
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 42: Resign

Minato then looked around. All he could see was a closed room without any windows and only have some lamp in it. At this moment, he also saw a young man releasing a soul from a seal. That soul is Kushina. Minato almost want to shout, but held his tongue after seeing that that young man used some kind of ninjutsu to restore Kushina's soul. After sometimes, Kushina awakened like Minato.

(A/N: ehem! Just skip the part of regenerating a body. It is forbidden for kid to see their parent naked!)

"Where am I?" wondered Kushina.

"Oh, you are awaken, mom." said Zokuto.

Kushina was surprised, almost jumping. He then looked at Zokuto curiously. "You look so familiar. Are you Naruto? Or Zokuto?" asked Kushina, shaking a bit in worry.

"I'm Zokuto." Zokuto.


Kushina jumped and hugged Zokuto, while tearing down. Zokuto felt awkward and didn't know wheter to hug back. In the end, he just left it be. A moment later, Kushina released Zokuto.

"You are still young. How did you die so early, like your father?"

Zokuto sweated, while Minato who is looking at them tripped on his foot, and fall on the ground. Zokuto and Kushina heard this and looked at Minato.

"Uh, sorry dad. I forget you a moment there." said Zokuto apologetically. Kushina run towards Minato and hugged him too. Zokuto did not intend to disturb them and just kept quiet at the side.

"Minato, look. Our son is already so big. But he also died young like us. Is this the fate of our family?" said Kushina in a sad tone. Minato did not answer, but looked at Zokuto.

"Actually, I am not dead, mom." said Zokuto. "I just resurrected you two."

"What!?" Minato and Kushina.

"You mean, you used an Edo Tensei to resurrect us?" asked Minato.

"I thought Edo Tensei don't work to soul who is bind by any technique. As I remember, I and Minato kept our soul fragment binded to the seal on Kyuubi." said Kushina.

"I did not use Edo Tensei. First, I took both your soul from Naruto's seal and mine. After that, I used a restoration jutsu to restore both of you to life." said Zokuto.

"Is there such a miraculous technique?" Kushina.

"Uh. Lets forget about that. Now that you both are alive, lets get out of this place." Zokuto then held their hands and teleported above ground. The next moment, they already standing at the Uzumaki's compound. Zokuto had taken this place after he become Hokage. Here, he asked some worker to build several house for his family and his close friends.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu! So, you learned the same jutsu as mine." said Minato, feeling happy that his son followed in his step. Zokuto just nodded, and brought the two towards their house.

"Sensei? and Kushina-san?" A stunned Kakashi looked at Minato and Kushina with disbelieve. "Ha...how?"

"Huh!? Are you...Kakashi?"

"Yes. yes, its me." replied Kakashi. "I thought you two already got killed by Kyuubi. How did you two come back alive?"

"That...Zokuto resurrected us." said Minato. "Un believeable right? I myself is still feel like I'm dreaming."

"I see. So, he really have a way to ressurect people." said Kakashi.

"Zokuto, where is Naruto?" asked Kushina looking around. Suddenly she saw a seven year old boy with orange hair and a whiskers on both cheeks. "Is that...your son, Zokuto?"


Zokuto slipped and fall to the side. "Uh...that is Naruto."

"Wait, he is your twin. Did he not grow up?" questioned Kushina in confusion.

"That's not the case. I am the one who overgrown actually." said Zokuto. "I used some kind of ninjutsu, and got a backlash. That backlash is that I aged several years. Now, I'm 25 years old."

"That...bad?" said Kushina, a bit sceptical. "You sure did many surprising things. First, resurrection. Now, aging several years? this is difficult to understand."

Kushina then approached Naruto, who is looking at them intently. He blurted, "My parent?"

"Naruto." Kushina hugged Naruto, who also subconsciously hugged her. Minato just looked at them with a smile. Zokuto on the other hand was thinking of having a family selfie at this moment. Sigh, when will the technology advance in this world? Should I try to introduce those tech from earth? But I don't know much about electronic, not to mention the complex built of those smartphone. Zokuto sighed at his lack of knowledge on that fields.

"Naruto, you should eat more. Look at your brother, he is already taller than you." Kushina.


Zokuto almost laughed at Naruto, when he heard Kushina.

"Uh..mom, Zokuto did not grew like normal. That is a backlash of his jutsu."

"I know. But you should still grow faster."


Naruto was speechless. Growing is not something that can be done quickly. He looked at Zokuto for a help.

"Mom, Naruto is fine as he is. If he suddenly grow up like me, his girlfriend will be left behind. You don't want that happen, do you?"

"Eh!? He already have a girlfriend at this age?" Kushina's eye flashed with some excitement.

"Eh!? I have a girlfriend? Why did I not know about this?" asked Naruto in confusion.

"She is from the Hyuuga. Her name is Hinata."

"Ehh!?" Naruto was stunned.

"A Hyuuga huh. As expected of my son. That's okay then. I allow you not to grow too fast." said Kushina.

Naruto was speechless once again, while Zokuto was laughing while holding his stomach. Seeing their antic, Minato smiled in happiness, and tears flowed from his eyes. This is how he have envisioned his family before he died. Now, his wish somehow got fulfilled. He then walked to his talkative family and joined into their conversation.


Some days later.

A news that the Yondaime Hokage has returned to Konoha shocked the whole village. Almost everyone in the village got curious about it. Some tried to find the Yondaime.

Meeting hall in Konoha.

"Hello everyone. Let me introduce someone tou you guys. Meet my father, the former Yondaime Hokage." said Zokuto, introducing Minato to every higher up in the meeting room.

"You are really the Yondaime?" asked the new leader of the Sarutobi clan.

"Hi guys, nice to meet you again." said Minato.

"It doesn't seems like he is a clone, or a genjutsu. So, he should be the real Namikaze Minato." said Hyuuga Hiashi.

"I don't understand. You should have died in the Kyuubi insident. Almost all the villagers has attended your burial ceremony." said Inuzuka Tsume.

"Well, it is a secret jutsu of Zokuto that resurrected me." admitted Minato. He already talked with Zokuto that his resurrection jutsu will eventually be known to the world. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether he told the secret early or later.

Hearing this, everyone got shocked. This resurrection jutsu is too powerful and very precious. The people in the meeting room also has some dead close family. Hearing such precious jutsu made their eyes to flash with a glimpse of hope.

"Now that I already introduced you guys to my father, I will tell you guys another thing." said Zokuto. The rest of the people in the room stayed quiet, and waited for Zokuto.

"I want to resign from my position as Hokage. To replace me, I recommend my father as the Hokage." said Zokuto.

"What??" Everyone.

"Huh!??" Minato.

"Hold on Hokage-sama. Why the sudden decision?" asked Hiashi.

"Yes Zokuto. I thought you only want to introduce me to them." said Minato, in confusion.

"I have my reason, father. I need to prepare to fight that Jyuubi's Jinchuuriki who manages to escape from me daya ago." lied Zokuto. "I need to track him down. No one would be able to fight against him, as he is a Sage of Six Path. I'm sure you guys know how powerful is such a being is."

All the people in the rooms nodded in agreement.

"Then, why choose now? Why not before?" asked Fugaku.

"Because Konoha was in a mess at that time. Hiruzen already died, and I don't want Danzo to take over as the new Hokage. Thats why I halted from searching the Jyuubi's Jinchuuriki. However, I got this uneasy feeling that that Jinchuuriki is gaining more power each day. With my father has returned in this village, I can now leave the Hokage's duty to him, and I can now focus on that Jyuubi's Jinchuuriki." again, Zokuto lied to these people.

"That really is a serious matter. I agree to your decision." said Shikaku.

"I also agree." said Tsume.

The rest just nodded in agreement.

"In that case, I will be leaving you guys and my father for a further talk. See you then." said Zokuto, about to leave the meeting room.

"Hold on Godaime. Although Yondaime Hokage is taking over for you for the time being, I'm sure everyone here is hoping that you will get back into Hokage's position after you are done with settling the Jyuubi's Jinchuuriki." said Shikaku, halting Zokuto's step.

"Yes, Godaime. There is also another thing that I still want to ask your favor. said Hiashi. "Please help me resurrect my brother, Hizashi." said Hiashi, bowing his head towards Zokuto.

"I need such favor too. You can set a condition for this kind of favor." Fugaku.

Zokuto pondered for a bit before saying, "I can try to help resurrect your clan members. However, I got some condition. First, I can only do so up to 10 people for a month. Secondly, you need to prepare some body samples of the person you need me to resurrect."

"Thank you Godaime-sama." said Fugaku.

"How about us Godaime? We also have someone that need to be resurrected." said the leader of Sarutobi's clan.

"It also apply to your clans too. So, you all can decide among you the division of those ten to be resurrected." said Zokuto.