
Rayleen of Doom

A random nameless mob of a woman suddenly wakes up to find that she has become Rayleen, the princess of the wretched kingdom Caldra. Travel alongside her as she goes on her adventure... to doom, most probably. pic credits: watercolor png from pngtree.com splash png from pngtree.com

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Rayleen of Weed

Rayleen headed towards the light on the horse. The light came from a campfire. As she got closer, she saw a man and woman there. They are completely naked.

"Did you escape from the farm as well?" She asked, since that would have been the state she would've been in if she didn't got hold of the clothes inside the farmhouse and headed straight to the light.

The two people looked at her strangely. Then, the man got dressed and the woman began to pack up the stuff around the campfire into a bag.

Rayleen sighed. "Shit, were you just two weirdo exhibitionist?" She asked the woman.

The woman looked at her and smiled. "Exhibitionists? What do you think?" She proceeded to laugh. Following the suit of the man, she got dressed as well.

"Well, I think you are! Or else, what's the need for you to go nude at a public place?" Rayleen asked. She was getting increasingly frustrated for some reason.

The woman sensed this. She stopped packing and walked over to her and pulled her up by the hand. "Come on, let's go walk off some of this energy."

"Wait. Where are you taking me?" She slaps the woman's hand off.

However, the woman pulled her hair back. "None of your business." She turned around and began walking towards the forest. Rayleen tried pulling her hand back, but it was firmly held by her other arm.

"Well, it IS my business, since it is MY hand that you're holding!" Rayleen spoke.

The woman stopped and looked back at her. She looked disgusted for some reason. Rayleen didn't like this look of hers. "Let me go, freak!" She shouted. However, the woman gave a punch to her chest and her lungs ended up collapsing inward.

Rayleen wasn't ready to give up and tried punching back. Her fist flew towards her face, but she catches Rayleen's hand. This time, she punched her in the stomach and knocked all the wind out of her.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Rayleen muttered whilst groaning in pain.

Annoyed by this, the woman grabbed her head with her free hand and shoved her forward. Her face crashed into the woman's leg brace and she fell to the ground, dazed. The woman kicked her in the head.

Rayleen started groaning hard in pain. "What did I do to you now? WHy are you attacking me? As a matter of fact, why are everyone so keen on kicking my ass?" She cried. She couldn't handle this. She had been getting her ass handed every other turn.

The woman smiled. "I don't know! You'd need to talk to the man to find that out." She pointed the man a few meters behind her before heading towards her bagpack and took out a bag of weed, and began to roll a joint.

"Before I go talk to the man, damn you got weed with you? Is it legal here? Care to give me a joint?" Rayleen asked. She wanted some kind of stimulant now to forget all the shit happening around her.

However, the woman shook her head. "No, it's all mine. Why should I give you? Ask the man. He might give you something."

Rayleen was relentless. The pain and the need to smoke a joint turned her into a madwoman who pounced towards the woman and grabbed hold of her. While she struggled, Rayleen took the joint out of her mouth and took a hit.

Tingly sensations coursed through her mouth and throat. Meanwhile, the woman began to struggle. Rayleen released her and she backed up a bit. "Thank you." She thanked her, before Rayleen changed her mind and apprehended her once again and led her towards the man.

The woman looked slightly afraid of her spontaneous actions. However, she complies and heads towards the man. The man, who sat on the ground for a few minutes, stood back up and headed towards them. He grabbed the woman and looked at Rayleen.

"What? You were the ones who picked a fight with me!" She said, glaring at the two.

However, for some odd reason, the woman denied it. "We didn't pick a fight with you."

Rayleen looked at her in disbelief. "This bitch! Then who's the one who punched me in the chest and stomach just moments before, huh? Or was that just medium of your entertainment, you fucktards?" She was furious and grabbed the woman by the throat, effectively choking her.

This time, the woman didn't deny it. She looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I... I'm sorry..." Rayleen felt disgusted by this obvious fake act of remorse and let go of her throat. The woman turned around and ran back into the forest. This time, the man walked up to her.

"What? Aren't you gonna run away too?" She asked.

He looked at her seriously. "I would, but I couldn't if I wanted to."

Rayleen laughed. "Pfft, please. Like I'd be able to run that fast. So, get going! I'm not gonna chase you, I promise." She said signalling him to go.

He slowly walked back, but kept looking back at her. "Alright. I'll go." Once he saw that she wasn't moving, he headed to the forest as well.

Rayleen sighed. "Just kidding!" She took the shotgun that she hid in the horse's saddle bag and ran after them. She held the gun out, but didn't fire. She didn't want to waste bullets on thin air, just to intimidate two assholes.

However, the more she walked, she noticed that they were nowhere to be found. She was excited for some reason. This adrenaline rush led her further into the forest, until she reached some sort of a camp.

She was pretty sure that the two of them would be here. She looked around and saw several lights. A few people were sitting around them, but most of the camp seemed empty. She then spotted a tent in the distance.

She decided to venture inside the campsite. She heard a cough. This wasn't from the people near those lights, it was much more closer. She turned to her right and saw a man sitting on the ground, his back turned to her. He wore plain clothes. However, what struck her the most was that this man wore a gas mask over his face. He had his legs crossed and his arms across his chest.

Rayleen didn't want to disturb other people, if possible. She really wanted to blast the heads of the two people who annoyed her for no reason. So, she tried walking past him as silently as possible.

However, as soon as she stepped one foot ahead, the man instantly noticed and held up his hand. Rayleen stopped and sighed, but continued in her place. She didn't want to involve herself with another weirdo, so she was cautious. By the looks of it, the man being a creepy weirdo was a high probably since she caught a glance of the man smiling under the gas mask.

"Please do not feel the need to be polite." He said in a thick foreign accent.

"Who are you?" Rayleen asked. She hated small talks, but she felt like it would just be stupid if she skipped all the pleasantries and started running like crazy. Worst case scenario, maybe this guys has a gun in his possession too and might kill her with it. So, she had to be careful. The recent few events made her extremely careful around such people, although she ended up in some kind of shit even though she remained extra careful.

The man looked at her blankly. "I am who you made me." He simply said. He stood up and turned his gas mask around so he could see you. Previously, she could only see the man under his mask, but know she could see it clearly. The red eyes and a beautiful face. The smile made sense now. It no longer seemed creepy like before. Although, these ran through her mind like a freight train, something really concerned her.

"Huh? The fuck are you talking about?" She dropped in a puzzled look.


Ha, I feel the same way, Rayleen... I feel the same way.

The_Chimpcreators' thoughts