
Ranking System

[Target Of Misfortune: Rank SSS (Level: 1)] This skill changed my life. I, a poor nobody despised by others, had gained this opportunity. Using my skill of mine, I will rise to the top. And no one will stop me. https://discord.gg/wxxXFfDb7B

BrighterThanBlue · Fantasy
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299 Chs

Leviathan (Part III)

[Eric POV]

Everything was now in my grasp. I hurriedly left the store, hoping no one had noticed anything. I didn't have anything to deal with those corpses, but hiding them should give me more time.

In one heist, I felt my power triple in minutes. This growth of power was painful, absurdly so. But the payout was high. If I couldn't handle the pain, I would faint, which would have been my end.

This thrill... It was something I had never felt before. Don't get me wrong. I don't enjoy the pain I feel when powering up, but the adrenaline of overpowering my enemies was like a drug I couldn't resist. Now that I have powered up, it's time to go to a wealthier-ranking store.

"How are you feeling after gaining this much power?"

My heart jumped into a fright once Charles snuck up behind me. I had forgotten for a quick second that he was observing me.

"Do you have a brain problem? This is the third time you haven't answered my question when I asked."