
Re : Abnormal (Draft)

An unnamed man who is given the title, The Wanderer, is transported to another world by an unknown being and is forced to live his new life in that world. He befriends a sentient Voodoo doll and becomes a high school teacher teaching 10 extremely dangerous and magical students while also having to deal with many issues that occur due to the symbols aligning with the sun. There's a lot more but obviously I don't wanna spoil anything. --- This is just a draft/practice since the story is kind of all over the place right now and I'm just testing things out for now. Imma stop working in this. I'll be writing on the main book and the storyline won't be as shitty as this one.

Unproffessional · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Arc (I) - Chapter 4 : Stand Proud

Boro grunted heavily as he began chugging down another can. "awah~...Wandie! Get me some more!" he demanded as I continued to sit and face Shirakama, anger slowly boiled up inside me as I had to hear Boro ramble on about his drinks again.

"How can you be so sure Kurohana's going to attack?" He asked with curiosity. I let out a deep breath and held a hand to my head as I thought. What do I do? I don't want to reveal my ability of being able to simply come back after dying to him since he's still not trustworthy enough.

The nar was still quite empty and there wasn't much noise here other than the music playing on the other side of the city where Onarumi was performing.

"I...don't know." I muttered quietly. "I just feel like she'll attack tonight." I said in a way as believeable as possible to him. Sadly, he shook his head and replied. "Sorry but I don't like having my time wasted. " He turned around and sighed.

I walked out of that bar in disappointment. Looks like I'll have to take things in my own hands.

As I began to walk back towards the area where Kurohana attacked, I noticed Kenji was walking through as well. My eyes widened since I remembered when Kenji got attacked and died.

"Kenji!" I shouted as I waved and ran towards him.

"Huh? Oh...Its you, Wanderer." He said as I shook him.

"Listen man! You need to turn back. Kurohana's going to attack!" I shouted.

"Huh? Oh...Kurohana huh? Why else did you think I came here?" He said confused.

I stood frozen still. What? What did he mean by that? "Kenji...You're..." I paused myself. I didn't know if it was a good idea to tell him.

"Look why are you slowing me down? Takashi is probably already there waiting for me or worse...He could already be fighting her."

I gulped. "Fine. Let's just go help him then." I said feeling sweat drip from my body. Flashbacks of seeing Kenji and Takashi's dead corpse made me feel uneasy.

A huge explosion was heard and Kenji gave me a look of concern. "Fine then. Come along, you mist have something to help us."

We arrived to see a bloody shirtless Takashi. "Hey you, witch" Kenji yelled out. She slowly turned around to face us.

"Hmm?~ Come to help your little friend here I see?." She spoke out in a seductive tone.

"We're not here to play games, Kurohana." The rain was pouring on us except for Kenji where the rain was instead flowing down the barrier around him.

"Ahh...Yes, I remember this. Your...absolute blessing. Very annoying. I'll just have to continue to drain your soulflow then."

She then raised her hand and chanted out.

"Stasis Chamber..."

Our eye widened as my body glows slightly purple once more, my hyper was about to be used. "No don't!" I yelled.

It was too late.

"Shrivelled Endless Bloom!"

The area encapsulated around us as we began falling through an infinite corridor of black flowers down." My body began to feel tired. What do I do? It was getting colder and I watched as Kenji tried to hold on to but he was struggling.

Boro then suddenly peeped out of my pocket and put two needles on both walls beside is of the black flower corridor stopping us from falling.

"Boro!" I yelled out.

"Heh...Did you think I was useless this whole time? That may be true but I have my moments sometimes." Kenji woke up from his unconscious state. "What the- Wanderer? What the hell is that thing?" He yelled out in shock as he pointed at Boro in to which Boro laughed softly.

"No time to explain. Let's just go take Kurohana down now." I said. He nodded and Boro grabbed us both and began to fly up really quickly. After only a few seconds, there was a light. We were getting close.

"Let's do this!" Kenji yelled out as we burst through the top and ended up in the top of her domain once more, the sky black and the ground full of the same flowers.

"Hah?" Kurohana turned around, her eyes full of fury. "How did you get out?" She then looked at Boro. "Tsk...You're from the bar. You and him." She said pointing to me and Boro.

Kenji then watched as Takashi was still on the top and didn't sink but was instead still bloody and he rushed to him. I continued to stare down at Lunar.

"I guess I should stop playing with my food then." She said with a smile as she dashed at me and attempted to blast me into the wall but luckily, my Hyper activated at the last second and I managed to dodge out of the way and anchored myself on another building. We dashed around from building to building, her sinister smile still plastered on her face.

"Come on! Is that all you got punk?" She shouted as her nails managed to slice me once in a while as we dashed around even more.

"Damn it. She can keep up with me, my ability that rivals the speed of light." I dashed back and attempted to throw a punch into her head but she simply dodges and kicks me through multiple buildings. From afar, she then launched a powerful lazer beam from her red eye and I barely dodged it as it burned through multiple buildings.

"Hey watch it!" I yelled out. If the concert wasn't there, many people would've been killed. I then gasped as I realized the concert will end soon and I quickly dashed at her through the air and pulled her down to the ground pummeling us both.

"You...Dare touch me?!" She yelled out as she got up and floated above me. Kenji quickly dashed in with his sword but she simply blocks it with her hand and shoots a black beam from her hand sending Kenji crashing back into a powerline pole.

"Ack!" he screamed in pain as the electricity zapped him.

She then turned to me. "You've been, A very naughty boy recently." She said as she stabbed me in the chest with her nails, I was getting weaker and my soulflow was draining. Was this the end?

A huge beam of light came and blasted her into the forest. I quickly turned my head with blurred eyes and saw it was Rinen.

"Hey, who are nyou?" He said out in curiosity. "Nyou shouldn't be out here this late fighting off vampires like this, especially her." I remembered that I never exactly talked to or got to know this Rinen so I just got up slowly and went over to Kenji and Takashi who were still on the ground in pain.

Suddenly, a large green muscular creature with white mist coming off him wearing a strange mask walked out and glared at us.

"Great." Rinen said, his eyes perking up. "She has Kosho under her command and has absorbed his chi." He continued. The name sort of rung a bell in my head. I rembered back to the aftermath of the training session I had with Kazeka.

"I'm looking for a lost time spirit you see, he goes by the name of Okaju Kosho. You'll know once you see him. For now..." She leaned towards my ear and whispered. "Think about it for a while,ok?" And with that, she teleported away.

Rinen face palmed as the monster slowly began marching its way towards us, its body looks as it were made out of green clouds. I turned to Rinen who then had a innocent smile on his face with his eyes closed and waved at me. "Nyou can handle this guy. I'll go take down Kurohana. Bye!" And with that he blasted off at an incredible speed towards the forest as I saw the large creature march towards me, his footsteps loud as hell.

"Wait Wait!" I yelled out stumbling back and tripping, now on the ground as I was too shocked to act, Boro was already asleep in my pocket and the creature continued marching.

"Shit! No! Go away! Get away!" I yelled as I continued to try running but the creature already threw his fist at me pummeling me to the ground, or so I thought. Time around me distorted as she appeared in front of me. Her face serious, her eyes patch covering her eye of Anubis this time. The "Cosplay" maid, Kazeka Jotsaku.

here we go.

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