
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 26: Temporary Rank

A/N: Hei guys. I would like to thank you guy for supporting and voting for my fanfic novel. Therefore, I'm trying to keep you guys updated with two chapter everyday, If I got extra time, I will try three chapter. So, wish me luck for that. With that, enjoy reading.


- Total participant left: 16 people. Participant who is not eligible for the third round will be given 15 minutes to exchange your Gold Light. After that, you will be transported back to where you first signed in.

Seeing the notice from the golden screen, everyone who got eliminated in the second round sighed. There are no longer any option to collect more Gold Light. They then used their Gold Light to exchange some skill, well...the highest they can exchange is just a grade A ninjutsu or taijutsu. After that, they got transported away from the floating platform.

On the other hand, the 16 participants that are still in their fighting arena managed to finish their opponents. After that, a notice for the start of the third wave appeared above each fighting arena. In this third wave, the beast are still at the Chuunin level.

However, this does not mean easy for them who are still in the competition. Take Hyuuga Hinata for instance, she is low on chakra energy. After fighting those Chuunin level beast, she could no longer continue to the third wave. Another thing is that, she felt uncomfortable killing continuously, even if that is just to kill some beasts. Therefore, when the third wave come, she only looked at the appearing beast.

"I give up the third wave." Hinata.

The beasts that just about to pounce on her, halted midway, and slowly disappeared into the wind. The golden screen then teleported Hinata back onto the Preparation Platform.

#Temporary rank 16: Hyuuga Hinata.

Not long after she was out, someone else come out, followed by two others.

#Temporary rank 15: Himura Kubo

"Argh! It's hurt! Aa...huh!? I am out already?" Kubo looked around and saw Hinata is looking at him. 'Did she heard me?' His face become beet red with embarrassment. He tried to brush off his embarrassment and looked up at the golden screen. He was a bit surprised when he saw that he is one rank higher than Hinata. 'Did something happen to her?' thought Kubo.

#Temporary rank 14: Deidara.

#Temporary rank 13: Hakuju Kara

The next moment, Deidara appeared, followed by Kara.

Kara like how Kubo behaved before, also looked around and saw Kubo. "Oh, you are here Kubo. Have you seen Mirin and Jun?"

"No. They might still be inside or maybe they already got eliminated." replied Kubo.

"Huh? I'm just no. 14? What about that Uchiha?"

On the other hand, when Deidara saw his rank, he was a bit disappointed. He checked Natsu's rank but his name is not on the list yet. That made him worried. Suddenly, Natsu appeared on the platform.

#Temporary rank 12: Uchiha Natsu.

"Oh, I am rank 12. Let's see. Yes! Hei Deidara. You are no. 14. Hehehe...give me your Gold Light." said Natsu.

"Tch." Deidara threw his bag toward Natsu. Natsu excitedly catched the bag that contains all of Deidara's Gold Light. However, the bag disappeared from Natsu's hand and appeared in Deidara's hand. Both Natsu and Deidara was stunned.

- Reminder: Gold Light cannot be given or be traded. It can only be exchanged in the Totem Vendor.


"Oh. Hehehe...hahahaha!"

Natsu got depressed while Deidara ended up laughing gleefully.

"I object with this. Deidara! Give me other compensation."

"Why should I? We only betted on Gold Light."

"Grr! I challenge you to a fight!"

"Not interested." said Deidara, smiling at Natsu. Natsu want to continue debating with Deidara, but got distracted by the appearance of rank 11 on the golden screen.

#Temporary rank 11: Chojuro

Chojuro with his Hiramekarei on his hand appeared on the platform. The first thing he checked when he appeared is his rank on the golden screen. Seeing that he is in the top 16, he nodded. After that, he looked around but seems to not see what he was looking for. He then walked to one side of the platform, sat down, and started to meditate.

The other kids just looked at Chojuro with a weird look on their face. 'What is he looking for just now?' is the question in their mind. However, their curiosity only lasted for a moment. They then looked back curiously at the golden screen. They are all wondering about who is going to be the next participant to come out.

After waiting for an hour, a sillhouette came out.

#Temporary rank 10: Hoozuki Suigetsu.

Suigetsu looked at the golden screen and frowned. However he did not say anything and just walked toward Chojuro.

The waiting time continued again. It seems like the other 9 in the fighting arena are able to overcome the third round of beast wave. At the outside, the golden screen did not show how many waves the people inside managed to survive.

Three hours later, Haku, Gaara, Kimimaro, Neji, Kurotsuchi, and Kroku come out, almost at the same time.

#Temporary rank 9: Kamizuru Kurotsuchi

#Temporary rank 8: Sabaku Gaara

#Temporary rank 7: Sabaku Kroku

#Temporary rank 6: Yuki Haku

#Temporary rank 5: Kaguya Kimimaro

#Temporary rank 4: Hyuuga Neji

Everyone was surprised when they saw the sudden announcement of six participant ranks almost at the same time.

"Neji-nii, what happen inside the fighting arena?" asked Hinata.

"Just now, I faced the fifth round. In this round of beast wave, all the beast are at the Jonin level. I was already very exhausted on the previous wave, that I don't think that I'm able to face the next round, not to mention facing against a Jonin level beast." explained Neji. "I think the other five is facing the same problem as mine. That is probably why they come out almost at the same time as me."

Hearing his explanation, the other five did not refute his speculation at all. That's just confirmed that what Neji has said is true. Another person who came out is Naruto. He got third on the temporary list.

"Hei Naruto. I thought you will maintain your rank as no two in the list." said Neji.

"I was third? Well, that's because I got tired. Therefore, I gave up challenging the sixth beast wave." said Naruto, sighing. "By the way, whose going to be no two?"

"I think it might be her."

"Uchiha Izumi?"


"Why do you think that?" asked Naruto.

"She got Mangekyou Sharingan."

"What about it?"

"Huh? haven't you got one on your own?"

"Well, haha...I have never used it before."

"..." Neji was speechless. 'Do you think those dojutsu as just a decoration?' refuted Neji in his mind.

It did not take long and as expected, Izumi came out second on the list.

-The houses for 16 participants are already reconstructed. Like the previous house, there is a Totem Vendor attached to it.

16 houses then appeared, replacing the last 48 houses. There is a number carved on the door of these houses.

"Well, let's just take some rest in those houses. I'm sure everyone know already who is going to become no. 1 in the list." said Neji.

Everyone then walked toward their own house. At this moment, Izumi approached Natsu. "Cousin, after this competition is over, you should go back home."


"Last time before I participated in competition, I saw your father being carried into your house. It seems he is really in a critical condition." Izumi.

Listening to her, Natsu completion suddenly become gloomy. He then answered "okay."

They then split, and moved toward their respective houses.

On the last fighting arena.

Right now, Zokuto is fighting against the tier 1 Kage level beast. So far, he already managed to collect 5,010GL from fighting in the arena adding his last 419GL, he already got a total of 5429GL.

However, this total is not enough for him. He want to collect at least 100,000GL, so that he can use it to create the ten tailed bijuu's chakra body. Now when it was time for the seventh wave, he asked the system to let him fight a first tier Kage level beast. With tier 1 Kage level beasts, he will get 50,000GL for each kill. If he do this for one more wave, then he is certainly getting those 100,000GL!

[Reminder to the host: The beast waves only consist of ten waves. After this seventh wave, host only got three more waves to challenge.]

'That's too little. System, why did not you tell me beforehand?' said Zokuto, while evading an attack from a beast from his left.

[Host, you did not ask.]


"Zokuto-kun, a claw is almost upon your stomach." informed Saya.

"Huh!? Metallic Body! Gahk!"

The beast attack send Zokuto skidding ten meters away. Fortunately, he managed to use Bijuu Kata: Second Kata - Metallic Body. This kata concentrate his chakra of Bijuu Sage Mode into some part of his body, making it harder than metal. However, the attack from the beast still managed to left a red mark on Zokuto's skin, and his cloth is also torn to shreds.

"That's hurt." said Zokuto.

"That's what you get for having an idle thought, Zokuto-kun." said Saya. "Look, your clones is already fighting it seriously."

On the other side, Zokuto's clones are also fighting in a Bijuu Sage Mode. Each clone is partnered with one bijuu; A with Kurama, B with Isobu, C with Mora, D with Nero, and E with Gurr. However, they are having a hard time fighting those first tier Kage level beast.

To make it even worse, these tier one kage beast can talk and communicate to each other. Their attack also is not limited to just physical attack like the Jonin level beast. They can launch an elemental attack like wind scythe, water bomb, or fire breath.

After seeing that his clone is not going to win anytime soon, Zokuto decided to take the fight seriously.

"Seventh Gate: Gate of Wonder - Open!"