
Rasa's Struggle: The Fourth Kazekage's Tale

"Rasa's Struggle" delves into the life of Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village. As he grapples with the ever-present threat of Orochimaru and the daunting responsibilities of leadership, Rasa's journey unfolds in a turbulent era of shifting alliances and power plays in the Naruto world.

Hungry_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Secrets and Arrangements

In the sanctum of the Hokage's study, Rasa leaned forward, his gaze fixed intently on Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. He began recounting the battle with Orochimaru, detailing the Sannin's malevolent intentions and the sinister jutsu he had wielded.

"During our battle," Rasa began, "Orochimaru made his motives clear. He sought to kill me and usurp my position as Kazekage to infiltrate the Hidden Leaf, with his eyes set on your mantle as Hokage."

Hiruzen nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and the gravity of the situation. "Orochimaru's ambitions have always been a cause for worry," he admitted. "His mastery of forbidden jutsu is a threat we can't ignore."

Rasa continued, "I thwarted his efforts temporarily. I disrupted his attempts to summon the dead during our battle."

Hiruzen's brows furrowed. "Summon the dead? You mean..."

"Yes," Rasa confirmed. "A jutsu designed to resurrect deceased shinobi under his command. It's a chilling prospect, indeed."

Hiruzen nodded in understanding, realizing the gravity of Orochimaru's intentions. The Sannin was not to be underestimated.

Rasa, his gaze still locked onto Hiruzen's, pressed on. "Now, to the matter of our agreement," he said, his tone measured. "I am prepared to share all the intelligence I've gathered concerning Orochimaru's abilities and his objectives for the upcoming Chunin Exams."

Hiruzen inclined his head, acknowledging the deal they had struck earlier. The information would be crucial in countering Orochimaru's nefarious schemes.

But Rasa had one more proposition to make. "There is one more matter," he continued, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I have in my possession the bodies of the Sound Ninja Four, Orochimaru's personal guard."

Hiruzen's eyes widened slightly at this revelation. The Sound Ninja Four were infamous for their use of the Cursed Seals, and Orochimaru had undoubtedly conducted various experiments on them. Their bodies held secrets, secrets that the Hidden Leaf would be keen on keeping hidden.

"They may contain information about Orochimaru's experiments and other hidden leaf secrets he may have uncovered," Rasa explained. "I plan to sell these bodies, and I offer you the first right of purchase. But, you must make certain concessions in our trade."

"First off, prices must drop whenever the Hidden Sand Village makes purchases in Konoha. Secondly, our trades must increase and thirdly we'll be extending and improving the trade routes which Konoha will be funding."

Hiruzen, after a brief moment of contemplation, agreed. He had already secured a lucrative deal for Orochimaru's information, and the potential hidden leaf secrets held within the Sound Ninja Four's bodies were too valuable to ignore.

Hiruzen didn't balk at the hefty price tag; if it meant having Orochimaru, his favored student, back within sight, the cost was justified.

"I'll most certainly agree with you, Lord Kazekage, after all it's a lucrative deal for the both of us."

Rasa nodded, satisfied with the arrangement. He summoned a scroll, which contained the preserved bodies of the Sound Ninja Four, and handed it over to Hiruzen.

As Rasa turned to leave, his footsteps echoing in the chamber, he cast one last piece of advice to the aging Hokage. "Don't underestimate Orochimaru," he warned, his voice tinged with a hint of concern.

"Just because I took his arm doesn't mean he'll abandon his plans. He has grown stronger, and your aging won't make it any easier. Even with the intel I've provided, remain vigilant."

"After all, I won't be interfering unless he poses a threat to the Hidden Sand Village. Our treaty only requires us to defend each other in times of war. This isn't one of those times unfortunately"

Hiruzen replied, "I understand, however Lord Kazekage, if my pupil does indeed attack during the chunin exams, will you stand by while your Sand Village's shinobi are in harm's way?"

Hiruzen watched Rasa's departure with a sense of foreboding. The path ahead was fraught with danger, and the Hidden Leaf Village would need to be prepared for whatever Orochimaru had in store.

As he left, Rasa retorted to Hiruzen, "Don't you dare threaten my shinobi, old man. Our treaty doesn't hinge on your presence alone."

Following Rasa's departure, Hiruzen promptly summoned his most trusted council members, even requesting Kakashi's and Shikaku's presence.

As for Rasa, he remained indifferent to the impending discussion and its potential outcomes.