

A young adult with powers, that give him claws, armorlike fur and strengh as well as improved senses, known as Ratel is bored about the lack of challenging villains and criminals. He finds himself in an early retirement due to a member of the hero association that he technically works for, due to her thinking Ratel is depressed and not effective anymore. Once Ratel comes back from meeting a friend, the tram he is on gets attacked by a new villain and he helps to rescue the survivors. He is later asked to cooperate with a villain for a common goal. WARNING: This book has depictions of violence and other topics that could trigger or offend someone.

KuraiHikari · Realistic
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22 Chs

Part 10 - Secret Meeting 1

My ears picked up a bit of beeping and my eyes seemed to notice a few cracks in the cloth parts of his costume, they were pitch-black and shiny like metal, which did not make sense for any cloth.

I didn't comment on it, waiting for a response from Peacebreaker. "I will be out there if you change your mind. I pay better." He said and left out the balcony. His body started to morph and grow two giant wings like the ones a dragonfly have. He jumped off of my 'smoking platform' and flew off.

Something I noticed no one else probably ever would was: His back became shiny and seemed more like a liquid than a solid mass, when it changed, which seemed odd as when heroes who could grow wings usually had to have these utensils to fly pierce their wings.

I gave Save a call, saying I had more intel on Peacebreaker. I smirked subconsciously when she picked up. "I have intel. I am at home. You would be interested." I said bluntly and hung up.

Not long after the woman appeared in her typical suit. She looked at me and sat down. She placed a small notebook and a pen on the table. "On who?" Was the only thing she said before her jaw dropped. All I did, in my defense, was say a single word. "Peacebreaker."

Savethal looked at me in disbelief. "Explain." She blurted out and started me down as I stated the situation and what I had noticed. Save wrote it all down and teleported away.

I laughed and went to turn on the TV. I wanted to know what was going on elsewhere. Mostly because I didn't wish to read the newspaper or google.

"There are rivalries between gangs happening all over Austria. They are each trying to get back their territories and demolish the ACS at the same time! We will try to keep you updated. Please stay in your homes and do not let anyone in uninvited." The newsperson said and I sighed, thinking of the last time I had encountered the gangs, most of them were small anyways. I knew this was probably happening because the guy I defeated in my first night out had gotten arrested again. I got up and stretched. I grabbed my phone and typed in a number. "0398-7." I said and a beeping then a clicking noise like someone clicked a pen once. "Hello Ratel. When would you like the meeting to take place?" A female voice asked. It was a calm voice of what seemed like a business woman. Her voice was not kind or what most people would consider a serious tone. It was cold and monotone.

"As soon as possible. Preferably tonight at 9.45 pm. At the same location as last time." I replied bluntly and in a cold and monotone voice. "Yes. I will notify the others." The woman said and then the beeping of the phone being hung up. I pocketed my phone and looked at the time. I went to my room and got my uniform and put it on. I smirked a bit and stretched. It was 7.45 pm I knew I would take about half an hour to get to the seemingly abandoned building but I didn't care. I went to a cupboard and took a pencil. I put the pen between metal clamps and took a wooden plate with a rubber nob on the bottom off. I grabbed a small keychain with two keys on it from the cupboard and put the lid on again. One was oddly shaped and had the logo of the ACS and the other gangs mixed together on it. The other was a key to a motorbike.

I put the rubber nob between the metal clamps and took the pencil out. I closed the cupboard and stretched. I smirked, knowing that if someone else decided to open it without the pencil it would set my home ablaze and have the person pay for damages and the oddly shaped key would be destroyed, as it would be thrown into an oven that melted it down, all the way in the cellar, which basically was only made for this purpose. I realized I had forgotten to take the key from the chain to avoid my motorcycle keys being molten and for the first time I was glad I had a spare one.

I slid into my ripped trenchcoat and entered the elevator. I pressed the button to the ground floor, passed the workers that repaired the glass door and turned right. I went to the school and turned right again, going towards a playground and another home, yet I turned right to a small metal door that led into a garage. I unlocked it and entered, using the doorknob to pull it open. I let it fall shut and went to my parking spot. I sat on it and put the key in. I had my fingers crossed and started the motor, causing the machine with a horsepower of 45 to jump to life. I checked the fuel capacity from the digital meter and sighed. It was close to nothing and started to drive out of the garage and onto the street. I drove to the nearest gas station and started to fill up the tank. I paid with card and let the machine come to life once more. 8.30 pm. I started to drive and cursed out every red light that slowed me down. I drove into an alley and parked near a building that was very run down. The walls were made of stone with some of the stones looking out, causing it to look old and abandoned. The windows were blacked out yet undamaged. A softwood plate was nailed over a door. I went to the other and unlocked it with the oddly shaped key and entered. 9 pm. I headed up the stairs after locking the door and headed to a long table. I sat down at the far end of the table made from the wood on a birch, so I had a perfect field of view down the table. I activated my power and waited for the others to arrive.