
Ravenclaw of Hogwarts (HP)

Mike, formerly a career criminal, is reborn as a Muggle-born orphan in the Harry Potter world, focused on gaining power. With strategic cunning, he seeks allies and doesn't shy away from crossing moral lines for the "greater good." This tale explores a quest for power and societal change, presenting a gritty view of justice in a magical setting. Mike's journey, characterized by ruthless ambition and a merciless approach, also hints at the possibility of finding unexpected friendships along the way. "Don't call me Chen Ergou" is the author of this book. I'm just translating it and more importantly trying to make this story more "palatable" for an English audience. That means I will get rid of some of the darker and unnecessary undertones that many Chinese writers have - if you know what I mean. Also, I will be changing many of the more Chinese phrases (not all) around so that they are more understandable for us Westerners :) I plan to keep this translation going, especially if I receive help. I hope doing this will help me better my books in the future if I ever get the nerve to post them. My Patreon---- patreon.com/Lovetoread813 I will write a better synopsis soon. It should be noted that the MC is not a very good person.

Delvogen · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Chapter 29

In the confined space of the corridor, only Mike and Penelope were left. The lack of electric lighting in Hogwarts Castle and the gloomy weather cast a shadowy ambiance around them.

Mike's gaze shifted as he looked at Penelope, losing its usual warmth and adopting a more somber tone.

Taken aback by the intensity in Mike's eyes, Penelope instinctively recoiled, her face betraying a sense of alarm. She began to realize that this young man might not be as simple as she had previously thought.

While Penelope's face revealed her emotions, Mike's blackthorn wand materialized in his hand.

"Senior Penelope, there's something I need your assistance with," Mike stated.

"What... what do you need?" Penelope stammered, her anxiety heightening at the sight of Mike's wand. She cast a wary glance towards the exit, contemplating the possibility of escape.

Without making a sound, Mike positioned himself behind Penelope, effectively cutting off her path of retreat. Their entrance was the sole source of light in the corridor, and Mike's presence further dimmed the already faint illumination.

"I require the exact method for learning the Disillusionment Charm," Mike said, diving straight into the matter.

"That's a regulated spell, only accessible to students who aspire to become Aurors. I'm afraid I can't assist you with that," Penelope replied.

"I'm sure you can find a way. Aren't you known as the social butterfly of Ravenclaw?" Mike said, pacing slowly around Penelope.

In the dim corridor, Mike's face took on a more somber cast, and his slightly shorter stature seemed to loom large over Penelope.

"Why not approach Professor Flitwick? He's fond of you; he'd surely agree to teach you if you asked," Penelope suggested, trying to divert the conversation.

Mike inwardly scoffed at the simplicity of her suggestion. If it were that easy, why would I need to seek your help? he thought but kept his facade composed.

"Have you ever considered becoming a prefect, Penelope?" Mike decided to play his ace, seeing her hesitation.

The mention of the prefect position visibly shook Penelope. She had been courting Mike's favor in hopes of a good word with Professor Flitwick. She hadn't anticipated Mike not only uncovering her motives but also leveraging them against her. She fell silent, weighing her options.

Mike, meanwhile, remained patient, idly twirling his wand as he awaited her response.

He was confident Penelope wouldn't refuse. Her interactions had revealed a thirst for power greater than he'd initially assessed. Besides, with her numerous admirers among the pure-blood graduates, she was well-placed to procure the detailed methodology of the Disillusionment Charm for him.

The Disillusionment Charm, an advanced invisibility spell, creates an effect akin to a liquid cloak that alters the caster's appearance to blend seamlessly with their surroundings. While its principle resembles a chameleon's camouflage, its potency far surpasses the reptile's natural ability.

An Invisibility Cloak is a garment imbued with the Disillusionment Charm. Given the charm's temporary nature, a standard Invisibility Cloak necessitates the periodic reapplication of the charm.

Ordinary fabrics can only sustain the charm for a brief period, necessitating the use of magical materials for crafting Invisibility Cloaks. These unique materials ensure the charm's extended durability.

Harry's Invisibility Cloak, a unique piece from the original narrative, stands apart from typical cloaks. It is an authentic artifact endowed with a perpetual Disillusionment Charm, granting it an unending invisibility effect.

However, mastering the Disillusionment Charm doesn't automatically enable one to create an Invisibility Cloak. Embedding the charm into a cloak demands profound alchemical knowledge.

This year, mastering this spell is on Mike's agenda. Despite exhaustive searches in the Ravenclaw and Hogwarts libraries for the charm's intricate learning process, he has only found basic introductions.

The Disillusionment Charm, a regulated spell, is crucial for aspiring Aurors and remains beyond the reach of most ordinary wizards. It's among several restricted spells, with the Unforgivable Curses being the most notorious.

Many pure-blood families possess secret methods for learning these restricted spells, creating a barrier to knowledge. Muggle-born wizards desiring to learn the Disillusionment Charm face the option of applying in their seventh year at Hogwarts or aiming to join the Aurors.

However, this application process is selective, requiring the endorsement of at least two professors for eligibility.

Mike is aware that Tom Riddle was the last individual approved by Hogwarts to learn this spell.

Upon application, a rigorous evaluation of the applicant's abilities and character is conducted before revealing the detailed learning method for the spell.

While the Restricted Section of Hogwarts' library holds the key to using the Disillusionment Charm, Mike has yet to master the spells necessary to bypass its magical protections. Triggering these safeguards would immediately alert Dumbledore in the Headmaster's office.

Accessing the Restricted Section is best attempted when Dumbledore is away from the school, an opportunity that will present itself this year.

At this juncture, Penelope finally said, "Alright, I can find a way to access the Disillusionment Charm, but in return, I must become a prefect next year."

Penelope's expression shifted from panic to determination upon grasping Mike's intentions.

"You will be a prefect, I promise," Mike assured, stepping closer and locking eyes with Penelope.

"Then, we have an agreement," Penelope replied, her tone calm to the slightly shorter Mike.

With Penelope's agreement secured, Mike didn't linger. He pocketed his wand and made his way to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. Midway, he paused, turned back, and reminded, "Christmas is approaching. Make it quick," before quickly departing.

Penelope understood Mike's urgency; with only a month until Christmas, time was of the essence to uncover the Disillusionment Charm's learning method from graduates bound by confidentiality agreements.

As for Mike, he remained unfazed. Securing the Disillusionment Charm by Christmas was ideal, but he had a backup plan and wasn't solely dependent on Penelope's success.

Sorry for the delay. I'm back on a grueling schedule of working 19 days straight, unfortunately.

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