

***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURE DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SO DONT EXPECT GOD TIER WRITING**** Synopsis: Morpheus an otaku God wanted an apostle and also a brother so he save an extremely powerful soul from the floors of purgatory. Morpheus also decided to give the soul 6 wishes and send him to an alternate world of Re:zero were a couple of anime worlds are merge are and inside the galaxy. Join us and watch as our MC Asura rise up and become an emperor and also the demon God who feeds off the desires of others. join my discord : https://discord.com/channels/851513713991221288/851513890973024317

Retro_Senpai · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Maggot, maggots and even more maggots


The sound of an extremely loud explosion was heard in the cold vacuum of space but sadly there was no one around to hear or witness the huge crater form on the moon of Re: zero that was a little bigger than the one back on Earth.

But at least a certain Platnium hair witch was there but the thing is Asura was running at the speed of Sound till he found a comfortable enough rock to discuss things over well more like setting ground rules and give Pandora a quick education of her certain circumstances.

So he took and grab Pandora by the color of her weird clothes that was practically just a white curtain or small plane white sheet customize to look like a dress if anything she looks like a nudist that reaches nirvana in the aspect of shamelessness without giving a crap about what anyone thinks about it almost like she alone is the most free.

But when Asura looks at Pandora he slaps her cheek but he notices she was not responsive and when he looked at her face he telepathically yelled.

"YIKES, I just remember humans can't breathe in space my bad I see you as maggot so I thought you will be alright".

When Asura look at Pandora her eyes went blank as tears of blood was flowing down both her blank eyes and she was foaming through her mouth and slowly gasping for air that was practically non-existent up here and when Asura felt her heart rate she was on the verge of death he panics slightly as he uses the cognitive mind to find a solution to his problem.

After 10 seconds within the mental world, only 0.001 seconds pass in real-time as he came up with a solution for this problem.

He then released authority suppression on Pandora and by instinct to save herself she unconsciously tried to rewrite the past to save herself but since Asura is the reason for so many outcomes of the past events so far she couldnt rewrite it. As Asura is an entity nearly an entire realm or dimension above her.

Her lungs felt like they were burning and they were on fire her eyes felt like were slowly been push deeper into her sockets and her body felt like it was been crush by an invisible force similar to if not exact to Hetra authority was what she thought.

Asura watches how Pandora starts to struggle looking at him with pleading eyes as she began turning purple suffocating under both the immense gravity of the moon which was 18X stronger than that of 0-Gaia. So to help her he went up to her and bitch slap her with his huge ass dinosaur tail as she flew and landed on the comfy rock or so Asura call it.

(Author's Note: Asura need a name for the planet so he will call Re zero Earth 0-Gaia)

Pandora crashes into the rock landing very hard on it but all of a sudden she felt as if her right to breathe had returned but it felt really weird she wasn't breathing out of her mouth which creeps her out but then she felt something on both sides of her neck.

When she looked she saw 3 gills going down on both sides of her neck she didn't know how but she did something only Capella could do but at the same, she just notices that Capella body transformation on herself had been undone which mean from her authority had been revoked from such a long distance.

These gills are special gills Asura created using body modification, Metamorphosis, and absolute body control normally space doesn't have oxygen well it does but tiny and polluted amounts of it so these gills were customized to take the polluted and radioactive properties needed to create oxygen and filter it so with this Pandora can now breath in space.

She manages to somehow breathe air in this cold death zone and when she looked around she saw a huge cube shape thing just floating it almost like when she was a little girl and she asks her creator why the giant rock float in the sky.

To her surprise, it was something called a planet and the rock called a moon they seem so closed but even she knows the moon was at least over 3,000,000 miles and they somehow made it hear in less than 20 seconds and to top it all off she felt extremely cold.

Then she heard Asura's voice.

"Not a great day to be wearing just a sheet if you ask me". Said Asura in an emotionless tone to Pandora via telepathy.

When Pandora heard this she looks back behind her slowly as she was still adjusting to the gravity, to be honest, she turns around so slowly it took her 30 seconds just to tilt her head this annoyed Asura greatly so he forms his tentacle throne.

And began sitting as he grabs Pandora with random spider appendages on his back and brought her on her lap as he uses space burn skill the burn or weakens the gravitational pull around him.

Pandora felt the gravity around her was forcing her down so she looks at Asura as she tried to speak but words wouldn't come out then she heard Asura speak telepathically to her as he said.

"It useless the gravity on this moon is so strong that it preventing you from speaking I only weaken it to the point that your movement is acceptable so if you won't speak it only going to be via telepathy so just think what you want to say we only have 8 more minutes and my time is precious so say what you want to say".

In all of Pandora's life she has never been spoken nor treated so roughly if anything the last time she has been treated so unfairly was 400 years ago but this was no time on remorsing on the past so she asks well thought mentally.

"Why did you bring me here".

"Simple there nothing around for the next 3,245,678 miles and also so you don't rewrite reality because that damn ability of your is very annoying well I could suppress it and since you are way up here you can't change no past events because I am the reason for most of them and I don't mean to brag but if you compare your powers with mine then it like maggot trying to fight a dragon so tell me, witch of vainglory, what the reason for your trespassing on my territory you maggots lingering all over the god damn place".

Asura said with great annoyance to his favorite doll/toy.

When Pandora heard this she couldn't refute but she was shocked at how the bloody hell anyone knows of her existence the only people who know about her is the archbishop and witches of sins Flugel and Volcanica how the hell did a living legend like him got to know of her existence so she simply asks.

"How did you found out about my existence I made it so that only a handful of people know about me".

Asura looks at Pandora with an emotionless look as he said.

"You know Pandora you are a very beautiful woman so much so many higher entities secretly look at you without you even noticing".

Pandora knows she is beautiful she doesn't need anyone to tell her that she also know higher entity look at her in secret as the one who possesses an almost perfect copy of Echidna memory of the world she knows a lot of things she shouldn't so to fix this problem she picks a random female cultist and makes it so she looks like her, in any case, she is Pandora double.

While she lives a rather perfect life deep underground nearly reaching Gaia's core after all been perfect isn't easy but for the first time, she cants acknowledge her perfection as she was kidnapped so easily so she replied to Asura.

"I am aware but I have my ways of dealing with such trivial things".

Asura then said to her.

"So tell me Platnium maggot why did you invade my territory".

"Is everyone just maggots in your eyes".

"Pretty much yea for me not to call you a maggot you have to gain my respect or I have to know you really good and as far I am concern you are an enemy in every sense of the word well I can be lenient you are now my belonging or my favorite toy and arent you the same you just use people for your benefit as long as you can reach your end goal and fulfill your deepest desire there is nothing too evil to do in your eyes".

"To you, everyone and everything is just stepping stones, after all, they replaceable or respectable to be honest you are the worst of the worse".

When Pandora heard Asura's brutal and right to the point statement of what he thought of her she became a little annoyed but she couldnt do anything but she still asked.

"A toy".

"Pretty much".

"I'm your belonging"?

"In every sense of the word yes".

"Do you like me or something"?

"No, I love you but in a twisted way, to be honest".

"Twisted way what do you mean by that".

"Normally any women I see I take it simple as that but I have standards luckily you almost every criterion in what I see in women".

"And what might that be"?

"I don't know a cute face, A mysterious vibe, and powerful background, Platnium hair".

"In the end, it all just came down to my cute face doesn't it".

"Pretty much". Asura said with an obvious look at such a stupid question

"What even is love to you"? Pandora asks in a soft emotionless voice as she was very concerned for her future as this monster in front of her has the ability to completely cripled her authority like it was nothing if anything she was afraid that a lovely maiden like her was going to be devoured whole.

Asura looks at Pandora with an emotionless look on his face as he said with an equal uninterested voice to her.

"Good question they are certain people I do care very much about if anything it's my wife and I guess my other belonging but since I am looking at someone like you differently you can take my love as domination".

"So basically what you are trying to say you will force me into submission how laughable

Asura smiled and said.

"Right on the mark but in the end I will always have the last laugh".

"I can't believe this great generous and great me just became the plaything of a demon".

"Haha I am very greedy you know so serve this king well and you will be treated fairly".

Pandora didn't really need anyone to tell her that she knows how greedy Mammon is from the many legends about she just didn't think she would be added to his many collections as she was trying to figure a way to escape this greedy demon but what could she do she was millions of miles away from home, she cants rewrite reality as he too powerful to easily control nor could she teleport as he was suppressing her authority.

Then she heard Asura.

"I'm guessing you have a desire so tell me what is your wish.

"The seal in Elior forest I want you to unlocked it for me in their is were my greatest desire lies".

"Hmm you want to release that thing inside you do know what in there can not be control even by you are trying to end the world sorry misty but I am not at full power yet I am planning to eat that god damn anomaly whole when I am at full power and yes you could achieve neigh perfection absorbing his factor but let me tell you something you will die before you have the opportunity to blink one last time".

Pandora was aware of all that but she had her ways of controlling that monster seal in the immeasurable heavens.

so she said.

"I still want it undone".

"Fine then what your toll nothing free maggot and what you are asking me isn't even worth your entire cult".

"Why should I have to pay up don't you love me to see it as a favor and an honor".

Asura looks at Pandora with a pissed look as he said while leaking a lot of blood lust.

"You are getting ahead of yourself maggot tread carefully now you have been warned".

Pandora looks at him and she knew well that.

Mammon didn't do anything for free even she offered her entire cult

it wouldn't be enough but why should she have to offer herself if she wants to separate Satella from envy resurrecting her she needs that thing authority at all cost.

And for some strange reason, she feels like even if she escapes it wouldn't be for long but even so her vainglory would not allow for her to be conquered so easily so she said in her usual emotionless tone.

"Sorry but I ref...


A loud sound was heard throughout the whole moon as Asura slap Pandora really hard with his tail as he gives Pandora a cold look as he said.

"Are you questioning my authority women you should be honored I even laid my eyes on you not only are you a disgusting cultist you killed so many people and so many innocent Emilia was a victim to your bullshit while countless others suffered greatly because of you. Do you know what will happen if I undo all the memories of all the people you hurt you will be hunted down like the maggot you are"?

Pandora look at Asura with an emotionless look as her authority was useless she didn't answer back because she knew one wrong word or misstep would end up in her inevitable demised she can't die here so she just listens.

But little did she knew her rebels used outburst to Asura stimulate Asura demon side well more like his instinct if anything both Mammon and Asura hates when other people question their authority it a violation of their rights plus including how prideful a klaxosapian is this just adds to the severe punishment she is about to receive from Asura.

Asura was piss as he continued to say.

"Look here maggot you treat people like they have no rights and used them for your own gain so what makes you so special of not been treated the same way. Before me you are nothing but a maggot and a toy how dare you question my authority this is a huge violation of my greed and my rights maggot are you questioning my desires if so that worse than violating my rights".

"Do you have god damn death wish bitch a doll job is not to question there master authority you think I will let this slide do you think I am mere convenience do you think I am just another stepping stones to achieved your greatest desire hoho what an ungrateful prick you need discipline apparently words can't get through that big head of yours".

"Do you know what I like about dolls they can be rebuild from the ground up so even if they brake they can always come back and you need to rebuild tighten your teeth maggot you need to know how the Pecking order works"?

From their Asura aura flare so much Pandora began to tremble in fear so she acts.

"What is the pecking order".

"Hohoho I'm so glad you ask let me educate maggot the pecking order goes like this".

"You, the worms, the worms in the dirt, Mr. Popo, My sh*t, And Asura".

When Pandora heard this goose-bumps appear all over her as she tries to run but the gravity was too strong and her authority again once suppressed.

Then she sees a blue scream appear before her.

"You have received the Curse of everlasting misery from curse king Asura".

Everlasting misery: It doesn't matter how horribly injured you are you will never die till the caster says so this curse is used mostly for torcher as the caster can slowly heal injuries even if you disintegrated to Ashes you will regenerate a new body and the fun begins all over again.

"I have been cursed".

Then something grabs her by her neck and When she looks at Asura she knows that bad was going to happen to her.

Those emotionless eyes, his cruel aura, and also his sudden violent nature were all evident that Pandora was going to have the worst 5 minutes of her life as Asura then said to her.

"You need to be taught how far part we are you think because you have 6 powerful super maggots and an army of lesser maggot backing you up you are invincible and just fun fact woman power speak for everything and before me you are nothing but worthless and guess what you have the honor to witness how everything you love and believe and work so hard for crumble before you".

"Because when I am through with you won't be thinking about Satella, You won't be thinking about the seal in Elior forest, Nor the cult, or your archbishop all that will remain in your soul and heart IS ME AS YOU DONT NEED NO ONE ELSE"!

Asura said firmly, proudly, and dominantly as he smiles sadistically at the maggot before him that dare question his authority and desire.

Pandora went silent for the first time in her life as she knows true despair before it even happens she regret ever crossing paths with this demon.

Asura then grabs Pandora by the neck as he strengthens his grip even more as turn to direction as to where he thinks the Elior forest might be and to make sure he strengthen his vision temporary by sacrificing 1 AP and saw a rather glorious mansion as 3 arch maggots were discussing with were Regulus, Ley, and Capella he then looks at Pandora as he smiled evilly and sadistically as he said.


He then tightened his muscle to fullest Capacity as he uses unique skill precise aiming as he set himself in a pitcher position and Yeeted Pandora Fuck to the Elior forest while shouting.



Change of POV

in the backyard of a very glorious and magnificent mansion, we can see 3 people discussing which was the archbishop of sin.

"TSK this a waste of God-damn time why can't we just storm in the mansion and kill everyone there so I can collect 234th wife". Said Regulus in an annoyed tone.

"You are stupid as always you are aware that venturing in death valley as this is the territory of a demon God". Said Capella in an even more annoyed tone to Regulus's stupid suggestion.

"Did you just call me stupid you harlot do you have a death wish". Said Regulus in a pissed tone.

"God damn annoying meatbag". Said Capella as he ignored Regulus.

"Damn woman how dare you ignore me do you think your cute with that defiant attitude of yours this is a huge violation of my rights".

Regulus then slices off Capella's arms like he usually does but like Capella usually does she plays him as a fool just cause she can as she began screaming.

"AAAAAAHHHH It hurts it hurts AHHHHHH hahaha my grandmother hit harder than you meatbag". Capella said as she simply transforms the last limb into a working limb once more

Regulus got infuriated and just sit down as this woman was annoying how dare she violates his rights.

To break the silence then one in th corner witch was Ley then said.

"She has a point Regulus a demon god isn't someone or something to scoff at ahh just thinking about is driving me insane I want to eat him and his love for Artoria, the way he thinks I want to devour it, All his 230,000 years of memory is a treasure that I cant pass I need it I munch and I crunch, I eat and I devour but we have not quenched our thirst for more we want him to join we want him to be apart of us this hunger this gluttony demands it".

Regulus just scoff at his statement as he said.

"Demon god or not I will crush him like the insect he is beneath my feet just him been in my presence is a violation to my rights I could care less ab...

From there everyone heard a huge explosion behind them.


Upon the huge and loud explosion everyone in the cult tenses up even the lesser member were caught off guard

"What the hell is that". Said Capella in a pissed tone

"Who the hell dare interrupt me when I am talking". Said Regulus in an extremely piss tone.

"Ohh it seems another good meal came to attack us". Said ley while he was drooling all over the ground.

Ley, Regulus, and Capella then rush to the spot of the explosion.

and what they found shock all of them.

They all found a mangled corpse of the witch of vanity she had only her right arm left as she was burned to a crisp as half of her face was all that remain all the bones in her body were probably powder if anything she was a bloody mess.

Her beautiful hair only had a couple of strands left as it was all burnt off and piece of her spine was sticking through her mangled chest and the sheet was burnt and torn if anything she should be dead

"Pandora Sama". Shouted Capella as she was the most shocked of them all as she hurried to her side saying.

"Hurry heal yourself you will die at this rate". Capella said in a major concern for her safety.

But the answer she gave shocked everyone.

"I can't he is suppressing m-m-my authority". Pandora said in great pain

"What who is suppressing your authority".

"Run and r-r-re-group cough cough you c-c-cant beat him h-h-he is a monster". Pandora said with a weak voice as tears of blood coming down from her eyes she also vomiting a lot of blood as well.

Play Regulus theme lmao

"Who are you referring to Pandora Sama". Said Regulus with a slightly annoyed face

"Pandora sama are you alright that very painful". Said Ley in a creepy voice.

Capella tried using body transmutation to heal Pandora but something was denying her from doing so.

And the next words that came out of her mouth shock everyone there.

"Guys we have a serious problem".

"Ehh what is it you annoying woman". Said Regulus with a look of annoyance.

She turned around with beads of sweat coming down from her head while trembling as she said with a fearful look on her face.

"I can't use my authority".

Both Regulus and Ley tense up at her words as they both said.

"What kind of bullshit are you talking about your authority magically stops working". Said Regulus with a look of confusion and irritation.

"This is serious guys we have to get out of here whatever Pandora-Sama says is coming our way is nothing but a dead end.

Regulus got really pissed at Capella's bullshit as he yelled in anger and annoyance.


At these words, Capella was at her limit as she yelled.


When Regulus heard this it was the last straw.



Just when Regulus was about to erased Capella's existence an extremely loud explosion was heard as the entire Elior forest began to tremble from a massive earthquake.

"What the hell is that". Said a random cultist.

Capella then looks at the trembling Pandora which shocked her greatly the very woman she respects as much as Satella was trembling in fear and crying her eyes out as she said.

"I-I-It's all over".

"Pandora-Sama let's go we will leave these two meat bags behind".

Said Capella but just when she was about to leave her instinct began to flare up as she and everyone else began feeling the most insane killing intent one could ever felt in this life as a voice with so much power ringed in everyone's head but for some reason, she knew it was aimed towards her.

"Maggot you dare steal my belongings right in front of me".

Everyone then drops to the ground as Asura uses another one of the Klaxosapian racial ability which is him actually using his voice which was called.

sonic scream.


Upon Asura's scream, everyone drops to the ground in pure agony as many of the witch cultists drop to the ground rolling on the ground holding their ears. From there a loud pop sound was heard throughout all the forest as half of the witch-cult ears drums imploded while others forcefully stab their eardrum to stop hear the agonizing scream coming from Asura's mouth some went insane with pain and began digging their eyes out while others committed instant suicide.

"AHHHHH stop it goddamit it hurts". Shouted Capella in severe pain.

"It silents it silent it silent". Whispered a random smiling cultist as he stabs his eardrum with his claws.

"Kill me make it stop". Cried a woman in agony.

"Goa". Said a random man as he burns himself alive freeing himself from this horrible pain

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts". Whispered a little girl who joins the witch cult just a little while ago.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah". A beautiful woman laughs with insanity.

"I can't see, I can't see". Shouted an old cultist member as he drops to the ground in despair after digging his eyes out.

When Regulus and Ley saw the Mayhem around them they look at the thick white smoke and they began hearing footsteps as they heard a childish voice of an angry little girl but his/her voice projected everywhere almost in their mind as came forward and said.





"Maggots, maggots, and even more maggots what the hell gave you the courage to step right at my front door this is a serious violation of my authority what do you all take me for do you all have a death wish".

And when the angry figure was finally in view they saw a very beautiful but a very handsome blue young boy or girl honestly and truly no one knew at this point and time except for Pandora.

Regulus like the annoying and infuriating person he is had the balls to ask Asura these questions.

"And who the hell might you be maggot". Regulus said to Asura returning the insult.

Pandora felt it

Ley felt it

Capella felt it

Elsa who was hiding in the shadows felt it.

Every remaining cult member felt it and when everyone looks all the birds and the animal began running away as they stare at Asura who went silent after Regulus's remark.

And what they felt.

Was despair and death in the form of a child as the rocks began to float and the earth began to shake and killing aura coming off of him or she was so strong you can literally see a giant demon with six eyes staring straight at their soul as Asura then said in piss tone.

"Did you just call me a Maggot"?

"Yes, that right now answers my question who the hell are you".

At those words, 3 people thought at the same time.

"Damn idiot shut up already". Said, Capella

"Were all dead". Said Elsa licking her blade.

"Why can't he cease his blabbering mouth sometimes". thought Pandora who was in immense pain to care for what is to come.

Asura then began to laugh like a maniac as he holds his head while leaning backward as he gives Regulus the legendary your god can't save you now stare

"Ha hahhahahaha haha hahahhahah hahahahah hahahh hahah hahahah ahhhhh".

"Who am I hmmm well it not secrete but the name is Asura Steiner demon god of desires or you as you call me by my most famous name Mammon the very last face you will ever see.

Small announcements

So I have a proposal as you all know I have 3 fanfics the latest one being the youngest I am very busy at work Thursday and Friday and sometimes Monday being my only off time so I was thinking should I put all my attention on this meaning just focus on this till it finishes or do 1week more of this and the next week of my Monogatari fanfic your call thank you for listing