
The Migurdian Magician and a Master

Re:Beginning: A Job-Filled Reincarnation


Chapter 3: Re:Beginning: A Job-Filled Reincarnation | Chapter Three: The Migurdian Magician and a Master


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Re:Beginning: A Job-Filled Reincarnation | Chapter Three: The Migurdian Magician and a Master

"Why is my luck this bad?" The girl berated herself as she stretched her limbs on the back of a carriage. Of course, I had to run into the biggest sleaze bag in this entire kingdom! Though, I guess I probably should have thought everything through before I blasted him with magic and ran away… She winced at the memory.

It wasn't my fault; I mean, who just comes onto a person like—that?! Sure, I had to run from the authorities for what I did, but to label it a capital offense was a little overdramatic, right? Wait, I could be executed for this! Did I dig my own grave the moment I wound up in Ars? On the carriage was one blue-haired twin-tailed girl. She didn't look like much, but one look at her, and you could tell she was a mage from her tan cloaked garb to her big pointy hat. The biggest giveaway was easily the staff she carried around everywhere she went, its blue gem on its tip gleaming almost unnaturally brightly under the sun. This girl is Roxy Migurdia, a demon who ran away from her home to see the world and become an adventurer.

"Umm, excuse me, Miss? Did you need to go anywhere specific—or?" Driven away from her thoughts, she looked at the man driving the carriage she was sitting on. He had seen her sprinting and offered a ride out of worry. Little did he know, she was actually on the run from knights; considering her whole 'attacking a noble' situation, she found herself. The man who tried to buy her appeared to be a significantly affluent noble in the Asuran Kingdom. Yet again, just her luck.

What was his name again? Darius Silva Ganius? That sounded about right. Not that she wanted to remember that sleazy bastard's name, but she thought that if she remembered his name, she could just maybe get payback on him later. Blackmail was one helluva thing.

"Nowhere in particular. Wherever you're heading is enough for me." Her voice may have sounded as calm as a still lake, but she was still quite panicked. After all, it wasn't every day you could just run from the authorities. So far, they had chased her in the capital, where she had managed to lose their immediate pursuit by using earth magic. From there, she found a carriage, and the young man driving asked if she needed a ride anywhere. It wasn't odd for a carriage or convoy to ask her if she wanted to come along. They always required guards, and she had done her fair share of labyrinths in her day, so she was no slouch when it came to fighting. To Roxy, it was only natural that someone would want someone like her.

Someone who just so happened to look like a teenager going through puberty.

I don't know if I should feel grateful or disgusted about that noble thinking I looked pretty enough to buy… Never mind—it was safer to say disgusted.

"I take it you're an adventurer? Well, you're in luck, then. If you're looking for work, I'm heading to the Fittoa region, specifically the city of Roa. It'll be a few days before we get there, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of work for a mage around the area. Hell, I hear there's word of a drought coming in, so if you're ever looking for work from farmers, you can come by my village. It's relatively close to Roa, and I'm sure everyone there would be relieved to see a mage." The man scratched one of his long ears as he spoke.

So he's of the Long-Eared race. No wonder he hasn't mentioned my hair color yet. It wasn't every day you saw an elf not living in their forest. Or a demon not staying on the demon continent.

"Maybe I'll do just that." With that, the idle chatter died down between the two as they made their way to the city of Roa. Luckily, there were no magic beasts along the way, but even if they were, Roxy could've handled them without much of an issue. Anything on the Central Continent was sure to be weaker than whatever monsters were on the Demon Continent, and that was where the girl had grown up. So, the two safely continued on the road to Roa with little to no disturbances.

As the man had said, a couple of peaceful days later, the sight of the fortress city of Roa came into view. Roxy had never seen a town quite like this one, so it was a spectacle to the woman. Walls that towered what must be eight meters surrounded the citadel. A sizeable lone castle stood proudly deep in the heart of the walled settlement. If I'm not mistaken, this city acted as a last bastion during the previous Human-Demon War. It for sure fits the bill for being a fortress city, though.

The man reclined back as he stretched. "Thanks for guarding me. I've got to go sell my cargo now, though." The man spoke with a relaxed point towards the back of the wagon. "If you feel like coming to my village, I'll be here for a while." The man flashed her a smile as he turned around to face her. It wasn't every day Roxy Migurdia was genuinely thanked for doing something. She just leeched a ride from this man, and all she could do to pay him back was guard him. Even then, there hadn't been any threat she was sure the man could handle by himself.

As they pulled into the city and managed to stop their carriage in a clearing, Roxy grabbed her staff and the small metal briefcase she had sat on the seat next to her. Quickly dismounting the coach, she turned towards the blond-haired man and promptly bowed to show her gratitude. "Thank you for the ride, sir. I greatly appreciate it." She straightened her back and then gave the man a slight nod. "If I can't find a job I like at the guild, I'd gladly take you up on your offer to help your village." The man gave a knowing nod as he moved over to the carriage and began unloading his wares. "Oh, by the way. My name is Roxy Migurdia. It's a pleasure to meet you." She figured the least she could do was tell the man her name.

If he hadn't been in Ars, I would've probably been executed—or worse. Asuran nobility has a bad rap, and I've talked to my fair share of nobles. The memory of the noble from Millis she had met came creeping back into her head. At least he was imprisoned for taking illegal slaves.

"Ah, so you were a demon. Figured cause of the hair, y'know?" The man casually laid the box he had grabbed next to his feet. Usually, Roxy would've been put off by the addressing of her heritage, but with one look at the man, you could tell he meant no harm in doing so. "My name is Laws—with an s at the end; lotta people forget that." He stuck his hand out, and the two promptly shook hands. "Ahh, no surname. My family isn't noble born like that or anything." He pointed his thumb toward himself before swiftly returning his attention to the box he had set down a moment before. "Well, I've got to get going so you can do your business, Miss Roxy." With a wave, the now-named elf, Laws, walked off.

The girl looked over to the now unattended wagon. "He still has so much on his carriage to carry… He must trust the people here." Walking away from her, Roxy saw Laws greeting some townspeople with a smile and being greeted likewise with a wave in return.

Figuring she had stood idle long enough, she scurried to the Adventurer's Guild.

Roa was like everything she had heard. Sure, it was a bustling city, but adventurers dominated it, most likely because of the easier jobs for less experienced newbies in the area. With little walking, she was in front of a prominent building. It was a building she had become used to seeing over the years. The smell of alcohol and cheering echoed even out of the doors. When she opened the swinging doors, however, all became silent. Unfortunately, she had to start dealing with this when she left the demon continent all those years ago.

"What's a demon doing here?" A giant man said to his shorter friend across the hall from the Migurd.

"Do you think she's trying to start something?" The man responded.

It's funny that the Demon Continent seems more welcoming to me nowadays than the Central Continent. At least Asura is better than Millis. Walking up to the desk, a taller woman with brown shoulder-cut hair and a modest bust greeted her with a practiced smile. She was, of course, an Adventurer's Guild Receptionist.

"Good afternoon, miss." Before being able to continue, Roxy offered up the adventurer card she'd previously pulled from her briefcase to the taller woman. The lady quickly noted the 'A' that adorned the card and gestured towards the board. "Nice to meet you, Miss Roxy. You may find any job that would pique your interest over there." The woman's face seemed to soften somewhat. Most likely because she realized the person in front of her was a skilled adventurer and not just some random nobody.

What kind of job did I want to find here? Something as far away from the capital would be ideal. So, out in the sticks? Maybe as a tutor? Yeah, that'd work. But, good pay plus location is asking for a lot, though. With her mind made up, Roxy decided on the best course of action. "Have you heard of any tutoring jobs in the area?" The blue-haired leaned forward to whisper. "Preferably somewhere more rural?"

Quickly nodding, the receptionist's brown eyes seemed to brighten just a smidge. "We just so happened to receive a request from Sir Paul Greyrat before you arrived. He's a lower-ranking knight who lives in Buena Village. It seems he needs a magic tutor of notable skill." After she finished her summary, Roxy gave the woman a quick nod. The receptionist left promptly after a moment to fetch the knight's request.

Buena? I've never heard of that village, and I don't remember it from the last time I went through Asura, so it must mean it is out in the sticks. Still a mage of notable skill? Well, I definitely fit that part. Some people might have thought Roxy arrogant if they were to hear that, but the girl was indeed a mage of great skill. Not only was she advanced in all types of attack magic, but she was also a water saint-ranked mage. The number of saint-ranked mages in the world could be below five hundred. Which meant that Roxy Migurdia was indeed in the one percent for skill.

Shortly after Roxy's thought subsided, the receptionist returned with the letter. After being handed the small note and reading it, Roxy realized it was nothing special. It simply asked for a magic tutor of worthwhile skill and one willing to teach on such short notice. She'd even be provided with lodging and food. That's what you can come to expect from a knight… This should do me over for the time being.

"I'll take this job then, ma'am." Pocketing the note, Roxy noticed the slight nod from the receptionist out of the corner of her eye as she looked down and crossed off a job listing on her ledger. It was always refreshing that each receptionist of the Adventurer's Guild was cordial to all races, including the girl's kind. It saved much of the headache Roxy would receive otherwise.

"I've noted you down. Thank you for your service, Miss Roxy. Have a nice day." With their interaction over and a kind smile alongside a short bow from the taller woman, Roxy took her leave. The other patrons didn't even accost her, so she left the guild hall without issue and a job offer in hand.

The city of Roa was pretty, from its winding streets to its architecture. It fits the vibe of being a fortress city. Roxy knew that for sure. Millishion was undoubtedly a much prettier sight, but the girl would rather not have to return to that city for quite a while. While not at its all-time worst, the relationship between demons and humans was still relatively poor in the holy country. That was just the nature of the relationship between humans and demons in the modern era. To say it was pleasant would be underplaying the matter by a godly proportion. If Roxy were to return now and, for some reason, be caught under the pretext of assaulting a noble, she would most certainly be executed on the spot—without trial. That was just how poor the relationship between humans and demons was there. The fact that it's considered a mild punishment almost amused the demon girl.

If I have to go to Buena village, I should ask Laws for a ride. I'm sure he wouldn't mind refraining from going to his town if I were to pay him. As Roxy was thinking that, she continued to walk, spotting the man she was just thinking about returning to his now emptied carriage. He was talking to a beastman walking next to him, and after giving a farewell, they left to go their separate ways. Roxy noted that instead of the miscellaneous cargo Laws had in his wagon from their ride here, there were now bags of food and some clothes he had been storing away. Raising her hand, Roxy called out to him, "I found a job, Laws!" The man looked behind him to see the little girl walking toward him. "Would you mind taking me to a village called Buena?" The question must've piqued the man's interest as his ears turned upwards and his eyebrows raised.

"Buena? Hah, it looks like you're coming home with me." A cheeky grin crossed the man's face. Causing Roxy's face to flourish into a blush from the implication of following him home. If there was anything the girl was abhorrently weak to, it was being hit on in any way whatsoever. Even if that wasn't the intention of the interaction. Laws must've quickly noticed the significance of his words, so he shifted and interjected into her thoughts. "Ahh, I'm a married man—sorry if I came off wrong, but yeah, I live in Buena." He rubbed his neck with an awkward motion.

Well, that cleared up a lot of the misunderstanding. "No problem." The slight blush on her cheeks betrayed her statement. "Do you by chance know a Sir Paul? He's the one I took the job for; he was looking for a magic tutor." She explained.

"Oh, Paul? Yeah, I know him. He and I and a few others do a monthly magic beast clearing in the forest by the village. Though, ashamed as I am, he does most of the heavy lifting whenever we do one of our excursions." Laws raised his hand to his chin as he pondered for a second. "It's weird that he's asking for a magic tutor, though. I wonder if his wife wanted to get back into the arts. I'm sure she used to be an adventurer, but I could've sworn her specialty was healing magic. I mean, he does have a kid the same age as mine… What was his name—Rudeus, right?" Laws pulled himself out of thinking as he noticed the girl quickly feigning interest in the topic. "Sorry, I tend to think out loud sometimes. We better get going. My family expects me back by early tomorrow, so they might get worried if I'm not back by then." With a chuckle that gave off the attitude, 'I'm very much screwed if I'm not back by tomorrow,' Laws quickly pulled himself into the driving seat and took up the reigns.

"Yes, let's hurry." With one gesture to Roxy, she speedily made her way up to the back of the wagon. Then, just as fast as they had arrived in Roa, they exited. With that, they left behind the fortress city as they made their way to Buena village. Roxy was almost sure by now that her pursuers had lost interest in her, but it was always safer to be on the move.

Roxy could've said she had expected more from Buena, but with how she was presumably a wanted woman, she was in no position to complain about the village's size or the number of people who lived there. Laws and Roxy had reached Buena village by the next day's afternoon. The ride was typically only around six to seven hours on horseback, but the sun was beginning to set by the time they left Roa, so they camped out the night before. Laws briefly introduced his family to the blue-haired demon when they arrived. His wife Cecilia was a kind woman, who surprisingly enough was a quarter-beast person even though she shared little to no traits from that side of her heritage, except for her chest size. Why does every woman on this continent need to have an exuberant bust?! Size might just be a sore subject for the demon girl.

On the other hand, his daughter almost gave Roxy a heart attack just looking at her. For a second, Roxy thought that Laws' precious daughter he had talked about on their way here, Sylphiette, was actually a Superd. Luckily for Roxy, that was false. It just so happened that she had the same hair color as them. There was no gem in sight on the prominent, cute forehead of the little girl. Poor girl, though. She's going to be given a hard time with hair like that. It was like this that Roxy would first meet three of the relatively few villagers who lived in Buena.

Bidding them goodbye, Roxy made her way toward the Greyrat residence. She greeted the few villagers along the path, taking a break from their fieldwork. They seemed surprised by her appearance but didn't bother to mention it in front of her. Maybe people here aren't as rude as they are in the cities. With that thought crossing her mind, she noticed the presumed house she would be tutoring in. It was undoubtedly a more pleasant abode than Laws' family home. This one had a nice stone fence all around the property. In front of the home was a garden with a few trees growing, and the home itself could be considered a mansion compared to the other villager's houses within the area. Yep, that's definitely where a knight would live with his family. Looking into their front yard, Roxy could see a taller man with long brown hair tied into a ponytail that waved on his back; with one glance toward the girl approaching the home, he rushed back into the house.

Roxy wasn't the kind of person to care for too many pleasantries, but when faced with the family in front of her, it almost felt essential to make herself known as politely as possible.

The family before her was the Greyrat family Laws had told her about. Zenith was on the right, a beautiful woman in every sense of the word, from her hair to her eyes; everything about her to Roxy was frankly beautiful. Paul was on the left. He was a taller but rather handsome man. Roxy could tell at a glance that he was a swordsman, mainly from his build and disposition. Then, finally, their child. Who had a look of disbelief—and maybe perversion…? What was his name again? Rudeus, right?

"I'm Roxy Migurdia. Pleased to meet you." The girl tried to hide her face in front of her bangs so she wouldn't be forced to meet their questioning gazes.

"Oh, you're the, um—home tutor?" Paul had a look of disbelief in his eyes as he looked downwards toward the presumed younger girl. He had no idea he was the younger one here, however. Roxy was used to this sort of treatment.

"You're well—uhmm…" Zenith fiddled with her fingers. A long pause followed her words.

"You're cute, miss." The child smiled at Roxy as he was the first to speak after the prolonged silence had dawned on them.

Huh? Did he—did this kid call me cute? Ashamedly, a blush crept up her cheeks.

"What're you playing at, Rudy?" Paul ruffled his son's hair with a smile and a look of pride. While Zenith just looked at her husband like he was an absolute idiot and shot her son a questioning glance. The son appeared to take after the father more than he did the mother.

"W-Well, thank you." Roxy quickly coughed to excuse the child's remark. Roxy had initially thought that the child would make fun of her size. It was typical. The only people interested in the demon girl were children or kids who could barely be called teenagers. That was why the woman had never had a lover. She wasn't like a noble who would readily do questionable things with people of uncertain ages. She had her own views on love. Ones that she wasn't willing to change her stance on.

This kid, though? Why did he have such a goofy-looking smile after he said that? It seemed to the girl that Rudeus was something of a flatterer. "So, where is the student I'll be teaching?" Roxy continued.

Zenith seemingly jumped at that sentence, leaping into her son. "Oh, he's right here!" Roxy was met with a peace sign from the said boy as he kept the cheeky grin plastered onto his face.

The boy? The one who called me cute? A sigh escaped Roxy's throat. Even if he had a good eye for women, in her humble opinion, a child who had just apparently turned the age of three casting magic? Almost completely and unequivocally impossible.

"You get this now and then, I guess. Idiot parents who think their child is special just because he's an early bloomer or showed some promise." She let out a heavy sigh. "I guess this was a dud after all." She wasn't ignorant of how some parents were with their children, but she said all that out loud, didn't she? Old habits die hard, don't they?

A foreboding aura came from Zenith at that moment. "Excuse me?" She remarked in annoyance. Roxy knew at that moment that if there was anyone she shouldn't make angry in this household, it would have to be Zenith. She'd better apologize fast before she ends up on a chopping block.

"Nothing! It's just that children his age have a hard enough time reading or writing. I doubt that a child his age could comprehend the theory of magic." It was only logical. To cast magic, one must understand what they were casting and why. It would be more believable if Rudeus were older, but for him to cast spells at three? To Roxy Migurdia, it was more likely that the Demon-God Laplace would sooner resurrect than this child being able to cast magic at his age. Though, if he could, in reality, cast magic as they believe he can, he might just be the man himself. Not that Roxy would particularly care or anything. "I would believe you if he was older, but Rudeus is only three years old, right?" All of them were silenced by what she had said.

That caught all three of them off guard. Roxy slipped up. Now, I let a name I shouldn't know slip. First, that perverted noble, then this? I might be losing my edge nowadays. The child looked dumbfounded at her as if he saw a ghost and was trying to rationalize it. And what's this child's deal anyway? First, he calls me cute, and now he looks like he's seen a ghost. Maybe choosing this job was a bad decision after all… Well, it's not like I could return to the capital anytime soon.

"How do you know his name? I never mentioned it in the letter." Paul was wary of her now. That wasn't good.

"I was given a ride from the capital by a man named Laws. He told me about your family." It was always better to defuse situations as soon as they popped up. She'd learned at least that much from adventuring on the demon continent for years.

"Ahh, Laws! That makes sense. He likes to do some trade in the bigger cities now and then. I wish he told me, though. I could've used a new pair of boots." Paul looked into the sky for a second as he seemed to think. "Anyways, a friend of Laws is a friend of mine. A pleasure to meet ya, Roxy!" Paul scratched the back of his neck, then brought it down to gesture for a handshake.

Roxy wasn't one to refuse a simple gesture, so she shook his hand. It quickly encompassed her's like nothing. Zenith seemed happy enough that everything blew over, but that child was still eyeing her up like no tomorrow. What even was there to look at that was so interesting? It's not like she was well-endowed or anything. "You should give our Rudy a chance! He's amazing once you see it!" Zenith clasped Roxy's hands as she gave her a smile the demon was sure could haggle her way into any deal the woman wanted.

Why do the parents have to be so difficult all the time?! Roxy heaved a sigh as she picked up her briefcase and grabbed the staff that she had stood beside her. With a gesture to the boy, she spoke. "Let's at least see what I'm working with here." With that, they made their way toward the more open area in the front yard. All you could do with parents like these was just show them they were wrong, but if the kid could cast magic, she'd be staying, obviously.

That's how Roxy found herself pacing back and forth in front of a three-year-old as she explained what magic in its most basic details was, how it was divided among the three trees, and how it was ranked. She always found this part so droll and would instead have gotten right to showing Zenith and Paul that their child could not cast magic. But saving as much face as possible in situations like this was necessary. She didn't need her reputation as a mage to be tarnished by one boy now, could she? At least Rudeus seemed interested in what she was talking about. Or maybe she should be worried about how he seemed too interested in her discussion. Even if he couldn't cast magic, she could still teach him plenty of things, so, at the very least, it was good that he was attentive.

"Now, I'll do a demonstration. Repeat the chant after me." The boy moved forward in his seat. He has an interest in magic, that's for sure… He probably wouldn't be a bad student either. He also seems like an alright kid, so I guess I can stay and teach him. She thought as she pulled on the familiar pool in her body to cast a spell. " Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing, burbling stream here and now. Water Ball!" A sphere of water formed at the end of her staff.

"Miss Roxy, please avoid that tree." The boy spoke loudly enough for Roxy to hear before the ball of water on her staff propelled itself. The girl quickly pivoted, and the sphere of water whizzed past one of the trees the girl had been pointing at.

"Is there a reason not to? I could just heal it if anything bad happened." The girl spoke somewhat irritated and indecisively toward the boy as she turned back to face him.

"That's my Mother's favorite tree. She's been caring for it for a while, so she'd be pretty mad if anything happened. The last time anything happened to it was when Father accidentally cut off one of its branches." Rudeus paused deliberately. "He couldn't walk for a week after Mother was finished with him." Roxy grimaced, then gave a curt bow.

Never mind—I'm staying. He's a good kid.

"Still, you had excellent control of that Water Ball !" For some reason, the boy started clapping for the girl.

She straightened her back and looked into the sky. "I'm sure you could do it without issue." Beginner-level spells were easy enough to cast as is. So, even a child like Rudeus could do something similar.

"I don't know if I can do it as well as you." Roxy felt a blush creeping along her cheeks again from the boy praising her. Maybe this kid wasn't as bad as she initially thought… Wait, was she this easy?

Roxy usually considered herself stoic, but she was just a veritable pushover. At the end of the day, Roxy Migurdia was exceptionally easy to please.

"Okay, now you try." Will he fail, or will he succeed? It doesn't much matter to Roxy anymore. She'd decided that she'd stay and teach the boy. Now, if he could cast a spell like Water Ball on his first attempt, she'd jump at the opportunity to teach him. It's not every day you meet a child of three who could cast magic, but Roxy wasn't going to get her hopes up.

"Okay!" Rudeus lept from his chair and stepped a little away from the girl. He outstretched his hand in preparation for the spell, and as he did so, Roxy mused that he looked practiced when he stood like that, but she knew better than to suspect a three-year-old for foul play.

She watched him ready himself, and by the time she blinked, a sphere of water formed in his hand. The water shot forward in a flash and with a bang loud enough to ring your ears. Roxy's eyes weren't playing tricks on her, and by the time she managed to reel herself back into reality, Rudeus was just staring at her with a shit-eating grin.

He hadn't just abridged the incantation. He had wholly removed it.


"Y-You didn't say the incantation… Do you normally do it that way?" She was shocked. Abridging a spell was something she had seen some old mages could do with enough practice, but for a child to just wholly get rid of the incarnation in its entirety?

"I used to, but then I figured it would be easier this way." The boy spoke in a flat and even voice; meanwhile, shock and maybe a twinge of excitement shot through Roxy's heart.

"D-Do you?" She turned herself around to face away from the boy; this was something to write home about, well, not that she'd written home ever. "You might just be worth teaching after all." Roxy was underselling the boy; she was going to teach him. She wouldn't be caught dead saying no to an offer like this.

At that moment, footsteps were heard walking over to them. "So, how did Rudy do?" The look plastered on Zenith's face had to be one of Roxy's smugest faces she'd ever seen. The woman must've known how good her child was and was just waiting for Roxy to figure it out for herself.

To Roxy, this entire ploy must've been a setup to wow the magician. At least, that's the conclusion Roxy had come to.

In reality, Zenith had no idea how good her son was at magic and assumed it would all work out in the end.

"Well, your son seems to have an extraordinary talent—" Before the girl could finish talking, the three people outside heard a loud creaking, and with a head turn, all confirmed the sound.

The tree had a hole blasted through it, and the stone fence was in equal disrepair behind it. "What—Roxy, don't use my trees for—" Zenith began to run over to her fallen tree, only for the boy beside Roxy to cut off his mother.

"Sorry, Mother, it was me!" Zenith looked back at her son and frowned slightly. Her attitude seemed to brighten up just a smidge at the admittance. Rudeus, on no account, during Roxy's short time here, acted his age. A normal kid his age should worry more about his skin than others. Still, here he went and immediately took the blame and did so brazenly without fear of punishment from his mother, even though he did seem quite surprised at what he had done to the front of their property. Was he trying to suck up to his soon-to-be teacher? Of course, Roxy appreciated the assist.

"Just watch where you're shooting stuff, Rudy!" After casting Healing , Zenith came stomping over to the two of them.

"Didn't you tell me to watch out for that tree?" Roxy questioned the boy beside her, who gave her a weak and ashamed shrug.

"I got distracted." Roxy was going to ask how, but Rudues had interjected himself. "Sorry about the tree—" He looked past his mother and sighed at seeing the gaping hole in the wall. "And the wall." The boy sulked a little, and while he did, Roxy couldn't help but think about his magic.

He just cast a Water Ball, but when you look at its damage to the wall, you can't help but realize that it couldn't have just been a simple spell. At most, a Water Ball could go through wood, but stone? Did he accidentally use an intermediate spell or something? No, there's no way you could just mistake one spell for the other…but I guess I have no experience in silent casting to voice my opinion. Roxy came out of her thoughts as she watched the Mother and Son.

Zenith huffed a little and gave the boy a little chop on his head. "As long as you understand." She turned toward Roxy. "Let's head inside." She grabbed Rudeus by the arm and started walking toward the house. Zenith only turned back once she noticed the blue-haired girl wasn't following. "Obviously, that includes you, Miss Roxy." With a smile at the demon, Zenith hopped over and grabbed the girl as well; she was pretty. Nothing like the demon girl, that was for sure. At least that's what Roxy thought of the woman.

"O-Of course." The young demon timidly nodded her head.

"We already got everything ready for your welcome party! Do you like dessert?" Zenith grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to the house. "Also, if you could fix the wall my son broke," The woman stared at the boy alongside her. "I'd greatly appreciate it." She gave Roxy a cheeky smile as the demon girl was forcefully whisked into the house.

This job doesn't seem nearly as bad as I thought. The welcoming party they hosted for Roxy was nothing special. There was food and drink; Paul even acted as entertainment when he shoved his sword down his throat, all the way to the hilt, mind you. Be that as it may, but for Roxy, a demon, this was something she never could've dreamed of back on the demon continent. She was surrounded by people that she had only just met this day. Yet they treated her kindly. She was confused. Roxy didn't understand human customs well, yet they treated her the same as any of their friends. Or maybe even as they would a family member.

This job is looking better and better every time I think about it. I guess I've been blessed in a way.


Authors Note: Here's chapter three. Some people may wonder what I have planned for this story. It's more or less just Rudeus having to deal with the fact he's been given a chance he doesn't think he deserves. After all, he lived seriously in his last life and died a happy man, so to him, this chance is undeserved. This story will likely end up being half Rudeus and half the other characters' POVs, mainly because writing about Rudeus being this OP character is quite boring to me, but he will have his moments. I have all of Buena done already, so I know where I want the story to go, and I can't wait to be able to share it.

Of course, I always appreciate feedback on these chapters, as it can help me curve chapters before they're published.