
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 52: Situation in the Ninja World.

"So System, do you have any idea on how am I going to get out of this world?"

[Host, system suggest for you to explore out, and find out the solution.]

"I don't think I have that much of a luxury time." Zokuto was in a rush to go back to the ninja world. "Do you really have no solution?"

[Calculating more option...]

[System initiating search...]

[Found solution: Host is advised to collect some Blue Pearl.]

"Collecting Blue Pearl? What is that? What does it have to do with getting out of this place?" Zokuto stared at the announcement with a sceptical look.

[Host, Blue Pearl is a blue stone that fluctuate with space energy. This Glass World produce such stone. If host found any of these stone, you can refine it into your body. After refining it, host will have the ability to open up space. With that, host may open a space to get out of this place.]

Hearing that, Zokuto was delighted, and hurriedly asked, "I see. So, how should I find this stone?"

[Host, system already gave a way. You need to do the finding on your own.] the System replied in a cold tone, as if it got annoyed with Zokuto.

Zokuto was speechless. 'Never mind, let's just go around and search for that stone'. He then started his search for blue stone.

The system on the other hand appeared up in the sky as a golden light that shone brightly. It then transformed into a golden screen.

[Mini Ranking List - Collecting Blue Pearl.

Detail: Everyone who have collected Blue Pearl is eligible to be listed in the rank, and will receive some rewards according to their rank. Time limit for collection - 23H: 59M: 60S...



Zokuto smiled when he saw the golden screen appear once again. It looks like the system still have some conscience. This is a motivation to him to find the Blue Pearl.


Back in the ninja world.

"Have you found them?" Zamashiki asked his followers.

"Only their traces." Jibu replied as he touched the ground.

"Those people is like a rats. They just scattered around and fled away." Eraya was annoyed. They has been searching for those people of Konoha.

A few hours ago, the Otsutsuki showed their might in the fight against Konoha. Even the mighty First and Second Hokage was unable to fight against them.

After fighting around for a while, Eraya used his orange spear to destroy Konoha. Turning the spear into a gargantuan size, she stabbed it towards Konoha, causing it to be buried underground.

The only people who managed to survive were those kages, and everyone who practice speed type jutsu. Other than them, everyone else were killed under the spear attack.

All the kages showed bloodshot eyes. Sandaime turned furious and tried to attack with all his might. The result, he got slaughtered in no more than a few seconds.

Seeing this, the rest who managed to survive opted to escape. Thus, resulting in the situation where the Konoha escape while being searched by those Otsutsukis.

"Let's regroup first. After that, we will send a search unit to this world to find them." Zamashiki didn't want to waste his time searching. After telling Ginju and Kashu to look for Naruto and Neji, he commanded the others to go to Konoha.

Right at this time, a golden light appeared in the sky, and the same announcement as in the Glass World appeared here.

"Collect Blue Pearl?" Zamashiki got curious when he saw the golden screen. He used some kind of ability to absorb the golden light. However, it didn't move. The golden light has no physical appearance, and no substance to be absorbed.

Seeing that those screen was undisturbed, Zamashiki was surprised. He looked at the other Otsutsuki and asked, "Do you guys knows what is this Blue Pearl?"

"No clue." Eraya just shook her head.

"That thing appeared here in this world. There must be some Blue Pearl here." Kanshiki thought for a moment and said his opinion.

"Should we go search for it?" Gorok was a bit curious about the rewards mentioned by the golden screen.

"Search, huh." Zamashiki thought for a bit, before making his mind. "Let's try to search for it. We got one day time for that. Let's go."

After that, Zamashiki and the other dispersed to find the Blue Pearl. Jibu was the last one to left the place. If someone checked his body, two blue stones can be seen embedded on his shoulders. It was well hidden under his Otsutsuki robe.


At Mount Myoboku.

Yondaime appeared together with those Konoha people who managed to survive.

"Huh!? Minato, why are you here...what the f@#k!? Why did you bring all the kages here?"

Upon seeing the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya showed some happiness on his face. however, he was shocked when all the villages' kages also appeared after Minato.

"Sensei. It's fortunate that you didn't attend Zokuto's wedding." Minato replied. Right now, he have a heavy expression. He said, "Otsutsuki came, and destroyed Konoha."

"WHAT!?" Jiraiya's face paled. He hurriedly glanced at the other people and saw the gloominess in their faces. "How did this happen?"

Minato briefed Jiraiya on what happened in Konoha. After listening to him. Jiraiya also showed some anger on his face.

"Those people, why would they come right now?" Jiraiya was confused as to what purpose were those Otsutsuki to come suddenly.

"It could be related to Zokuto's bride named Yua, Otsutsuki Yua." Onoki said, as he wanted to place a blame on someone. His people who followed him to Konoha were annihilated. His anger causing him to point out a suspect.

"It's not that simple." Hashirama didn't agree with Onoki. "Although Zokuto's wife is an Otsutsuki, it doesn't seems like those people were just searching for her."

"Why do you say that, First Hokage?" Onoki looked at the First Hokage and frowned.

"I suspect that their main goal is the Jyuubi, which is also known as the Shinju Tree." At this moment, Hagoromo appeared out of nowhere.

"Ah!! Ghost!!" Natsu who just walked towards the group was frightened when he suddenly saw Hagoromo come out of thin air.

"Calm down kid. It's just brother Hagoromo."

"Gyah!! Another ghost!!"

Natsu jumped away when Hamura showed up on his back.

"Sage of Six Path!"

Jiraiya looked at the two sages with respect.

"My condolences for your lost, my descendant." Hagoromo expressed his sympathy. In those fight, he already saw those Otsutsukis killing the shinobi.

"Sage-sama, those guys seems to be related to you. Will you fight them to avenge our losses?" Tsunade looked at Hagoromo, hoping for him to help them.

Hagoromo shook his head. "I wish I could. However, I'm only a soul without any power. I won't be able to help you. The one who can really help you is Deity-san."

Hashirama curiously asked, "Deity-san? You mean Zokuto?"

"By the way, where is Zokuto?"

At this time, everyone looked around to find Zokuto. A moment later, they found out that he was not with them. Other than that, they didn't see the brides.

"Kushina! Where is she?" Minato paled when he didn't see his wife.

"I'm sorry Yondaime." Hashirama looked at the Yondaime with some sympathy. "I saw Kushina, together with all the brides got swallowed by a dark void. After that, Zokuto also got swallowed by the same void."

Everyone's face changed when they heard the First Hokage.

"It's true that Deity-san entered that void." Hagoromo calmly agreed to Hashirama. "However, Deity-san entered willingly. He should be trying to rescue those girls. He must have his own way to escape those void."

Hearing the ancestors, everyone sighed in relief.

"As long as he survived. I needed him to resurrect my people." Onoki also sighed. Although he was angry that his people got killed, he still has some hope to resurrect them if Zokuto is alive.

The other kages also shared the same thought as Onoki.

Right at this time, the golden screen appeared at the sky above Mount Myoboku.

"Ah! The golden screen come out again."

"That's good. With that we could get something good that can be used to fight against those Otsutsukis. As long as we got in the rank, we might get some power-up."

The kages commented excitedly when they saw the screen.

"But it said 'Mini Rank List'. That is not the yearly event. Also, collecting Blue Pearl? What is that?"

Instantly, everyone looked back at the Otsutsuki brothers.

"I don't know." Hamura admitted readily, before looking at Hagoromo. Hagoromo's eyebrows twitched for an instant when he saw his brother look at him. It was as if dumping all the responsibility for explanation to him.

Hagoromo then tried his best to explain, "Blue Pearl...It should be a stone with blue color."

Everyone then checked their belongings. However, no one have these blue stone.

"It looks like we don't have any luck for this Blue Pearl."

"What if we try and search for it?"

Someone suddenly made the suggestion. To that, everyone nodded in agreement. They then explored the area on Mount Myoboku to search for that blue stone.

Far from Mount Myoboku, a group of youngsters were running swiftly. These youngsters is on their way toward Tonika Village.

At this time, Naruto stopped running. He looked back and said, "Did we manage to outrun those Otsutsuki?"

"Naruto, don't stop! Those guys is too powerful. You also have seen how fast they are when we fought them." At the front, Neji stopped for a moment to call for Naruto.

Naruto thought for a bit and nodded. When he and Neji fought Ginju and Kashu, he found out that those two can move very fast. While Ginju has his own movement speed, Kashu on the other hand, can copy their movement speed for a certain amount of time. It was really wierd, but at the same time very unique.

"Naruto-kun, we need to hurry." Hinata on the side urged Naruto, worried that those Otsutsukis will show up suddenly. Naruto complied. The group then continued to run away in a flash.

All the youngsters who are related to Zokuto were keeping a Raijin Kunai with them. This Raijin Kunai is a special one. When it was activated, it will send them miles away from their current location. Therefore, they managed to run away from the Konoha's destruction. after that, they regrouped, and decided to go to Tonika Village.

A few minutes after the group of youngsters left, two sillhouette appeared at the place where Naruto stopped.

Ginju looked at the Gi-um on his hand and said, "The Gi-um is reacting. The two kids with Yamashiki's and Yomoshiki's karma are running in that direction."

Kashu also looked at the Gi-um. The needle on the screen of the Gi-um pointed precisely the direction of the Tonika Village.

"Let's go."

The two then flashed away at the pointed direction.


23 hours later, in Glass World.

"Will this be enough for me to get out of this place?" Zokuto asked the System while swiping away the sweat from his forehead. In front of him, a small mountain of blue stones was constructed.

[Host, you need to refine it first to find out whether it's enough or not.]

"Oh, ok. Then, did I get in the ranking list?"

The System didn't reply. So, it didn't want to tell him the result of the ranking list before the time limit is up.

"Whatever." Zokuto shook his head. He then looked around. "By the way, where did those guys gone off to?"


Suddenly, a girl run in a hurry and throw herself to Zokuto. Zokuto hurriedly evaded to the side. The girl then fall, with her face on the ground.

"Saya, what the heck are you up to?" Zokuto looked down in annoyance.

"Zokuto-kun. Why did you avoid me? Am I not that attractive?" Saya wiped her fake tears as she looked wrongly at Zokuto.

"Mama, you look really lame acting like that." At this time, Chiro approached Zokuto. "Papa, I got some Blue Pearls."

Chiro took out a plastic bag. It was full with a blue stone.

"Oh, you got a lot of Blue Pearl. You did well Chiro." Zokuto patted Chiro on his head, causing the little Bijuu to felt happy.

Seeing that, Saya got jealous. She also took out her plastic bag. "Look Zokuto-kun. I also got some blue stone."

Saya showed the blue stone inside the bag. She also tilted her head a bit, as if telling Zokuto to pat her head.

Zokuto and Chiro sweated when they saw her behave like that. Zokuto sighed. He patted her on her head and said, "You also did well, Saya."

Saya was delighted when she got what she wanted.

Looking at the happy Saya, Zokuto's cannot help but feel happy too. These guys came out of his body when he started to search for the Blue Pearl. Although their body was made out of chakra energy, they did not disperse in the non-chakra surrounding. They then helped him to search for those Blue Pearl.

A few minutes passed, and the other Bijuu also come back to meet up with Zokuto.

[Time limit: 00H: 00M: 00S]

- The Mini Ranking list for Blue Pearl collection will be now announced.