

The country flourished and the people living in Ravenworth had happy and peaceful lives. But soon an unknown evil spreads a dark magic that shakes the lands. The dead rises and demons walks the earth. But desperate times shapes heroes and forms leaders who need to make sacrifices for their land and loved ones. This story pass through generations. Where one woman's destiny ends her sons adventure begins. Dark magic is faced by light, ice meets fire and friends unite to end the lives of demons, gouls and walking corpses. But our heroes won't make it far alone. Will the Elves, centaurs and fairies of Tanoria help them with their old knowledge and wisdom, or will the humans stand alone against the darkness?

Xeelia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

5- The kiss

The next morning I walked up to Leon who was  brushing his horse.


He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What have I done to deserve it?"

"You saved my life... in my dream."

He looked at me with tender eyes.


I felt his eyes follow me as I walked  to my horse.

I had taken the time to braid my hair this morning and clean my leather armour, even my two swords were shining in the sun. I was in a brilliant mood because I've started to realised how lucky I was and how much I actually enjoyed the company of these five men.

"Stop looking at her like that." Patric thumped an elbow in Leon's side. "Daniel's going to kill you."

Leon looked from the grinning Patric and over to Daniel who was packing his bags, but it seemed clear that he was annoyed. Leon shrugged.

"I'm just trying to make her feel better, and I think I've succeeded."

Mathew had set the goal of arriving at a particular crossroads during the evening and we were apparently in no hurry.

My horse stomped restless as we rode in a slow pace and we were both equally bored. My good mood was gone by now and my thighs ached from sitting in the saddle, my light skin was full of freckles and I had bad sunburns.

I looked around, on our right side  was a large open field, I turned to Leon,

"First to the grove!"

I kicked the heels in the side of the horse and urged her into a gallop, she immediately responded and ran out into the meadow. I enjoyed the breeze against my face and the smell of weat. But I soon heard another horse riding up along with me.

"Eveeelyyyn! Stop"

Leon's horse was faster than mine and he quickly caught up with me, but I refused to ride back to the boring trail.

He was close now and suddenly he got up in the saddle and reached for my reins.

What was he doing?

I noticed how my horse hesitated and slowed down and quickly Leon jumped over to mine.

We fell. I landed hard on the ground and Leon flew after. The speed made us roll around several turns in the grass and eventually he ended up on top of me.

I laughed and stretching out in the grass, I closed my eyes and turned my face to the sun. Its warm rays played over my skin and I enjoyed the sensation.

Then I felt something soft against my lips and I immediately threw my arms around his neck and pulled his body down toward mine.

Our lips met again, I closed my eyes and felt a warm, fuzzy feeling spread throughout my body. His lips parted and I met his deep kiss.

If only time could stop here, in that second.

"Evelyn! ... Leon! Are you injured?"

I heard horses approach and Leon threw himself off me, got up and reached out a hand towards me. I took it and he pulled me up on my feet so I could brush the grass and dirt off my not so clean armour. I looked up at Mathew and Daniel who came riding towards us. A little further away Patric had caught our horses.

"We are fine," Leon shouted and we started walking towards the horses.

Mathew nodded in response, he didn't look at me but I knew he was angry. Daniel, on the other hand, looked from me to Leon then back to me with a harsh look in his eyes. I had never seen him so angry before.

"What are you doing?!"

His words were as harsh as the look he gave me. "You're not the same old Evelyn anymore! A kingdom is waiting for you and it's our responsibility to get you there. Alive!"

I waited for him to finish, to be done yelling. But he kept going.

"You have to grow up and take responsibility ... Lord God, what if something happened to you .. you put both yourself and Leon in danger!" His arm pointed towards Leon who was standing behind me.

I looked down at the ground and avoided his eye contact, biting my lower lip.

"You don't understand! I don't want to be your princess!" I screamed at him, all emotions tumbling around inside and I couldn't control myself anymore.

Daniel sighed and shook his head "You don't have a choice Eve, you where born to be one."

I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

"Just remember, we are all prepared to give our lives to protect you, Evelyn, with no hesitation. Think about that will you."

He turned and walked off with quick angry steps. I stood there for a while, unable to move and unsure of what to do. I felt stupid, as if I had been four years old again.

I was just about to go after him when I felt a tickle in my hair and I glanced over my shoulder. Leon had removed some grass that was tangled in my curls. He smiled at me.

"Don't worry about it Eve, you surprised us, they'll calm down soon."

I studied his back as he passed me and remembered the feeling of his strong arms around me.

Annoyed I told myself to quit it and reminded myself that we could only be friends, he was my knight after all.

Then all of a sudden I saw the image of Ren in front of me and i knew everything would feel so much better if he was near me again. I bit my lip and managed to hold back my tears. I want to go home!

With a sigh I walked up to the horse and jumped up, the others were already waiting.

They got in a hurry to find a safe place to camp and Mathew made a big deal of us not being able to reach that important place on his precious map. I muttered to myself but said nothing out loud.

We had been riding for an hour when we arrived at a spot that Mathew seemed to like. He explained that it would protect us from the wind and unwanted eyes. I pretended to seem interested, I thought I owed him that courtesy after my little tantrum earlier. But when I finally managed to get away from him, I went straight to the woods to look for firewood, I needed some time alone.

Although Mathew seemed to have calmed down, Daniel was still angry and I couldn't stop thinking about Ren .. and Leon.

I was lost In thoughts while I followed a small path. It led to a house that was completely abandoned and nobody seemed to have lived there for a very long time. Even the roof had collapsed. I stepped inside through the opening where a door once was and looked around. The house was full of broken and dirty old things, signs of a home. There where broken pots on the floor, an old carpet and a stool.

"There you are."

I was sitting on an old wall and almost fell down, surprised by Byron's voice.

"What are you doing here?"

I was annoyed and wanted to be alone.

"You shouldn't walk off like that ."

"Sometimes it's nice to be alone." I snapped, would he take the hint and leave? I stared at Byron who stubbornly stood and sighed.

  "And I have no firewood yet."

"I'll help you." he murmured in response, kicking some planks full of dust.

"Why did you have to come and get me..." I whispered low.

Byron had his hands full of planks and turned to me and stood there looking at me for a moment, as if he wanted to say something, but instead he started to head back to the camp. I looked after him and sighed deeply as I got up to follow the path back.

When I step out into the camp, they had already made a fire and the smell of food hit me. The men laugh and talked, and Patric was stirring in a pot of stew. I said nothing but went to sit next to Patric, Leon peered at me for a moment but then continued to sharpen his knife.

I looked at Daniel who gave me an annoyed look back and I knew  that I should leave him alone for a while. I gratefully receive a bowl of food, the scent had made my stomach scream and I realized how hungry I was. Annoyed I notice how Daniel looked disapprovingly at my manners and I glared back at him equally annoyed, but then I remembered what he said earlier, why he got so angry and suddenly I feel ashamed. I finished my meal and I went to sit next to him, leaning my head against his shoulder and muttering a "sorry." He stroked my hair and gave me a light kiss on the forehead.

Then I feel Leon's gaze and our eyes meet, his gaze as intense as always and I wondered what he was thinking. My heart started to beat faster but I pushed the feeling away , I love Ren, even though I never get to see him again, I can't let anyone like Leon play with my emotions like this. So I tell myself that he's probably like this with all the girls he meet.

The next day we arrived at a small town, the streets were full of traders and sailors. It was clear that many traveled here to trade. I had never been to such a big city before and I looked around big-eyed while Mathew issued orders.

"Patric, you and Byron are buying more supplies. Daniel, you come with me and Leon you have to keep an eye on the Princess. We meet at the inn."

Everyone nodded except Daniel "I'm going with Evelyn instead."

Mathew raised an eyebrow. "It was an order .."

It looked like Dan was about to insist but hesitated and instead he went up to me and gave me a meaningful look.

"Don't do anything stupid."

Then he caught Leon's eyes playing innocent when he took my hand.

"Come, lets go to the market"

I had never been to a place like that before and the situation made me very uncomfortable . There were people everywhere and I noticed how my grip on Leon's hand hardened.

People bumped in to me and I had to watch every step on the bumpy streets.

We passed a bakery and the scents made my stomach protest loudly. Leon laughed out loud before dragging me to the baker and picking out a pastry for me. I split it in half and gave him one piece but he shook his head.

"Eat your highness."

I giggled and stuffed my mouth full while ignoring Leon's amused look.

We walked around the stands and hours passed. When we had traded what was on the list we walked towards the inn, it was even more crowded on these streets and the people around us seemed to be in a hurry somewhere. Suddenly I feel a hard push in my back and I notice how I start to fall. A pair of strong arms catch me and soon my body is pressed against Leon's. He keeps a steady hold of me as people run past us.

My hands rest around his waist and I lean my head against his body, we stand like that for a while even though the people have long since passed by. Then suddenly he releases himself from my arms in a rather brusque way and takes my hand, without looking at me he says quite annoyed "Come on, the others are waiting for us."

Surprised, I follow him. We did not say a word to each other as we walked and I had no idea what was going on.

I looked up at his profile, he looked annoyed. Why can't he smile instead, he has no idea how handsome he is when he smiles.

The silence was unbearable and I was trying to think of something to say.


His eyes pointing forward and his voice is still irritated.


"I like that you haven't shaved in a while ... the beard looks good on you."

I notice how the words just silips my mouth and regret it immediately.

It makes him stop so suddenly that I almost stumble over him and have to grab his arm to keep me on my feet.

He stares at me for a while, then he looks around and pulls me into an empty alley.

His body is so close to mine and he places a hand on my cheek, his eyes suddenly soft and he has a sad smile on his lips.

"I apologize my lady for having you believe that .."

Oh crap, I thought. This was going to be bad and I was so ashamed that I hurried to smooth it all over.

"You do not have to apologize." I pause quickly and look down into the ground. The words just fall out of my mouth and I just want to get away from this incredibly embarrassing situation.

"It's my own fault, I'm confused and homesick. So, sorry about that in the field, I know we're just friends and I'm going to be a princess and all that."

I end with a sigh and within myself I just want to cry. Of course, I'm nothing special to him.

As I finish my sentence he drops his hand and I walk out of the alley, where I leave Leon standing and looking at me with hurt eyes.

I shared a room with Daniel that night and lay on the bed, half-asleep when he unexpectedly started talking.

"You and Leon has spent a lot of time together lately."

I opened my eyes and glanced at him as he sat on a stool and laced up his shoes.

"I guess."

Daniel continued to remove the rest of the armor before finally spreading blankets on the floor and stretching out with a relieved sigh.

"I've seen the way you look at each other and I'm no idiot Eve. And I should be happy, he and Patric are my best friends and ..." He was quiet for a moment as he pondered. "I'm just afraid things will be too complicated when we're home, that you'll  be hurt one day."

I turned on the bed to lay on my stomach and looked down at him.

"How we look at each other?" I sighed " Dan, you've misunderstood everything."

"Have I?"

"Mmm" I bit my lip and held my breath for a while to stop the tremble.

"So, is he just looking at you then? And you see him as a friend?"

Daniel looked at me with incomprehensible eyes and seemed to want an honest explanation.

"I miss Ren, okay?"


"Yes, Ren ... the guy I thought I would spend the rest of my life with... Ren!"

All the emotions swelled within me and a tear ran down my cheek.

"So you two .." Daniel looked at me questioningly.

"What did you think we did out in the woods all day?"

"I guess a big brother don't want to think about certain details." He grinned before sighing and came and sat down next to me, with his arm around my shoulder.

"Can I be honest with you?" He did not wait for my answer but continued. "You and Ren would probably have had a good life together, but in the end you would get tired of each other, because you are too alike. And frankly you would not have fit as a blacksmith wife in a small farmer's village." He winked at me playfully and I laughed.

"You might be right."

"And Evelyn, I can tell your madly in love with Leon" he smiled at me "but you have a bad conscience towards Ren, so you pretend your not."

I looked at him in surprise, he never used to talk about emotions and stuff like this, it had probably never happened before. I bit my lip and held back all the feelings that were about to pour over me.

"Believe what you want, but anyway we are just friends."

He studied me for a long time but nodded and went back to his bed on the floor.

"I just want to see you happy again, Eve .."

Then he pulled the blanket over him and fell asleep immediately.