, when the Demoness visited my home she told me that she was able to cast [Flash] by accidentally overflowing the spell with all of her mana making it became uncontrollably dense and bright which in turn... Blinded her for minutes on end.

Remembering this, I try to do same by chanting the words over and over trying to cast the spell to no avail.

I suppose this is my punishment for not paying attention to the teachings of the arcane arts.

"This may just be me but, haven't I been moving backwards for some reason?"

I look around me to see that the snow around me has been moving backwards behind me to if I remember correctly... To the place where the fourmi died.

I knock myself backwards to see what is happening behind me only to see a head of the black fourmi I have smashed with a jar filled with highly concentrated acid. Its head is filled with holes penetrating in and out while the acid lingers within.

A truly disgusting sight for one of my colleagues that fears holes for unknown reasons.

However, even after having his head turn to nothing but mushes of holes he still stands, soon after his head falls off from its body leaving him headless, It seems today many creatures are losing their heads!


After his head falls off something on the edges of his thorax caught my attention.

"Ice? Did he killed himself so he could spare himself from the pain of the acid?"

Slowly but surely the ice around the thorax's edge begins to grow bigger and bigger with each passing moment.

"What in blazes is..."

Suddenly the ice on its thorax bursts and creates a sphere of thick ice came to form and it attaches itself to the fourmi's thorax. The sphere's uneven shape gradually turns its form similar to that of the dead fourmi's head and soon after the sphere darken to pitch black.

Pincers, Antenna, Eyes, mouth everything looks exactly the same as the ones the fourmi had before, any sane creature witnessing such a scene would either run away or attack it at a moments notice... But not me! Because I can't do either of those actions!

"What in Null's is this!!? Is this Necromancy!?" I shouted.

[No] He calmly said with a sinister tone.

"Blast! How do-"

Ice spikes suddenly protrude from the ground and ceiling striking me up into the air and caging me while 5 glowing white orbs surround the cage I am in.

[I'll ask you one more time, return the elders-]


[Or I'll freeze I'll freeze this entire floor and you wi-]

"The bucket" I immediately cut him off.

[The what?] He ask confused.

"Its in the bucket"

[What the hell is a bucket?]

"What do you mean? A bucket is.... A bucket!"

[You do realize that doesn't mean anything to me nor does it even explain anything on whatever that is your talking about]



After bringing the fourmi to my humble abode and showing him where the slugs he calls "Elders" for some reason, surprisingly, the fourmi actually spared me from what could have been my second death on this world.

"There, that is the bucket"

[That... Structure of wood is the bucket you're talking about?]

"Indeed, for an Intelligent fourmi such as you I am surprised that you do not know what a bucket is"

[Well, for an Intelligent skeleton such as you I am also surprised how much you want to test my patience after that stunt you did]

And thus, the cold tragedy is over and my home is in a complete mess and body parts are all over the place, at least he took all of his snow back.

Everything is back to normal other than the fact that I have to borrow one of William's wendigo friends body as a substitute for my destroyed skeletal body, thankfully I manage to find all the parts needed for me to repair my former body.

Ah, and Williams.... I suppose I should also keep my promise and reassemble his body back to shape, since he did blew up into pieces.

Hm... That reminds me.

I peak into the room where I keep all of the amputees only to see all of them not struggling even a bit, have they gotten used to having their neck chained onto the room's ceiling?

Nay, apparently they had already died either by the sudden dramatic drop of the temperature or their spine broke.

"And with this! I am have finished!"

I put myself onto my former(now repaired) skeletal body and now I am back good as new!

"Alright, Williams! Now it is your turn!!"


Never have I thought I would finally see the sunlight once again in my entire life!

After reassembling Williams body and finish packing all the things I need, I finally make my way to the very top of The Devil's Labryinth and out from the entrance cavern surrounding it and into The Sinners Fields!

As I bask myself on the light of the beautiful sun above me I remembered something.

"Ahhh... I have just realized I forgot to use my Anti-Light Potion..." Soon after my body catches on fire.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! IT BURNS! but fascinating, BUT IT STILL uh... BURNS!!!"