
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

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56 Chs

Chapter 50: Otsutsuki Attack on Konoha (Part II)

Right at this time, Zamashiki who was looking down from the platform on the sky frowned when his vision turned white. He rised both of his hands up to the level of his head. After that, he hold out two fingers on both hand and simultaneously touched his forehead, above his eyebrows. Some chakra circulated through his fingers, and entered into the third eye on his forehead. Before long, the eyelids of the third eye opened, and the third eye wriggled out of it's socket.

" Grand Ocular Jutsu: Dojutsu Prohibition!"

In the next instant, the third eye flew out from Zamashiki's forehead and started floating up on the sky. From the eye, a red light comes out and glowed brightly like a sun. Under the illumination of the red light, Kimimaro's Mangekyou ability was being negated, and the sky above Konoha changed. The whiteness disappeared.

Everyone's vision returned back to them, and the could see the surrounding once more. However, what they could see right now are the overlapped light from the sun and the light from the Otsutsuki's third eye. It was as if the village was painted with blood.


Kimimaro hurriedly activated his other dojutsu eye ability. However, his eyes ability seems to not work.

Zamashiki looked at Kimimaro with contempt, and mocked, "It's futile. Under my Rinne-Sharingan eye illumination, all dojutsu abilities are ineffective."

Hearing this, all dojutsu users in the village got shocked. Such prohibition-like ability is the biggest threat to their dojutsu ability. This is especially true for those Uchiha and Hyuuga dojutsu users.

"For a moment there, I almost thought I lost my eyesight. That a scary experience." Ginju wiped the sweat on his forehead. He almost got traumatized by that white sight. He angrily looked towards the perpetrator, who used the dojutsu ability to create that white effect. "Kid you almost traumatized me just a moment ago. It would be inappropriate if I don't return the favor to you."

Ginju then changed his direction from going towards Naruto, to charging to Kimimaro's direction. As for Kashu, he was still heading for Naruto and Neji.



Suddenly, Ginju heard a loud sound. In that moment, he saw his partner, Kashu got blasted away towards the outside of Konoha Village. Before he could make out of what just happen, he felt something hitting him on his waist. That hit exploded upon impact, and it instantly send him away like a shooting star, high into the sky. Same as Kashu, he was also sent flying towards the outside area of the village.

"That's what you get for daring to underestimate us." Naruto smirked towards the flying away Otsutsuki, while stepping lightly on the ground.

Neji who sent Kashu flying just now, passed by Naruto and reminded him, "Hey, don't stop there. Those guy are tough. We need to finish them, or at least prevent them of creating havoc in this village."

"I know, I know."

Both of them then chased out in the direction where Kashu and Ginju got blasted. Currently, they are in their cloaked Bijuu form. Seeing those two kids already handling two Otsutsuki fighters, the kages were stunned.

"Guys, we need to help those two." Minato stated his concern as he was worried about Naruto and Neji.

"That only possible if we could beat these two first. Otherwise, this village will be in trouble." as Hashirama said that, he looked at the approaching Kanshiki and Gorok. The two Otsutsuki showed a dangerous aura, and everyone could see that they are very dangerous. If the kages wanted to lend a hand to those two kids, they needed to overcome these two first.

Minato could see that too. Therefore, he made a suggestion, "How about we split our kages group into two? One part to confront these two, and the other group to help Naruto and Neji."

"Fourth Hokage, you sure are worried about your kid." Raikage showed a rare smile when he saw Minato showed a worried expression and concern for Naruto.

On the other hand, Tobirama looked at the two Otsutsuki, who are already standing before them. He said, "All of you can go help those two kids. I and Hashirama will handle this two Otsutsuki."

Although his tone was arrogant, it was a fact that if the two full power were to be combined, it is enough to rival or overwhelm the total strength of the other kages.

"Then, we will be going towards the kids then." Sarutobi agreed.

All the kages except the First and Second Hokage then teleported towards Naruto and Neji with the help of Minato's hiraishin.

Seeing those people teleporting away, Gorok assumed that those guys got frightened. He coldly sneered, "Running away? It seems like your friends are all cowards."

"Well, they should just stay as cowards. Fighting against us will only spell doom for them." Kanshiki on the side did not really care. He even looked down at those people of Konoha.

"You two sure are arrogant." Tobirama could tell that these Otsutsukis are looking down towards them.

"It's not about being arrogant. It's a fact!"

"Let's not bicker with these lowlife. Let's just dispose off them." Kanshiki was not fond of wasting time. He performed a short hand seal and hold out his right hand to the sky, before waving down.

"Meteor Summon: Meteor Descend!"

In that instant, a large crack appeared on the sky above the Konoha. Meteorites then emerged from that hole and rained down toward Konoha with a great momentum.

While those meteorites we're falling, it did not fall on the area where those Otsutsukis were staying. Kanshiki deliberately avoided them from getting attacked by those meteorites.

"These Otsutsukis really is troublesome." Zokuto felt some headaches as he looked at the Otsutsukis' ability. Just one of them is already capable of pulling out meteorites from the outside world towards Konoha. What will happen if everyone of them did the same thing? Are they going to pull the sun to descend on the ninja world?

Just the thought of it is already enough to frighten him. Zokuto decided to just stop these guys. However, someone else beaten him in action.

"Summoning Technique: Dome Rashomon!"

A dark and half spherical shield suddenly appeared above Konoha, right before those meteorites crushed on it. The shield stayed there and didn't break even after all the meteorites hit on it.

Kanshiki who was also inside the Village frowned when he saw those dome like shield. Looking ahead, he saw Hashirama's right hand was rised, telling that he was the one who activated the shield. Kanshiki waited for awhile, but the meteorites doesn't seems to be able to penetrate those dark shield. It's only help on darkening the area below the dome.

"Tsk. You ant seems to have some worthy skills." Kanshiki snorted. He then cancelled those falling meteorites as it cost him to much energy. Looking at Hashirama, he sneered, "Even though you already prevented those falling meteorites, I don't believe that you could maintain those shield. I can see that it cost you so much energy to maintain those shield of yours."

Kanshiki was correct when he said that. Summoning this large size of Rashomon shield exhausted a big chunk of Hashirama's chakra. Moreover, he needed to constantly supply a certain amount of chakra just to maintain those big shield.

When Hashirama saw that the enemy already stopped sending meteorites, he made another set of hand seal.

"Reverse Dome Rashomon!"

The Dome Rashomon then got reverse summoned into the world of Rashomon, together with those meteorites. The dim sky of Konoha returned back to the way it was before, and the villagers once again saw the bright sky.

Right after Hashirama retracted the Rashomon shield, a kick was upon his head. Gorok has taken the right time to teleport near the First Hokage, and launched his attack.

At almost the same time, Tobirama appeared near to Hashirama. He slashed his sword to the approaching kick.


Gorok snorted when he saw the Second Hokage is trying to cut his right leg. However, he didn't try to pull back his leg, He instead added more power to the kick, which increased the attack speed.

"100% Metalization: Iron Kick!"

Ting!! Boom!!

The sword slash didn't manage to cut the leg. Instead, the kick crushed the swords, and Tobirama was sent hitting his brother, and the two of them were instantly launched away from where they stood, to the distance, crushing several trees in between.

Hashirama hurriedly controlled some three to grow and cushioned their back from hitting some protruding stone at the far back. A second later, the two of them landed on the ground. The moment they stood their ground, Gorok is already upon them, smashing his fist at the two. Even before the approaching fist hit them, it already turned into a large black metallic fist.

"100% Metalization: Giant Punch!"

Seeing the incoming attack, the Senju brothers hurriedly evaded. Hashirama used his wood clon to exchange himself, while Tobirama just teleported away using the Raijin Thunder God technique. The moment they got away, the Giant Punch landed, and crushed Hashirama's clone. Following that, the ground shook, before it cracked into a deep crevice.

"Ceh! Is this the best the two of you can do? Running around like a rat?" Gorok showed some disdain towards the two. He felt irritated for not being able to land more hit as they avoided his brute attack.

Hashirama, looked at Gorok warily. Just now, that guy used some kind of jutsu to turn his body into some kind of metal, which enabled him to attack them with his hardened body. Moreover, he could make his own limb to grow big as if it was an easy thing to be done.

"We need to figure out their weakness. Otherwise, we won't be able to land any injury, not to say defeating them." Hashirama said.

Tobirama pondered for a moment before pointing at Gorok, and talking to Hashirama, "Brother, I'll try to figure out this one's ability. I will left the other guy to you."

"Alright. However, we cannot prolong the fight too much. There are still other Otsutsuki over there." Hashirama readily agreed to the suggestion. The two of them then simultaneously charged towards their respective opponent.

While the fight over the first two Hokage was heating up, another fight is also taking place not so far away from them. Otsutsuki Jibu and Otsutsuki Eraya are facing against Yua, who were backed by the other three brides, and Zokuto's mother, Uzumaki Kushina.

"Yua, you better surrender yourself. You will not be able to win this fight. Even with all of these helpers, it's not enough to stand against us from the main family. Not to mention, Zamashiki is here to lead us." Jibu looked at Otsutsuki Yua with some emotion, while trying to remind her. He added, "If you surrender, at least I could vouch for you. I am willing to take you as my wife."

Everyone near Yua was stunned when they heard him. It's as if the guy just confessed his healing to her openly. Terumi Mei and the other two looked at Otsutsuki Jibu, and then glanced at Otsutsuki Yua strangely. On the other hand, Yua cannot help but feel surprised towards Jibu. She didn't expect the guy to still have some feeling to her.

"Jibu...I already am a married Otsutsuki." Yua explicitly told her rejection. She knew that Jibu did try suggesting for himself to be the one to accompany her on the mission to planet Maru. She also sometimes saw him looking at her, which she thought to be a coincidence. She haven't the slightest thought that he would has some feeling for her, as it was rare for a member of the main family to marry someone from the branch family. As it happen like this, it really surprised her.

"I know. You can just declare that you will cancel you vow to be his wife. Then, we can then get married." Jibu didn't show any disappointment. Instead, he made the suggestion. "Moreover, I can see that he already got more than one wife."

"Hei! Don't try to steal my daughter-in-law." Kushina frowned when she heard the guy. How dare he suggest to break the marriage. She looked at Yua and said, "Don't listen to him. Remember how deep your feeling towards my son."

"That's right Yua. He is an enemy. What he said might not be the truth." Mabui also talked some sense to her.

Jibu didn't get angry with Mabui. He said, "Yua, I really want to take you as my wife. You have seen me caring for you several times. You also knew that I tried to be the one to accompany you to do mission on planet Maru."

"Hei Jibu. Stop that." Eraya on the side felt annoyed when she saw this cringy situation. She said, "She is a branch Otsutsuki. It's not good to take her."

"But Eraya, I really want her..."

"Argh! Jibu you idiot! She is not the best choice." Eraya glared at Jibu. "There are many beautiful and better choice among the Otsutsuki girl from the main family."

"I don't fancy them." Jibu didn't really think much and just replied.



"Even if one of them is me?"

"Huh!?" Right at this moment, Jibu showed a shocked expression. For a moment, he couldn't react to what he just heard. He looked at Eraya incredulously, and weakly said, "...Eraya, this..."

The other girls were also got shocked. This situation...seems weird. At the same time, Eraya pursed her mouth, and looked at the side, while a red tint surfaced on her face.