
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 38: Susanoo Evanesce Magatama!

"Deity-san, do you perhaps have a grudge against that little Kage?" said Hagoromo while floating behind the fast moving Zokuto.

"No. I just don't like him. Because of him and his ambitious friends, the Konoha turned into a mess." replied Zokuto.

"Hiraishin no Jutsu."

He then teleported away toward the mark he placed on Obito.


Mountain's Graveyard.

This place is somwhere between Takigakure and Otogakure. Here, Obito who is under Black Zetsu's control come out of nowhere.

"Rinne Tensei!"

He then activated one of the Rinnegan ability to resurrect someone. Out of nowhere, a lump of flesh appeared. That flesh then instantly grew it's body frame that resemble human. That form grew even more until it totally become human that complete with a set of clothes.

(A/N: typical ninja, when resurrected always already have their own set of clothes. Though, pervert like Orochimaru is not included, who always come out of his vessel mouth without any clothes.)


Madara who just got ressurected flexed his hand. He then with his closed eyes tried to feel his beating heart and the flowing blood in his vein.

"I can feel my beating heart again. Such a wonderful feeling. Finally, I am back to life again..hahaha." Madara laughed in excitement.

"Black, brief me of the event happening while I was dead."

"Yes Madara-sama."

Black Zetsu then told Madara of all those event that happened when Madara died and Obito take over the task to lead Nagato towards awakening the Jyuubi. However, Black Zetsu percieved that after the awakening of Jyuubi, Obito seems to have no intention to carry out the Infinite Tsukuyomi. That's why he ambushed him and forced him to use Rinne Tensei, to resurrect Madara.

"Good job there. I did not think that Obito have no intention to use Infinite Tsukuyomi. I told him to let Nagato use the Rinne Tensei to ressurect me., but instead he killed Nagato and took the Jyuubi for himself. In the end, I still need to carry the plan by myself." sighed Madara. He then gouged out the rinnegan from Obito's left eye socket, and put it on his left eye socket. "Black,where is my right eye?"

"Here." Black Zetsu left Obito's body and stood up on his own black body. He then took out a vial from his body and gave it to Madara. Inside the vial is Madara's Rinnegan eye.

Madara took out the right eye from the vial and inserted it on his empty right eye socket. After that he used some medical jutsu to heal and restore the connection between the eyes and himself. A moment later, he opened his eyelid and looked around. After he made sure that nothing is wrong with his eyes, he then nodded. He then approached Obito's almost dying body, who is still being controlled by a small part of Black Zetsu.

Madara then summoned the ten tailed beast from Obito's body, and into his body by touching Obito. The Jyuubi flowes out of Obito's body and entered Madara's. The moment the bijuu changed jinchuuriki, it tried to rampage out, but got restricted by Madara. Madara is much more powerful than Obito, and the Rinnegan was his to begin with. Therefore, the bijuu didn't manage to shake Madara's control, not to mention shaking his emotion.

The moment Madara turned into Jyuubi's jinchuuriki, he transformed into Sage of Six Path. His prowers multiplied several times more powerful than his original power.

"Aah. This power is very addictive. I really hope Hashirama could see me in this state. Too bad, he already died years ago." said Madara, reminiscing about the past for a moment.

"Madara-sama, what should we do with him?" asked Zetsu, pointing at Obito.

"Just dispose him off." replied Madara. He was a bit disappointed with how Obito act. He is really a good material as a subordinate. Alas, he is a lost cause.

"What about his eye?"

"Take his eye. It might come in handy."

Black Zetsu then tried to gouge out Obito's eye.


Suddenly, someone appeared and kicked Zetsu on his head, throwing him more than hundred meter away from Obito.


Black Zetsu who is almost split into two after the kick managed to got up again. He then looked at his attacker, and shouted Zokuto's name the moment he saw the Uzumaki.

"Yo! So, I was late huh. Madara has already got resurrected. Well,that should be a good challenge for me." said Zokuto in smile. He then crouched down to check on Obito.

"So this is the one who you said to be the youngest to become Sage of Six Path." said Madara. "He is too young to be one if I say so myself."

"Thanks for the compliment. I will be taking this one away then." said Zokuto. With a flick of his finger, Obito's body was sent to somewhere else. Black Zetsu did not even manage to react to that action. "Now that the wounded is gone, shall we start our fight fair and square?" asked Zokuto.

"Fine by me. Sage Katon Style: Goka Mekkyaku!"

Madara suddenly expelled from his mouth a literally sea of fire. Adding to it the Six Path Sage Power, his fire turned into a real sea of fire.

"Sage Suiton Style: Bakusui Shoha!"

On Zokuto's side, he created a sea of water that instantly flooded towards Madara's side. The sea flood engulfed the sea of fire in just a seconds. Seeing this, Madara used one of his Rinnegan ability to counter the water jutsu.

"Preta Path: Absorb!"

With that ability, both fire and water attack got absorbed into Madara's body.

"You attack sure is powerful. You forced me to use my Rinnegam ability." said Madara.

"Your power is the one that is very dangerous." said Zokuto.

"Bansho Ten'in!"

Madara pointed his palm towards Zokuto, and Zokuto got pulled by some kind of gravity force that pulling him towards Madara.

"Now you are done for. Limbo!"

The pulled Zokuto was now surrounded by three Madara's Limbos. All the limbo took each a Truth-seeking ball and shaped it into a sharp rod, and uses it to stab Zokuto. However, Zokuto just disappeared into a wisp of smoke.

'Did he saw or predict the location of my limbo?' thought Madara in surprise.

Zokuto appeared again on a not so distance location. "Hey, thats not fair. You are using your limbo to gang up on me."

"So, you can see my limbo huh. Then, thats mean you also have a Rinnegan eyes."

Zokuto did not reply. He just opened his Mangekyou sharingan and activated his Susanoo.

"Six Path Style: Susanoo Evanesce Magatama!"

Zokuto's Susanoo took several big shuriken-like magatamas and hurled it toward Madara and his limbo. Those hurled magatamas spun like a thrown boomerang, and quickly approached its targets. However, those magatamas disappeared midway and suddenly appeared infront of their targets. Those magatamas are bigger than its targets and cut through those limbos instantly.


Madara used his Preta Path ability to absorb the magatama that was thrown at him. However, that magatama didn't get absorbed, and cut through Madara. Fortunately, Madara managed to tilt his body to the side. However, that did not prevent him from being cut from right shoulder to his left waist, dividing his body in two. Those magatamas vanished once they falls on the ground.

"My bad. I forget to mention, my Susanoo's Magatama is not a normal chakra-like shuriken. It is very sharp, and it will transform from a state of energy into a real object. So, you won't be able to absorb it." explained Zokuto, while throwing another set of magatamas toward Madara. Like before, those magatamas disappeared midway, and appeared infront of Madara.

Madara who was still healing his split body did not try to absorb those magatamas this time. He used those ten Truth-seeking Ball to form blades and try to block those magatamas. However, his small Truth-seeking Ball got destroyed when it connected to the thrown magatamas. Fortunately he managed to redirect those magatamas to the side. However, his left hand still got cut by one of those magatamas.

"You didn't listen do you. Those magatamas are pretty sharp." said Zokuto. "Well, this is pretty boring of a fight if this is your full power. Come on show me more. I will give you a time to heal." added Zokuto, dispelling his Susanoo.

"Hahaha. Nice one there kid. This is what fight should be." laughed Madara, without showing any worry. After healing his hand and his split body, he then stood up. He crouched down and touches the ground.

"God tree." wispered Madara. A sapling that was from the ten tailed beast grow out of his palm and rooted on the ground. After that, the sapling grew quickly, from sapling to a long tree, and then to a big and large tree. An instant later, the tree already grew into an enormous tree called, God tree. The root of the tree then extended far, reaching those five major village. The tree root seems to have a will on itself to seek for chakra energy. Soon, a bud bloomed on top of the tree.

Zokuto looked at the God Tree curiously. " So, this is the so called God Tree. This thing is too large. I wonder if that bud on top will grew into a chakra fruit." said Zokuto looking at the blooming tree flower.

"Oi Zokuto, its not the time to admire those tree. That tree will attack the whole ninja world to absorb the scattered chakra energy. You better stop that mad guy." reminded Kurama.

"Ah don't worry. Lets just see what that guy trying to achieve with this planting tactic." replied Zokuto. "Hei Madara-san, this is no time to waste time growing that God Tree. I don't have that much of a patient."

"Oh, you got bored Uzumaki-kid. Then, let me accompant you to a fight." said Madara, turning to look at Zokuto.

"Chibaku Tensei!"