
ray of hope

what will happen when a doctor falls for his patients with his disturbed past can he be able to live her.

mi_ji_hi · Realistic
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3 Chs

chapter no one

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies"


Author pov~~

Loud sirens of an ambulance echoed throughout the whole ally and got parked in front of a two-story house at the end of The street, as a feminine figure laid on the stature lifeless brought by Three men and carried to the ambulance connecting medical equipment to her small visage, followed by loud crying voices of a woman and worried stuttering voice of a man. The nurse closed the door of the vegan and the driver started the engine. In no time the ambulance faded away making its way to the hospital.

It wasn't the first time Isabel had an asthma attack this disease had been attacking her since she was 5, and after 13 years nothing changed the black shadow of this painful reckless disease is still growing with her. taking away her breath every time.

Something same happened today while she was laughing and giggling with her elder brother Namjoon, Isabel's breath got stuck in her throat and she started to struggle for some air but all she got was stiffness and no air as anton saw her condition he immediately called an ambulance and his father in no time the ambulance arrived and took her with them along her family.


Ivan pov~~

Removing my mask and gloves I walked out of the operation theater and sighed deeply as the 6 hours surgery of lungs were completed the patient was still under the effect of anesthesia. I stood in front of the mirror and a small washbasin rubbing my hands tightly against each other to get rid of blood stained on my hand.

 The muffled sound of my name calling reached my ear as I tried to hear with more concentration, the realization hit my gut as I realized it might be an emergency and they may need me. leaving the open tab I ran out of my chamber and towards the entrance of the wing to be met with an absolutely bad scene. A girl lay on her stature lifeless while a nebulizer was connected to her mouth and some other medical things attached to her, without even thinking any further I ran towards her and told them to shift her to the lung diseases area as they did. I checked her but till that she had already started breathing normally when

when I further checked case and disease history it was different from others but it was like my amara's one.The painful and unforgettable memories started flashing in front of my eyes like a movie so vividly just thinking a bit about her. Her case was just like Amara way more complex and messed up. I looked at her reports with more concentration and decided to admit her as if another attack happened she won't survive.

Her peaceful visage breathing still unevenly with more energy and uneven breath her dark brown hair falling onto her forehead and her expression of unrest spreading across her face as she breathed every time. I rose from my place and stood beside her bed while I tucked the lock of hair behind her ear feeling a sudden rush of electricity which I never felt before. I retreated my hand and placed it inside my gown's pocket.

Standing there for a while admiring her thin and beautiful features while taking a deep sigh. I decided to take a look at my other patients as my shift was going to finish. But no matter what I was going to stay here because of Isabel I read her name written on her reports I was worried for her more than I ever got worried for other patients maybe because her case was just like Amara and I wanted to help her which I was not able to do for Amara or was late.

Since she died hospital is my second home as I feel so absorbed in my work and time flies by. Moreover, I feel good here staying with people who needs me more than anyone else. I made my way toward the door and then turned my face toward Isabel again to look at her for the last time. In the meantime as I was about to exit. She slightly hummed something which was probably not clear and I wasn't able to hear it. I again went back to her and tilted my head a little;

"Mom," she breathed and small beads of sweat started forming on her forehead and face.

"Can you listen to me, Isabel?" I asked in the hope of she might be awoken but all she said was a mom I made my way out of the room and saw her family waiting impatiently with worried lacing their features.

"Doctor is she okay" a middle-aged man came forward and asked.

"Yeah she's okay," I said while placing my hands inside the pocket of my gown.

"She is not fully awake but she's constantly calling for her mother if she's present here please proceed and meet her" I added while their tense facial features relaxed a little and the young boy standing beside the middle-aged man's shoulder fell and stood a little relaxed. Although the woman sitting on a bench was constantly looking down towards the ground taking no participation in our conversation. Mr.parker forwarded his hand and We shook hands;

"I'll take my leave now," I said while he nodded and smiled. I made my way to the right side of the corridor while they went inside her room.

I thought about telling them about her condition which is probably more worst than they thought but looking at their state it wasn't the right time to tell them if I told them it would be like a bomb on them. which is so soon to be dropped although I will take all important measures for her treatment.


Isabel's pov~~

I opened my eyes to a beeping sound and the typical hospital smell of phenyl filled my nostril making it itchy. I blinked my eyes several times to get rid of the blurriness conquering my eyes I tried to get up but the door got slightly opened revealing my parents before I could sit my brother ran to me and straighten the pillow behind me as I sat leaning back onto the soft material and smiled at him who was already smiling at me down.

My mother came towards me without saying anything and hugged me as she sobbed I realized how badly she was crying and in a very miserable way. I patted her head and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"I thought you were going to leave us forever' she said while still sobbing in my arms as the realization hit my gut telling me that it was more worst than the attacks that happened before.

"Mom" I called her taking her face in my hands and cupping it removing the droplets of tears escaping her eyes.

''I'm okay now'' I said ''look mom I don't have any difficulty in breathing" I inhaled briefly and assured her that my breath was like before.

I met all of them who were more than worried as I thought they would be although I and my family were used to my asthma attacks it always scared the shit out of my family and me. Every time I would be thinking that it might be my last time on this planet leaving all my goals and my love once behind.

After spending some brief hours with my family a nurse joined us and told us that some Dr.haroer told her to inject medicine in my drip which will make me sleep. She came towards me and injected the liquid into my drip as I felt the burning sensation in my hand making it slightly burn with which I hissed a little. In no time the medicine started working and my eyes started closing making my vision fade as my family saw my condition my mother arranged the pillow behind my head and covered me with a duvet. As a last glimpse, I saw my family silhouette fading away as I drowned in a heavy sleep.


date:27 march 2023