

.....After their dads imprisonment, three sisters embark on a journey of healing as they move to the country side and start afresh creating new bonds of love friendship and life

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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41 Chs



After the camp,Days went by weeks went by and we didn't realise a month a go by and then they were two, our routines had pretty much become the same we go to work, Yuri goes to school and then come back home and spend time with granny, we did more and more things with granny like going to visit mom, going to the beach going to the movies we did every thing granny loved to do along with our work, granny's condition started to detoriate but she insisted on staying home instead of the hospital so I hired a nurse for her, the doctors used to come and check up on her as the nurse stayed the night with her...it was a pleasant scene to see as she started losing all the hair on her head, she started becoming so weak...I found my self crying alone at night besides her bed.

Granny insisted we smile whenever we are with her and that we did but that doesn't mean we weren't hurting on the inside, what's more devastating was how every one pitied us, at school Yuri said all that the students and teachers could ask her about was how her granny is doing and how she is coping and saying they feel really sorry for her, Mina got the same treatment too at the cafe and mean while the same happened to me at the tutoring cafe,I even got more and more parents who bought their kids over because they felt bad for what we were going through,it's a nice thing to do but all that pity just kept constantly reminding us that she's going soon.



" I wanted the sun to hit my face one more time, I had ran out of time and I felt it...but what hurt me the most was seeing my grand daughters try so hard to be happy Infront of me despite hearing them cry besides my bed every night, this was tough on them and that made me feel really burdened and heavy," Granny." Yuri called out as she sat besides me," It's been a while since you have been outside because of the doctor's orders...so how do you feel?" she asked as I passed my hand through her hair," I don't know how iam I supposed to feel...." I said quietly.." Usually I would complain about the sun being so hot but today...I just want it to hit my skin." I said as I felt tears coming in my eyes," Yuri..." I called out as I noticed she was crying too," Yuri what did I tell you?" I asked as she stood up and wiped her tears," we should not cry but laugh since that will help you live a few days more." she said in a shaky voice," But I can't laugh granny, every time I see you lying in bed...every time I wake up to come and greet you in the morning iam afraid that I might find you gone...." she added as I pulled her in for a hug," Don't worry iam still okay look I. an even lift my hand up." I tried to comfort her as she hugged me tightly and cried in my arms.

At night we decided to watch a movie together, the television was moved to my room, we were all sitted closer together as we laughed at the movie cried and even got angry,no one wanted to live my side after the movie was done so I asked them to sleep over...

" Honey....! Honey.." called out someone the voice seemed rather familiar," Kang hoon..." I said as I opened my eyes it was my husband standing right before me.." Honey...it's time to go." he said as tears rolled down my cheeks," Can't I first say good bye to them?" I asked," They are still sleeping I'll just say good bye to them real Quick." I said as he walked towards me and held my hand," It's already time." he said as I looked back at my grand children who were humbly sleeping by my side," Hyuna...you are the eldest so please take care of your siblings..." I said as I passed my hand through her hair and kissed her forehead," Mina...please remain that hard working and always open to learning new things." I added as I kissed her forehead," And Yuri please keep being my strong and cheerful girl." I added as I kissed her fore head too," Please don't cry too much and laugh because that would make me feel less guilty of leaving you in this world alone." I said as I followed my husband into the bright light....that faded seconds after....



There are many kinds of good byes but the ones that hurt the most are those where that person would never come back no matter how hard you look for them, you know that you won't see them any where, no matter how hard you try, you'll never hear their voices again and that pain will always come as an after thought of looking back at the memories you have made with them.

Granny was gone...gone for good no one was going to make us those heart warming meals any more, no one was going to give us advise or comfort us with hugs any more, no one was going to call our names any more.

Many people came to pay their condolences and say their last words to granny, I wouldn't have known she was loved my many people until that day...they all complimented her through their speeches and said they appreciated how much she took care of them and treated all of them as family...they all said we could turn to them if we needed help and that granny will be happy to see us happy as well.

" Thank you for coming." I said to the guests as they left," You should have some rest I can take care of the rest for you." Min Young said as he pulled me to sit down," Here have some water and lean back and close your eyes." he said as I softly smiled at him and did exactly what he said but even before I had closed me eyes," Hyuna!" Mina yelled as she came to me," Yuri! I can't find Yuri anywhere." she said as I stood up in a hurry," What do you mean you can't find her any where, she was in her room resting." I said," Yes so I went to check up on her and give her some food but then she wasn't there." Mina explained as I passed my hand into my hair in confusion," Okay calm down and let me think where she must have gone.." I said as I looked around nervously," hey calm down...I'll go and look for her." Min Young said as he rushed out," We should follow too." I said," Okay but what about the guests?" she asked," I'll take care of them." Aaman said as we both thanked him and rushed out...I was nervous and confused, Yuri isn't really the best at coping with pain...after dad was arrested she went and fought a batch of kids that almost beat her to death....and now I really was worried about what she was going to do..." Please pick up." I said as I tried her number again.



I had cried so much to the point that I could shed any tears any more, I didn't even cry this much when dad was arrested....I had gotten suffocated at home because of all the continuous talks that reminded me more and more of granny so I rode my bike and went to a safe and quiet place...the bakery, it wasn't a good idea because this was the place that reminded me the most of granny, it had her smell every thing here had been touched by her....but it was way better than home at this point.

As I left the bakery to head home," Yuri!" called out a familiar voice, it was Minyoung it look like he had run around alot considering how he was panting," Yuri where have you been, your sisters are going crazy trying to find you." he said," I just wanted some quiet place so I can organise my thoughts." I said as he patted my shoulder," Then you should have picked up their calls so they wouldn't have worried." he said," Let's go." he added as I followed him from behind.

" Which star do you think my granny is?" I asked min young who looked up at the sky too," The brightest one." he said as he pointed at it," Why.?" I asked," Because she must be happy reuniting with her lover and your mom also because she wants to be seen by you." he explained as tears rolled out my eyes," Yuri...." he called out as I turned to look at him," Your granny wouldn't want to see you this devastated...she would want to see your smile happily." he said as I wiped my tears," So don't do this again....your sisters are also going through a hard time at the moment." he added as I agreed," Hurry, you must be hungry and tired." he said as he patted me on the back and escorted me home.

Reaching home my sister's were waiting anxiously outside and when they saw me they both ran and gave me a huge hug," Yuri...where have you been?" Hyuna said with a shaky voice," I had gone for some air." I said," But then you should have picked up our calls, you had us worried." Mina said as I pulled out my hands to wipe their tears," Iam okay...and iam sorry for being selfish and ignoring your feelings." I said as we hugged even tighter," thank you Minyoung." I said as I waved to him and headed inside.

After my talk with Minyoung, I realised that this wasn't about me alone but all three of us we had all lost some one who was a big part of our life so it was selfish of me to ingnore both Mina and Hyuna's feelings....we just had to stay strong and hope with the loss together...we are family after all.


