
Razari Eleftheria Doukas

Till death do us apart After the assasination of Crown Prince Kazumi Doukas, it is up to his younger sister Razari to take up the throne. Just a few months into her rule, danger threatened the fragile stability of Astrea and foreign Empire Nerida. One night, the Neridean Empress begs Razari for help. For protection against her own husband. The man's cruelty and greed reaches beyond the capacity of mankind, for he has his eyes set on something far greater than mortal power. With an army of the damned, will he be able to grasp the might he so desires? Or will the ones blessed by the gods be enough to destroy his path. A simple chat leads to devastating changes in young Razari's life. From there total chaos erupts. Innocent people lose their lives, children all because of the greed of one human being. What is Razari's purpose in the midst of all this evil? Only the gods can answer that.

Aasi_Sahaana · History
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Chapter 1

Soft rain sprinkled down on the dry ground. Farmers and their children were all dancing around, singing praises to the rain god. The women were talking among each other, a bit more reserved than their spouses. The peaceful sfeer was then suddenly disrupted by loud footsteps. The people quickly made way for the royal guards that came stamping through. One of the guards lunged for the boy in front of him, but the kid jumped out of his way. The guard landed spectacularly with his face in the mud. The other girl let out a laugh before sprinting away after her brother. The audience laughed, and made way for the two kids again. A small girl ran up to them, took their hands and dragged them off. The guards tried desperately to search for the kids, but were unlucky. 'I would say we give up.' One of the guards said. 'We have been chasing them for half an hour already with no results.' His friend looked at him in disbelief. 'What! And what do you want to tell the Empress? That you couldn't even catch a pair of fifteen year olds? If we return without her kids, she will kill us, I tell you. Keep searching everyone!' The man that had face planted in the mud minutes ago looked at them grumpily, but didn't say a word.

A few meters further two children were watching the chaos unfold with matching fox-like grins. The boy was Crown Prince Kazumi Jesper Doukas, the older half of the noble twins. His bright red eyes scanned the crowd, searching for nothing in particular. He brushed his ash-blond hair back, suddenly very tired. He sat down next to his sister. The girl looked nearly identical to him, with the same red eyes, messy, wavy hair and honeyed skin. Her name was Razari Eleftheria Doukas, second in line for the throne of Astrea. 'I'm tired Katsu, can we go back please?' Razari gave her brother the best puppy-eyes possible, while trying to contain a large yawn. Katsu looked at her, his sharp features relaxing into a soft smile. 'Sure', he agreed.

Emperor Jesper just happened to look out of his window when his two tired kids arrived. He quickly made his way down the tower to greet them. He went to hug them, but quickly drew back. He took a closer look at them. Kazumi was sleeping on his sister's back, mud all over his hair and clothes, Razari was not looking any different either, only was she grinning broadly. The Emperor sighed deeply, and sent his dirty, smelly children up to take a bath. Their adventures never failed to worry the father. As Kazumi was Crown prince, it was very dangerous, especially for him to run around without protection. He could easily get kidnapped, and held hostage. The dangers of their reckless behavior were endless. But unfortunately, his eldest seemed to lack the ability to listen to basic instructions, as he insisted on continuing to pester the guards with his little escapades. His sister was always with him of course. They had been inseparable since birth. Wherever Katsu went she would go there too. Jesper was happy that if someday something happened to hime, that they at least would have each other. When Katsu is crowned king, Razari will be his primary advisor, his right hand. A small voice in Jesper's head would sometimes whisper that their status might drive a wedge between them, but he as always would dismiss the thought. As the twins often said: 'Together till death do us apart.'

In my story, sensitive topics like violence, domestic abuse and **** may appear. Now, I want to begin by saying that none of the above mentioned are okay, and if you are in a bad situation, please have someone help you, and stay safe. After saying that, if any of the above trigger you, or if you generally just don't read them, please put this story aside, and read something to cheer you up. As english isn't, my first language, mistakes may occur. If any are spotted, please let me know. Have a good morning/ afternoon/evening/night, and stay safe and healthy. :)

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