
Raven Beauty: Devil's Only Survival Choice

"In the world full of choices, I have only you!" *** Excerpt: “Marry me!” At the commanding voice, Yun Meiyi turned around with a scowl. And there he was with a face sculpted by the best artists in heaven and a body designed to torture the most defying soul in hell, he looked like any male, she had fantasized about, while reading the romantic novels. But there was something in his impeccable beauty that cautioned her against him. As if it was the call of heaven asking her to reject him straight away. “Look for someone else, I am not interested.” She said and then turned away, finding his words meaninglessly arrogant. But just as she turned, his warning came teasingly, “Are you sure you want to defy me?” Her frown deepened as she turned to ask, “What’s so special about defying you? Are you a lord of some kingdom whom one can’t defy?” The man’s lips curled up in a devilish smirk that looked like a part of his nature. “Even better. I am the Prince of Darkness. The Devil of this universe.” *** She was a human... He was the Devil of the Universe! She was betrayed... He could be called anything that meant deceit! She was poisoned ... While his existence was on stake! Without their knowledge, their fates were intertwined. Making her, his only Survival choice!! ______________ Join the author on the discord server: https://discord.gg/88C4VZD Or connect on Instagram: author_scarlet_shine

Scarlet_Shine · Urban
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299 Chs

Great thing comes only after several small things.

"So, you mean you are preparing to give Himmlisch to that human?" After hearing the entire thing, Kuang Tianshi still asked to confirm. And seeing his friend silently staring at the sky, he already knew that all the thing he heard was something that he couldn't get doubtful about.

Pressing his lips together with some contemplation, he stared at his friend and couldn't help but burst into a peal of uncontrollable laughter. Seeing him laughing like that, the man turned to look at him with his brows arched.

"What are you laughing at?"

He asked and Kuang Tianshi couldn't help but laugh more. But his laughter paused when he felt the threatening glare coming his way. Raising his hands up in surrender, he couldn't help but say, "Fine, fine, I am not laughing but could you please not scare me with that face of yours. You know it right that not even the bravest angel can stand that look of yours, I am still the meek one."

"Reason?" Without caring about his blabbering, the man asked about the thing he was curious about.

And Kuang Tianshi couldn't help but sigh at his attitude. "No doubt, humans say that curiosity takes their best."

"We are not human. So, their analogies don't apply to us." Not agreeing to accept that one thing, the man quickly refuted and Kuang Tianshi could only shake his head.

"We might not be as different as you think." He said and before his friend could again send him his devilish glare, he continued, "Anyway, let's leave that debate for later. Talking about the reasons behind my laughter, can't you guess it already, my Prince?"

He asked and the man just raised his brows at him.

"Tsk, tsk, the laughable thing amidst everything is that even though there are no feelings attached, still you are doing everything that a human does to pursue their love. Getting stars from the heavens and, protecting and pampering your woman with all the best you have got." Kuang Tianshi explained and at his words, the other man paused for a moment.

But then turning to look back at the night sky, he shrugged his shoulders in nonchalance to say, "It's not as you say, Tianshi. For humans, plucking the stars can be impossible but for me, it's just a plaything. I can get it as long as I want. It's just a small thing."

He said and hearing him say that Kuang Tianshi couldn't help but give a deep smile. "It might not be as you think. You won't even realize when you would start to change. And we shouldn't forget that great things come only after several small things. Plucking stars might be that small thing for you."

He said but he knew that his words like this wouldn't make any change. For some reason, he even doubted himself for thinking things this way. After all, he wasn't unknown to the limits of the Devil. Love was a feeling not made for him. Especially, love with a human could never be a possibility.

Sighing under his breath, he didn't think to probe the same topic any further. Instead, standing up, he walked up to pat his shoulders to ask, "Have you thought it through? Himmlisch is not just any star to be belittled. Plucking it from the galaxy might create chaos again in the Heavens."

"Seeing Heaven in silence has never been in my plans. So why should I care? If the angels are ready to make chaos just for some simple star in one galaxy, they can go and search more. I am sure they would find a lot better ones in the other galaxies." He said and his words like that were enough to render Kuang Tianshi all speechless.

"Fine, fine, I won't ask it again. Do as you have planned; I will always be there on your side no matter what. Not even Heaven could waver my confidence in you." He said and the man nodded to him.


The next morning arrived sooner than anyone could expect. Liu Si Si was sleeping comfortably on her quality mattress when she heard Yun Meiyi knock on the door of her room.

Knock! Knock!

"Si Si, if you have completed your sleep, come out."

"Huh? Yi Yi, why are you up so early?" Liu Si Si blinked her eyes to erase the sleep remaining in her eyes. "It's still so early in the morning. Yesterday night, weren't you tired enough?"

She asked while sitting up and stretching her muscles. Yun Meiyi looked at her and her lips curled up with a weird hint. For a moment, Liu Si Si paused looking at her like that. Staring at her, she blinked her eyes. "Yi Yi, is everything fine? Why are you looking at me like that? And what happened to your smile? Why is it giving me goosebumps suddenly?"

She asked and Yun Meiyi simply quirked her brows at her before saying, "I will be waiting for you outside. Freshen up and come soon." She said and then turned and left.

Behind Liu Si Si was all puzzled. Her brows tugged in confusion while she reached out to scratch her head. "Did I do something? Why is she like this early in the morning?"

Not able to understand the reason behind it, she had no other choice but to slip on the slippers before rushing out to get a clear vision of things. In no way, she could leave her Yi Yi in a bad mood early in the morning.

Not even caring to look at the mirror of the nightdress she was wearing, she ran out calling in her pretty voice, "Yi Yi, are you upset with me. You don't have to be. Even though I don't know how to cook, I will learn it for you. Please, please don't be angry."

She said in a coaxing tone, but her words paused in the middle when she saw outside in the living hall, Yun Meiyi was not alone but there was someone else sitting with her.

"You! What are you even doing here?"

Himmlisch! What do you think about it? Do you think when our ML will pluck it for Yun Meiyi, chaos would occur in the Heavens?

I am excited to know same as you all. Tell me about your thoughts in comments. Also don't forget to vote for the book in support. The book is in the growing stage and it needs your support. So, don't hesitate in supporting it.

Soon, the chapter updates would increase, but to keep going, I need motivation from you all.

-Your lovely Author.

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