
Attaining Peak Physical Fitness

Bruno's return home was a peaceful one. For the first week, he really just sat on the couch smoking out the window as he tried to return to a more peaceful state of mind. Ludwig wasn't the only one affected by the war. Bruno had himself gradually worsened in his condition. 

Nowadays, he spends a lot of his spare time alone, either drinking beer or smoking cigarettes. Frankly, it was the only thing that could keep him calm. While at war, things made sense to Bruno. He had an objective, and enemy, and his goal was to kill that enemy. 

Here in the streets of Berlin, without his uniform on, he was just another man. Sure, there were a few people who knew who he was. His face was, after all, in the papers. But civilian life was tough. There were things about being on the battlefield that couldn't be replicated in this peaceful world.