
Re : Child again.

Reincarnation, transmigration, time travel. A dream that most of us had once wished for, but never had a chance to actually experience. And as we grew older , this idea sounds more and more ridiculous, delusional, something that's very impossible to happen. Returning back to the past, being able to redo things, to be able to live your life for a second time. Those things can only happen in movies, in books, in dramas -------it's all fictional. But what if that wasn't the case at all? What if returning back to past wasn't just a mere fiction but an actual fact instead? Just how awesome can that be?? This is a story of a college student whom by some means unknown, had returned back to his childhood. He didn't die, he wasn't cornered or forced to jump on a cliff, no truck-kun intervention!! He simply wished for it randomly and it just happened. Let's see how a 20 years old man live his life for the second time. What decisions he'll make, what plans he'll concocts and what in hell was that voice speaking inside his head?? This is a story of action, adventure, romance and everyday life. A/N: The mc will start at five years old and will slowly grew up as the story progresses. The pacing of the story will be quite slow at the start to give time on building a solid foundation for the characters. For those who don't want this kind of thing then this novel probably wasn't for you. The cover photo wasn't mine. I got it from the internet. If you are the owner and want me to take it off then feel free to message me. For support : https://www.paypal.me/AuthorFishball Join us in discord. https://discord.gg/Q7Yzs3GrHy

Fishball_22 · Urban
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57 Chs


An hour later.

Christina returned home carrying two plastic bags full of things on both hands. When entering their house, she didn't see Leon there but only the bond papers and pencils lying on the table.

Christina got curious on what her son was probably doing so she put down the things she's holding and put them on the side. As she went beside the table, Christina picks up one of the papers lying there.

" This... "

A shock expression appeared on her face.

How can she not? Christina saw a sketch of a woman that looks exactly like her!

" Did.. did Leon draw this? Or perhaps... " Christina seems to have thought of something and she became worried. She immediately looked around her looking for Leon or any other person but didn't find any.

" Leon, I'm back where are you? " she called out in a slightly louder voice.

* creak *

The door of the kitchen opened and Leon came out from it holding a glass of water on his hand.

" Welcome back mom. Are you looking for me? " he asked making his way towards Christina.

Christina sighed in relief when she saw Leon. " Leon, did someone came here while I'm away? "

" Hmm? There's none, mom. Why did you asked? "

" Really? Then... then who draw this? " Christina showed the drawing to leon.

" Oh, I did that, mom. I should give you that later but since you had seen it already, then... then it's not a surprise anymore. " Leon showed a dissapointed expression on his face.

" That.. Leon.. is that true? Did you really draw this? " She still can't bring herself to believe what Leon was saying.

Leon returned to the place he was sitting before and put the glass of water on the table. " I really did draw that. How was it, mom? Was it good? "

" This.. yes, this is so good, Leon. No. Extremely good! You... how and when did you learn how to draw? How come I never knew about this? "

" Really mom? Is it really good? Do you like it? " Leon asked. He didn't answer his mother's question immediately.

" Yes, it is very good and I like it a lot. Thank you. But you still didn't answer my question. When and how did you learn how to draw, Leon? "

Leon knows that his mother won't stop asking about it until he answered her so he just thought of some random bulsh*ts as an excuse. Although he didn't like the idea of lying to his mother, he didn't have a choice as this case was a bit special. " I'm glad you like it mom. This is my first time drawing so I wasted a lot of papers. Look over there mom."

Leon pointed at the trash can on the side full of crumpled papers and continue, " I wasted a lot of papers too before I successfully did it. Are... are you angry? "

Christina looked at the direction Leon was pointing at and saw their small trash can full of crumpled papers. Those might have been the errors her son made while he's practicing how to draw.

' But still, isn't it a bit too fast? How can Leon become this good already in such a short period of time? '

She was only gone for less than two hours so does that mean that Leon became this good at drawing in less than two hours? How can that be possible?

What she didn't know though was that, Leon in his past life was really good at drawing. As in, really good at it. His friends and classmates are confused why Leon didn't took an Architecture course or something related to that but choose engineering instead. They thought that it is a waste of his talent.

Christina walks towards the trash can and picked up one of the crumpled papers. She opened it and saw a drawing similar to the one she saw earlier but it was a bit messy. She picked up another one and saw the same.

Christina didn't have any other choice left but to believe her son's words after seeing that. She also remembered yesterday when she taught Leon how to count and how fast he learned it. ' Was my son really is a genius? ' She asked herself.

With that thought in mind, Christina once again look at her son. " It's okay. I'll just buy you some more papers in the future. I didn't expect you are already this good in drawing. Thank you for this. Mom really likes it. "

" Hehe. I'm glad you like it mom. I also made one for Carla and for auntie Pauline. Look mom. Do you think they will also like it too? " Leon asked as he showed the other two drawings on the table to his mother. Even he himself can't believe that he's saying these cringe and embarrassing words.

On the other hand, Leon felt relieved to see that his mother only looked at the crumpled papers on the surface and not the other papers below because those are empty bond papers he crumpled. Those are the 'evidence' he created earlier to make his mother believe that he really did practiced drawing while she's away. That way, it will be less suspicious.

Christina once again looked at the papers Leon was holding and saw an image of Pauline in one paper while the other paper has an image of Leon and Carla happily eating their food together inside their classroom. This made her shocked once more but she immediately recovered and just thought of it as her son being a genius. She can't think of any other realistic reason aside from that.

" Mn. I'm sure they will like it too. Wait here, I'll go and get a folder so you can put these there. " answered Christina before she went inside her room. A minute later, she came back and handed a white folder to Leon.

" Thank you, mom. "

" You're welcome. But what about your father? Why did you not draw something for him? "

" Erm.. that... it's because I haven't seen father for awhile now mom. I.. can't remember how he looked like. " Leon scratched the back of his head embarrassly.

It's true though. The only image Leon has for his father was him 15 years from now and he just can't draw that can he?

Christina also found Leon's answer reasonable considering how young he still is. The last time he saw his father was already more than a month ago and that's only for a day before his father left once again for work.

" I see. Then let's wait for your father's return next month. I'm sure he will be very happy if he saw you drawing his face. * giggles * "

" You can continue what you are doing Leon. I'll go and cooked our dinner first. Also, can you put those crumpled papers in the trash bin to this plastic bag and put it outside? " Christina handed a plastic bag to Leon before picking up the things she bought and went to the kitchen.

" Okay mom. I'll do it. " Leon received the plastic bag and watched his mother left before putting all of the things on the table inside his storage ring. After doing that, he walked towards the trash bin and did what his mother said but instead of putting them outside the house, Leon put them inside his storage ring as well, to make sure that his mother won't see them again.

After that, he went inside his room and played with his Brick Game there.


The next day, Leon once again came to school with his mother Christina. But she seems to have something else to do because she left immediately after giving Leon his food and told him to take care and enjoy his day. Leon looked inside the classroom but he didn't see Carla there yet so he just sat on one of the bench outside to wait for her.

" Leon! Good morning. "

After a few minutes, Leon heard someone calling his name. He lifted his head and saw that it was Mark along with his mother, Stella. There's also another man with them that looked quite different. The man was tall and has a quite thick beard on his face. He was a bit handsome too with his blonde hair.

' No wonder he got together with Mark's mother. ' Leon thought to himself.

Mark pulled both of his parents with him in front of Leon and said in English. " Mom, dad, this is Leon. The one I told you before. He's my idol. " Mark then turned to Leon and spoke in ' Tagalog ' this time. " Leon, they are my parents. "

( AN: Tagalog - the national language in the Philippines. )

" Hello Leon, we met again. Mark always talks about you at home saying that he wanted to be like you. * giggles * I hope you two can be friends. " said Stella as she gestured at her husband. " And this man here is my husband. He may look a bit scary but he's kind. "

The man seems to have barely understand what his wife was saying but he still smiled at Leon and said in broken 'Tagalog', " Hêllo Leon. "

" Good morning Mark and Auntie. " replied Leon. Looking at Mark's dad and much to their surprise, he greeted him back in 'English' as well. " Nice to meet you too, sir. Are you a foreigner? "

Leon's last two sentences made Mark and his parents a bit surprised as they didn't expect him to be able to speak English language fluently despite his age. But their shock only last for a few moments.

" Ha-ha-ha. So you can speak English Leon, I'm glad to know that. My Tagalog is still so bad and my wife Stella here always complained about it.

" Nice to meet you too Leon. And yes, I'm from New York City. It's quite far from here but hat's also the place where I met Stella. My son keeps on talking about you and your magic at home so I also hope you two can be friends. " said Mark's father happily to Leon.

Leon didn't expect Mark's father to be this approachable and easy to talk with. Very different from what his first impression of him which was silent and serious. He's a bit talkative too..

" So you are from US, mister? That was indeed far from here considering that's more than eight thousand miles away. Did you came here by an Airplane? "

Travelling around the world was one of Leon's goals in his past life so he is quite knowledgeable about the places around the world because he kept on researching about them before. New York happened to be one of the places he wanted to visit so he knows some basic knowledge about it.

" It seems like what Mark said was true. You are really smart, Leon. But no, I'm a seafarer so I used a ship to come here last month. " replied Mark's father obviously surprised on how mature Leon acts and also how knowledgeable he was.


Mark's parents talked with Leon for awhile after that. And while they are conversing with each other like that, the other students also started to arriving.

Carla also arrived with her mother and saw Leon talking with her classmate Mark and two more adults.

" Leon! " Carla called him out as she started walking towards Leon. Pauline also followed her daughter.

Leon immediately recognized that cute voice as Carla's so he turned his head and saw her walking towards him along with her mother.

" Good morning Carla. Good morning Auntie Pauline. " Leon greeted them.

" Good morning too Leon. Good morning Mark. " Carla also greeted back before so curiously looking at Mark's parents and asked, " Who are they, Leon? "

" They are Mark's parents. " Leon answered her. He then turned to Mark's parents. " Uncle Mark, Auntie Stella, this is my friend Carla and the beautiful woman beside her is her mother, Auntie Pauline. "

" Mn. She's the girl with you before, right? So you are, Carla. Nice to meet you. I'm Mark's mother and this man here was my husband. " Stella introduced herself again to Carla before looking at Pauline. " Nice to meet you Pauline. Leon is right. You are really beautiful. No wonder you have such a beautiful daughter as well. "

Mark's father also can't help but take a few glances at Pauline before he shook his head and looked away. He's afraid that his wife might misunderstand and will make things difficult for him in the future.

" Thank you, Stella. You are beautiful too and look so young. " replied Pauline politely. Her face was a bit red. She became a bit embarrassed on the way Leon had introduced her to Mark's parents. She was also surprised to know that Leon can speak English fluently.


Pauline and Stella happily entered a small conversation with each other for awhile before Stella finally excused herself saying that they still need to visit their other relatives so she left with her husband leaving only Pauline, Carla, Mark and Leon there.

" Carla, I also have to go now. Mommy still need to work so I have to leave, okay? " said Pauline before looking at Leon. " Please take care of Carla for me okay, Leon? "

" Mn. Leave Carla to me, Auntie Pauline. Mark will also help. Right Mark? "

" Me? Oh. Yes. We will protect Carla, Auntie Pauline. " Mark answered, patting his chest.

" I'm fine here mommy. You can go to work. " said Carla giving her mother a hug.

" Okay then. See you later. "

With that, Pauline also took her leave.
