
Ravenclaw of Hogwarts (HP)

Mike, formerly a career criminal, is reborn as a Muggle-born orphan in the Harry Potter world, focused on gaining power. With strategic cunning, he seeks allies and doesn't shy away from crossing moral lines for the "greater good." This tale explores a quest for power and societal change, presenting a gritty view of justice in a magical setting. Mike's journey, characterized by ruthless ambition and a merciless approach, also hints at the possibility of finding unexpected friendships along the way. "Don't call me Chen Ergou" is the author of this book. I'm just translating it and more importantly trying to make this story more "palatable" for an English audience. That means I will get rid of some of the darker and unnecessary undertones that many Chinese writers have - if you know what I mean. Also, I will be changing many of the more Chinese phrases (not all) around so that they are more understandable for us Westerners :) I plan to keep this translation going, especially if I receive help. I hope doing this will help me better my books in the future if I ever get the nerve to post them. My Patreon---- patreon.com/Lovetoread813 I will write a better synopsis soon. It should be noted that the MC is not a very good person.

Delvogen · Book&Literature
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Chapter 31

The following day, as Mike opened his eyes, the first sight that greeted him was the image of himself with his family in the Mirror of Erised, having spent the night in the deserted classroom.

Reflecting on the previous night's events, Mike surmised they were orchestrated, from his departure from the Room of Requirement to the unexpected detour through his usual secret passage leading directly to this abandoned room. He deduced that only one person had the means to arrange this: Dumbledore.

Mike could guess Dumbledore's intentions were likely a test of his character.

From their initial meeting, Mike sensed Dumbledore's reservations about him. Surprisingly, this test came later than Mike anticipated, as he had expected a conversation with Dumbledore shortly after enrolling.

However, Dumbledore did not appear last night, suggesting Mike had passed the test.

Stepping into the dazzling sunlight outside the classroom, Mike realized after the previous night's reflection that he longed to return home.

In the subsequent days, Mike dedicated himself more intensely to mastering magic, realizing that a profound comprehension of magic was essential for his return home.

After confronting a troll, Mike gained a more precise assessment of his combat abilities. By his estimation, he was on par with students in their sixth or seventh years in terms of combat prowess. However, when it came to the breadth of magical knowledge and understanding, he found himself lacking even compared to students in their third or fourth years.

It's worth noting Hogwarts' unique pedagogical approach. The first and second years are somewhat free-range, focusing on the most fundamental aspects of magic. This approach is designed to accommodate those of Muggle origin.

Starting from the third year, when elective courses become available, Hogwarts begins to intensively educate its students in magic. This period represents a crucial juncture in the students' magical education, as the electives chosen can significantly impact their future. The academic pressure also intensifies from the third year, peaking in the fourth year with the first significant examination, the O.W.Ls.

After the O.W.Ls, students must select their N.E.W.T. level courses based on their grades, analogous to choosing a university major based on college entrance exam scores.

The requirements for many N.E.W.T. level courses are high, especially for popular subjects like Potions and Charms, which can significantly benefit future employment prospects and skill development.

Students who perform poorly may find themselves limited to lower-demand courses like Muggle Studies, facing the prospect of unemployment upon graduation unless they have alternative resources or connections.

From their fifth year, Hogwarts students are divided into two groups: those who tackle advanced courses like Potions and those who opt for less challenging electives, often pejoratively termed "filler courses."

The former group faces a relentless schedule of homework and reading, while the latter, despite a slight increase in difficulty compared to the first two years, enjoys a comparatively lighter workload, even more so than in their third and fourth years.

The pinnacle of Hogwarts education is the N.E.W.T. exams, the highest academic certification offered by the school and one of the most prestigious in Europe for centuries. Post-graduation, whether in employment or marriage, one's N.E.W.T. scores and subjects are crucial. Exceptional grades can ensure a prosperous life in the wizarding world, even for Muggle-born wizards.

However, the academic pressure on sixth—and seventh-year students is almost unimaginably intense. Hermione Granger's use of a Time-Turner in her third year to attend all elective courses, which led to her exhaustion, mirrors the regular intensity students face in their final years.

Thus, senior Hogwarts students are often seen hurrying about, rarely participating in leisure activities like Quidditch matches—not from a lack of interest but due to their overwhelming schedules.

The silver lining to this rigorous study regime is the rapid advancement in magical proficiency. By their final years, students possess a level of spellcasting skill and knowledge comparable to most adult wizards, contributing significantly to Mike's formidable combat abilities.

Mike's prowess in battle owes much to his previous life's combat experience. Wandwork, akin to precision shooting, demands high accuracy—a skill where many falter due to inadequate range. Mike's background as a skilled sharpshooter renders spellcasting as instinctive to him as breathing, in addition to the multitude of other abilities he possesses.

Enhanced by emotional casting techniques and magical control skills, Mike's spells far exceed those of peers at his power level.

Beyond learning new spells, Mike focuses on enhancing his magical perception and control. The more refined his control, the stronger his magic becomes.

However, mastering spells through textbooks alone proves challenging, not due to Mike's lack of talent but the inadequacy of wizarding textbooks. True comprehension often requires guidance beyond the written word, with personal notes offering invaluable insights.

Despite seeking advice from Professor Flitwick, Mike was cautioned against aiming too high too soon, suspecting Dumbledore's influence behind such counsel.

This realization only fueled Mike's determination, viewing Dumbledore as a cunning adversary.

Yet, Mike wasn't without resources. He knew of a place harboring detailed casting methods for advanced spells, including the Unforgivable Curses—the Restricted Section of the library.

Penelope's task to procure the Disillusionment Charm was primarily to gain access to the Restricted Section. Dumbledore's absence during the end-of-year exams presented the perfect opportunity for this venture.

Mike had devised his own method to navigate the Restricted Section's defenses. Following his encounter with the troll, he sensed a significant improvement in his magical perception, now faintly aware of external magical forces.

This newfound sensitivity led him directly to the library, where he detected magical barriers guarding the Restricted Section. To Mike, these intricately woven barriers posed no insurmountable obstacle.

The success of his strategy now depended on Penelope acquiring the Disillusionment Charm before Christmas. Failing that, Mike faced the possibility of not having enough time to master the intricate spell, which could lead to the precarious position of having to request the Invisibility Cloak from Harry.

Publishing two chapters consecutively, they primarily serve as filler.

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