
Re: Amalgamation

When life gives you something you either throw it away or just simply use it even though it's something unconventional. Like say being able to fuse...what a weird situation I am in.

RAHM_Wanderer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Unfortunate Rebirth

Ah, the prospect of living in an entirely new world that is different from your own. What a thrill! To explore such a lush and majestic place…

That is of course if you're a Human who has the luck to be a simple bystander watching some Flora and Fauna which also means Plants and Animals for those who don't know the scientific names, from the comfort of an impenetrable see-through glass which I mind you, you could tap at without the fear of getting your fingers bitten off.

Yeah, that's right, I am one of those unfortunate souls who has the unfortunate luck of being kept as a caged animal.

I shudder in horror, humiliation, and anger as I could see hundreds of eyes looking at me, and the constant tapping on my glass didn't help a bit. It only gnaws at my sanity.

First things first some context of what has happened to me. You know the usual stuff like I was once a human being who unfortunately died. Lucky for me I didn't die because of a Truck hitting me or someone killing me. The usual reincarnation cliché.

No, I die out of depression. Yes, that means I hung myself, had to check the internet one last time to see how to make a hang noose even saw the number for suicidal hotlines. As for why I hung myself? Well, I was sick and tired of College, Life, and Depression and even died with the thought of how the world has already died with the constant pollution and whatnot.

As for my Family? Well, I know for a fact that they are strict yet kind, but they didn't even give me a choice and forced me to take on a college and a course that I didn't even like to begin with. But I know for a fact that they will cry for me and maybe the rest of my own family as well.

Anyway, after I died there was a blankness kind of like a dreamless sleep. I liked it because of how calm and nice it felt. But then like a dream I was forcefully woken up from it and the very first thing I saw was a ginormous face looking at me. A face of a white-haired young man who I think is wearing some sort of coat and attire that looks similar to a doctor's.

After that, I was thrown into this "cage" a 2 by 2 space. Confused and afraid I tried to leave only to realize that the whole thing didn't have holes just a square container that was made out of glass. Not just any glass but a magical and scientifically reinforced glass. How did I know about this? I tried to smack my entire body at the glass only to be shocked and hurt at how hard the glass is.

Also, that "shocked" part wasn't a figure of speech since I was shocked until I slide away from the side glass.

Oh, I have forgotten to mention one key detail. My body, as in I was reincarnated as a red blob made out of a gelatinous something all I know is that I kind of resembled something close to a slime only instead of a watery blob I think I'm composed entirely out of something close to the consistency and make of red flesh. To clarify, I don't even have any organs inside of me, not that I kind of feel as if I did have any.

Yeah, looking at the situation and what I am, I could see that I am some sort of animal to be watched by the people. Also, this ain't some zoo. At first, I thought I was in a zoo but when I notice in the corner of the room was some equipment that you might think belongs to a lab...

After that, I begin to piece out where I am and what I am.

I am in a lab and I am an experiment created by someone. Judging by the countless people staring right at me I already know that I am some sort of "scientific discovery" which explains a few things like say I was being showcased.

I hate my new life.

I mean it's an interesting yet annoying type of life that's making my ears go nuts with the constant tapping! If I was a normal man I would go insane with how trapped I am even though it has only been a few maybe 2 weeks since I arrived/rebirth. The constant eyes and tapping would break a man...in my case, it did happen.

I even went insane in the first week and as for how I was able to know it has been a week I just clocked it when the lights on the lab are off. A gift in disguise. But after a couple of tackles which I was tased for and going still as a rock, my torment sort of stopped.

Then after that, the number of people looking or checking me begins to dwindle. But the insanity continues, which can only mean that I am only getting close to becoming crazy.

Well, at least it could be the worst I mean I don't feel the need to eat which I think meant that I do not need to eat. But Thinking about my situation I think there are worst things that could have happened to me like say being forced into slavery, getting eaten alive, being tortured to death, and any unfortunate things that could go wrong when you are reborn/reincarnated into another world.

But my current predicament is still bad enough to be counted as an unfortunate thing that could happen to you. A test subject that was created for who knows what since I don't have the patience or even the sanity to answer that question.

Maybe there would come a time when I by some miracle would be able to get out...yeah no that's just wishful thinking.