

.....After their dads imprisonment, three sisters embark on a journey of healing as they move to the country side and start afresh creating new bonds of love friendship and life

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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41 Chs


" Have you really made up your mind?" Dr Jason asked granny," I have..." she replied I had given up on convincing her...she clearly didn't want any further treatment but that doesn't mean my heart didn't ache as the thought of it," Thank you so much for taking care of me..." granny said to Dr Jason who held her hands in his," You have been more than a patient to me over the years we have worked today as patient and doctor you have been a grand mother." he said as my granny started to shed tears," Take good care of your self..enjoy your life and leave no regrets." he added as he wiped my granny's tears," Can I have a word with her alone." Dr Jason asked granny," Okay I'll wait in the hall way." she replied as she went out," I tried convincing her." I explained as he asked me to sit down," I actually understand how she feels...I only asked you to stay back to ask you to take good care of her...though we certain she might not live long..we can't stop taking care of her." he advised," I know." I replied," But at the same time don't make her feel vulnerable." he added," Take care of her but don't make her feel vulnerable?" I asked," She wants to leave no regrets spend time with you all happily...so give her that..don't stop her from doing something's because you feel they are a little too vulnerable for her...let her find that out her self...just let her have fun but at the same time take care of her." he explained," Iam a call away in case of anything." he added as I agreed," Thank you." I said as I stood up and left.

Mina and Yuri were actually had a more mature reaction than I did for granny's decision..." We can all take care of granny and also let her do all the things she feels she wants to do...." Yuri said as I pulled both of them in for a hug," We have all been crying alot for the past week...let's now smile for granny." Mina said as we all agreed..." You should go and have some rest...I'll go to the bakery and Yuri can keep an eye on granny." Mina suggested," Okay." I said as I stood up and went to my room, fact it I had not had any real sleep for days now...I was thinking alot and getting worried the entire time my only wish right now was for granny to be happy.

I really did feel fresh after that two hours nap, I slept so soundly that I didn't hear my phone even buzz," 10 missed calls!" I exclaimed as I stretched and got out of bed," Hello." I said to Minyoung," Hey...I called you earlier to see if you and your granny arrived safely." he said," We did and sorry I didn't reply to your call, I was sleeping." I explained," It's okay..iam glad you made it back." he replied," Iam going to take a quick shower and come at the tutoring cafe." I said," Are you sure you have tested enough?" he asked," Iam doing okay plus I've bothered you for so long and you have your own work to get back too." I replied," I don't consider helping my girl friend a bother..." he said, as I felt bad and apologized," It's okay...you should rest more this week has been rough...I can help you out today and you can come in tomorrow." he added as I agreed...Min young was really heaven sent...and I appreciate everything he does for me so much.



" Granny..what's that one thing you would love to do.." I said as she stared at me and smiled," For now I would love to quietly watch my series...I haven't been watching it for a week now .I have so many episodes to catch up on." she said as I turned to look at the screen too," Granny...I love you." I said as she pulled me in for a hug," I love you way more than you love me." she said as we continued to watch her series..well she was watching the series and I was watching her...how her emotions switched from being happy and laughing to crying and then being angry...I just felt like I haven't been paying so much attention to all of this and now I know that she can leave anytime I badly want to stare at her all day if possible...I was never able to see my mom since she died a few days after giving birth to me but it has always been a regret, my sister's say I look like her so I try to think of that whenever I miss her and stare at the mirror...her photos too I don't want the same thing to happen to granny I want her to live a very long life.

Why are you here? where is granny? Hyuna asked as I sat on her bed," She's in her room...she was tired so she went to take a nap..." I replied," Aren't you going to the tutoring cafe today?" I asked," No...Min Young said he'll help out so I can rest today." She replied ," But you clearly not resting..." I said," Iam making like meal plans for granny...balanced diets which meals she's not supposed to eat and which she is...." she replied as I moved closer to take a look," Are you going to learn how to make all those?" I asked," I'll learn atleast two meals a day ...." she replied," We need to take great care of granny." she added as I patted her shoulder and moved out of her room....

This had to have been one of those special times when we worked together, most of the times we do but it always ends with one of us quitting and breaking up, but this time we all had one goal....take care of our granny make up for the lost time we had with her and leave absolutely no regrets, granny on the other hand spent most of her time walking around the village, playing mahjong with friends and talking to them.

We had our work divided, I catered for granny during my sister's work hours, Hyuna learner some meal recipes from Min young while Mina helped out with that too...iam not sure how this made granny feel but if it was a good memory then I hoped that she would remember it for a life time.



" I have a thought!" I said over dinner," It's about granny." I added as they all turned their curiousity towards me," Granny loves staring at the stars..." I added," How about we go to the this place right here in town it has an amazing view of the starry sky and camp there for the night." I suggested," That sounds fun." Yuri replied," Are you sure we should do this, what if something happens...and it's just us." Hyuna replied," It's not going to be just us...you can invite Min Young, I can invite Aaman as a matter of fact he is the one who told me about the place so he's in, and Yuri can invite Nana and Ye Jun...I can also invited Grandma Shin...well since her and granny are friends." I explained," I don't think staying indoors is allowing granny leave without regrets...." I added," Come on Unnie." Yuri begged," Okay....but we need to be cautious." she said as we both cheered," Shhh granny's sleeping." Hyuna said as we lowered out voices.



" Should I stir more into it?" I asked as I stirred through the custard porridge," You must stir continuously so it doesn't get stuck at the bottom." he said as I hugged me from behind and held my hands," Just like this." he said as I pushed him away," Let me concentrate." I said as we both laughed," By the way...are you free on the weekends." I asked," Of course why?" he replied," Well we are going to a camp...well mostly to have fun and watch stars..I was wondering if you would like to come with us?" I asked," By us you mean your family right??" he asked," yes." I replied," My first official hang out with your family...don't worry I'll do we'll." he said as he saluted," Stop." I said as he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him," What are you doing, what if someone comes in?" I asked as he leaned in and kissed me," Don't worry iam the only one who calls the kitchen my favourite hang out." he said as we kissed again," I should probably get back to the porridge.." I said as he stopped me," We can turn off the heat for now." he said as he carried me to the counter," I missed this." he said as we kissed again as he slipped his hands into my dress and caressed my thighs,"Oppa!" yelled Nana as she walked into the kitchen," Iam I interrupting anything?" she asked as I panicked to come off the counter," No we were just making porridge." I said as I cleared my throat and fixed me hair that had gotten disorganisation from Min young passing his hands through it," What are doing here?" Min Young asked as he went to her," Let's talk outside." he added as he followed her from behind," I'll be right back." he said with a wink..." What just happened." I told my self as I went to get a glass of water..." Aiisshh Hyuna." I added as I screamed on the inside.


