
rare connection

Life is given for free but happiness comes with a cost that many can't afford to pay. *********** Even with the dark grey clouds that hovered over the vast sky and the dim light provided by the fire torch that was on the verge of being blown off by the wind, he could still see the glimmer in her eyes. The very same glimmer that appeared in those brown eyes everytime she was happy and for some reason, tonight he was unable to resist hir urges to steal a part of her. She was still standing by the door waiting for him to leave but he had not taken more than three steps before he halted and turned. His features were darker in contrast to the white shirt that he wore and the look on his face was a predatory one. Instead of getting scared, she watched him take the three stairs that led to her room's door and he was a few inches away from her, he finally spoke up. "If there is one thing that I hate, it's having regrets and I know that I will regret if I do not do this." A part of her was confused by his words and another part felt like she knew what he meant by those words. Before she even had a chance to contemplate on what he had just said, he leaned closer, curled his index finger on her pointed chin and tilted her in an angle such that she could feel his cold breath on her face that caused a shiver to run down her spine. Like she had been hypnotized, all she could do was to stare in those obsidian eyes that had held her captive. "This is a mistake that I want to commit again and again." His breath fanned on her face and goosebumps formed on her skin. Not because of the wind, but because of the effect he had on her. If it was some time before, she would have probably pushed him away or maybe escaped but as time had passed by, her feelings towards him had changed...

Rityshah · History
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136 Chs

promised bride

"... Princess Lilith, princess."

Being tired from the previous day's activities, princess Lilith woke up late and if it weren't for her maid waking her up, she would have woken up in the midday.

"Princess your bath is ready."

Getting down from the bed, she headed to the bathroom and once she was done with her preparations, she took her breakfast that had been brought to her room and headed to her parents chambers.

"You overslept!" Her mother reprimanded her and being accustomed to her mother restrictive nature, she tried to explain herself. "I was just tired." When her mother was about to give her another earful, her father dived in to get her out of trouble.

"Leave the child alone Aubrey. How was your night dear?" Her father asked. "It was fine. I'm trying to adjust." She stated honestly as she turned to look at her parents trunks that had been packed.

"We will be leaving today lily. We will be here in a month's time to attend your wedding." Her mother stated as they left the room and headed to the drawing room. "Tell us if you need anything before we dispatch."

"Can Mandy be left here with me?"She asked and when she saw a stern look on her father's face, she added, "I don't know anyone here."

"Alright, but she will go back with us after your wedding."

No one talked until they got to the drawing room where king William and his family sat waiting for them.

"It will be our pleasure to have princess Lilith here." King William delightfully stated. "Also it will be a good thing so that they can both get to know each other." King Andrew agreed and after talking for a while, king Andrew and queen Aubrey left.

At the time of the afternoon, princess Lilith stood at the galary while supporting her body with the railings when prince Wilson came to join her. "You already miss them." He hummed. They did not talk much during their engagement ceremony and prince Wilson wanted to create a rapport with her so that things would not be awkward between them.

"Not much. I am used to staying without them." She had grown up away from them since the maids were the ones who did most part in raising her and the only time she could see them was during the times of meals and even at that time, they never got to bond.

"Maybe we should get to know each other more. What do you say?" He wanted her to feel at ease around him and Lilith was happy that the prince was giving her a choice and she agreed to his words whereby they headed to the garden.

Though there was sun that was melting the snow, the chilly weather was still there that brought goosebumps on her skin as they continued to tour around the garden. Some greenery could be seen where snow had melted and flowers were slowly sprouting from the cold ground.

"Why didn't your siblings attend our engagement? ...it's fine if you don't want to talk about it." That was something that he had been curious about since the only family that was with her was her father and mother. "Gabriel's magic manifested itself and Louis had been helping him to tame it. As for my sisters, they could not make it as the occasion was held abruptly." She explained and prince Wilson nodded at her words.

"How is it that you have not married? Most men marry at twenty four." She asked him and after a short silence, he answered.

"Because I was waiting for you. You were my promised bride." His father had long told him that he would marry Revinnia's princess and that he had to wait until she was of age.

With his answer, her lips set themselves into a thin line. She had always tried to get rid of this thought but sometimes she wished that she was born as a boy. Men were free to do anything whereas women were not free to make even a simplest decision. Even though prince Wilson would marry her, he was free to pick another wife if he wanted to.

"We can get back inside if you are feeling cold." Prince Wilson who had seen how she was rubbing her arms while hugging herself stated. "Yes, we should go back." She agreed with him to which the dual walked back into the palace.

Getting back to her chamber she came to stand in front of the large windows of her room where she could see the beautiful view outside. The sun had started to descend in the west while leaving bold orange rays that filtered through the hills that she could see from afar and the beautiful view brought a smile on her face.

For a while, memories of the previous night came flooding in her mind and that small adventure warmed her heart. She had seen how happily the people of low status lived and she had the urge to re- live that moment again. Recalling something, she went to her dressing table and pulled a small drawer that was under the table and picked the beautiful golden bracelet that she was gifted and wore it. At the same time, her maid showed up and saw the princess admiring the bracelet that was on her wrist.

"Wow princess. That bracelet looks so beautiful on you." Mandy complimented. She had never seen princess Lilith wearing bangles or even bracelets and curiously she asked, "Is it a gift?" Having worked for princess Lilith for years, their relationship was more than that of a master and a servant making her free to speak to the princess. "Yes. It is a gift."