
Rayleen of Doom

A random nameless mob of a woman suddenly wakes up to find that she has become Rayleen, the princess of the wretched kingdom Caldra. Travel alongside her as she goes on her adventure... to doom, most probably. pic credits: watercolor png from pngtree.com splash png from pngtree.com

The_Chimp · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Rayleen of Caldra

[𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐚]

Rayleen or a random insignificant character back in the Earth woke up to see this floating around her head. She looked around and found herself in a big feather bed and heard clamoring outside her door.

"Come in." She orders.

The door opens. It was a man in silver cladded armor. He was a knight. "Princess, the kingdom of Arat is attacking our kingdom on a daily basis." He said, kneeling on one leg.

"And? What do you want me to do about it?" Rayleen asked. She wasn't too keen on doing anything irrational because she had no idea about this world.

"Princess, you need to get ready to leave." The knight answered.

Rayleen didn't understand why this story was progressing this quick. So, she decided to take it down a notch. "Why? Wouldn't the king suffice?" She asked.

The knight responds by grabbing her hand and led her out of her bedroom. Rayleen found herself in the middle of a grand hall, which was filled with soldiers, peasants and nobility.

"This is blasphemy! You dare grab my hand?" Rayleen glared at the knight and scoffed. She sure was transmigrated but she knew that a knight wasn't supposed to grab the princess' hand without permission. Or that's what those novels she read taught her.

However, before she knew it, the knight brought her right up to the king's chamber and stopped right before it, seemingly wanting her to take the course of action. Rayleen didn't want to do something stupid like enter into his bedroom chambers while he's coitus with someone, so she did the smart thing and looked through the keyhole. She saw the sleeping king and was relieved that she didn't saw something that would've made her cleanse her eyes with holy water.

She sighed as she looked at the knight who stood still the whole time. "Yea, why do you annoy me? Annoy him instead! After all, he's the one leading the nation. He's the one who's supposed to know about whatever this Arat kingdom is doing!" She said in a slightly annoyed tone. This world didn't even give her enough time to settle in and this pissed her off.

The knight looked at her and shook his head. He turned around and gave her a nasty shove. She staggered forwards and accidentally bashed her fist into the door.

"...Rayleen." A muffled voice called out for her to enter. Clearly annoyed by the knight's actions, she scoffed. However, she decided to deal with that guy later and entered the room. The king woke up.

"I know you did it. Why did you make the knight drag me here like that? And what's up with me going into the war?" She asked bluntly.

The king was shaken by the events that had transpired. "My daughter, I suggest you stay somewhere safe. I know you asked me to take you to Rask yesterday. However, with the Kingdom of Arat attacking it, I don't think that would be a great plan." The king replied.

Rayleen stood there confused. A sudden moment of clarity let her understand the gist of the situation. "Wait, you wanted me to leave, not get into the battlefield! Oh, I totally understand it now! My bad!" She gave out a sigh of relief upon clearing up the misunderstanding.

However, her clearing the misunderstanding only brought forth more misunderstandings. He sighed. "Well, if you insist on fighting, I have no choice but to let you be. Of course, I will be providing ample support to you." He said as he placed his hand over his daughter's shoulder. "The war is so one-sided. Therefore, you'd probably be better off helping than not helping." The king smiled.

"No, no! What makes you think that I'm going to fight? I want to stay away from that!" She said, desperately trying to think about what made the king misunderstand her thoughts and intentions.

This time, the king understood her thoughts loud and clear. "Oh, is that so? Well then. I'll ask the maids to tidy up all of your favorite places here." He said.

"Thank you, father." Rayleen bowed and quickly left the chambers.

On her way out, she bumped into the knight who had been following her around. He looked offended.

"What's your problem?" She asked. She didn't like the knight's ugly face scorning at her.

The knight regained his composure. "I've been assigned to watch over you until the war is over, princess. What are you doing?" The knight asked as Rayleen sat before him on a chair with her legs crossed. He didn't think it was quite the ladylike behavior.

"Huh? Oh, shoot. You were introducing yourself. Go on." She requested.

The knight tried his best to refrain himself from speaking out his thoughts. "My name is Snilkez'ka. Is there something you would like to know, princess?" He asked.

For once, Rayleen felt like it was the right choice to be seated since it seemed ominous when she crossed her arms while seated. "Well, it seems like you got a problem with me Snilkez'ka. However, before that. What kind of moron names their child that?" She went straight at the knight's name.

Snilkez'ka was baffled by Rayleen's hostility. However, he continued regaining his composure. "I didn't even know that you weren't fond of your name, princess. I think your name's funny though." Snilkez'ka snickered.

Rayleen didn't get it. First, the king. And now the knight. Everyone seemed to be misunderstanding her words. Hence, she decided to clear it up once again. "Wait, you're the moron here! You're name is the stupid one, not mine, you dumb idiot!" He spoke.

This time around, Snilkez'ka was completely shocked by her hostility. "Well, I thought all warriors were supposed to be hostile towards their name. I don't get it." He replied.

"What kind of fuckery are you talking about?" Rayleen was clean bowled. Snilkez'ka seemed to have completely missed the point. Somehow, the conversation changed from her making fun of his name to him making fun of hers and finally him making fun of his own. The conversation went places that Rayleen didn't want it to.

"Princess, I had been meaning to ask you what your name meant. However, his majesty asked me to never speak of it before you. I shall abide by that and remember that from now on." The knight, for some reason shifted the topic back to her name yet again.

Rayleen scratched her head in confusion. "I don't understand any of this! What do you mean by that? Fuck, what's your problem with me? And do you even have time for this? Don't you have some war to wage, shithead?" She asked.

Snilkez'ka sighed. "No, my princess. I have found my purpose. You will have to learn the way of the sword if you want to survive in this kingdom, and my sole purpose is to teach you that." The knight gave out the most fake smile he could ever put out.

Rayleen gave out a nervous laughter. "No, no, no! You're not turning this to me! I'm not gonna learn how to swing a sword. Piss off!" She said as she pushed him aside and walked away.

The knight was now getting a bit frustrated. However, he was an expert at concealing it. "Princess, I didn't come here to fight you, but to make you comply." He said as he walked beside her.

Rayleen didn't get it. She couldn't just swat the knight who had been hanging around her from the moment she woke up. She wanted some silence. So, she decided to run away as fast as she could.

However, she quickly understood that her meager pace was nothing for a trained knight. "I understand if you don't want to learn. But I think that you need to be strong if you're to be the Queen of our kingdom." He said as he slowed his pace to run alongside Rayleen, who was panting.

"Fuck off! I don't want to talk with you." She said as she pushed herself to run a bit more faster.

"I see. If you really don't want to talk, I'll leave. The king did say not to force you anyway." He turned around, but stops to say one last thing.

However, Rayleen raised her hand. "Don't. Just get the fuck away from me." She ordered.

But the knight didn't listen. He winced at her hostile response. He grabbed hold of her hand tightly. "This is a sever warning for you. If in the future you continue to be hostile, I'll have no choice but to kill you." He released his hold on her and walked away.

This pissed Rayleen off. "I'm the princess. You know that, right? And you dare threaten the princess of this Kingdom?" She asked.

Snilkez'ka laughed. "I don't think the King would think of it like that."

Rayleen got close to him and grabbed him by his collar. "Who do you think you are? What makes you think that you have more power than me? Even if my idiot father doesn't believe me, do you think I care? Right now, I have the power to do this, at least, unlike your sorry ass. Guards!" She shouted.

The guards arrived rather quickly upon hearing her voice. "What is it, princess?" A guard asked.

"Arrest this man. He threatened me, the princess of this nation that he would kill me. He committed treason." She proclaimed.

"Do you really think they'd do something about it?" The knight snickered as the guards seemingly hesitated.

Rayleen looked at them with a serious look on her face. "Oh, you wanna be part of his treacherous actions too, huh? You'll be suffering the same fate in the end you know?" She warned.

The previous hesitation in the guards' face disappeared with this warning as they roughtly grabbed Snilkez'ka and took him away.

"You can't do this to me!" The knight glared at the princess and shouted.

"I just did, bitch!" Rayleen flipped the middle finger of both her hands as she laughed. "This is what you get for being a dick!"

I have no words. Simply no words.

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