
Rapturous Rhapsody

Would you take the Deal? Live your wildest fantasies at the cost of orchestrating the most significant prison break ever conceived? Spanning six worlds, millions of years, and more violence than you can shake a stick at. Everyone wants Freedom. Everyone. So... Sign here. No hard feelings. Just Company Policy. (WC/Soulsborne/Superheroes, shaken not stirred, with a twist of madness) Completed! Occasional Side Stories and omakes will come as I please. Ps: Since this seems to be a sticking point for people, here is the official warning. This fic contains Yuri (F/F) relations. It is not a main focus of this fic (it is marked as a harem after all) but it is present. Some of the women are canonically bisexual and part of the reason I write is to get better at characterization. I hope this helps.

ReadingDangerously · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

SS (A) - Carnal Lessons

Fair warning, this one is pure smut. I wanted to see if I could give up my foreshadowing addiction for at least one chapter.


Oh yeah, t-t-teacher stop that screamin'

Teacher don't you see? Don't wanna be no uptown fool

Maybe I should go to hell but I am doing well

Teacher needs to see me after school

I think of all the education that I've missed

But then my homework was never quite like this

Ow! Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad

I'm hot for teacher

I've got it bad, so bad

I'm hot for teacher


"Are you ready for the last surprise of the night," I asked as I led her deeper into the cliffside rooms under the Mansion. "I promise it's a good one."

"With how smug you are being, I feel like I should say no," Glynda retorted. The smile on her face told a different story, small and content as it was.

And why shouldn't she smile?

With Medea and Tsunade keeping an eye on the Faerie Queen and Swamp Thing and no new crisis on the horizon that I was aware of, I could finally dedicate my time to my Family. A moron thinks seduction ends when you're married, but a true man of culture understands that is where the seduction really begins.

In other words, my ego demanded I show the women I married that I was, hands down, the best thing to ever happen to them.

Having seen every aspect of their lives for over a year, I naturally had insight into what an ideal 'date night' looks like to each of them, and I had gone out of my way to ensure I exceeded their wildest dreams.

Glynda, for all her sexual awakening with Scathach, was a romantic at heart.

Our date had started with a picnic in the foothills of the Alps. From there, we meandered our way through a tiny Swiss town hand in hand, seeing the sights, talking to the people, and enjoying each other's company.

Then I teleported us to Florence to enjoy some history, architecture, and more intellectually stimulating conversations before finishing it all with a candlelit dinner in a small hole-in-the-wall restaurant.

It was simple, intimate, and romantic.

Everything Glynda Goodwitch once wished for in a partner before her summoning to the Island.

Now, as I led her to the final surprise for the evening, I needed to address the woman she had become in a way that showed my acceptance of who she was now.

The content smile on her face turned eager, hungry with lust as I led her down familiar hallways to a familiar door.

"Hardly a surprise," the huntress chuckled throatily, her voice low and husky with desire. "We end up here a lot."

"We do," I agreed with a smirk, turning my smug up to eleven as I opened the door. "But I promised you a surprise, and I intend to deliver."

Glynda's eyes widened as she gulped down her saliva.

My sex dungeon was a thing of beauty.

Despite its crude name, it was a room made with comfort and pleasure in mind. Every inch of wall and floor was enchanted with the same cushioning magic as in the Cuddle Pit to make it warm and comfortable. Various tools, toys, or hooks dotted the walls, ready for use. There was a bed, of course, and other furniture for more... exotic positions.

Diana was strapped to a wooden X by her wrists and ankles in the center of the room, drawing the eye of anyone who would enter.

Wonder Woman was a mess. Drool ran from her spread lips around her gag, and her hair was a mess of sweaty strands. Her thighs were just as slick, glistening in the room's light with proof of her arousal. Ball bearings were clamped to her engorged nipples, and a vibrator, set to its lowest setting, was stuffed inside her cunt, held there by the sinfully tiny thong she wore.

"MMMMMMM!" She screamed into her ball gag, her head lifting to face our direction as we entered. She couldn't see us, the blindfold prevented it, but she knew we were there. Knew we could see her sorry state.

As we watched, her body shuddered in pleasure.

"What is this?" Glynda asked with wide, hungry eyes. Her tongue unconsciously darted out to lick her lips as she watched Diana's small orgasm die.

"Your surprise," I answered smugly. "Her safe word is Eggplant, by the way."

"How..." Glynda swallowed dryly before continuing. "How long has she been here?"

"About an hour before we left," I shrugged.

Any regular person would be in severe pain and dehydrated, but Diana was a tough girl. That and I cheated with Sticky Fingers and magic. I had set everything up so she could only feel pleasure, and only just enough of it to experience the most minor and pitiful of orgasms that served to stoke her lusts higher and higher.

"Mmmmfff," the Amazon moaned pitifully.

Glynda's breathing pace picked up, and her eyes looked at me for the first time since I had opened the door. Her hand raced up, grabbing the back of my head to drag me down into a blazing kiss. The huntress tried to suck my soul out through my mouth for a long moment, pawing and grasping to drag me closer, her hands desperately sliding through my hair in a frenetic hurry.

Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and I was yanked backwards by telekinetic force.

"You..." she panted, jade eyes hazy with lust. "Are about to get soo lucky."

Then she rounded on Diana, The Disciplinarian appearing in her hand as she telekinetically shredded her clothes. Below the tasteful blouse and skirt combo had been a set of lacy purple lingerie. Stocking covered her long legs, held up by a garter belt. Her panties were the same colour, though it was hard to tell with how see-through they had become. The purple bra struggled to contain the absolute majesty that was her magnificent breasts.

Her heels clicked on the hard floor as the blonde sauntered towards her prize, pale ass cheeks wobbling back and forth as Glynda added extra sway to her hips for my enjoyment.

I watched it with pleasure, slowly disrobing to give Glynda time to enjoy her surprise. And to appreciate the view.

I had hatched this little plan for a few reasons.

The first and most apparent was: Threesome? Yes, please.

The second and most important reason was giving Glynda something I usually could not.

Most people into BDSM lean more toward the Dom or Sub route by preference but prefer to experience the other side occasionally. Switches are more common than those who are pure masochists or sadists. Most people would try the other side for variety, curiosity, to give their partners a chance, or to reaffirm their control over the situation.

I wasn't one of those people.

The idea of being bound and submissive to someone else's will killed any erection I could ever get. Which was kind of a problem for Glynda because the only other person she had ever been with was Scathach.

Scathach, the one I literally had to beat into submission after she stabbed me. And that still didn't make her any sort of proper 'sub,' even with literal sex magic.

I knew Glynda had been curious about experimenting with the other women of the Island but had held back. As I said, she was a romantic at heart. A romantic pervert.

And so, I had killed three birds with one ball gag.

This little get-together would be an excellent way for Glynda to try out being on the dominant side, serve as an ice breaker with Diana, the other bisexual BDSM enjoyer, and get me a threesome with two beautiful women.


"I had no idea," Glynda said as she idly toyed with the ball bearing attached to the Amazon's right nipple.


"MMMMMM!" Diana screamed as The Disciplinarian cracked against her breast, sending the titanic tit tumbling. The skin reddened, but the welt disappeared in moments.

"That you were such slut," Glynda continued without breaking tone as she continued to circle Wonder Woman, inspecting her like a piece of prime meat. Her whip trailed along olive skin, a constant reminder to the blindfolded woman of the teacher's presence.

"I would have taught you better. Give you some discipline."


This time, the weapon hit the left breast, sending the metal ball attached to an engorged nipple jingling as the massive mammary bounced and wobbled.

"It's all you naughty little whores need. A firm hand."


Her right ass cheek rippled only once. Diana's tight ass did not have as much give as her breasts.

"A proper teacher."

Crack! Left ass cheek.

"Someone who can turn thirsty sluts into decent human beings."



Ooooh, that was a direct hit on her pubic mound. That had to hurt.

Say what you will about Glynda. She was very good with her weapon.

"But some things cannot be taught, no matter the teacher!"


A red mark appeared along the Amazon's amazing abs before it healed in a second.

"Some students are just!"






"MMMMHHHHHMMMM!" Diana screamed her orgasm into her gag, body shuddering and twitching, hands desperately grasping at the air. Then she sagged in her bonds, exhausted from her release.

"I am going to remove your gag," Glynda whispered huskily in Wonder Woman's ear. "If the first words out of your mouth aren't 'Thank you, Mistress, can I have some more?' It will go right back on, and you will not get any dick tonight." With a flex of telekinetic skill, the gag fell from the Amazonian's mouth to the floor.

"Thank. You... Mistress..." Diana panted, blue eyes hazy and unfocused. "May I have some more?"

"Hmm. No."

Not giving the heroine time to respond, Glynda pressed the handle of The Disciplinarian against the pitiful thong that covered Wonder Woman's pussy. She pushed and pushed, the tip of her whip passing the outer lips as the poor piece of fabric was stretched tighter and tighter, digging deeper into Diana's ass.

"First, I want to know, what was going through your filthy mind while we were gone?" Glynda leaned forward, nibbling on one of the ravenette's earlobes as she toyed with the heroine's cunt. "What were you thinking while you hung here naked? Helpless. A set of holes waiting for the next passerby to take advantage of. What if someone found you? The door was unlocked."

"Someone, mm, someone did," Diana answered, and Glynda paused for a second before resuming her probing with renewed force. "Yoruichi found me. Ah. She just, ah, walked in. Saw, mmh, saw me. Didn't even pause. Mmmmhhhm. Walked right up and stuck her fingers in me. Nnggggnnn. Then she left. Said I wasn't 'ripe' yet."

"Not even the cat in heat wanted you," Glynda gloated, pulling on a nipple clamp painfully. "How did that make you feel?"

"So good," Diana whispered pathetically. "Not worth her time. I came."

"Because you are a desperate, needy slut," Glynda stepped back, admiring how Diana arched her hips forward, desperate for more stimulation.

Until now, I had watched the show, content to let Glynda have her fun while I lamented the lack of gender equality in the world.

With me, Diana had been a powerbottom. Submissive, but not vulnerable or desperate. Only when I tapped into her corruption fetish did I really get going with her. But the first Dommy Mommy that shoes up turns her into a mewling little sex pet? Completely sexism.

Still hot, though.

But voyeurism wasn't my fetish, and I had been quiet too long.

"What are you thinking?" I asked casually as I walked up beside the huntress, grabbing a fistful of bare ass while giving her a chaste peck on the cheek.

"I'm thinking the needy slut has talked enough for now," Glynda smirked, raising her crop and using her semblance.

"Mistress?" Diana asked, eyes still covered by the blindfold. She could still feel the wooden X she was bound to levitate into the air, flip until she was lying face up. The bound woman floated down till she hovered a little below our hip height. "Mis-?" Diana tried to ask but was cut off as Glynda sat on her face.

"I said you've talked too much Slut!" Glynda growled, grinding her mound on the Amazon's face for a few moments before reaching down and pulling her panties to the side. "Now eat!"

"Mmm, mhhm!" I think that was supposed to be 'Yes, ma'am!' but I couldn't be sure.

"Good girl," Glynda reached down to pat the top of the Amazon's head. "Because you are such a good little student, your Master will use you. Not your holes. You still need to earn that. But if he decides he liked your tits enough, maybe he will decide to give you a pity fuck. Only if you do a good job for your Master and Mistress."

"Mmm, mhhm!"

Knowing an invitation when I heard one, I straddled the center of the floating X-cross, practically sitting on the woman's spectacular abbs as I laid out my dick between Wonder Woman's amazing breasts with a quick spell for lubrication.

"Oooh," Glynda shuddered as I grasped the nipple clamps to pull her breasts tight, trapping my dick in a cavern of warm flesh. "The slut liked that. Pull tighter."

I did, using more strength than most would handle as I thrust back and forth, the tip of my dick poking out of the tops of her tits.

"That's it, Slut," Glynda ground against Diana's tongue. "Outside, you might be a bigshot hero, but tonight you are just our plaything. You've already cum enough. If you want more, you will have to prove you deserve it."

I grinned, happy to see the huntress having fun. And I didn't need Sticky Fingers to know Diana was also getting off on it.

Glynda leaned forward, capturing my lips in a hungry kiss once more as we used the world's greatest heroine for our pleasure.

"How am I doing?" The huntress asked in a whisper as she pulled back from the kiss. Her face was flush, but her makeup, glasses, and hair were still in perfect order.

"You are doing great," I smiled at her. My preferred method was more of a ramp-up, but diving into the deep end worked too. "She's loving it."

"Good, ah, I was worried."

"Don't be," I reassured her. "If there is any problem, I will let you know. Or she will when it is her turn."

"Her turn?" Glynda gulped, eyes wide in realization.

"You didn't think the teacher couldn't become a student, too, did you?" I asked smugly.

As I said, most people were Switches to one degree or another.

Diana included.

"You are a terrible, wonderful bastard of a man," the former huntress shook her head with an exasperated smile.

"I know."

"I better make the most of the time I have then," Glynda said, grinding her cunt harder on the bound woman's face as she leaned forward to kiss me.

For a long minute, we were content to passionately as we used Themyscria's princess as a sex tool. I didn't know precisely what Diana was doing with her tongue, but judging by the way Glynda huffed, moaned, and shuddered against me, she clearly had more than enough experience eating pussy to drive the teacher wild.

On the other hand, I had to do all the work myself. Wonder Woman's breasts provided a wonderfully tight pressure on my dick as I thrust back and forth, but it was directly proportional to the strength I was using. And I was using a lot. Her tits were nowhere near the most sensitive of the Family, but Diana had to have felt the superhuman pressure as I abused her breasts, their tan skin flushing red as I pulled, pushed, stretched and used them for my pleasure.

I wasn't tit fucking Wonder Woman.

I was masturbating using her breasts.

And she loved it.

This contrasted our time together, where she liked to be part of the experience, wielding her submission as a weapon to bring me pleasure. Adding a second woman to our dynamic gave Diana a sense of familiarity that allowed her to completely let go in a way she couldn't have with just me alone.

"MMMmmhhhhh!" It didn't take long for Glynda to release her first orgasm of the night with a shuddering cry into my mouth. I grunted, signalling my own impending release, ready to paint Diana's chest white.

Glynda had her own plan.

I felt her semblance try to grab hold of me, and I let it.

Even as she shuddered atop Diana's tongue, Glynda levitated me till my dick was levelled with her breasts. Pulling her bra down, the blonde pressed her massive breasts together to trap my dick in a vice of flesh.

"The, umm, slut hasn't, mmh, earned her Master's seed, ahh, yet," she moaned. In a complete reversal of earlier, I did not move as she swayed her tits up and down along my length. "Now paint me! Cover me in cum!"

With such a reasonable request, how could I say no?

I let go, the first rope of thick ejaculate blasting up all the way to her golden hair, covering the left side of her face, glasses and all, in a long lance of cum. I aimed the second blast for her right side, just for the symmetry of it, but it only reached her glasses.

The third and fourth spurts impacted her chin, covering her collarbone in a textbook definition of a pearl necklace. The rest covered her pale breasts in the glistening liquid, spread around as Glynda continued to pump my dick with her massive breasts, seeking to milk even one more drop from my tip.

"That will do, Slut," Glynda purred as she lowered me to the ground. Righting the X-cross as she stepped off Diana's face, Glynda took a moment to wipe off her glasses, licking her fingers clean after her vision was clear.

"Did I do good, Mistress?" Diana asked, panting for breath, her chin glistening with leftover signs of Glynda's arousal.

"That was adequate."

Damn. If that was she judged a carpet muncher with centuries of experience, I could see why her students thought she was a hardass.

"Thank you, Mistress."

Glynda waived her crop, removing the Amazon's blindfold. Another swipe of her hand levitated a dildo and a string of anal beads from a nearby shelf. Neither was small.

"HHHnnnnggggg!" Diana groaned as they were unceremoniously jammed into her lower orifices as her tiny thong was telekinetically torn to shreds.

A final flex of her semblance freed Diana from the cross but bound her hands behind her back.

"Now clean me up," the teacher ordered as he moved the toys inside the newly freed woman's holes. "Your Master will jam his fat cock in my ass while you do. If I'm clean before he fills my guts, we'll both fuck those sluty holes of yours. If you cum..." Glynda trailed off, leaving the threat unsaid.

"Yes, Mistress!" Not that she needed to. Diana eagerly leaned forward, her tongue lapping at the tall woman's pale breasts as she licked my release from the massive tits.

"Ah, there's a good slut," Glynda sighed, drawing Diana's head tighter to her breasts.

"You ready?" I asked softly as I pressed against her back, kneading her fat ass cheeks. Unlike Diana's, which were bundles of tight muscles, these had an excellent layer of fat that bounced and wobbled in my hand.

"Put it in," she said.

"Hmm. No." I repeated her earlier words to Diana. I was compelled to follow her order, but it was a very specific one, now was it? Her eyes widened as smacked her ass, sending it clapping and rippling as I continued to play with it like dough. "Beg me."

Seeing Glynda Dom Diana was incredibly hot, don't get me wrong, but I was still me. I had followed her direction so far because this was her surprise, but I couldn't have her getting too uppity.

They were both Mine.

"Please?" Glynda asked piteously.

"You can do better," I admonished, though I stuck a finger in her butt as a reward anyway. While I did, I cast a few spells for cleaning and lubrication. Unsurprisingly, it had been Medea who taught me them.

Those Greeks, man.

"Ah," she gasped. "Please, Master, please fuck my virgin ass. I've been waiting for it all day."

"Mistress?" Diana licked up Glynda's neck as she spoke her question.

"Really?" I asked conversationally as I stuck a second finger in her sphincter, my left hand grabbing the back of the Amazon's head and pressing it back into the huntress's heaving bosom. Diana got the message and resumed licking. "Why don't you tell our little slut all about it."

"It was, nnng, so romantic. You went through all that, hah, effort. Everything, mmnn, I, ah, ever wanted. NNNNGgggg. And all I could think about was, hah, how much I wanted you to fuck my ass! Haaa haaa. My last hole. I was such a thirsty bitch! I wanted you to throw me over the table and claim me in front of everyone there. So please, Master, please fuck my poor, empty ass. Take the last unspoiled part of me for yourself!"

"That was adequate," I grinned as I withdrew my fingers, grabbed her hips, pulled her cheeks apart and pressed myself into her defenceless ass.

Lacking the prostate gland, most women do not find the actual act of anal sex enjoyable. The ass lacks the nerves of the vagina, the self-lubrication that prevents damage, or the muscular control that kegel muscles can provide.

So why do some women really like anal? Simple.

"You're such a nasty bitch," I snarled, teeth-gritting from the tightness of her sphincter as I pressed forward. "You've wanted this for years, haven't you?"

Because it is a perverse act.

"I have," Glynda admitted with a squeak as I fully bottomed (ha) out in her. Her wonderfully plush cheeks pressed against my pelvis.

A fetish that serves no purpose but sexual gratification.

"How often have you imagined someone bending you over your teacher's desk and taking your ass? Is it your students? Or do they just get to watch their bitch of a professor get sodomized?" I withdrew slowly, hands on her hips, holding her fast as Diana licked her face free of cum.

"NO!" She denied it vehemently, but I felt her muscles contract at the thought.

Wham! I slammed forward, her ass and tits jiggling with the force of the blow.

A taboo.

"Maybe your colleagues? You always complained they were a pain in your ass. I'm sure they wanted to fuck the bitch out of you!" I withdrew slowly once more, teasing her with deliberation.

"As if!"

Wham! I slammed forward again.

Something so wrong that it felt so right.

"Then who? Who did that dirty mind think of while you masturbated yourself stupid?" Though her hips tried to push back, to keep me inside her tight asshole, I was strong enough to keep her in place.

"No one!" Wham! "Urk. There was no one! No one man enough to do to me what you do!" Wham! "No one to." Wham! "Fuck." Wham! "My." Wham! "Ass!"

With my fragile male ego appropriately soothed (though I knew it had more to do with the absolute shitshow that was Remanant than any trait of mine), I really cut loose.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

"aaaaeeeEEEEIIII!" Glynda's low moan rose in volume and octave as I fucked her ass harder and harder. Most of the cum had already been cleaned from her, so Diana just latched onto a bouncing nipple, riding out Glynda's orgasm as best she could.

I had other plans.

"You were respectable once upon a time," I growled in her ear. "Now look at you. You have a cock up your ass while a pet slut eats cum off you. If any of your former friends saw you, would they recognize you? They wouldn't. All they'd see is a horny sow. A lowly, filthy, disgusting, horny bitch!"


Wham! Wham! Wham!

I kept pounding as Diana squirted over the toys, still moving in and out of her.

My words, directed at Glynda, were targeted directly at the Amazon's corruption fetish.

She had failed the huntress' little test.

I grinned as I came in Glynda's tight ass, pressing as deeply as possible. Now she had an excuse to punish the heroine.

"Uuuuhhh," Glynda moaned pitifully, slumped against me as she shuddered.

As soon as she was conscious, that is.

Due to my impending travels, this is a shorter update (the size of my early chapters is now 'short,' FML)

Next week I'll be releasing a few omakes then I'll be gone until June 2nd.

I'll see you all then. 

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