

Early in the morning the personal maid of Kai, Carla, prepares her master's breakfast. Her master loves newly fresh dishes. She won't eat them if it turns cold.

Carla knocked and entered the room. She saw Kai lying down on her couch instead of her bed. She sighs. Why does milady love to sleep on the couch? She puts down the tray on the table and quietly approaches her to wake her up but unfortunately, Kai's has already woken up before she can try.

"Carla...? Are you there...? Tell me... what's today's date?" her eyes are still half-asleep and her tone is still a bit sleepish. Kai changes her posture and sits properly on the couch. She took the bread on the table and ate it.

"It's the 27th day of the 8th month of Year xx78, milady" Carla said with a monotonous tone. If it were other people, Carla wouldn't answer the date today like this. Kai ordered her to answer the dates like this since she still wasn't used hearing the months in different names.

"I see... prepare my bath and uniform. I'm going to school early"

"This servant obeys" Carla left the room and began to arrange her clothes and her bath.

Kai leans on the couch. A long (kiseru) pipe appears on her right hand and began smoking on it.

"It's been a while since I had one"

It's been many years since Kai has touched this pipe of hers. As an adult, Kai loves smoking like any other adults. She looks at her surrounding with her sharp eyes, "I'm back again..."

She clenched her left hand which destroyed the bread into pieces and disappears.

Violet butterflies began to surround her but Kai completely destroys all of it. There's no need for her to know Giovanni, she has known him for a long time already.

Kai places her left hand at her heart. She can only hear her fast heartbeat.

The present her and the future her has become one. Both souls of the present and future have merged together. Though the future her is still the dominant one.

Kai stands up and smokes in her pipe. In front of her, is a person with the same face and appearance with her. To be exact, it is her clone made from her magic. She narrows her eyes. She smashes the clone with her pipe as it disappears into smoke.

She hates how she has to start it all again and again. Unfortunately, this is the outcome of her choices and she has to accept it.

Her clothes change into her form as a witch that she had in the future. Her silver hair flutters in the air as her purple eyes glow.

Kai smokes once again. It's been a while since she had this form. The present her isn't used to it but she knew enough how to handle it.

This dark magic is very unique. It can use spells like any other types of magic. With it, she will be able to hide it underneath it. She is a bit glad that her magic is a bit cheat.

She switches back her clothes. Her pipe disappeared into thin air as if it was never there.

"Milady, it's time for your bath" Carla came in and escorted Kai into the bathroom.

Kai indulges herself in the water. It's been a while since she had a bath. She has no way of resting in the past and can only use magic in an instant to clean herself. She was to busy to have a rest.

A cold smile appears on her face. She suddenly remembered her philosophy in life. Life is a bullsh*t, it is nothing but a full of shit.

All her actions in the past have turn meaningless with this.

I want to smoke...

Kai looks at her right hand who is itching for her pipe. As young as she is, her mind and soul is not. Just one day without it and she might die.

Still... those days felt like a dream that never exists... Her memories of her former world started to fade away and only pieces of memories left within her...

Kai stands up from the bathtub and wraps herself in a towel. She called Carla to help her fix her dress even if she doesn't want to. She has to go to school as fast as she can.

Kai looks up to the school in front of her. She's back again at the beginning like everything was just a dream.

But this time, she will not fail. She has made ample of preparations and has tested it for a hundred times.

This time, everything will be perfect. She clenched her hands as she walks towards inside the school.

There was no change like in the past. It was the same as always.

She cannot help but remember what that god, or to be exact the guardian, told her:

"Remember this is a game-like reality. It courses, fate, and everything have to be exactly like in the game. If not..."

If not...

She already knows the next sentence already. There's no need to remind her.

In this world, there are numerous reincarnations out there. She has already known all of them and knew how they will affect the game.

A dry laugh came from Kai. She reminiscence all of the days have passed before she jumped into this timeline.

Don't worry, this time she won't forget it. She knows who she is and she knows what she has to do.

A cold smile appeared in her thin lips. In the end, it all feels like a dream.