
The Italo-Turkish War Begins

Apis' death had only further emboldened the Black Hand to gain their vengeance against the Habsburgs, as well as steeled their resolve toward their ultimate goal of independence and unification of the Balkans under a single banner. 

Either way, it was entirely possible that Heidi's actions had hastened the start of the upcoming Great War. Or it would have been, if not for the fact that less than half a year after the grisly death of Apis aboard a ship headed for South America, war broke out in the Balkans. 

But that was a story for another time. In fact, as 1911 began drifting into its final few months, an interesting conflict broke out that would help contribute to this madness. Italy, having been given a sense of security by joining the Allied Powers, had decided now was the time to press some of its former claims.