

Peace reigned between the four realms of Righteous Witches for years till the Raven Seed went missing when the vice head of the Air witches Gary attempted to make away with the seed to give it to the Unrighteous witches in exchange for a big reward they promised him after he got stripped of his title as the vice head of the air witches realm but was captured by the righteous witches headquarters council bringing up chaos upon the four realms of witches. The Raven Seed is a seed that controls the four elements Water, Fire, Earth and Air.  The seed is too powerful that a person couldn't control the power it has or it would absorb your soul unless you are the "Ravened".  The Ravened is the only person powerful enough to control the Raven Seed and master the four elements the seed possesses. As a result of that the righteous witches created a board of righteous witches council who would protect the seed with their lives They were the head of the Water witches, Fire witches, Earth witches, incharge of their own realms. The dark lord "Ruger" tried to rule over the earth with the help of his dark Armies, the "Unrighteous witches",. However he was defeated by the last "Ravened" with the help of other righteous witches who ruled the realms back in the days.  He was defeated, sent and trapped in Tartarus but escaped heavily injured, losing his powers. Now he needs the "Raven Seed" to heal himself, get his powers back too and then get back his revenge on the Righteous witches council. So instead he sends his son "Wilder" to retrieve the seed for him. In the process of trying to retrieve the seed he fell in love with the "Ravened". Now does he have the heart to kill the Ravened to take the seed to his father or fight against his father or what would the Ravened do when she finds out she has to kill the father of her beloved to save the whole earth. Find out in this interesting book "Ravened".

Lil_Amore · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Don't die on me.

"Freya watch out!!!" Williams alerts her,

But Cory already got her by the neck with a whip, he wanted to strangle her to death. 

Freya dug her nails on Cory's back inflicting pain to him but Cory didn't flinch for a bit, she tried her best to release herself from his grip but to no avail.

"In...cen..dio" Freya managed to enchant amidst choked words, causing balls of fire to appear on her right hand while the left hand still struggled to set her free of Cory's strangle.

She stood up and flipped him over her shoulders causing Cory to fall to the floor and before he could stand. Freya hurled the fireball towards him but he saw it in time as he dodged it.

"Why are you doing this Cory?, I trusted you and gave you the title of the righteous messenger" Freya shot a question at him.

"Sorry Freya but you aren't paying me enough for this job, let's say I got a better one" Cory replied to her question standing up and tapping his clothes as if he got dirt on them. 

"I'm done talking with you, let's get this done already" Cory declared to Freya, walking in circles and twisting his fists for a fight.

"You know I could just snap your head into two with my magic" Freya threatened Cory who scoffed at her.

"I know you would win me in a fight of magic, but what's the honour of a fight if we both aren't equal in strength" Cory made known to Freya.

"I would still do the same to you even without my magic" Freya pointed to Cory who still scoffed at her.

"Ouch that hurts, now less talking" Cory imitated the cry of someone hurt while aiming at Freya. 

Cory came closer to Freya, throwing a punch towards her which she dodged carefully. Freya dropped to the floor spinning around, she kicked Cory hard causing him to lose balance of his feet as he tripped to the floor but he quickly did a frontflip getting back on his feet.

"You are pretty good Freya," Cory praised her fighting skills.

"I am and I got no time to play with you" Freya declared to him but before Cory could strike her with a punch, She cast a spell on him. 

"Nervi resoluti" Freya cast a spell on him causing him to stop in his tracks, he couldn't move anymore she paralysed him.

"What the hell, I can't move, what did you do to me?" He asked her, trying to get his body to move but he couldn't.

"It's a paralysis spell, I paralysed you, you won't be able to move till I decide to release you"  Freya explained to him in detail what she did to him.

"Freya!, Freya!, Freya!," Cory echoed her name persistently but she gave no heed to him.

"I'm so sorry Williams, had I known this would happen I would have gone to heal him myself, what am I going to tell Lucy or the earth witches or even the righteous witches council" Freya cried out to Williams crouching down and taking Williams head into her laps gently.

"It's not your fault Freya, do not blame yourself you tried your best to save me and that's what makes you different from others, you are a good leader don't blame my death on your...se..lf" Williams dropped his final words before he gave up the ghost.

"No Williams don't die on me" Freya lamented, shaking him with intense force but he didn't move.

"Please wi..li..ams.. don't die on me" Freya kept on wailing in anguish. 

Sam died because of her and now Williams is dead too, and she's blaming herself for it. 

'How many more people were going to die because of her' she thought to herself.

"Awn at least he didn't die in a terrible way, hahahaha" Cory mocked Freya with contempt who was lamenting bitterly about William's death. 

If only Cory knew he wouldn't have dropped those last words due to the fact, it got Freya extremely furious twisting her fists in anger. She got William's head off of her laps, laying his head gently on the floor of the room as she got up moving towards paralysed Cory.

"Did I say something that got you mad?" He continued taunting Freya looking her eyeball to eyeball.

"Silencio" She sealed his lips from speaking further.

"Let me go" Cory muffled indistinctly.

"Ingeniculo" She added causing him to fall on his knees.

"I'm going to make sure you die in a slow and terrible way like you did to Williams" Freya threatened Cory bending low to meet up with his size.

Freya's gaze fell on Cory, focusing on him more than anything she wanted to perform a crushing spell on him.

"Contundito" Freya spelled using her hands to inflict pain on him as Cory let out a muffled screech which Freya didn't give a damn about due to the she was too focused on killing him right now. She focused on his ribs twisting them inside out.

"Praemium" She cast another spell to his head, Cory let out a loud screech which was his last as his head exploded.


Cory's head exploded into pieces, Freya performed an explosion spell on him. His remains, which was his body, fell on the floor. Sighting it, it still irritated her more so she burnt it to ashes using a melting spell.

"Liquescimus" She enchanted for the last time causing his body to melt into ashes.


Freya entered into her bureau through a portal, she was too weak and sad to use her feet to walk all the way back to her.

"Woah, Freya hey what's up with all the blood?" Mia asked her worriedly, moving towards her and examining her.

"Where is Cory and Williams?" Nyla questioned her.

"They are dead"

"What do you mean they are dead?" Mia asked her, perplexed at the answer she gave to Nyla.

"I got to them but Williams was barely alive, I tried healing him but Cory intervened so we fought and I killed him, I couldn't heal Williams on time otherwise he might have survived" Freya explained sadly in details what happened between her, Cory and Williams.

"Mia after this, call someone to clean up the mess in room 390 and keep William's body safely in the holy chambers till the date of his burial will be announced" Freya told Mia who kept on checking up on her.

"Okay, I will"

"Awn, someone's sad" Gary who has been listening to their entire conversation chipped in smirking at Freya with contempt.

"You are smiling Gary?, you are the f**cking reason behind all these, now let's see how long that smile lasts on your face" Freya said to Gary in a harsh tone.

"Mia Call for every single soul in the righteous witches headquarters council, judgement will be passed onto Gary today!!!

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