
Ravish Me, Oh Great Wizard King!!!

One fine morning, Mira wakes up to find a young wizard king who has been forced to flee from his world into hers to escape certain death. Unfortunately, the portal he opens up into her world causes a rupture between the membranes of their two worlds. She quickly takes over, lending him her support and aid as she joins him in the grandest adventure of her life. In order to stabilize his kingdom she leaves everything behind to follow him back to his kingdom. Will her aid save the day or will it be the demise of everyone?

SerafinaF · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Ragtag Vagabonds

From a distance, the scraggly line of people walking through the mountain pass could be easily mistaken for hobos or vagabonds.  Their clothing was rough and they carried few possessions.

Their gait was tired and it looked as if they had been traveling for quite some time.  Their end goal was the shining half-built mini-city upon the hill called the Avalon Academy of Magikal Arts and they were nearly there. 

"Pick up the pace a bit, people.  We can get food when we reach Misty Vale."

"But I thought we were going to Avalon."

"The Academy is not at Avalon.  It's located in Misty Vale."

"So the rumor that the school is located within Avalon Castle is a hoax?"

"It's not a hoax," another person chimed in.  "The Queen started the school in the castle to teach the chiro kids, but more and more people came, and there wasn't enough space so they purchased the entire town of Misty Vale and that's where they're going to put the new school."