
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 44: Sage Resurreccion!

'System, I think that resurrecting someone using Edo Tensei, then using my mangekyou ability to steal soul, then using the Six Path Yang Power are too much of a process. Can you combine all of this jutsu?'

[Host, right now, your right eye is blind. Therefore, you will not be able to use the 'steal' ability of your Mangekyou. Thus, you are unable to combine those skill].


Zokuto facepalmed. He have forgotten that his right eye is already blind.

'System, is there anyway I can regain my right eye ability?'

[Host need to transplant a new sharingan eye, and it must be at the same level as your Mangekyou eye.]

'Then, I just need to gouge my eye and use the Six Path Yang Power to regain that.' thought Zokuto.

[It won't work on your own self. If it does, then you will get unlimited supply of Rinnegan eyes.]

'Does it mean that it will work on others?' said Zokuto with a sparkling eyes.

[...I will remind you host, there is a thing called retribution in this world.]

'Nonono. I'm not thinking of torturing anyone.' said Zokuto, sweat dropping. 'I'm just thinking of using Shisui right eye. If the yang power still work on him, then I no longer need to return his eye.' explained Zokuto.

Zokuto then gouged out his right blind eye and kept it in a seal. After that, he took out a paper seal and opened it. Inside it was the right Mangekyou eye of Shisui that he took away from Danzo. He then planted it in his now empty eye socket.

Konan who saw this was a bit surprised that Zokuto have another spare eye with him. 'Did he stole someone else's eye?'

After planting the eye, Zokuto then checked the eye ability. He found out that the Shisui's and his right eye ability are available to be used again. However, his Rinnegan eye ability is not in it. 'Is it because I only transplanted a Mangekyou eye?'

'System, I got the Mangekyou ability again. Tell me, can you combine it with the Edo Tensei and Six Path Yang Power to make a simple resurrection jutsu?'

[The probability of combining is exist. However, the cost of this is host will no longer be able to use those individual technique.]

'What do you mean?'

[Host will never be able to use Edo Tensei, Six Path Yang Power, and the 'Steal' skill of your mangekyou eye. Even if host relearn it, the result would be the same. It is as if those skill is not exist for the host anymore.]

Hearing that, Zokuto then pondered for a bit, but still chose to combine those skill.

[Initializing the combining process...]

[Count-down time to combine all the skill to create a resurrection skill: 14D:23H:59M:59S.]

Zokuto saw the count-down time and sighed.

"What happen Zokuto? Are you unable to resurrect them?" asked Konan while frowning when she saw that Zokuto have been looking at her two dead friends (at least what was shown in her view) but only to seems unable to do anything.

"It's not like that. It's just that I already used my dojutsu ability to resurrect my parent. It still need 15 more days to cool down before I can use it again." explained Zokuto, lying to Konan.

"I see." Konan nodded, but still frowned, a bit doubting Zokuto's words. "Can I really trust your words?"

"Well, you can doubt it. However, you can check it by coming to Konoha. My father is the Yondaime Hokage, and my mother is Uzumaki Kushina. You will find that they just got resurrected not long ago."

Konan was surprised when she heard that. "Then, I will wait until your ability is ready again."

"Alright. Then, see you again in 15 days." said Zokuto, saying his goodbye. He then teleported away from that place.


A few days later, the meeting of all Kage once again happen in the land of Iron. This time around, there are six Kage present.

"New guy, what are you doing dressed as a Kage? Which village are you going to represent?" asked Onoki.

"New guy? Sigh. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Uzumaki Zokuto. You can also call me Kyokage, Shodaime Kyokage. I'm representing a village called Tonika Village in the land of Fire. Don't worry, I already got the approval from the Daimyo of Fire Country to become the first Kage for that village." Replied Zokuto.

"Uzumaki Zokuto? So that's why you look familiar." Onoki "Why do you henge yourself in an adult version?"

"I did not henge myself. I activated a certain powerful jutsu, and as a backlash, I aged more than ten years. Right now, I'm 25 years old."

All the Kage looked curiously at Zokuto. They were thinking of what kind of jutsu that so powerful, that can make someone aged fast.

"Hello Shodaime Kyokage." greeted Mei with a blooming smile. She was mesmerized when she saw the new Zokuto. He looked so handsome in her eyes.

"I assume that all this time when you become a missing-nin of Konoha, you have been staying in this Tonika Village, right?" said A, the Raikage.

"You are right. By the way, I did not become a missing-nin of Konoha. I was only having a long term away training from Konoha." corrected Zokuto.

"Whatever. You being a new village Kage doesn't really surprise me. I'm more curious about this new Hokage." said Raikage, glancing at the Hokage, who is wearing an anbu-like mask.

"We meet again everyone. Hello new Mizukage." greeted Minato, while taking his mask off.

"Konoha's Yellow Flash!"

All the Kage were stunned when they saw Minato.

"Didn't you die seven years ago?" asked Rasa in shock.

"I thought the same. Did the Konoha hid the fact that you are still alive, and let the world think that you are already dead for years?" Onoki.

"I did die during the Kyuubi's attack years ago. I only got resurrected recently." replied Minato.

"What!? There is such a technique that can really resurrect someone from death?"

All the Kages once again got surprised. If this is true, then Konoha is really lucky for having such a technique. In the future, Konoha might become too powerful for the other village to contend with.

"Is this the so called Edo Tensei?" asked Terumi Mei.

"No. If it the Edo Tensei, you will be able to identify it. Someone that was resurrected using Edo Tensei has a dark eyes' sclera. Their body also has no blood as they were only formed from a paper seals." explained Minato.

"Who used that jutsu? What is the name of this jutsu?" asked Raikage. He seems very interested to know the resurrection jutsu. The other Kages are also listening eagerly.

"That person is my son. I heard him call this resurrection technique as Sage Resurreccion." replied Minato vaguely. " By the way, he also resurrected them, my predecessors." added Minato, pointing at his three anbu bodyguard.

"Hello everyone. You might have seen or heard of us before. I'm Senju Hashirama, the Shodaime Hokage. This is my brother Senju Tobirama, the Nidaime Hokage, and that is Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage." Hashirama took off his anbu mask and introduced himself and the other two. Hiruzen also opened his mask, while Tobirama tsked but also took off his mask.

"WHAT!??? All Hokages are alive? Furthermore, all of you looked to be in your prime years?"

The scene of all Hokage showing themselves alive in here caused a great shock and fright to all the other Kages present. This line up is too much for them to fathom. The combined power of these Hokages are more than the combined power of the Kages of the other villages. The most frightening thing is that all the Hokages looked younger, most likely at their prime years.

"How could this be?" Onoki was shaken. The moment Hashirama took of his mask, his overwhelming chakra energy leaked out, and this familiar chakra energy frighten Onoki greatly. This caused him to be wary of these Hokages. The other Kages also frowned and become vigilant of these Kages from Konoha.

"Please be at ease everyone. I and these two come here only as Yondaime Hokage's bodyguard." said Hashirama, trying to ease the situation.

After the other Kages heard him, they got somewhat relieved.

"Yondaime Hokage, can you tell us who is this son of yours? He must be someone very powerful if he could resurrect powerful people like you guys." said Raikage.

"Uh...you guys didn't know?" asked Minato in surprise.

"What should we know?"

"They did not know." said Hiruzen. He added, "I hid the identity of your son."

"So, that is the case." said Minato. "Then, err...he is that son of mine." revealed Minato, pointing at Zokuto.

"HIM??? He is your SON??"

This is another shocking revelation for these Kages. This twist of story is too incredible for them to believe.

"Zokuto, no. Shodaime Kyokage, is this true?" asked Rasa.

"You heard my dad. Let me clear things up. Recently, I learned this Sage Resurreccion skill after becoming the Sage of Six Path. So, I did resurrect these Konoha Hokages, including my parent." explained Zokuto.

"No wonder. In that case, it is entirely possible for them to get resurrected." agreed Rasa. The other Kages can only nod their head in agreement.

"Still, this is too great of a shock to me. I hope that your Konoha village will not take this chance to annex us from the other villages." said Mei Terumi. Hearing this, Raikage, Tsuchikage, and Kazekage flinched.

"Don't worry about that. I already discussed this with my predessors, and we agreed to maintain peace. This is also the reason we came here. We want to continue the coalition army of all villages." replied Minato. "Ah! I forget to mention. Other than being a Shodaime Kyokage of Tonika Village, my son is also the Godaime Hokage of Konoha."