

"LEAVE ME ALONE" i heard a girl yell from the alley i peaked around the corner there was a girl corned by 4 guys "i belive the lady told you to leave her alone" i said as i turned the corner "who the fuck are you" one barked "raymoeny" the pointed my gun at them i noticed she was bleeding one guy chared at me with a knife in the monent i droped my gun but noone noticed i grabed the guys arm and kneed his chest in doing so i kicked my gun to the girl i grabed the knife and pulled the guy to me with the knife to his throut the girl picked up the gun and aimed it at a guy i slit the guys trout and nodded to the girl and she shot the guy in the moment i run to the 3 guy and stabbed him then kicked him away the girl was messing with the gun trying to reload the 4 guy aimed his gun at her "hey" i yelled he looked at me but still aiming at her "im more deadly she cant even reload" he aimed at me and i slowly walked to him "s-stay there" but i ignore him the girl threw the gun at him but missed and looked at her i grabed his hand and pinned him to the wall "i said keep focas on me" i took his gun and shot him i drop the gun then picked up my gun and put it in its holster "you okay now?" i ask she nodded i handed her a business card and walked away

this is going to be super out of order

reirats70creators' thoughts