
Re:Counting Eras

In a dying world where laws of the universe had weakened so much it allowed for magic to exist, Satoshi, a regular 20-something year old man is forced by fate to embark on a journey he despise. Confronted against the choices of putting his loved ones in danger, threats from secretive enemies, and the possible end of the world itself, Satoshi must do something he really don't want to do: go to school and learn! As he learns more about the secrets of the world he begins to wonder, is it really okay for someone like him to be involved with this important matters?

Junghan_Oh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Prologue to a new Arch

The sun had just risen, sending its soft rays into this valley shrouded in the morning mist. There were gigantic pine trees all around the valley that, judging by their size, should be more than a century old. Aside from the pine trees, there were also various bushes of different varieties growing along the floor of the valley. On their leaves, and also the pine trees, fresh drops of morning dew could be seen.

There's a light sound of trickling water filling the air. It came from a creek up the valley, with its branches crisscrossing here and there. The gleam of the early morning sun reflected on its surface, making it look like a river of flowing jewels.

One of its branches found its way into a clearing, where it gathered into a small pond. Unlike the creek, the water in this pond was tranquil; even though it was not deep, there were almost no waves or ripples on its surface. Since the water was so clear, one could see into the pond, and in it was a single koi fish the size of a forearm swimming slowly.

Beside this pond, there was a large fern tree with a single big trunk. Its many branches were adorned with even smaller branches and ended in numerous leaves. Everything was casting a shadow over the small pond. Not too far from all of this, stood a building.

The building looked old and dilapidated, and from the looks of it, this could have been a house for a small family once upon a time. Its wooden pillars and floorboards had lost their luster, the roof tiles had long ago lost their original color, and even the window and door screens had become so thin it looked like the gentlest breeze could rip them open. Even so, this old house looked complete.

From within this old house, a sound of murmur could be heard.

"We have waited all night. It's morning now."

"If it weren't for a certain someone, we wouldn't have needed to wait all night."

"I only did what was asked of me."

"Excuse me?"

"If you don't like my method, you probably should have gone instead next time."

"It's not about the method, you dunce! It's about propriety!"

"I maintain my stand: I only did what was asked of me."

"Did anyone ask you to scare the shit out of him too while you are at it?!"

"Everyone, let's not bicker among ourselves. Let's just wait it out, there's nothing we could have done anyway."



"It shouldn't take this long, tho. I wonder what is keeping the Principal."

At this moment, Satoshi opened his eyes.


Satoshi was jolted awake to a familiar scene, his regular bedroom within the Lah's Mansion. With his breath ragged Satohsi's eyes darted to scour the entire room. Only when he was entirely sure of where he was he felt a little bit calmer.

"Fucking hell, scared me to death!" He cursed out loud.

Satoshi let out a huge breath of relief and got out of the bed. He had his fair share of strange dreams before but this was his first time having such a terrifying one.

His mind involuntarily went back to the dream he just had and his body visibly trembled.

"Fucking ghost, abducting people and shit!"

Satoshi shook his head violently as he tried to get rid of the terrifying image in his mind.

"Uncle, you up?" Ashya's small voice suddenly sounded, her head peeked from the small opening of the door.

"Good morning, Ashya. Yes, uncle is up." Satoshi answered, trying to act normal.

Ashya entered the bedroom and curiously asked, "I thought I heard your scream, what's a 'mamamhuckers?"

"Ahem! It's nothing, it was just…a silly thing uncle sometime say to himself." Satoshi embarrassedly said.

"Anyway, why are you like that? What's that on your head and shoulders?"

Satoshi pointed at Ashya's head, her hair was peppered with fine grey substance. So was her shoulders and her shoes.

"Oh! Uncle should go outside! It's raining ash outside and it is so pretty!" Ashya excitedly answered.

Satoshi did not see that answer coming, he walked toward his door to see outside.

"Whoa, it is indeed raining ash."

What met Satoshi outside was a world of faint gray. The roof, the ground, the plants, and the benches on the garden, were all covered by a thin layer of ash. Several mansion workers could be seen covering their noses with a mask, wetting several areas of the mansion with water to prevent the ash from flying around too much.

"See? Isn't it pretty? It's like snow but it's not cold.

Satoshi looked at Ashya excitedly running around kicking a bunch of ash with her feet.

"Okay, slow down silly girl. Let's get you a mask, this ash is not good for you."

Satoshi went back to his room and took some face masks for him and Ashya. Both of them then walked together toward the main area of the mansion. As they walked, Satoshi saw Oda was walking toward the same direction from his guest house.

"Good morning Satoshi, good morning Ashya."

"Good morning brother Oda."

"Good morning, Uncle."

"You have any idea about this?" Satoshi asked Oda, he was already used to Oda's quick updates on the latest news.

"Yea, looks like there were volcano eruptions last night. Two, to be precise. The Old Luster and the one in Golden Sanguine."

"Golden Sanguine has a volcano??" It was Satoshi's first time hearing about this.

"Apparently they do. It's supposed to be an ancient volcano, but last night it suddenly showed some activity and erupted shortly.

These ashes come from both there and the Old Luster." Oda said as his hand collected specks of ash that fell from the sky.

Satoshi also looked to the sky and didn't know what to make of it. To think the two places that had just held the Academia Scholastic Trials to suddenly have a volcanic eruption at the same time, seemed too much to be a coincidence.

But from how Oda said it, it seemed there was nothing more to it.

"Ah, that's right, I haven't congratulated you on passing the trial. Congratulations, brother Satoshi."

"Haha, thank you brother Oda."

"You are indeed awesome, Uncle, you got accepted to Daojia Institute, right?" Ashya complimented.

"Nah, it's nothing. You are much more awesome than me. I heard your father said you would be ready for the trial next year right?" Satoshi half-complimented half-teased.

"Aiiee…please don't remind me of that, I really don't want to take it…" Ashya held her head in both her hands, looking pitiful.

Satoshi and Oda laughed when they saw her pitiful reaction. Before they realized, the three of them had arrived at the main dining hall. This was where they would usually have their breakfast, lunch, and dinner together within the mansion.

There were several servants preparing various breakfast items, tea, and coffee. Mahalini was already at the dining hall, conversing with someone that looked to be a guest. Satoshi was surprised when he saw who it was.


Sepphira only lightly looked at Satoshi, "Good morning, Satoshi."

Sepphira's light gaze somehow made him felt hesitant, "You are here so early, is there anything wrong?"

"What, I can't be here if there's nothing wrong?"

"Nonono, that's not what I'm saying, of course you can be here hahaha…"

"Sister Sepphira spent the night here last night, that's why we are so early." Mahalini interjected.

"Oh I-I see, you should have told me that you were spending the night here…"

"Oh? Were you going to do something if I told you?"

Satoshi was startled by her response, he was just making small talk and didn't expect Sepphira to respond in that way.

"This must be Teacher Sepphira that I have heard so much about. I am Oda Junichiro, and I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Oda's sudden interjection saved Satoshi from the awkward interaction Satoshi looked meaningfuly at Oda and thanked him in his heart.

Sepphira stood up from her seat and greeted oda,"Likewise Mr. Oda, I'm delighted to finally make your acquaintance."

After the pleasantries were done with, all of them sat down and ate breakfast together. They talked as they ate and various information was exchanged. From the most mundane things, to the most important matters, they were all talked about.

The two sudden volcanic eruptions were obviously talked about first. Investigation had been made but thus far nothing out of the ordinary had turned up. Aside from being extremely surprising, the eruption of an ancient volcano in Golden Sanguine this time seemed to be perfectly natural.

They also talked about the most recent updates about the incidents in Dai and Asira. After that, they excitedly listened as Mahalini shared the latest news about Mulah. Looks like he had earned some time off after his achievement and would be back home soon.

After that, Satoshi recounted his experience in the Academia Scholastic Trials due to Ashya's insistence questions. She was awed to hear Satoshi's first hand recount of the event, it was definitely beyond what the outside world could spectate. When Satoshi was done, a shade of determination could be seen in Ashya's eyes.

Satoshi also thanked Mahalini for what her husband did for him. Although Satoshi himself worked really hard in his study, it would be immeasurably harder if it weren't for what Mulah did. He also thanked Sepphira again, since it would be impossible for him to gain access to the Palace Museum if it wasn't for her.

Sepphira accepted the thanks with a sweet smile, "So, what are you going to do now?"
