
Rare Jewels

The werewolf world is in turmoil. There is constant war and struggle over territory. Alphas are out of control in their quest to be the strongest. What happens when six girls are chosen by the moon goddess to cleanse the werewolf world and bring about peace? Jewel, Crystal, Sapphire, Jade, Rudy, and Diamond were chosen to do just that. They are the rare wolves blessed with special abilities. After their mates are found they will come into their powers. There will be no more rogues nor any more attacks on territories. Werewolves will be free and live harmoniously. But what if their mates were the strongest and most territorial of them all? Will they change their ways for the greater good or will the ways of the werewolf community cause their demise? Read to find out.

Breanna_Mills · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Alpha River

I was on my way to meet the alpha of the Red Stone Mountain Pack. We were meant to negotiate in order to prevent a possible war. My pack was one of the strongest in the world, but not the strongest. That needed to change.

The territory of the Red Stone Mountain Pack was valuable to my pack. We needed the land because it had valuable resources. Therefore, the only option I would give this alpha was whether or not he wanted to surrender the territory willingly or have it taken by force.

I had a feeling we would no doubt be going to war. If this alpha was anything like the others I had encountered he would not go down without a fight. I wasn't worried. I knew we were strong enough to defeat him if it came down to it. I also had every intention of taking in all the survivors and increasing my numbers.

It would have been better to ambush the pack and get this thing over with. Why I was wasting my time delaying the inevitable was beyond me. I had left my beta in charge while I went to sort this thing out. My pack was ready and waiting on my signal.

I pulled up to the border and was greeted by some guards. They let me through and the guy I assumed to be the beta led me to the alpha's office. I walked in and I saw the alpha setting behind his desk. He turned his chair to face me and said, "Alpha River so nice to meet you."

He stood up and extended his hand for me to shake. "You as well Alpha Lance," I replied shortly wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"Seems like we have quite a dilemma here."

"I don't think so," I said immediately. "Look its really quite simple. I find your territory to be very valuable. I will stop at nothing to obtain it. Preferably I would like you to hand it over willingly. That way there will be no bloodshed. However, I will not hesitate to take it by force. The choice is yours."

He looked stunned at my bluntness but something was telling me he wasn't the least bit surprised.

"Well I have to say I was hoping you would reconsider a war, but I expected nothing less. I will not hand over my land willingly. What kind of alpha would I be if I didn't attempt to protect my pack? Giving the options you have just presented I can see you have no interest in coming to an agreement. Therefore, I choose the latter. If you declare war so be it," he said firmly.

"Then it is done. I do hope you realize what mistake you have just made. I can assure you this land will be mine." With that I left the office and mind linked my beta to let him know the outcome. I was making my way back to my midnight blue BMW when all of a sudden an intoxicating scent took over my senses making my wolf go crazy.

It smelled like the ocean during a summer breeze with a hint of lemon. The smell was amazing, and intoxicating. I had to know who it belonged to. I ran as fast as my legs could carry which was pretty damn fast. Before long I came face to face with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long blond hair, pale skin, and a perfect body.

She was sitting alone in the backyard of a descent sized house singing to herself in one of most angelic voices I had ever heard. I stood rooted to the spot. I was hypnotized.

She caught my scent and turned around to look at me. My wolf yelled 'mate' inside my head and a smile spread across my lips. Her eyes were the deepest blue I had ever seen. I was lost in them. "What's your name princess?" I said finally managing to speak. "Sapphire."