
Raven Beauty: Devil's Only Survival Choice

"In the world full of choices, I have only you!" *** Excerpt: “Marry me!” At the commanding voice, Yun Meiyi turned around with a scowl. And there he was with a face sculpted by the best artists in heaven and a body designed to torture the most defying soul in hell, he looked like any male, she had fantasized about, while reading the romantic novels. But there was something in his impeccable beauty that cautioned her against him. As if it was the call of heaven asking her to reject him straight away. “Look for someone else, I am not interested.” She said and then turned away, finding his words meaninglessly arrogant. But just as she turned, his warning came teasingly, “Are you sure you want to defy me?” Her frown deepened as she turned to ask, “What’s so special about defying you? Are you a lord of some kingdom whom one can’t defy?” The man’s lips curled up in a devilish smirk that looked like a part of his nature. “Even better. I am the Prince of Darkness. The Devil of this universe.” *** She was a human... He was the Devil of the Universe! She was betrayed... He could be called anything that meant deceit! She was poisoned ... While his existence was on stake! Without their knowledge, their fates were intertwined. Making her, his only Survival choice!! ______________ Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urban
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420 Chs

Out on a dinner date.

Yun Meiyi pursed her lips as she saw Liu Si Si excitedly selecting her dress and accessories for the night. She knew her friend was really a mess maker but she never expected her to use her as bait to escape a pursuer. If she had known it before, maybe she would have gone back in time and not let this girl come into her arms for cuddles and pampering.

"Si Si, I have agreed to go to dinner with you. But I am not going to doll myself up for anyone. Even if it means that you would have to go out with that Xu Wei. I won't care." Not able to look longer at her friend's level of excitement, Meiyi warned.

But in response to her warning, Liu Si Si turned to smile in agreement. "Of course not, my precious! How could I ask you to doll up for some other guy? I am just sorting out your clothes and accessories just to keep you less tired. Otherwise, I believe in your charms even if you go wearing just a sack. Just your presence around is enough to make people turn their heads."

She said as she particularly came to press a strand of hair that was beautifully falling over her shoulders.

Yun Meiyi rolled her eyes. "You have too much overconfidence. Anyway, go out. I will get dressed on my own. Otherwise, if I wait for you, we won't be able to have dinner, rather we would be reaching the restaurant for an early breakfast." She said, pushing the girl towards the exit, before shutting the door of the room at her face.

Outside, Liu Si Si could only press her lips in a pout, "Yi Yi, I am very punctual for the dates. How can you say something like that to me?"

"Si Si, decide yourself if you really want to go for dinner or not." Came the voice of Yun Meiyi which further made Si Si sullen still, she said.

"Fine. I am going to get ready. Let's see who gets ready first." She said and then hurried toward her room.

After a few hours, a red Maserati arrived at Cuisines Délicieuses. Pulling up the car at the front entrance, Liu Si Si stepped out of the car first before waiting for Yun Meiyi to come out next.

Since Cuisines Délicieuses was a very posh restaurant, she wasn't in fear of getting caught by some paparazzi because she knew the place would be all guarded against that. She turned to look back at her car and saw Yun Meiyi finally coming out.

Dressed in a simple black dress that stopped just over her knees, Yun Meiyi looked a soft beauty. Her hair was not at the show, rather put up in a simple bun. Still, the shade of her raven black hair was beautifully beautifying her petite face.

Liu Si Si's lips curled up once again at the sight of her as she waited for her to come to her side, before she looked at the valet to say, "Please help us park the car." She said before proceeding to the entrance. Even though she maintained a nonchalant expression, she has not failed to notice the valet's stunned expression towards Yun Meiyi.

Suppressing the chuckle, she reached the entrance and smiled at the person responsible for checking the people entering the restaurant. "Hello!" She greeted and the man turned to look at her with a smile to reciprocate.

"Good evening, Ma'am. How can I help you?"

Liu Si Si's smile continued as she said, "Manager Xu has invited us here tonight. Can you check and see which table he has kept for us?"

The person looked at Liu Si Si first. He need not ask about her identity. Her face was enough to tell. But his curious gaze was at Yun Meiyi who looked quite different.

Seeing him getting lost in his trance, Liu Si Si turned to look back at Yun Meiyi with a meaningful arch on her brows before she coughed out to break the air of deep silence.

The person at the desk was embarrassed. Quickly averting his gaze, he apologized to say, "Sorry, ma'am. Let me help you check." He said before getting to check the list on his working tablet. "Ma'am, Manager Xue has made arrangements on table number nine." He said and then gestured to another staff to guide them towards the table.

"Ma'am, this way please." The woman staff said and nodding to her, Liu Si Si soon followed. Walking behind the waitress, Liu Si Si could no longer hold herself back from asking.

"Yi Yi, did you see that? Do you still feel that I was being overconfident?"

"..." Yun Meiyi couldn't say more. She was not surprised by people looking at her but it was like it was getting too obvious today.

What was happening? Hasn't she just been wearing a simple black dress? Furthermore, she just had minimal makeup on her face. That couldn't make her look that stunning.

Liu Si Si patted her own shoulders in appreciation as she said, "Si Si, can never be wrong when things concern you, I know you better than anyone else."

Yun Meiyi could only shake her head at her friend. "Don't brag more. Walk fast. We would finish the dinner here and then would leave soon. Don't plan to go anywhere else from here."

She said and the girl nodded to her all obediently before lifting her three fingers to say, "I won't. After finishing the dinner, we would return home straight. I promise." She said and soon they sat at the table. There were not many people around. Since it was one of the top high-end restaurants in Qiging city, the tables here are limited with just a few private rooms on the corner.

"Ma'am, please wait for a while, Manager Xue will be here soon." The waitress said and after seeing Liu Si Si nod, she left.

"Yi Yi, don't forget what we are here for. Later help me, okay?" Liu Si Si said, not forgetting to remind her, but right at that time, a deep voice of the man paused her, making her raise her eyes to look behind Yun Meiyi.

"Si Si, you are really here to dine with me?"

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-Yours lovely Author.

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